Arts and education
Recent papers in Arts and education
Art therapy, as a means of self-expression and healing, is used in a variety of clinical and rehabilitation settings. Here, it is tested with a population judged to be involved in terrorism-related activities. This paper presents an... more
Appendix for the thesis Acts of Research: Knowledge Production in Contemporary Art between Knowledge Economy and Critical Practice The term ‘knowledge society’ is used to refer to the increasing relevance of non- manual... more
The term ‘knowledge society’ is used to refer to the increasing relevance of non- manual knowledge-producing labour in current post-industrial economies. Contemporary art, especially since 1989, has not been left out of this trend, to the... more
A historical, political and philosophical approach towards contemporary art education, its social impact and potential.
Taiteen perusopetus on koulun ulkopuolista ensisijaisesti lapsille ja nuorille tarkoitettua taidekasvatusta. Taiteen perusopetus on yksi suomalaisen koulutusjärjestelmän menestystarinoista. Oppilaiden määrä on kasvanut 1990-luvun... more
Kulturelle Teilhabe ist in der Allgemeinen Erklärung der Menschenrechte (Artikel 27) als Menschenrecht verankert, gilt jedoch längst nicht für alle. Im Gegenteil: Eine Vielzahl von Menschen wird nicht von öff entlich geförderten... more
[Punitive] perspectives on artistic education and aesthetic knowing in classrooms void of creative expression. And how to get it back. (A critique and response to the question: What impact would art education have on creative cognition... more
This article explores how aesthetic gestures, experiences, interventions might help us make visible certain problematic, enduring, and historically contingent aspects of the troubling ways of being in which we, modern/Cartesian subjects... more
Art and design are at a crossroads in higher education. The choices we make now will affect the future of our disciplines. How will we move forward, making productive changes that enhance our position as vital and valued contributors to... more
The aim of this thesis is to examine in detail the value that letterpress printing provides by connecting people to the craft. By looking at relevant sources from examples of contemporary letterpress work to literature surrounding the... more
Teaching Shakespeare is a fact for English Literature teachers across the globe, those in Ontario, Canada included. Even though the provincial curriculum does not dictate that Shakespeare be taught at any level, most Ontario high school... more
1. INTRODUCCIÓN El arte instalado es una deriva de los modelos posmodernos y diver-sos del arte actual. Comparte con otras expresiones artísticas su capa-cidad de relatar narrativas particulares que conectan al espectador con temáticas... more
Use of the word "art," or "arts," should be understood to broadly include all specialties associated with the scholarship of art and design, even if other distinctions are necessary for specific inquiries.
Visual and Performing Arts Education through Open and Distance mode of Learning.
Reflecting on his joint appointment in visual art and education, Stanford Professor Eliot Eisner commented that he felt less welcome in the art department (2003). Exploring a job option at one university, I was told that as arts education... more
PARA CITAR: Marfil-Carmona, R. (2008, febrero). Educación Artística y enseñanza de la comunicación audiovisual. Espacios comunes. En F. Maeso Rubio, C. Arañó Gisbert, R. Gutiérrez Pérez, y M.D. Callejón Chinchilla (coords.), II Congreso... more
The future of the arts in higher education--writ large--requires the examination, analysis, and synthesization of many central and peripheral issues if arts education is to be successfully sustained. Present-day and future leadership must... more
As language is a powerful tool for communication, it is necessary that the choice of words we use can be easily understood by others. This website explains to writers the differences between Abstract and Concrete terms. Knowing this... more
""HEA Arts & Humanities Annual Conference 2014, 'Heroes and Monsters: extra-ordinary tales of learning and teaching in the Arts and Humanities' The session discusses the role of the life-model in the teaching of life-drawing, and... more
Thanks to the American Dance Legacy Institute founders Carolyn Adams and Julie Adams Strandberg, the invention of the Repertory Etude has become an unparalleled gift to the field of dance. In the 1990's, the sisters concluded that study... more
In this paper, I discuss the recent merging of two Irish traditional performances, the house-visiting tradition of mumming and the competitive tradition of Lambeg drumming, in the Shared Education Program in Northern Ireland. While the... more
Starting from the speculative fabulation Deep Blue, we aim to explore in this text the pedagogical potentialities implied in this conceptual and cinematic experimentation from the dispositif of the “image-egg”, as a gesture of slowdown of... more
This article tells the story of an elementary school math teacher faced with the challenge of preserving a classroom devoted to innovative and creative learning, as his independent day school moved towards standardization and traditional... more
World's longest art critique! In 2020, a group based at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago spent a total of 16 hours on a single painting, this one, by Deanna Miera. The 16-hour format was a special project: the idea was to talk... more
The paper presents some results of a research about L. S. Vygotsky’s writings up to the year 1923, that is, before the more well-known works in the fields of psychology and education. It is a large number of texts, mostly theatrical... more
Διδακτικές προσεγγίσεις των θετικών επιστημών μέσω των έργων τέχνης.
Ανακοίνωση σε συνέδριο εκπαιδευτικών.
Ανακοίνωση σε συνέδριο εκπαιδευτικών.
¿Qué significa haber egresado de La Esmeralada como "artista visual" en el contexto mexicano del siglo XXI?
Diario psichico è nato come un esperimento: può un testo, una confessione – irregolare, frammentata, sincopata – narrare sulla pagina scritta le immagini prima che le immagini stesse si rendano visibili? Il libro che avete tra le mani è... more
Art is a form of beauty and it needs encouragement to be developed. This Encouragement must come from a wider circle and Jamini Roy took his art works to all classes of people. The name of Jamini Roy shines among the most notable painters... more
La educación artística está cambiando la situación del aprendizaje en la escuela. Las nuevas metodologías artísticas conciben un currículo educativo que se enmarca en los procesos creativos que permiten un aprendizaje activo y... more
Arts Impact summarizes lessons learned at the ArtsBridge Program. It is informed by in-depth participant observation, logic modeling, and quantitative evaluation of program impact on K-12 students in inner city schools and arts students... more
‘The Educational Turn in Art: Rewriting the Hidden Curriculum,’ co-authored with Janna Graham and Susan Kelly, Performance Research ‘On Radical Education' issue, Vol. 21:6, December 2016. In about 2006, the art world developed a prolonged... more
An exoploration and investigation into possible Graduate Art and Design Degree plans.
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