Alternative Education
Recent papers in Alternative Education
Waldorf Education follows a holistic approach of children’s development, where the fundamental characteristics are creative/artistic activities, integrating imagination-based teaching methods to support and enhance the development of... more
A method for unlocking student engagement and ownership of learning through packaging the pursuit of knowledge & creating a call to adventure... Learn how to design learning that unfolds and builds ownership, craft, talent, genius... more
This article introduces this Special Issue of FORUM with a discussion of freedom and autonomy and considers the ways in which alternative approaches to pedagogy might provide opportunities to address inequalities in the context of... more
В сборника са събрани автентични текстове и ресурси, които са включени в смесеното изследване по проект "Концептуално и приложно многообразие на свръзаността между формалното и неформалното образование", финансирано от Университетски фонд... more
Tierney, G. (2018). Alternative Schools in the United States: How History, Policy, and Definitions of Success Define Alternative Schools and the Youth Who Attend Them. In McCluskey, G. & Mills, M. (Eds.) International perspectives on... more
This paper undertakes a critical analysis of approaches to education that claim to foster for their students "ideas and predispositions toward global citizenship". International education forms the ground and broad context for this... more
This paper is about educational policy in England. It explores the Coalition Government's key policies about localism, decentralisation and education, and assesses whether these present opportunities for a radical school to apply for... more
Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning. Montuori, A.... more
There has been a continuous attack on education, particularly alternative, progressive, democratic and liberatory forms of education that seek social justice and an equality of opportunity for all to develop. In the UK this has led to an... more
Oyun çocuğun hayal gücünün bir ürünü olarak hem eğlence hem de yeni öğrenme alanları sunuyor. Oyuncak ise oyunu kolaylaştıran ve hatta kimi zaman oyunu var eden bir öge olarak çocuğun dünyasının vazgeçilmezlerinden. Modern eğitim... more
Notre proposition se pose la question des raisons et des ressources du geste « d’enseigner différemment » à l’université française pour les enseignants de philosophie qui déplorent l’absence de pédagogie universitaire. Pour ce faire,nous... more
African American youth are 3.5 times more likely than their white counterparts to be expelled from traditional public schools and sent to an alternative school—an exclusionary disciplinary setting focused on behavior modification. Yet how... more
The Waldorf approach, with currently over one thousand institutions on all five continents, is the largest independent school movement in the world. It is built on the humanistic ideals and values of its founder, the scientist and... more
"Throughout the course of its history, Thailand has thrived on international commerce and interacting with global forces. During the past two centuries, Thailand has faced a progression of events threatening its self-definition requiring... more
Rudnicki, P. (2014). ASSA – „szkoła, która nie chciała być szkołą” – dwadzieścia lat później. W: K. Gawlicz, P. Rudnicki, M. Starnawski, T. Tokarz (red.), Demokracja i edukacja: dylematy, diagnozy, doświadczenia (s. 244–278). Wrocław:... more
[Punitive] perspectives on artistic education and aesthetic knowing in classrooms void of creative expression. And how to get it back. (A critique and response to the question: What impact would art education have on creative cognition... more
From the perspective of alternative education philosophies, compulsory schooling seems ridiculous. Firstly there are the human and children's rights issues. The lack of care for the dignity of the person, the physical violence, the... more
A zene és a tánc, mint sajátosan emberi önkifejezési, és egyben kommunikációs lehetőség kiválóan alkalmas a rögtönzésre. Számos zene-és táncpedagógiai koncepció megalkotója látta meg ebben azt a lehetőséget, hogy a készségek – többek... more
In the presence of Mikhail Petrovich Schetinin - the founder of the unique school in Tekos. Please also see the new video obout this unique school:
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
To buy for £26.99 go here: This book addresses issues around elective... more
Culture-bound disorders, or culture-bound mental disorders, are psychological disorders or syndromes that are considered specific or closely related to cultural factors and or particular ethno cultural groups By definition, the hikikomori... more
This research aims to analyse the relationship between the embedding of bushcraft skills into formal countryside management qualifications and the performance of students. It shows through the testing of two cohorts of students one of... more
Waldorf schools strive to create learning opportunities for well-rounded growth of the individual through the faculties of thinking, feeling and willing. Assessment, as perceived and practised in these schools, should in the first place... more
A review of best practice in hospital and home school education (alternative provision) in England, including a focus on the needs of students with complex mental health needs.
Youth mental health is an area of profound disparity between the demand and supply of services, particularly in schools that serve students at risk of school dropout. This article describes the conceptual foundations and implementation of... more
This study attempts to examine the current methods of teaching science in schools and provide alternative, innovative approaches for teaching science in schools. This research looks at how the current techniques of teaching science,... more
A far-ranging review of a new book for young readers on how to get involved in and build a real movement, here & now, to transform awareness and take local action hands- and hearts-on as active agents in confronting climate change: a... more