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„Tu deinen Mund auf und iss, was ich dir geben werde.“ Der Adressat dieser Anweisung ist der alttestamentliche Prophet Ezechiel, der von Gott angehalten wird, eine Schriftrolle zu essen, ihren Inhalt sich einzuverleiben und die sich auf... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMedieval Latin LiteratureCisterciansWomen Writers
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesWomen's History
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      Cistercian architectureMonastic ArchitectureCisterciansReligious congregations and monastic orders
Статья посвящена различным аспектам чтения и его роли в монастырской жизни. Самым важным аспектом является техника чтения (вслух и про себя). Долгое время существовало мнение, что техника чтения про себя появилась сравнительно поздно, а... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesReading Habits/AttitudesHistory of Reading and Writing
Resumen El estudio del fondo bibliográfico de manuscritos que hubo en la biblioteca del Monasterio de Piedra es un asunto complejo. Tradicionalmente se ha afirmado que todo se perdió en la desamortización, pero esta afirmación es un... more
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansMedieval Crown of AragonCistercian Studies
Referência: 2. SANTOS, Selene Candian dos. O Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem de Bernardo de Claraval e a Espiritualidade no Século XII. In: JORNADA DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS E CICLO DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS DO PARANÁ E SANTA... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)RhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
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      Medieval HistoryGerman HistoryBiographyHistory of Roman Catholicism
in: Journal of Glass Studies 56 (2014), 317-343
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCistercian architecture
Jeroen Reyniers en Katrien Houbey, 'De stoel van St.-Lutgard. Een middeleeuws cultusobject, in: Ritualia Lossensia. Rituelen en relieken in Loon, Loonse Schriften, 4, Borgloon, 2016
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureChoir StallsLutgard of Aywieres
This is a sample of my book. To purchase it, please go to
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      Ecumenical TheologyCisterciansEucharistic TheologyThomas Merton
This article aims to study two illuminated liturgical manuscripts from the monastic library of Alcobaça, a Collectary – ritual (Alc. 166) and a Psalter-hymnal (Alc. 11), both from the late twelh century. e analysis of its liturgical... more
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      Manuscript StudiesCistercian StudiesCistercian spiritualityCistercian Libraries
L’article analyse les rapports entre la pensée d’Étienne Harding (abbé de Cîteaux, 1108-1133/1134), telle qu’elle se reflète dans les miniatures des manuscrits enluminés sous son abbatiat, et celle de Bernard de Clairvaux. Les deux abbés... more
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      CisterciansBernard of ClairvauxCistercian Order15c Cistercians and Art
""Le « faire croire » s’applique particulièrement bien au genre des exempla homilétiques, anecdotes exemplaires destinées à illustrer un point de doctrine ou de morale dans un sermon. Ces formes brèves qui innervent toute la littérature... more
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      Cultural StudiesRhetoricCritical ThinkingAndragogy
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian StudiesCisterciens
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      Medieval HistoryGothic StudiesCisterciansMedieval Art
Life-Writing The academic study of charisma has long been where Max Weber put it: in the areas of religious experience, political leadership, and social interaction. Looming behind these domains, where living people embody charisma and... more
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      Medieval LiteratureHagiographyMedieval Latin LiteratureFranciscan Studies
The Cistercian abbey church plan with its flat east end--the famous "Bernardine plan"--is one of the most distinctive and written about church plans of all of medieval architecture, and has traditionally been thought to owe its origins... more
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      PilgrimageMedieval ArchitectureCistercian architectureCistercians
La carrière de Simon de Montfort, chef de la croisade albigeoise de 1209 à 1218, offre un éclairage rare sur la réponse laïque aux ordonnances et aux critiques cléricales concernant la seigneurie temporelle. Grâce à l'étude de traités... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCrusadesCistercians
The portrait of great monk André Louf.
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      SpiritualityCisterciansChristian SpiritualityMonasticism
Монография представляет собой исследование философско-теологического наследия французского богослова, основоположника западной средневековой мистики святого Бернарда Клервоского (1090/91 - 1153). Рассматриваются теоретические источники... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyMedieval StudiesBernard of ClairvauxMedieval Spirituality
Bernard’s use of scripture in his devotion to Mary provides a thoroughly biblical understanding of Mary and through his homilies provides encouragement toward meditation and contemplation which is in the manner of lectio divina. Although... more
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      SpiritualityMonastic StudiesPrayerSpiritual Formation
This text publishes and examines a visitation to the Monastery of Cós, carried out in 1492, by the abbot of Clairvaux. Annual visitations were, in the Cistercian context, an instrument of regulation which was intended to guarantee the... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMonastic StudiesCisterciansLiturgical History
Zaragoza, 2018, ISBN , pp. . (editores: Francisco José Alfaro Pérez y Carolina Naya franco). Universidad de Zaragoza.
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      Medieval HistoryCisterciansMedieval ArtMedieval Crown of Aragon
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchitectureCistercian architectureCistercian Studies
Bernhard von Clairvaux war nicht nur Reformabt, Kreuzzugsprediger und Mystiker, er war über allem der bedeutendste Lehrer seiner Zeit. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht seine Vielseitigkeit, aber auch seine Modernität aufzuzeigen. Seine... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural HeritageCultural IdentityChristian Spirituality
7, 2019, ISSN: 2340-843X, pp. 299-319. Centro de Estudios de Arte del Renacimiento.
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      Art HistoryCistercian architectureCisterciansHistoria del Arte
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian spiritualityCister
A descoberta de uma ata de visitação inédita ao Mosteiro de Cós, realizada em 1492, pelo abade de Claraval, constitui o mote para um estudo introdutório sobre as suas origens e a sua comunidade no período medieval. Perscrutam-se, em chave... more
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      Medieval StudiesPortuguese HistoryPortuguese Medieval HistoryCistercians
L’article étudie la vision ecclésiologique de l’abbé Étienne Harding (1108-1133/34) et de la communauté de Cîteaux à travers quelques miniatures réalisées au cours du premier tiers du XIIe siècle. L’image de David dans la Bible d’Étienne... more
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      Medieval Church HistoryCisterciansBernard of ClairvauxMedieval Ecclesiology
Zaragoza, 2018, editores: Herbert González Zymla y Diego Prieto López. Monasterio de Piedra SA.
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyCistercian architecture
El Cuento de Amaro es una de las creaciones literarias más deliciosas de la cultura hispánica medieval. Forjado probablemente por frailes del monasterio portugués de Alcobaza, reciclando leyendas atlánticas de origen... more
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      Galician StudiesGalician LiteratureMedieval GaliciaLiteratura española e hispanoamericana
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval TheologyArthurian StudiesAllegory
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      Christian MysticismMedieval WomenSpirituality & MysticismLiteratura Mistica
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian StudiesCistercian spirituality
A pesar de ser la hermana de san Bernardo, santa Humbelina no gozó de un gran éxito iconográfico. En un principio, su hagiografía estaba ligada inseparablemente a la de su hermano Bernardo. Con el tiempo, sin embargo, su leyenda se fue... more
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      IconographyHistory of ReligionMedieval ArtCistercian Studies
El presente artículo es una propuesta de análisis integral de las relaciones de los procesos fundacionales, cumplimiento e incumplimiento de las normas artísticas y capacidad de protección y mecenazgo de las élites eclesiales y civiles,... more
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      ArchitectureMedia ArtCistercian architectureCistercians
The origin of Cistercian stained glass – can theology serve as aesthetic inspiration? The statutes of the general chapter of the Cistercian Order, which define principal rules governing the lives of Cistercian monks, also provide... more
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      Art HistoryCisterciansChristian SpiritualityMedieval Art
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureGerman HistoryFranciscan Studies
La comtesse Urraca figure parmi les principales dames du XIIIe siècle castillan. Fille de Diego López II de Haro (m. 1214), épouse du comte Álvaro Núñez de Lara (m. 1218), elle exerça pendant son veuvage la charge d’abbesse du monastère de... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryHagiographyGender History The focus of my paper centers on those narratives recorded in the Prologues of the Standard as well as in the Special Edition of the “Legatus” (Leipzig, University Library, Ms 827)... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMedieval Latin LiteratureCisterciansMedieval Authorship
Cet article est consacré au monastère cistercien feminin de Arouca, fondé en 1226. L'Auteur en étudie d'abord les origines et l'évolution jusqu'en cette année 1226. Puis il en examine la transformation en monastère cistercien par la reine... more
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      CisterciansCistercian StudiesMedieval nunneriesNunns History
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansThomas MertonCistercian Studies
Mother María Evangelista (Cigales -Valladolid-, 1591 / Casarrubios del Monte -Toledo-, 7648) is one of the essential figures among the mystics of the Cistercian Order. The present work shows her relationship with the angels within her... more
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      Jesuit historyAngelologyAngelsCistercians
Abstract (ITA): Viene qui proposto un excursus attraverso il quale si cerca di sottolineare la bontà e l’assoluta attualità del messaggio monastico proprio nei riguardi di una società e di un’economia in crisi quali sono quelle in cui... more
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      HagiographyHistory of ChristianityMonastic StudiesMedieval Church History
ERROR CORRECTION: The new discovered manuscript Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, ms. 827 doesn't contain any information about Gertrude's family name. Although the manuscript enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityReception StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval Literature
Contains an overview of the purpose and themes of Aelred's late work, his Oratio Pastoralis (Pastoral Prayer), as well as an overview of Aelred's life, a description of the work's single manuscript, from Jesus College Cambridge, and the... more
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      Cistercian StudiesMedieval MonasticismAelred of RievaulxMedieval Spirituality
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      CisterciansCistercian spiritualityCistercian monasteries
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      Christian IconographyCistercian StudiesCistercian spiritualityReligious Medals
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      Cistercian architectureMonastic ArchitectureCisterciansMiniature Books