The Assassination Attempt on Abdülhamid II

International Workshop The Assassination Attempt on Abdülhamid II (1905) Rethinking Ottoman-European Entanglements June 20-21, 2013 University of Antwerp Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp info [email protected] The Assassination Attempt on Abdülhamid II (1905) Rethinking Ottoman-European Entanglements International workshop 21 July 1905: the sound of a huge explosion is heard in Istanbul. It is the day of the selamlık, the traditional procession accompanying the sultan on the way to the Hamidiye mosque to perform Friday prayers. The bomb, hidden in a carriage, was targeted at sultan Abdülhamid II. 26 people were killed and 58 wounded, but the sultan himself survived. The assassination attempt immediately reached international headlines. A week later the Ottoman police arrested Edward Joris as prime suspect behind the attempt. Joris, born in Antwerp in 1876, was a Belgian resident of Istanbul, working for the Singer Company. He had anarchist leanings and got involved with the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. In December an Ottoman court sentenced him to death. The conviction sparked an international reaction: support committees were quickly established and a press campaign was launched, demanding the immediate release of Joris. Negotiations with the Porte failed however and Joris remained in prison. But on 23 December 1907, Joris was suddenly and discreetly released, after which he swiftly returned to his native country. Regicide is hardly a new phenomenon, but dates back to ancient times. The late nineteenth century, however, stands apart as a period of militant anarchism in which many assassination(s) (attempts) on leading statesmen and royals took place everywhere in Europe. Many of these cases are well documented in historical studies and have even become part of collective memory. The Joris case, on the contrary, has disappeared from the history books. Indeed, we know very little about the affair, and no serious scholarship has been devoted to the subject so far. Yet, the events of 19051907 stand out in several ways from similar cases elsewhere in Europe. At a time of international paranoia, with anarchists ruthlessly prosecuted all over Europe, and the killings of heads of state heavily condemned everywhere, the case of Joris seems to contradict everything we would reasonably expect. How to explain that an anarchist is able to rally international support, not only among leftist circles, but also among liberal milieus, and most notably from his own government and the major powers. Still more tantalizing is the fact that, after his release and return to Antwerp, Joris faced no kind of judicial prosecution whatsoever, and lead a fairly quiet life. Clearly, the Joris affair leaves historians of the nineteenth century with many startling questions. Why was Joris released after he was sentenced to death? How to explain the involvement of a Belgian anarchist in an Armenian nationalist terrorist cell? What to make of the diplomatic support for a radical leftist bomber who not only tried to kill the head of state of an important empire, but was also an accessory to the murder of 26 people? From a legal perspective, the case does not seem to make any sense at all. This workshop aims to reassess the events of 1905-1907, convinced that they offer a kaleidoscopic image of Ottoman-European entanglements at the turn of the century. After all, the Joris case is an episode in which the different ‘big’ and small histories of the period converge, conflict and collide. In this workshop therefore scholars will reflect on issues such as international law, terrorism, Orientalism, diplomacy, anarchism, public domain, Ottoman modernity, empire and nationalism, in order to understand the underlying (social, economic, political and cultural) processes that shaped these events and made it possible for a Belgian anarchist, foreign resident of the Ottoman capital, to get involved in an Armenian terrorist plot against Abdülhamid II. Programme Thursday 20 June 2013 - A.206 19.00 Public lecture: Edhem Eldem (Boǧaziçi University) From Bureaucracy to Autocracy: Ottoman Modernization from the Tanzimat (1839) to Abdülhamid II (1876-1909) 21.00 Dinner Friday 21 June 2013 - Hof van Liere (1st floor) Morning Session - Chair: Henk de Smaele (University of Antwerp) 9.30 Coffee and reception 10.00 10.15 11.00 11.45 12.30 Henk de Smaele (University of Antwerp) Welcome and introduction Erol Baykal (Cambridge University) Joris in the Ottoman Press Discussant : Edhem Eldem (Boǧaziçi University) Maarten Van Ginderachter (University of Antwerp) Edward Joris. Caught between Continents and Ideologies Discussant : Rik Coolsaet (Ghent University) Saro Dadyan (Istanbul Şehir University) Diplomatic Relations between the Ottoman Empire and Belgium and their Transformation after the Joris Affair Discussant : Edhem Eldem (Boǧaziçi University) Lunch Afternoon session - Chair: Edhem Eldem (Boǧaziçi University) 14.00 Will Hanley (Florida State University) The Ottoman Capitulations and the Rise of International Law Discussant : Alexander H. De Groot (Oegstgeest, Netherlands) 14.45 Gaïdz Minassian (Sciences Po Paris) Edward Joris and the Armenian Revolutionaries Discussant: Pieter Lagrou (Université libre de Bruxelles) 15.30 Coffee break 16.00 Marnix Beyen & Saskia Delbecque (University of Antwerp) ‘In the person of Joris, the entire Belgian nation is being hit’. The Resonance of the Joris-Case within Belgian Public Opinion, 1905-1907 Discussant : Christophe Verbruggen (Ghent University) Houssine Alloul (University of Antwerp) ‘Une diplomatie surannée’? The Joris Affair and Belgian Diplomacy in the Ottoman Empire Discussant : Jan Schmidt (Leiden University) Henk de Smaele (University of Antwerp) Conclusions 16.45 17.30 19.00 Dinner University of Antwerp (City Campus) Prinsstraat 13 2000 Antwerpen Belgium June 20 - Public Lecture by Edhem Eldem: A.206 June 21 - Workshop: Hof van Liere (1st floor) liël Ita ei Venusstraat La at ra r. lst ke Gr. Kauwenberg ei str lier in tr. Van Boendalestraat P. Van Hobokenstr. W Frans Hals Plein Lange St. Annastr. Keizerstraat ui r rs de oe P Kipdorpvest Jez Frankrijklei Leysstraat Kipdorpvest Participation to the workshop is free, but places are limited. Contact [email protected] to register uss tra Boeren- r P ei Eikenstraat nst r. Lange Kl are Gramayestraat Cellebroederstr. 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