Recent papers in Ageism
The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact ageism may have on providing healthcare to elderly people. The article investigates the consequences of ageism in medical settings, where the elderly are particularly vulnerable to... more
Kimi toplumlar yaşlıları, artık ölümü bekleyen, hasta, dolayısıyla aktif hayatın dışında kalanların oluşturduğu bir yaş grubu olarak görmektedir. Yaşlı denildiğinde akla, eski, zamanı geçmiş, çağ dışı, yeniye, güncele ve geleceğe yabancı... more
Family violence is a serious social problem across various communities in Aotearoa/New Zealand. This feminist ethnography centres the stories of diasporic South Asian young women living in Aotearoa, their experiences of migration,... more
The European Welfare State crisis since 2008 has shown the weakness of these European welfare systems to cope with a health crisis such as COVID-19, which in turn has not guaranteed the rights and wellbeing of older people. This article... more
Question. Does the look and type of products and environments used by our seniors influence our view of them as well as their view of themselves? Answer. Yes!
Language carries and conveys meaning which feeds assumptions and judgments that can lead to the development of stereotypes and discrimination. As a result, this study closely examined the specific language that is used to communicate... more
En las actuales publicidades de productos cosméticos para el cuidado del cutis femenino se realizan exhortaciones para que las mujeres eludan y eviten lo que allí se denomina como signos de envejecimiento. Consideramos que estas... more
Rohinton Mistry is widely acknowledged for his postcolonial approach to the marginalized. In his novels, he has not only highlighted the marginal position of the poor and the destitute in the Parsi community but also in the wider Indian... more
I aim to defend a form of age-based discrimination. Actually I consider two new principles in succession. First I consider a fair innings principle according to which anyone who, without treatment, is expected to die younger than... more
O envelhecimento da população, principalmente na Europa e de um modo particular em Portugal, e o aumento da longevidade, fazem com que os trabalhadores permaneçam mais tempo no mercado laboral, o que leva a que gerações com... more
Imagine a cloaking device that can make people invisible! You could walk into a store or stroll down the street without anyone seeing you. Think of the possibilities. Well, you can now have your own cloaking device. That is, if you... more
This study examined how operating elderly or young avatars affected shoppers’ product perceptions and purchasing behaviors. It also investigated how virtual shopping experiences translated into prosocial behavior regarding a nonprofit... more
This paper sets out to develop two related ideas. First, it seeks to identify how both violence and neoliberalism can be considered as moments. From this shared conceptualisation of process and fluidity, I argue that it becomes easier to... more
İnsanlar, cinsiyetleri ya da inançları temelinde ayrımcılığa uğrayabilecekleri gibi, sadece yaşları yüzünden, yani ‘genç’ ya da ‘yaşlı’ olarak değerlendirildikleri için de birçok alanda ayrımcı davranışlarla karşılaşabilirler. Bu yazı,... more
This study entitled “The social construction of the elderly representations” emphasis to demonstrate the practices of the construction of elderly representations as a process of social institutions: political institution; medical... more
การเหยียดทางอายุ (Ageism) เป็นอคติและการเลือกปฏิบัติอันเนื่องมาจากอายุที่พบได้ทั่วไป โดยที่คนในสังคมไม่ได้ตระหนักถึงความหมายที่แฝงอยู่ในกลุ่มคำที่ใช้ที่สื่อความหมายไปในเชิงลบ อาจเกิดจาก ทัศนคติ ความเชื่อ ค่านิยม หรือบรรทัดฐานของสังคมนั้นๆ... more
Walt Disney animated films are considered synonymous with wholesome family entertainment despite the inherent negative messages of gender, age, and power hierarchies behind them. This paper proposes to explore the aspect of age as... more
PhD Dissertation. Thessaloniki: Enyalio Foundation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2011. This dissertation examines the methodic construction of the social identity old person in everyday talk. It combines two strands of the... more
A colorful presentation slideshow on what the author calls "career tapering" - with a link to the Zoom recording on YouTube. Whether citizens, sojourners, or immigrants, most employed residents of Japan and many other countries will be... more
If anarchism is a spirit, it is the spirit of revolt. For those unfamiliar with the actual content of anarchism or the enabling possibilities of revolt this statement might appear doubly negative. Just as so much of the contemporary... more
Desde una mirada hermenéutica y fenomenológica, y utilizando como eje conceptual la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, este estudio pretende ser un aporte teórico y metodológico a la investigación cualitativa sobre aquellos... more
All individuals with end stage renal disease (ESRD) will perish from the disease unless they receive a donor kidney in time. The purpose of this research was to compare groups of candidates on the kidney transplant waiting list in the... more
The progressive aging of society, caused by profound demographic changes, brings with it the necessity of confronting the subject of biases against the elderly. Ageism, in fact, can influence society's attitudes regarding this population,... more
Sumario: Esta investigación buscó analizar la existencia de edadismo en los procesos de reclutamiento y profundizar en los prejuicios asociados a ello, por lo medio de los métodos mixtos de indagación. El contexto del estudio, fue la... more
ÖZET İnsanların yaşlarından dolayı ayrımcılığa maruz kalmaları olarak tanımlanan yaşlı ayrımcılığı bireysel (individual) ve kurumsal (institutional) düzeyde ele alınabilmektedir. Yaşlıları ihmal ve istismar gibi bireylerin kalıpyargılar... more
Ageism, discrimination based on age, is widespread but one of the least addressed and challenged prejudices in our community. The problem is that this prejudice and stereotyping shows up in the products and environments that are designed... more
Abstract: This paper discusses research-guided practice in community-based arts in health activity in Britain. This discussion is situated within an exploration of health policy and its relationship to the arts in health. It provides a... more
This paper deals with the proposal, which has been recently advanced by the Finnish moral philosopher Joona Räsänen, that we should allow to change their legal age those people whose emotional and biological age does not match their... more
Il mio percorso tematico analitico di comprensione e analisi critica del funzionamento comunicativo delle immagini in pubblicità, si concentra sugli stereotipi di sesso, razza e classe nell’industria pubblicitaria. Tali stereotipi sono di... more