Analytical bibliography
Recent papers in Analytical bibliography
Books and bibliophily in Franco Maria Ricci's Labyrinth
Techniques applied to description of hand-press-era literary works can be turned toward popular duplication processes. Close examination of material objects tests other forms of evidence and aids in identifying potential concerns... more
Anthology of Portuguese fiction, novel, poetry, theatre, etc. on the Knights Templar
Agent-Based Modeling is a research method that represents theories of social behavior as computer programs of a particular kind, rather than narratives (as ethnography does) or equations (as regression models do). Like existing research... more Bibliografia internazionale, ragionata e annotata, delle opere su Primo Levi, dal 1947 a oggi A cura di Domenico Scarpa Presentazione generale Nella bibliografia delle opere su Primo Levi sono stati inseriti... more
This research presents a model to collect the necessary data on the books through the reference setting (Bibliography) and analysis of the book technically to make The information provided for the researcher is scientific and well planned... more
The goal of compiling of the CROATIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF WORKS ON BASKETBALL PUBLISHED UNTIL 2020. is to publish and give for use of a list of a selected, systematized and organized bibliographic resources significant for Croatian... more
Organized with the assistance of an international advisory committee of medievalists from several disciplines, Medieval Latin: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide is a new standard guide to the Latin language and literature of the... more
GREGORI ROIG, R. Mª i VARELA RODRÍGUEZ, Mª E., “El libro de la liturgia de las Horas: Un breviario del monasterio de San cugat del Vallès”, published on: Homenaje a Pedro Arroyal Espigares, catedrático jubilado de la Universidad de Málaga... more
Con il termine "famiglie subalpine" si intendono le famiglie presenti (all'interno degli Stati continentali dell'antico Regno di Sardegna, governati dalla dinastia sabauda) nella storia e nelle vicende di Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta, Nizza,... more
In this regularly updated bibliography, literature on psalms and the Psalter from 1990 onwards is brought together; scientific sources as well as those which are more accessible are included (earlier literature in T. WITTSTRUCK: The Book... more
The bibliography in the 21st century acquires a new impuls, now as a basis for bibliometric measurements, in demand both for the evaluation of individual and institutional publications ratings, and for a comparative analysis of trends in... more
The first issue of Hekima Review was published in 1988, four years after the official opening of Hekima College. The previous issue, number 50, came off the press at the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Hekima College. Hekima... more
edited by Bálint Lakatos and Rudolf Paksa; contributors: Ádám Bollók, Lajos Berkes, Tamás Barta, Tünde Cserpes, Imre Garai, Balázs Krémer, Bálint Lakatos, Béla Mihalik, Viktor Marsai, Bence Péterfi, Rudolf Paksa, Mariann Slíz, Erzsébet... more
Chronique de l'Archéologie wallonne. Hors série
A short enquire on Nicolas Jenson's roman type (Venice, 1470) based on photographic enlargements of printed type. It includes an in-depth analysis of the letterforms, an investigation of the spread and a discussion on two mutations (that... more
This thesis explores how the paratexts to and physical features of English Tudor books about the New World presented the books’ content to their original readers. The contribution this thesis makes to knowledge is threefold. First, the... more
This material was originally published in Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation, edited by Margaret King, and has been reproduced by permission of Oxford University Press... more
Libros, folletos, tesis y tesinas en castellano, catalán, gallego y francés, publicados entre 2000 y 2011, con exclusión de las reediciones de obras ya publicadas entre 1970 y 1999. Esta bibliografía ordenada en siete capítulos, que... more
Published on: Chrònica o commentari del gloriosíssim e invictíssim rey en Iacme, En València. En cassa de la biuda de Ioan Mey Flandro, 1557. Alacant, Institut Provincial “Juan Gil-Albert” i Diputació Provincial, 2008, pp. 9-38. ISBN 13:... more
Il contributo analizza la storia editoriale dell’opera di Antonio Veneziano, esponente principale del petrarchismo siciliano. Tra le più importanti del Cinquecento letterario siciliano, l’opera poetica di Veneziano conobbe una scarsissima... more
Exhaustive Bibliography of all the articles published in Euzko Gogoa, a literary journal of the Basque diaspora from 1949 to 1959.
El documento presenta el listado bibliográfico (con respectivos vínculos URL) de la autobiografía descriptiva del Dr. Xavier Gamboa Villafranca. Los materiales están categorizados por tipo convencional de presentación de materiales... more
Plano de aula de disciplina ministrada no Mestrado Profissional do Programa de Pós Graduação de Preservação de Acervos de Ciência e Tecnologia. 2020