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Yonezawa, Susan
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University of California
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Susan Yonezawa, Nan Renner, Monica Sweet, Beth Simon and Diane Baxter
This research investigates the spread and sustainability of
university efforts to increase the number and types of computer
science (CS) courses available in K-12. Two university/K-12
collaborative projects in the San Diego region provide
insights into pathways for sustainability. Nearly 75 teachers
were trained to teach CS Principles through professional
development by university CS faculty and staff. Despite myriad
challenges, one-third of the teachers implemented the course.
Subsequent research explores three school districts as active
players rather than passive recipients (or worse, resistors) of
NSF-funded university-led efforts, revealing political and
cultural challenges to implementation and sustainability of
CS education reform.
Computing pervades contemporary life. The US economy
demands workers with computational competence. Yet, few K-12
students, particularly those from low-income and minority backgrounds, have access to formal learning opportunities in computer
science (CS) [2]. To meet economic demands and give students
access to opportunities, the US education system must expand CS
offerings in K-12 education. Equally critical, this expansion must
be equitable and accessible to diverse student populations, not
limited just to the affluent and tech-endowed schools.
Educational leaders call for expanding access to K-12 computing education, with deliberate attention to broadening participation
by students traditionally underrepresented in computer science,
including female, African American, Latino, Native American,
and students with disabilities/learning differences. Researchers
have documented disparities in students’ K-12 access to computer
science learning opportunities, but higher education’s investment to
actively assist K-12 is more recent [1]. Higher education partnerships with K-12 have increased the number and types of CS
courses available for students. Our research expands the scope to
investigate sustainability and spread of CS reforms.
Two sequential CS education projects involving collaboration
between California higher education (UC San Diego and San
acm Inroads
2015 December • Vol. 6 • No. 4
Working with district partners, ComPASS
and CS-CaVE reveal that the technical aspects of CS curriculum and teacher training
present only one set of challenges.
Diego State University) and K-12 education in the San Diego
region highlight this recent progression from implementation to
sustainability research in K-12 CS education, providing insight into
pathways for sustainability.
Two efforts to broaden participation
in CS: From ComPASS to CS-CaVE
In 2011, the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded teams at
University of California San Diego (UCSD) and San Diego State
University (SDSU) to conduct research on adapting a collegelevel course, CS Principles (CSP), for high schools in San Diego
County, California. This CE21 project, “Computing Principles for
All Students’ Success” (ComPASS), aimed to create a broader pool
of CSP teachers, expand CSP class offerings, increase the number
of schools offering CSP, and broaden teacher and student participation. ComPASS project objectives were to:
■ develop and evaluate content and pedagogy training and
support resources for teachers (with or without computing
backgrounds) to teach CSP;
■ build a regional computing education community to provide
sustainable peer support for new CSP teachers.
ComPASS has trained approximately 75 teachers to teach CSP,
through intensive CS workshops and professional development led
by UCSD and SDSU Computer Science faculty and instructors
from the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). However,
despite more than a year of preparatory educational outreach to
county and district leadership and prerequisite endorsement from
each teacher’s principal, a major challenge to the ComPASS project
emerged. Individually recruited ComPASS-trained teachers returned
to their schools eager to teach CSP, only to discover that decisionmakers, budgets, technology limitations, institutional policies, etc.
barred their way. Time after time, teachers discovered that the CSP
courses they were trained to teach and had planned to teach were
dropped from the master schedule. Explanatory factors included lowenrollment or administrative decisions that the teachers’ talents and
credentials were needed to teach another “more core” course, such as
mathematics or science. The course’s initial status as an elective without college-prep standing yielded classrooms of marginally engaged
students with no other options—a challenge for any teacher but
particularly for teachers implementing new material. Despite these
challenges, nearly a third of the ComPASS teachers implemented the
course, providing useful feedback to the ComPASS team.
Growing awareness of the complexity of these challenges
prompted the UC San Diego leadership at the Supercomputer
Center to partner with the Center for Research on Educational
Equity, Assessment, and Teaching Excellence (CREATE) also at
UC San Diego for a subsequent STEM+C project. NSF’s STEM+C
project, “Computer Science: Creating a Village for Educators”
(CS-CaVE), combines the know-how and networks of SDSC,
UCSD Computer Science faculty, and CREATE 1 to address a
different aim from ComPASS. Specifically, CS-CaVE examines
how school districts might become active players instead of passive
recipients (or worse, active resisters) of university and NSF efforts
to broaden participation in computer science (CS). Working with
district partners, ComPASS and CS-CaVE reveal that the technical
aspects of CS curriculum and teacher training present only one set
of challenges. The political and cultural aspects of ensuring that such
courses are offered and thrive in districts compound the complexity,
presenting another set of very different challenges.
Social and political—rather than
technical—dimensions may often
stymie equity in education
Critical challenges to reforms for educational equity are often cultural and political [3]. Changing attitudes and behavioral patterns
have historically proven far more difficult than solving technical
problems. Those who tackled long-standing inequities in educational opportunities based on race and class distinctions—from
desegregation in the 1950s and 60s to de-tracking in the 80s and
CS-CaVE studies the complex social and
political ecosystem surrounding CS education
and challenges to ensuring sustainable
CS for diverse student populations.officials
to build support for CS and to position CS
growth for at least the short and mid-term.
90s—struggled more from lack of political will and challenges
reshaping cultural norms than from technical challenges of busing,
or pedagogy for teaching diverse student groups.
At each implementation level—state, district, school, and classroom—politics (who makes decisions), budgets (where finite dollars
go), and organizational norms (it’s always been done this way) often
become the primary drivers (and saboteurs) of equity-minded reforms.
CS-CaVE brings together design-researchers from CREATE,
computer scientists from UC San Diego and SDSC, and educators from three large regional districts that serve large numbers of
low-income students, English learners, and students with special
needs. CS-CaVE studies the complex social and political ecosystem
surrounding CS education and challenges to ensuring sustainable
CS for diverse student populations. Together these three school
districts serve over 40% of the region’s secondary school students.
CS-CaVE’s team engages a number of “master teachers”
recruited and nurtured through the ComPASS project, supporting
them to drive change within their districts to increase students’
access to CS learning opportunities. The university and SDSC
provide assistance to the districts in the form of new CS content,
facilities, equipment access, modest funding for teacher professional
development stipends, evaluation services, and overall consultation.
However, the districts are “in charge” of the growth of their CS
course offerings, both during and after the grant ends. CREATE
researchers examine how the three districts use resources, strategies,
communications, and influence to promote and sustain CS.
Early results from CS-CaVE: Districts’
narratives shape answers to, “Why CS?”
1 CREATE is a unique, design-based research center with a long history of working
collaboratively with K–12 districts and schools in the San Diego area, leveraging
resources from the university to serve local high-need schools and districts.
The three districts show fascinating early success stories, achieving
as much as nearly a 600% increase in students taking CS courses.
From 2013/14 to 2014/15, they have rapidly expanded their CS
opportunities for low-income, minority students; nurtured passionate internal/external champions; and espoused specific narratives
that allow for broadening CS participation within their boundaries.
Preliminary research results from in-depth interviews in spring
# Schools
# Teachers
# 7-12 Students
# (%) English
# (%) Students
with Disabilities
# (%) Free and
Reduced Price
Lunch Eligible
District A
27,686 (25.5%)
12,174 (11.2%)
65,037 (59.8%)
District B
8,167 (19.8%)
4,835 (11.7%)
22,725 (55%)
District C
4,043 (18.2%)
3,019 (13.6%)
13,703 (61.5%)
2015 December • Vol. 6 • No. 4
acm Inroads
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2015 with 33 district administrators, principals, master teachers,
and classroom teachers reveal that a primary strategic difference
among districts is the choice of what kind of compelling narrative
officials have used to frame their districts’ CS work. Because CS
growth must fit within pre-existing narratives of ongoing reform
movements in each district, each district has woven a different story
to answer the question of Why CS? These narratives then drive who
gets involved, who benefits, and inherently who might protect and/
or nurture the reform’s future fate.
District A:
CS strengthens career pathways and real-world connections
In District A, CS lives in the College Career Technical Education
(CCTE) division and is championed on the ground by a resource
teacher overseeing Instructional Technology, a group within CCTE
that is overseen by the Office of High School Improvement. District A’s narrative as to Why CS? is less about broadening participation in CS or competitiveness for their college-bound students
(contrasting narratives that might emerge in other contexts).
Rather, district officials supportive of the reform see CS courses, in
part, as strengthening career pathway strands in high demand by
students and the marketplace, as well as helping serve the technical
and political District need to bring CCTE pathways into federal
compliance for continued funding.
Indeed, District A’s recent internal audit of its CCTE
pathways alerted officials of federally funded pathways that did
not adequately provide high-quality content and sequencing. Although the Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
pathway fared better than some, it needed some course realignment. So district officials now present Computer Science Principles as a great entry-level course to reinforce their ICT pathway.
Simultaneously, shepherds of the ICT pathway are clarifying
and refining the meaning of computing education, emphasizing
high-level skills of computational thinking used in programming,
and updating old models that focused on computing tools and
The choice to position CS within CCTE reform inherently
shapes the reform itself. It dictates which teachers get involved in
CS training and coursework (those teaching within or to students
headed to an ICT pathway), which school principals learn about
the reform (those with an ICT pathway or one in development),
and which kinds of supplemental funding (from CCTE) can augment CS-CaVE support.
Positioning CS within CCTE also makes CS itself somewhat
secondary to District A’s larger aims to retain students by linking student learning to “real-world content.” Like culinary arts,
robotics, or health sciences, CS and ICT pathways are options to
increase student engagement in school. What this also means is
that although many more students may, over time, have access to
ICT pathways (and CS), District A does not see CS as essential for
every student —in contrast to core curriculum.
District B:
CS develops students’ mathematics
abilities and should count as math
In District B, CS classes live in math departments, are primarily championed by math teacher leaders, and are supported by
acm Inroads
2015 December • Vol. 6 • No. 4
District B is in part using the narrative of
CS for math as a way both to
address students’ mathematical struggles,
and to deliberately move CS
from the periphery to the “core” to
ensure longer-term sustainability of
CS coursework in their district.
top-level school/district leadership. At first glance, District B’s
narrative echoes some of District A’s desire to use CS for real
world content—but in support of a core subject area: mathematics. District B’s public narrative answers Why CS? by positing that
CS supports the district’s Common Core agenda by developing
students’ computational thinking and strengthening the district’s
integrated math instruction.
But digging deeper into the District B way of thinking, we
learned through a series of interviews up and down the system that
District B is in part using the narrative of CS for math as a way
both to address students’ mathematical struggles, and to deliberately
move CS from the periphery to the “core” to ensure longer-term
sustainability of CS coursework in their district. In particular,
District B officials have worked hard over the year to integrate CS
with mathematics in several ways—including by getting some CS
courses to satisfy the coveted “C” math requirement by the University of California/California State University a-g college entrance
system. They believe that making CS “count” for a math course
will inherently stabilize CS offerings for years to come. Or, as one
district official stated, “it’s easy to continue to push electives to the
fringe, but if you have a class that’s replacing a primary core then
you can’t get rid of it.” District B’s efforts then reflect a deliberate
attempt to move CS politically and strategically into the heart of
K-12 education: mathematics.
District B’s effort to lean heavily on mathematics teachers also
fits well with the political climate in the state of California, where
legislative moves have recently restricted which teachers can teach
CS coursework. Mathematics teachers (in contrast to science
teachers, for example) are allowed to teach CS, as are instructional
technology teachers from CCTE divisions within districts.
District C:
STEM awareness and opportunities—from
fairs and festivals to robust course offerings
District C has recently launched efforts to broaden participation
in CS via partnership with UCSD. District C’s efforts are led by a
science resource teacher in the curriculum office. Admittedly not
a CS teacher leader, this science teacher leader received approval
from district officials in 2013 to launch a community campaign to
encourage greater STEM awareness among the district’s majority
Latino, low-income families. District C’s narrative: CS courses are
STEM electives that elevate students’ and families’ awareness about
innovation and careers in STEM. In doing so, they help make their
formerly lagging district “Future Ready.”
Thus, for District C the narrative of ‘STEM
for all’ (combined with concern
that the district was “behind the times”)
framed support for CS courses in
middle and high schools as evidence of
their focus on preparing students
for jobs of the future.
Since 2013, District C has increased STEM awareness through
a family-focused STEM Fest, inviting various community agencies to set up booths, run demonstrations, and showcase students’
STEM projects. UCSD has presented 2-4 booths each year. One
district official explained, “I think we’re just now . . . shifting to
understand the importance of supporting our STEM programs.
Four or five years ago you really didn’t talk about it a whole lot, but
now that we have an increased awareness … I’ve had lots of STEM
Computer science courses comprise one next step in transitioning from fairs and festivals to more robust student offerings.
District officials noted that authentic support for STEM pathways
in CTE, robotics teams, etc., meant more than offering their
existing CAD courses, which would be insufficient to meet the
rising demands from students and the community. Another district
official explained further,
The concept is starting to gain traction… We’ve offered computer
courses…through CTE. But programming’s always been a gap
mainly because at the high school level you often form robotics
teams...to do the robotics projects for FIRST and for the Alliance they need a coding aspect. They’ve often just filled it with
whomever they can in their class that knows code, and that’s kind
of been how the teams have formed. Now those teams are getting
really competitive [describes CCTE push as well] … So it’s the
right time. We’re kind of meeting things right at the right time, I
think, with this grant.
Thus, for District C the narrative of ‘STEM for all’ (combined
with concern that the district was “behind the times”) framed support for CS courses in middle and high schools as evidence of their
focus on preparing students for jobs of the future.
How districts choose to position CS
provides new lessons to achieve
sustainability in CS education
The narratives that each of the three Districts A, B, and C have
adopted vary in their framing. These variations affect how and
which teachers become involved, funding availability to support CS
growth and sustainability, and who champions the CS cause inside
the district. They reflect three different strategies that are driven in
part by district-specific contexts: their developmental trajectory in
CS, and worries, concerns, priorities, and opportunities perceived
within their communities. These are rarely technical conversations
or considerations. More often they are deliberate political and cultural strategies enacted by district officials to build support for CS
and to position CS growth for at least the short and mid-term. The
CS-CaVE research team continues to watch and learn with and
from these three intrepid districts, discovering much about how CS
courses might be best positioned in different district contexts to
make both scale and sustainability more likely. CS-CaVE aims to
provide a close examination of educator colleagues’ strategies to alter their social-cultural, political, and technical systems to make CS
part of public education for all (or at least far more) students. Ir
The National Science Foundation funds the Computer Science-Creating a Village for Educators
project, grant number 1441068.
[1] Astrachan, O., et al. “The CS10K Project: Mobilizing the Community to Transform High
School Computing.” SIGCSE 2011 Annual Conference. http://www.cs.duke.edu/csed/talks/
csprinciples/SIGCSE2011CS10K.pdf Accessed 2015 August 24.
[2] Margolis, J., et al. Stuck in the Shallow End: Education, Race, and Computing. Cambridge,
MA: The MIT Press, 2008.
[3] Oakes, J. “Can Tracking Research Inform Practice? Technical, Normative and Political
Considerations. Educational Researcher, 21 (1992): 12-21.
University of California - San Diego
CREATE, 9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, California 92093-0036 USA
[email protected]
University of California - San Diego
Center for Research on Educational Equity,
Assessment and Teaching Excellence (UCSD-CREATE)
La Jolla, California 92093-0036 USA
Department of Computer Science Engineering
University of California - San Diego
La Jolla, California 92093-0036 USA
San Diego Supercomputer Center
University of California - San Diego
La Jolla, California 92093-0036 USA
DOI: 10.1145/2832917
© 2015 ACM 2153-2184/15/12 $15.00
2015 December • Vol. 6 • No. 4
acm Inroads