Most downloaded papers in Animism
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
Preface Throughout all of Europe we find examples of folk-belief assigning special qualities to the seventh-born son or daughter of a family. At times these attributes were positive, at times negative. However, they always had a magical... more
From ecodelic triplit, the peyoteros’ sense of place, interspecies communication and animistic healing to ecocentric entheogenic rituals, psychedelic bioregionalism, biogenetic structuralist ecopsychology and transpersonal ecosophy – this... more
How do we take indigenous animism seriously in the sense proposed by Viveiros de Castro? In this article, I pose this challenge to all the major theories of animism, stretching from Tylor and Durkheim, over Lévi-Strauss to Ingold. I then... more
Benyshek, D. (2013). A historical and critical overview of the artist as shaman and recent research. In A. Czyżewski & E.E. Djaltchinova-Malets (Eds.), Shamanhood and its arts. Budapest, Hungary: Bibliotheca Shamanistica, Akademia... more
The concept of the archetype in modern psychology has its roots in animistic mythological thinking, part and parcel of our unconscious psychology. The unconscious constantly produces animistic motifs. Platonism and Jungian psychology are... more
In recent years, the topic of plant intelligence has been making the science pages of news publications with increasing regularity. Consider, for instance, November's BBC article detailing a host of expert opinions on topics such as plant... more
'This book is platypus-like, unclassifiable.' - Marina Warner, London Review of Books + Since the 19th century, dolls have served as toys but also as objects of obsession, love, and lust. That century witnessed the emergence of the term... more
A simplified go-to document that shall the give the reader an overview of the pillars of African Traditional Religion. It also promises to be a book that urges the reader to find out more about African Traditional Religion because it... more
Latour’s Gaia serves the agenda of the rewesternization of the state of nature of the Anthropocene. Gaia’s philosophical rituals, her tamed savagery, rationalistic animism, theologico-political constructivism and leviathanic sovereignty... more
In the following I will provide a glimpse into the variety of human experience. This means that how humans conceptualise the world they live in is not dictated upon them by a transcendent reality, but is wrought into the world by human... more
A Qualitative Investigation of United States Mediums’ Impressions of Spirits and the Afterlife - Jennifer Lyke Taking Soul Birds Seriously: A Post-Secular Animist Perspective on Extra-Ordinary Communications - Brian Taylor... more
Editorial CSIC, Colección Biblioteca de dialectología y tradiciones populares, 332 páginas, ISBN: 978-84-00-10347-7 --- Resumen: Son numerosos los estudios sobre chamanismo, pero casi inexistentes las monografías que abordan directamente... more
The Siberian Northeast shows striking parallels between the cosmologies of hunters and reindeer herders. What may this tell us about the transformation from hunting to pastoralism? This article argues for a structural identity between... more
El presente texto se subdivide en tres partes: en la primera se discute como desde la migraciones iniciales del continente asiático, se llegó a la formación del horizonte mapuche; en la segunda se ilustra la cultura mapuche, y en... more
Abstracts (English and Russian) : Strong ritual ties are characteristic of early stages of epics in general (Zhirmunsky 1985; Putilov 1997) and of Philippine epics in particular (Manuel 1963). The hudhud has been repeatedly claimed to... more
[Abstract] The identification of mental visions through prehistoric artwork has been the central focus in the archaeology of shamanism. Vigorous debate surrounding the shamanic trance concerns whether the neuropsychological model is... more
“O rizoma é uma estrutura de pensamento inteiramente alternativa e bizarra. O rizoma tende a crescer na horizontal, imediatamente abaixo ou acima do solo, criando estolhos. É impossível classificar, orientar ou intervir no seu... more
Rock art, once an often-neglected subject, is increasingly considered a meaningful social practice among past and present communities. This thesis adds to a growing body of research that regards rock art as more than art or ideation, but... more
Stories of pagan redemption. Guardians of the land, loss of powers, and human disrespect. Exile of the faery folk under capitalist privatization of the commons, industrialization, christianization and war. Longing for deliverance.... more
As proposed in 2012 by the 3th International Geological Congress, the Anthropocene is the geological epoch of the Quaternary Period following the Holocene, the age that accounts for the transformation of humans into a force shaping the... more
This public article presents three arguments for the plausibility of panpsychism: the view that sentience is a fundamental and ubiquitous element of actuality. Thereafter is presented a brief exploration of why panpsychism has been... more
Divine Molecule Talks at Tyringham – Part II Exploring Entheogenic Entity Encounters – A private symposium. Tyringham Hall, May 29th – June 1st, 2017. (Curator and compère) by Anton Bilton, Dr David Luke & Rory Spowers. Dr Luis Luna -... more
En los últimos siglos, las ideas religiosas se han desvinculado de las ideas sobre el desarrollo, en sentido amplio. Ahora, algunos trabajos pioneros en la antropología están retomando estos nexos. Una característica en común en estos... more
Anyone who stays in the Western Amazon lowlands for a while will be confronted with a multitude of disturbing experiences: indigenous or mestizo people tell stories that sound rather mythical and unbelievable to moderns, though people... more