Recent papers in Church
The irrelevancy of "the church" is more than a trivialization of this or that kind of religious group or gathering - it's a widely held supposition both inside and outside circles. Of the several recent efforts to revive relevancy, few... more
The Mum effect is the natural human reluctance to share bad news with others, due to a desire to avoid a range of negative consequences, consequences affecting both self and the recipient of the bad news. Although the gospel is good news... more
In de meeste studies waar de 'oudsten' in het Nieuwe Testament ter sprake komen vindt men op een of andere wijze het concept terug dat in 1953 door Hans von Campenhausen werd gelanceerd[i]. Hij plaatst een paulinisch christendom tegenover... more
The Christmas Eve devotional essay, published by the M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust (pages 83-85 in A Book of Days: Christmas Reflections from the Northwest, Steven G. W. Moore and Richard Ganz SJ, eds.; Franklin, TN: Seedbed Publishing,... more
Both the emotion of gratitude and the expression of gratitude produce benefits for the person who is thankful and the person being thanked. This study explores the degree to which various forms of gratitude expression are appreciated by... more
Deel 4 van de hertaalde uitgave van Petrus van Mastricht Theoretisch-Praktische Godgeleerdheid. In dit deel gaat het over de verlossing zoals die toegepast wordt aan de zondaar en over de kerk. De volgende onderdelen van de heilsorde... more
Media literacy -the role in the Church and the trends of development. The article aims to attempt a synthetic look at the reality of media literacy, first and foremost from the perspective of theological sciences, in particular the... more
Jesus� imperatives in the Sermon on the Mount continue to play a significant role in Christian ethical discussions. The tension between the radical demands of Jesus and the impossibility of living this out within the everyday world has... more
An annual gathering/workshop of sixty-five ordained and lay clergy, along with church administrators, from the UCC Churches of Maui, Moloka'i, and Lānaʻi where Dr. Ronald Williams Jr. was the guest speaker, offering three illustrated... more
Mультимедийная лекция, посвященная 1000-летию памяти Владимира Святого – Крестителя Руси († 1015), в Международном мультимедийном пресс-центре МИА «Россия сегодня» (Президентский зал) 4 Марта 2015 г. (17:00) в рамках нового... more
A iluminação de espaços sagrados não é devidamente observada como elemento relevante para a eficácia de tais ambientes. Todavia, a contínua construção e manutenção de igrejas cristãs ao longo de milênios tem manifestado a luz como dotada... more
Diósi Dávid gyulafehérvári teológus tanári munkája során, valamint előadásaival és publikációival is már többszörösen bizonyította, hogy hitelesen tudja megragadni a mai ember problémavilágát. A filozófia, a teológia, a szociológia és a... more
The prayer of a Christian is the subject of his daily care in the process of spiritual development. We can say that without it and its dynamic development it is not possible for the spiritual progress of the Christian and the Church in... more
Does freedom of religion protect religious institutions, or does it only protect the individual religious conscience? Canadian jurisprudence after the Charter of Rights and Freedoms takes a decidedly individualist turn, deliberately... more
Jesus' imperatives in the Sermon on the Mount continue to play a significant role in Christian ethical discussions. The tension between the radical demands of Jesus and the impossibility of living this out within the everyday world has... more
Beim Synodalen Weg gibt es die Tendenz, Pädokriminalität in der Kirche als Folge einer zu rigiden katholischen Sexualmoral zu betrachten. Das beste Gegenmittel wäre, heißt es, eine Lockerung der Lehre. Dabei liegt der Schlüssel woanders:... more
Publikacja zawiera wygłaszane w latach 1974–1976 w kościele Świętego Krzyża w Warszawie wystąpienia kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego, nazywane "Kazaniami Świętokrzyskimi". W ramach tego cyklu Prymas odnosił się do kluczowych kwestii z zakresu... more
Para que se manifieste la fuerza interna del reino de Dios, es necesario que la comunidad cristiana, una minoría, se mantenga interiormente como tal; así resulta ser una verdadera minoría creativa. Sólo permaneciendo semilla, levadura,... more
Short analysis of J. Locke’s compositions devoted to problems of a freedom of conscience is presented. Actuality of the Locke’s opinion at a freedom of conscience and necessary of the tolerance in modern society are shown.
The book was published in Prague in 1903.
We all have thought on greatness, we all have views on greatness. However, I’d like to beg the question, “how do you unlock greatness?”
Participation of Adam “Nergal” Darski, the leader of the death metal band Behemoth, in the television talent–show The Voice of Poland in autumn 2011 caused a media storm and fierce public debate in Poland . This story has focused as in a... more
Mordoğan is a sea-side township in the district of Karaburun in Izmir, western Turkey. It is situated on the eastern shoreline of Karaburun Peninsula within the Gulf of Izmir at about 20 km to the south of the district center of... more
Religion plays an important role in human life. In a recent review, religiosity has been associated with prosocial behavior; although consistent, the association was weak (Saroglou, 2013). To understand religious prosociality, varying... more
Kaum einer hat die religiösen Veränderungsprozesse der Gegenwart so treffend beschrieben wie Charles Taylor. In diesem Beitrag möchte ich seiner Grundthese der Säkularität folgen und fragen, was dies für Kirche in der Öffentlichkeit... more
Το κείμενο αυτό αποτελεί μετάφραση ενός άρθρου από το ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό ORTHODOX ARTS JOURNAL. Articles and news for the promotion of traditional Orthodox Christian liturgical art. Δημοσιεύθηκε στις 8 Απριλίου 2021. Η συγγραφέας... more
Kirche und Postmoderne. Die Religiosität und die Neigung zur Ästhetisierung in unserer Zeit Elkötelezett katolikusként az egyházról írni egy vallásilag sokszínű világban nem könnyű vállalkozás. Különösen akkor, ha az ember a leírtakat a... more