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      Forensic ScienceMultidisciplinaryCannabinoidsAlbania
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      Albanian StudiesUrban PlanningCold WarAlbania
[Uncorrected Page Proofs] -- Montgomery, David W. 2019. "The Hardest Time Was the Time without Morality": Religion and Social Navigation in Albania. In Everyday Life in the Balkans, edited by David W. Montgomery. Bloomington: Indiana... more
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      ChristianityReligion and PoliticsAlbanian StudiesBalkan Studies
The Sanjak of Avlonia and Administrators (1750-1800), Avlonya, an important port city in southern Albania, is a city that has maintained its importance throughout history with its large and safe harbor and its name in ancient times is... more
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      Ottoman BalkansAlbaniaBalkansBalkanlar
Siyaseten Tanzimat Fermanı ile başlayan ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin kurulması ile sonuçlanan dönem tarihsel gelişmelerin oldukça hızlı yaşandığı ve Türk tarihinin yönünü değiştiren şahısların yetiştiği verimli bir dönem olmuştur. Tez... more
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      HistoryIraqHistory of Turkish RepublicAlbania
Albanian version of "Hicri 835 tarihli suret-i defter-i sancak-i Arvanid", published in Ankara by Halil Inalcik and transtlated into albanian language by Mykerem Janina. Albanian translation of register edited by Eduart Caka
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      Ottoman HistoryAlbanian StudiesOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
A day-by-day account, full of details and information.
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      Balkan HistoryYugoslaviaSecond World WarModern Greece
The most unusual part of Byron’s European travels in 1809–10 was probably his visit to Albania, where he roughed it for a bit and then lived and travelled luxuriously as the guest of Ali Pasha. He wrote about his Albanian travels in his... more
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      Travel WritingRomanticismBritish RomanticismWorld War II
İÇİNDEKİLER ÜÇÜNCÜ BÖLÜM ARNAVUTLUK 1. Analysis on Existing Ottoman Heritage Buildings inside Fortress Walls of Elbasan City Brunilda BASHA–Zafer SAĞDIC 09 2. Arnavut Edebiyatında İslâm Dini Yansımaları ve Söylemsellik Modelleri Nysret... more
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      ReligionChristianityOttoman HistoryAlbanian Studies
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      SociologyEthnobotanyComplementary and Alternative MedicineBiology
In the Western Balkans, as elsewhere around the world, governments took extraordinary measures to effectively contain the spread of COVID-19, measures that entailed serious restrictions to individual freedoms. They also introduced extra... more
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      European StudiesBalkan StudiesDemocratizationKosovo
Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, massive fires etc. inflict serious damage and so seem to be bad for the economy. Depending on the experience in different countries, the negative impact on economic indicators mostly occurs... more
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      Public Budgeting and FinanceFiscal policyNatural DisastersAlbania
After the 1990s and the change of the political and economic system from a communist system into a pluralist democracy and market economy, criminal policy in Albania has gone through substantial changes both in its leadership, ideology... more
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      Criminal LawAlbaniaCrime and punishmentCriminal Justice System
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      ArchitectureContemporary ArtFascismAlbania
Kjo ditë u tregon gjithë shqiptarëve se sa u është dashur të punojnë për buxhetin e shtetit të tyre dhe u tregon se kjo periudhë ka zgjatur deri në mbylljen e tremujorit të parë të vitit 2020. Dita e Lirisë Fiskale bie në ditën e parë të... more
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Fino a una decina d’anni fa, i nodi cruciali della storia e dell’archeologia della città di Durazzo, in Albania, restavano ancora in gran parte da chiarire: una storia densa e una ricchissima documentazione archeologica, per una città... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyPorts and HarboursMediterranean Underwater ArchaeologyAlbania
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      Program EvaluationResearch MethodologySexual and Reproductive HealthPoverty
Llotaritë me kuponat tatimorë zbatohen për të rritur lëshimin e faturave nga bizneset te konsumatorët. Në këtë mënyrë, transaksionet ka më shumë të ngjarë që të jenë pjesë e ekonomisë zyrtare (jo hije) dhe TVSH-ja mund të mblidhet me... more
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      Regional and Local GovernanceStrategic PlanningAlbaniaPerformance-based Budgeting
In September 2007, a severe cockroach (Blattella germanica) infestation was reported on the premises of the Scutari Regional Hospital. The hospital was infested by cockroaches despite regular insecticide treatment by local pest control... more
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      ControlPublic HealthIntegrated Pest ManagementAlbania
This study examines the understudied mental health perceptions, treatment, and coping strategies of immigrants from the Republic of Albania to Southern California regarding themselves and their families. In-depth, semi-structured... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkMental HealthSpirituality
In this article, Kurt Bassuener assesses the Biden administration's recent strong advocacy for the "Open Balkan" initiative, championed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, in the context of the current security crisis in Bosnia and... more
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Erthesina fullo (Thunberg, 1783) is recorded for the first time in Europe. Collected specimens in 2020 from Albania were identified by comparing the length of their rostrum. This species can acclimatize on two local trees, namely Tilia... more
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Fotoğraf -Ankara Arnavutluk Ankara Büyükelçisi Genti Gazheli-Çiğdem Yorgancıoğlu
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      European StudiesRussian StudiesEnergy EconomicsAlbanian Studies
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      GeographyCartographyBalkan StudiesHistorical maps
The mobile phone market in Albania is an oligopoly situation with three operators that share the market. In 2017 there was a fourth operator that closed its business at the end of 2017. This article considers the marketing strategies used... more
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      MarketingAdvertisingTelecommunicationsMobile and Telecommunicaions
This book speaks about an unexplored question that had to do directly with the Greek minority living conditions in Albania and also with the way it was treated by the political world of that country. All the material for this treatise has... more
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      Modern Greek HistoryInterwar Period HistoryAlbania
How do ‘new’ and ’old’ Islamic actors in contemporary Albania define religious legitimacy, the nation and religious otherness? This chapter uses Olivier Roy’s analytical distinction between accommodationism and neo-fundamentalism as a... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionCultural Studies
Two painters in Albania: Edward Lear and Bashkim Izano
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      Albanian StudiesBalkan StudiesPaintingOttoman Balkans
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively explore marketing issues for foreign industrial companies of large, small and medium size entering emerging markets (EMs), particularly transition economies in Eastern Europe. The... more
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      BusinessManagementMarketingBusiness Administration
Through the lens of Albanian orientalism, the discourse surrounding the word ‘shaci’ is an import of the stereotypical representation of Albanians in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to Kosovo, and a method of self-humiliation. (Article... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesAlbanian StudiesKosovoDiaspora Studies
A safe, clean, accessible and affordable drinking water and sanitation service for all individuals is a human right recognized explicitly from the United Nations General Assembly (Resolution 64/292, July 2010). Access to clean drinking... more
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      Human RightsAlbaniaPrivatizationWater Sector
Një parim i njohur i financave publike është se shtrembërim ekonomike apo kostoja e një takse të re varet thelbësisht nga taksat që ekzistojnë tashmë në sistem, pasi taksat ndërveprojnë me njera-tjetrën. Është thjesht e pamundur për të... more
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      Oil and gasAlbaniaLPG
ALTAX Center (Albanian Taxation Center) ka pregatitur një përmbledhje që përshkruan strukturimin e biznesit shqiptar sipas tipit të modeleve të përcaktuara nga ligji për tregtarët dhe shoqëritë tregtare. Nga ana tjetër duke dashur të... more
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      TaxationKosovoTax PolicyAlbania
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      DemocratizationEuropean UnionRule of LawAlbania
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      Travel WritingAlbanian StudiesTravel LiteratureAlbania
Ky botim, i shtypur në 2000 kopje, nuk është në shitje. Iu shpërndahet falas të gjithë të interesuarve që vizitojnë Muzeun Arkeologjik Apolloni deri në përfundim të rezervave. Fotografitë e publikuara në këtë botim janë origjinale dhe të... more
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Tracing the influence of institutional Islamic Public Administration in Europe, the chapter looks at the four European Muslim-majority countries, Turkey, Albania, (the Federation of) Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. All are successor... more
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      Islamic LawPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementOttoman History
Nowadays, sustainable tourism development is a necessity for all countries that appeal for tourism. The local community is considered to be an important factor in supporting tourism development. Shkodra Lake, the largest lake on the... more
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      Sustainable TourismAlbaniaLocal CommunityShkodra Lake
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      EntrepreneurshipKosovoNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Employment
International Scientific Conference Contemporary Challenges of Theory and Practice in Economics Challenges of Globalization and Transition - Proceedings Faculty of Economics Belgrade 26.09.2007-29.07.2007 Abstract: Beginning with the... more
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      European UnionAlbaniaWestern BalkansPolitical Economy of European Integration
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EN : This master thesis aims to fill the gaps in the literature addressing the issue of the European influence over environmental public policies throughout the Western Balkans. It is focused on the analysis of the transformative role... more
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      Albanian StudiesEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceEuropeanizationEuropeanization of the Balkans
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Report on “Design and Implementation of the second microcredit beneficiary assessment survey” implemented by Ministry of Finance, Project Implementation Unit and financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in... more
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      AssessmentAlbaniaSurveyMicro credit
The Albanian Government has announced that to revive the economy, it will apply a progressive tax policy over the taxable income. The previous tax system that has been in force since 2008 has been using mostly a flat/proportional tax... more
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      TaxationAlbaniaProgressive TaxationFlat Rate Tax
Durresi i prezantuar ne power point .
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      Albanian StudiesEnglishCreative CityAlbania
Κατά τον 21ο αιώνα, ο ανταρτοπόλεμος συνιστά τον πιο διαδεδομένο τύπο πολέμου παγκοσμίως, προκαλώντας αέναες διαφωνίες ως προς την καταλληλότερη μέθοδο αντιμετώπισής του. Οπότε, ο Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος (1946-1949) χρίζει ιδιαίτερης προσοχής... more
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      Military HistoryInternational RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorism