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      Philosophy of FilmCinema and MemorySoutheast Asian CinemaVideo Installation
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      Cinema and MemoryWalt DisneyFilm Programming
1. Cinco filmes, uma narrativa As longas metragens de ficção que Pedro Costa (Portugal) produziu até à atualidade apresentam um eixo formal e temático dominado por uma ideia, que percorre transversalmente cinco das seis obras até agora... more
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      Cinema and MemoryCinema StudiesCinema and HistoryPostcolonial and Cultural Studies, MENA Cinema
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      Cinema and MemoryPersonal IdentityExile Cinema
This text examines the uses, symbolic meanings, and social roles of ghosts, vampires, and zombies in literature, film, and other forms of public representation. Special attention is given to the manifold ways in which the past is... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural Theory
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryEuropean CinemaAristotle
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      Visual StudiesArtFilm StudiesPhotography
This works tries to summerize the position of Susannah Radstone about the inflation of trauma studies in the cultural ones and presents her concept of Cinema/Memory. The slides were presented by Silvia Anese and Francesco Di Maio in the... more
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      Memory StudiesCinema and MemoryCinemaSusannah Radstone
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      Eastern European StudiesEastern EuropeEuropean CinemaSocial Identity
Contemporary culture is somewhat uncontemporary. One can even say that it is anachronistic and filled with nostalgia and unexplainable longing for what has been recently alive and new in it.
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryCultural History
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      Japanese CinemaCinema and MemoryJapanese FilmKoreeda Hirokazu
This special issue addresses the possible connections and mutual benefits of examining together two analytic concepts – memory and periphery. These concepts receive much attention in various scholarly discussions, yet they have done so... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisComparative Religion
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      Philosophy of FilmFilm-PhilosophyGilles DeleuzeCinema and Memory
Capítulo do livro "Cultura audiovisual: Transformações estéticas, autorais e representacionais em multimeios", organizado por Carla Conceição da Silva Paiva, Rodrigo Ribeiro Barreto e Juliano José Araújo. Campinas: Instituto de... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Cinema and MemoryDocumentary FilmCinema and History
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      Cinema and MemoryIconography of the political leaders
The aim of this article is to present a succinct review and evaluation of the main areas of contention in the false memory debate and, from this basis, to suggest ways in which the best from both sides can be utilized. We examine the... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied Psychology
Catálogo da mostra de documentários de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, México, Paraguai e Uruguai realizada na Caixa Cultural São Paulo entre 26 de março e 06 de abril de 2014, com curadoria de Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha e Pablo Piedras.... more
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      Latin American StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)History and MemoryCinema and Memory
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      Cinema and MemoryCinema and the CityCinema Studies
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      Memory StudiesCinema and MemoryChilean Cinema
Gli occhiali d’oro (1987) è l’undicesimo lungometraggio di finzione diretto da Giuliano Montaldo. Co-produzione tra Ita- lia, Francia e Jugoslavia, presentato in concorso alla 44° Mostra internazionale d’arte cinematografica di Venezia,... more
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      Italian StudiesItalian CinemaCinema and MemoryHolocaust Studies
Resumo: Apresento o caso da reabertura e patrimonialização do Cine Belas Artes, cinema de rua de São Paulo que foi reativado após intensa participação de cinéfilos e entusiastas envolvidos no âmbito do Movimento Belas Artes (MBA). Em meio... more
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      Recreation & Leisure StudiesSocial ActivismCinema and MemorySocial Memory
Este artículo se propone reflexionar sobre los vínculos entre historia, memoria y subjetividad en los documentales "Cuchillo de palo" (Renate Costa, 2010), "Sibila" (Teresa Arredondo, 2012) y "Os dias com ele" (Maria Clara Escobar, 2013),... more
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      Film StudiesLatin-American FilmCinema and MemoryDocumentary Film
"'Rote Movie' is part of a series of works examining aspects of the traumatic experience. It is an examination of decay and forgetting, where what both distance and time can bring to one's private feelings of belonging and home. Highly... more
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      Memory StudiesCinema and MemoryExperimental AnimationMemory and materiality
When a motion picture repeats an identical photographic image three times, accruing purpose and synthesizing new meaning with each appearance, such an image demands analysis. Surprisingly, no present study comprehensively examines the... more
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      Film StudiesPhotographyMagicTrauma Studies
Resumo: A partir da metodologia de análise fílmica de conteúdo, proposta por Manuela Penafria (2009) este trabalho busca responder se Kléber Mendonça Filho, enquanto crítico e realizador, atualiza ou propõe uma nova forma de criticar a... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Brazilian StudiesHistory and MemoryPolitics
Franco Fortini’s 1967 The Dogs of the Sinai and the 1976 adaptation of the book into film, Fortini/Cani by Danièle Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub, offer a compelling reflection on memory and Fascist violence. Through the different... more
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      History and MemoryFascismCinema and MemoryItalian fascism
Full document in download. Or broken up as slide-show on HuffPo link below.
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      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyApplied PsychologyBehavioural Science
Los rubios irrumpe en la escena cinematográfica argentina generando al momento de su estreno en el año 2003 y hasta el día de la fecha gran cantidad de debates y críticas. El propósito en este trabajo es estudiar los mecanismos que la... more
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      Contemporary ArtCinema and MemoryCinema StudiesArt and Politics
Pretendemos hacer algunas consideraciones sobre la película "La mujer sin cabeza" (2008), de Lucrecia Martel, explorando la cuestión del olvido intrincada en su trama. A través de la protagonista -Verónica-, la directora busca hacer un... more
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      Cinema and MemoryLatin American CinemaArgentinean cinemaLucrecia Martel
Over the past ten years an increasing amount of films from the Middle East have entered the international film festival circuit. Some major works like Paradise Now (Al-Jana Alan, Hany Abu Assad, NL/D/F/IL... more
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      International RelationsCinema and MemoryCinemaCultural Diplomacy
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      Cinema and MemoryAfrican cinemaTrauma and CinemaSouth African film, national identity, cultural re-definition
Lo stretto rapporto che intercorre tra medioevo e cinematografia affonda le proprie radici nelle origini stesse della settima arte. Fin dai suoi albori, infatti, sono stati numerosi i cineasti, dai più grandi e affermati maestri fino a... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Cities experienced profound changes in the early 20th century, mainly as a result of industrialization. Along with architects and urban planners, fiction writers played a part in shedding light on some perverse or still unknown... more
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      Literature and cinemaCinema and MemoryCinema and the CityCinema and Architecture
"The French contemporary artist Pierre Huyghe enjoys international acclaim, witness the many one-person and group exhibitions in which his work has been featured, and the prizes he has been awarded. His workplace in New York City, where... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFrench CinemaLiterature and cinemaPostmodernism
El presente trabajo se inmiscuirá en una producción cultural de indudable valor para la reflexión en torno a la memoria y la posmemoria en la Argentina, a saber: el film Los Rubios de Albertina Carri. Dicho propósito estará guiado por... more
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    • Cinema and Memory
The first part of the paper develops the argument that geographers should learn to decompose human memory into its constituent parts because then and then alone will we become attuned to the full range of ways in which we incorporate... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryNeuroscienceSociology
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      Film StudiesFrench CinemaEuropean CinemaFilm Analysis
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Civil RightsCinema and MemoryAfrican American History
The recovery sleep of a 21-year-old normal woman was assessed after she had endured 11(1/2) days of sleep restriction in a world record-setting film-viewing marathon. An exceptional sleep debt was observed as indicated by an instanteous... more
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      Abnormal PsychologyCognitive PsychologyPsychosisFilm Studies
PAMIĘĆ PROTETYCZNA, 1) w ujęciu Alison Landsberg oznacza → wspomnienia osobiste jednostek nabywane w rezultacie osobistego → doświadczenia odbioru audiowizualnych i wielozmysłowych wytworów kultury masowej (oglądanie → filmu, serialu... more
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      Popular CultureMemory StudiesMedia and MemoryCinema and Memory
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      Digital MediaDigital CultureCinema and MemoryFilm and History
"The French contemporary artist Pierre Huyghe enjoys international acclaim, witness the many one-person and group exhibitions in which his work has been featured, and the prizes he has been awarded. His workplace in New York City, where... more
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      Eyewitness memoryAnimal BehaviorSocial behavior in animalsMedia and Memory
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      Film StudiesChinese StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Cinema and Memory
تقدم هذه المقالة قراءة في الإنتاج السينمائي المحلي الحديث في الجولان، وتحديداً في فيلمين: "المنسيون" (2011) لمخرجه السوري إيهاب طربية، و"بين موتين" (2015) لمخرجه السوري أمير فخر الدين، في محاولة فهم للتجربة السورية في الإنتاج الثقافي... more
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      Cultural StudiesArabic LiteratureIsrael/PalestineSyrian Studies
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      Memory StudiesCinema and MemoryCultural MemoryCollective Memory
Alcuni libri si prolungano, si allargano, sprofondano e stillano fuori dai margini, talvolta continuano a scriversi anche senza il loro autore. Altri libri cercano di prendersene cura, sperimentando nuovi possibili innesti del pensiero e... more
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      Visual StudiesFilm StudiesCinema and MemoryMedia Representation and Reality
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      ArtDigital MediaDigital CultureCinema and Memory
A aproximação subjetiva e íntima dos cineastas em documentários políticos é uma tendência muito produtiva no cinema latino-americano contemporâneo. A perspectiva escapa do tom de denúncia e da documentação mais objetiva, retratando um... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)ExileCinema and MemoryDocumentary Film