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Research on youth civic engagement often sees the everyday lives of young people as barriers to civic engagement. Recent qualitative approaches have drawn attention to the civic and political dimensions of young people’s everyday lives.... more
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      Democratic EducationPolitical TheoryDemocratic TheoryCivic Education
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      International RelationsMulticulturalismInternational LawHuman Rights
In this article, Dafney Blanca Dabach highlights how little is known about undocumented youth’s political socialization in formal school settings. Like all students, undocumented students are routinely placed into citizenship courses in... more
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      Social Studies EducationImmigrationCivic EducationUndocumented Immigration
Awareness of the importance of civic competence through professional and systematic approach implementing civic education at all levels of education, can provide development of civic competence of young people, which in turn would... more
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      Civic EducationCivic CompetencePedagogical Processes
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      Political PartiesDemocratic TheoryReligion and PoliticsLegal History
Unemployment has for a long time been assumed to be a symptom of poor economic progress until resent studies that show the two are not dependent on each other. It is quite possible to have rapid economic growth and experience high levels... more
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      Green InfrastructureCivic EducationEducation PolicyNegotiation
Adult educators stress the importance of civic education, but few studies have theorized and measured the impact of such educational programs. This study presents a social cognitive model of political participation that posits connections... more
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      Civic EducationDeliberative Democracy
В тексте доказывается, что как в школьных, и неформальных программах российского гражданского образования крайне мало внимания уделяется изучению демократии и того, как она должна работать на практике. Буду очень благодарна за обратную... more
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      Civic EducationГражданское образование
We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men. – George Orwell
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      Eastern European StudiesMedia StudiesDemocratic TheoryCivic Education
A paper written for USW35 on the purpose of K-12 schooling.
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      EducationCivic EducationK-12 Education
This essay in the forthcoming special issue of Educational Studies In Japan, "Politics and Education in a Global Age," agrees with Gert Biesta that subjectification, “the uniqueness of each individual human being" holds the promise of... more
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      EducationPolitical TheoryHigher EducationCivic Education
Comments I made at the opening of the 2018 Civic Debate Conference hosted at the University of Southern California in May of 2018
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      RhetoricCivic EducationRhetorical PedagogyDebate
When we first initiated this issue, Europe was only beginning to make sense of the Brexit referendum. Many scholars in the UK and across the continent were asking themselves the same question – how to make sense of the new developments;... more
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      Civic EducationEducation for CitizenshipComparative EducationCitizenship Education
Diesmal geht es ums Grundsätzliche: Die Politische Bildung. In Weiterbildungsveranstaltungen stehen regelmässig wiederkehrende Fragen im Raum: Wann mache ich Politische Bildung? Wie kann ich Schülerinnen und Schüler dafür begeistern? Wie... more
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      Civic EducationPolitik-BrilleBeutelsbacher Konsens
This docoment presents a comparative study of the citizen participation mechanisms embodied in the normativity resulting from the Political-Electoral Amendment of 2014 in mexico. The goal of this paper is to identify the possible effects... more
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      Civic EducationEducation PolicyFormación Cívica y ÉticaCiudadanía
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryHistory of EducationCivic Education
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      AssessmentSocial Studies EducationCurriculum StudiesCivic Education
Those who study and evaluate civic education programs are often reticent about their values or unsure how to defend them. Peter Levine and Ann Higgins-DAlessandro offer a range of philosophical resources for thinking about the values that... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of EducationCivic Education
A revised version of this paper is now published in: Woodin, T. (2014) Co-operation, Learning and Co-operative Values. Contemporary Issues in Education. Routledge. more
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
The study examined stakeholders' perception of government roles in civic engagement and community integration. It also examined stakeholders' perception of government approach towards civic engagement and community integration and... more
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    • Civic Education
The pattern language found in Liberating Voices about civic intelligence.
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      Civic EducationCivic Intelligence
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      Civic EducationCivics Education
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceCivic EducationParliamentary Affairs
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      ProfessionalismHigher EducationCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity Development
The C3 Framework exhibits a signature commitment to civic action from the very start, making clear even in the title its aim to guide states in preparing students for college, career, and civic life. Fittingly, therefore, students’ arc of... more
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    • Civic Education
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      EducationAdult EducationHistory of EducationCivic Education
Romanian constitution-making since 1989 has been of an uneven and recently evermore conflictive kind. In the 1990s, no significant changes to the 1991 Constitution were made, and the role of the Romanian Constitution could be said to be... more
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      Political SociologyEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesConstitutional Law
Westheimer, J. (2015). What kind of citizen? Educating our children for the common good. New York: Teachers College Press. ISBN 978-0-8077-5635-5
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      Teaching and LearningEducationSociology of EducationYouth Studies
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      Democratic EducationCurriculum StudiesCivic EducationSingapore
The Researching and Promoting Character Education in Latin American Secondary Schools project began in December 2015 as an initiative of the School of Education and Psychology and the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS). With funding... more
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      EthicsCivic EducationCharacter EducationMoral Education
This article analyzes the social circulation of news in the private sphere, using a sample of thirty-two Portuguese young people who were interviewed because they had some form of civic participation of different types and intensities.... more
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      Political ParticipationYouth StudiesCivic EducationAudience and Reception Studies
Sociální vyloučení a zvyšování disparit je fenoménem, se kterým se nepotýkají jen velká města, ale týká se i venkovských regionů. Termín sociální vyloučení je třeba chápat v širším pojetí. Sociální vyloučení může zasáhnout různé skupiny... more
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      Civic EducationPublic LibrariesSocial Exclusion
Throughout the latter half of the twentieth century and into this new century of the American republic, the characteristics desired in the citizen have reflected distinct eras in late American history. Schools were not necessarily... more
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      Social SciencesSocial Studies EducationCivic EducationEducation for Citizenship
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
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    • Civic Education
La promoción del pensamiento crítico es un objetivo importante pero escurridizo en la enseñanza de la historia, las ciencias sociales y la educación ciudadana. A muchos docentes les cuesta traducir las definiciones generales de... more
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      Critical PedagogySocial Studies EducationCritical ThinkingCivic Education
Arts education does more than transfer the skills and knowledge needed to create artistic works. It also helps to shape young people’s orientations towards participation in the cultural life of their communities. In this article, Paul... more
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      Cultural StudiesArts EducationCivic EducationHip-Hop/Rap
Met didactische tips voor leren discussiëren, leren samen problemen oplossen en leren samen beslissen [Concept hoofdstuk] De laatste dertig jaar wint een specifiek concept van democratie terrein in de politieke filosofie: deliberatieve... more
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      Civic EducationDeliberative DemocracyCitizenshipDemocracy and Citizenship Education
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      Civic EducationAdult Continuing and Professional EducationOnline Learning
Given the recent and ongoing economic crisis and high levels of consumer debt, the teaching of financial literacy in elementary and secondary schools has received widespread support. Too often, however, financial literacy education policy... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical EconomyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
February 26, 2011 15:46 MAC-US/ACTION Page-iii 9780230105379 ... February 26, 2011 15:46 MAC-US/ACTION Page-iv 9780230105379 ... First published in 2011 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN® in the United States—a division of St. Martin's Press... more
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      EthicsFeminist TheoryMarxismDemocratic Theory
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      Civic EducationService LearningDemocracy
In this article, we discuss the rise of what we call ABC schools: Anything but Civics. These are STEM/STEAM schools and programs that orient their focus around teaching science, technology, engineering, and math subjects (sometimes adding... more
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      Civic EducationDemocracySTEM EducationCivics
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      EducationDemocratic EducationSocial Studies EducationEducational Inequalities (class; race; gender etc)
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      Teacher EducationCivic EducationSchoolPolitische Bildung
The aim of the current theoretical research is to examine the role of debate regarding the intellectual, social and political emancipation of students as future active citizens through the examination of two distant in time but still... more
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      RhetoricCritical PedagogyCritical ThinkingCivic Education
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    • Civic Education Distrust. Division. Disparity. Is our world in disrepair? Ethics and civics have always mattered, but perhaps now more than ever before we realize how much they matter. But how can we teach civics and... more
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      EthicsDigital MediaCivic EducationVideo Games and Learning
Expectedly, societies are bedevilled with diverse value-based issues which require functional educational curriculum activities to curb these moral, ethical and character issues arising in the society. This justified the emergence of a... more
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      Social Studies EducationSustainable DevelopmentCivic EducationValue Education