Adventist Studies
Most downloaded papers in Adventist Studies
El término posesión demoníaca atrae a la mente imágenes como las de la conocida película El Exorcista, de un ya lejano 1973; una obra que impactó notablemente en su tiempo. Escenas de una jovencita (Linda Blair, que dicho sea de paso no... more
La existencia de la maldad se cuestiona hoy, pues la gente en general no asigna a los diferentes actos la categoría de buenos o malos. Muchas de aquellas cosas que antes se tenían por pecados ahora se consideran opciones perfectamente... more
Las personas recluidas en centros penitenciarios y carcelarios hacen parte de la población a ser alcanzada con el evangelio para salvación. La gran preocupación actual respecto al tema, es el impactante y rápido crecimiento de la... more
Cultura general
The chapter summarizes Fernando Canale’s remarks on the philosophical conceptions concerning a heavenly sanctuary and outlines the theological and exegetical ideas of Christian thinkers on the sanctuary motif throughout Christian history... more
The current controversy about what must be considered as authentic “Adventist preaching” evidences the persistence of the dispute between “expository versus topical preaching” in Adventists circles. In this context, it is important to ask... more
Critical and apologetic opinions regarding the Adventist exegesis of Daniel 8.
The paper is a critical though not exhaustive linguistic approach to the objections of E C Hanganu to the translation of the verb neḫtaḵ = "cut off" in Daniel 9:24, and to the historicist exegesis involved in this translation.
Ordination is a hot topic in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Often this discussion has focussed specifically on women in ministry, but the fact is that our theology of ordination influences the Adventist mission on all levels. For this... more
Estudio Bíblico sobre la inspiración de la Biblia
When a new denomination is formed, a viable ecclesiology is vital for its survival. The case of the Millerite Movement and its Adventist heirs is particularly interesting because of the initial ecclesiological dimness associated with... more
This article (and others that appeared in the Adventist Review) was written in response to the Glendale meeting at which Walter Rea presented his findings regarding Ellen White’s literary borrowing. In response, the third vote of the... more
Cualquier observador de la historia y la cultura adventista del séptimo día sabe que el estilo de vida adventista está cambiando profundamente. Las diferencias entre la iglesia y el mundo parecen diluirse. ¿Por qué los adventistas... more
The paper deals with the motivation that led the Seventh-day Adventist Church to engage in human rights and social work and reflects some of the practical implications of this motivation. It shows that the Adventists of the 19th century... more
"En este articulo se ve de manera muy breve algunas de la características de la creación del hombre según lo que pensaba Elena G. de White.
Esta es una sección de una tesis de licenciatura .
Esta es una sección de una tesis de licenciatura .
Resumen: El presente trabajo analiza los documentos publicados por Thomas M. Preble y Joseph Bates entre 1845-1849. Son los primeros escritos a favor del séptimo día entre los adventistas norteamericanos del siglo XIX. Pretende descubrir... more
La sabiduría divina para guiar a su pueblo ha sido manifestada en su palabra, esta sigue siendo la guía para nosotros hoy, sabemos cómo Satanás ha intentado anularla, desaparecerla del mapa, pero Dios la ha protegido, rescatado y la ha... more
Author: David A. Dean Publisher: CBE International Women played an important and often overlooked role in the development of the Adventist movement in the nineteenth century United States. As a reform movement that set aside established... more
Today’s society is both fascinated with scientific progress and the presence of the miraculous. While experiencing the constancy of reality through natural laws, many religious believers yearn for the miraculous manifestation of a... more
The names adopted by Christian denominations customarily express elements deemed crucial for their identity. This article uses the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a case study: it traces the initial debate over the necessity of a name,... more
Las residencias estudiantiles han evolucionado en el enfoque y visión que tienen de sí mismas en la educación. Los internados de los colegios adventistas no están excentos de esta evolución y deben mantener su propósito, misión y métodos,... more
This research has argued that theologizing in mission and in general is neither a monologue nor a dialogue, thus the need for dynamic theologizing: the taking of well cooked interpretation of faith in a holistic trialogue where the Bible... more
This paper contains a theological reply to Eduard C Hanganu's paper “The Referents for Vision in Daniel 9:21 and Daniel 9:23” available at Academia.Edu. It contains a critical approach to Mr Hanganu's linguistic and theological criticism... more
The Seventh day Adventist higher education has been growing at an exponential rate during the last three decades, boasting more than 110 tertiary institutions in all continents. Such a growth is really unbelievable when one considers the... more
Primary Source Examination of Joseph Bates’ Studies on the Atonement From Published Writings and the marginalia from his personal Bible circa 1850-1867
Two important papers that complement each other. Both are included. 1) Who Gave You Authority to Baptize? (published in Journal of Adventist Mission Studies) 2) Priesthood of Believers. This guest article is written by Rex Edwards was... more
The paper contains a preliminary study about the identity of the prophetic sanctuary in Daniel 8:14. Different variants are discussed: thr Jewish Temple of Jerusalem, the Israeli (third) temple, the temple of the human being, the church... more
Una contribución al área de estudios adventistas, sobre las primeras mujeres pastoras en el adventismo y la influencia de los pioneros adventistas en la inclusión de mujeres al ministerio pastoral.
Exegetical Analysis of Jeremiah 20:14-18 with arguments to read Jeremiah as the voice of 14-18 in the light of historical events and lexical uses or ARR. Moreover, it is argued here that this is an existential passage with application for... more
Europe has moved both past Christianity and past postmodernity. Looking specifically at metamodernism, this article looks at some of the challenges facing the Christian church in Europe and the US.
¿Acaso aún hay alguien que no se haya dado cuenta? Los que empezamos a usar Facebook frenéticamente, casi compulsivamente, hemos llegado a una edad en la que nuestros hijos son los que nos dan lecciones… ¡y no usan Facebook! Aún recuerdo... more
Ellen G. White enhanced the 1884 Great Controversy (Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4) while she visited Europe from 1885 to 1887. One of the additions to the book was expanded coverage of John Huss and the pre-reformation in Bohemia. The... more