Metalworking at Megiddo during the
Late Bronze and Iron Ages
NAAMA YAHALOM-MACK, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
ADI ELIYAHU-BEHAR, Bar-Ilan University
MARIO A. S. MARTIN, Tel Aviv University
ASSAF KLEIMAN, Tel Aviv University
RUTH SHAHACK-GROSS, University of Haifa
ROBERT S. HOMSHER, Harvard University
YUVAL GADOT, Tel Aviv University
ISRAEL FINKELSTEIN, Tel Aviv University*
Over the years, the excavations at Tel Megiddo have
yielded numerous metal objects, as well as evidence of
metallurgical activity. Here we show that metalworking
was practiced continuously in the southeastern sector of
the tell from the end of the Middle Bronze Age until
Iron IIB. During this time, one can trace changes in
the production processes, including the introduction
of ironworking alongside the continuation of bronzeworking. Dating and contextualizing this significant
development is crucial to understanding the social, economic, and geo-political circumstances under which it
occurred. The evidence that we present shows that iron
production was accompanied by a substantial increase
in iron, as expressed on the level of consumption. This
occurred during Iron IIA, concurrent with cultural and
political changes, expressed, inter alia, in the architec* This study was funded by the European Research Council
under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program
(FP7/2007–2013)/ERC grant agreement no. 229418. We would
like to thank Yigal Erel, Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem for the use of his pXRF analyzer, and Genia
Mintz, The Kimmel Center for Archaeological Science, Weizmann
Institute of Science, for her assistance with the calibration procedure.
tural layout of the city and its cultic practices. Possible
evidence that local bronzesmiths may have been partially engaged in iron production already in Iron Age
I is found in the form of a hoard recently unearthed
at Megiddo, although iron-working debris has not yet
been found in contemporary contexts.
The fact that metalworking and exploitation of
metal resources are strongly tied to political power
and social infrastructure is well accepted.1 Especially
intriguing is the introduction and gradual preeminence of iron over bronze (which continued to be
produced), a process that took place at the turn of the
E.g., T. E. Levy and S. Shalev, “Prehistoric Metalworking in
the Southern Levant: Archaeometallurgical and Social Perspectives,” World Archaeology 20 (1989): 352–72; T. E. Levy, “Cult,
Metallurgy and Ranked Societies – Chalcolithic Period (ca. 4500–
3500 BC),” in The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land, ed. T. E.
Levy (London, 1998), 226–44; T. E. Levy et al., “Reassessing the
Chronology of Biblical Edom: New Excavations and 14C Dates
from Khirbet en-Nahas (Jordan,)” Antiquity 76 (2002): 425–37;
T. E. Levy and M. Najjar, “Some Thoughts on Khirbat en-Nahas,
Edom, Biblical History and Anthropology - A Response to Israel
Finkelstein,” Tel Aviv 33 (2006): 107–22; I. Finkelstein and E. Piasetzky, “Radiocarbon and the History of Copper Production at
Khirbet en-Nahas,” Tel Aviv 35 (2008): 82–95.
[JNES 76 no. 1 (2017)] © 2017 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved. 022–2968–2017/7601–001 $10.00. DOI: 10.1086/690635
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
first millennium BC, hand in hand with the emergence
of new territorial kingdoms in the southern Levant.2
Increasing evidence for metalworking at Tel Megiddo,
a multi-layer site that served as an important territorial/administrative center during both the Bronze and
Iron Ages,3 sheds new light on the subject.
Although Tel Megiddo has been excavated by
different teams for over a century, only the recent
implementation of new excavation methods and
microarchaeology techniques have brought to light
substantial evidence of both bronze- and ironworking.4 This evidence was traced in the recent Tel Aviv
University-led excavations in Areas K and Q (Fig. 1).5
Temporal and spatial distribution of metallurgicallyrelated finds indicate that metalworking in the southeastern sector of the tell occurred continuously at least
from the end of the Middle Bronze Age (earlier layers
have not yet been studied there) until Iron IIB. Within
this span of time, a noteworthy development was the
introduction and expansion of ironworking alongside
continued bronze production (Table 1). Our goals in
studying this unparalleled dataset are fourfold: first,
J. C. Waldbaum, From Bronze to Iron: The Transition from the
Bronze Age to the Iron Age in the Eastern Mediterranean (Göeteborg, 1978). P. M. McNutt, The Forging of Israel: Iron Technology,
Symbolism and Tradition in Ancient Society (Sheffield, 1990). J. D.
Muhly, R. Maddin, and T. Stech, “The Metal Artifacts,” in Kinneret: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen auf dem Tell el-Oreme am See
Gennesaret 1982–1985, ed. V. Fritz (Wiesbaden, 1990), 159–75;
H. A. Veldhuijzen and T. Rehren, “Slags and the City: Early Iron
Production at Tell Hammeh, Jordan and Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel,”
in Metals and Mines - Studies in Archaeometallurgy, ed. S. La Niece,
D. R. Hook, and P. T. Craddock, (London, 2007), 189–201; Y.
Gottlieb, “The Advent of the Age of Iron in the Land of Israel: A
Review and Reassessment,” Tel Aviv 37 (2010): 89–110; S. Bunimovitz and Z. Lederman, “Iron Age Iron: from Invention to
Innovation,” in Studies In Mediterranean Archaeology: Fifty Years
On, ed. J. M. Webb and D. Frankel (Uppsala, 2012), 103–12; N.
Yahalom-Mack and Eliyahu-Behar, “The Transition from Bronze to
Iron in Canaan; Chronology, Technology and Context,” Radiocarbon 57 (2015): 285–305.
E.g., I. Finkelstein et al., eds., Megiddo V: The 2004–2008 Seasons (Tel Aviv, 2013), and additional bibliography there.
N. Yahalom-Mack and S. Shalev, “Metallurgical Activity in
Levels K-5 and K-4,” in Megiddo IV: The 1998–2002 Seasons, ed.
I. Finkelstein, D. Ussishkin, and B. Halpern (Tel Aviv, 2006); A.
Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Metalworking in Area K: A Reevaluation,” in
Megiddo V, ed. Finkelstein et al.
The Megiddo Expedition is undertaken under the auspices of
Tel Aviv University. Consortium Member are The George Washington University, Vanderbilt University, The University of Oklahoma,
the Jezreel Valley Regional Project (JVRP), Fuller Theological Seminary, Loyola Marymount University, and Chapman University. The
Expedition is directed by Israel Finkelstein (Tel Aviv University),
Matthew J. Adams (Albright Institute of Archaeological Research),
and Mario A. S. Martin (Tel Aviv University).
to demonstrate continuity in metal production in the
same area for at least 800 years; second, to investigate
when and how the introduction of iron first took place
and study its interaction with the existing bronzeworking tradition; third, to understand the socio-political circumstances behind this process; and fourth,
to investigate possible connections to cult.
In order to meet these goals, we trace the spatial
distribution of metallurgical debris (including metal
droplets and slag) and metalworking paraphernalia
(including pot bellows, crucibles, and tuyères), as
well as hoards and cult-related objects, both possibly
connected to this industry. We also incorporate the results of the analysis of sediments from potential metalworking contexts, since the use of microarchaeological
methods has emerged as most useful for the identification of previously undetected ironworking contexts.6
Results of Lead Isotope Analysis (LIA) performed on
several bronze objects are likewise mentioned in order
to indicate the use of diverse copper ore sources at various times. Finally, we monitor the increasing numbers
of iron vs. bronze tools and weapons in well-stratified
contexts at Megiddo as supporting evidence for the
crucial technological change of the onset of ironworking and its expression at the level of consumption.
Spatial and Temporal Distribution
of Metallurgical Remains
Evidence for bronzeworking was found in Area K
at the southeastern edge of the mound, in Levels
K-11 (Strata XI/X of the Oriental Institute excavations [hereafter: OI]), K-10 (=OI Strata X/IX)7,
K-9 (=OI Stratum VIII), K-6 (=OI Stratum VIIA),
and K-5 (=OI Stratum VIB). During the late Middle
Bronze, Late Bronze, and Iron Ages, this sector of
the site functioned as a domestic area (with evidence
for bronze production and other industries), with an
uninterrupted sequence of superimposed courtyard
See A. Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Iron and Bronze Production
in Iron Age IIA Philistia: New Evidence from Tell es-Safi/Gath,”
Journal of Archaeological Science 39 (2012): 255–67.
At the present stage of research, it is clear that Level K-10 was
founded during the later years of MB III and continued uninterrupted into LB I.
Y. Gadot et al., “Area K (Levels K-5 and K-4): The 1998–2002
Seasons,” in Megiddo IV, ed. Finkelstein, Ussishkin and Halpern; E.
Arie and A. Nativ, “Area K (Part II): Level K-6,” in Megiddo V, ed.
I. Finkelstein, et al.; M. A. S. Martin, N. Blockman and J. Bidmead,
“Area K (Part I): Levels K-8 and K-7,” in ibid.
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
Figure 1—Aerial photo of the southern part of Tel Megiddo, looking northwest, showing excavation Areas K and Q. The picture also
indicates the location of adjacent tombs on the Eastern Slope, Schumacher’s smithy, two metal hoards and relevant cultic objects.
Table 1. Stratigraphy, relative chronology and sequence of metalworking at Megiddo. According to radiocarbon dates, the transitions occurred as follows: K-10/K-9 between 1560–1505 BCE; K-9/K-8 between
1290–1210 BCE; K-7/K-6 between 1185–1135 BCE; K-5/K-4 between 1110–1060 BCE; and K-4/K-3
between 976–901 BCE (These dates are based on M. B. Toffolo, et al. Radiocarbon 56 (2014): 221–244).
Gray boxes and bold letters represent strata with metalworking remains. *OI = Oriental Institute
OI Stratum* Area K
Iron IIB
Late Iron IIA
Early Iron IIA
Late Iron I
Early Iron I
Late MB
** Transitional early/late Iron IIA
pot bellows
in tombs
excavated by
the OI
Area Q
Q-4 (+Schumacher)
Iron +bronze
Iron +bronze
Bronze +iron
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Figure 2—Aerial photo of Level K-9, showing spaces with bronzeworking remains.
Level K-9 has thus far yielded more significant
evidence of metallurgical activity than Levels K-11
and K-10 (Table 2). Bronzeworking debris and scrap
were retrieved from various spaces of the large courtyard house unearthed in this level (Squares N/10,
O/9–10 and P/9–10; see Table 2). The majority of
these remains originated in the central courtyard/hall
(08/K/33) of the house, which was surrounded by
rooms on all sides, including an adjoining large space
to the northwest (10/K/27) (see Fig. 2). Pillar bases
were uncovered in both large spaces, suggesting that
they were at least partially roofed.
Notably, there is no evidence for bronzeworking
in Area K from Levels K-8 and K-7, which are contemporary with the 19th Egyptian Dynasty. However,
the OI team found ceramic pot bellows (Figure 3:
2–3), one each in Tombs 3 and 1145A, located on the
Eastern Slope of the tell, not far from Area K.9 Based
on the ceramic assemblages from the tombs, they are
roughly contemporary with Levels K-9 to K-7 (=OI
Strata VIII–VIIB).
P. L. O. Guy and R. M. Engberg, Megiddo Tombs (Chicago,
1938), Pls. 37:7 and 49:22, respectively.
The metallurgical remains from Levels K-6, K-5,
and K-4 have already been reported.10 The bronzeworking debris in Level K-6 included several crucible
fragments found mainly in Square N/10, in an open
space to the west of a domestic building (Figure 4).
The fragment of a hitherto unpublished pot bellows,
recently found in the same area in the course of baulk
removal, also belongs to this level (Figure 3:1). In
Level K-5, metallurgical debris, including crucible
fragments, tuyères, and waste products (see description below), was found in Squares M–N/9–10 (Figure
5:2–4, 6–7). Analysis of the sediments in the western
section of the area showed significant concentrations
of copper related to this level. Metallurgical activity in
Level K-4 (=OI Stratum VIA) is questionable, as the
metallurgical debris may have been residual from the
Level K-5 activity.
In Area Q, located just to the west of Area K (Figure 1), several bronze droplets and an amorphous
bronze chunk were found in Locus 12/Q/26, a floor
Yahalom-Mack and Shalev, “Metallurgical Activity in Levels
K-5 and K-4”; Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Metalworking in Area K: a
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
Table 2. Bronzeworking remains from Levels K-11 to K-9
Reg. No. Square
Locus description
LB 6
Ashy debris
Below masonry-built family tomb
Striated surfaces
Space in central portion of
Occupational accumulation
Space in eastern portion
of building
Striated surfaces
Space in northwestern
portion of building
K-10/K-9 Striated surfaces
08/K/33 in house
Striated surfaces (including heat- Courtyard/Hall
altered sediment)
08/K/33 in house
Occupational debris
08/K/33 in house
Occupational debris
08/K/33 in house
Striated surfaces
08/K/33 in house
Striated surfaces
08/K/33 in house
Accumulation on floor
Narrow (storage?) Room
10/K/29 in house
Accumulation on floor
Narrow (storage?) Room
10/K/29 in house
Striated surfaces
Large Room/Hall
10/K/27 in house
Striated surfaces
Room 10/K/68 in house
of Level Q-5 (=OI Stratum VB, or transitional VB/
VA-IVB) (Figures 6 and 7:d). These finds may suggest that the location of bronzeworking had shifted
slightly to the west during this time. It is notable that
remains of ironworking were also found on this floor,
as detailed below.
Iron production remains were found in Area Q; here
we discuss remains from Levels Q-5 and Q-4. The former features a large, well-constructed pillared building
surrounded by domestic units. In the latter phase, this
building went out of its primary use and was converted into several rooms and open spaces. The earliest
metallurgical remains related to Level Q-5 comprise a
single iron slag cake found in Locus 10/Q/68 (Figures 6 and 7:c). This locus marks the continuation of
the above-mentioned Floor 12/Q/26, also associated with Level Q-5 (=OI Stratum VB, or transitional
VB/VA–IVB), on which several bronze droplets were
found, indicating that iron and bronze were worked
side by side in Level Q-4 (=OI Stratum VA–IVB). In
Crucible slag
Crucible rim fragment
(Figure 5:1)
addition, in the northern part of Building 12/Q/99,
a dark layer of sediments was found, approximately
10 cm thick and containing a considerable amount
of charcoal (Locus 12/Q/81). It covered at least
three column bases of the initial phase of the building (Q-5), and was therefore associated with secondary re-use of this space (Figure 8a). The excavation
of the black layer included systematic sampling of the
sediments (Figure 8b). The samples were analyzed using a Bruker (Tracer III-V) pXRF in order to identify
possible metallurgical contamination. Copper concentrations in wt% were calculated using a specifically
made calibration curve, produced by adding known
amounts of copper oxide to typical Megiddo archaeological sediments, and were compared to control
samples representing the naturally-occurring background levels. 11 For each of the sediment samples,
we also measured the magnetic fraction, i.e., the wt%
The pXRF analysis was performed in the Institute of Earth
Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. For more details of
the method, see Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Metalworking in Area K: a
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Figure 3—Pot bellows from Area K, Reg. No. 12/K/130/VS1 (1) and from the tombs on the Eastern
Slope, excavated by the OI team (2–3).
of magnetic flakes formed in the process of iron forging. These flakes, denoted hammerscales, were collected using a strong magnet. The results showed that
the black sediments contained higher concentrations
of both hammerscales (i.e., “magnetic fraction”) and
copper contamination with respect to control samples
(Figure 9), indicating that this layer contained the
remains of both iron- and bronzeworking.
In order to determine whether this layer represents
in situ metallurgical activity, a micromorphological
investigation of the sediments was undertaken, a
method widely used in archaeological research.12 For
this purpose, three blocks of sediment were removed
from the northern and western sections of Square
C/7 (the northern part of the building). The results
showed that this was probably not the original context of deposition of the sediment. Typically, an area
where in situ burning takes place is expected to include a substrate showing evidence of heat, and the
M. A. Courty, P. Goldberg, and R. Macphail, Soils and Micromorphology in Archaeology (Cambridge, 1989).
burnt organic remains (in the case of wood as fuel)
are expected to include both charcoal and ash. In the
studied feature, however, there was no evidence of
a heated substrate, and there was almost no ash despite the presence of large amounts of wood charcoal.
The charcoal was randomly oriented and associated
with fragments of chalk/limestone (Figure 10). This
charcoal and chalk pile also included fragments of unheated bones and occasional fragments of siliceous
slag. The overall microstructure of the sediment was
highly porous which, considered together with the
random orientations, indicate that the black layer may
have resulted from secondary dumping of the burnt
remains, probably originating from the area east of
the building (see below).
The micromorphology additionally provided
evidence of water-lain fine charcoal micro-layers, in
which the black layer thins away from the center of
the pile. This pattern indicates that the area was not
protected from rain, supporting the stratigraphic field
observation regarding the building’s secondary re-use
(including partial abandonment) during which the de-
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
Figure 4—Plan of Levels K-6 (a) and K-5 (b). The circles mark the areas where bronzeworking debris
was found, including pot bellows, crucible and tuyère fragments, and waste products.
funct column bases were covered over and the space
remained unroofed.
Immediately to the south, but within the same
building and level, a couple of tuyère fragments
(square in cross-section) were found at approximately
the same elevation (Figure 5:7), together with a com-
plete ceramic vessel (Figure 5:4). The interior of the
vessel was not slagged, but XRF analysis showed copper contamination in the interior rather than exterior of this vessel, suggesting that it was likely used
as a crucible. Notably, also at approximately the same
elevation, an oven-like installation (10/Q/111)
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Figure 5—Metalworking paraphernalia associated with metalworking in Areas K and Q: Crucible from
Level K-10/K-9, Reg. No. 08/K/33/AR45 (1); crucibles from Level K-6, Reg. No. 02/K/44/AR1
(2), Reg. No. 02/K/39/AR2 (3) and Reg. No. 02/K/52/AR6 (4); vessel from Area Q, Reg. No.
12/Q/125/2 (5); tuyères from Area K, Reg. No. 02/K/17/AR6 (6), Reg. No. 02/K/47/AR2.2 (7);
tuyère from Area Q, Reg. No. 12/Q/128/2 (8).
surrounded by several iron objects was exposed just
beyond the southern exterior of the building.
In the 2014 excavation season, considerable evidence of iron working was also unearthed just beyond
the eastern exterior of Building 12/Q/99 (Figure 6).
A sequence of hearths associated with dark industrial
debris was exposed in Levels Q-5 to Q-2, mainly in
Squares C-D/8, yielding ca. twenty iron slag cakes
and fragments from Level Q-5, and ca. thirty from
Level Q-4, as well as tuyère fragments, hammerscales,
iron prills, and charcoal (Figure 7:b). These hearths
were found in proximity to a sequence of large, ca.
1 m-wide ovens. Preliminary results show that the sediment from the hearths was contaminated by copper,
confirming that both copper and iron were worked in
this area. Based on these findings, we can safely conclude that ironworking took place in this area in Iron
IIA, alongside bronzeworking, just outside the Palace
1723 compound, located only ca. 20 m to the west.13
Excavated by the OI in their Area B, this compound comprised a large enclosure wall featuring a gate in the north. The
enclosure wall surrounded a spacious courtyard with a well-made
While iron production started in Level Q-5 (Stratum
VB/VA–IVB transition) east of Building 12/Q/99,
contemporaneous with its use, the black layer inside
the building—a dump which probably originated in
the industry adjacent to it—indicates that metalworking in Level Q-4 (Stratum VA–IVB) continued after
the building was no longer in primary use.
Significantly, ironworking remains in this area were
already reported by the first excavator of Megiddo,
Gottlieb Schumacher, some one hundred years ago.14
Schumacher identified an iron smithy in the more
northern of two rooms (2 m long) just outside the
eastern wall of the courtyard of Palace 1723, only
ca. 15 m from the spot of the black layer in Area Q.
In this room, he recovered a considerable number of
iron tools, as well as slag and raw material reported as
ashlar structure in the southern end (Palace 1723); see R. S. Lamon
and G. M. Shipton, Megiddo I: Seasons of 1925–34: Strata I–V (Chicago, 1939).
Attempts to locate these remains in the Vorderasiatisches Museum in Berlin were unsuccessful.
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
Figure 6—Aerial photo of Area Q after the 2014 excavation season. A sequence of hearths and associated tabun-ovens were uncovered
east of Building 12/Q/99.
lumps of “brown iron ore” and “clay ironstone.”15 The
slags and lumps were found piled up together with ash
and iron fragments. Based on their elevations and association with the wall of the palace compound, these
remains appear to be contemporary with the Iron IIA
iron- and bronzeworking in Area Q.
Artifacts: Technology and Typology
Fragments of bronze-melting crucibles from Area K
were made of coarse clay tempered with a relatively
high proportion of vegetal material, as indicated by
elongated cavities.16 Estimated firing temperatures did
not exceed 800o C at the crucible’s outer surface, while
inside the crucible, a black porous slag-like layer was
formed at a higher temperature, resulting from the
reaction between the clay and the hot melt. Analysis of
G. Schumacher, Tell el-Mutesellim I (Leipzig, 1908), 132,
Figs. 191–94, Pls. XXIX and XLII.
Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Metalworking in Area K: a Reevaluation.”
prills entrapped in the crucible slag-like layer revealed
that copper was available, and that the bronzesmiths
were not merely involved in bronze recycling, but
possibly in alloying copper with tin as well.17
Based on the thick tapering walls of the crucible
rim fragments and the thickness of the preserved base
(Figure 5:2–4), it appears that most of the Stratum
K-6 fragments belong to “flowerpot”-shaped open
crucibles. This type of crucible is known from LB
III–Iron Age sites,18 and also in Iron II contexts at Tell
es-Safi/Gath,19 and Hazor.20 Alternatively, the Level
K-10/K-9 fragment in Figure 5:1 appears to have belonged to a hemispherical bowl-shaped crucible. Examples of this type of crucible have been found in the
N. Yahalom-Mack, Bronze in the Beginning of the Iron Age in
the Land of Israel: Production and Utilization in a Diverse EthnoPolitical Setting (Ph.D. dissertation, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2009), 77–82.
Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Iron and Bronze Production-Tell es-Safi.”
Yahalom-Mack et al., “Metalworking at Hazor: A LongTerm Perspective,” Oxford Journal of Archaeology 33 (2014):
19–45, Fig. 3:6.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Figure 7—Bronze- and ironworking remains from Area Q: Iron slag cake (a); magnet with hammerscales collected during the 2014
excavations in Area Q (b); iron slag cake from Level Q-5 (c); bronze droplets from the same context (d).
southern Levant in LB II Hazor,21 and in an uncertain
context (possibly Stratum VI of the Late Bronze III) at
Tel Beth Shean.22 In Cyprus, hemispherical crucibles
have been found at such sites as Enkomi, Ambelikou,
and Apliki.23 Notably, the hemispherical bowl-shaped
examples (ca. 17 cm in diameter and ca. 10 cm deep)
are larger than the “flowerpot”-shaped crucibles. Note
that the vessel from Area Q (Figure 5:5), identified as
a crucible based on the copper contamination of its
interior, is unique in shape and also has an extremely
low capacity due to its shallow interior.
Y. Yadin and A. Shimon, Hazor II: An Account of the Second
Season of Excavations, 1956 (Jerusalem, 1960), Pl. CXLVII:11.
G. M. Fitzgerald, The Four Canaanite Temples of Beth-Shan
(Philadelphia, 1930), Pl. XLIV:12.
R. F. Tylecote, “Metallurgical Crucibles and Crucible Slags,”
in Archaeological Ceramics, ed. J. S. Olin and A. D. Franklin (Washington, DC, 1982), 96.
The pot bellows mentioned above from the tombs on
the Eastern Slope and from Area K are all tall vessels
(rather than squat), which would have been operated
by hand. Those from the tombs (Figure 3:2–3) have
rounded shoulders and a depression below the rim.
Similar objects have been found in Israeli, Lebanese,
and Syrian coastal sites, as well as in northern Syria.24
Although no ceramic pot bellows have been found
in Area Q, the presence of tuyères suggests the use of
bellows. It is entirely plausible that during the Iron
Age, the latter were made of perishable material since,
to our knowledge, no such ceramic items have ever
C. J. Davey, “Some Ancient Near Eastern Pot Bellows,” Levant 11 (1979): 101–11; N. Yahalom-Mack et al., “Metalworking
in Area G,” in Excavations at Dor, Final Report, Volume II: Area G:
The Late Bronze And Iron Ages, ed. A. Gilboa, I. Sharon, and J. R.
Zorn (Jerusalem, forthcoming), Fig. 22:4.
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
Figure 8—(a) Aerial photo of Building 12/Q/99 in Area Q where evidence of iron working was found. The
extent of the “black layer” is indicated in red. The locations of the square tuyère fragments (Figure 5:8) and
the vessel/crucible (Figure 5:5) are marked as well. (b) An installation like a tabun-oven was exposed south of
the building. A photo of the “black layer” in the course of sampling.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Figure 9—Analyses of sediments from the “black layer” in Building 12/Q/99 in Area Q obtained by pXRF. The plot shows copper
concentrations against the magnetic fraction (in weight percent), measured for both sediment samples collected from the “black layer”
as well as control samples.
been found in association with ironworking at Megiddo or elsewhere in the southern Levant.
The tuyères from Area K (Levels K-6 to K-4) are
coarsely made of calcareous clay with varying amounts
of foraminifers, and are also tempered with a high
proportion of coarse vegetal matter (mostly straw).25
XRF analysis revealed that most of the examined tuyères were similar in composition to the crucibles from
Level K-6.26 This similarity may suggest some regularity in the production of the refractories used in the
Levels K-6 to K-4 bronze workshop, at the very least
in the choice of material.
The tuyères from Area K are round in cross-section
(ca. 4.5–5.0 cm in diameter), bent, and tapered down
to a pointed tip (Figure 5:5–6). The central perforation (bore hole) tapers from back to tip, in order to
prevent hot air from being sucked in from the furnace.
Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Metalworking in Area K: A Reevaluation”
There are no signs of vitrification and slag formation at
any of the preserved tips, suggesting no direct contact
between the tuyère and the fire. Their firing temperature has been estimated to be lower than 800o C.27
The round, bent tuyères are known from many
bronzeworking contexts related to the LB III–Iron
IIA, at such sites as Tel Dan, Hazor, Yoqneam, and
Tell es-Safi/Gath. A single tuyère of the bent type
was recovered at LB II Sarepta.28 The tuyères from
Area Q are square in cross-section, which is typical of
ironworking (Figure 5: 8). Similar tuyères have been
found in ironworking contexts related to the Iron IIA
at Hazor, Tel Beth Shemesh, Tell es-Safi/Gath, and
Tell Hammeh in Jordan.29
J. B. Pritchard, Sarepta: A Preliminary Report on the Iron Age
(Philadelphia, 1975), Fig. 29:8 (=62:4).
H. A. Veldhuijzen, Early Iron Production in the Levant; Smelting and Smithing at Early 1st Millennium BC Tell Hammeh, Jordan and Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel (Ph.D. diss., University College
London, 2005); Veldhuijzen and Rehren, “Slags and the City”;
Yahalom-Mack et al., “Metalworking at Hazor.”
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
Figure 10—(a) Scan of a thin section produced from the central part of the black sediment feature (width
is 4.2 cm). The black particles are wood charcoal and the white particles are chalk. Note the aggregated
nature of the sediment. (b) Scan of a thin section produced from the edge of the black sediment feature
(width is 4.2 cm). The black feature is at the center of the image, overlying and overlain by dense brown
sediment with anthropogenic debris. Note the absence of large chalk fragments and general laminated
appearance. (c) Microphotograph representing the general microscopic appearance of the black sediments
in the center of the feature (frame length is 7.2 mm). Note the angular charred wood fragments. Gray
colored material is chalk powder (possibly burnt) and gray-brown fragments are burnt soil and/or pottery.
Note the black capping of fine charcoal on top of the angular brown (possibly pottery fragment) indicating
small-scale water flow within the black sediment. The white areas are voids, i.e., the material is dominated
by coarse fragments of burnt wood, chalk, and soil that are not bridged or encapsulated within a sediment
groundmass. This spongy microstructure, together with the angularity of charcoal and chalk fragments,
indicates little if any transport/reworking. The absence of wood ash indicates that burning did not occur
in situ, suggesting this material is the result of dumping of coarse by-products of metallurgical activity that
took place elsewhere. (d) Microphotograph representing the general microscopic appearance of the black
sediments at the edge of the feature (frame length is 7.2 mm). Note that the charcoal fragments are very
small relative to those found at the center of the feature, forming thin black stringers. The stringers are
encapsulated by groundmass sediment that is dominated by calcite. These observations suggest that the
edge of the feature formed through hyperconcentrated flow of fines (i.e., very low flow energy) from the
center of the feature to the edge where sedimentation of the fines formed alternation of calcite-rich and
charcoal-rich microscopic laminae. The evidence for flow in this locality further indicates that the black
sediment was exposed to rain in an unroofed area.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Waste Products
Analyses of copper-based waste products using a scanning electron microscope demonstrated that spherical
droplets are essentially bronze drops, with an as-cast
microstructure, whereas amorphous pieces are heterogeneous in their microstructure, exhibiting different zones in each sample.30 The latter include partial
oxidation products shown as cassiterite crystals and
cuprite dendrites, which precipitated from the melt
during or at the end of the melting process, and were
therefore unintentionally produced. Both the droplets
and the amorphous pieces are typically formed in remelting activities involving the use of open crucibles.
Iron production remains at Megiddo include hammerscales, iron prills, and slag cakes. The latter are
formed at the bottom of hearths associated with the
forging of blooms or iron objects, and therefore could
indicate both smelting and smithing activities.31
Quantification of Bronze and
Iron Tools and Weapons
In order to trace the development of iron use, we have
compiled an up-to-date database of bronze and iron
tools and weapons from Iron Age Megiddo retrieved
up through the 2014 excavation season.32 The data include only well-stratified and dated material from the
OI excavations, as well as published and unpublished
material from the recent Tel Aviv University excavations. Although Megiddo has yielded numerous metal
objects from the Iron Age, this strategy of focusing on
secure contexts alone significantly narrowed the list to
a total of 450 objects. The fact that bronze was often
recycled, and that iron sometimes corrodes to an unidentifiable form, are two of the reasons why such an
inventory can only provide a very general and relative
picture, and should only be taken as a broad indication of the process. Figure 11a shows the count of all
the objects, beginning in Iron I, as no iron objects
at Megiddo predate this period (which commenced
in the late 12th century BC). Figure 11b shows only
objects that were catalogued as tools or weapons.
According to both diagrams (Figures 11a and
11b), iron appeared during Iron I in relatively small
Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Metalworking in Area K: a Reevaluation”
A. Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Iron Smelting and Smithing,” Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013): 4319–30.
N. Yahalom-Mack et al., “The Development of Iron Use: An
Updated Count of Bronze and Iron Objects from the Southern
Levant,” Tel Aviv (forthcoming).
Figure 11—Number of bronze versus iron objects from different
periods at Megiddo; all objects (a) Tools and weapons only (b).
numbers, while bronze was still dominant. During
Iron IIA, iron increased considerably, specifically in
the “tools and weapons” category. Figure 11b shows
that in Iron IIA, iron comprised nearly 60% of all such
objects. It can be clearly seen that in both the absolute
number of iron objects and in the dominance of iron
in relation to bronze, there was a considerable decrease after Iron Age IIA. This is apparent both from
the general count (Figure 11a) and from the count
of tools and weapons alone (Figure 11b). Although
based on a small database, the strategy of utilizing only
contextually secure samples allows us to safely suggest that iron production during Iron IIA was directly
related to the developing local administration. The
data at hand is insufficient to determine the nature
of production during Iron IIB (8th century BC). It is
clear, however, that following the violent destruction
of the city at the end of this period by the Assyrians,
iron production did not continue at the same level of
intensity, and bronze regained its dominancy.
Metal Hoards
Two metal hoards were found in proximity to each
other near the southern edge of the tell. One is a col-
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
Figure 12—Hoard 1739 being uncovered by the OI expedition.
lection of bronze objects found by the OI team in
their Area CC, Locus 1739, dated to Iron I.33 Another
(12/Q/76), a hoard of bronze and iron objects unearthed during the 2012 season in Area Q, is related
to Level Q-7 (=Stratum VIA).34 Based on the wealth of
metal objects and the proximity of these two hoards to
the metalworking contexts in Areas K and Q, we view
them as possible products of this metallurgical activity.
Hoard from Locus 1739
A collection of bronze objects was found in a domestic
area of Area CC, Locus 1739 (Figure 12). According
to the find register, there were at least thirty-two copper/bronze artifacts in this locus, including nineteen
bowls, two strainers, five jugs, three spearheads, two
lugged axes, and a single double axe.35 The excavators attributed Locus 1739 to Stratum VI, without
distinguishing between its two phases (VIB and VIA).
Lilly Gershuny examined the vessels and concluded,
based on stylistic considerations, that they were likely
produced by a single workshop during the time of
Stratum VIB, while Ora Negbi assigned the hoard to
Stratum VIA on the basis of two other metal hoards
that were retrieved from this stratum (a hoard found
by Yigael Yadin in the 1960s, and a silver hoard from
Locus 2012 of the OI excavations).36 As the hoard
from Locus 1739 is comprised of only bronze objects
(in contrast to Hoard 12/Q/76 from Stratum VIA
described below, and to the Yadin hoard that also contained iron artifacts37), it is more likely contemporary
Loud, Megiddo II, 150, with references to plates.
L. Gershuny, Bronze Vessels from Israel and Jordan (München,
1985), 41–42; O. Negbi, “The Continuity of the Canaanite
Bronzework of the Late Bronze Age into the Early Iron Age,” Tel
Aviv 1 (1974): 167.
See A. Zarzecki-Peleg, Yadin’s Expedition to Megiddo, Qedem
56 (Jerusalem, 2016), 305–18.
G. Loud, Megiddo II: Seasons of 1935–1939 (Chicago, 1948),
150, Pls. 173: 11–13, 183: 15–17, and 189: 4–11.
E. Hall et al. “An Early Iron Age Metal Hoard from Area Q,”
in Megiddo VI. The 2010–2014 Seasons, eds. I. Finkelstein, E. Cline,
and M. A. S. Martin (Tel Aviv, forthcoming).
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
unworked semi-precious stones. Various small bronze
objects were also present, as were silver earrings. Nine
iron knives, including four with bronze rivets, were
stacked directly beside the bronze bowls.38 Taken together, the wealth of metals, the unworked stones, the
use of metal to chain the beads, and particularly the
location of the hoard in a traditional metalworking
area of the tell, all suggest that the metal items in the
hoard were possibly produced in the nearby bronze
and iron smithy. Although this cannot be proven at
this point, see below concerning the source of the
copper in the bronze rivets belonging to an iron knife
from this hoard.
Origin of the Copper
Figure 13—Selected objects from Hoard 12/Q/76: Bi-metallic
knife (a); bronze bowls and scale pans as recovered (b); stone
beads (c), some chained with a metal wire (left). Note the chunk
of unworked carnelian among the beads on the right.
with the considerable bronzeworking remains of Level
K-5 (=Stratum VIB), as suggested by Gershuny.
Hoard 12/Q/76
This hoard was exposed in Square I/1 very close to
the edge of the tell and bordering on Area CC of
the OI excavations, where Hoard 1739 was found.
It included two stacked bronze bowls with two scale
pans covering the contents of the bowls (Figure 13).
The larger exterior bowl was covered with remains
of cloth, indicating the deliberate action of hoarding. The contents of the bowls included numerous
beads made of carnelian and other materials, some
chained with a metal wire, as well as a few pieces of
Lead Isotope Analysis (LIA) was performed on several
bronze artifacts from Areas K and Q.39 The results
showed a clear dichotomy between the analyzed objects dated to Iron I and those dated to LB II. Seven
out of eight artifacts from Stratum VIA (=late Iron I)
were consistent with Arabah (Wadi Faynan in Jordan
or Timna in Israel) ore deposits, as was one of three
artifacts from Stratum VIIA (=LB III). Three artifacts
dated to LB II, however, had lead isotopes consistent
with Aegean ores. Surprisingly, only one of the sampled objects, dated to the Iron I, had lead isotopes
consistent with copper ores from Cyprus, despite the
fact that the latter is considered the likeliest source of
copper for the southern Levant during the Late Bronze
Age.40 While based on a small and not representative
sample, this pattern indicates the shift from the use of
western copper sources during the Late Bronze Age to
the use of copper from the Arabah during Iron I. Notably, the sampled objects from Stratum VIA include
one of the bronze bowls and bronze rivets from two
different iron knives of Hoard 12/Q/76. The source
of the raw material of the rivets indicates that the bimetallic knives from the hoard, although typologically
closely paralleled in Cyprus,41 were not riveted there,
and most likely not produced there either. While we
Hall et al., “An Early Iron Age Metal Hoard from Area Q.”
N. Yahalom-Mack, I. Segal, and I. Finkelstein, “Provenancing Copper-based Objects from the Bronze and Iron Ages in the
Southern Levant” (forthcoming).
N. Yahalom-Mack et al., “New Insights into Levantine Copper Trade: Ingots from the Bronze and Iron Ages in Israel,” Journal
of Archaeological Science 45 (2014): 159–77.
E.g., S. Sherratt, “Commerce, Iron, and Ideology: Metallurgical Innovation in 12th–11th Century Cyprus,” in Proceedings of
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
cannot know if the knives were imported to Megiddo
as an end-product, or whether they were produced at
the site (both the iron blade and the riveting of the
blade to the handle) as an imitation of the Cypriot
original, we can most likely conclude that this was a
Canaanite rather than a Cypriot product.
The accumulated evidence presented here indicates
continuous metalworking in the southeastern sector
of Tel Megiddo from the late Middle Bronze until
Iron IIB (Table 1). No other area of the tell produced
a similar metalworking sequence. Bronzeworking is
represented by the distribution of metallurgical debris
in Area K in Levels K-11, K-10, K-9 (Middle Bronze
III to Late Bronze IIA), and in Levels K-6 and K-5
(Late Bronze III and early Iron I, respectively). The
occurrence of ceramic pot bellows in the adjacent
tombs on the eastern slope, which probably date to
the time of Levels K-8 and K-7 (Late Bronze IIB),
suggests that there was possibly some bronzeworking
during LB II.
The question of iron production in Iron I remains,
in the meantime, open. In Area Q, we have evidence
for the production of both bronze and iron in Levels
Q-5 and Q-4, dating to Iron IIA; however, excavation
did not proceed below these levels and thus it is so
far unknown whether or not earlier iron production
remains might be uncovered. Notably, excavation in
Iron I levels in Area K revealed evidence of bronzeworking, but none of iron production.
Based on the remains from Area K, it appears that the
bronzeworking activity was characterized by the use of
open crucibles and hand-operated pot bellows. While
we cannot determine the scale of production, notably, these metallurgical remains were found on floors
within domestic units, rather than in public or industrial venues. The relatively small number of artifacts
specified in Table 2 may be related to the high value
of bronze; floors may have been routinely cleaned,
and bronze fragments collected for remelting, as is
performed even today in traditional metal smithies in
the International Symposium: Cyprus in the 11th Century B.C., ed.
V. Karageorghis (Nicosia, 1994).
India.42 Based on these and other ethnographic observations, the evidence may suggest that the bronzeworking activity was conducted at a household level.43
The analysis of crucible fragments from Level K-6
and the remains from Level K-5 allow reconstructing
the bronzeworking activity there. Crucibles were filled
with metal (either bronze scrap, or copper and tin
separately) and charcoal, placed in shallow pits, and
then heated. Ceramic pot bellows were placed nearby.
A top made of perishable material such as skin was tied
around the vessels, probably utilizing the depression
below the rim.44 By lifting the top and pressing it
down, air was sucked into the vessel and forced down
through the hole at the bottom and into a pipe made
of perishable material. The pipe carried the air from
the bellows and through a ceramic end-piece—the
tuyère. The tuyère in turn received the air at ground
level and directed it downwards onto the crucible.
Once the metal was molten, the crucible was lifted and
the hot melt was poured into a mold. Notably, since
no molds were found in Area K, we assume that they
were made of unbaked clay or sand.
The lack of substantial evidence of metallurgical activity from Levels K-8 and K-7 in the form of
droplets or other remains may be related to the contingencies of the excavation, but could have some significance since these levels are related to the time of
the 19th Egyptian Dynasty (=LB IIB), during which
time evidence of bronzeworking activity in Canaan
is generally scarce. The evidence includes remains
from Tel Rehov and possibly Tel Zeror, as well as
along the northern coast at Tel Dor, and possibly Tel
Nami.45 Significantly, at Tel Rehov the small workshop was identical to bronze workshops uncovered at
T. E. Levy et al., Masters of Fire – Hereditary Bronze Casters
of South India (Bochum, 2008).
E.g., C. L. Costin, “Craft Specialization: Issues in Defining,
Documenting, and Explaining the Organization of Production,”
Archeological Method and Theory 3 (1991): 1–56.
Davey, “Some Ancient Near Eastern Pot Bellows.”
Yahalom-Mack, Bronze in the Beginning of the Iron Age, 102–
109. Tel Rehov: N. Yahalom-Mack, “Metals and Metal-working,”
in The Excavations at Tel Reḥov, 1997–2012, ed. A. Mazar and N.
Panitz-Cohen (Jerusalem, forthcoming). Tel Zeror: K. Ohata, Tel
Zeror II: Preliminary Report of the Excavation, Second Season 1965
(Tokyo, 1967), 29. Tel Dor: Yahalom-Mack et al., “Metalworking in Area G,” Fig. 22:4. Tel Nami: M. Artzy, “Nami: A Second
Millenium International Maritime Trading Center in the Mediterranean,” in Recent Excavations in Israel: A View to the West, ed. S.
Gitin and W. Dever (New York, 1995), 17–41; M. Artzy, “Cult
and Recycling of Metal at the End of the Late Bronze Age,” in
Periplus Festschrift für Hans-Günter Buchholtz zu seinem achtzigsten
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
Qantir/Pi-Ramesses in the Nile Delta, utilizing canals
rather than pits to hold the crucible in place, as well
as unique tuyères fabricated differently than the Canaanite ones.46
During the time of the 20th Egyptian Dynasty
(=LB III), bronzeworking remains are also relatively
infrequent; they have been found at Tel Dan, Akko,
and at the Egyptian outposts at Beth-Shean and Tel
Mor.47 Significantly, the bronzeworking at Tel Mor
also included the use of canals like those at Qantir/
Pi-Ramesses, suggesting Egyptian rather than Canaanite bronzeworking traditions.48 Could this frequency and character of the metalworking remains
in LB IIB-III suggest some Egyptian restriction over
the working of bronze? In fact, a significant increase
in bronzeworking occurred after the withdrawal of
Egypt from Canaan, as evidenced by remains of this
activity detected at twelve different sites located in
various geographical regions.49 At Megiddo, this is
evident in Level K-5, within which significant bronzeworking remains were found. The rich collection of
bronze objects found in Hoard 1739 was possibly the
product of this activity.
LIA of three bronze artifacts from Area K at Megiddo shows that during the LB II, copper was imported from the Aegean, while during the LB III–Iron
I transition in the 12th century BC, bronze smiths were
using mainly copper from the Arabah. Excavations
Geburstag am 24. December 1999, ed. P. Åström and D. Sürenhagen
(Jonsered, 2000), 27–32.
N. Yahalom-Mack, “Egyptian Bronzeworking Practices in
Late Bronze Age Canaan,” BASOR 374 (2015): 103–14.
Tel Dan: D. Ilan, Northeastern Israel in the Iron Age I: Cultural, Socioeconomic and Political Perspectives (Ph.D. diss., Tel Aviv
University, 1999); R. Ben-Dov, “Craft Workshops at Tel Dan,”
Eretz-Israel 30 (2011): 77–94 (in Hebrew); Akko: M. Dothan,
“Notes and News, Akko,” Israel Exploration Journal 31 (1981):
110–12; M. Dothan, “The Significance of Some Artisans’ Workshops along the Canaanite Coast,” in Society and Economy in the
Eastern Mediterranean (c.1500–1000 B.C.): Proceedings of the International Symposium held at the University of Haifa from the 28th
of April to the 2nd of May 1985, ed. M. Heltzel and E. Lipinski
(Leuven, 1988); Tel Mor: T. Barako, Tel Mor: A Late Bronze Age
Egyptian Outpost in Southern Canaan. The Excavations Directed by
Moshe Dothan 1959–1960 (Jerusalem, 2007). Beth Shean: N. Yahalom-Mack, “The Typology of the Metal Objects,” in Excavations
at Tel Beth-Shean 1989–1996, Volume III: The 13th–11th Century
BC Strata in Areas N and S, ed. N. Panitz-Cohen and A. Mazar
(Jerusalem, 2009), 581–82.
Yahalom-Mack, “Egyptian Bronzeworking Practices.”
Ilan, Northeastern Israel in the Iron Age I, 220–30. YahalomMack, Bronze in the Beginning of the Iron Age, 102–109; Ben-Dov,
“Craft Workshops at Tel Dan.”
at Faynan and Timna show that major mining and
smelting activities were undertaken in the Arabah valley already during Iron I.50 The availability of copper
from the Arabah certainly contributed to the spread
of bronzeworking during this time, and it is hypothesized that against this backdrop, bronzesmiths began
to pursue the working of iron.51
Until recently, there was insufficient evidence for a full
reconstruction of the ironworking activity at Megiddo,
despite the “black layer” in Building 12/Q/99 which,
according to the micro-morphological examination,
was re-deposited. However, the 2014 excavation season unearthed hearths and industrial refuse which
appear to indicate in-situ iron working, yielding two
preliminary conclusions. First, the main activity took
place in an open space east of Building 12/Q/99,
not far from Palace 1723 of Iron IIA. This reinforces
Schumacher’s observations concerning ironworking
in two small rooms adjoining the exterior of the eastern wall of the palace compound. Second, sediments
contaminated with copper show that bronzeworking
took place here alongside the ironworking.
Association with Cult
The long-acknowledged association between metalworking and cult (for Canaan, note for example the
finds at Hazor, Tel Rehov, and Tell es-Safi/Gath52) appears to be distinctly manifested at Megiddo. In fact,
for the Late Bronze, Iron I, and early Iron IIA Ages,
there is a clear spatial overlap between structures fully
devoted to cult (to differ from the household level)
T. E. Levy et al. “Early Bronze Age Metallurgy: A Newly
Discovered Copper Manufactory in Southern Jordan,” Antiquity
78 (2004): 865–79; T. E. Levy et al., “High Precision Radiocarbon Dating and Historical Biblical Archaeology in Southern Jordan,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (2008):
16460–65; E. Ben-Yosef et al., “A New Chronological Framework
for Iron Age Copper Production at Timna (Israel),” BASOR 367
(2012): 31–71.
N. Yahalom-Mack and I. Segal, “The Origin of the Copper
Used in Canaan during the Late Bronze - Iron Age transition,” in
Papers in Honor of B. Rothenberg, ed. E. Ben-Yosef (Tel Aviv, forthcoming). J. J. Bimson and J. M. Tebes, “Timna revisited: Egyptian
chronology and the copper mines of the southern Arabah,” Antiguo
Oriente 7 (2009).
N. Yaholom-Mack and Adi Elyahu-Behar, “The Transition
from Bronze to Iron in Canaan,” Radiocarbon 57/2 (2015).
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
and metallurgical activity. Evidence for cult activity
beyond the domestic sphere in the southeastern sector of Megiddo (Areas K and Q and their vicinity)
includes three main features.53 First, there is Monumental Temple 2048, which functioned throughout
the Late Bronze and Iron I, until the destruction of
city in the late Iron I.54 Second, we have a massive,
public, late Iron I building, with two small, well-cut
pillars still standing in-situ, seeming matzevah stones.
The building was uncovered in 2014 in the southern
sector of Area Q, close to the spot where a late Iron
I hoard was found in 2012.
And third, a unique, large, and well-constructed
structure dating to Level Q-5 (the transition phase
from the early to late Iron IIA) has recently been uncovered at the highest point of the mound. The central hall of the building is divided into four aisles by
three rows of pillars, six in each row. The two side rows
are made of monolithic pillars, ca. 2 m. high. A large
number of cult stands, chalices, and figurines were
unearthed in the vicinity of this building.55 A cache
containing horned stone altars and shrine models, uncovered by the OI team between the present Areas
K and Q (Figure 1), may have originally belonged
to this structure.56 It is noteworthy that ironworking
in Level Q-5 took place immediately adjacent to the
east of this building, and that Schumacher’s smithy is
located a few meters to its west.
A change in cult activity at Megiddo is noticeable
starting in the late Iron IIA: elaborate structures fully
devoted to cult disappear, and the focus of cult activity
shifted to rooms within administrative buildings. This
seems to coincide with the strengthening of central
authority of the Northern Kingdom at Megiddo (e.g.,
construction of ashlar palaces).
A. Kleiman et al., “Cult Activity at Megiddo in the Iron
Age: New Evidence and a Long-Term Perspective,” Zeitschrift des
Deutschen Palästina-Vereins (forthcoming).
A. Kempinski, Megiddo: A City-State and Royal Centre in
North Israel (Munich, 1989), 77–83.
Kleiman et al. “Cult Activity at Megiddo in the Late Bronze
and Iron Ages.”
H. G. May, Material Remains of the Megiddo Cult (Chicago,
1935), Pl. XII–XV. D. Ussishkin (“Schumacher’s Shrine in Building
338 at Megiddo,” Israel Exploration Journal 39 [1989]: 149–72)
associated this cache with Building 338, located to the north of
Area K, yet, recent excavations confirmed the dating of the structure to Stratum IVA, as originally proposed by the OI team.
Bronze/Iron Transition
The transition from bronze to iron has traditionally
been understood as a trajectory of improvement,
with the latter metal replacing the former due to its
advantages, particularly its strength. However, other
factors played a role in this development, mostly technological, but also social and cultural. A simple linear
evolution of replacement is not an accurate scenario;
a more complex situation existed, as evidenced from
the finds at Megiddo, as well as other sites. The question of whether iron was superior to bronze is not a
trivial one. As iron produced in the bloomery process
during the Iron Age was not liquefied, and therefore
could not be cast into shape, bronze was retained as a
complementary metal. Iron would have been stronger
than bronze only with specific heat treatments that,
as far as we know, were not systematically employed
during the Iron Age.57 However, it may be assumed
that the use of iron was advantageous, at the very least
because of the availability of its raw material and the
control over the entire production process.58
Systematic iron production began in the southern
Levant during the late 13th–early 12th centuries BC,
occurring simultaneously in the Ajlun region in modern Jordan; likely in the area of the Warda iron ore
deposit, with the production of iron/steel bracelets
(found, for example, in the Baqa’a burials in Jordan59);
and in Cyprus, with the production of bi-metallic
knives.60 Notably, the former iron products were of
a prestige nature; the latter were not purely utilitarian, but also apparently had prestige value. Utilitarian
Yaholom-Mack and Elyahu-Behar, “Transition from Bronze
to Iron in Canaan”; A. Eliyahu-Behar and N. Yahalom-Mack are
preparing a study on this topic.
Yaholom-Mack and Adi Elyahu-Behar, “Transition from
Bronze to Iron in Canaan.”
M. R. Notis et al. “The Metallurgical Technology: the Archaeometallurgy of the Iron IA Steel,” in The Late Bronze and Early Iron
Ages of Central TransJordan; The Baq’ah Valley Project, 1977–1981,
ed. P. E. McGovern (Philadelphia, 1986), 272–78.
S. Sherratt, “Commerce, Iron, and Ideology: Metallurgical
Innovation in 12th–11th Century Cyprus,” in Proceedings of the
International Symposium: Cyprus in the 11th Century B.C., ed. V.
Karageorghis (Nicosia, 1994), 59–108; S. Pickles and E. Peltenburg, “Metallurgy, Society and Bronze/Iron Transition in the
East Mediterranean and the Near East,” Report of the Department
of Antiquities, Cyprus (1998): 67–100; J. D. Muhly, “Texts and
Technology: the Beginning of Iron Metallurgy in the Eastern
Mediterranean,” in Ancient Greek Technology: Proceedings of the 2nd
International Conference on Ancient Greek Technology (Oct. 2005),
ed. T. P. Tassios and C. Polyvou (Athens, 2006), 19–31.
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
iron objects (tools and weapons) are not found before
Iron Age I (11th century BC). The most intriguing
questions are how this new technology began, subsequently spread, and what were the specific social
conditions for its adoption. The latter two aspects can
be examined with the Megiddo metallurgical dataset.
The metalworking evidence from Megiddo paints
a complex picture, which can be examined in terms
of “continuity” and “discontinuity.”61 Bronzeworking can be generally associated with processes of
“continuity” throughout most of the second millennium BC and into the first millennium BC. However,
ironworking is associated with “discontinuity,” expressed in the appearance of large-scale centralized
iron production in the early first millennium BC. This
“discontinuity”—when ironworking remains per se
first appear and the number of iron objects increase
dramatically—occurs at Megiddo during the transition from Stratum VIA to VB, signifying the change
from cultural traditions and political organization of
second millennium Canaan to those of the early first
millennium kingdom of Israel. This transformation
included a shift from city-states dominating limited
territories to large-scale territorial kingdoms, which
impacted the long-term history of the site.62 A major
alteration occurred in the layout of the settlement and
in almost every aspect of its material culture.63 The
particular area of the tell where metalworking remains
dating to this period were found—the southeastern
sector of the settlement—changed from residential to
palatial. While bronzeworking is associated with the
earlier form of settlement, systematic iron production
is related to the latter. The strongest evidence for the
association between iron production and the central
Israelite administration is the sharp decrease in iron
“Continuity” refers to gradual changes, while “discontinuity”
refers to social and/or population change, occurring as longer-term
historical changes. See F. Braudel, “Histoire et Sciences sociales:
La longue durée,” Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales 13 (1958):
725–53; V. Roux, “Spreading of Innovative Technical Traits and
Cumulative Technical Evolution: Continuity or Discontinuity?”
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 20 (2013).
I. Finkelstein, “City States and States: Polity Dynamics in the
10th-9th Centuries B.C.E.,” in Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power
of the Past: Canaan, Ancient Israel, and their Neighbors, ed. W. G.
Dever and S. Gitin (Winona Lake, IN, 2003), 75–83.
N. Franklin, “Revealing Stratum V at Megiddo,” BASOR 342
(2006): 95–111; E. Arie, “In the Land of the Valley”: Settlement,
Social and Cultural Processes in the Jezreel Valley from the End of the
Late Bronze Age to the Formation of the Monarchy (Ph.D. diss., Tel
Aviv University, 2011).
objects, both in absolute numbers and in relation to
bronze, alongside the significant increase in bronze
objects following the destruction of the Stratum IV
city by Assyria in 732 BC.
The location of the iron (as well as bronze) production venue, just east of Palace 1723 and its related
courtyard, may suggest that the ironworking activity
was attached to the central administration, although
alternative explanations may be considered. The location of bronzeworking during most of the second
millennium in courtyard houses suggests a different,
domestic-centered production mode. Analogous processes may be noted at other sites. For example, ironworking was associated with an administrative building
at Beth Shemesh during Iron IIA, while bronzeworking during Iron I was carried out in courtyards and
between houses.64
While it seems that the adoption of ironworking
was the result of a deliberate act on the part of the central authority, the mechanism by which iron was first
introduced during the initial phase in Iron I is more
ambiguous. Although iron objects have been found
in many Iron I sites in Canaan (Megiddo among
them), none of the actual iron production remains
unearthed thus far predate Iron IIA.65 We have mentioned earlier that during Iron I, the political vacuum
left after the departure of the Egyptians provided favorable conditions for a floruit of bronzeworking; it
apparently also opened new vistas for innovation and
provided a fertile platform for the absorption of new
technologies. It remains to understand how the new
technology of ironworking reached Megiddo. Was it
prompted by the imitation of iron objects that came
in through trade? Was the knowledge acquired from
itinerant (iron?) smiths? Another pertinent question
is whether the production of iron at its inception in
Iron Age I was at all related, as a processually evolutionary development, to that of Iron Age IIA. Were
the differences merely quantitative or also qualitative?
We suggest that Hoard 12/Q/76 provides some
indication that iron was in fact produced at Megiddo
during Iron I. LIA showed that bronze rivets from
two of the iron knives from the hoard were made of
copper from the Arabah, indicating that the knives
Bunimovitz and Lederman, “Iron Age Iron”; E. Grant and
G. E. Wright, Ain Shems Excavations (Palestine), Part V (Haverford, PA, 1939), 56.
Yaholom-Mack and Adi Elyahu-Behar, “Transition from
Bronze to Iron in Canaan”: 290–93.
Metalworking at Megiddo during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages
were more likely locally produced than imported from
Cyprus. There is always a possibility that the blades
were merely riveted at Megiddo; however, according
to LIA, bronze rivets from similar blades found at
Khirbet Qeiyafa were also made from Arabah copper.66
The unworked carnelian and other semi-precious
stones, the use of metal to string the beads, and the
location of the hoard in a traditional metalworking
area all suggest that the objects are associated with
their immediate locus of production.
If we are correct in our interpretation of this hoard,
and since both bi-metallic knives of Cypriot style and
iron bracelets were present in the assemblage, we would
argue that local bronzesmiths adopted iron technology through the “process of copy” and/or contact
with itinerant smiths.67 The involvement of bronzesmiths with ironworking in Iron I is strengthened
by the association between bronze and ironworking
during Iron II. This is evident from the metallurgical
remains and sediments in Area Q at Megiddo and at
other sites, such as Tell es-Safi/Gath68 and Hazor,69
as well as from the continuity in the location of metalworking during the Bronze and Iron Ages, and the
continuity in bronzeworking during Iron IIA.
Technological innovation is complex and related
to varying reasons and circumstances. The borrowing
of one or two new technical traits into a pre-existing
technological system can be the result of the expertise of a sole craftsman with the ability to influence
other practitioners.70 However, the adoption and
embedding of an entirely new technology, such as
ironworking, would entail other factors. The introduction of ironmaking involved the adoption of a new
technology, a new chaîne opératoire, the acquisition
of resources from hitherto untapped locations and
methods, and a different organization of production.
Yahalom-Mack, Segal, and Finkelstein, “Provenancing Copper-based Objects from the Bronze and Iron Ages.”
M. J. O’Brien and R. A. Bentley, “Stimulated Variation and
Cascades: Two Processes in the Evolution of Complex Technological Systems,” Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory
18 (2011): 309–37. V. Roux, “Spreading of Innovative Technical
Traits”: 312–30.
Eliyahu-Behar et al., “Iron and Bronze Production at Tell
Yahalom-Mack et al., “Metalworking at Hazor.”
V. Roux, “Technological Innovations and Developmental
Trajectories: Social Factors as Evolutionary Forces,” in Innovation
in Cultural Systems. Contributions from Evolutionary Anthropology, ed. M. J. O’Brien and S. J. Shennan (Cambridge, MA, 2010),
It is possible that, in our case, the Iron I bronzeworkers who adopted the innovative iron technology
in addition to their usual practices, engaged only in
the forging of iron. Subsequently, during Iron IIA,
when ironmaking came to dominate, the complete
chaîne opératoire of iron production, including the
smelting of iron from its ore, was performed. A caveat to this suggestion, of course, is that to date, no
iron production remains from Iron I at Megiddo have
been found. Since the Iron IIA metallurgical remains
may have been the byproducts of either iron forging
or smelting, this hypothesis remains to be explored
with further excavation and analysis of slag. Such a
scenario would suggest that while some ironworking
traits were adopted by individuals during Iron I, the
technology as a whole was fully adopted during Iron
IIA, the impetus likely being the agency of the central authority and its ability to allocate the necessary
Anthropological investigation has clearly shown
that knowledge of a new technology is not a sufficient
cause for its adoption and that complex social, cultural,
political, and ideological factors play a role as well.72 In
the case of Megiddo, the evidence at hand indicates
that the direction of change was initially (Iron I) from
the “bottom up” (the initiative of local craftsmen),
and subsequently (Iron IIA) from the “top down”
(initiative of the kingdom’s administration), part and
parcel of far-reaching political and social changes in
this period, as seen in all aspects of material culture at
Megiddo and beyond.73
The unique sequence of metalworking in the southeastern sector of Tel Megiddo indicates both continuity of metallurgical activity from the late Middle
Bronze to Iron IIA and discontinuity indicated by
the adoption of iron technology during Iron IIA. It
V. C. Pigott, “The Emergence of Iron Use at Hasanlu,” Expedition 31 (1989): 67–79.
M. B. Schiffer, “Transmission Processes: A Behavioral Perspective,” in Cultural Transmission and Archaeology: Issues and Case
Studies, ed. J. M. O’Brien (Washington, D.C., 2008), 102–11.
R. Torrence and S. E. van der Leeuw, “Introduction: What’s
New About Innovation,” in What’s New? A Closer Look at the Process
of Innovation, ed. S. E. van der Leeuw and R. Torrence (London,
1989), 12–13; C. Costin et al. “The Impact of Inca Conquest on
Local Technology in the Upper Mantaro Valley, Perú,” in ibid.,
Journal of Near Eastern Studies
also supports the notion that bronze- and ironworking were closely related. The Megiddo finds shed new
light on the introduction of iron to the southern Levant. Indirect evidence suggests that iron was already
worked by bronze smiths during Iron I. This metallurgical shift would have occurred after the Egyptian
administration was no longer present in the region,
but concurrent with the floruit of the Arabah mining
and bronzeworking. Our finds also suggest that the
increased production of iron at Megiddo was related
to the fundamental change in the character of the site
from a late-Canaanite city-state in Iron I to an administrative center of the Northern Kingdom of Israel
in the Iron IIA. This alludes to the possibility that
even though the know-how existed previously, actual
iron production was likely a socio-cultural adaptation,
probably related to new administrative/political attitudes toward metallurgy. Notably, with the demise of
the Northern Kingdom at the end of the 8th century
BC, the number of iron objects decreased alongside a
renewed floruit of bronze items.