Digital Marketing: Engaging Consumers with Smart Digital Marketing Content

2021, Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan

The accelerated development of digital technology is currently affected by several factors such as the use of internet technology, the development of smartphones, the emergence of various social media, the deve­lopment of e-commerce and the large number of people who actively use the internet. This study aimed to find a suitable marketing strategy for promoting food products by observing the development of digital marketing, especially today’s social media marketing. Bali was well known as one of the destinations visited by local and International tourists. One restaurant located in Kuta called Maisyaroh, in spite of the advancement of digital technology, had not optimized the use of the technology well.  Whereas, it actually could affect the competitive advantages. In addition, a qualitative descriptive approach was used in this research, while the data collection techniques were carried out through observation, in-depth interviews by using Zoom Meeting and docu­men­tation. The res...

JMK, VOL. 23, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2021, 94–103 ISSN 1411-1438 print / ISSN 2338-8234 online DOI: 10.9744/jmk.23.2.94–103 DIGITAL MARKETING: ENGAGING CONSUMERS WITH SMART DIGITAL MARKETING CONTENT Zakiya Umami1*, Gede Sri Darma2 1,2 Universitas Pendidikan Nasional, Indonesia Email: [email protected]; [email protected] *Corresponding author Abstract The accelerated development of digital technology is currently affected by several factors such as the use of internet technology, the development of smartphones, the emergence of various social media, the development of e-commerce and the large number of people who actively use the internet. This study aimed to find a suitable marketing strategy for promoting food products by observing the development of digital marketing, especially today’s social media marketing. Bali was well known as one of the destinations visited by local and International tourists. One restaurant located in Kuta called Maisyaroh, in spite of the advancement of digital technology, had not optimized the use of the technology well. Whereas, it actually could affect the competitive advantages. In addition, a qualitative descriptive approach was used in this research, while the data collection techniques were carried out through observation, in-depth interviews by using Zoom Meeting and documentation. The results stated that promotion using Instagram (IG) endorsement and paid promote could increase brand awareness and buying interest. Keywords: Digital marketing, social media marketing, endorsement, paid promote, brand awareness. Introduction that by doing digital marketing, business people can reach all groups anytime and anywhere without having limitations such as distance and time when compared to conventional marketing. As a result, using digital marketing is superior and social media marketing (as digital marketing) can build brand awareness which is considered as an action to introduce, educate, influence and note consumers of the existence of a brand so they are aware and encouraged to make a purchase. Reporting from, there has been an increase in social media users in 2019 by 10 million users from the previous year. In this case, it certainly opens up the opportunities for businessmen to undertake social media marketing. Instagram as one of social media provides features that can be used for promotion. Instagram also has a system that can affect the users’ engagement and insight rates (Agung & Darma, 2019). The culinary business is currently growing very rapidly with the emergence of many businessmen in the culinary field- because it is considered to have great opportunities which are supported by a consumptive culture of the community and the media used for promotion. Then, it can make both old business people and startups have the opportunity to develop their business (Tresnawati & Prasetyo, 2018). Tight competition arises because of the large number of culinary businesses. In order to compete, culinary business actors must use the right strategy; therefore, their business can continue to grow and survive. Business Currently, we are in the industrial revolution 4.0 marked by digital technology. The entry of this disruption era makes everything easier, faster and cheaper. Thus, it causes the change of consumer behavior (Kasali, 2018). The rapid development of digital technology is influenced by various factors, including the use of internet technology, smartphone development (Purwana, Rahmi, & Aditya, 2017), the emergence of various kinds of social media (Nurmansyah, 2019; Arifa, 2015), e-commerce (Setianingtyas & Nurlaili, 2020) and the large number of people who actively use the internet (Nadya, 2016). The rapid development of internet use has effects on the business sector especially on the internet marketing which is called digital marketing. It also can be defined as a variety of contents that is made according to groups of customers by managing layers in the field of digital to gain consumers and to create brand awareness (Cizmeci & Ercan, 2015). Nowadays, the internet is used not only as a media for entertainment, but also for promotion. This is in accordance with the previous research carried out by Fawaid (2017) which states that with the current development of digital technology, business actors must be sensitive to the existing developments. Meanwhile, if they ignore it, they will be left behind. This statement is also comparable to prior research carried out by Oktaviani and Rustandi (2018) which claims 94 Umami: Digital Marketing: Engaging Consumers with Smart Digital actors must keep up with the times so that they will not be left behind, one of the ways is by promotingthrough social media marketing (Zhu & Gao, 2019). Maisyaroh Restaurant is a restaurant located in Kuta, Bali and well known as a tourism place that is frequently visited by tourists from all over the world, both domestic and international. It might be the first time for them to come to Bali so they have lack of information about that place. Thus, the easiest way for foreigners to do when coming to a new place (either for the first or the second time) is to find out information about the place on the internet. Therefore, the business actors must display complete, accurate and attractive information on the internet in order to distinguishedthem from the other competitors. The first observation carried out by the researcher at Maisyaroh Restaurant found that Maisyaroh Restaurant has several social media accounts, such as Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. Currently, information such as tourist attractions, restaurants and hotels in a country can be easily searched through social media. It indicates that social media has developed rapidly. Therefore, today’s businesses in all fields should make a change by implementing digital marketing, including restaurants. Bala and Verma (2018) in their research said that consumers seek the best information and offers from the sellers via internet so that it can give advantages for the businesses through digital marketing such as optimization of search engine marketing (SEM), content marketing, influencer marketing, social media marketing and social media optimization. Consumer awareness is very important because it provides an in-depth understanding of what kind of brand content can affect consumers. This study aims to determine the strategy which is used to carry out promotions through social media marketing so it can keep up with the recent developments in the era of disruption. Digital Marketing The Indonesian Digital Marketing Association (DIGIMIND) (2020) stated that there are 10 types of digital marketing, namely: 1. Content marketing is a type of digital marketing that focuses on creating and distributing content for the target market. 2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of gaining high quality traffic for free or paid. 3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a digital marketing strategy to increase the visibility of a website on search engine results (SERPs) such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. 95 4. Social Media Marketing (SMM) refers to the use of social media platforms to attract customers. By using social media, business people can build harmonious relationships with the consumers. 5. Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC) is a type of marketing such as Google adwords where business people act as advertisers and make payment to every person who visits the website. 6. Affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a person makes a business relationship with a businessman or a company to get a commission for the emerging business traffic. 7. Email marketing uses email as promotional media for the product. 8. Instant messaging marketing is marketing via short messages. 9. Radio Advertising. 10. Television Advertising. The rapid advancement of technology causes various industrial growths promptly which cannot be prevented and stopped (Dewi & Darma, 2019). Technological developments have brought business development in a positive direction, especially for the business people who can take advantage of technology itself as a means for marketing their business (Nurmansyah, 2019). The use of digital technology has altered the way the marketers connect with their consumers today (Ritz, Wolf, & McQuitty, 2019). Conventional media, which was formerly used to market a product, such as printed media, is now being displaced by internet media that can be accessed through technology such as computers and smartphones. Such condition has created a new environment and changed the aged culture into a new culture for the internet users. The use of digital marketing in marketing cases helps to boost customer knowledge according to their needs. Promotion is one of crucial activities in marketing. It can create brand awareness and maintain the existence of a product. Along with the current advancement of digital technology, the marketing strategy, especially promotion, has become more modern by using internet technology which is called digital marketing (Putri, 2019; Tresnawati & Prasetyo, 2018; Nadya, 2016). Digital marketing is a marketing action such as branding which applies web-based media, namely blog, website, e-mail and social networks (Fawaid, 2017). Digital marketing eases the marketers to monitor and provide all the needs of consumers, while consumers can get the information that they are looking for easily by browsingon the internet (Purwana et al., 2017). Tresnawati and Prasetyo (2018) said that 96 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL. 23, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2021: 94–103 there are at least four benefits of digital marketing in maximizing a business, namely saving costs, reaching a wider market, as a means for increasing the sales and a connection for both sellers and consumers. Social Media as Marketing Strategy Social media is a gathering place for various kinds of people (individuals and groups) to communicate. With the great number of social media users, it can be used as a media for promotion to increase the sales (Arifah, 2015). Social media marketing is a form of marketing that can be done with the aim of achieving brand marketing and communication through social media (images and videos) with the product display as a main focus (Setianingtyas & Nurlaili, 2020). Content marketing can be defined as creating and distributing content that aims to lure, gain and involve target audiences to encourage profitable action of customers. Content marketing aims to include sales, the increase of web traffic, direct sales, brand awareness, customer retention, brand loyalty and customer acquisition (Charlesworth, 2018). This statement is supported by previous research conducted by Bilgin (2018) which stated that marketing activities with social media have a significant effect on brand awareness, its image and loyalty, while the effects of social media marketing on consumers appear as a brand awareness. The use of word of mouth (WoM) on social media as digital marketing has been tested to achieve success. The use of word of mouth can also attract new members so that brand awareness is formed quicker in consumers’ minds and increase website traffic. As the result, it will raise the visibility of marketing. Instagram as Social Media Marketing Instagram is a social media with a great demand because it focuses on the use of images and videos (Handika et al., 2018) and offers interesting features that can be utilized by marketers. There are two types of Instagram content, namely content for Instagram feed and Instagram story (Helianthusonfri, 2019). Consumers can be influenced by social media content, especially when comparing brands to the target and making final purchase decisions (Dedeoğlu, van Niekerk, Küçükergin, De Martino, & Okumuş, 2020). This statement is in line with the prior research carried out by Retnowati Indrianingsih, and Honggowibowo (2019) who said that content selection as an Instagram marketing strategy is truly effective where the audience response to the content is quite positive. It is because 50% of consumers' online time is used to enjoy the content which makes the marketing scope and sales volume increase. Content marketing is the most appropriate strategy to use for reaching online consumers because it is able to reach potential consumers and cope wider range of customerat a lower cost; therefore, maximizing content in digital marketing is the fastest growth of marketing strategy (Elkin, 2017). Useful and relevant contents can consist of product descriptions, tips and testimonials from consumers. Instagram content with photos or videos can represent the taste, aroma and texture of food. With various features such as hashtags, it can be utilized for marketing on IG. In Addition, visual content is more attractive to influence and to be recognized by consumers. Endorse Instagram Endorsement is an activity of offering and promoting goods or services on social media, like Instagram, by using the accounts of social media influencers (Instagram of celebrity and culinary accounts) who have high followers and engagement. High engagement is defined as every content that is shared which have a high reaction of likes, comments and view content (Prakoso, 2019). The purpose of endorsement is to introduce (Wijaya, 2018) and to offer products to the followers in order to increase the sales (Mashfufah, 2019). Endorsement systematics is that the tenants send their products to the owners of endorsement service for promotional activities on their accounts (Prakoso, 2019). Muzaki (2017) conducted research on Instagram endorsement and found that the development of information technology causes consumers to be selective in purchasing because they can easily obtain information through social media. Therefore, companies are required to communicate their products appropriately and one way to do it is by doing an endorsement. Endorsement is performed by public figures, artists, influencers and public accounts that have influence and popularity to attract the consumers, so it will encourage their followers to be involved in the promotions. The advantages of using endorsement services (Mashfufah, 2019): 1. Attract consumer attention. 2. Improve communication in order to produce information. 3. Improve company image. 4. The use of celebrity or promotional accounts can enter new markets. 5. Make consumers aware of a brand. The rates set by each owner of an endorsement service are different one another which depends on the Umami: Digital Marketing: Engaging Consumers with Smart Digital number of the followers. As a tenant, be selective in choosing the endorsement service is a must by checking whether the followers are real or fake. The advantage of using endorsement services is the right target of market segmentation, for example, if you want to promote food products, then you have to find an endorsement account such as food recommendations that can be easily found nowadays. Thus, the consumers can receive the content you want to convey to them. Paid Promote Instagram The rise of electronic marketing has emerged along with the development of technology and information (Arifah & Mustikarini, 2016). Currently, electronic marketing through social media is widely used by business people, such as paid promote. Paid promote is a paid promotion service (Fahmi, 2018). Paid promote is used as a promotional service because it can help consumers to obtain product information and to get the product they want with an easier way. Besides, paid promotion can also boost the potential consumers because it can help to increase the sales figures even though the addition of followers is less significant (Arifah & Mustikarini, 2016). The provider of paid promote and endorsement service is a third party such as public figure, artist, influencer and the media (public accounts) (Rifa, 2020) who have a large number of followers (Fahmi, 2018). The difference between paid promote and endorsement is in the payment system (Prakoso, 2019). The fee of Paid Promote is paid with money, while the endorsement is paid with the product or with the barter system in accordance with the nominal price agreed by the tenants and the owners of the accounts (Rifa, 2020). Arifah and Mustikarini (2020) and Fahmi (2018) conducted research on paid promote on Instagram and obtained a result stating that performing digital marketing through paid promote is one of the efforts of business actors to increase brand awareness so that a purchase eventually occurs. Promotion mechanism by using paid promote is that the tenants send the materials (pictures or brochures) as well as the caption and then the owners of the services post them as the tenants wish (Rifa, 2020), thus, this also causes the cost of paid promote cheaper than endorsement services. Additionally, paid promote is usually offered by media/ public accounts. Brand Awareness Technological developments create information disclosure and change the patterns of information dissemination, such as social media marketing which 97 makes consumers aware of the brand and encourages them to buy a product (Oktaviani & Rustandi, 2018). Brand awareness might be interpreted as the impact of a brand on the consumers’ minds (Cizmeci & Ercan, 2015), a tool to become aware, remember and get used to a brand (Bilgin, 2018), the ability to remember a brand as a basis for building brand image, attitude and trust to the brands (Seo, Park, & Choi, 2020). Building brand awareness is the premier and most significant step in marketing communication (Cizmeci & Ercan, 2015). Brand awareness tells knowledge to consumers about the brand’s existence by hiring endorsement and paid promote services in order to shape the perception of a product so that it will create a ‘buying interest’ (Putra, Yulianti, & Abdurrahim, 2020). Social media marketing can participate in building brand awareness and creating a good brand image because it can facilitate the interaction of business people with the potential consumers (Seo et al., 2020). Brand awareness is extremely essential in a business since it invites the consumers not only to purchase but also to make repeat orders Social media marketing and content marketing are part of digital marketing and both types of digital marketing can be used simultaneously. The most obvious effect of social media marketing on consumers’ minds is brand awareness (Bilgin, 2018). Branding is an important factor in competitiveness. It can differentiate similar goods and services from different companies in consumers’ mind. Besides, it makes the brand more preferable compared to others. A business that is successful in becoming a brand can be distinguished from other businesses since a brand has a special position in consumers’ mind and has its own identity. The influence of social media on consumer behavior covers a wide range of activities which consist of informing and sharing ideas and attitudes to obtain awareness and understanding. Brand awareness refers to the level of recognition and acceptance of a brand by consumers. It diminishes the time and risk of consumers while looking for the products they want to purchase. It occurs as consumers are more likely to buy products from the brands they already recognize (Bilgin, 2018; Oktaviani & Rustandi, 2018). Research Method This research was conducted at Maisyaroh Restaurant in Kuta-Bali by using a qualitative descriptive approach. The type of this qualitative research was a case study. A case study is a problem study which is examined through one or more cases in a restricted 98 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL. 23, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2021: 94–103 system (setting and context). This research was started by conducting a field study and obtained a result which showed that Maisyaroh Restaurant needs more knowledge about digital marketing by using social media due to limited information that they have in Maisyaroh Restaurant management. The types of data used are primary data which were obtained directly from the informants and secondary data that were collected from the internet, in the form of articles, books and journals. Data collection techniques included observation, in-depth interviews through Zoom meetings (conducted to adhere to the new normal policy due to covid-19 pandemic) and documentation. Meanwhile, the sampling technique used was purposive sampling, in which the informants were selected with certain considerations. The selected informants consisted of internal and external informants: two people from Maisyaroh Restaurant who know in detail about the marketing of Maisyaroh Restaurant (MS as the owner and I as the manager of Maisyaroh Restaurant) and five people (ARR, SS, SG, RKN and A) as consumers of Maisyaroh Restaurant, active users of social media (Instagram) as well as the followers of Maisyaroh Restaurant Instagram. The interview questions used in this research were classified into two, namely questions for the consumers and the manager of Maisyaroh restaurant. The following questions were dedicated for the cunsomers of Maisyaroh Restaurant: 1. Do you use social media, Instagram? 2. How often do you use it? 3. How often do you watch review or advertisements of food on Intagram? 4. What kind of content do you like for promoting food on Instagram? 5. Which one do you prefer between endorsement and paid promote for food promotion on Instagram? 6. Do you ever want to know about a food product after looking at the promotion of it on Instagram? 7. Do you ever visit the business account of a food product after watching the promotion? Below were the questions for manager of Maisyaroh Restaurant: 1. What type of promotion has ever Maisyaroh Restaurant used until now? 2. What kind of content does Maisyaroh Restaurant use while observing the development of cunsomers nowadays? 3. How does the promotion affect the sales? Does the sale increase? 4. What is your opinion about social media marketing on Instagram? The data analysis of Miles and Huberman model was used for data analysis technique that includes: 1. Data reduction, namely summarizing, choosing and focusing on important things in order to provide a clearer picture and to ease the researchers to collect further data. 2. Display data. Presentation of data can be done in the form of brief descriptions, charts, and relationships between categories. With data presentation technique, it will be easier to understand what is going on and plan the next work. 3. Verification or conclusion. The initial conclusion is still temporary. It will change if no strong evidence is found to support the next data collection. On the other hand, if the conclusion at an early stage is supported by valid and consistent evidence when the researcher returns to the field to collect data, then the conclusion is considered as credible conclusion. Meanwhile, to verify the validity of the data, it used triangulation of data sources. Source triangulation is collection of data from multiple sources by using the same techniques, for example interviews about the use of social media marketing. Result and Discussion Digital marketing is one type of marketing that is currently widely used to promote products (goods and services) to reach consumers by utilizing digital channels. Digital marketing has main goals: attracting customers and enabling consumers to interact with the brands through digital media such as social media called Instagram. This is in line with previous research by Fawaid (2017) which said that today’s digital marketing is a marketing that should be used. If you ignore it, then you will be left behind. In consonance with current technological advancements, marketing strategy has also begun to be more modern by using internet technology known as digital marketing (Putri, 2019; Nadya, 2016; Tresnawati & Prasetyo, 2018). Digital marketing is defined as a content that is made according to groups of customers by managing layers in the field of digital to gain consumers and to create brand awareness (Cizmeci & Ercan, 2015). According to Tresnawati and Prasetyo (2018), there are at least four benefits of digital marketing in maximizing a business, namely saving costs, reaching a wider market, as a means for increasing the sales and a connection for both sellers and consumers. For example, in the past, promotional activities were done by spreading brochures, placing banners, and business cards, However, with digital marketing nowdays, Umami: Digital Marketing: Engaging Consumers with Smart Digital promotional activites can be done easier through social media like Instagram. In 2020, there was an increase in social media users in Indonesia by 10 million compared tothe previous year. Thus, it opens up the opportunities for businessmen to start using social media to develop their business, especially in promotions. Currently, there are many promotional services offered on Instagram such as endorsement and paid promote. Promotional Content on Instagram The high number of internet users cannot be separated from disruption. This case has driven the changes from offline shopping to online shopping and increased the flow of online businesses around the world. The continued changes certainly adjust the marketing strategy from offline to online strategy. To determine the online marketing strategy, it is essential for the the marketers to know what the consumers desire and need. The results of the interviews found that all informants certainly used Instagram every day and the content they liked to see was the promotion of food products in the form of photos and videos. "Fortunately, I also have a hobby of eating, so I often open Instagram and mostly look at trending foods. I usually look for food references. If I am confused about what to eat, I open Instagram and see some endorsements on culinary and celebrity accounts. In my opinion, food is not an infographic, but it is more like a photo. For example, in the cookies photo, you can see that the chocolate melts and the aesthetics can be seen so that it can attract people’s attention" (ARR, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) “For reviews, those are usually seen on friends' Instagram stories or on Instagram Ads. I follow celebrity and food-only accounts that usually provide food endorsements or check on Go-Food to see food promotions. For food content, I prefer it in the form of photos because it looks more tantalizing” (SS, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) “I often see food reviews on Instagram. I took a look at the account of Bali reviewers such as Delisious Bali. If I am confused about what to eat, the easiest thing to do is to open Instagram then look for a reviewer's account. However, I also frequently see food vlogger accounts” (SG, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) “I often see food reviews on Instagram. In terms of content, I've seen photos, videos, as well as infographics, but for now, it seems like a lot of 99 people are more interested in videos. Nowadays, almost all food vloggers also make video content so that people watch videos more often” (A, Personal Communication, January 20, 2021) “I use Instagram more than 10 times a day. Most of my online time is spent for watching videos and photos. For videos, I usually see reviews of food and clothes through celebrities’ accounts since I follow a lot of celebrities’ accounts on Instagram” (RKN, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) The content selection as an Instagram marketing strategy was truly effective where the audience response to the content was quite positive. It is because 50% of consumers' online time was used to enjoy the content which could make the marketing scope and sales volume increase. This statement was supported by previous research carried out by Trisnadewi and Ekawati (2017) regarding consumer satisfaction, the results showed that the quality of photos and videos is also very supportive of making consumers got a buying interest. It became the reason for consumers and sellers to use Instagram for promotion. Endorsement and Paid Promote of Food on Instagram The increase of social media users becomes an opportunity for business people since currently, there are many promotional services offered on Instagram such as endorsement and paid promote. "For food, I prefer endorsement especially if the content is video. When the celebrity eats the endorsed food, the appearance of the product, the way she/he eats and the expression really determines people’s interest to buy the food. If the celebrity can convince me that the food is delicious then I directly check the business account. Certainly, the celebrity tags the business account, so it is easy to get the information of the product" (ARR, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) "It is true that in my opinion right now the best promotion is on Instagram. I choose endorsement and paid promote because each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Maybe from paid promote, people who previously did not want to buy the food suddenly decide to purchase it after seeing a good picture. For example, paid promote of food on @infodenpasar account where people usually see this account to look for information about traffic, accidents, discoveries, food, etc. Well, the point is that the followers in that 100 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL. 23, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2021: 94–103 account are not only people who are looking for food references. While on @Deliciousbali account, it is certain that the followers are people who want to know about food references. So, doing a paid promote of food on @infodenpasar is not a bad idea. In fact, people will know, become aware and want to know more about the food. It is because the job of a celebrity or food vlogger is to attract the followers so that they want to try the products he/she endorses. This celebrity also provides engagement and reciprocity.” (SG, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) "If I have to choose, I think endorsement is more attractive because it shows a totality and has better performance in the videos or photos. So far, I have seen endorsements more often compared to paid promote. When many people try the food, I will definitely find it out too. Especially if there are many celebrities who endorse the food, it will make me more interested in that food either because of the food which is attractive or the expression of the celebrity that is convincing. If I'm interested in the food, I directly search the business account.” (RKN, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) "I am keener on endorsement. Endorsement is more convincing since it is usually done by famous people with a lot of followers. I follow a lot of culinary and celebrity accounts. However, I follow more culinary accounts as these accounts are specifically for culinary purposes and the tasty is trusted” (A, Personal Communication, January 20, 2021) "Honestly, I prefer endorsement, especially for food. Because in endorsement cases, the product is directly sent to influencers so that it can be seen clearly and commented on Instagram. Furthermore, many influencers reject the food since it has no good taste. Emmm maybe, it is also because of another factor as a different person has a different taste. Otherwise, if paid promote, the person only sends the contents, like pictures. That is why we do not know what it actually tastes like. As consequences, it is not convincing by using paid promote” (SS, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) Strengths of Endorsement on Instagram In promoting through endorsement, certainly there are the advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of using endorsement services were clarified by informants ARR, SS, RKN and A who said that they chose to see endorsements on Instagram if the content was related to culinary. As the researcher quoted in the following interview: "For food, I prefer endorsement; moreover, if the content is video. When the celebrity eats the endorsed food, the appearance of the product, the way she/ he eats and the expression really determines people’s interest to buy the food. (ARR, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) "For endorsement, the food is usually reviewed directly by the celebrity, so it's more convincing" (SS, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) “When many people try the food, I will definitely find it out too. Especially, if there are many celebrities who endorse the food, it will make me more interested in that food either because of the food which is attractive or the expression of the celebrity that is convincing” (RKN, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) "Endorsement is more convincing since it is usually done by famous people with a lot of followers. I follow a lot of culinary and celebrity accounts. However, I follow more culinary accounts as these accounts are specifically for culinary purposes and the tasty is trusted” (A, Personal Communication, January 20, 2021) “Maybe because this restaurant has a few followers, it uses endorsement services so that the followers increase a lot. I also always look at the business accounts of endorsed products especially if I have never tried the food. This happens as I become more curious about the food” (SG, Personal Communication, January 18, 2021) It can be seen from the quotes of the interviews above that endorsement services could make consumers convinced about the taste of the food because of some reasons: First, the influencers try the food by themselves directly; Secondly, because endorsement was shown through a culinary account, the market segmentation was right on the target. The important factors of endorsement are good content (photos and videos are not blurry), the appearance of the food, the way the influencers eat, the expressions while eating the food and the words that are spoken. These factors are very influential in persuading consumers so they feel interested in trying the food. Putri (2019) conducted a study discussing the consumer behavior of Instagram users in the 4.0 era and obtained a result that Instagram can help companies to create brand awareness by using endorsement Umami: Digital Marketing: Engaging Consumers with Smart Digital services. It occurs because when someone is interested in something, that person wants to gain more information about the product quickly. Thus, he/she will take the fastest step such as following the business account to get the information. Promotion Used in Maisyaroh Restaurant "In the past, RM. Maisyaroh started the promotions by using brochures which were distributed at tourist spots or shopping places, banners and words from one person to another. Then, it began to have Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp accounts and collaborated with Go -Food and Grab-Food. On Instagram, we usually post photos either in the feed or in the story that consist of the menu provided at RM. Maisyaroh and the information about RM. Maisyaroh. After we posted photos and videos, there were usually some people who commented and asked several questions before coming directly to RM. Maisyaroh or if they wanted to order the food via Go-Food” (Interview with I, manager of Maisyaroh Restaurant, Personal Communication, January 20, 2021) “I've used brochures before, but in recent years I do not use them anymore. We, now, choose social media as a media for marketing. We have Instagram, FB and WA accounts. Besides, we also have collaborated with Gojek and Grab. In 2020, I tried to pay for an advertisement on Instagram with Denpasar and Kuta as the marketing areas. It is quite good. At that time, there were several orders from Go-Food, but not many. There were also about 100 viewers (out of our followers) on our account. Unfortunately, no one followed, liked or commented on our account. On average, those who followed our social media account had visited RM. Maisyaroh. I was thinking about how to raise our account’s followers so that RM. Maisyaroh will be well known. Whereas, RM. Maisyaroh was often visited by some artists such as Anang Hermansyah and his family, Kevin Julio, Cakra Khan, Cicco Jeriko, Aziz Gagap and the crews, vocalist of Seventeen band, etc. However, the quality of the photos that we posted is not that good. Meanwhile, when I saw the food promotions on IG, the photos and videos were extremely aesthetic. So, maybe that also could attract followers. We have a social media account, but we are still not able to optimize it. Furthermore, what we should do actually is not only sharing a post” 101 (Interview with MS, the owner of Maisyaroh restaurant, Personal Communication, January 20, 2021) The excerpt from an interview with MS informant who said that the followers of the account did not increase after advertising on Instagram was in line with the research of Arifah and Mustikarini (2016). They stated that paid promote can help to boost the sales even though the followers are not significantly increased. From the results of the interviews, it could be concluded that RM. Maisyaroh had used social media marketing, but had not gained the engagement which was desired. Muzaki (2017) in his research, on the influence of endorsement, found that the development of information technology causes consumers to be selective in purchasing a product since they easily obtain information through social media Therefore, companies are required to communicate their products appropriately and one of the ways is by doing an endorsement. The following was the opinion of Maisyaroh Restaurant’s management regarding social media marketing. "Currently, almost all groups of communities use social media. Thus, it is time to start the business by using social media. I am an active user of social media such as Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. I use it because it is easy to use and costeffective and what I need is only internet data. So, in my opinion, promotion through social media is the best way at present, but we also have to know what kind of promotion that we will use” (I, Manager of Maisyaroh Restaurant, January 20, 2021) “Social media can be a media for promoting the products that we sell since it can save costs and time. There are already a lot of users at this time and the numbers continue to rise. Therefore, we can take advantage of it. I often see promotions for clothes worn by artists. Sometimes, if I like it, I purchase it, especially when it is worn by my favorite artists. After all, in the future I want many people to know my business first, then people will start to obtain information that in Kuta there is Maisyaroh Restaurant which provides Halal food” (MS, The Owner of Maisyaroh Restaurant, January 20, 2021) From the quotations of the interview results, we studied that it was important to build brand awareness in consumers’ minds. It was like the statement stated 102 JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN KEWIRAUSAHAAN, VOL. 23, NO. 2, SEPTEMBER 2021: 94–103 by Cizmeci and Ercan (2015), building brand awareness is the most significant step in communication through digital marketing. Brand awareness informs consumers about the existence of a brand that is useful to shape their perception on a product. Hence, it will create buying interest. This statement is in accordance with the research conducted by Putra et al. (2020) which said that brand awareness affects consumers’ buying interest toward a brand. Conclusions and Implications Based on the results and discussion above, it leads to the conclusion that currently social media users continue to increase. Thus, business people have to be able to see and optimize that opportunity. The change from offline to online shopping is real, so marketers must create online strategies to compete and survive in this era of disruption by promoting through endorsement and paid promote. Endorsement and paid promote on Instagram have a positive side, namely brand awareness. Brand awareness is the first pattern of consumer behavior that can boost purchase interest. As a result, it can increase the sales of the products. The content selection as digital marketing is truly effective since the responses given by the audiences are quite positive. It should be considered that there are several limitations in this research, namely: 1. The scope of this research is limited where it was only conducted in the Kuta area so the results of this research cannot be generalized to consumers in other areas. 2. This research was conducted within a certain period (cross section) whereas, the environment continues to change. Thus, new research must be carried out in the future. 3. The discussion in this study was limited, regarding social media marketing on Instagram. Based on the findings of this research, it is expected that the future research will be able to develop promotional strategies through social media marketing from the perspective of consumers, producers and third parties (influencers) by using more informants and farranging discussion. References Agung, N. F. A., & Darma, G. S. (2019). Opportunities and challenges of Instagram algorithm in improving competitive advantage. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, 4(1), 743–747. Arifah, F. N. (2015). 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