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Introduction in the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. New discoveries and proves of the Atlantic Theory.
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      PhoeniciansMysticismAncient ReligionBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus'... more
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      HomerPortuguese HistoryPhoeniciansCentral America and Mexico
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      Environmental MonitoringWater PollutionApoptosisMultidisciplinary
Knowledge of population ancestry from genetic markers is essential, for example, to understand the history of human migration and to carry out admixture and association studies. Here we assess the genome ancestry of the Azorean population... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyNutrition and DieteticsAnthropologyPolymorphism
The Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) is an endemic species of the tropical-temperate Atlantic Ocean with widespread distribution. Although this species has been the subject of a large number of studies throughout its range,... more
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      BiologyBrazilEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental Pollution
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      SedimentologyEnvironmental MonitoringMultidisciplinaryAzores
This paper will address the development of the hotel industry in the Azores Archipelago and the financial support awarded for this development throughout the 1980s. From this decade on that the Regional Government, the executive body... more
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      Regional economic developmentTourismAzoresHotel Industry
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      RegionalismPortugalHistory of Madeira IslandsAzores
In the Azores, the work of women in fisheries has been invisible and undervalued for decades. This article presents a historical review of the hidden roles of these women and how they gained a place within the fishing community through... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationGenderSmall scale fisheriesKnowledge
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Convocando as reflexões sobre Modernidade(s)/Modernismo(s) de autores como W. Benjamin, B. Latour, Z. Bauman, A. Giddens ou S. Stanford Friedman, assim como as considerações de G. Durand, V. Jabouille e P. Ricouer acerca do papel do... more
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      TraditionCabo VerdeAzoresModernidade
A Ilha de Santa Maria desempenhou um papel determinante no desenvolvimento das tecnologias aeronáuticas no Arquipélago dos Açores, a partir do final da primeira metade do século XX, como aeroporto de escala técnica e centro de controlo e... more
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      Transatlantic relationsAviationAutonomiaAzores
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeographyDemographyNutrition and Dietetics
As tendências das dinâmicas do lazer e desportivas verificadas nas últimas décadas, a par da crescente procura dos espaços naturais, têm levado à expansão e à diversificação do turismo na natureza e de aventura. Regiões como os Açores... more
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      Adventure TourismNature-based tourismAzoresCANYONING
Descrição do funcionaento da bússola chinesa Luo Pan, do Museu de Angra do Heroísmo.
Ano Internacional da Astronomia.
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      Chinese PhilosophyMuseumAncient AstronomyMaterials Science of Ancient Chinese artifacts from Central China
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      TsunamiAzoresTsunami impact
Este livro propõe-se discutir a problemática da ruralidade na sociedade portuguesa, mediante a compilação e análise de cinco estudos de caso desenvolvidos pelo autor em Portugal continental e insular na última década. Os estudos de caso... more
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      PortugalPatrimonio CulturalAzoresAntropología
As questões – problema surgidas dos contextos reais requerem uma abordagem sistémica, para se compreender os fenómenos na sua globalidade e complexidade e por conseguinte requerem uma abordagem a nível CTS. A presente investigação foi... more
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      EducationScience EducationDidacticsPhysics Education
the New Bedford Whaling Museum organized an exhibit of five dozen paintings of Domingos Rebêlo (1891-1975), a painter from the Azores. The present text serves as the introduction to the catalog titled "The Azorean Spirit - The Arte of... more
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      Portuguese ArtAzoresPortuguese Art HistoryAzores history
A monograph on the laurel forests of the Macaronesian Islands (Azores, Madeira and Canaries), covering many different topics about this type of Tertiary woodland.
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      GeographyClimate ChangeConservationInvertebrates
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      Second World WarAzoresFranklin RooseveltMilitary Bases
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      Siglo XVIAzoresHistoria MilitarFelipe II 23
Este trabajo trata de un homenaje dedicado a los integrantes del Orfeón Universitario de la Universidad Central de Venezuela, quienes el 3 de septiembre de 1976 perdieron la vida en el accidente aéreo que se ha denominado "Tragedia de Las... more
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      AzoresAntonio EstévezUniversidad Central de VenezuelaOrfeón Universitario
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      Travel LiteratureAzores
In order to obtain a better understanding of the genetic structure of the Azorean population, a specificity and spatial distribution analysis was performed, based on 2,454 different surnames present in the Azorean telephone directory... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeographyDemographyNutrition and Dietetics
Resumo: A descoberta das ilhas atlânticas próximas, da Madeira (c.1420) e em seguida dos Açores (c.1427), trouxe ao reino de Portugal um novo desao, começar do zero num território longínquo e desconhecido. A abertura de vias como elemento... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyAtlantic WorldUrban PlanningArchitectural History
International, interdisciplinary conference "Culture, Sustainability, and Place: Innovative Approaches for Tourism Development” 10-14 October 2017 Ponta Delgada, São Miguel Island, Azores, Portugal Over 100 presentations... more
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      Cultural StudiesTourism StudiesCultural PolicyCultural Heritage
Rodrigues, José Damião (2017). A contribuição dos Açores para a construção do mundo atlântico: cidades portuárias insulares. XXII Coloquio de Historia Canario-Americana (2016), URL:... more
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      Portuguese HistoryAtlantic WorldAzoresPort cities
Breve artigo escrito após uma visita às ilhas dos Açores sobre as ligações histórias entre os Açores e a Flandres.
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      Portugal (History)PortugalAzoresAçores
From virtually unknown in the 90's of the twentieth century, several publishers have recently given many awards to the Azores as a Sustainable Tourism destination. Having the Azores its economy based on the dairy farms (Primary Sector),... more
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      Tourism StudiesTransportation StudiesAzoresIslands
Domingos Rebêlo, um pintor açoriano da primeira metade do século XX, teve finalmente um seu desejo cumprido: uma exposição nos Estados Unidos, mais precisamente no New Bedford Whaling Museum. O presente texto, aqui em versão portuguesa,... more
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      Portuguese ArtAzoresAzores historyModernist Art and Critical Theories
bastos, C. 2018. “Portuguese in the cane: the racialization of labour in Hawaiian plantations”. In Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenges. Vol. i. Ambiguous Inclusions: Inside Out, Inside In, eds. S. Aboim, P. Granjo, A. Ramos.... more
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      AnthropologyPortuguesePortuguese StudiesRace and Racism
SILVA, A. J. M. (2015), The fable of the cod and the promised sea. About Portuguese traditions of bacalhau, in BARATA, F. T- and ROCHA, J. M. (eds.), Heritages and Memories from the Sea, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of... more
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      HistorySociologyArchaeologyMaritime Archaeology
Book of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (Page 223)
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      Dairy ScienceBiogasAzoresAçores
Manoel Ignácio Martins Pamplona Corte Real (1760-1832), foi agraciado com o título francês de Baron de Pamplona (1817) por Luís XVIII e com o título de Conde de Subserra (1823) por D. João VI. Natural de Angra de Heroísmo, originário de... more
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      AzoresLiberalismoPeninsular WarAntigo Regime
Con este trabajo pretendemos abordar las relaciones entre el archipiélago canario y las islas macaronésicas portuguesas. Cronológicamente, se enmarca dentro del periodo de la Unión Ibérica, y más concretamente en los años en que estos... more
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      Early Modern HistoryPortuguese HistoryHistory Portuguese and SpanishHistory of the Portuguese Empire
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryArtilleryArchitecture
Resumo de comunicação apresentada no VI Congresso Português de Socilogia (Junho de 2008). Ver página 96.
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      SociologyRural SociologyCultural SociologySociologia
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      Historical ArchaeologyEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval Archaeology
Because of its exposed northern mid-Atlantic location, morphology and plate-tectonics setting, the Azores Archipelago is highly vulnerable to tsunami hazards associated with landslides and seismic or volcanic triggers, local or distal.... more
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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido no ano em que se assinalam os 250 anos do Terramoto de Lisboa e Maremoto dos Açores, 2005, em estreita colaboração com a RTP-Açores.
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Este projecto de Doutoramento procura contribuir para o conhecimento sobre os navios e a navegação ibérica nos séculos XVI e XVII, através do estudo arqueológico sistemático de três sítios de naufrágio e do seu contexto marítimo na baía... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyAtlantic historyUnderwater Archaeology
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para as Comemorações do Ano Internacional da Astronomia, 2009, promovidas pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia. Nele descreve-se o funcionamento de um oitante ou octante que é um instrumento de medida da... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMuseum StudiesHistory of Mathematics
Azores y Canarias, archipiélagos ultra periféricos pertenecientes a Portugal y España, sufren condiciones históricas semejantes durante los siglos XIX y XX. Ambos padecen crisis económicas profundas, causadas en gran parte por el abandono... more
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      AzoresTerrorismo de EstadoTerrorismoIslas Canarias
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      Portuguese HistoryPortuguese Discoveries and ExpansionHistory of the Portuguese EmpireHistory of European Expansion
A importância estratégica dos Açores resultou na formação de um vasto património cultural subaquático pós-medieval, constituído por naufrágios e fundeadouros. Este artigo aborda o potencial científico deste património através da... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryUnderwater ArchaeologyArqueología
Descobertas arqueológicas nos Açores e Madeira que demonstram uma ocupação pré-portuguesa das ilhas.
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      Megalithic MonumentsMystery cultPrehistoryAzores
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia; part 6:... more
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      Ancient HistoryHomerCeltic StudiesCuban Studies
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      American HistoryEuropean HistoryBritish HistoryPortuguese History