Armenian Genocide
Recent papers in Armenian Genocide
Historical introduction to the medical protocol of the study Trauma and Resilience.
Introduction to 2022 book
Ayhan Aktar has been working on anti-minority policies in modern Turkey since 1991. In the Ottoman Empire’s final decade (in 1906), non-Muslims constituted 20% of the population; by 1927, they were reduced to 2.5% and, nowadays, they make... more
When the Greeks and surviving Armenians of present-day Turkey were forced to leave their homeland in 1922, the movable and immovable property they had to leave behind became known as „abandoned property“(emval-i metruke). In theory, this... more
A VERY rare book, almost impossible to find, about the Masonic "forces" and their political maneuverings in the Middle East since colonialist times...
Abstract. The author analyzes the Ottoman Archives as a source of information on the Armenian Genocide of 1915. He discusses the contradictory positions of two broad groups of scholars on the reliability of these archives, concluding that... more
Werîsê Sor & Kızıl Urgan, Alan Ward, (Amadekirin û werger
& Çeviri ve yayına hazırlama: Adnan Çelik & Ergin Opengin), Avesta, 2021.
& Çeviri ve yayına hazırlama: Adnan Çelik & Ergin Opengin), Avesta, 2021.
To download click here : La promulgation de la loi du 23 février 2005 « portant reconnaissance de la Nation et contribution nationale en faveur des Français rapatriés » donne lieu à un... more
This paper explores the intersection of trauma, memory, and identity through the lens of resilience. Here we take resilience in its multiple, even conflicting meanings and resonances – encompassing continuity, persistence, and adaptation.... more
To download click here : This paper attempts to provide a more complete understanding of the so-called right to the truth, deriving from court-made doctrine in the human rights field, and... more
The Demographic, Cultural, Psychological, Geographic, Economic, and Political Consequences of the Armenian Genocide, Որոշ դիտարկումներ Հայոց ցեղասպանութեան ժողովրդագրական, աշխարհագրական, մշակութային, տնտեսական, քաղաքական եւ հոգեբանական... more
The article describes the latest addition into USC Shoah Foundation's Visual History Archive, which is the collection of interviews with witnesses and survivors of Armenian genocide. The text deals with the characteristics of the... more
To download click here : Tant le langage courant que le langage historiographique contemporain définissent le négationnisme comme une doctrine ou une position idéologique consistant à nier... more
Un hecho que se ha repetido a lo largo de la historia es, sin duda, analizar el valor de algunas palabras que, además de dar nombre a una situación, reflejan en sus orígenes las circunstancias de su concepción. Tal es el caso de la... more
This piece intends to shed light on the genocide process, which took place in Hinis was the kaza of Erzurum Province during the World War I. The Russian author, Lev Kipiani, had been to Hinis in 1916, and in the newspaper of Kavkazskoye... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze the speeches and discourses given to Armenian-American citizens by both President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama before and during presidency in the last one and a half decades. It is... more
AGOS 13.12.2019 Kısa Biyografim 1919’da Üsküdar’da (Istanbul) doğdum. Lise tahsilimi Getronagan Ermeni Lisesi’nde yaptıktan sonra Istanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi’ne girdim. 1943’de mezun oldum. 1935’den beri T. K. P.’ye... more
Four Years in the Mountains of Kurdistan, 1915-1919 Book Review: Aram Haigaz (Aram Chekenian), Four Years in the Mountains of Kurdistan, 1915-1919, translated and edited by Iris Haigaz-Chekenian (New York: Maiden Lane Press, 2014)... more
Interview: Merve Erol with Adnan Celik and Namik Kemal Dinç for Perspectives, Issues 13, 2015, pp.42-51 An important center of the Armenian genocide was Diyarbakır. Both the urban Armenian population and the convoys passing through the... more
5th Grade textbook; The Armenian American community since 1600AD
5րդ դասարանի դասագիրք.- Ամերիկահայ գաղութը՝ 1600ական թուականներէն մինչեւ այսօր
5րդ դասարանի դասագիրք.- Ամերիկահայ գաղութը՝ 1600ական թուականներէն մինչեւ այսօր
A review of an important English translation of the History of the seventh century Armenian historian Sebēos.
Riccardo Pasqualin, Metz Yeghérn. Breve storia del genocidio degli armeni di Claude Mutafian [recensione], in, 25-02-2021: Metz Yeghérn. Breve storia del genocidio degli armeni - Claude Mutafian - Recensione libro... more
details the ending episode of Smyrna in 1922
Análise das fontes consideradas clássicas do Genocídio Armênio e do debate historiográfico que elas suscitaram, com ênfase nos depoimentos de Arnold Toynbee sobre as atrocidades turcas na Armênia. Artigo publicado na Revista Brasileira de... more
Issues relating to Mandate for Armenia
Հայաստանի Մանտաթի վերաբերող հարցեր
Հայաստանի Մանտաթի վերաբերող հարցեր
Ronald Grigor Suny, “They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else.” A History of the Armenian Genocide. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015.
Book review: Shattered dreams of revolution: from liberty to violence in the late Ottoman empire, By Bedross Der Matossian
ABSTRACT Why do international institutions promote emotional norms? In order to answer this question, the article, first, maps the legitimizing arguments put forward by the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in promoting an... more
“New light on the 'Malta Tribunal of 1919-1921: Britain’s unsuccessful attempt to bring Turks to trial after WW1” 2017 BATAS Spring Symposium, May 6, 2017–Saturday (11.00 - 11.50 A.M. - including Q&A) Wolfson Lecture Theatre, Senate... more
Paper presented to the international conference 'The Crime of Genocide: Prevention, Condemnation and Elimination of Consequences', Yerevan, 14-15 Dec 2010
Een korte weergave van het stappenplan van een genocide volgens Stanton toegepast op de Armeense genocide. Voor verbetering vatbaar.
En 1914, les Jeunes-Turcs à la tête de l’État ottoman misaient sur une guerre brève. L'histoire leur donna tort. Est-ce pour écourter cette guerre qu'il qualifia dans ses mémoires de « longue et terrible », que Cemal Pacha, l'un des... more
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE 18th С. ALEPPO’S ARMENIAN COMMUNITY IN ALEXANDER RUSSELL’S “THE NATURAL HISTORY OF ALEPPO” Keywords- Syria, Ottoman Empire, religion, Turks, Chrisians, Muslims, Jews, Europeans, tradition, plague The book... more
ISBN 978–954–8765–09–1
ISBN 978–954–8765–09–1