Recent papers in Bioindicators
geopark naturtejo Meseta Meridional, geology and Paleontology office, centro cultural raiano. Av. Joaquim Morao 6060-101 idanha-a-nova, Portugal 2 Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichita, universita di trieste, via lazzaretto vecchio 6,... more
Changes in the expression of isoenzymes, peptides and nerve cells of T. angustula and T. fiebrigi stingless bees were evaluated after in vitro contamination with Sanson® 40SC (nicosulfuron) and 200 Gramoxone® (paraquat) herbicides, and... more
Eutrophication degrades numerous estuaries worldwide and a myriad of assessment metrics have been developed. Here, we apply an example of a previously developed metric (Lee et al. 2004) designed to indicate incipient estuarine... more
The Mediterranean Sea has been described as one of the most affected areas by marine litter in the world. Although effects on organisms from marine plastic litter ingestion have been investigated in several oceanic areas, there is still a... more
River regularization plays an important role in socio economic development. However, it also modifies the natural flow system of the river and its biotic and abiotic characteristics, causing significant impacts on rivers. To evaluate the... more
The study “Update of national and international resource use indicators” contains three main parts. In the first part central resource indicators for Germany such as Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) and Total Material Requirement (TMR)... more
The differences of lead heavy metal accumulation in water, sediment and among seagrass of Thalassia hemprichii (roots, rhizomes and leaves) were conducted on Ambon Island, Maluku. Samples were taken from two areas ( Inner Ambon Bay and... more
A bioindicator is an organism sensitive to environmental changes and, therefore, its absence or scarcity indicates that there is some factor that is modifying the normal conditions of the environment. Amphibians are excellent... more
Long-term non-linear ecosystem-scale changes in water quality and biotic communities in coastal lagoons have been associated with intensification of anthropogenic pressures. In light of incipient changes in Johnson Bay (an embayment of... more
1 UMR 5561, Biogeosciences, Université de Bourgogne – CNRS Boulevard Gabriel Bat. Gabriel 21000 DIJON, France [email protected] 2 UMR 5594, ARTéHIS, Université de Bourgogne – CNRS-culture Boulevard Gabriel Bat. Gabriel 21000... more
Peri-urbanization involves forms of land altered resulting in a complete restructuring of vegetation and composition of species. The study aims to describe the species richness, evenness, species diversity through the identification,... more
The study of climate change and air pollution is very important in present circumstances throughout the world. Several methods including biological methods are being used for monitoring of environment to assess the climate and air... more
Culturas ancestrales sugieren periodicidad lunar sobre la materia en los cultivos vegetales lo cual durante años fue objeto de controversia en cuanto a sus efectos, sin embargo existe un apreciable número de publicaciones que sustentan la... more
The hoverflies (Diptera Syrphidae) as Bioindicators of Biodiversity The hoverflies, the Syrph the Net database and a dicotomic key to the Italian genera of Syrphidae When studying biodiversity, biological indicators in the form of living... more
Tanah dapat didefinisikan sebagai medium alami untuk pertumbuhan tanaman yang tersusun atas mineral, bahan organik, dan organisme hidup. Bagi ekosistem darat, tanah merupakan titik pemasukan sebagian besar bahan ke dalam tumbuhan. Melalui... more
Corticolous lichens grow on barks of living host trees. Their ubiquitous distribution and sensitivity to pollutants makes them ideal model organisms to biomonitor air pollution and assess air quality. But before these lichens can be... more
El objetivo del libro es hacer una compilación de los indicadores biológicos de ambientes acuáticos continentales usados en CoIombia (capitulo 3) dentro de un marco conceptual previo (capítulo 2). Dichos indicadores no se han validado... more
Las algas son la base de la cadena alimenticia y son responsables de la mayor parte de la productividad primaria por lo que su utilidad para evaluar y/o monitorear la contaminación se basa en que algunas especies pueden reflejar los... more
In the context of an ecological approach of assessing pollution in lakes, biomonitoring render a strategic method for estimating ecosystem health. Rapid bioassessment method using benthic macroinvertebrates as ecological indicators was... more
Secara garis besar Quality Control merupakan sebuah alat ukur yang sangat baik untuk mengendalikan suatu unit produk dengan melihat tingkat kecacatan. Selain 7Tools yang terdapat dalam Quality Control merupakan sebuah alat yang telah... more
3rd International Conference Water–Climate’2014 :, Water Resources & Climate Change in the Mediterranean Region
Hammamet (Tunisia) on October 21, 22 and 23, 2014
Hammamet (Tunisia) on October 21, 22 and 23, 2014
ABSTRACT: Environmental pollution constitutes a serious threat to the existence of ecosystems, hence environmental monitoring becomes a constant element for its management and prediction. Class Insecta has many potential representatives... more
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de contaminantes ambientales en peces (Tilapia: Oreochromis sp) mediante el uso de biomarcadores en los ríos Santiago y Verde en el Estado de Jalisco y la presa Miguel Hidalgo en el Estado de... more
Para facilitar y homogeneizar el tratamiento y la interpretación de la información generada en las redes de control biológico se presenta una colección de fichas descriptivas de los organismos fitobentónicos que incluyen: nombre... more
Air Pollution Tolerance Index is used to select plant species tolerant to Air pollution. Hyderabad is the capital of Indian State of Telengana and occupying 650 sqkms ,along the banks of Musi river. It is a metropolitan city with high... more
ABSTRACT: We estimated the diversity and abundance of ants and nymphalid butterflies on the ground and in the canopy; and of plants in six different forest sites in Venezuela. Statistical analysis using eight different diversity indices... more