Anthropology of Education
Recent papers in Anthropology of Education
Background Social capital, defined as the people one knows and the resources available through that network of people, has been a key variable in research examining the participation of women and underrepresented minority students in... more
EPISTEMOLOGICAL AND CULTURAL CHANGES: MYTH-HERMENEUTICS AND DISJUNCTIONS Janina Mirtha Gladys Moquillaza Sanchez ABSTRACT This myth-hermeneutical reflection is about the process and results of consultancies given to mas-tering and... more
Contribution to the IJSSP's special issue 'Growing up in divided societies'.
A start to this reflection is the fact that "connection" derives from a Latin word that means binding together and close union (OED, Compact Edition, p838). Disconnection, with the usual negative meaning of the prefix "Dis", then can be... more
What is the relationship among migration, education, and socio-emotional well-being? This article draws on ethnographic research with Dominican youth to examine the impact of maternal migration on young immigrants and their educational... more
Can Indigenous language use transform state politics? In Ecuador, speakers of Kichwa (Ecuadorian Quechua) head a national, intercultural bilingual school system that promotes and teaches Indigenous languages. In their professional roles,... more
Background Social capital, defined as the people one knows and the resources available through that network of people, has been a key variable in research examining the participation of women and underrepresented minority students in... more
En este trabajo se analiza un corpus de relatos de vida de los alumnos del Máster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, y Formación Profesional impartido en Ecuador durante el curso... more
Politics of Integration of Cultural Heritage in Education ------------------------------------------------------------- The first study of this Issue was conducted by Dr. Saeed Al-Masri under the title “Policies of integration of... more
A disciplina pretende analisar e problematizar os principais aspectos da chamada construção do pensamento lógico-matemático e do letramento matemático de crianças, especialmente no âmbito da educação infantil e dos anos iniciais do ensino... more
In this period of interrogations and uncertainties in relation to the subjects of remote education, classroom teaching and distance learning, it is essential to discuss and reflect on the issue of culture in education. This is a topic... more
Este libro está especialmente dirigido a educadores y trabajadores sociales que deseen valerse de la etnografía como instrumento de análisis con el que interpretar y comprender las realidades en las que llevan a cabo sus prácticas... more
The results of the research Dominant and Demotic School Culture: Analysis of Tension Fields (2014-2015) are presented in the paper. Qualitative data analysis using interviews, observation, etc. was chosen for this ethnographically... more
For several years, Czech mothers of young children have faced the same dilemma: their child, due to low capacity, was not accepted in a state Kindergarten and the family has to decide what to do next. Only few alternatives to a state-run... more
Целью теоретической статьи является актуализация поля образования для предметной области специальности "Этнография, этнология и антропология." Содержанием специальности «Этнография, этнология и антропология» является изучение истории и... more
Undergraduate students often struggle with understanding the theories of Bourdieu, but they are essential for understanding how power and privilege are reproduced in society. Revealing students’ complicity in this system is a powerful... more
In che modo colui/colei che apprende può essere considerato/a un agente attivo durante una lezione frontale, partecipata o un lavoro di gruppo? A tal proposito, si cercherà di capire fin dove si può spingere la libertà e la responsabilità... more
in Quelle université pour l’Afrique ?, sous la direction de Noble Akam et de Roland Ducasse, pp. 127-148. Pessac : Maison des sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine.
Em período recente tem havido uma intensa profusão de pesquisas qualitativas em educação no Brasil, ganhando um destaque crescente o uso da etnografia, entretanto, tem ocorrido também um intenso debate sobre os usos e possibilidades da... more
"My Father Was Told to Talk to the Environment First Before Anything Else" Arctic Environmental Education in the Language of the Land, Chapter 16 (pp 285-298) in Fields of Green: Restorying Culture, Environment, and Education” by... more
Mes mots résonnent dans ma tête et vibrent comme une corde à l’intérieur d’un piano pour former la mélodie de ma pensée. D’où me viennent-ils ? De quoi sont-ils l’écho ? Sont-ils bien à moi ou suis-je livré à eux ? M’appartiennent-ils ou... more
In this paper a crucial issue is being discussed which emerges in the context of progressing diversity of the schooling environment, as well the whole public sphere in general, i�e� cultural assimilation� This problem is to be addressed... more
Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата исторических наук
The prime intention of the present Study “A Study on Model Schools at Elementary Level: Role of MRGs’ In Classroom Instruction and In School Developmental Activities in Telangana Districts of Andhra Pradesh “ is introducing Model Schools... more
Women and underrepresented minority (URM) undergraduates declare and complete science, technology, engineering, and mathematics majors at different rates in comparison to majority groups. Explanations of these differences have long been... more
La siguiente investigación buscó analizar la formación impartida en una institución educativa privada de estilo preuniversitario, profundizando en el rol del profesor y tutor como actores claves. Para ello, se hizo un trabajo de campo en... more
Rockwell, E., & Apodaca, E. (2012). Anthropological Research on Educational Processes in Mexico. In Anderson-Levitt K. (Ed.), Anthropologies of Education: A Global Guide to Ethnographic Studies of Learning and Schooling (pp. 71-92).... more
The National Conference on Right to Education, focusing on the issues and concerns of Implementation was organized during 25-26 February 2014. The conference aimed at closely examining the RTE Act and its implementation through the... more
Although social movements are frequently background and occasionally foreground in the studies of anthropologists of education, the knowledges produced by movements have seldom been a focus of our work. In this Reflection on the Field, I... more
ABSTRACT – Anthropology of Education: an introduction. What is the anthropology of education, and what does it contribute to the study of education? Those questions orient this special issue of Educação & Realidade. Anthropologies of... more
Il rapporto tra scuola e migrazioni è stato oggetto di ampio dibattito in seno alle discipline antropologiche, in particolare nell’ambito degli studi di antropologia dell’educazione. Questo capitolo si propone di fornire un quadro il più... more