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AI-generated Abstract
This document provides a template for writing cause-effect essays, guiding the writer through the structure and important components necessary for developing a comprehensive argument. It emphasizes the importance of identifying a significant problem and outlining the responsibilities of key stakeholders in addressing that problem.
Causation is a term used in epidemiology and public health to describe etiology of a disease. In epidemiological study design, we study and discover the cause of a disease or other health outcomes. Causation support diagnosis of disease such as by observation and technical laboratory diagnosis. Epidemiology deals with frequency, distribution and determinants of disease, thus in epidemiological study design, all aspects of epidemiology can be studied and discovered and lead to etiology of a disease 8, 9 . In his explanation about disease causation Hippocrates said that diseases were caused naturally, not Because of superstition and gods. His belief was based on learning by doing, and used keeping records for his patients. He used writing down illness of patients and their treatments. He was ready to learn from what he did. His students followed him to observe patients; this helped him in diagnosis and prognosis. In diagnosis is where we discover the real cause of a disease 7.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
We describe and contrast two distinct problem areas for statistical causality: studying the likely effects of an intervention ("effects of causes"), and studying whether there is a causal link between the observed exposure and outcome in an individual case ("causes of effects"). For each of these, we introduce and compare various formal frameworks that have been proposed for that purpose, including the decision-theoretic approach, structural equations, structural and stochastic causal models, and potential outcomes. It is argued that counterfactual concepts are unnecessary for studying effects of causes, but are needed for analysing causes of effects. They are however subject to a degree of arbitrariness, which can be reduced, though not in general eliminated, by taking account of additional structure in the problem.
Environmental Assessment and Management, 2014
Race, Crime, Drugs and Poverty Americans in 2016 have many things to worry about when it comes to the current state of our country and government. Not only did we just have a highly disputed and controversial election recently, but many other social problems are still occurring and people are being affected every day in overwhelmingly negative ways. Racial stigmas and prejudices stemming from previous turmoil and years of a country split by a racial divide have caused people of minority to become targeted not only police officers and law enforcement. This is a behavior that has multiple different repercussions. Racism leads minorities to end up in jail, which then forces them to turn to a life of crime and in turn, eventually leading them straight into drug abuse and poverty. There are many ways to stop each of these problems at the root and I think that the best way to handle them all together would be multiple varying solutions that work separately and individually but are positively more effective. Taking out the problems and identifying them separately so that they can be focused on solely and more meaningfully is the only way to handle social problems. Big change through well planned and executed action are how we are going to change the untimely and devastating social problems our country and vastly expansive universe is currently facing. Sadly, even as we approach the beginning of the year 2017, racism is still a prevalent problem in the United States. Our population is made up of at least 30% minority groups;
Philosophical Studies, 2005
We think of a cause as something that makes a difference, and the difference it makes must be a difference from what would have happened without it. 1 Call this idea, according to which a cause is a ''differencemaker,'' the difference-making idea. The difference-making idea famously motivated Lewis's counterfactual theory, an attempt to analyze the concept of cause in terms of the relation of counterfactual dependence between events. 2 However, as we will see, Lewis's counterfactual theory ends up misrepresenting the difference-making idea: it counts as causes things that aren't difference-makers. We should then look for an alternative way of spelling out the differencemaking idea. This is what I do in this paper. I make a new proposal on how causes are difference-makers, and I argue that the new proposal succeeds in capturing the difference-making idea. Two words of clarification are in order. First, the view that I defend here is not an analysis of causation. It sets a constraint on the concept of cause, and thus it helps to carve up the concept, while at the same time leaving some room for different ways of pinning it down. Second, this paper is an attempt to establish how best to capture the difference-making idea; it is not -at least, not primarily -a defense of the claim that we w Special thanks to
Causation is one of the most important issues that are discussed in philosophy. It is an issue which exists from the almost beginning of philosophy, simultaneously with the time of Aristotle and Plato. This issue is one of the most important needs of other sciences and principles to the philosophy; since the base of all scientific attempts is the causality among the phenomena. And all sciences use this principle as a general principle. From another aspect, totality and certainty of all scientific laws are based on causation. 1 Denying of causation implies that there is no order and law in cosmos and there is no relation between two things; and it also means that all sciences are false since each science is a set of laws that exist in the universe and those laws are some kind of causation. Secondly, each law is the result of some preconditions; if there is no causation, there is no relation between those preconditions so there is no law and there is no science. 2
Environmental degradation, overpopulation, droughts, famines, debt crisis, political and social instability, and economic marginalization have become popular catchwords in any major debate on Africa. One of the most tragic indicators of the continent's chronic state of demise is the extremely high incidence of refugees. Although sub-saharan Africa only has about ten percent of the world's population, it accounts for nearly twenty-five percent of the world's refugees (Lofchie: 89). A substantial percentage of these were environmental refugees, "people fleeing land that could no longer support them" (Timberlake: 162). Others have fled civil wars and human rights violations. There are millions more internally displaced people who are not legally recognized under international law as refugees. Unless there is a major reversal of current trends, there is very little basis for optimism about the famine or the economic, environmental and refugee crises in Africa. In retrospect, debate about the complex and controversial concept of an environmental refugee in sub-saharan Africa must be located in and informed by the larger discussion on the crisis facingthe entire region. Various factors that directly or indirectly lead to environmental deterioration or degradation include: desertification, deforestation, drought, land degradation and depletion, locusts, wars, deterioration of the ozone layer, overpopulation and flooding. It should be indicated straightaway that there are no impenetrable walls between environmental, political and economic factorsthey are, at one and the same time, causes and effects of environmental crisis.
Causal factors, the implications, and possible mitigation regarding EBD students (Biological, Family, School, Culture)
International Journal of Strategic CCommunication, 2023
Folia Linguistica, 2023
Revista de Estudios Kantianos, 2024
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JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan) : kajian ilmu pemerintahan dan politik daerah, 2019
Open-File Report, 1987
International Journal of Play, 2015
Poster Presentations
Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas/Anuario de Historia de América Latina, 2024