LINK GLP Reading Tools Indexing metadata Whence Fear comes? A Few Notes about the Origin of Fear in Indian Thought Dublin Core PKP Metadata Items 1. Title Title of document Indian Thought Metadata for this Document Whence Fear comes? A Few Notes about the Origin of Fear in 2. Creator Author's name, affiliation, country Torino, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici; Italy 3. Subject Discipline(s) 3. Subject Keyword(s) Alberto Pelissero; Università degli Studi di Hinduism, Ved nta, a kara, Upani ad 4. Description Abstract The paper examines the Vedic sources of fear in ancient Indian thought. First, a connection to traditional Indian grammar (vy kara a: A dhy y 1,4,24-25) offers a plausible explanation for the origin of fear. Further hints for tracing the sources of fear are traced in some specific upani ad-s, namely B had ra yaka, Ch ndogya, Taittir ya, with a possible reference to aesthetic context (N ya stra). Particular attention is dedicated to the commentary by the philosopher a kara to a pivotal passage from B had ra yaka-upani ad (1,4,2). Two types of fear are hypothesized: an empirical one and a metaphysical one, possibly in parallel with the gradation of soteriological knowledge, distinguished as inferior and superior (apara, para) in the vedantic milieu. 5. Publisher Organizing agency, location 6. Contributor Sponsor(s) 7. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2014-07-23 Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna 8. Type Status & genre Peer-reviewed Article 8. Type Type 9. Format File format 10. Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier 10. Identifier Digital Object Identifier PDF (Italiano) 11. Source Title; vol., no. (year) Governare la paura. Journal of interdisciplinary studies; 2014: Special Issue: India and Fear: Anatomy of an Emotion 12. Language English=en en 14. Coverage Geo-spatial location, chronological period, research sample (gender, age, etc.) 15. Rights Copyright and permissions Creative Commons License This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License. Once the paper proposal is accepted, authors must send to the editorial team the release form, filled and signed , available at, clicking on Richiesta di autorizzazione e liberatoria per la pubblicazione di contributi singoli in opere collettive and downloading the appropriate file