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      CallimachusHellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymnsCallimaco
In this paper I will discuss how an epigram by Martial (Mart. 9.20) can be connected to a passage of Theocritus’ Encomium to Ptolemy Philadelphus (Theoc. Id. 17.58 – 76): the analysis will be developed in detail in order to enable the... more
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      M. Valerius MartialisTheocritus (Classics)Emperor DomitianEncomiastic poetry
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      Greek Lyric PoetryCallimachusHellenistic poetryPindar
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      ClassicsHomerHellenistic HistoryGreek Lyric Poetry
В статье рассмотрена поэтика речи («речевых жанров», термин М. М. Бахтина) мужских и женских божеств в гимне Каллимаха «К Артемиде». В результате анализа на лексическом, грамматическом, синтаксическом и тематическом уровнях выявлены... more
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      Gender StudiesMikhail BakhtinCallimachus' hymns
It is suggested that Epimenides of Crete, a well-known Greek prophet, poet and politician (7th– 6th century BC), placed Zeus' birthplace near the Cretan city of Arcadia (now Arkalochori). Callimachus' Hymn to Zeus seems to have been... more
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      CallimachusAncient GreeceCretan StudiesCretan archaeology
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      Greek LiteraturePindar and BacchylidesIntertextualityCallimachus
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      PlatoAristotleHellenistic HistoriographyPlutarch
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      Hellenistic LiteratureCallimachusHellenistic poetryHomeric Hymns
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      ClassicsPlatoCallimachusApollonius Rhodius
The island of Delos, Apollo's birthplace, is celebrated under various names by a number of poets, each name reflecting an aspect of its mythical history. Pindar, in some fragmentary poems, and Callimachus, in the Hymn to Delos, tell the... more
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      Literary OnomasticsEtymological WordplayPindarCallimachus' hymns
In Aetia fr. 1.3-5 Pfeiffer Callimachus complains that his adversaries, the Telchines, accuse him of not writing “one continuous poem in many thousands of verses”, celebrating “kings and heroes.” Callimachus did choose to celebrate kings... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureGreek Language
Blurb: Ancient Greek hymns traditionally include a narrative section describing episodes from the hymned deity’s life. These narratives developed in parallel with epic and other narrative genres, and their study provides a different... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureSecond SophisticNeoplatonism and late antique philosophy
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      Hellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymns
In Aen. 8.685 hinc ope barbarica variisque Antonius armis Vergil describes Marc Antony’s forces at Actium. Here variisque, found in all the extant manuscripts, has been suspected by some scholars and Niklaas Heinsius proposed the... more
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      Latin LiteratureAugustan PoetryTextual CriticismM. Valerius Martialis
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      Cognitive NarratologyCallimachusDivine EpiphanyHellenistic poetry
À partir d’un corpus de poèmes et d’images mythologiques, cet ouvrage explore les liens qui unissent l’invention littéraire et les arts visuels à une époque de foisonnement et de renouvellement des formes dans les deux domaines. La... more
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      MythologyClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic Literature
In his Hymn to Apollo, Kallimachos conspicuously omits mention of Apollo’s famed oracle at Didyma. However, he draws his audience’s attention to the Euphrates, which has no special significance to the god. The itinerary he charts for his... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureHellenistic HistoryCallimachusGraeco-Roman Egypt
Arguing that mythography was already a recognizable mode of discourse in  the early fifth century, and that assuming the persona of a mythographer was a useful trope for Pindar, Plato and Callimachus.
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      Literary CriticismMythographyIbycusCallimachus' hymns
La inclusión de un término tan específico como ζωστήρ por Dionisio de Halicarnaso y Plutarco al narrar cómo el « primer » Breno arrojó espada y cinturón mientras exclamaba vae victis introduce un elemento, la cadena de suspensión,... more
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      Roman HistoryRoman HistoriographyCeltic StudiesRoman Republic
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      CallimachusCallimachus' hymnsZeusHymn to Zeus
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      CallimachusHellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymns
Parmi les mythes insulaires, celui de Délos occupe une place tout à fait remarquable dans l’imaginaire grec, car ce petit écueil pierreux et battu par les vents est censé avoir été, avant qu’Apollon ne naisse sur son sol, une île... more
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      History of ReligionHistory of ReligionsCallimachusAncient Greek Religion
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      Urban MarginalityCallimachus' hymnsDemeterPurification
Immovable Delos. Aeneid 3.73-98 and the Hymns of Callimachus. CQ 44, 1994, 438-41
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      Callimachus' hymnsVirgil's Aeneid
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      Classical philologyHomeric HymnsCallimachus' hymns
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      CallimachusAncient Greek ReligionHellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymns
El parlamento que Atena le dirige a Cariclo en el himno quinto de Calímaco es considerado como una consolatio en la bibliografía. La cuestión que plantea este artículo es la siguiente: ¿es ese discurso un eslabón más en la historia de la... more
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      CallimachusCallimachus' hymnsAthenaTiresias
The purpose of this article is twofold: firstly, we aim at collecting geographical and mythological citations that refer to Thrace in Callimachus’ Aetia, the Seventh Iamb, and the Fourth Hymn; secondly, we endeavor to historicize those... more
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      CallimachusGeopoeticsThracian ArchaeologyHistory of ancient Thrace
This paper examines the function of inscribed hymns, using the inscription of Isyllos at Epidauros as an example. It argues that, just as an offering in the sanctuary reminds both mortal and divine viewers of the original dedication, the... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureGreek EpigraphyGreek HymnsCallimachus' hymns
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      Ancient Greek ReligionAncient Cyrene HistoryCallimachus' hymns
Proceedings of 6th  Conference  for the Postgraduate Students and Phd Candidates in Classics, University of Ioannina, June 2018.
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      EmotionHellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymns
In this contribution, I look at the Thera-episode in Apollonius Rhodius (IV 1731- 1764) from the point of view of the poetic interaction between Callimachus and Apollonius as sketched by Annette Harder. I first briefly review scholarly... more
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      PoeticsCallimachusApollonius RhodiusHerodotus
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      Hellenistic LiteratureCallimachusHellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymns
Despite the fragmentary transmission of the poetic works of Callimachus, the preserved prologue of his Aitia and also other text passages reveal that this Hellenistic poet deliberately plays with his own person in an autofictional... more
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      ClassicsHellenistic LiteratureCallimachusAutofiction
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      PindarPausaniasGreek mythologyHymn to Delos
This special volume of the Hellenistica Groningana, in honour of the achievements and career of Professor M.A. Harder revisits the poetry of Callimachus (theme of two earlier Hellenistic Workshops). A number of renowned international... more
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      CallimachusCallimachus' hymnscallimachus, AetiaCallimachus iambi
The myth on Britomartis, presented by Callimachus of Cyrene in his famous hymn to Artemis (H. III 189-205), is here carefully analyzed and discussed. It is finally concluded that the metamorphose of the nymph Britomartis or Britomarpis... more
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      CallimachusArtemisCallimachus' hymnsCrete
Este libro es el resultado de las investigaciones realizadas en el marco de dos proyectos UBACyT. Sus capítulos, dedicados cada uno a diferentes textos, autores y períodos de la literatura griega clásica, desde la época arcaica hasta la... more
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      Homeric HymnsCallimachus' hymnsThe Tragic ChorusThe Orphic Hymns
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      Pindar and BacchylidesApollonius RhodiusHomeric HymnsCallimachus' hymns
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      Latin LiteratureCallimachusOvidOvid (Classics)
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      CallimachusHellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymns
This paper examines the links between inscribed hymns, especially inscribed paians, and Callimachus’ Hymn to Apollo, building on recent studies which identify inscribed cult hymns as an important influence on Callimachus’ hymns (Vamvouri... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureGreek EpigraphyCallimachus
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      CallimachusHellenistic poetryPindarCallimachus' hymns
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      Hellenistic poetryCallimachus' hymnsAncient Greek Literature
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      Hellenistic PhilosophyHellenistic HistoryCallimachusPlato and Platonism
"Il volume propone un'edizione ampiamente commentata di Supplementum Hellenisticum 958 e 969, due frammenti in distici elegiaci databili al III - II secolo a.C. Entrambi possono essere messi in relazione con l'invasione dei Galati in... more
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      PhilologyMilitary HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
The following article considers the characters of goddess Demeter in the sixth hymn of Callimachus To Demeter. Analysis of heroine’s image must show the author’s skill in composing the hymn’s narration, as well as his good knowledge of... more
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    • Callimachus' hymns
In his Hymnus to Zeus (v. 42-45) Callimachus of Cyrene records a plain in Crete, which was called Omphalian, because the baby Zeus was said to have lost his navel-string (omphalós) there. The location of the Omphalian plain is far from... more
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      CallimachusCallimachus' hymnsCreteKnossos
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      Comparative LiteratureLatin LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAugustan Poetry