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      John MuirEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental AnthropologyReligion and Ecology
By examining several versions of eco-centrism, I argue that environmental eco-centrism fails as a normative principle. Consequentialist versions fail since they cannot generate traditional moral principles and may in fact be inconsistent... more
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      Aldo LeopoldEcocentrism
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      Environmental PhilosophyEcosystem ServicesEnvironmental EthicsEcosystem management
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      Human EcologyEnvironmental PoliticsDeGrowthLimits to Growth
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      Environmental HistoryEnvironmental RhetoricAldo Leopold
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      Aldo LeopoldEcologiaLand Ethics
In this chapter, the inquiry shifts to the scale of the local and everyday, specifically to the topic of gardening, in the hope of integrating the theory and practice of a deeply pragmatic form of environmental communication. Gardening is... more
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      Environmental EthicsJohn DeweyPragmatism (Philosophy)Aldo Leopold
I argue that a central question for any Leopold scholar interested in animal studies concerns the precise valuation of the animal in his ethical theory. Do animals have value merely insofar as they preserve the integrity, stability, and... more
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      Animal StudiesEcologyAldo Leopold
Conservation is getting nowhere because it is incompatible with our Abrahamic concept of land. We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it... more
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      Human EcologyEnvironmental PhilosophyEnvironmental PoliticsCommunitarianism
Il presente lavoro si pone l'obiettivo di portare alla luce alcuni degli elementi che caratterizzano il pensiero di Aldo Leopold, da molti considerato il “genio fondatore” della contemporanea etica ambientale. Il primo capitolo si dedica... more
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      Landscape EcologyEnvironmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsAldo Leopold
Les relations des humains avec les autres êtres naturels reçoivent désormais l’attention des éthiques du care. La vulnérabilité de ces êtres devant l’action humaine invite à une culture de la sensibilité morale élargie à l’environnement,... more
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      Cora DiamondCare EthicsAldo LeopoldJ Baird Callicott
I think of this as one of my more significant reviews, not only due to its dealings with the underlying orientation of a major environmental philosopher but also because it is here that I say a few words about my own conception of... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental Political TheoryEnvironmental Politics
Aldo Leopold’s land ethic is often compared to the ethics of many North American Indigenous communities, like Tribes and First Nations. Such comparisons can be considered important today because they are a potential option for bringing... more
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      Native American StudiesEnvironmental ScienceEthicsApplied Ethics
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      Philosophy of NatureNatureAldo LeopoldGeorge Ivanovich Gurdjieff
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      PhilosophyEducationAlternative EducationPlato
Ecocentrism is the broadest term for worldviews that recognize intrinsic value in all lifeforms and ecosystems themselves, including their abiotic components. Anthropocentrism, in contrast, values other lifeforms and ecosystems insofar as... more
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      Landscape EcologySociologyEnvironmental SociologyEnvironmental Science
ABSTRACT (in english – résumé en français en-dessous) : First analysing the French expression « éthiques de l’environnement » (translating « environmental ethics », « ethics of respect for Nature », a. s. o.), I recall the... more
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      Moral PsychologyEnvironmental EthicsMoral PhilosophyHans Jonas
Invasion Biology, the study of biota redistributed via human agency, has traditionally traced its founding to Charles Elton’s 1958 book The Ecology of invasions by Animals and Plants. But there were many substantial, scientific... more
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      American HistoryPhilosophy of ScienceEnvironmental PhilosophyEnvironmental Education
Although this book is about the newly emerging academic field of environmental communication, it is also about voice and practical activism. I contend that a deeply pragmatic form of environmental communication has the potential to... more
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      Environmental EthicsEnvironmental SustainabilityPragmatism (Philosophy)Environmental Activism
Climate change and extreme weather events are an ever-increasing concern on planet earth during this epoch called the Anthropocene. Water is front and centre in all these experiences from oceans rising, to increased floods and... more
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      Cultural StudiesCritical PedagogyEcologySustainable Water Resources Management
From his boyhood in southwestern Minnesota to his pathbreaking scientific investigation of a bog lake north of Minneapolis, Raymond Lindeman was passionate about learning how the natural world works. Science allowed one to “see and try to... more
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      ThermodynamicsEcosystems EcologyLimnologyBiogeochemical cycles
This paper puts forward a concept of naturalness as an alternative to the wilderness concept, which has been criticized for problematically situating human beings outside the natural world and thus conceptually foreclosing the possibility... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsAldo LeopoldJ Baird Callicott
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsAristotle
When we envision who or what community is, how often do we think of those who are not human? And even when we consider those beyond the realm of human affairs (if there even exists such a realm), how often do we consider the outsider, the... more
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      LiteraturePhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyEnvironmental Ethics
In his influential work, The Phenomenon of Life, Hans Jonas articulates what he terms an "existential interpretation of biological facts." A broadening of Jonas's existential interpretation is necessary, I believe. For I hold that Jonas's... more
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      Niche Construction TheoryHans JonasAldo Leopold
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      EmotionEthicsCommunicationEnvironmental Philosophy
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      Environmental StudiesEcologyEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Humanities
Aldo Leopold’s essay ‘Thinking Like a Mountain’ was more than a parable about a redemptive personal moment; it was the fruition of a larger effort on Leopold’s part to effectively communicate the fundamentals of a ‘land ethic’. I explore... more
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryEcologyEcocriticism
Comentario ecocrítico al texto de Aldo Leopold, Pensando como una montaña desde la Deep Ecology.
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      Deep EcologyEcocriticismAldo Leopold
The aim of this essay is twofold. First, I examine the role of Alfred North Whitehead and process thinkers in bringing about and shaping the field of environmental ethics. As we will see, our job is not so much to develop the connections... more
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      Environmental EthicsAlfred North WhiteheadProcess PhilosophyDeep Ecology
James Graham Ballard was a contemporary British author mostly known for his dystopian works dealing with climatic disasters, uncanny catastrophes and the negative effects of technological modernity. Ballard’s fourth novel, The Crystal... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyConservationScience FictionEcocriticism
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringMechanical Engineering
"Aldo Leopold’s land ethic is widely recognized as a key philosophical tenet for the development and evolution of environmental ethics. Criticism of the application of the land ethic considers that it is interpreted to narrowly resulting... more
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      CultureEnvironmental EthicsBiodiversityCultural Diversity
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      PhilosophyEnvironmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsDavid Hume
Η ηθική της γης του Aldo Leopold απετέλεσε, κατά πολλούς, το έναυσμα για την ραγδαία ανάπτυξη της Περιβαλλοντικής Ηθικής και την παγίωσή της ως αυτόνομου κλάδου της Εφαρμοσμένης Ηθικής. Και πράγματι, η γονιμότητα της ηθικής θεωρίας του... more
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      Animal EthicsEnvironmental EthicsAldo LeopoldLand Ethic
Yaşar Kemal, 1972 yılında yayımladığı Denizler Kurudu adlı eserinin moral coğrafyasında, ünlü doğa korumacı, ekolog ve doğa yazarı Aldo Leopold’un ekosistem sağlığını ön plana alan ve genişletilmiş bir toplum anlayışı içeren Toprak Etiği... more
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      Marine MammalsMarine ReservesFish and Marine EcologyAldo Leopold
Much philosophical attention has been devoted to “The Land Ethic,” especially by Anglo-American philosophers, but little has been paid to A Sand County Almanac as a whole. Read through the lens of continental philosophy, A Sand County... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPhenomenologyContinental PhilosophyEnvironmental Ethics
Le point de départ de cet article est l’idée qu’afin d’aborder le thème de « prendre soin de la nature et des hommes » nous ne pouvons pas nous focaliser uniquement sur le soin, car nous devons également repenser le socle commun qui lie... more
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      WaterEdgar MorinAutopoiesisGaston Bachelard
A discussion of nature writing in Emerson, Thoreau, Muir and their successors (Aldo Leopold, Edward Abbey and others).
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      Environmental PhilosophyJohn MuirHistory of Natural HistoryTranscendental Philosophy
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      American LiteratureModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)EcocriticismAldo Leopold
This article reconceptualizes natural capital. It categorizes natural capital into renewable natural capital and structural natural capital, and argues for exclusion of nonrenewable natural capital (such as coal and oil) from... more
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      Aldo LeopoldNatural CapitalSustainabilityLand Ethics
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      Environmental EthicsLoveAldo LeopoldEnvironmental Values
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      ResilienceEnvironmental EthicsCarl G. JungDavid Hume
The development of ecological thinking in North America has been conditioned by the imperative aiming at a valuation of the biotic community. Since the end of WWII, the US population was warned against the dangerous and violent... more
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      Process PhilosophyEcologyReligion and LiberationEcotheology (Environment)
Este artigo discute as contribuições de sete cientistas naturais – Paul Sears, Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Paul Ehrlich, Donella Meadows, Garrett Hardin e James Lovelock – na construção da agenda ambiental contemporânea. O texto sustenta... more
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      Environmental ScienceEnvironmental StudiesSustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Humanities
It is argued that certain individuals can and should be considered ‘morally exemplary’ with respect to the environment. This can be so even where there is no universally applicable ethical principle they employ, and no canonical set of... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsEnvironmental EthicsThoreau
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      Immanuel KantSustainability EducationEnvironmental SustainabilityAldo Leopold
As a response to anthropogenic climate change nearly every sector of public and private life has sought to undertake positive steps to ameliorate this modern challenge. The medical industry has not been untouched by environmentalists... more
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      HistoryCanadian StudiesEthicsNormative Ethics
Depending on circumstances, kellert argues that people relate to the natural world from any blend of these value stances. However, people may tend to favor one or two value stances as their primary preference and base decisions and... more
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      CultureEnvironmental EthicsBiodiversityCultural Diversity
Prof. Don Beith
Spring 2022, University of Maine
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental EthicsEnvironmental JusticeAldo Leopold