Heroes and Villains in Modern Japan Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation The University of Haifa, 23-25 May 2022 DAY 1 (Monday, 23 May 2022) DAY 2 (Tuesday, 24 May 2022) DAY 3 (Wednesday, 25 May 2022) Location: The Senate Hall, Eshkol Tower, Fl. 29 Location: The Senate Hall, Eshkol Tower, Fl. 29 Location: Faculty Seminar Room, Eshkol Tower Fl. 20 Opening (09:30–10:00) Greetings Introduction to the Theme and the Lines of Investigation Rotem Kowner, The University of Haifa, Israel Panel I (10:00–12:00) — Early Modern Leaders and Their Modern Legacy Chair: Erez Golani Solomon, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Jerusalem and Waseda University, Japan Oda Nobunaga: The Demon King as a Hero and Villain Dan Sherer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Discussant: Kenneth Grossberg, Waseda University, Japan Date Masamune: In (and off) the Saddle of History on Japan’s Periphery Ran Zwigenberg, Pennsylvania State University, USA Discussant: Oleg Benesch, University of York, UK Panel V (10:00–12:00) — World War II and Its Legacy Panel VIII (09:00–11:00) — Contemporary Cultural Heroes Chair: Nimrod Baranovitch, The University of Haifa, Israel Chair: Guy Podoler, The University of Haifa, Israel 20,000 Jews Saved? 2,000? Or Perhaps None? The Myth of General Higuchi Kiichirō’s Heroism Joshua Fogel, York University, Canada Discussant: Ran Zwigenberg, Pennsylvania State University, Osaka Naomi: Activist Athlete for 21st Century Japan Alisa Freedman, University of Oregon, USA USA Kuma Kengo: The New National Architect of Japan Erez Golani Solomon, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, Onoda Hirō: Peace-Loving Japan's Military Hero Jerusalem and Waseda University, Japan Discussant: Arie Kutz, Tel Aviv University, Israel Christopher Szpilman, formerly Teikyo University, Japan Discussant: Oguma Eiji, Keio University, Japan Lunch Panel II (13:30–15:30) — Meiji Era Statesmen Panel IX (11:10–12:10) — General Discussion Chair: Rotem Kowner, The University of Haifa, Israel Panel VI (13:30–15:30) —Heroes and Villains of Social Discontent Chair: Shakhar Rahav, The University of Haifa, Israel Lunch Discussant: Helena Grinshpun, The University of Haifa, Israel Maruyama Masao: A Constructed Hero of Postwar Japan Oguma Eiji, Keio University, Japan Discussant: Christopher Szpilman, formerly Teikyo University, Japan Lunch Closure (13:00–15:50) — Heroism in Cross-Cultural Perspective Ancient and Modern Heroism in the Land of Israel Chair: Rotem Kowner, The University of Haifa, Israel Chair: Arik Moran, The University of Haifa, Israel Saigō Takamori in Bronze: The Challenges of Public Commemoration and Statuary Mark Ravina, University of Texas at Austin, USA Discussant: Michal Daliot-Bul, The University of Haifa, Israel Yamagata Aritomo: A Poisonous Spider of the Architect of Imperial Security? Danny Orbach, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Discussant: Sven Saaler, Sophia University, Japan Shigenobu Fusako and Nagata Hiroko: Female Heroine and Villain of Japan's Revolutionary Left Dick Stegewerns, Oslo University, Norway Discussant: Sigal Ben-Rafael Galanti, Beit Berl College, Israel Coffee break Panel VII (16:00–18:00) — Heroes as Reflected in Popular Culture Chair: Danny Orbach, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Coffee break Panel III (16:00–18:00) — Prewar Military Commanders Tezuka Osamu: The Cartoonist Who Has Been Elevated to Godhood Raz Greenberg, Tel Aviv University, Israel Discussant: Alisa Freedman, University of Oregon, USA Chair: Irit Averbuch, University of Tel Aviv, Israel Nogi Maresuke: The Problem of Heroic Anachronism Oleg Benesch, University of York, UK Discussant: Mark Ravina, University of Texas at Austin, USA Hirose Takeo, Tōgō Heihachirō, and Akiyama Saneyuki: One War, Different Heroes Rotem Kowner, The University of Haifa, Israel Discussant: Shaul Chorev, The University of Haifa, Israel Panel IV (18:30–20:00) – Keynote Lecture Chair: Michal Daliot-Bul, The University of Haifa, Israel Heroism in Modern Japan as Reflected in Public Bronze Statuary Sven Saaler, Sophia University, Japan Discussant: Joshua Fogel, York University, Canada “Chūshingura" From Onoe Matsunosuke to Yakusho Kōji: The Heroes of the Mythical Story in Japanese Cinema Michal Daliot-Bul, The University of Haifa, Israel Discussant: Tsipi Ivry, The University of Haifa, Israel The event is made possible through the generous support of the Israel Science Foundation and the University of Haifa