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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Architecture
Referência: 2. SANTOS, Selene Candian dos. O Apologia ad Guillelmum abbatem de Bernardo de Claraval e a Espiritualidade no Século XII. In: JORNADA DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS E CICLO DE ESTUDOS ANTIGOS E MEDIEVAIS DO PARANÁ E SANTA... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)RhetoricComposition and Rhetoric
Magister Emanuel Sescalco, archdeacon and then bishop of Cremona in Italy, was buried in 1298 in the Frisian Cistercian abbey of St Bernard in Aduard, where he came to be venerated as a saint. After he had been listed in 1491 among the... more
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      Commemoration and MemoryCistercian OrderMedieval HagiographyHistory of Cremona
L’article analyse les rapports entre la pensée d’Étienne Harding (abbé de Cîteaux, 1108-1133/1134), telle qu’elle se reflète dans les miniatures des manuscrits enluminés sous son abbatiat, et celle de Bernard de Clairvaux. Les deux abbés... more
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      CisterciansBernard of ClairvauxCistercian Order15c Cistercians and Art
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian StudiesCisterciens
The objective of this paper is the revision of the ways for those the Order of Císter in the Kingdoms of Castile and Leon was spread. With this purpose, a study of its promoters, and how the more important related with the Traba’s group... more
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      Medieval Iberian HistoryMedieval WomenMedieval AristocracyMedieval History of Spain
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      Cistercian architectureCistercian StudiesCistercian OrderCistercians abbeys
This text publishes and examines a visitation to the Monastery of Cós, carried out in 1492, by the abbot of Clairvaux. Annual visitations were, in the Cistercian context, an instrument of regulation which was intended to guarantee the... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMonastic StudiesCisterciansLiturgical History
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      Medieval Ecclesiastical HistoryMedieval Church HistoryCisterciansAlbigensian Crusade
Abstract (ITA): Viene qui proposto un excursus attraverso il quale si cerca di sottolineare la bontà e l’assoluta attualità del messaggio monastico proprio nei riguardi di una società e di un’economia in crisi quali sono quelle in cui... more
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      HagiographyHistory of ChristianityMonastic StudiesMedieval Church History
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      Medieval German LiteratureWomen's writingScholarly EditionsMedieval Latin Literature
"La grille d’analyse mise au point par José Ángel García de Cortázar pour étudier le domaine de San Millán de la Cogolla a été utilisée dès la fin des années 1970 pour contribuer à la réflexion initiée par les historiens français sur... more
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      Economic HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender History
Paper presented at 'Colloquium on the Charter of Charity', at Cistercian Abbey Our Lady of Dallas, USA, July 2019. Published in special issue of Cistercian Studies Quarterly 55: 4 (2020), in commemoration of the Ninth Centenary of the... more
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      Late Medieval Religion, Monasticism and DevotionMedieval MonasticismCistercian OrderCistercian nuns, middle ages
A partir do modelo definido pela Ordem de Cister relativamente às funções dos claustros nos conjuntos edificados pela Ordem, será analisado o caso concreto do claustro do mosteiro cisterciense feminino de S. Bento de Cástris no que... more
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      Cistercian architectureCistercian StudiesCistercian OrderCloisters
Il volume raccoglie contributi che spaziano dalla storia istituzionale alla diplomatica, dallo studio delle fonti manoscritte alla storia dell’arte e dell’architettura. I testi sono accomunati almeno da due obbiettivi fondamentali:... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Church HistoryMedieval Archaeology
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      Portuguese Medieval HistoryMonastic Studies (Irish)CisterciansCistercian Studies
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      Music HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval HistoryMedieval Dress
Abstract: The sixteenth century was marked by intense reforms in the Catholic Church which, after the Ecumenical Council of Trent (1545-1563), were also reflected in women's religious communities. The daily life of these communities was... more
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      Cistercian OrderCouncil of TrentÉvoraMonastery of S. Bento de Cástris
Death, consubstantial to mankind, has been a constant in man's thinking and has fostered rivers of ink over the centuries. This article, from sources and specialized literature, explains how the mentality of man throughout the middle Ages... more
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      Cistercian OrderSan Agustín de HiponaMedioevoLa Muerte
No contexto de trabalhos de valorização da envolvente da Igreja e Ruínas do Mosteiro do Ermelo (Arcos de Valdevez, Viana do Castelo), coordenamos entre Dezembro de 2007 e Fevereiro de 2008 uma intervenção arqueológica na área, conseguindo... more
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      Religious congregations and monastic ordersArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesCistercian Order
Session: Geography, mapping and reconstruction
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian StudiesCisterciens
Le colloque pluridisciplinaire tenu à Langres et à Chaumont en 2017 a réuni vingt-quatre spécialistes du monachisme cistercien pour se pencher sur les réalités du réseau tissé par Morimond à l'échelle de l'Europe. Fondée vers 1117, à la... more
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCisterciensCistercian Order
El Real Monasterio Cisterciense de Santa María de Piedra fue fundado en 1195. Tiene importantes restos medievales algunos de los cuales deben ser estudiados dentro de la arquitectura militar. Combinando el uso de documentos y restos... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureCistercian architectureCistercians
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      IconographyCistercian architectureCisterciansMedieval Crown of Aragon
O presente artigo pretende esclarecer como a festa da Purificação da Virgem se comemorou no Mosteiro de Alcobaça, em articulação com a questão da uniformidade litúrgica cisterciense. Esta problematização será feita a partir da análise a... more
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      CisterciansCistercian StudiesCistercian OrderCistercian spirituality
Vlaanderen 59 (2010), 492-498.
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      Gregorian ChantCistercian Ordercistercian chant
Resumen: Esta investigación sobre la abadía cisterciense femenina de Otero (León) demuestra que el supuesto documento fundacional de 1240 es una falsificación de mediados del siglo XV destinada a arraigar en el siglo XIII el patronazgo... more
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      Women's StudiesHigh Middle AgesMedieval HistoryWomen's History
We will analyse the relations between the different members of the secular power – monarchy, nobility and urban oligarchies – with the Cistercian monasteries of the Crown of Castile during the late Middle Ages. We will review the few... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval Iberian HistoryMedieval EuropeKingship (Medieval History)
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      CisterciansPotteryCistercian StudiesCisterciens
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      ArchitectureMedieval StudiesCistercian architectureCistercians
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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      ArchitectureCistercian architectureCisterciansMedieval Art
308 (Diciembre 2006), pp. 52-63. ISSN: 0212-0062. MC Ediciones.
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansMedieval ArtMedieval Crown of Aragon
Imago & Mirabilia. Simposi internacional Les formes del prodigi a la Mediterrânia medieva.  Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Barcelona, Espanha
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      CisterciansCistercian StudiesCistercian OrderCistercian monasteries
Estudio de los principales puntos de abastecimiento de agua en los monasterios cistercienses femeninos castellanos con hidráulica autónoma.
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      Monastic StudiesCistercian architectureCisterciansMonasticism
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      Cistercian OrderMedieval Borders, Monastic NetworksMelrose AbbeyKolbacz Abbey