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      Slovenian HistoryJosip Broz TitoMilovan DjilasEdvard Kardelj
Knjiga se bavi prvim posleratnim kontaktima između socijalističke Jugoslavije i bliskositočnih zemlja. Od podele Palestine, prvog izraelsko-arapskog rata, otklona Jugoslavije od Svojetskog Saveza i potrage za novim partnerima. Manevrišući... more
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      Middle East HistoryYugoslavia (History)Cold War historyJosip Broz Tito
У овом раду разматраћемо процес конституисања левичарски оријентисаног сегмента у пољу музике и културе у Краљевини Југославији концентрисаног око чланова и симпатизера КПЈ и сродних организација, као и активности које су спроводиле... more
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      Music and PoliticsCultural PoliticsInterwar Period HistoryCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
The Time of Ideological Wavering. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia in the Independent State of Croatia from the April War until the Attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union Summary, page 113: "The aim of this work is to elucidate... more
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      Second World WarSoviet Union (History)Nazi GermanyInstitutional history
A brief excerpt from my newly-published book, available for purchase here: "The time of the Great Purge in the Soviet Union has been one of the most controversial and under-researched... more
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      YugoslaviaHistory of CominternSpanish Civil WarYugoslavia (History)
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      History of YugoslaviaKosovo SerbsHistory of Kosovo and MetohijaCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
Research paper on the illegal activity of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in the area of Zagreb between 1931 and 1941. The paper was published as a result of the research project of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Southeast Europe.
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      Communist PartiesWorkers MovementCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
This is the first part of the article that covers the history of Dalmatian island of Brač during the World War II, in the period between the proclamation of Independent State of Croatia in April 1941 and capitulation of Kingdom of Italy... more
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      Dalmatian historyItalian ArmyCommunist Party of YugoslaviaIndependent State of Croatia
The following is an extract of a book review by Peter Brandt, Berlin, translated by Norman LaPorte (the full review see: Twentieth Century Communism 3 (2011), p. 226-230). One of the darkest chapters in the history of Soviet-style... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesComparative PoliticsFrench History
Zaprešićki kraj smješten je u dolini triju rijeka (Sutla, Sava, Krapina), između Slovenije na zapadu i Krapinsko-zagorske županije na sjeveru, te Samobora na jugu i Zagreba na istoku, a čini ga grad Zaprešić i sedam okolnih općina:... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)AntifascismWWII Partisan MonumentsYugoslavian Monuments
Predmet analize u ovome radu su Islamska zajednica u Bosni i Hercegovini i socijalizam, odnosno način na koji su predstavljeni u historiografiji i publicistici. Autor analizom odabranih naslova nastoji pokazati načine elaboracije i... more
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      Balkan StudiesBalkan HistoryHistoriographyCommunism
Po svojoj strukturi izložba je tematsko-kronološka. Teme, uglavnom u kronološkom slijedu prate zbivanja od Travanjskog rata (travanj 1941.) i razbijanja Kraljevine Jugoslavije do oslobođenja zemlje u svibnju 1945. godine. Odabranim... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)History of YugoslaviaPartisans in Yugoslavia 1941.1945WWII In Croatia
Analizirajući tekstove rezolucija kongresa, konferencija i proglasa Komunističke partije Jugoslavije nastojali smo da prikažemo osnovne tendencije u nacionalnoj politici jugoslovenskih komunista prema srpskom narodu i šiptarskoj... more
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      Kingdom of YugoslaviaCommunism and national questionHistory of Kosovo and MetohijaCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
Žene partizanke i drugarice, ratnice s puškama, bombama i revoleverima, žene njegovateljice, bolničarke i doktorice, učiteljice i učenice, žene majke i žene domaćice, seljanke i građanke, intelektualke i one bez obrazovanja, članice... more
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      Women and War StudiesYugoslavia (History)Women's Participation in World War I and IIPartisans in Yugoslavia 1941.1945
У овом раду настојали смо да анализирамо ставове Милована Ђиласа према Црној Гори, њеном државноправном положају и односу према Србији, као и националном осећању црногорског становништва, односно афирмацији црногорске нације током и после... more
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      Former YugoslaviaKingdom of YugoslaviaMilovan DjilasCommunism and national question
Je svojevrsten napovednik in tudi odlična dopolnitev Đilasovega dela Novi razred, ki smo ga lani dobili v slovenskem prevodu in ki predstavlja najpomembnejšo analizo jugoslovanskega komunizma. Literarno delo Anatomija neke morale je bilo... more
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      MarxismYugoslaviaCommunismCroatian History
Organizirani ustanak u Hrvatskoj, kao i u ostatku tadašnje Jugoslavije, rezultat je djelovanja komunista. U širem kalničkom području, neposredno nakon uspostavljanja režima, nova vlast je svoje političke protivnike uhićivala i slala u... more
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      KalnikPartisans in Yugoslavia 1941.1945WWII In CroatiaCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
Članek obravnava šesti kongres Komunistične partije Jugoslavije, ki je potekal v novembru 1952. Kongres je bil prelomna točka za KPJ, saj se je tedaj partija preimenovala v Zvezo komunistov Jugoslavije in s tem tudi simbolično napovedala... more
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      YugoslaviaSerbian historyYugoslavia (History)Former Yugoslavia
Around the world, historians, journalists and the public interested in the history of communism and the Left have complained about the scarcity of informal or private sources and testimonies about leading groups of the Comintern, the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistorySocial MovementsAsian Studies
Summary, page 395: "This article explores the origins of the concept of “people’s democracy” by analyzing the relevant textual sources which originated from the leading members of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, in context of the... more
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      Second World WarMarxism-LeninismCommunist Party of YugoslaviaDrugi svjetski rat
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      History of YugoslaviaCommunist Party of YugoslaviaKaradjordjevic Dynasty
Between 1966–1969, Vladimir Bakarić top party leader of SKH (League of Communist of Croatia) shifted the focus of his attention to the federal level. The reform of the self-management system passed unnoticed by the top leadership of SKJ... more
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      Croatian HistoryModern Croatian HistorySerbian historyYugoslavia (History)
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      Second World WarHistory of YugoslaviaIntelectualsBiologists
Milovan Đilas, Novi razred: Analiza komunističnega sistema, prevedel Niki Neubauer;[izdajatelj] Inštitut Karantanija – Ljubljana : Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko, Ljubljana 2014. – (Zbirka Izzivi svobode), 282 str.
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      CommunismHistory of CommunismMarxism-LeninismMilovan Djilas
Predgovor (Introduction), In: Boban Batrićević, Bog našeg nacionalizma. Recepcija, reinterpretiranje i korišćenje Njegoševa lika i djela u političkoj propagandi i diskursu vlasti u Crnoj Gori od 1851. do 2013. godine, Cetinje - Podgorica... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRomanticismSlavic LanguagesBalkan Studies
У овом раду настојали смо да прикажемо однос предводника Комунистичке партије Југославије према војсци Краљевине Југославије у периоду од прокламовања политике на- родног фронта 1935. до почетка Априлског рата 1941. Анализи- рани су... more
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      Balkan HistoryWorld War II historyKingdom of YugoslaviaCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
An element of solidarity in the Husin revolt The Husino Revolt of 1920 is part of the revolutionary movements in Europe during this period. Socialist-minded miners tried, under the leadership of the Communists, to fight for greater... more
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      Social JusticeSocialismYugoslavia (History)History of Communism
Članak je prilog malo poznatom, ali ključnom periodu u povijesti Komunističke partije Jugoslavije. Predmet istraživanja je Kamilo Horvatin, koji je nakon hapšenja Milana Gorkića u kolovozu 1937. bio kandidat za generalnog sekretara KPJ,... more
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      YugoslaviaCommunismHistory of CominternStalin and Stalinism
The paper seeks to analyse how the Greek Civil War had been depicted in the Press of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. Bearing in mind that the two most readable newsparers in Belgrade, Politika and Borba, had been under the... more
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      Greek HistoryBalkan HistoryYugoslaviaHistory And Geopolitics In The Balkans
This book focuses on the Yugoslav nation building project in the 1950s. The author argues that after World War Two, the Yugoslav Communist, in compliance with Marxist-Leninist though, tried to build a Yugoslav socialist nation. This... more
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      DissidentsJosip Broz TitoMilovan DjilasCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
The article deals with the political and military organization of the former internees in the Italian concentration camp Rab. Although there were only about 2,000 of them at the beginning of September 1943, they managed to disarm the... more
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      Cultural HeritageYugoslavia (History)Political propaganda and LiteratureSecond World War (History)
This article will examine the course of the factional struggle between Yugoslav communists that developed behind the frontlines of Spain in 1938 and investigate the involvement of foreign communists in their dispute. I will attempt to... more
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      YugoslaviaHistory of CominternSpanish Civil WarYugoslavia (History)
This second part of the article deals with the communist takeover of " Jugoslavija, " the umbrella organization of Yugoslav students in Prague, in 1935. Following their ultimate victory over the monarchists, they continued their agitation... more
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      YugoslaviaCommunismSpanish Civil WarSocialism
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      Slovenian HistoryTriesteCommunist Party of YugoslaviaNina Lončar
У овом раду анализиран је однос руководства Комунистичке партије Југославије према државноправном и националном питању Црне Горе у периоду од стварања заједничке државе Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца до тзв. Дрезденског конгреса. Изворну основу... more
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      MontenegroCommunism and national questionCommunist Party of YugoslaviaKingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes
This work deals with the previously under-researched topic of the Yugoslav communist student émigrés in Prague in the interwar period who would go on to become the political and intellectual elite of socialist Yugoslavia in the post-World... more
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      YugoslaviaCommunismSpanish Civil WarSocialism
U utorak, 8. svibnja 1945. godine, nakon četverogodišnje vladavine ustaškog režima u uvjetima faktičke njemačke okupacije, oslobođen je Zagreb, glavni grad u ratu stvorene i proglašene federalne države Hrvatske. Tijekom četiri ratne... more
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      Partisans in Yugoslavia 1941.1945WWII In CroatiaCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
Nakon sloma Kraljevine Jugoslavije u travnju 1941. njezin je teritorij podijeljen između Italije, Njemačke, Mađarske i Bugarske. U Zagrebu je 10. travnja 1941. proglašena Nezavisna Država Hrvatska. Njezin je opstanak od samog početka bio... more
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      AntifascismPartisans in Yugoslavia 1941.1945WWII In CroatiaCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
The Cominform resolution of 1948 created an unexpected situation for the Yugoslav communist leadership. Isolated from the East, the country had to look westwards for the way out of the blockade. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia started... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)Social DemocracyHistory of CommunismCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
22. svezak Zbornika "Lucius". Knjižni blok podijeljen je na članke, prikaze, osvrte, izvještaje, intervju i upute suradnicima.
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      Ottoman HistoryMedieval HistoryCroatian HistorySecond World War
The aim of this article is to analyze the position of the Yugoslav representatives in Berlin and Yugoslav propaganda in Germany prior to and following the Yugoslav-Soviet split, as well as the mechanisms which the leadership of the... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)East German HistoryCommunist Party of YugoslaviaTitoism
Review of Drago Roksandić, Vlatka Filipčić Maligec, Kultura hrvatskog antifašizma. Prvi kongres kulturnih radnika Hrvatske (Topusko, 25. – 27. lipnja 1944.). Između „mjesta pamćenja“ i kritičke refleksije, Zagreb: Zagrebačka naklada,... more
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      Yugoslavia (History)Second World War (History)Partisans in Yugoslavia 1941.1945Communist Party of Yugoslavia
In the mid-1930s, Yugoslavia was a right-wing dictatorship in which dissent was violently suppressed. Some Yugoslav students found refuge in Prague, one of the last bastions of democracy in Europe. The students saw that they could use the... more
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      NationalismYugoslaviaCommunismSpanish Civil War
Prikaz dviju knjiga arhivskih izvora.
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      HistoryYugoslaviaCommunismCroatian History
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      DemocratizationSlovenian HistoryHistory of CommunismSlovenia
U utorak, 8. svibnja 1945. godine, nakon četverogodišnje vladavine ustaškog režima u uvjetima faktičke njemačke okupacije, oslobođen je Zagreb, glavni grad u ratu stvorene i proglašene federalne države Hrvatske. Tijekom četiri ratne... more
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      Partisans in Yugoslavia 1941.1945WWII In CroatiaCommunist Party of YugoslaviaWWII in Zagreb
У раду је анализиран однос руководства Комунистичке партије Југославије према Краљевини Југославији и њеним нацијама у периоду од 1935. до 1937, са акцентом на питању формирања националних комунистичких партија Словеније и Хрватске. Иако... more
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      Communist Party of YugoslaviaCommunist Party of SloveniaCommunist Party of Croatia
Based upon Ukrainian archives, the article examines the Special Purpose Units (Chasti osobogo naznacheniya, Chon, 1919-1924), which are armed detachments composed of communist activists. To counteract the perils of the Civil War, the... more
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      Civil WarUkraineCommunist Party of YugoslaviaParamilitary Units
ILEGALNI RAD KPJ U NIKŠIĆKOM SREZU UOČI TRINAESTOJULSKOG USTANKA 1941. GODINE Sažetak: Komunistička partija u Crnoj Gori otpošela je svoje aktivnosti odmah po završetku Prvog svjetskog rata. Vrlo brzo njeni organi su rašireni po svim... more
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      World War II historyMontenegroHistory of the BalkansCommunist Party of Yugoslavia