Architectural Preservation & Restoration
Recent papers in Architectural Preservation & Restoration
Las investigaciones realizadas para la elaboración del informe histórico-artístico encargado para la restauración de la torre campanario de la iglesia parroquial de Ricla (Zaragoza) han permitido trazar con bastante precisión la historia... more
Questa ricerca mira, sugli evidenti “valori” culturali, storici e architettonici del patrimonio militare ancora presenti nell'Arcipelago di La Maddalena, ad approfondire la conoscenza di queste strutture ea proporre idee e linee guida... more
This paper will contribute to our understanding of a number of ancient monuments, Roman theatres and amphitheatres, in the complex context of reusing cultural and environmental resources in Italy. This also involves an interpretation of... more
This research aims, on the evident cultural, historical and architectural ‘values’ of the military heritage still present in the Archipelago of La Maddalena, to deepen knowledge of these structures and to propose ideas and guidelines on... more
Alice Davis Hitchcock Award for 1992, Society of Architectural Historians. Most Outstanding Book in Architecture and Urban Planning, Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American Publishers, Inc., 1991.... more
The Transfiguration Cathedral at the same time was founded and growing with the City of Odessa. It became the largest temple for spiritual life for citizens within the NW Black Sea region in the early twentieth century. The Cathedral was... more
The revolutionary Spangen social-housing complex (1919-1921) in Rotterdam, by Michiel Brinkman, has recently been immaculately restored (2012). The project pioneered “street in the sky” deck access, an idea that famously inspired Alison... more
Fase cruciale nella storia del restauro italiana è quella coincidente con i decenni compresi tra la fine dell'Ottocento e gli inizi del Novecento, segnati dall'evoluzione, non priva di equivoci, da una prassi diffusamente improntata alla... more
"The 18 homeowners of this 1981 Postmodern style complex, under the leadership of past HOA president Alison Perchuk, were recognized for their exemplary work to maintain its structural and material integrity and workmanship."
Izložba Etnografski muzej-palača s potpisom organizira se povodom završetka obnove Etnografskog muzeja kojom je rekonstruirana dekoracija pročelja ove građevine. Jedina u secesijskom stilu namjenski podignuta muzejska zgrada u Hrvatskoj... more
Att bygga nya villor har blivit en känslig fråga i Schweiz. Få vill se det pittoreska landskapet förändras mer. I stället har det blivit populärt att gestalta om hus. Frida Grahn ser en spännande ny genre där nytt och gammalt krockar.
- by Frida Grahn
- Contemporary Architecture, Architectural Preservation & Restoration, Built Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Urban Art, Urban Design, Urban Regeneration Through Art, Urban Light, Urban Development, Rehabilitation, Reuse of Industrial Buildings., Adaptive Reused Historical Building for New Purposed
Ceramic material is certainly a key element in the cultural heritage, particularly in historical buildings. This material involves specific problems when addressing preservation, as well as conservation and restoration interventions. This... more
The Indian Miniature Painting has always been a form of narrative that uses visuals, colours, lines and objects composed in pictorial space with inclusive vitality and feeling to evoke moods that are reflective of the season, time or... more
Gerega L.I. Attribution of a Wooden Carving Piece without Original Historical Data The article focuses on the attribution of the piece without initial historical data, which was restored. The research object is a carved gilded frame from... more
This article examines the collaborative art project What’s the Time in Vyborg? initiated by Liisa Roberts as a critical response to the architectural restoration of Alvar Aalto’s Vyborg (Viipuri) Library (1927-35) located in Vyborg,... more
Las casetas de pescadores del concello de Carnota en A Coruña.
Inventario (2006), Actuación de recuperación (2008) y Plan de Protección (2010).
Inventario (2006), Actuación de recuperación (2008) y Plan de Protección (2010).
This is an overview about the cooperation my university had with the ministry of Heritage and culture about the documentation of four vernacular settlements in Oman. This is an award-winning research that involved a large number of... more
The preservation and revitalization of the architectural heritage of the twentieth century is a complex challenge, cause of the diversity of materials, the specialization of their spaces and the ephemeral nature, which constituted the... more
El Castillo se ubica en la ensenada de La Herradura, en el Término Municipal de Almuñécar (Granada). Fue construido como parte de las mejoras en la defensa de la costa del antiguo Reino de Granada realizadas durante el reinado de Carlos... more
Bu sunumda, 1993 yılından beri Safranbolu'da restorasyonunu gerçekleştirdiğim 4 konağı tanıtacağım ve Safranbolu özelinden hareketle Osmanlı konaklarının yapısal sorunlarını tartışacağım. (Abdülmecid’in) Macunağası İzzet Efendi Konağı... more
Už niekoľko rokov sa aj na Slovensku zdôrazňuje potreba šetrenia energiami, v dôsledku čoho sa pri starších budovách pristupuje k zatepľovaniu obvodových plášťov budov. Klasické zatepľovacie systémy však nie je vhodné použiť vo všetkých... more
Las recientes obras de restauración en el Baño del Nogal o Bañuelo (ḥammām al-Ŷawza) en Granada (España), nos han permitido profundizar en el conocimiento de este importante ejemplo de arquitectura andalusí. En este trabajo presentamos... more
Il restauro della facciata della basilica di San Pietro in Roma nel progetto del prof. Sandro Benedetti, dirigente tecnico della Fabbrica di San Pietro, è illustrato in un'intervista a Giovanni Carbonara nella quale s'evidenziano la... more
L’indagine svolta intendeva verificare e definire il contributo di Antonio Mollari, nella progettazione e realizzazione di Palazzo De Sanctis a Matelica, opera allo stesso già attribuita, in forza di poche evidenze documentarie. Di fatto... more
In "Arte Italiana decorativa e industriale" Aemilia Ars was described by Camillo Boito as a national modern movement influenced by the Arts and Crafts model. This paper starts searching around the context and connections between 'fin de... more
This MA thesis project is a result of an exhaustive research of the Tüköry Mansion in Dioš, near Daruvar, Croatia, conducted at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb (under the mentorship of Prof. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, Ph.D.,... more
In Chicago, the historic courtyard buildings dating back to the time period roughly from the Columbian Exposition to the Great Depression display distinctly identifiable characteristics in terms of planning, design and construction... more
In the last years, the international debate has drawn attention to the complex issues regarding the transformation of the waterfront and the simultaneous preservation of memory and identity of places. The case study on the implementation... more
Nel 1964 la Carta di Venezia di “restauro urbanistico” e di “sito urbano” che, riallacciandosi ai principi della Carta di Atene (1931), articolano il dibattito culturale fra edi- fi fra “edilizia” ed “architettura”, sulla scorta del... more
Heritage Preservation is an essential and fundamental topic in the context of issues of concern around the world. It is a clear indication of the progress of civilizations, the one from which subsequent generations derive their culture... more
Traditional Chilean architecture tends to respond to the variety of climates and the seismic conditions. For the first one, Chile extends from the Atacama Desert, known as the driest desert in the world, to Patagonia. Chile has a length... more
Highway är en graffitimålning i Rågsved i Stockholm. Den är målad 1989 av SHOF, Still Heavens Only Force. SHOF var ett graffiticrew som verkade längs tunnelbanans linje 19, främst i Rågsved och Hagsätra. Verket domineras av tex- ten... more
El edificio de la Hostería es, en realidad, una casa dentro de
otra casa que puede desmontarse sin dejar apenas huella,
garantizando una casi completa REVERSIBILIDAD de la
otra casa que puede desmontarse sin dejar apenas huella,
garantizando una casi completa REVERSIBILIDAD de la