Recent papers in Avatars
This paper explores the animation of supernumerary avatars, what are called 'alts', in Massively Multiple Online gaming. While all players typically have one avatar in the game world with which they identify and which they play most... more
Presented at VSMM 99 with a demonstration of the Ergo Linguistic Technologies parser and software developed from it. We beat out Nuance for the Best New Innovation Award.
A text about the virtual personas of Gazira Babeli, Helen Carmel Benigson, and Miri Sehgal. We live today in a constructed world, in which human relationships have been increasingly mediatized and in which most of our knowledge of... more
Bu çalışma dijital avatarların iletişimdeki rollerini iki farklı şekilde ele almaktadır. İlk bölümde avatarların kullanıcıları için ne tarz anlamlar taşıdığı tartışılmaktadır. Bu soruya yanıt vermek için Saussure ve Lacan’ın semiyotik... more
Dieser Aufsatz diskutiert die Beschaffenheit und Qualität der Lehre in virtuellen Klassenzimmern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Online-Identitäten. Als Fallbeispiel dient insbesondere eine Lehrveranstaltung, bei der Studierende im... more
When discussing what happens when a player acts into the game world by using an avatar, many people may refer to the feeling he or she experiences as “identification”. But while identification may indeed occur during play, it's far from... more
La relación entre performance y redes sociales es un tema poco explorado, transformándolo no solo en un espacio potente para la experimentación y la creación, sino también en un asunto a analizar desde el punto de... more
The average Hardcore ΜΜORPG Gamer (HCG) has an equally strong feeling of two realities, that is, the in-game reality and the out-of-game reality, albeit with more effective expression of cognitive and social skills as well as with better... more
Durant les années 2006-2007 et 2007, Eva et Franco Mattes explorent les lieux populaires du monde virtuel multiparticipatif Second Life à la recherche des avatars les plus glamours. Ils conçoivent ainsi la série de portraits 13 Most... more
Video games allow people to assume identities through avatars, reducing the cognitive and environmental difficulties present in identity development. They also shape our perceptions of self and our sense of identity. The concept of... more
Helmcken Falls is a 141 m (463 ft) waterfall on the Murtle River within Wells Gray Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada. The protection of Helmcken Falls was one of the reasons for the creation of Wells Gray Provincial Park in... more
Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park, the second national forest park in Zhangjiajie City, is located in the north western Hunan Provice of China, only 8 kilometers from the city proper of... more
This paper will discuss two student projects, which were developed during a hybrid course between art/design and computer sciences at Sabanci University; both of which involve the creation of three dimensionally embodied avatars whose... more
A falta de sociabilidade e calor humano das plataformas de venda na Internet tem sido apontada como um dos principais entraves à sua adoção generalizada. Vários estudos demonstram que a introdução de estímulos sociais aumenta a confiança... more
This essay introduces Avatar and the special issue of animation that Jenna P.S. Ng and I edited on the film.
We investigate how the Proteus effect, which is players changing their way of communication based on characters with which they play, is associated with players' champion usage in the popular online game League of Legends, where champions... more
This essay studies the covert, market driven forces at work in our choices of images for the avatars inhabiting cyberspace, in order to understand the dangers of the exchange of self-images for advertisements. To forge a set of... more
Originally published in 2008, this book documents the life and work of Gazira Babeli, the avatar artist active in Second Life between 2006 and 2010. In about 4 years, Gazira Babeli has created a vast body of works which address the world... more
Dissertation réflexive réalisée dans le cadre du séminaire de maîtrise JEU 6001 "Approches théoriques du jeu vidéo" à l'Université de Montréal, sous la supervision de Bernard Perron.
In this blog post, I attempt to define the feelings that impress binary gender expectations in place with the concept of hetero-comfortability from my ongoing ethnographic work in VRChat. Hetero-comfortability is a process of recognition,... more
ground<c> is a metaverse environment for art education, inspired by 'The Groundcourse'; Roy Ascott's educational methodology developed during the 1960's; the aim of which was to shake up preconceptions and behavioral patterns through... more
One of the tropes of these early years of the twenty-first century is that of the avatar, a virtual representation of a human being used for entertainment , educational, technical, or scientific purposes. The avatar is a product of... more
This study examined the influence of gender, the Big 5 personality factors, and self-esteem on virtual self-representation in the form of avatar-self discrepancy. To examine this, participants designed characters to play in a video game,... more
There is a predominance for cute characters among Japanese virtual YouTubers (VTubers). Men who publicly use feminine avatars to conduct online entertainment are called babiniku in Japan. This research paper investigates whether embodying... more
Creating convincing representations of humans is a fundamental problem in both traditional arts and modern media. In our digital world, virtual avatars allow us to simulate and render the human body for a variety of applications,... more
This paper describes the varieties of mild and more severe forms of deviant behavior in the avatar community known as The Palace. Published in the journal CyberPsychology and Behavior.
This paper reviews literature in virtual environments, virtual reality and game studies that discuss ‘virtual embodiment’. What embodiment signifies is not often made explicit. A phenomenological analysis was employed to examine themes of... more