IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13


TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 I O PB CO LU M N Edited by Karol Marhold & Ilse Breitwieser IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Edited by Karol Marhold Patricia M. Aguilera,1,2* Julio R. Daviña1 & Ana I. Honfi1 1 Laboratorio de Citogenética Vegetal, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Rivadavia 2370, 3300 Posadas, Argentina 2 Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (IBONE-CONICET), Sgto. Cabral 2131, 3400 Corrientes, Argentina * Author for correspondence: [email protected] BRASSICACEAE Draba aizoides L., 2n = 16; Switzerland, R. Füchter RF123. CAMPANULACEAE Campanula cochleariifolia Lam., 2n = 34; Switzerland, U. Käser 19870074.46. CARYOPHYLLACEAE All materials CHN; collected in Argentina, Misiones; collectors: H = A.I. Honfi, Ag = P.M. Aguilera; vouchers in MNES. Silene uniflora Roth, 2n = 24; Ireland, M. Gnesotto 14200. This research was supported by Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Técnica de Argentina (ANPCyT grant no. PICT-O 36907) and a doctoral fellowship from Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET) to P.M.A. We acknowledge to Dr. Mauro Grabiele and Ms. Bib. Irma S. Insaurralde for their assistance. Sempervivum marmoreum Griseb., 2n = 34; Albania, P. Vogli PV17. CRASSULACEAE LAMIACEAE Stachys aegyptiaca Pers., 2n = 34; Egypt, MB 13218, MB 13293. Stachys arvensis L., 2n = 10; France, Réunion (Indian Ocean), MB 12345, MB 12369. Teucrium chamaedrys L., 2n = 62; France, MB & K. Krug 13715. ASTERACEAE Angelphytum hatschbachii H. Rob., 2n = 64, H 1317. Aspilia montevidensis (Spreng.) Kuntze var. montevidensis, 2n = 44, Ag 21. Calea uniflora Less., 2n = 32, H 1315. RANUNCULACEAE Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur, 2n = 16; Netherlands, MB & D. Frey 13485. Ranunculus sceleratus L., 2n = 32; Netherlands, MB & D. Frey 13486. Victor V. Chepinoga,1,2* Aleksandr A. Gnutikov,3 Pavel I. Lubogoschinsky1 & Katja M. Fleckenstein4 Matthias Baltisberger ETH Zurich, Plant Ecological Genetics, Institute of Integrative Biology, Universitätstr. 16, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland; [email protected] All material CHN; collector: MB = Matthias Baltisberger; vouchers in Z/ZT. ASTERACEAE Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Sch.Bip., 2n = 18; Egypt, MB 13219, MB 13901. Aster albanicus Degen, 2n = 18; Albania, MB 12481, MB 12567; Albania, A. Mullaj & V. Tartari 12798. Bidens pilosa L., 2n = 72; Egypt, MB 13292. Centaurea pindicola Griseb., 2n = 20; Greece, MB & U. Schäppi 12599. Hieracium murorum L., 2n = 27; Switzerland, MB 13492. Hieracium pilosella L., 2n = 45; Switzerland, MB 13442, MB 13490. Hieracium piloselloides Vill., 2n = 36; Switzerland, MB 13443, MB 13505. Osteospermum vaillantii (Decne.) Norl., 2n = 32; Egypt, MB 13294. 1 Department of Botany, Irkutsk State University, Karl Marks Str. 1, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Georg August University of Göttingen, Untere Karlspüle 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany 3 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Prof. Popov Str. 2, 197376 St.-Petersburg, Russia 4 Faculty of Biology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Schaenzlestr. 1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All matherials CHN; collectors: AG = A. Gnutikov, KF = K. Fleckenstein, PL = P. Lubogoschinsky, VCH = V. Chepinoga; vouchers in IRKU, duplicates in VLA. The study was financially supported by grants no. 10-04-00779а, 11-04-00240-а, 11-04-01167, 12-04-01470, 12-04-01586-а, from the Russian Fund for Basic Research. All vouchers are deposited in IRKU; duplicate samples are transferred to VLA. All materials for the chromosome column should be submitted electronically to: Karol Marhold, [email protected] (Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK-845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia, and Department of Botany, Charles University, CZ 128–01 Prague, Czech Republic). The full version of this contribution is available in the online edition of TAXON appended to this article. The following citation format is recommended: Baltisberger, M. & Voelger, M. 2006. Sternbergia sicula. In: Marhold, K. (ed.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 1. Taxon 55: 444, E2. Version of Record (identical to print version). 889 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 ACORACEAE TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 PLANTAGINACEAE Acorus calamus L., 2n = 36; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C776. ALISMATACEAE Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juz., 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C713. Sagittaria natans Pall., 2n = 22; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AG & I. Enushchenko C612. Sagittaria trifolia L., 2n = 22; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C711. APIACEAE Plantago depressa Schlecht., 2n = 12; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Chepinoga & B. Batbayar C087; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Konovalov, M. Isaikina & PL C800. Plantago major L., 2n = 12; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Chepinoga & B. Batbayar C091; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Konovalov & KF C801. Plantago salsa Pall., 2n = 12; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C694, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C802. POACEAE Cicuta virosa L., 2n = 22; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1076, R. Moriz C1077, R. Moriz C1079. ASTERACEAE Inula britannica L., 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C712. Saussurea amara (L.) DC., 2n = 26; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL & A. Konovalov C721. Taraxacum delabatum Hand.-Mazz., 2n = 32; Russia, Buryatia, AG & VCH C562. Tephroseris palustris (L.) Rchb., 2n = 48; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C695. Tripolium vulgare Nees, 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C759. BORAGINACEAE Myosotis caespitosa K.F. Schultz, 2n = 48; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C699. BUTOMACEAE Butomus junceus Turcz., 2n = 26; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C710. Agrostis clavata Trin., 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH C130. Agrostis gigantea Roth, 2n = 28; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1075. Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv., 2n = 26; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1009, PL C1052. Glyceria lithuanica (Gorski) Gorski, 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH & A. Chepinoga C832. Glyceria triflora (Korsh.) Kom., 2n = 20; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & S. Rosbakh C814. Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., 2n = 56; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C754. Poa supina Schrad., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH C129. Puccinellia hauptiana V.I. Krecz., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C789. Puccinellia macranthera V.I. Krecz., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & S. Rosbakh C651, VCH C652, PL C678, PL C688, VCH & S. Rosbakh C841. Puccinellia tenuiflora (Griseb.) Scribn. & Merr., 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & S. Rosbakh C653, VCH & S. Rosbakh C654, PL C689, VCH C788. POLYGONACEAE CARYOPHYLLACEAE Spergula arvensis L., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Verkhozina & N. Yakovchiz C863. Stellaria bungeana Fenzl, 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, R. Moriz C928. Stellaria cherleriae (Fisch. ex Ser.) F.N. Williams, 2n = 52; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C650, M. Isaikina C673. Stellaria dichotoma L., 2n = 44; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, S. Rosbakh C649. Rheum rhabarbarum L., 2n = 44; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C790. Rumex acetosella L., 2n = ca. 42; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH C792. Rumex maritimus L., 2n = 40; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & S. Rosbakh C791. Rumex pseudonatronatus (Borbas) Borbas ex Murb., 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & V. Mozer C194; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1068. POTAMOGETONACEAE CHENOPODIACEAE Kalidium foliatum (Pall.) Moq., 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C758. Kochia angustifolia (Turcz.) Peshkova, 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C764. Salicornia perennans Willd., 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C717. CYPERACEAE PRIMULACEAE Glaux maritima L., 2n = 30; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C674. RANUNCULACEAE Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C656. HYDROCHARITACEAE Elodea canadensis Michx., 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH & R. Moriz C957. NITRARIACEAE Nitraria sibirica Pall., 2n = 30; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C765. ORCHIDACEAE Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames, 2n = 30; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C727. 890 Potamogeton compressus L., 2n = 26; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AG & I. Enushchenko С397, PL, S. Rosbakh & VCH C736. Potamogeton pectinatus L., 2n = ca. 78; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AG & I. Enushchenko С396. Aconitum septentrionale Koelle, 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, R. Moriz C954; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1021. Anemone baicalensis Turcz. ex Ledeb., 2n = 28; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1022, PL C1047. Atragene speciosa Weinm., 2n = 16; Russia, Buryatia, PL C1053. Batrachium kauffmannii (Clerc) V.I. Krecz., 2n = 32; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH & Z. Kaplan C1086. Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) Bosch, 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C768. Caltha membranacea (Turcz.) Schipcz., 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH C661. Caltha palustris L., 2n = 32; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1038. 2n = 60; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C1061. Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Halerpestes salsuginosa (Pall. ex Georgi) Greene, 2n = 48; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C698. Halerpestes sarmentosa (Adams) Kom., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C696. Leptopyrum fumarioides (L.) Rchb., 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Konovalov, M. Isaikina, PL & KF C881. Pulastilla ambigua (Turcz. ex Pritz.) Juz., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, S. Bukin, D. Abdullin & D. Zhgulev C823. Ranunculus chinensis Bunge, 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C668. Ranunculus gmelinii DC., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH C662. Ranunculus propinquus C.A. Mey., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH C626; Russia, Buryatia, R. Moriz C974. Ranunculus radicans C.A. Mey., 2n = 30; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL & VCH C700. 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C770. Ranunculus reptans L., 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C658. Ranunculus sceleratus L., 2n = 56; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C769. 2n = 64; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, S. Rosbakh & KF C824. Thacla natans (Pall. ex Georgi) Deyl & Soják, 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C767. ROSACEAE Chamaerhodos erecta (L.) Bunge, 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina, A. Konovalov & N. Pazdnikova C795. Dasiphora parvifolia (Fisch. ex Lehm.) Juz. (≡ Pentaphylloides parvifolia (Fisch. ex Lehm.) Soják), 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C697. Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim., 2n = 14; Russia, Buryatia, PL C1056. Geum aleppicum Jacq., 2n = 42; Russia, Buryatia, PL C1057. Geum rivale L., 2n = 42; Russia, Buryatia, PL C1043. Potentilla acaulis L., 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C706. Potentilla anserina L., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AG & I. Enushchenko С391. Potentilla argentea L., 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Prudnikova & A. Chudinov C845. Potentilla conferta Bunge, 2n = 42; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & A. Konovalov C853. Potentilla longifolia Willd. ex Schlecht., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova С852; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, M. Isaikina C851. 2n = 42; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, I. Enushchenko & AG С842. Potentilla multifida L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH C648; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C844, VCH, S. Rosbakh & A. Konovalov C847. Potentilla norvegica L., 2n = 56; Russia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, VCH С843. Potentilla nudicaulis Willd. ex Schlecht., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & S. Rosbakh C850. Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray, 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AG & I. Enushchenko C403, VCH & S. Rosbakh C846. Potentilla semiglabra Juz., 2n = 56; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AG & I. Enushchenko С407. Potentilla sericea L., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & al. C849. Potentilla tanacetifolia Willd. ex Schlecht., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C684. Potentilla tergemina Sojak, 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & M. Isaikina C848. TRAPACEAE Trapa sibirica Fler., 2n = 48; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & I. Enushchenko C528. TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia L., 2n = 30; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & A. Rosbakh C222. ZANNICHELLIACEAE Zannichellia pedunculata Rchb., 2n = 24; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C748. Victor V. Chepinoga,1,2* Aleksandr A. Gnutikov,3 Pavel I. Lubogoschinsky,1 Maria M. Isaikina4 & Aleksandr S. Konovalov1 1 Irkutsk State University, Karl Marks Str. 1, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Georg August University of Göttingen, Untere Karlspüle. 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany 3 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Prof. Popov Str. 2, 197376 St.-Petersburg, Russia 4 Irkutsk State Academy of Agriculture, 664038 Molodezhnii village, Irkutsk district, Irkutsk Oblast’, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All matherials CHN; collectors: AK = A. Konovalov, MI = M. Isaikina, PL = P. Lubogoschinsky, SR = S. Rosbakh, VCH = V. Chepinoga; vouchers in IRKU, duplicates in VLA. The study was financially supported by grants no. 10-04-00779а, 11-04-00240-а, 11-04-01167, 12-04-01470, 12-04-01586-а, from the Russian Fund for Basic Research. ASCLEPIADACEAE Vincetoxicum sibiricum (L.) Decne, 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH С819, VCH & N. Pazdnikova С820. 2n = 24; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С705. ASTERACEAE Artemisia anethifolia Weber ex Stechm., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С680. Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL & AK С723. Artemisia sieversiana Ehrh. ex Willd., 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С681. Kalimeris integrifolia Turcz., 2n = 36; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С719. Leontodon autumnalis L., 2n = 12; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, R. Moriz С991. Leontopodium conglobatum (Turcz.) Hand.-Mazz., 2n = 52; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С771. Leontopodium leontopodioides (Willd.) Beauverd, 2n = 26; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С692. Ligularia fischeri Turcz., 2n = 60; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С774. Tragopogon orientalis L., 2n = 12; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH & N. Dulepova С862. Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder, 2n = 36; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL & AK С722. Youngia stenoma (Turcz. ex DC.) Ledeb., 2n = 10; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С752. BRASSICACEAE SALICACEAE Salix schwerinii E. Wolf, 2n = 38; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL C778. Alyssum obovatum (C.A. Mey.) Turcz., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, N. Dulepova С838. Version of Record (identical to print version). 891 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Erysimum flavum (Georgi) Bobrov, 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova С869. TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 RUBIACEAE Rubia cordifolia L., 2n = 22; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL & AK С724. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Silene amoena L. (= S. repens Patrin), 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С920. CHENOPODIACEAE Corispermum sibiricum Iljin, 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova C641. SCROPHULARIACEAE Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum L., 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH С660. Veronica daurica Steven, 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С739. SOLANACEAE DIPSACACEAE Scabiosa comosa Fisch. ex Roem. & Schult., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, SR & N. Pazdnikova С793. Hyoscyamus niger L., 2n = 34; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AK & K. Fleckenstein С821. Solanum septemlobum Bunge, 2n = 24; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С775. FABACEAE Amoria hybrida (L.) C. Presl (≡ Trifolium hybridum L.), 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, R. Moriz С1069. Astragalus adsurgens Pall., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С687. Astragalus olchonensis Gontsch., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Verkhozina, D. Krivenko & Ye. Zhmud’ C867. Chrysaspis spadicea (L.) Greene (≡ Trifolium spadiceum L.), 2n = 14; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, R. Moriz С1015. Melilotoides ruthenicus (L.) Soják, 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С701. HYPECOACEAE Hypecoum erectum L., 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, I. Enushchenko С837. LAMIACEAE Leonurus sibiricus L., 2n = 20; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С741. PAPAVERACEAE Papaver amurense (N. Busch) Tolm., 2n = 42; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, MI С803. Papaver nudicaule L., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AK, MI & PL С804. VALERIANACEAE Patrinia rupestris (Pall.) Dufr., 2n = 22; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, SR, MI & al. С794. Victor V. Chepinoga,1,2* Aleksandr A. Gnutikov,3 Ruslan S. Moriz,1 Pavel I. Lubogoschinsky1 & Anastasya S. Sergeyeva1 1 Irkutsk State University, Karl Marks Str. 1, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Georg August University of Göttingen, Untere Karlspüle 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany 3 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Prof. Popov Str. 2, 197376 St.-Petersburg, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All matherials CHN; collectors: AS = A. Sergeyeva, PL = P. Lubogoschinsky, RM = R. Moriz, VCH = V. Chepinoga; vouchers in IRKU, duplicates in VLA. The study was financially supported by grants no. 10-04-00779а, 11-04-00240-а, 11-04-01167, 12-04-01470, 12-04-01586-а, from the Russian Fund for Basic Research. POACEAE Achnatherum sibiricum (L.) Keng ex Tzvelev, 2n = 24; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, SR, MI & al. С807. Elymus gmelinii (Ledeb.) Tzvelev, 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, SR, MI, N. Pazdnikova & AK С808. Eragrostis minor Host, 2n = 40; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, MI & N. Pazdnikova С816. Festuca ovina L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH С836. Panicum miliaceum L. s.l., 2n = 36; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AK & MI С840. Poa stepposa (Krylov) Roshev., 2n = 42; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AK & MI С810, VCH & SR С811. Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv., 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, SR, MI & al. С817, VCH, SR, MI & al. С818. Stipa krylovii Roshev., 2n = 44; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & SR С813. ROSACEAE Sanguisorba officinalis L., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, SR & N. Pazdnikova С797. Sanguisorba parviflora (Maxim.) Takeda, 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, AK & MI С796. Sanguisorba tenuifolia Fisch. ex Link, 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH & SR С798. 892 APIACEAE Angelica decurrens (Ledeb.) B. Fedtsch., 2n = 22; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1060. Angelica sylvestris L., 2n = 22; Russia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С537; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, PL С1045; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AS С912. Bupleurum aureum Fisch. ex Hoffm., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM & AS С926. Pleurospermum uralense Hoffm., 2n = 18; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1025. ASTERACEAE Achillea millefolium L., 2n = 18; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1003. Chrysanthemum zawadskii subsp. peleiolepis (Trautv.) A.V. Grebenjuk & Czepinoga, 2n = 72; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM & AS С943. Chrysanthemum zawadskii Herbich subsp. zawadskii, 2n = 54; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С772. Cirsium helenioides (L.) Hill, 2n = 34; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С973, RM С1028, PL С1046. Doronicum altaicum Pall., 2n = 60; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1037. Fornicium uniflorum (L.) Zuev (≡ Rhaponticum uniflorum (L.) DC.), 2n = 26; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL & K. Fleckenstein С666. Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Lepidotheca suaveolens (Pursh) Nutt (≡ Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh) Rydb.), 2n = 18; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1016. Leucanthemum vulgare Lam., 2n = 36; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С989. Mulgedium sibiricum (L.) Less. (≡ Lactuca sibirica (L.) Benth. ex Maxim.), 2n = 18; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С718. Parasenecio hastatus (L.) H. Koyama (≡ Cacalia hastata L.), 2n = 60; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1018. Petasites radiatus (J.F. Gmel.) J. Toman (= Nardosmia laevigata (Willd.) DC.), 2n = 60; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С965. Senecio vulgaris L., 2n = 40; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH, S. Rosbakh & M. Isaikina С861. Tanacetum boreale Fisch. ex DC., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM & AS С921. Tussilago farfara L., 2n = 60; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С982. BRASSICACEAE Lepidium densiflorum Schrad., 2n = 32; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, VCH C805. Lepidium ruderale L., 2n = 32; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH C806, B. Batbayar & A. Chepinoga C870. CANNABACEAE Cannabis sativa L. s.l., 2n = 20; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, PL С702. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Dianthus superbus L., 2n = 30; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Gnutikov С203. CONVALLARIACEAE Maianthemum bifolium (L.) F.W. Schmidt, 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM С956. FABACEAE Vicia sepium L., 2n = 14; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С967. ORCHIDACEAE Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó, 2n = 20; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, AS С1014. PARNASSIACEAE Parnassia palustris L., 2n = 36; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С587. PINACEAE Abies sibirica Ledeb., 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AS С948. POACEAE Anthoxanthum alpinum Á. Löve & D. Löve, 2n = 10; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С966. Anthoxanthum odoratum L., 2n = 20; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1033. Calamagrostis langsdorfii (Link) Trin., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, PL С1054. Calamagrostis obtusata Trin., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, PL С1055. Deschampsia altaica (Schischkin) O.D. Nikif., 2n = 26; Russia, Tyva Republic, E. Vedernikova С834. Elymus novae-angliae (Scribn.) Tzvelev, 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Gnutikov & VCH С237. Hierochloё glabra Trin., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С975. Milium effusum L., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, PL С1050. Phleum phleoides (L.) H. Karst., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Gnutikov & VCH С138. Poa nemoralis L., 2n = 42; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, PL С1051. POLEMONIACEAE Polemonium racemosum Kitam., 2n = 18; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1027, RM С1029. ROSACEAE FUMARIACEAE Corydalis impatiens (Pall.) Fisch., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, N. Dulepova С839. Rubus humilifolius C.A. Mey., 2n = 14; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, PL С1048; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, VCH С665. Rubus matsumuranus H. Lév. & Vaniot, 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1030. GERANIACEAE Geranium sibiricum L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Chepinoga & B. Batbayar С092. SAMBUCACEAE Sambucus sibirica Nakai, 2n = 38; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM & AS С927. LAMIACEAE Dracocephalum nutans L., 2n = 10; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, S. Rosbakh С133. Lamium album L., 2n = 18; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1019. Prunella vulgaris L., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С987, RM С1024. SAXIFRAGACEAE Mitella nuda L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM С953. SCROPHULARIACEAE Pedicularis resupinata L., 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1073. LILIACEAE Lilium pilosiusculum (Freyn) Miscz., 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM С952. TRILLIACEAE Paris quadrifolia L., 2n = 10; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, PL С1049; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM С945. MELANTHIACEAE Veratrum lobelianum Bernh., 2n = 32; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, RM С1026. VIOLACEAE Viola biflora L., 2n = 12; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, A. Konovalov, RM & AS С1065. ONAGRACEAE Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, RM & AS С932; Russia, Zabaikalskii Krai, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina С822. Version of Record (identical to print version). 893 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Christoph Dobeš,1* Antonia Scherbantin,1 Juraj Paule,2 Manuel Striegel3 & Britta Kais4 1 Department of Pharmacognosy, Pharmacobotany, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria 2 Department of Botany and Molecular Evolution, Senckenberg Research Institute, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt/Main, Germany 3 Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg, Biodiversity and Plant Systematics, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 345, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; current address: mykotox, Mühltalstr. 102, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany 4 Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg, Aquatic Ecology and Toxicology, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany * Author of correspondence: [email protected]. All materials CHN; collectors CD = Christoph Dobeš, JP = Juraj Paule. This study was supported by the DFG (grant no. DO-792/1-1 to C.D.). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Potentilla sterneri T. Gregor & Karlsson, 2n = 42; Sweden, T. Gregor Ptl3243 (HEID 804879–804880). Potentilla subacaulis L., ** 2n = 14 + 3–6B; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5525, V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5527, V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5533 (W 2012-02330, W 2012-02336, W 2012-02337). Potentilla thuringiaca Bernh., 2n = 42; Switzerland, CD Ptl4608 (HEID 807629, W 2012-02164); ** 2n = 61–63; Switzerland, CD Ptl4571 (HEID 807592, W 2012-02213). Potentilla velutina Lehm., 2n = 14; France, CD Ptl3583 (HEID 805288, W 2012-02466, W 2012-02317), CD Ptl3628 (HEID 805384, W 2012-02467, W 2012-02322). Dalvir Kaur & Vijay K. Singhal* Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All materials CHN, collected in India, Himachal Pradesh; collector: DK = Dalvir Kaur; vouchers in PUN. The study was supported by financial grant under DRS SAP-II and ASIST Programme of UGC, New Delhi. ROSACEAE Potentilla aurea L., 2n = 14; Italy, CD Ptl4031, CD Ptl4032 (HEID 806942–806945), CD Ptl4104 (HEID 807066–807067). Potentilla brauneana Hoppe, 2n = 14; Italy, Thomas Haberler Ptl4389 (HEID 807525), CD Ptl4091, CD Ptl4095 (HEID 807043–807044, 807050–807051). Potentilla crantzii (Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch, 2n = 28; Slovenia, JP Ptl4231 (HEID 807309–807310); 2n = 35; France, CD Ptl7056, CD Ptl7058 (HEID 805865–805866, 805869–805870); 2n = 42; Italy, CD Ptl4111 (HEID 806885, 807079). Potentilla heptaphylla L., 2n = 14; Austria, CD Ptl3923 (HEID 805661–805662); Germany, T. Gregor Ptl3410 (W 2012-02368), T. Gregor Ptl3400 (HEID 805120, W 2012-02358). Potentilla incana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb., 2n = 28; Austria, JP Ptl6181, JP Ptl6187 (HEID 806100, 806106–806107, W 201202431); Italy, CD Ptl4291 (HEID 807407, W 2012-02289), CD Ptl4316 (HEID 807440, W 2012-02443); ** 2n = 48–52; Sweden, T. Gregor Ptl3056, T. Gregor Ptl3059 (HEID 804524–804525, 804530–804531). Potentilla neumanniana Rchb. (The species is treated here in a broad circumscription and presumably comprises various forms of different evolutionary origin.), 2n = 28; Austria, JP Ptl6201 (HEID 806132, W 2012-02432); Germany, CD Ptl3747, CD Ptl3748 (HEID 805527–805530); Italy, CD Ptl4392, CD Ptl4393, CD Ptl4400 (HEID 807529–807531, 807543–807544, W 2012-02290); 2n = 35; France, CD Ptl7261 (HEID 805916, W 2012-02247, W 2012-02313); Germany, CD Ptl3741 (HEID 805515–805516); Italy, CD Ptl4391, CD Ptl4395 (HEID 807528, 807534–807535, W 2012-02291); Switzerland, S. Nürnberger Ptl3752, S. Nürnberger Ptl3758 (HEID 805536, 805541); 2n = 42; France, CD Ptl3522, CD Ptl3526 (HEID 805224–805225, 805231–805232, W 2012-02482), CD Ptl7271 (HEID 805926, W 2012-02248, W 2012-02314), CD Ptl4271 (HEID 807376); Italy, CD Ptl4396 (HEID 807536–807537); 2n = 49; Spain, JP Ptl6091 (HEID 805969, W 2012-02430); 2n = 56; Spain, JP Ptl6121 (HEID 806013, W 2012-02507); 2n = 62–63; Spain, JP Ptl6113 (HEID 806005–806006); 2n = 60–65. France, CD Ptl3501 (HEID 805170–805171, W 2012-02451). Potentilla recta L., 2n = 28; Spain, JP Ptl6142 (HEID 806051– 806052). Potentilla rigoana Th. Wolf, * 2n = 14; Italy, CD Ptl4681 (HEID 807643, W 2012-02167, W 2012-02428), CD Ptl4349 (HEID 807485–807486, W 2012-02199, W 2012-02447). 894 APIACEAE Bupleurum himalayense Klotzsch, n = 8; DK 26020. Eriocycla caespitosa H. Wolff, n = 11; DK 26021. Seseli sibiricum Benth. ex C.B. Clarke, n = 11; DK 26031. ASTERACEAE Crepis multicaulis Ledeb., n = 5; DK 26097, DK 26098, DK 26099. Crepis sancta (L.) Babc., n = 5; DK 26100, DK 26201. Erigeron mucronatus DC., n = 9; DK 26214. Erigeron umbrosus (Kar. & Kir.) Popov, n = 9; DK 26215, DK 26216, DK 26217, DK 26218. Lactuca orientalis Boiss., n = 9; DK 26241, DK 26242. Saussurea albescens Hook. f. & Thomson ex C.B. Clarke, n = 17; DK 26262. Senecio krascheninnikovii Schischk., n = 10; DK 26253. Youngia glauca Edgew., n = 8; DK 26096. BERBERIDACEAE Berberis kunwarensis Royle, n = 14; DK 23383. BIGNONIACEAE Incarvillea arguta Royle, n = 11; DK 25515. Incarvillea emodi (Lindl.) Chatterjee, n = 11; DK 25511. BRASSICACEAE Arabis glabra Bernh., n = 6; DK 25549. Arabis nova Vill., n = 8; DK 25550. Arabis tibetica Hook. f. & Thomson, n = 21; DK 25563. Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl, n = 14; DK 25561. Erysimum hieraciifolium L., n = 16; DK 25557. Erysimum melicentae Dunn, n = 21; DK 25558. Sisymbrium orientale L., n = 7; DK 25562. CAMPANULACEAE Campanula argyrotricha Wall. & DC., n = 14; DK 19889. CAPPARIDACEAE Capparis spinosa L., n = 12; DK 23388, DK 23391. CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera hypoleuca Decne., n = 9; DK 25954, DK 25955. Lonicera myrtillus Hook. f. & Thomson, n = 9; DK 25952. Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 CARYOPHYLLACEAE Arenaria edgeworthiana Majumdar, n = 11; DK 25827. Minuartia kashmirica Mattf., n = 13; DK 25834. Myosoton aquaticum Moench, n = 14; DK 25835. Sagina saginoides (L.) H. Karst., n = 11; DK 25836. Spergularia diandra (Guss.) Heldr., n = 9; DK 25843. n = 18; DK 25842. Stellaria paniculata Edgew., n = 17; DK 25849. CHENOPODIACEAE Salsola collina Pall., n = 9; DK 25532, DK 25533. Salsola kali L., n = 27; DK 25536, DK 25538. ELAEAGNACEAE Elaeagnus parvifolia Wall. ex Royle, n = 9; DK 23380. Hippophae salicifolia D. Don, n = 9; DK 23370. Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol., n = 14; DK 26008. Rosa brunonii Lindl., n = 7; DK 25896. SCROPHULARIACEAE Veronica anagallis-aquatica L., n = 9; DK 25577. n = 18; DK 25575, DK 25576, DK 25589. Aleksandr A. Korobkov,1 Violetta V. Kotseruba,1 Nina S. Probatova2* & Aleksandr A. Gnutikov1 1 V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 Professora Popova Str., 197376, St.-Petersbourg, Russia 2 Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Stoletya Prospect, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] FABACEAE Astragalus candolleanus Royle, n = 8; DK 25973. Astragalus malacophyllus Benth. ex Bunge, n = 8; DK 25971. Astragalus strobiliferus Royle, n = 8; DK 25975. Colutea nepalensis Sims, n = 8; DK 25980, DK 25981, DK 25982. Desmodium elegans var. nutans (Hook.) H. Ohashi, n = 11; DK 25960. Desmodium racemosum DC., n = 11; DK 25959. Indigofera himalayensis Ali, n = 8; DK 25821. Medicago falcata L., n = 8; DK 25988. Piptanthus nepalensis Sweet, n = 9; DK 25998. Trigonella emodi Benth., n = 8; DK 25817, DK 25818. Trigonella pubescens Edgew. ex Baker, n = 8; DK 25819. Vicia pallida Turcz., n = 12; DK 25810. All material CHN; collectors: AK = A.A. Korobkov, SK = S.G. Kazanovsky; all Artemisia vouchers in LE. This study was supported by grants no. 10-04-00779 (to A.A. Korobkov), 07-04-00610, 11-04-00240 (to N.S. Probatova), 11-04-01167 (to V.S. Schneyer), 12-04-01586 (to A.V. Verkhozina), from the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR). AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson, 2n = 32; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Nechaev 11174 (VLA). ASTERACEAE FUMARIACEAE Corydalis ramosa Wall., n = 8; DK 23375. GENTIANACEAE Gentiana argentea Royle ex D. Don, n = 9; DK 23400. GERANIACEAE Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her. ex Aiton, n = 10; DK 26010 HYPERICACEAE Hypericum perforatum L., n = 16; DK 23395. LAMIACEAE Thymus linearis Benth., n = 13; DK 25928, DK 25930, DK 25933. ONAGRACEAE Epilobium hirsutum L., n = 18; DK 25857. Epilobium parviflorum Schreb., n = 18; DK 25855. Oenothera affinis Cambess., n = 14; DK 25851. PHYTOLACCAEAE Phytolacca acinosa Roxb., n = 36; DK 25528. PRIMULACEAE Androsace rotundifolia Hardw., n = 10; DK 23397. Androsace sarmentosa Wall., n = 10; DK 23398. RANUNCULACEAE Aquilegia fragrans Benth., n = 7; DK 23352, DK 23353. Delphinium roylei Munz, n = 8; DK 23357. Thalictrum minus L., n = 7; DK 26052. ROSACEAE Fragaria nubicola Lindl. ex Lacaita, n = 7; DK 25894, DK 25895. Potentilla bifurca L., n = 21; DK 26007. Artemisia annua L., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 0787; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-02; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-41. Artemisia arctica Less., 2n = 18; Russia, Kamchatskii Krai, Kamchatka Peninsula, Yefimov 08-05; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, Antonova 08-10. Artemisia argyi H. Lév. & Vaniot, 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-57, AK 07-58; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-89, AK 05-90, AK 05-91, AK 07-55, AK 07-56. Artemisia borealis Pall., 2n = 18; Russia, Kamchatka Peninsula, Yakubov 05-39. Artemisia commutata Besser, 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-107, AK 07-108, AK 07-109, AK 07-110, AK 07-111, AK 07-112, AK 07-113, AK 07-114, AK 07-175, AK 07-176, AK 07-177, AK 07-178. Artemisia desertorum Spreng., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-124, AK 07-126, AK 07-134, AK 07-173, AK 07-174. 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-125, AK 07- 127, AK 07128, AK 07-129, AK 07-130, AK 07-131, AK 07-132, AK 07-133, AK 07-135; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-135, AK 05-136, AK 05-138, AK 05-139, AK 05-140, AK 05-141, AK 05-142; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-134, AK 05-137. Artemisia feddei H. Lév. & Vaniot, 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-18, AK 05-81, AK 05-82, AK 05-83, AK 05-84. Artemisia freyniana (Pamp.) Krasch., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-77, AK 07-78, AK 07-79, AK 07-80, AK 07-81, AK 07-82, AK 07-84, AK 07-85, AK 07-86; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-01, AK 05-22, AK 05-23, AK 05-24, AK 07-89. Artemisia glomerata Ledeb., 2n = 54; Russia, Kamchatka Peninsula, Yefimov 08-04. Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm., 2n = 54; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-88, AK 07-89, AK 07-90, AK 07-91, AK 07-92, AK 07-93, AK 07-97, AK 07-99; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 0834, AK 08-35, AK 05-38; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-30, AK 05-31, AK 05-32, AK 05-33, AK 05-34, AK 05-36, AK 05-37, AK Version of Record (identical to print version). 895 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 07-94, AK 07-95, AK 07-96, AK 08-36; Russia, Sakhalin Island, Tkachenko 00-04. Artemisia integrifolia L., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-19, AK 07-21, AK 07-25; Russia, Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, AK 05-96; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-12, AK 05-97, AK 05-98, AK 05-99, AK 05-100, AK 05-102, AK 05-103, AK 05-104, AK 08-18; Russia, Sakhalin Island, Smirnov 00-19. 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-17, AK 07-18, AK 07-20, AK 07-22, AK 07-23, AK 07-24, AK 07-179, AK 07-180, AK 07-181, AK 07-183, AK 07- 185; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-95, AK 05-105, AK 05-106, AK 05-107, AK 08-17. Artemisia keiskeana Miq., 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-42, AK 05-43. Artemisia koidzumii Nakai, 2n = 36; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-11, AK 05-74, AK 05-75, AK 05-76, AK 05-78, AK 05-79, AK 05-80, AK 08-32; Russia, Sakhalin Island, Firssov 08-01, Romanov 05-77. Artemisia laciniata Willd., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-63, AK 07-64, AK 07-65, AK 07-66, AK 07-67, AK 07-68, AK 07-69, AK 07-70, AK 07-71, AK 07-72, AK 07-102, AK 07-103, AK 07-104; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-03, AK 05-28, AK 0529; Russia, Kuril Islands, Stupina 11-01, Stupina 11-02, Stupina 11-03, Stupina 11-04. 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-61, AK 07- 62, AK 07-172. Artemisia lagocephala Fisch. ex Besser, 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Alekseyeva 07-155. 2n = 54; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Starchenko 07-60; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, Antonova 08-12. Artemisia leucophylla Turcz. ex C.B. Clarke, 2n = 16; Russia, Shantarskie Islands, Krjukova 08-11. Artemisia littoricola Kitam., 2n = 36; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Alekseyeva 07-151, AK 05-112, AK 05-115, AK 05-120, AK 05-113, AK 05-114, AK 05-116, AK 05-117, AK 05-118, AK 05-119, AK 08-78; Russia, Sakhalin Island, Tkachenko 00-05. Artemisia macilenta (Maxim.) Krasch., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-136, AK 07-137, AK 07-138, AK 07-140, AK 07-141, AK 07-142. 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-139, AK 07-143, AK 07-144, AK 07-145. Artemisia manshurica (Kom.) Kom., 2n = 36; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 89-02, AK 05-10, AK 05-108, AK 05-109, AK 05-128, AK 05-129, AK 05-130, AK 05-131, AK 05-133, AK 07-110, AK 07-111, AK 07-122, AK 07-123, AK 08-79. Artemisia maximovicziana Krasch. ex Poljakov, 2n = 90; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-101; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-04, AK 05-25. Artemisia medioxima Krasch. ex Poljakov, 2n = ca. 108; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-73, AK 07-74, AK 07-76. 2n = 126; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-45, AK 05-46. 2n = 144; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-44. Artemisia mongolica Fisch. ex Besser, 2n = 16; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Starchenko 07-59. Artemisia montana Pamp., 2n = 54; Russia, Sakhalin Island, Firssov 08-02. Artemisia rubripes Nakai, 2n = 16; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 05-45, AK 05-46, AK 07-38, AK 07-39, AK 07-40, AK 07-41, AK 07-42, AK 07-44, AK 07-47, AK 07-48; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-14, AK 05-15, AK 05-16, AK 05-17, AK 05-50, AK 05-55, AK 05-56, AK 05-57; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-47, AK 05-48, AK 05-49, AK 05-51, AK 05-52, AK 05-53, AK 05-54, AK 05-58, AK 05-59, AK 05-61, AK 07-43, Alekseyeva 07-152. Artemisia schmidtiana Maxim., 2n = 18; Russia, Kuril Islands, Yeryomenko 07-169. Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit., 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Daghestan, Yarovenko 06-70 (10936); Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-115, AK 07-116, AK 07-117, AK 07-118, AK 07-119; Russia, 896 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, AK 05-123, AK 05-124; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-09; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 07-120, AK 07-121, AK 05-122, AK 05-125, AK 05-127. 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-126. Artemisia selengensis Turcz. ex Besser, 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-06, AK 07-09, AK 07-26; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, AK 05-20; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-19, AK 05-70, AK 07-07, AK 07-08, AK 08-43. Artemisia sieversiana Ehrh. ex Willd., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-01, AK 07-02, AK 07-03; Russia, Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, AK 05-60; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-08, AK 05-61. Artemisia stelleriana Besser, 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Alekseyeva 07-154; Russia, Sakhalin Island, Tkachenko 00-02; Russia, Kuril Islands, Tkachenko 00-01. Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom., 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-10, AK 07-11, AK 07-12, AK 07-13; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-92, AK 05-93, AK 05-94, AK 07-14, AK 07-15. Artemisia subulata Nakai, 2n = 36; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-27, AK 07-28, AK 07- 29, AK 07-30, AK 07-35, AK 07-36, AK 07-37, AK 07-182; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-69. 2n = 54; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-31, AK 07-32, AK 07-34, AK 07-184, AK 07-186. Artemisia sylvatica Maxim., 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-65. 2n = 18. Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-21. Artemisia tanacetifolia L., 2n = 54; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-105. Artemisia umbrosa Turcz. ex DC., 2n = 36; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Alekseyeva 07-15, AK 08-42. 2n = 54; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-49, AK 07-50, AK 07-51, AK 07-52, AK 07-53, AK 07-54, AK 07-188; Russia, Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, AK 05-85; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK 05-86, AK 05-87, AK 05-88, AK 08-16. Artemisia vulgaris L., 2n = 16; Russia, Sakhalin Island, Romanov 07-16. Filifolium sibiricum (L.) Kitam., 2n = 18; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, AK 07-04 (LE). POACEAE Alopecurus aequalis Sobol., 2n = 14; Russia, Leningradskaya Oblast’, Tsvelyov 11465 (VLA); Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11951 (IRK, VLA). Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 12024 (IRK, VLA). Milium effusum L., 2n = 28; Germany, Kotseruba 12047 (LE); Slovakia, Kotseruba 12048 (LE); Ukraine, Kotseruba & Onishchenko12049 (LE). Panicum bisulcatum Thunb., 2n = 36; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Nechaev 11197 (VLA). Poa alpina L., 2n = 42; Russia, Republic of Daghestan, Kotseruba 11452 (VLA). Poa annua L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Probatova & Seledets 10785 (VLA). ROSACEAE Potentilla anserina L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Probatova & Seledets 10680 (VLA); Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, Tsyrenova 10718, 10719 (VLA); Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tsyrenova 10625 (VLA). Potentilla fragarioides L., 2n = 14; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Probatova & Seledets 10724 (VLA). Potentilla tergemina Soják, 2n = 28; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Probatova & Seledets 10738 (VLA). Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Zoya V. Kozhevnikova* & Andrey E. Kozhevnikov Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Stoletya Prospect, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All material CHN; collectors: AK = A.E. Kozhevnikov; ZK = Z.V. Kozhevnikova; vouchers in VLA. ASTERACEAE Inula helenium L., 2n = 20; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 791-1. CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus davurica var. maritima (Urussov) Kozhevnikova, 2n = 22; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 607-1, AK & ZK 608-1. Juniperus rigida var. litoralis (Urussov) Kozhevnikova, 2n = 22; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 607-2, AK & ZK 608-2. Juniperus sargentii (Henry) Takeda ex Nakai, 2n = 22; Russia, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, AK 416-2. Juniperus sibirica Burgsd., 2n = 22; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast′, AK & ZK 381-1; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 483-2. EPHEDRACEAE Ephedra distachya L., 2n = 28; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 801-1. Ephedra equisetina Bunge, 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 801-2. Ephedra monosperma J.G. Gmel. ex C.A. Mey, 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 775-1. FABACEAE Lathyrus tuberosus L., 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 789-1. Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb., 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 771-2. MALVACEAE Lavatera thuringiaca L., 2n = 44; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 796-1. POLYGONACEAE Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Gray, 2n = 22; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, Probatova & Seledets 11287. RANUNCULACEAE Pulsatilla cernua (Thunb.) Bercht. & J. Presl, 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 485-4, ZK & AK 726-1, ZK & AK 732-9, ZK & AK 745-3, ZK & AK 748-2, ZK & AK 755-3, ZK & AK 757-1, ZK & AK 758-3. Pulsatilla chinensis (Bunge) Regel, 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 751-1, ZK & AK 485-3, ZK & AK 732-8, ZK & AK 743-2, ZK & AK 744-2, ZK & AK 745-1, ZK & AK 748-5, ZK & AK 752-1, ZK & AK 752-2, ZK & AK 754-1, AK 705-1, AK 708-1. Pulsatilla dahurica (Fisch. ex DC.) Spreng. (light violet flowers), 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 485-2, ZK & AK 742-1, ZK & AK 745-4, ZK & AK 746-1, ZK & AK 747-1, ZK & AK 748-1, ZK & AK 752-4, ZK & AK 753-1, ZK & AK 758-1, AK & al. 706-2. Pulsatilla dahurica (Fisch. ex DC) Spreng. (white flowers), 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 747-2. Pulsatilla kissii Mandl, 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 743-1, ZK & AK 748-4. 2n = 32; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 485-1, ZK & AK 732-7, ZK & AK 745-5. Pulsatilla turczaninovii Krylov & Serg., 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, ZK & AK 708-1. ROSACEAE Exochorda serratifolia S. Moore, 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 468-1. TAXACEAE Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc., 2n = 24; Russia, Primorskii Krai, AK & ZK 341-1. Denis A. Krivenko,1* Tatyana V. Elisafenko,2 Alexander A. Krasnikov2 & Olga V. Dorogina2 1 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 132 Lermontov Str., 664033 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 101 Zolotodolinskaya Str., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All materials CHN; collectors: TE = T.V. Elisafenko, DK = D.A. Krivenko; vouchers in VLA (Poaceae) & IRK (Violaceae). This study was supported by the grant no. 11-04-00240, 1204-01586, of the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR), by the program of the “Biological diversity” Nr. 23, from the Russian Academy of Sciences and by Interdisciplinary integration projects Nr. 17, 20, from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. POACEAE Glyceria spiculosa (F. Schmidt) Roshev., 2n = 40; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7085. Glyceria triflora (Korsh.) Kom., 2n = 20; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, M.V. Kryukova 9721. Hordeum jubatum L., 2n = 28; Russia, Primorskii Krai, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7588. Leymus mollis (Trin.) Hara, 2n = 28; Russia, Primorskii Krai, O.L. Burundukova 9529. Ochlopoa annua (L.) H. Scholz (≡ Poa annua L.), 2n = 28; Russia, Primorskii Krai, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7401. Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv., 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7395. VIOLACEAE Viola alexandrowiana Juz., 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, M.M. Ivanova 22910; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22503. Viola arvensis Murray, 2n = 34; Russia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, TE 22507. Viola biflora L., 2n = 12; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22512. Viola czemalensis Zuev, 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Altai, Yu.V. Ovchinnikov 22517, TE 22897. Viola dactyloides Roem. & Schult., 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22506. Viola dissecta Ledeb., 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22525, TE 22701; Russia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, TE 22700; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, TE 22704; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, TE & DK 15870, DK 18770. 2n = 48; Russia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, M.M. Ivanova & N.I. Tupitsyna 22524. Viola epipsiloides Á. Löve & D. Löve, 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, DK 19725. Viola gmeliniana Roem. & Schult., 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, TE 19466; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, TE & DK 18777. Viola incisa Turcz., 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, DK 18767. Viola ircutiana Turcz., 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22505. Version of Record (identical to print version). 897 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Viola irinae Zolot., 2n = 48; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22521; Russia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, TE 22520. Viola kamtschadalorum W. Becker & Hult., 2n = 72; Russia, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Yu.V. Ovchinnikov 22516. Viola macroceras Bunge, 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22519, TE 22518. Viola mauritii Tepl., 2n = 20; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, TE 22705. Viola milanae Vl. V. Nikitin, 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22522, TE 22703; Russia, Republic of Tyva, TE 22523. Viola mirabilis L., 2n = 20; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22510; Russia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, TE 22509. Viola montana L., 2n = 40; Russia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, TE 22702. Viola nemoralis Kütz., 2n = 40; Russia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, T.V. Elisafenko 22909. 2n = 20; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, DK 20667. Viola odorata L., 2n = 20; Armenia, Gegarkunik Oblast’, A.V. Karakulov 22508. Viola rupestris F.W. Schmidt, 2n = 20; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22501; Russia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, TE 22502; Russia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, TE 22511. Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu, 2n = 20; Russia, Republic of Altai, TE 22706; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, TE 22513, DK 20665. Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie, 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Khakasiya, TE 22515; Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, TE 22514. Viola uniflora L., 2n = 24; Russia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, TE 22499, TE 22498. Viola variegata Fisch. ex Link, 2n = 24; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22504. Viola verecunda A. Gray, 2n = 24; Russia, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Yu.V. Ovchinnikov 22500. Jaromír Kučera* & Marek Slovák Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovak Republic * Author for correspondence: [email protected] This study was supported by the Research and Development Support Agency, Bratislava, Slovakia (grants no. APVV-0239-09 and APVV-0320-10) Chromosome numbers, DNA ploidy levels and genome sizes were counted and estimated by JK = J. Kučera and MS = M. Slovák; vouchers are deposited in SAV. Accessions of P. rhagodioloides and P. pauciflora from island of Crete were collected by DZ = D. Zelený, JD = J. Danihelka and CHFL = Ch. F. Li. COMPOSITAE Picris pauciflora Willd. 2n = 2x = 10, CHN. Greece, JK & MS GRE1. 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 1.51–1.65 pg, FCM. Greece, DZ, JD & CHFL PAUC1-CRETE2, DZ, JD & CHFL PAUC2-CRETE2, DZ, JD & CHFL PAUC3-CRETE2; Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.), JK & MS MDD1, JK & MS MDD2, JK & MS MDD3; Turkey, JK & MS ULU1, JK & MS ULU2, JK & MS ULU3, JK & MS TUR2_1, JK & MS TUR2_2, JK & MS TUR2_3, JK & MS TRC1, JK & MS TRC2, JK & MS TRC3. Picris rhagodioloides Willk. 2n = 2x = 10, CHN. Turkey, JK & MS TRD1, JK & MS GRD1. 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 2.00–2.13 pg, FCM. Greece, JK & MS GRA1, JK & MS GRA2, JK & MS GRA3, JK & MS GRD1, JK & MS GRD2, JK & MS GRD3, DZ, JD & CHFL RHAG1-CRETE3, DZ, JD & CHFL RHAG2-CRETE3, DZ, JD & CHFL RHAG3-CRETE3; Turkey, JK & MS EDIR1, JK & MS EDIR2, JK & MS EDIR3, JK & MS TRD1, JK & MS TRD2, JK & MS TRD3. 898 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Picris strigosa M. Bieb. 2n = 2x = 10, CHN. Turkey, JK & MS TRD1. 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 3.88–3.91 pg, FCM. Turkey, JK & MS TRD1, JK & MS TRD2. Maria Lomonosova Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; mlomonosova@ All materials CHN; collectors: ML = Maria Lomonosova, AS = Alexander Sukhorukov; voucher specimens in NS unless otherwise stated. The work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant no. 11-04-00123a, 12-04-00746-a). CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex fera (L.) Bunge, 2n = 18; Russia, Buryatia Republic, ML 431a. Atriplex patens (Litv.) Iljin, 2n = 18; Russia, Kurgan Oblast’, ML 733. 2n = 36; Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, ML 123, ML 160; Russia, Kurgan Oblast’, ML 733а; Russia, Altai Republic, ML 239; Russia, Buryatia Republic, ML 431. Atriplex patula L., 2n = 36; Russia, Karelia Republic, ML 769. Atriplex sagittata L., 2n = 18; Russia, Khakassia Republic, ML 598. Atriplex sibirica L., 2n = 18; Russia, Buryatia Republic, ML 431. Chenopodium album L., 2n = 54; Germany, Berlin, 10 Sep 2000, ML s.n.; Kazakhstan, Almaty Oblast’, ML & AS 68; Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, ML & AS 71; Russia, Novosibirsk Oblast’, ML 266; Russia, Buryatia Republic, ML 450; Russia, Irkutsk Oblast’, 25 Sep 2002, Zarubin s.n. (IRKU); Russia, Leningrad Oblast’, ML 768 * Сhenopodium atripliciforme Murr, 2n = 54; Russia, Altai Krai, 7 Aug 2001, Aebel s.n. (TK). Chenopodium novopokrovskianum (Aellen) Uotila, 2n = 36; Kazakhstan, Almaty Oblast’, ML 52; Russia, Chita Oblast’, ML 480. Chenopodium strictum Roth, 2n = 36; Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, ML & AS 72; Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, ML 107; Russia, Altai Krai, ML 86. Chenopodium suecicum Murr, 2n = 18; Russia, Karelia Republic, ML 764a, ML 766, ML 769. * Corispermum chinganicum Iljin, 2n = 18; Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, ML 91. * Corispermum macrocarpum Bunge, 2n = 18; Russia, Buryatia Republic, Korolyuk 254. Corispermum sibiricum Iljin, 2n = 18; Russia, Chita Oblast’, ML 520; Russia, Buryatia Republic, Kazanovskyi 14980 (IRK). Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutsk Oblast’, 19 Sep 2002, ML s.n. ** Suaeda acuminata (C.A. Mey.) Moq., 2n = 18; Belarus, Minsk Oblast’, Dzus 1556. ** Suaeda arcuata Bunge, 2n = 18; Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda Oblast’, Mamutov 2. ** Suaeda corniculata (C.A. Mey.) Bunge subsp. corniculata, 2n = 54; ** Mongolia, Bayan-Olgiy aymaq, Aug 2001, Krasnoborov, & al. s.n.; Russia, Altai Republic, Krasnoborov 97; Russia, Bashkortostan Republic, 15 Aug 2009, Abramova s.n.; Russia, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, 23 Aug 2004, Zakharova s.n. Suaeda microsperma (C.A. Mey.) Fenzl, 2n = 18; Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, ML 179, 19 Sep 2001, ML, s.n.; ML & AS 45a. Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall., 2n = 36; Russia, Saratov Oblast’, 27 Aug 2008, Fedorova s.n. Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Nina S. Probatova,1* Sergey G. Kazanovsky,2 Elvira G. Rudyka,1 Vitaly P. Seledets3 & Vitaly A. Nechaev1 1 Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Stoletya Prospect, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia 2 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 132 Lermontov Str., 664033 Irkutsk, Russia 3 Pacific Institute of Geography, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 7 Radio Street, 690041 Vladivostok, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All material CHN; collectors: NP = N.S. Probatova, SK = S.G. Kazanovsky; VN = V.A. Nechaev; VS = V.P. Seledets; vouchers in VLA and IRK. This study was supported by grants no. 07-04-00610, 11-0400240 (to N.S. Probatova), 11-04-01167 (to V.S. Schneyer), 12-0401586 (to A.V. Verkhozina), from the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR), and by Interdisciplinary integration project Nr. 17, from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. ALISMATACEAE Alisma lanceolatum With., 2n = 28; Ukraine, NP 5190. ALLIACEAE Allium microdictyon Prokh., 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11991. Allium schoenoprasum L., 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 12025. Allium splendens Willd. ex Schult. f., 2n = 32; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 9449. 2n = 64; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Kapustina 8538. AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson, 2n = 32; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11754. ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia contorta Bunge, 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11133. ASPARAGACEAE Asparagus brachyphyllus Turcz., 2n = 20; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11933. Asparagus burjaticus Peschkova, 2n = 40; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Krivenko 11995. Asparagus davuricus Fisch. ex Link, 2n = 20; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11856. Asparagus gibbus Bunge, 2n = 40; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11854. ASTERACEAE Crepidiastrum denticulatum (Houtt.) Pak & Kawano, 2n = 10; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11958. Crepis rhoeadifolia M. Bieb., 2n = 10; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11550. Crepis tectorum L., 2n = 8; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 12002. Erigeron flaccidus (Bunge) Botsch., 2n = 36; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11753. Galinsoga parviflora Cav., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11977. Helianthus lenticularis Douglas, 2n = 34; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11628. Hieracium umbellatum L., 2n = 27; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11938. Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Kitag., 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11993. Lactuca serriola L., 2n = 18; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11635. Leontodon autumnalis L., 2n = 12; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11988. Nabalus ochroleuca Maxim., 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11955. Phalacroloma septentrionale (Fernald & Wiegand) Tzvelev, 2n = 18; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11651; Russia, Primorskii Krai, NP & VS 11767. Pterocypsela indica (L.) C. Shih, 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Barkalov 7532. Saussurea amara (L.) DC., 2n = 26; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Verkhozina 11984. Saussurea parviflora DC., 2n = 26+0–7B; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11918. Senecio vulgaris L., 2n = 40; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 12004; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Semeykin 11905. Serratula coronata L., 2n = 22; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11947. Sonchus arvensis L., 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11966. Sonchus asper (L.) Hill, 2n = 18; U.S.A., Texas, Rudyka 11548. Tanacetum vulgare L., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11959. Taraxacum cf. bessarabicum Hand.-Mazz., 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, NP & VS 10488. Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Bip., 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11927; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, NP & VS 11108. Trommsdorffia maculata (L.) Bernh., 2n = 10; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11697. BORAGINACEAE Lappula consanguinea Gürke, 2n = 24; Russia, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Lyssenko 11790. Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene, 2n = 24; Russia, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Lyssenko 11792. Lithospermum officinale L., 2n = 28; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11622. BRASSICACEAE Achillea asiatica Serg., 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11936. Arctium tomentosum Mill., 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11948. Centaurea scabiosa L., 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11941. Chondrilla brevirostris Fisch. & C.A. Mey., 2n = 15; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11577. Cirsium serratuloides Hill, 2n = 34; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11745. Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist, 2n = 18; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11594; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11965. Brassica campestris L., 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11954. Cardamine macrophylla Willd., 2n = 64; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 12020; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11932. Dontostemon integrifolius (L.) Ledeb., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 10766. Lepidium densiflorum Schrad., 2n = 32; Russia, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Lyssenko 10584. Raphanus raphanistrum L., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11922. Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser, 2n = 32; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 12008. Version of Record (identical to print version). 899 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 CAMPANULACEAE Campanula patula L., 2n = 18; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11963. Campanula rapunculoides L., 2n = 68; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11967. TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Galeopsis bifida Boenn., 2n = 32; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 10879. Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11926. Nepeta cf. pannonica L., 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, NP & VS 11014. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Dianthus superbus L., 2n = 30; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11968. Herniaria glabra L., 2n = 18; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 12016. Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern, 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11913. Neoussuria aprica (Turcz. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Tzvelev, 2n = 48; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11987, Krivenko 12014. Oberna behen (L.) Ikonn., 2n = 24; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11935; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Volynets 11907. Silene chamarensis Turcz., 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 12001. Silene jeniseensis Willd., 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 12030. Silene repens Patrin, 2n = 48; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 12003. Silene turczaninovii Lazkov, 2n = 24; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11911. Spergula arvensis L., 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11601. Stellaria media (L.) Vill., 2n = 44; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11923. CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex laevis C.A. Mey., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11945. CRASSULACEAE Aizopsis aizoon (L.) Grulich, 2n = 32; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, NP & VS 7200; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Lapenko 11049. 2n = 64; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 10930; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Volynets 11368. Aizopsis litoralis (Kom.) S. Gontch., 2n = 32; Russia, Primorskii Krai, SK 11379. Aizopsis selskiana (Regel & Maack) Grulich, 2n = 32; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11412; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11080. FABACEAE Lotus caucasicus Kuprian., 2n = 16; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, Manilo 11587. This voucher specimen (VLA) was misidentified as “Trigonella monspeliaca L.”, by Probatova & al. in Taxon 59: 1936, E9 (2010). Vicia baicalensis (Turcz.) B. Fedtsch., 2n = 12; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11691. Vicia sepium L., 2n = 14; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11696. Vicia unijuga A. Braun, 2n = 12; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11813. FUMARIACEAE Corydalis ochotensis Turcz., 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11925. GENTIANACEAE Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) Ma, 2n = 78; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11899. GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes triste Pall., 2n = 16; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Barkalov 9841. LAMIACEAE Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hylander, 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11937. 900 MALVACEAE Abutilon theophrasti Medik., 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK, Gamburg 12005. Malva mohileviensis Down., 2n = 42; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, NP & VS 11107; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11624. Malva pusilla Sm., 2n = 42; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11626. PAPAVERACEAE Papaver nudicaule L., 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK & Bondarevich 12044, SK 12059. 2n = 42; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK & Chernova 12022. PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago lanceolata L., 2n = 12; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11638. POACEAE Agropyron desertorum Schult., 2n = 28; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11611. Agrostis syreistschikowii P.A. Smirn., 2n = 28; Ukraine, NP 5182. Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nevski var. velutina (Volkart ex Hegi) Tzvelev, 2n = 14; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11636. Anisantha tectorum var. hirsuta (Regel) Tzvelev, 2n = 14; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 12000. Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv., 2n = 14; Kazakhstan, Almaatinskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 6848. 2n = 18; Kazakhstan, Almaatinskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 5123 (VLA); Russia, Novossibirskaya Oblast’, VS 4830. Brachypodium spryginii (Tzvelev) Tzvelev, 2n = 18; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, Manilo 11278. Briza elatior Sibth. & Sm., 2n = 14; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, Manilo 11644. Bromus squarrosus L., 2n = 14; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11604, NP & VS 12035. Bromus volgensis Fisch. ex Jacq., 2n = 14; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 12028. Сalamagrostis caucasica Trin., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Daghestan, NP 5421. Сalamagrostis hakonensis Franch. & Sav., 2n = 56; Japan, Hokkaido, VN 7528. Cinna latifolia (Trevir. ex Göpp.) Griseb., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11950. Dactylis glomerata L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 12018. Echinochloa spiralis Vasinger, 2n = 36; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 10439. × Elyhordeum arcuatum W.W. Mitch. & Hodgs., 2n = 28; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, NP & VS 8355. Elymus dahuricus Turcz., 2n = 42; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 12013. Elymus glabriflorus Scribn. & C.R. Ball, 2n = 28; U.S.A., Texas, Rudyka 11425. Elymus scandicus var. borealis (Turcz.) Tzvelev, 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Sakha-Yakutia, NP & VS 3827; Russia, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Mochalova 7745. Elytrigia pseudocaesia (Pacz.) Prokudin, 2n = 42; Russia, Saratovskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11311. This voucher was misidentified as “Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski”, by Probatova & al. in Taxon 58: 1287, E16 (2009). Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Eragrostis minor Host, 2n = 40; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11874. Festuca baikalensis (Griseb.) V.I. Krecz. & Bobr., 2n = 42; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Chepinoga 9690. Festuca ovina L., 2n = 14; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, Chepinoga 10524. Festuca sibirica var. karoi St.-Yves, 2n = 28; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, Belikovich 9836. Hierochloё glabra Trin., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Loshakova 5016; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, Lesnikov 5234, NP 5889. Lolium perenne L., 2n = 14; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11646. Milium effusum L., 2n = 28; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11974/368, SK 11979/370. Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench, 2n = 36; Russia, Leningradskaya Oblast’, NP 4368. Panicum bisulcatum Thunb., 2n = 36; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Chubarj 11973. Poa bulbosa L., 2n = 42; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11629. Poa kolymensis Tzvelev, 2n = 14; Russia, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Lyssenko 11886/11887. Poa lipskyi Roshev., 2n = 42; Kazakhstan, Almaatinskaya Oblast’, Tsvelyov 6920. Poa nemoralis L., 2n = 42; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11640. Poa remota Forselles, 2n = 14; Russia, Komi Republic, Lavrenko 6343. Poa sibirica Roshev., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11789. Poa transbaicalica Roshev., 2n = 28; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 4653. Poa vorobievii Probat., 2n = 28; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11366. Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv., 2n = 14; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11940. Secale sylvestre Host, 2n = 14; Ukraine, NP 4540. Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv., 2n = 18; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11641; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11621; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 12015. Trisetum turcicum Chrtek, 2n = 14; CHN. Russia, Republic of Severnaya Ossetia-Alania, Polyvtsev 5266. POLYGONACEAE Oxyria digyna Hill, 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK & Pochinchik 11823. Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Gray, 2n = 22; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11619; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11122. Rumex ucranicus Fisch., 2n = 40; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11631. PORTULACACEAE Portulaca oleracea L., 2n = 36; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11625. PRIMULACEAE Primula xanthobasis Fed., 2n = 18; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11821. RANUNCULACEAE Aquilegia turczaninovii Kamelin & Gubanov, 2n = 16; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11681. Ranunculus natans C.A. Mey., 2n = 16; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11994. Ranunculus sceleratus L., 2n = 64; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11999. ROSACEAE Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb., 2n = 56; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11960, SK 11972. Chamaerhodos erecta (L.) Bunge, 2n = 14; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11992. Fragaria orientalis Losinsk., 2n = 28; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 10199. Geum aleppicum Jacq., 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11946. Potentilla acervata Soják, 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11934; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 10899. Potentilla approximata Bunge, 2n = 28; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, NP & VS 7298. Potentilla arenosa (Turcz.) Juz., 2n = 28; Russia, Kamchatskii Krai, Kamchatka Peninsula, Yakubov 9704. Potentilla argentea L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11928, SK 12006; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Kapustina 8961; Russia, Khabarovskii Krai, NP & VS 7885. Potentilla canescens Besser, 2n = 42; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Lapenko 8144. Potentilla centigrana Maxim., 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, NP & VS 10774. Potentilla chinensis Ser., 2n = 14; Russia, Amurskaya Oblast’, Kudrin 8937. Potentilla flagellaris Willd. ex Schltdl., 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 12017. Potentilla fragarioides L., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Kalyuzhnyi 9406; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Rudyka 7448. Potentilla inquinans Turcz., 2n = 14; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11930, Chernova & SK 12007. Potentilla nivea L., 2n = 56; Russia, Kamchatskii Krai, Kamchatka Peninsula, Yakubov 8419. Potentilla norvegica L., 2n = 56; Russia, Republic of Buryatia, SK 11981; Russia, Magadanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 7201. Potentilla omissa Soják, 2n = 14; Russia, Primorskii Krai, NP 9622. Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray, 2n = 28; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 11976, SK 12021, Prelovskaya & SK 11996. Potentilla sericea L., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 10740. Potentilla supina L., 2n = 28; Russia, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 11615. Sanguisorba officinalis L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11943. Sanguisorba tenuifolia Fisch. ex Link, 2n = 28; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Rudyka 7505. SCROPHULARIACEAE Linaria acutiloba Fisch. ex Rchb., 2n = 12+0–4B; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11953. Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill., 2n = 12; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11876. Linaria vulgaris Mill., 2n = 12; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, SK 11939. Veronica anagalloides Guss., 2n = 18; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11863. Veronica longifolia L., 2n = 34; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Prelovskaya 11845. Veronica officinalis L., 2n = 36; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11474. SOLANACEAE Physalis alkekengi L., 2n = 24; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11879. VALERIANACEAE RESEDACEAE Reseda lutea L., 2n = 48; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11877. Patrinia rupestris (Pall.) Dufr., 2n = 22; Russia, Primorskii Krai, VN 11971. Version of Record (identical to print version). 901 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Valeriana alternifolia Ledeb., 2n = 56; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK & Chernova 12011. Valeriana transjenisseensis Kreyer, 2n = 56; Russia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, SK 12019. VERBENACEAE Verbena officinalis L., 2n = 14; Russia, Krasnodarskii Krai, NP & VS 11589. This voucher specimen (VLA) was misidentified as “V. hastata L.” by Probatova & al. in Taxon 59: 1937, E10 (2010). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: 889–902 Martina Rossi,1 Lorenzo Peruzzi,2* Alessandro Fisogni1 & Marta Galloni1 1 Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy 2 Department of Biology, University of Pisa, Italy * Author for correspondence: [email protected] All materials CHN; collectors: AF = A. Fisogni, GC = G. Cristofolini, MR = M. Rossi, VL = V. Lucchetta; vouchers in BOLO VIOLACEAE Viola prionantha Bunge, 2n = 48; Russia, Primorskii Krai, Barkalov 10499. Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu, 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, NP & VS 10768. The research was supported by the Italian MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca) within the frame of the project PRIN 2008 to dr. Marta Galloni “Reproductive success in plants: The role of floral rewards and signals – limiting factors and adaptation of pollination system in isolated populations”, and for the doctoral grant to Martina Rossi. Financial funding (EX60%) from University of Pisa is also gratefully acknowledged. GENTIANACEAE Gentiana lutea L. subsp. lutea, 2n = 40; Italy, MR & AF 504368. Gentiana lutea subsp. symphyandra (Murb.) Hayek, 2n = 40; Italy, MR & VL 502428, MR & VL 502430. Gentiana lutea subsp. vardjanii T. Wraber, 2n = 40; Italy, MR, GC & VL 504364. Gentiana lutea subsp. montserratii (Vivant ex Greuter) Romo, 2n = 40; Spain, MR & AF 504366. 902 Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 I O PB CO LU M N Edited by Karol Marhold & Ilse Breitwieser IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Edited by Karol Marhold Patricia M. Aguilera,1,2* Julio R. Daviña1 & Ana I. Honfi1 1 Laboratorio de Citogenética Vegetal, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Rivadavia 2370, 3300 Posadas, Argentina 2 Instituto de Botánica del Nordeste (IBONE-CONICET), Sgto. Cabral 2131, 3400 Corrientes, Argentina * Author for correspondence: [email protected] Methods are described in Aguilera & al. (2011). Karyotype asymmetry indexes: A1 and A2 (Romero Zarco, 1986); AI (Paszko, 2006); r > 2 and R (Stebbins, 1971). Abbreviations: m, metacentric; sm, submetacentric; i, centromeric mean. This research was supported by Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Técnica de Argentina (ANPCyT grant no. PICT-O 36907) and a doctoral fellowship from Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET) to P.M.A. We acknowledge to Dr. Mauro Grabiele and Ms. Bib. Irma S. Insaurralde for their assistance. ASTERACEAE Angelphytum hatschbachii H. Rob. 2n = 64, CHN. Argentina, Misiones Province, San Ignacio Department, on the road to Teyú Cuaré, 1 km SE of Paraná River, in open field, 27°17ʹ S, 55°34ʹ W, 14 Apr 2007, Honfi 1317 (MNES) (Fig. 1D). This is the first chromosome count for this species native from northeast Argentina, restricted to Misiones Province (Sáenz, 2008). Aspilia montevidensis (Spreng.) Kuntze var. montevidensis 2n = 44, CHN. Argentina, Misiones Province, Candelaria Department, 20 km SE of Paraná River, at the road border, in open field, 27°34ʹ S, 55°34ʹ W, 29 Dec 2006, Aguilera 21 (MNES) (Fig. 1C). Aspilia montevidensis (Spreng.) Kuntze naturally occurs in northeast regions of Argentina (restricted to Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Santa Fe and Misiones Provinces), Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Sáenz, 2008). Two varieties have been described for this species, A. montevidensis var. montevidensis and A. montevidensis var. setosa (Griseb.) Cabrera (Cabrera, 1970). Aspilia montevidensis var. montevidensis is tetraploid with 2n = 4x = 44 chromosomes. Previous chromosome counts in A. montevidensis var. setosa have shown the existence of a polyploid complex composed by diploids (2n = 2x = 22), tetraploids (2n = 4x = 46) and hexaploids (2n = 6x = 68) with a base number of x = 11. Cytotypes of this complex are differentially distributed in eastern Argentina (2x), southern Brazil (4x) and southern Paraguay (6x) (Molero & al., 2006). In agreement with this report, our tetraploid cytotype has x = 11 nevertheless at tetraploid level both varieties can be distinguished by morphological features and an additional pair of chromosomes. Fig. 1. A–B, Calea uniflora: A, mitotic metaphase with 2n = 32; B, idiogram showing 12 m + 4 sm chromosomes. C, Aspilia montevidensis var. montevidensis, mitotic metaphase with 2n = 44. D, Angelphytum hatschbachii, mitotic metaphase with 2n = 64. — Scale bar is 5 µm for the mitotic methapases and 1 µm for the idiogram. Calea uniflora Less. 2n = 32, CHN. Argentina, Misiones Province, San Ignacio Department, on the road to Teyú Cuaré, 1 km SE of Paraná River, in sandy soil, in open field, 27°17ʹ S, 55°34ʹ W, 14 Apr 2007, Honfi 1315 (MNES) (Fig. 1A–B). This taxon occurs in northeast Argentina (restricted to Corrientes, Entre Ríos and Misiones Provinces), Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay (Sáenz, 2008). Calea uniflora is diploid and possess a karyotype formula of 24 m + 8 sm. The smallest chromosome has 2.51 μm (m) and the largest 4.37 μm (m) with a mean chromosome length of 3.17 μm. The karyotype is unimodal (A 2 = 0.16; R = 1.73) and symmetrical (A1 = 0.28; r > 2 = 0.18; i = 41.15; AI = 1.99) (category 2A of karyotype asymmetry, Stebbins, 1971). The haploid genome has 50.76 μm (Fig. 1B). Our record is added to the contribution of Molero & al. (2006) who observed n = 16 II in populations from Paraguay. Literature cited Aguilera, P.M., Honfi, A.I. & Daviña, J.R. 2011. Estudios cromosómicos en Acmella bellidioides (Sm.) R.K. Jansen (Asteraceae) del nordeste de Argentina. Gayana, Bot. 68: 22–27. Cabrera, A.L. 1970. Novedades sinanterológicas entrerrianas. Darwiniana 16 (Comunicaciones): 411. All materials for the chromosome column should be submitted electronically to: Karol Marhold, [email protected] (Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK-845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia, and Department of Botany, Charles University, CZ 128–01 Prague, Czech Republic). The full version of this contribution is available in the online edition of TAXON appended to this article. The following citation format is recommended: Baltisberger, M. & Voelger, M. 2006. Sternbergia sicula. In: Marhold, K. (ed.), IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 1. Taxon 55: 444, E2. Version of Record (extended online-only version). E1 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Molero, J., Daviña, J.R., Honfi, A.I., Franco, D. & Rovira, A. 2006. Chromosome studies on plants from Paraguay. II. Candollea 61: 373–392. Paszko, B. 2006. A critical review and a new proposal of karyotype asymmetry indices. Pl. Syst. Evol. 258: 39–48. Romero Zarco, C. 1986. A new method for estimating karyotype asymmetry. Taxon 35: 526–530. Sáenz, A.A. 2008. Heliantheae. Pp. 1165–1166, 1170–1172, 1217–1219 in: Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O. & Belgrano, J.M. (eds.), Catálogo de las plantas vasculares del cono sur (Argentina, sur de Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay), vol. 2, Dicotyledoneae: AcanthaceaeFabaceae (Abarema-Schizolobium). St. Louis: Missouri Botanical Garden. Stebbins, G.L. 1971. Chromosomal evolution in higher plants. Reading: Addison-Wesley. Matthias Baltisberger ETH Zurich, Plant Ecological Genetics, Institute of Integrative Biology, Universitätstr. 16, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland; [email protected] All investigations have been carried out on root tips of cultivated plants (method see Baltisberger & Widmer, 2009). Indications of chromosome numbers in literature were checked with Goldblatt & Johnson (1979+). Deviating or interesting data are discussed. The nomenclature for chromosome morphology follows Levan & al. (1964) who distinguish 4 groups of chromosomes characterized by the arm ratio (long arm to short arm; metacentric chromosomes [m] with arm ratios between 1.0 and 1.7, submetacentric [sm] 1.7–3.0, subtelocentric [st] 3.0–7.0, and acrocentric [t] more than 7.0). ASTERACEAE Achillea fragrantissima (Forssk.) Sch.Bip. 2n = 18, CHN. Egypt, Sinai, surroundings of monastery of St. Catherine, rocky slope, 1 Jan 1997, M. Baltisberger 13219, 13901 (Z/ZT). The investigated plants of A. fragrantissima showed the diploid chromosome number 2n = 18 confirming the indication in Badr & al. (1997). The karyotype consists of 14 metacentric and 4 submeta- to subtelocentric chromosomes, the latter with satellites (Fig. 2A). This is (taking in account the quality of the figure in Badr & al., 1997) quite similar to the karyotype with 16 meta- and 2 submetacentric TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 chromosomes given by Badr & al. (1997). A haploid karyotype with 7 metacentric and 2 satellited submeta- to subtelocentric chromosomes as found in A. fragrantissima is indicated for many species of Achillea, from diploid up to decaploid levels (e.g. Achillea umbellata Sibth. & Sm., diploid in Tzanoudakis & Iatrou, 1981; A. fraasii Sch. Bip., tetraploid in Baltisberger, 1993; A. chrysocoma Friv. hexaploid in Baltisberger, 1992, and octoploid in Baltisberger & Baltisberger, 1995; A. cf. clusiana Tausch, decaploid in Baltisberger, 1992). Aster albanicus Degen 2n = 18, CHN. Albania, 40 km ENE of Tirana, on the road from Burreli to Peshkopia, W of Bulqiza, Qafa e Buallit, steep, rocky slope on serpentine, 700 m, 29 Jul 1991, M. Baltisberger 12481, 12567 (Z/ZT); Albania, W of Lushnja, Karavasta, sand dunes with Pinus halepensis, 2–5 m, Nov 1990, A. Mullaj & V. Tartari 12798 (Z/ZT). Aster albanicus is an endemic species of northern Albania related to the rather widespread and polymorphic Aster sedifolius L. both characterized by sterile ligules and glandular punctate leaves (Merxmüller & Schreiber, 1976). Aster albanicus grows in two rather different ecological habitats viz. sand dunes and forests of Pinus halepensis in the littoral of the Adriatic sea as well as on rocks and screes on serpentine from 200 m (near Librazhdi) up to 2300 m (mount Shebenik; Qosja & Puto, 1985). The pappus of plants from the littoral is much longer than the achenes while plants from the serpentine show a pappus about as long as the achenes. Based on these characters Qosja & Puto (1985) treated plants of the two habitats as subspecies and proposed A. albanicus subsp. paparistoi from the littoral as a new subspecies (not formally published). We measured achenes and pappus of 35 plants from both habitats. The achenes from both habitats are 4–5 mm long (serpentine x– = 4.56 ± 0.39 mm; littoral x– = 4.25 ± 0.36 mm) but the pappus is different, indeed. The pappus of plants from the littoral is 7–8 mm long (x– = 7.36 ± 0.42 mm) whereas plants from the other habitat show a pappus of 4.5–5.5 mm (x– = 5.07 ± 0.42 mm). This supports the view of Qosja & Puto (1985). The plants of both habitats are diploid with 2n = 18 chromosomes (Fig. 2B) which corresponds with the indication of Qosja & Puto (1985) for both ecotypes of A. albanicus and that of Monti & al. (1978) for the related A. sedifolius as well as many indications for other species of the genus Aster. Based on four metaphases of plants from each habitat the karyotypes have been established. Plants of both habitats show the same karyotype (Table 1). This karyotype consists of 6 pairs of large metacentric chromosomes (chromosomes no. 1–6), 1 pair of subtelocentric chromosomes (no. 7) with satellites about as large as the small arms, and 2 pairs of smaller metacentric chromosomes (no. 8–9). Chromosomes with about the same arm ratio should be combined in one group if their length differ not more than 10% (Patau, 1960, 1965). This is here the case with the metacentric chromosomes showing two groups each with similar size viz. six pairs of them being large (no. 1–6) and two pairs smaller (no. 8–9). Bidens pilosa L. 2n = 72, CHN. Egypt, Upper Egypt, Assuan, ruderal place, 22 Dec 1996, M. Baltisberger 13292 (Z/ZT). For Bidens pilosa several chromosome numbers are given representing different ploidy levels viz. diploid with 2n = 24 chromosomes (indicated as n = 12), tetraploid with 2n = 48, hexaploid with 2n = 72, as well as octoploid with 2n = 96 (indicated as n = 48). The plants from Egypt proved to be hexaploid which is the most common chromosome number for Bidens pilosa. Fig. 2. Somatic metaphases. A, Achillea fragrantissima, 2n = 18; B, Aster albanicus (M. Baltisberger 12481), 2n = 18; C, Centaurea pindicola, 2n = 20; D, Osteospermum vaillantii, 2n = 32; E, Sempervivum marmoreum, 2n = 34; F, Stachys aegyptiaca, 2n = 34; G, Consolida ajacis, 2n = 16. E2 Centaurea pindicola Griseb. 2n = 20, CHN. Grece, N. Grevena, SE to SW slope of Mt. Vourinos, SW of Kataphygion near Paleokastron, rocky slope, 1350–1550 m, 9 Aug 1990, M. Baltisberger & U. Schäppi 12599 (Z/ZT). Centaurea pindicola belongs to the subgenus Cyanus (Mill.) Hayek (Dostál, 1976) which contains about 30 species (Susanna & Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Garcia-Jacas, 2009). In literature, several chromosome numbers on two ploidy levels are indicated for taxa of this subgenus, viz. diploid with 2n = 20, 22 and 24, and tetraploid with 2n = 40, 44 and 48. For Centaurea pindicola two different chromosome numbers are indicated, both on the tetraploid level, 2n = 40 (Baltisberger, 1991a, 2002) and 2n = ca. 44 (Strid & Franzén, 1981). The plants from mount Vourinos represent a new ploidy level for this species, they proved to be diploid with 2n = 20 chromosomes (Fig. 2C) showing the same basic chromosome number x = 10 as two of the previous indications. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Silene uniflora Roth 2n = 24, CHN. Ireland, near Howth, north coast of the peninsula, rocky place, 28 Oct 2008, M. Gnesotto 14200 (Z/ZT). CRASSULACEAE Sempervivum marmoreum Griseb. 2n = 34, CHN. Albania, district Kolonja, E of Erseka, Mali i Gramosit, rocky slope, 2400 m, 9 Jul 1994, P. Vogli PV17 (Z/ZT). Two ploidy levels are indicated for S. marmoreum, diploid with 2n = 34 (Uhl, 1961, plants from botanical garden, named as S. schlehanii Schott; Zésiger, 1982, origin of the plant material not given; ’t Hart & Van Loon, 1982, plants from Greece, named as S. ballsii Wale) and tetraploid with 2n = 68 (Letz & al., 1999; plants from Slovakia, treated as S. matricum by Letz, 2009). This is the first count on plants from Albania. They showed 2n = 34 chromosomes and proved to be diploid (Fig. 2E). Hieracium murorum L. 2n = 27, CHN. Switzerland, ct. Aargau, NW of Villnachern, decidous forest, 13 May 1998, M. Baltisberger 13492 (Z/ZT). For H. murorum two ploidy levels are given, triploid with 2n = 27 and tetraploid with 2n = 36 chromosomes. The plants investigated here are triploid. Hieracium pilosella L. 2n = 45, CHN. Switzerland, ct. Aargau, Villnachern, roadside near railway station, 13 May 1998, M. Baltisberger 13442, 13490 (Z/ZT). With the exception of triploid plants, all ploidy levels from diploid to octoploid are indicated for Hieracium pilosella, as well as some aneuploid numbers. The plants investigated showed 2n = 45 chromosomes and thus are pentaploid. LAMIACEAE Stachys aegyptiaca Pers. 2n = 34, CHN. Egypt, Sinai, surroundings of monastery of St. Catherine, rocky slope, 1 Jan 1997, M. Baltisberger 13218, 13293 (Z/ZT). Stachys aegyptiaca belongs to Stachys sect. Ambleia Benth. (Bhattacharjee, 1980) and grows on rocks and gravels in the East Saharo-Arabian area. Its chromosome number was not known up to now. With 34 chromosomes (Fig. 2F) S. aegyptiaca has the same chromosome number as many taxa of different groups within the genus Stachys (Baltisberger & Lenherr, 1984) as well as the closely related S. palaestina L. (Baltisberger & Widmer, 2004) which also occurs on the Sinai peninsula and elsewhere in the East Saharo-Arabian area. Hieracium piloselloides Vill. 2n = 36, CHN. Switzerland, ct. Zürich, Zürich, campus of University Irchel, ruderal place, 25 May 1998, M. Baltisberger 13443, 13505 (Z/ZT). From diploid to hexaploid all ploidy levels are indicated for H. piloselloides. With 2n = 36 chromosomes the plants from Zurich proved to be tetraploid. Stachys arvensis L. 2n = 10, CHN. France, Réunion (Indian Ocean), Cirque de Silaos, near Bras Sec, weed in a field of lentils, 12 Oct 1990, M. Baltisberger 12345, 12369 (Z/ZT). Osteospermum vaillantii (Decne.) Norl. 2n = 32, CHN. Egypt, Upper Egypt, Assuan, shadow on ruderal place, 23 Dec 1996, M. Baltisberger 13294 (Z/ZT). For O. vaillantii two ploidy levels are indicated, diploid with 2n = 16 (Spellenberg & Ward, 1988), and tetraploid with 2n = 32 (Podlech, 1986), both on plants from Yemen Arab Republic. The plants from Egypt showed 2n = 32 chromosomes and proved to be tetraploid (Fig. 2D). Teucrium chamaedrys L. 2n = 62, CHN. France, SW Alps, Durance valley, WNW of Gap, N of Rabou, near Pont Romain, stony place, 1050 m, 11 May 2000, M. Baltisberger & K. Krug 13715 (Z/ZT). Teucrium chamaedrys is a widespread and very variable taxon divided into several infraspecific units which mostly are not recognized. Many different chromosome numbers are given (viz. 2n = 32, 58, 60, 62, 64, 65, 72, 80, 96) but no apparent correlation seems to exist between chromosome number and geographical distribution (map see Baltisberger & Baltisberger, 1995). Nevertheless, the chromosome number of 2n = 62 seems to be the most frequent one occurring in a rather broad (mainly Mediterranean) area from Spain to Bulgaria. BRASSICACEAE Draba aizoides L. 2n = 16, CHN. Switzerland, ct. Valais, SW of Simplonpass, Nanz tal, Nanzlicke, scree, 2450 m, 25 Jun 2000, R. Füchter RF123 (Z/ZT). CAMPANULACEAE RANUNCULACEAE Campanula cochleariifolia Lam. 2n = 34, CHN. Switzerland, ct. Baselland, near Ober Hauenstein, ca. 800 m, 1987, U. Käser 19870074.46 (Z/ZT). Consolida ajacis (L.) Schur (≡ Delphinium ajacis L.) 2n = 16, CHN. Netherlands, Amsterdam, ruderal place, 13.8.1998, MB & D. Frey 13485 (Z/ZT). Table 1. Chromosome values (in µm) of Aster albanicus from both habitats. Habitat Chromosome no. Long arm x– s Short arm x– s Satellite x– s Arm ratio Chromosome type Mountains 1–6 7 8–9 2.22 2.20 1.68 0.28 0.12 0.12 2.00 0.60 1.41 0.26 0.08 0.09 – 0.59 – – 0.05 – 1.11 3.67 1.19 m st m Littoral 1–6 7 8–9 2.33 2.25 1.70 0.28 0.09 0.10 2.06 0.63 1.46 0.26 0.09 0.12 – 0.61 – – 0.11 – 1.13 3.57 1.16 m st m Version of Record (extended online-only version). E3 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 The genus Consolida comprises about 43 strictly annual species that have only one single follicle per flower while the closely related genus Delphinium with more than 300 species is mostly biennial or perennial, the plants having 3 (or more) follicles per flower (Tamura, 1993). Since more than 100 years the two genera have been mostly treated as separate units in Floras and papers. But in a recently published phylogenetic study it is shown that the genus Consolida is embedded in Delphinium forming together with Aconitella (another genus of Delphinium s.l.) a clade of annual species (Jabbour & Renner, 2011). Accepting the principle that taxonomic entities are monophyletic and taking into account that the two annual genera Aconitella and Consolida are nested within Delphinium they might be transferred in future into Delphinium (Jabbour & Renner, 2011). The here investigated C. ajacis is diploid with 2n = 16 chromosomes. The karyotype consists of two pairs of large meta- to submetacentric chromosomes, one pair with satellites, and six pairs of smaller subtelocentric chromosomes (Fig. 2G). This corresponds with the karyotypes given for C. ajacis by Kurita (1955, named as Delphinium ajacis L.), Trifonova (1973, named as C. ambigua (L.) Ball & Heywood), Blanché & al. (1987) and Simon & al. (1995). Similar karyotypes are indicated for other species of Consolida viz. C. divaricata (Ledeb.) Schrödinger (Trifonova, 1973), C. orientalis (Gay) Schrödinger (Trifonova, 1973; Blanché & al., 1987), C. regalis S.F. Gray (Trifonova, 1973; Šopova & Sekovski, 1981; Baltisberger & Widmer, 2009), and C. regalis subsp. paniculata (Host) Soó (Trifonova, 1973; Baltisberger, 1987, named as Delphinium paniculatum Host; Simon & al., 1995). But not all taxa of the genus Consolida show the same karyotype. A different karyotype with three pairs of large meta- to submetacentric and five pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes is indicated for C. mauritanica (Cosson) Muntz and C. pubescens Soó (Blanché & al., 1987). The same karyotype as in C. ajacis seems to be rather frequent in Delphinium s.l. (Yang & al., 1993; Yang, 1996, 2001) but at least two additional karyotypes occur within Delphinium s.l., one with the same chromosome number 2n = 16 and one with 2n = 18. Searching for karyotype information on taxa included in the phylogenetic study of Jabbour & Renner (2011) indications for the following species were found: A karyotype with two pairs of large meta- to submetacentric and six pairs of smaller subtelocentric chromosomes (as in Consolida ajacis) is indicated for Aconitella barbata (Bunge) Soják clade V Aconitella (Trifonova & Zemskova, 1986), Delphinium delavayi Franch. (Yang & al., 1993; Yang, 2001), and D. grandiflorum L. (Yang, 2001). Another karyotype with one pair of large meta- to submetacentric and seven pairs of subtelocentric chromosomes is given for D. cossonianum Batt. (Blanché & al., 1990), D. favargeri Blanché, Molero & Simon (Bosch & al., 2002), D. gracile DC. (Blanché, 1991), D. halteratum Sm. (Šopova & Sekovski, 1982; Blanché, 1991; Simon & al., 1995), D. macropetalum DC. (Blanché & al., 1990), and D. peregrinum L. (Baltisberger, 1991b; Constantinidis & al., 1997). A species with a deviating chromosome number of 2n = 18 is D. staphisagria L. with a karyotype of one pair of large meta- to submetacentric and eight pairs of subtelo- to acrocentric chromosomes (Constantinidis & Kamari, 1995; Simon & al., 1995; Bareka & al., 2000; Bosch & al., 2002). This karyotype could have evolved from the frequent karyotype of two pairs of large metacentric and six pairs of smaller subtelocentric chromosomes (see above) and altered by the break-off of one of the large meta- to submetacentric chromosomes into two subtelo- to acrocentric chromosomes. This hypothesis might be supported by D. pictum Willd., a species closely related to D. staphisagria, with a karyotype of two pairs of large metacentric and six pairs of smaller subtelocentric chromosomes (Simon & al., 1995). It is interesting that species nested within a given clade in the phylogenetic tree of Jabbour & Renner (2011) mostly show the same karyotype, so Consolida regalis and C. regalis subsp. paniculata (clade I), C. ajacis and C. orientalis (clade II), C. mauritanica and C. pubescens (clade III), and Delphinium cossonianum, D. favargeri, D. gracile, D. halteratum, D. macropetalum, D. peregrinum (clade Delphinium subg. Delphinium),). As mentioned in the discussion in Jabbour & Renner (2011) D. pictum (not included in the tree) belongs to the clade Delphinium subg. Staphisagria, the same clade as D. staphisagria. Only D. balansae Boiss. & Reuter nested in the clade Delphinium subg. Delphinium shows a deviating karyotype (Blanché & al., 1990). Taxa in the neighbouring clades I, II, V Aconitella, Delphinium subg. Delphinastrum, Delphinium subg. Oligophyllon, and Delphinium subg. Delphinium all have the same karyotype, but different karyotypes show the clades III and Delphinium subg. Staphisagria with separated positions within the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 3) It seems that it would be worth investigating karyotypes of further species of Delphinium s.l. and to include more taxa in molecular phylogenies to check if karyotypes are useful to support the phylogeny of Delphinium s.l. as it seems to be the case in the genus Ranunculus (Hörandl, pers. comm.; Baltisberger & Widmer, 2009). Ranunculus sceleratus L. 2n = 32, CHN. Netherlands, Amsterdam, wet ruderal place, 13 Aug 1998, M. Baltisberger & D. Frey 13486 (Z/ZT). Several ploidy levels from diploid to octoploid are indicated for R. sceleratus, as well as some aneuploid numbers. The plants investigated showed 2n = 32 chromosomes and thus are tetraploid which is the most frequent number within this species. clade IV clade III clade II clade I clade subg. Delphiniastrum clade subg. Oligophyllon clade subg. Delphinium clade Aconitum clade subg. Staphisagria Outgroup Fig. 3. Phylogenetic relationship of the clades as shown in Jabbour & Renner (2011). Note that clade IV (no karoytype information available) and clade Aconitum are not mentioned in the discussion here. (Fig. 3 created by Reto Nyffeler.). E4 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Literature cited Badr, A., Kamel, E.A. & Garcia-Jucas, N. 1997. Chromosomal studies in the Egyptian flora VI. Karyotype features of some species in subfamily Asteroideae (Asteraceae). Compositae Newslett. 30: 15–28. 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Lubogoschinsky1 & Katja M. Fleckenstein4 1 Department of Botany, Irkutsk State University, Karl Marks Str. 1, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Georg August University of Göttingen, Untere Karlspüle 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany 3 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Prof. Popov Str. 2, 197376 St.-Petersburg, Russia 4 Faculty of Biology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Schaenzlestr. 1, 79104 Freiburg, Germany * Author for correspondence: [email protected] * First chromosome count for the species. ** New chromosome number (cytotype) for the species. ▼ First chromosome count from an East Siberian accession. ▼▼ First chromosome count from a Siberian accession. The study was financially supported by grants no. 10-04-00779а, 11-04-00240-а, 11-04-01167, 12-04-01470, 12-04-01586-а, from the Russian Fund for Basic Research. Version of Record (extended online-only version). E5 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 ACORACEAE TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 BORAGINACEAE Acorus calamus L. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 6 km W of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, floodplain of right riverside of Onon River, oxbow lake Pashutkino, in shallow water, 663 m, 50°31′ N, 115°02′ E, 05 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C776 (IRKU, VLA). Myosotis caespitosa K.F. Schultz 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km SSE Bolshevik village, lakeside of salty lake Balyktui, wet meadow, 676 m, 50°24′ N, 114°42′ E, 04 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C699 (IRKU, VLA). BUTOMACEAE ALISMATACEAE Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juz. ▼▼2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, nearby Ust’-Borzia village, river Borzia, on bank, 600 m, 50°35′ N, 115°40′ E, 09 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C713 (IRKU). Sagittaria natans Pall. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 5 km SW of Cheremkhovo village, River Ingoda, on bank, 51°28′ N, 112°43′ E, 11 Aug 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko C612 (IRKU). Sagittaria trifolia L. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, nearby Ust’-Borzia village, river Borzia, on bank, 600 m, 50°35′ N, 115°40′ E, 09 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C711 (IRKU, VLA). APIACEAE Cicuta virosa L. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 1 km S of Baikal Lake, Tankhoi village, in roadside ditch, 516 m, 51°32′ N, 105°07′ E, 15 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1076, R. Moriz C1077, R. Moriz C1079 (IRKU, VLA). ASTERACEAE Inula britannica L. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, nearby Ust’-Borzia village, river Borzia, on bank, 600 m, 50°35′ N, 115°40′ E, 09 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C712 (IRKU, VLA). Butomus junceus Turcz. 2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, nearby Ust’-Borzia village, river Borzia, on bank, 600 m, 50°35′ N, 115°40′ E, 09 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C710 (IRKU, VLA). CARYOPHYLLACEAE Spergula arvensis L. ▼2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Cherem khovskii Raion, 5 km SSW Lokhovo village, nearby oxbow lake Kobilya Golova, roadside, 52°47′ N, 102°58′ E, 21 Jul 2003, A. Verkhozina & N. Yakovchiz C863 (IRKU). Stellaria bungeana Fenzl *2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 8 km S of Baikal lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, edge of poplar forest, 506 m, 51°24′ N, 104°38′ E, 30 Jun 2009, R. Moriz C928 (IRKU). Stellaria cherleriae (Fisch. ex Ser.) F.N. Williams *2n = 52, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 8 km W of Gunei village, left riverside of Onon River, lakeside of oxbow lake Krovoe, in grassland steppe, 655 m, 50°30′ N, 114°25′ E, 17 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C650; Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 9 km SWW of Kunkur village, left riverside of Onon River, on rock, 676 m, 50°32′ N, 115°02′ E, 27 Jun 2008, M. Isaikina C673 (IRKU). Stellaria dichotoma L. **2n = 44, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 15 km S of Kulusutai village, between Zun-Torei and Barun-Torei lakes, on the shore of Zun-Torei, 601 m, 50°06′ N, 115°41′ E, 28 Jul 2008, S. Rosbakh C649 (IRKU). CHENOPODIACEAE Saussurea amara (L.) DC. 2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 3 km NW of Yasnaya village, floodplain of Turga River, meadow, 595 m, 50°50′ N, 115°45′ E, 13 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky & A. Konovalov C721 (IRKU, VLA). Kalidium foliatum (Pall.) Moq. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 10 km N of Soloviovsk village, between Zun-Torei and Barun-Torei lakes, in steppe, 593 m, 48°58′ N, 115°43′ E, 27 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C758 (IRKU, VLA). Taraxacum delabatum Hand.-Mazz. ▼2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Mukhorshibirskii Raion, 3 km S of Sagan-Nur village, salty lake OlonSheber, wet meadow, 51°18′ N, 108°25′ E, 05 Aug 2007, A. Gnutikov & V. Chepinoga C562 (IRKU, VLA). Kochia angustifolia (Turcz.) Peshkova ▼2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 12 km N of Soloviovsk village, between Zun-Torei and Barun-Torei lakes, on the shore of Zun-Torei, 595 m, 50°00′ N, 115°42′ E, 30 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C764 (IRKU). Tephroseris palustris (L.) Rchb. ▼2n = 48, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km SSE Bolshevik village, salty lake Balyktui, on shore, 676 m, 50°24′ N, 114°42′ E, 03 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C695 (IRKU, VLA). Salicornia perennans Willd. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituyskii Raion, 17 km N of Nurinsk village, salty lake Barun-Nur, on shore, 625 m, 50°08′ N, 115°38′ E, 11 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C717 (IRKU, VLA). Tripolium vulgare Nees ▼2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 12 km N of Soloviovsk village, between Zun-Torei and Barun-Torei lakes, on shore of Zun-Torei, 609 m, 50°00′ N, 115°42′ E, 27 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C759 (IRKU, VLA). E6 CYPERACEAE Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roem. & Schult. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 3 km NE of Cheremkhovo village, left riverside of Ingoda River, in shallow water, 51°28′ N, 112°44′ E, 24 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C656 (IRKU). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 HYDROCHARITACEAE Elodea canadensis Michx. ▼2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 10 km S of Baikal lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, lakes Teplye, in water, 492 m, 51°23′ N, 104°38′ E, 01 Jul 2009, V. Chepinoga & R. Moriz C957 (IRKU). NITRARIACEAE Nitraria sibirica Pall. **2n = 30, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 12 km N of Soloviovsk village, between Zun-Torei and Barun-Torei lakes, on the shore of Zun-Torei, 595 m, 50°00′ N, 115°42′ E, 30 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C765 (IRKU). ORCHIDACEAE Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames ▼2n = 30, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituyskii Raion, 6 km NE Kusocha village, floodplain of right riverside of Onon River, wet meadow, 571 m, 50°44′ N, 115°42′ E, 13 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C727 (IRKU, VLA). PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago depressa Schlecht. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, downtown of Irkutsk city, Kirov square, 52°17′ N, 104°16′ E, 22 Jun 2005, A. Chepinoga & B. Batbaiar C087 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 8 km S of Yasnaya village, lakeside of salty lake Khara-Nur, in feather grass steppe, 635 m, 50°45′ N, 115°46′ E, 13 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov, M. Isaikina & P. Lubogoschinsky C800 (IRKU). Plantago major L. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, downtown of Irkutsk city, Kirov square, 52°17′ N, 104°16′ E, 22 Jun 2005, A. Chepinoga & B. Batbayar C091 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 5 km S of Krasnaya Imalka village, salty lake Ara-Torom, on shore, 618 m, 50°12′ N, 115°17′ E, 26 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & K. Fleckenstein C801 (IRKU). Plantago salsa Pall. ▼▼2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km NE of Builesan village, salty lake Khotochei, on shore, 678 m, 50°18′ N, 114°57′ E, 02 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C694 (IRKU, VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km NE of Builesan village, salty lake Khotochei, on shore, 678 m, 50°18′ N, 114°57′ E, 02 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C802 (IRKU). POACEAE Agrostis clavata Trin. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, surroundings of Bolshoi Lug village, anthropogenic meadow, 52°06′ N, 104°06′ E, 02 May 2005, V. Chepinoga C130 (IRKU). Agrostis gigantea Roth 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 1 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Tankhoi village, lower course of Osinovka River, on bank, 469 m, 51°32′ N, 105°05′ E, 15 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1075 (IRKU, VLA). Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. 2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Tankhoi village, meadow, 498 m, 51°32′ N, 105°06′ E, 06 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1009 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, on bank, 502 m, 51°41′ N, 105°53′ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky C1052 (IRKU, VLA). Glyceria lithuanica (Gorski) Gorski ▼▼2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Tulunskii Raion, 7 km SW of Uygat village, right riverside of Kirei River, mixed forest, 54°02′ N, 100°32′ E, 09 Aug 1999, V. Chepinoga & A. Chepinoga C832 (IRKU). Glyceria triflora (Korsh.) Kom. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituyskii Raion, 6 km NE of Kusocha village, floodplain of right riverside of Onon River, oxbow lake Ledianoe, on shore, 571 m, 50°44′ N, 115°42′ E, 13 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C814 (IRKU). Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. ▼▼2n = 56, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 10 km N of Soloviovsk village, between Zun-Torei and Barun-Torei lakes, in steppe, 593 m, 48°58′ N, 115°43′ E, 27 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C754 (IRKU, VLA). Poa supina Schrad. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, surroundings of Bolshoi Lug village, anthropogenic meadow, 52°06′ N, 104°06′ E, 02 May 2005, V. Chepinoga C129 (IRKU). Puccinellia hauptiana V.I. Krecz. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 5 km S of Sherlovaya Gora town, lakeside of Khara-Nor lake, meadow, 650 m, 50°29′ N, 116°20′ E, 28 Jun 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C789 (IRKU). Puccinellia macranthera V.I. Krecz. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 12 km E of Soloviovsk village, on the shore of Zun-Torei lake, 597 m, 49°59′ N, 115°50′ E, 29 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C651 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 5 km S of Krasnaya Imalka village, salty lake Ara-Torom, on shore, 618 m, 50°12′ N, 115°17′ E, 26 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga C652 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 5 km NW of Borzia town, salty lake Kholbo (Elf-Nur), saline meadow, 695 m, 50°27′ N, 116°27′ E, 30 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C678 (IRKU, VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km NE of Builesan village, salty lake Khotochei, on shore, 678 m, 50°18′ N, 114°57′ E, 02 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C688 (IRKU, VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 17 km ESE of Ust’-Borzia village, salty lake Ekhe-Zagan-Nor, on shore, 50°33′ N, 115°52′ E, 10 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C841 (IRKU). Puccinellia tenuiflora (Griseb.) Scribn. & Merr. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 3 km NW of Yasnaya village, Turga River, in shallow water, 595 m, 50°50′ N, 115°45′ E, 13 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C653 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 17 km ESE of Ust’-Borzia village, salty lake Ekhe-Zagan-Nor, on shore, 649 m, 50°33′ N, 115°52′ E, 10 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C654 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km NE of Builesan village, salty lake Khotochei, on shore, 678 m, 50°18′ N, 114°57′ E, 02 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C689 (IRKU, VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Version of Record (extended online-only version). E7 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Raion, 10 km SE of Builesan village, salty lake Zagan-Nor, on shore, 678 m, 50°11′ N, 114°57′ E, 24 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga C788 (IRKU). POLYGONACEAE Rheum rhabarbarum L. 2n = 44, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 17 km S of Kubukhai village, salty lake Ukshinda, on shore, 655 m, 50°20′ N, 114°49′ E, 06 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina C790 (IRKU). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, on bank, 453 m, 51°33′ N, 105°10′ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1022 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, on bank, 502 m, 51°41′ N, 105°53′ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky C1047 (IRKU). Rumex acetosella L. 2n = ca. 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 14 km S of Kubukhai village, lake Baimbulak, on shore, 663, 50°22′ N, 114°48′ E, 05 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga C792 (IRKU). Atragene speciosa Weinm. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, on bank, 502 m, 51°41′ N, 105°53′ E, 11 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky C1053 (IRKU, VLA). Rumex maritimus L. ▼▼2n = 40, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 6 km W of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, floodplain of right riverside of Onon River, oxbow lake, in shallow water, 663, 50°31′ N, 115°02′ E, 05 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C791 (IRKU). Batrachium kauffmannii (Clerc) V.I. Krecz. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ziminskii Raion, Ignai village, Zima River, in river flow, 479 m, 53°47′ N, 101°37′ E, 20 Aug 2009, V. Chepinoga & Z. Kaplan C1086 (IRKU, VLA). Rumex pseudonatronatus (Borbas) Borbas ex Murb. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ziminskii Raion, Ignai village, riverside of Zima River, meadow, 53°48′ N, 101°36′ E, 11 Jul 2005, A. Gnutikov & V. Mozer C194 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 1.5 km S of Baikal lake, lower course of Anosovka River, on bank, 470 m, 51°31′ N, 104°57′ E, 14 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1068 (IRKU, VLA). Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) Bosch 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 14 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, southern part of Adon-Chelon mountains, in brook, 779 m, 50°31′ N, 116°10′ E, 01 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C768 (IRKU, VLA). POTAMOGETONACEAE Potamogeton compressus L. 2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 14 km NNE of Olovyannaya, right riverside of Onon River, opposite of Zugol village, in oxbow lake, 51°02′ N, 115°38′ E, 17 Jun 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С397 (IRKU, VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 8 km W of Gunei village, left riverside of Onon River, oxbow lake Krovoe, in shallow water, 655 m, 50°30′ N, 114°25′ E, 18 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky, S. Rosbakh & V. Chepinoga C736 (IRKU, VLA). Potamogeton pectinatus L. ▼2n = ca. 78, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 14 km NNE of Olovyannaya, right riverside of Onon River, opposite of Zugol village, in oxbow lake, 51°02′ N, 115°38′ E, 17 Jun 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С396 (IRKU). PRIMULACEAE Glaux maritima L. 2n = 30, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 5 km S of Sherlovaya Gora town, Khara-Nor lake, saline meadow, 650 m, 50°29′ N, 116°20′ E, 28 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C674 (IRKU). Caltha membranacea (Turcz.) Schipcz. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 2 km SW of Tataurovo village, Setrinitsa River (left tributary of Ingoda River), in shallow water, 707 m, 51°35′ N, 112°54′ E, 25 Jun 2008, V. Chepinoga C661 (IRKU). Caltha palustris L. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 7 km S of Baikal Lake, middle course of Osinovka River, on bank, 639 m, 51°29 N, 105°08′ E, 09 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1038 (IRKU). 2n = 60, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Mishikha River, on bank, 478 m, 51°38 N, 105°32′ E, 12 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1061 (IRKU). Halerpestes salsuginosa (Pall. ex Georgi) Greene 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km SSE Bolshevik village, salty lake Balyktui, on shore, 676 m, 50°24′ N, 114°42′ E, 03 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C698 (IRKU, VLA). Halerpestes sarmentosa (Adams) Kom. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km SSE Bolshevik village, salty lake Balyktui, on shore, 676 m, 50°24′ N, 114°42′ E, 03 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C696 (IRKU, VLA). RANUNCULACEAE Aconitum septentrionale Koelle 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 8 km S of lake Baikal, lower course of Snezhnaya River, edge of poplar forest, 506 m, 51°24′ N, 104°38′ E, 30 Jun 2009, R. Moriz C954 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 2 km S of Baikal lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, on bank, 453 m, 51°33′ N, 105°10′ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C1021 (IRKU). Anemone baicalensis Turcz. ex Ledeb. ▼2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, E8 Leptopyrum fumarioides (L.) Rchb. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Khilokskii Raion, southern surroundings of Khilok town, on wasteland, 51°19′ N, 110°27′ E, 23 Jun 2008, A. Konovalov, M. Isaikina, P. Lubogoschinsky & K. Fleckenstein C881 (IRKU). Pulastilla ambigua (Turcz. ex Pritz.) Juz. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, floodplain of Irkut River, near the railway station “Cheremushki”, meadow, 51°16′ N, 104°11′ E, 10 Jun 2008, S. Bukin, D. Abdullin & D. Zhgulev C823 (IRKU). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Ranunculus chinensis Bunge 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 6 km W of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, floodplain of Onon River, oxbow lake, on shore, 663 m, 50°31′ N, 115°02′ E, 27 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C668 (IRKU, VLA). Ranunculus gmelinii DC. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 2 km SW of Tataurovo village, Setrinitsa River (left tributary of Ingoda River), shallow water, 707 m, 51°35′ N, 112°54′ E, 25 Jun 2008, V. Chepinoga C662 (IRKU, VLA). Ranunculus propinquus C.A. Mey. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Kuitunskii Raion, surroundings of Sulket village, edge of spruce-birch forest, 54°26′ N, 101°29′ E, 10 Aug 1998, V. Chepinoga C626 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Vydrinaya River, on bank, 470 m, 51°28 N, 104°51′ E, 02 Jul 2009, R. Moriz C974 (IRKU). Ranunculus radicans C.A. Mey. 2n = 30, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km SSE of Bolshevik village, salty lake Balyktui, wet meadow, 676 m, 50°25′ N, 114°42′ E, 04 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky & V. Chepinoga C700 (IRKU, VLA). 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 14 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, southern part of Adon-Chelon mountains, in brook, 779 m, 50°31′ N, 116°10′ E, 01 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C770 (IRKU, VLA). Ranunculus reptans L. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 3 km NE of Cheremkhovo village, left riverside of Ingoda River, in shallow water, 51°28′ N, 112°44′ E, 24 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C658 (IRKU). Ranunculus sceleratus L. 2n = 56, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 14 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, southern part of Adon-Chelon mountains, in brook, 779 m, 50°31′ N, 116°10′ E, 01 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C769 (IRKU). 2n = 64, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Cheremkhovskii Raion, 4 km SW of Cheremkhovo town, quarry lake, on sandy bank, 53°08′ N, 103°00′ E, 31 Aug 2008, S. Rosbakh & K. Fleckenstein C824 (IRKU, VLA). Thacla natans (Pall. ex Georgi) Deyl & Soják 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 14 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, southern part of Adon-Chelon mountains, in brook, 779 m, 50°31′ N, 116°10′ E, 01 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C767 (IRKU, VLA). ROSACEAE Chamaerhodos erecta (L.) Bunge 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of AdonChelon mountains, on rock, 954 m, 50°31′ N, 116°06′ E, 02 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina, A. Konovalov & N. Pazdnikova C795 (IRKU). Dasiphora parvifolia (Fisch. ex Lehm.) Juz. (≡ Pentaphylloides parvifolia (Fisch. ex Lehm.) Soják) *2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km SSE of Bolshevik village, salty lake Balyktui, on shore, 676 m, 50°24′ N, 114°42′ E, 03 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C697 (IRKU). Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, on bank, 502 m, 51°41′ N, 105°53′ E, 11 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky C1056 (IRKU, VLA). Geum aleppicum Jacq. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, on bank, 502 m, 51°41′ N, 105°53′ E, 11 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky C1057 (IRKU). Geum rivale L. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Buryatia Republic, Kabanskii Raion, Khamar-Daban mountains, 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, on bank, 502 m, 51°41′ N, 105°53′ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky C1043 (IRKU). Potentilla acaulis L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, surroundings of Chindant-1 village, floodplain of Onon River, oxbow lake Khlebnoe, on sandy shore, 609 m, 50°20′ N, 115°21′ E, 08 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C706 (IRKU, VLA). Potentilla anserina L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 14 km NNE of Olovyannaya, right riverside of Onon River, opposite of Zugol village, oxbow lake, on shore, 51°02′ N, 115°38′ E, 17 Jun 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С391 (IRKU, VLA). Potentilla argentea L. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Usolskii Raion, mouth of Toysuk River (right tributary of Kitoi River), on the clearing in birch-pine forest, 52°23′ N, 103°22′ E, 14 Aug 2004, A. Prudnikova & A. Chudinov C845 (IRKU). Potentilla conferta Bunge 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 3 km N of Ulety village, Uletka River near the bridge, on bank, 51°23′ N, 112°28′ E, 24 Jun 2008, V. Chepinoga & A. Konovalov C853 (IRKU). Potentilla longifolia Willd. ex Schlecht. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Olkhonskii Raion, Baikal Lake, east coast of Olkhon island, surroundings of Uzury village, in pinewood, roadside, 53°19′ N, 107°42′ E, 30 Aug 2004, V. Chepinoga, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova С852 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 15 km S of Orlovskii village, lakeside of Ulik lake, in steppe, 658 m, 50°54′ N, 114°52′ E, 19 Jul 2008, M. Isaikina C851 (IRKU). 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 8 km SW of Tataurovo village, left riverside of Ingoda River, in steppe, 709 m, 51°32′ N, 112°50′ E, 12 Aug 2007, I. Enushchenko & A. Gnutikov С842 (IRKU). Potentilla multifida L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Tulunskii Raion, surroundings of Ikei village, in sand quarry, 54°13′ N, 100°04′ E, 24 Jul 2006, V. Chepinoga C648 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 18 km SSW of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, steppe lake Bain-Zagan, on sandy shore, 662 m, 50°20′ N, 115°06′ E, 23 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C844 (IRKU); Version of Record (extended online-only version). E9 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 12 km E of Soloviovsk village, southern shore of Zun-Torei Lake, on roadside, 597 m, 49°59′ N, 115°50′ E, 29 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh & A. Konovalov C847 (IRKU). Raion, 6 km SW of Basalaevka village, quarry lake, in shallow water, 53°44′ N, 101°28′ E, 14 Jul 2005, A. Gnutikov & A. Rosbakh C222 (IRKU). Potentilla norvegica L. 2n = 56, CHN. Russia, Middle Siberia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, Abanskii Raion, Lapino village, wasteland, 56°57′ N, 97°37′ E, 11 Jul 2007, V. Chepinoga С843 (IRKU). Zannichellia pedunculata Rchb. ▼▼2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 10 km SE of Builesan village, salty lake Zagan-Nor, in shallow water, 678 m, 50°11′ N, 114°57′ E, 24 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C748 (IRKU, VLA). ZANNICHELLIACEAE Potentilla nudicaulis Willd. ex Schlecht. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituyskii Raion, 6 km NE Kusocha village, floodplain of right riverside of Onon River, on the shore of quarry lake, 571 m, 50°44′ N, 115°42′ E, 14 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C850 (IRKU). Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. ex Torr. & Gray 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 4 km W of Yasnogorsk town, left riverside of Onon River, on moist shore, 51°52′N, 115°38′E, 18 Jun 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko C403 (IRKU, VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituyskii Raion, 6 km NE Kusocha village, floodplain of right riverside of Onon River, on shore of quarry lake, 571 m, 50°44′ N, 115°42′ E, 14 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh C846 (IRKU). Potentilla semiglabra Juz. ▼▼2n = 56, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 14 km NNE of Olovyannaya town, right riverside of Onon River, opposite of Zugol village, oxbow lake, on bank, 51°02′ N, 115°38′ E, 19 Jun 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С407 (IRKU, VLA). Potentilla sericea L. ▼▼2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 20 km SWW of Sherlovaya Gora town, southern part of Adon-Chelon mountains, on rock, 879 m, 50°28′ N, 116°04′ E, 02 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina, N. Pazdnikova, A. Konovalov & P. Lubogoschinsky C849 (IRKU). Potentilla tanacetifolia Willd. ex Schlecht. ▼2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, Nizhnii Zasuchei village, roadside, 647 m, 50°30′ N, 115°05′ E, 01 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C684 (IRKU, VLA). Potentilla tergemina Soják 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, Nizhnii Zasuchei village, wasteland, 647 m, 50°30′ N, 115°06′ E, 01 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & M. Isaikina C848 (IRKU). SALICACEAE Salix schwerinii E. Wolf 2n = 38, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 6 km W of Nizhnii Zasuchei, floodplain of right riverside of Onon River, oxbow lake Pashutkino, on bank, 663 m, 50°31′ N, 115°02′ E, 05 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky C778 (IRKU, VLA). TRAPACEAE Trapa sibirica Fler. 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Taishetskii Raion, Shelaevo village, in Solonetskoe lake, 56°56′ N, 97°40′ E, 10 Jul 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko C528 (IRKU, VLA). TYPHACEAE Typha latifolia L. 2n = 30, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ziminskii E10 Victor V. Chepinoga,1,2* Aleksandr A. Gnutikov,3 Pavel I. Lubogoschinsky,1 Maria M. Isaikina4 & Aleksandr S. Konovalov1 1 Irkutsk State University, Karl Marks Str. 1, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Georg August University of Göttingen, Untere Karlspüle. 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany 3 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Prof. Popov Str. 2, 197376 St.-Petersburg, Russia 4 Irkutsk State Academy of Agriculture, 664038 Molodezhnii village, Irkutsk district, Irkutsk Oblast’, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] * First chromosome count for the species. ** New chromosome number (cytotype) for the species. ▼ First chromosome count from Siberia. The study was financially supported by grants no. 10-04-00779а, 11-04-00240-а, 11-04-01167, 12-04-01470, 12-04-01586-а, from the Russian Fund for Basic Research. ASCLEPIADACEAE Vincetoxicum sibiricum (L.) Decne **2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 20 km SW of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, southern edge of pine forest Zasucheiskii, roadside, 682 m, 50°22′ N, 115°17′ E, 23 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga С819 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 5 km S of Krasnaya Imalka village, saline lake Ara-Torom, roadside, 618 m, 50°12′ N, 115°17′ E, 26 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & N. Pazdnikova С820 (IRKU, VLA). 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, western surroundings of Chindant-1 village, right riverside of Onon River, oxbow Khlebnoe, sandy bank, 609 m, 50°20′ N, 115°21′ E, 08 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С705 (IRKU, VLA). ASTERACEAE Artemisia anethifolia Weber ex Stechm. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 5 km NW of Borzia town, saline lake Kholbo (Elf-Nur), saline meadow, 695 m, 50°27′ N, 116°27′ E, 30 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С680 (IRKU, VLA). Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 3 km NW of Yasnaya village, Turga River, floodplain meadow, 595 m, 50°50′ N, 115°45′ E, 13 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky & A. Konovalov С723 (IRKU, VLA). Artemisia sieversiana Ehrh. ex Willd. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 5 km NW of Borzia town, saline lake Kholbo (Elf-Nur), saline meadow, 695 m, 50°27′ N, 116°27′ E, 30 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С681 (IRKU). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Kalimeris integrifolia Turcz. ▼2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituiskii Raion, 2 km SW of Yasnogorsk town, near the mouth of Turga River, riverside, 582 m, 50°50′ N, 115°40′ E, 12 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С719 (IRKU, VLA). Leontodon autumnalis L. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1 km S of Baikal Lake, vicinity of Tankhoi village, roadside, 516 m, 51°32′ N, 105°07′ E, 04 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С991 (IRKU). Leontopodium conglobatum (Turcz.) Hand.-Mazz. 2n = 52, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of Adon-Chelon mountain-steppe massif, grassland steppe, 954 m, 50°31′ N, 116°06′ E, 02 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С771 (IRKU, VLA). Leontopodium leontopodioides (Willd.) Beauverd ▼2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km NE of Builesan village, saline lake Khotochei, feather grass steppe, 678 m, 50°18′ N, 114°57′ E, 02 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С692 (IRKU, VLA). Ligularia fischeri Turcz. ▼2n = 60, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of Adon-Chelon mountain-steppe massif, birch-forest, 954 m, 50°31′ N, 116°06′ E, 02 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С774 (IRKU). Tragopogon orientalis L. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, left riverside of Irkut River, oxbow Baushevo nearby Pionersk village, edge of birch-forest, 52°13′ N, 103°54′ E, 03 Jul 2004, V. Chepinoga & N. Dulepova С862 (IRKU). *Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 3 km NW of Yasnaya village, Turga River, floodplain meadow, 595 m, 50°50′ N, 115°45′ E, 13 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky & A. Konovalov С722 (IRKU). *Youngia stenoma (Turcz. ex DC.) Ledeb. 2n = 10, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 15 km W of Ust’-Imalka village, saline lake Bulun-Zagan (Sataninskoe), on the bank, 653 m, 50°07′ N, 115°06′ E, 25 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С752 (IRKU, VLA). BRASSICACEAE Alyssum obovatum (C.A. Mey.) Turcz. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, surroundings of Shamanka village, sandy precipice near of Shamanskii cliff, 52°05′ N, 103°50′ E, 05 Jul 2003, N. Dulepova С838 (IRKU). Erysimum flavum (Georgi) Bobrov 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Olkhonskii Raion, eastern coast of Olkhon island, Uzury village, in steppe, 53°19′ N, 107°44′ E, 30 Aug 2004, V. Chepinoga, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova С869 (IRKU). CARYOPHYLLACEAE Silene amoena L. (= S. repens Patrin) 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 7 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, sandy bank, 484 m, 51°24′ N, 104°38′ E, 29 Jun 2009, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С920 (IRKU). CHENOPODIACEAE Corispermum sibiricum Iljin 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Olkhonskii Raion, western coast of Olkhon island, Ulan-Khushinskaya gulf, on sand beach, 53°14′ N, 107°27′ E, 30 Aug 2004, V. Chepinoga, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova C641 (IRKU). DIPSACACEAE Scabiosa comosa Fisch. ex Roem. & Schult. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 10 km NE of Durbachi village, roadside, 703 m, 50°08′ N, 116°12′ E, 31 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh & N. Pazdnikova С793 (IRKU). FABACEAE Amoria hybrida (L.) C. Presl (≡ Trifolium hybridum L.) 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, 3 km E of Anosovka River, roadside, 492 m, 51°31′ N, 104°59′ E, 14 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1069 (IRKU, VLA). Astragalus adsurgens Pall. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 8 km NE of Builesan village, saline lake Khotochei, on the shore, 678 m, 50°18′ N, 114°57′ E, 02 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С687 (IRKU, VLA). Astragalus olchonensis Gontsch. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Olkhonskii Raion, Olkhon island, Nurganskaya gulf, Peshchanaya village, on sand dunes, 53°17′236′′ N, 107°35′337′′ E, 10 Aug 2009, A. Verkhozina, D. Krivenko & Ye. Zhmud’ C867 (IRKU). Chrysaspis spadicea (L.) Greene (≡ Trifolium spadiceum L.) ▼2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1,5 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Tankhoi village, forest cutting, 498 m, 51°32′ N, 105°06′ E, 06 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1015 (IRKU). Melilotoides ruthenicus (L.) Soják ▼2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 17 km S of Kubukhai village, saline lake Ukshinda, on the shore, 655 m, 50°20′ N, 114°49′ E, 06 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С701 (IRKU, VLA). HYPECOACEAE Hypecoum erectum L. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tarbagataiskii Raion, 4 km N of Tarbagatai village, steppe hill, on roadside, 51°03′ N, 107°21′ E, 22 Jun 2007, I. Enushchenko С837 (IRKU). LAMIACEAE Leonurus sibiricus L. ▼2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 15 km SE of Zokto-Khangil village, western shore of Nozhii Lake, on steppe slope, 649 m, 50°49′ N, 114°47′ E, 18 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С741 (IRKU, VLA). PAPAVERACEAE Papaver amurense (N. Busch) Tolm. ▼2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 16 km N of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, saline lake Kunkur, grassland steppe, 50°39′ N, 115°04′ E, 21 Jul 2008, M. Isaikina С803 (IRKU). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E11 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Papaver nudicaule L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 8 km S of Yasnaya village, saline lake Khara-Nur, feather grass steppe, 635 m, 50°45′ N, 115°46′ E, 13 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov, M. Isaikina & P. Lubogoschinsky С804 (IRKU). POACEAE Achnatherum sibiricum (L.) Keng ex Tzvelev 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of AdonChelon mountain-steppe massif, grassland steppe, 954 m, 50°31′ N, 116°06′ E, 02 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina & al. С807 (IRKU). Elymus gmelinii (Ledeb.) Tzvelev 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of AdonChelon mountain-steppe massif, nearby rocks, 954 m, 50°31′ N, 116°06′ E, 02 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina, N. Pazdnikova & A. Konovalov С808 (IRKU). Eragrostis minor Host 2n = 40, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 12 km N of Soloviovsk village, between Zun-Torei and Barun-Torei lakes, cordon “Utochi” of Dahurian nature reserve, near a house, 595 m, 50°00′ N, 115°43′ E, 27 Jul 2008, M. Isaikina & N. Pazdnikova С816 (IRKU). Festuca ovina L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Taishetskii Raion, 5 km NE of Staryi Akulshet village, left riverside of Biryusa River, nearby the old bridge, on meadow, 56°02′ N, 98°02′ E, 07 Jul 2007, V. Chepinoga С836 (IRKU). Panicum miliaceum L. s.l. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 8 km W of Gunei village, left riverside of Onon River, oxbow Krivoe, on the shore, 50°30′ N, 114°25′ E, 17 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina С840 (IRKU). Poa stepposa (Krylov) Roshev. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 15 km SE of Zokto-Khangil village, western coast of Nozhii Lake, on steppe slope, 649 m, 50°49′ N, 114°47′ E, 18 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina С810 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituiskii Raion, 6 km NE of Kusocha village, right riverside of Onon River, Karyernoe lake, on the shore, 571 m, 50°44′ N, 115°42′ E, 14 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh С811 (IRKU). Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 20 km SWW of Sherlovaya Gora town, southern part of Adon-Chelon mountain-steppe massif, on steppe slope, 879 m, 50°28′ N, 116°04′ E, 02 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina & al. С817 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of Adon-Chelon mountain-steppe massif, on rocks, 954 m, 50°31′ N, 116°06′ E, 02 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina & al. С818 (IRKU). Stipa krylovii Roshev. 2n = 44, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 15 km S of Kulusutai village, between Zun-Torei and E12 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Barun-Torei lakes, cordon “Theli” of Dahurian nature reserve, feather grass steppe, 601 m, 50°06′ N, 115°41′ E, 28 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh С813 (IRKU, VLA). ROSACEAE Sanguisorba officinalis L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 10 km NE of Durbachi village, in steppe, 703 m, 50°08′ N, 116°12′ E, 31 Jul 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh & N. Pazdnikova С797 (IRKU). Sanguisorba parviflora (Maxim.) Takeda ▼2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 8 km W of Gunei village, left riverside of Onon River, oxbow Krivoe, floodplain meadow, 655 m, 50°30′ N, 114°25′ E, 17 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina С796 (IRKU). Sanguisorba tenuifolia Fisch. ex Link ▼2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 6 km W of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, left riverside of Onon River, shore of oxbow, 663 m, 50°31′ N, 115°02′ E, 05 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga & S. Rosbakh С798 (IRKU). RUBIACEAE Rubia cordifolia L. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Olovyanninskii Raion, 3 km NW of Yasnaya village, Turga River, floodplain meadow, 595 m, 50°50′ N, 115°45′ E, 13 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky & A. Konovalov С724 (IRKU, VLA). SCROPHULARIACEAE Pedicularis sceptrum-carolinum L. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 2 km SW of Tataurovo village, Sestrinitsa River (left tributary of Ingoda River), on the bank, 707 m, 51°35′ N, 112°54′ E, 25 Jun 2008, V. Chepinoga С660 (IRKU, VLA). Veronica daurica Steven ▼2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Aginskii Raion, 15 km SW of Zokto-Khangil village, western coast of Nozhii Lake, at the foot of steppe slope, 649 m, 50°49′ N, 114°47′ E, 18 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С739 (IRKU, VLA). SOLANACEAE Hyoscyamus niger L. 2n = 34, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 5 km S of Krasnaya Imalka, saline lake Ara-Torom, on the shore, 618 m, 50°12′ N, 115°17′ E, 26 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & K. Fleckenstein С821 (IRKU, VLA). *Solanum septemlobum Bunge 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 6 km W of Nizhnii Zasuchei village, right riverside of Onon River, oxbow Pashutkino, in willow thickets, 663 m, 50°31′ N, 115°02′ E, 05 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С775 (IRKU, VLA). VALERIANACEAE Patrinia rupestris (Pall.) Dufr. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of Adon-Chelon mountain-steppe massif, on rocks, 954 m, 50°31′ N, 116°06′ E, 02 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh, M. Isaikina & al. С794 (IRKU). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Victor V. Chepinoga,1,2* Aleksandr A. Gnutikov,3 Ruslan S. Moriz,1 Pavel I. Lubogoschinsky1 & Anastasya S. Sergeyeva1 lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, sandy-gravel bank, 484 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 29 Jun 2009, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С943 (IRKU). 1 Irkutsk State University, Karl Marks Str. 1, 664003 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Albrecht von Haller Institute of Plant Sciences, Georg August University of Göttingen, Untere Karlspüle 2, 37073 Göttingen, Germany 3 Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Prof. Popov Str. 2, 197376 St.-Petersburg, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] Chrysanthemum zawadskii Herbich subsp. zawadskii 2n = 54, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 17 km W of Sherlovaya Gora town, central part of AdonChelon mountain-steppe massif, grassland steppe, 954 m, 50°31ʹ N, 116°06ʹ E, 02 Aug 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С772 (IRKU, VLA). * First chromosome count for the species. ** New chromosome number (cytotype) for the species. ▼ First chromosome count from Siberia. The study was financially supported by grants no. 10-04-00779а, 11-04-00240-а, 11-04-01167, 12-04-01470, 12-04-01586-а, from the Russian Fund for Basic Research. APIACEAE Angelica decurrens (Ledeb.) B. Fedtsch. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Mishikha River, right riverside, Populus suaveolens-forest, the creek bank, 478 m, 51°38ʹ N, 105°32ʹ E, 12 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1060 (IRKU). Angelica sylvestris L. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, Ilanskii Raion, vicinity of Lapino village, shore of oxbow, 56°57ʹ N, 97°37ʹ E, 11 Jul 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С537 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of KhamarDaban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, river bank, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky С1045 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 4 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Khara-Murin River, Pinus sibirica-forest edge, 492 m, 51°27ʹ N, 104°24ʹ E, 28 Jun 2009, A. Sergeyeva С912 (IRKU). Cirsium helenioides (L.) Hill 2n = 34, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Vydrinaya River, left riverside, on the bank, 470 m, 51°28ʹ N, 104°51ʹ E, 02 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С973 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1 km S of Baikal Lake, Tankhoi village, roadside, 516 m, 51°32ʹ N, 105°07ʹ E, 04 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С984 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1028 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, river bank, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky С1046 (IRKU). Doronicum altaicum Pall. 2n = 60, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 7 km S of Baikal Lake, middle course of Osinovka Tankhoiskaya River, left riverside, river bank, 639 m, 51°29ʹ N, 105°08ʹ E, 09 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1037 (IRKU). Fornicium uniflorum (L.) Zuev (≡ Rhaponticum uniflorum (L.) DC.) 2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 5 km N of Tataurovo village, Kamenka River (left tributary of Ingoda River), steppe slope, 717 m, 51°38ʹ N, 112°56ʹ E, 25 Jun 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky & K. Fleckenstein С666 (IRKU, VLA). Bupleurum aureum Fisch. ex Hoffm. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 7 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, sandy-gravel bank, 484 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 29 Jun 2009, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С926 (IRKU). Lepidotheca suaveolens (Pursh) Nutt (≡ Chamomilla suaveolens (Pursh) Rydb.) 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, eastern surroundings of Tankhoi village, forest cutting, 498 m, 51°32ʹ N, 105°06ʹ E, 06 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1016 (IRKU, VLA). Pleurospermum uralense Hoffm. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, on the bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1025 (IRKU). Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1 km S of Baikal Lake, Tankhoi village, roadside, 516 m, 51°32ʹ N, 105°07ʹ E, 04 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С989 (IRKU). ASTERACEAE Achillea millefolium L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, eastern surroundings of Tankhoi village, Pinus sibirica-forest edge, roadside, 498 m, 51°32ʹ N, 105°06ʹ E, 05 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1003 (IRKU, VLA). Chrysanthemum zawadskii subsp. peleiolepis (Trautv.) A.V. Grebenjuk & Czepinoga 2n = 72, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 7 km S of Baikal Lake, Mulgedium sibiricum (L.) Less. (≡ Lactuca sibirica (L.) Benth. ex Maxim.) 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Mogoituiskii Raion, 2 km SW of Yasnogorsk town, near the mouth of Turga River, riverside, 582 m, 50°50ʹ N, 115°40ʹ E, 12 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С718 (IRKU, VLA). Parasenecio hastatus (L.) H. Koyama (≡ Cacalia hastata L.) 2n = 60, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1018 (IRKU). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E13 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Petasites radiatus (J.F. Gmel.) J. Toman (= Nardosmia laevigata (Willd.) DC.) 2n = 60, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Vydrinaya River, river bank, 470 m, 51°28ʹ N, 104°51ʹ E, 02 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С965 (IRKU). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 FUMARIACEAE Corydalis impatiens (Pall.) Fisch. **2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, Olkha River, vicinity of Vityaz’ cliff, Pinus sylvestrisforest, 51°58ʹ N, 104°06ʹ E, 10 Jul 2004, N. Dulepova С839 (IRKU). GERANIACEAE Senecio vulgaris L. ▼2n = 40, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, 5 km NW of Borzia town, saline lake Kholbo (Elf-Nur), roadside, 695 m, 50°27ʹ N, 116°27ʹ E, 01 Aug 2008, V. Chepinoga, S. Rosbakh & M. Isaikina С861 (IRKU). Geranium sibiricum L. ▼2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, downtown of Irkutsk city, Kirov public garden, near a fence, 52°17ʹ21″ N, 104°16ʹ56″ E, 22 Jun 2005, A. Chepinoga & B. Batbayar С092 (IRKU). Tanacetum boreale Fisch. ex DC. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 7 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, sandy river bank, 484 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 29 Jun 2009, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С921 (IRKU). Dracocephalum nutans L. 2n = 10, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Bratskii Raion, Bratsk city, Porozhskii village, Nagornaya str., near a fence, 56°04ʹ N, 101°40ʹ E, 26 Mai 2005, S. Rosbakh С133 (IRKU). LAMIACEAE Tussilago farfara L. 2n = 60, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1 km S of Baikal Lake, Tankhoi village, roadside, 516 m, 51°32ʹ N, 105°07ʹ E, 04 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С982 (IRKU). BRASSICACEAE Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. ▼2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, Selenga River delta, vicinity of Murzino village, roadside, 52°11ʹ N, 106°29ʹ E, 07 Aug 2004, V. Chepinoga C805 (IRKU). Lepidium ruderale L. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Alarskii Raion, Aliaty, near a fence, 53°12ʹ N, 102°13ʹ E, 16 Jul 2003, V. Chepinoga C806 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Sverdlovsky district, sanatorium “Angara”, roadside, 52°17ʹ36″ N, 104°14ʹ36″ E, 01 Jul 2005, B. Batbayar & A. Chepinoga C870 (IRKU). CANNABACEAE Cannabis sativa L. s.l. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, Nizhnii Zasuchei village, central office of Dahurian natural reserve, near a house, 50°30ʹ N, 115°06ʹ E, 07 Jul 2008, P. Lubogoschinsky С702 (IRKU, VLA). CARYOPHYLLACEAE Dianthus superbus L. 2n = 30, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ziminskii Raion, Shchelbei village, right riverside of Zima River, river bank, 53°42ʹ N, 101°21ʹ E, 12 Jul 2005, A. Gnutikov С203 (IRKU). CONVALLARIACEAE Maianthemum bifolium (L.) F.W. Schmidt 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 8 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, Populus suaveolensforest edge, 506 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 30 Jun 2009, R. Moriz С956 (IRKU). Lamium album L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1019 (IRKU). Prunella vulgaris L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1 km S of Baikal Lake, Tankhoi village, roadside, 516 m, 51°32ʹ N, 105°07ʹ E, 04 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С987 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1024 (IRKU). LILIACEAE Lilium pilosiusculum (Freyn) Miscz. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 8 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, Populus suaveolensforest edge, 506 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 30 Jun 2009, R. Moriz С952 (IRKU). MELANTHIACEAE Veratrum lobelianum Bernh. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1026 (IRKU). ONAGRACEAE Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 7 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, sandy-gravel bank, 484 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 29 Jun 2009, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С932 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Ononskii Raion, 17 km S of Kubukhai village, saline lake Ukshinda, gravel shore, 655 m, 50°20ʹ N, 114°49ʹ E, 06 Jul 2008, A. Konovalov & M. Isaikina С822 (IRKU, VLA). ORCHIDACEAE FABACEAE Vicia sepium L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Vydrinaya River, river bank, 470 m, 51°28ʹ N, 104°51ʹ E, 02 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С967 (IRKU). E14 Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Tankhoi village, right riverside of Osinovka Tankhoiskaya River, forest cutting, 508 m, 51°31ʹ N, 105°06ʹ E, 06 Jul 2009, A. Sergeyeva С1014 (IRKU). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 PARNASSIACEAE Parnassia palustris L. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, Goreka village, left riverside of Goreka River, wet river bank, 51°04ʹ N, 111°59ʹ E, 07 Aug 2007, A. Gnutikov & I. Enushchenko С587 (IRKU). PINACEAE Abies sibirica Ledeb. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 8 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, Populus suaveolensforest edge, 506 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 30 Jun 2009, A. Sergeyeva С948 (IRKU). POACEAE Anthoxanthum alpinum Á. Löve & D. Löve 2n = 10, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Vydrinaya River, left riverside, river bank, 470 m, 51°28ʹ N, 104°51ʹ E, 02 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С966 (IRKU). Anthoxanthum odoratum L. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1033 (IRKU, VLA). Calamagrostis langsdorfii (Link) Trin. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, right riverside, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 11 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky С1054 (IRKU, VLA). Calamagrostis obtusata Trin. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, right riverside, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 11 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky С1055 (IRKU, VLA). *Deschampsia altaica (Schischkin) O.D. Nikif. 2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Tyva Republic, Todzhinskii Raion, East Sayan Mts., right riverside of Arzhaan-Khem river, wet bank of the mineral spring Zhoigan, 52°33′ N, 98°45′ E, 10 Aug 2007, E. Vedernikova С834 (IRKU). Elymus novae-angliae (Scribn.) Tzvelev 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Zalarinskii Raion, Khor-Tagna village, sandy bank of Tagna River, near a bridge, 53°25ʹ N, 101°33ʹ E, 16 Jul 2005, A. Gnutikov & V. Chepinoga С237 (IRKU). Phleum phleoides (L.) H. Karst. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, EkhiritBulagatskii Raion, 3 km SW of Nizhnii Kukut village, floodplain of Murin River, on meadow, 52°44ʹ N, 105°00ʹ E, 16 Jun 2005, A. Gnutikov & V. Chepinoga С138 (IRKU). Poa nemoralis L. ▼2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, right riverside, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky С1051 (IRKU). POLEMONIACEAE Polemonium racemosum Kitam. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 07 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1027, С1029 (IRKU, VLA). ROSACEAE Rubus humilifolius C.A. Mey. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, right riverside, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky С1048 (IRKU, VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikalskii Krai, Uletovskii Raion, 5 km N of Tataurovo village, Kamenka River (left tributary of Ingoda River), floodplain forest, 717 m, 51°38ʹ N, 112°56ʹ E, 25 Jun 2008, V. Chepinoga С665 (IRKU, VLA). Rubus matsumuranus H. Lév. & Vaniot 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 2 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Pereemnaya River, left riverside, river bank, 453 m, 51°33ʹ N, 105°10ʹ E, 08 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1030 (IRKU). SAMBUCACEAE Sambucus sibirica Nakai 2n = 38, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 7 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, sandy-gravel bank, 484 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 29 Jun 2009, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С927 (IRKU). SAXIFRAGACEAE Mitella nuda L. ▼2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 8 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, Populus suaveolensforest edge, 506 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 30 Jun 2009, R. Moriz С953 (IRKU). SCROPHULARIACEAE Hierochloё glabra Trin. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1.5 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Vydrinaya River, river bank, 470 m, 51°28ʹ N, 104°51ʹ E, 02 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С975 (IRKU). Pedicularis resupinata L. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 1 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Osinovka Tankhoiskaya River, left riverside, river bank, 469 m, 51°32ʹ N, 105°05ʹ E, 15 Jul 2009, R. Moriz С1073 (IRKU). Milium effusum L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, right riverside, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 10 Jul 2009, P. Lubogoschinsky С1050 (IRKU). Paris quadrifolia L. 2n = 10, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 3 km S of Baikal Lake, surroundings of Babushkin town, lower course of Mysovka River, right riverside, 502 m, 51°41ʹ N, 105°53ʹ E, 10 Jul 2009, TRILLIACEAE Version of Record (extended online-only version). E15 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 P. Lubogoschinsky С1049 (IRKU); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sludyanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 8 km S of Baikal Lake, lower course of Snezhnaya River, left riverside, Populus suaveolens-forest edge, 506 m, 51°24ʹ N, 104°38ʹ E, 30 Jun 2009, R. Moriz С945 (IRKU). VIOLACEAE Viola biflora L. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, foothills of Khamar-Daban Mts., 5 km S of Baikal Lake, middle course of Osinovka Tankhoiskaya River, river bank, 575 m, 51°30ʹ N, 105°07ʹ E, 13 Jul 2009, A. Konovalov, R. Moriz & A. Sergeyeva С1065 (IRKU). Christoph Dobeš,1* Antonia Scherbantin,1 Juraj Paule,2 Manuel Striegel3 & Britta Kais4 1 Department of Pharmacognosy, Pharmacobotany, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, 1090 Vienna, Austria 2 Department of Botany and Molecular Evolution, Senckenberg Research Institute, Senckenberganlage 25, 60325 Frankfurt/Main, Germany 3 Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg, Biodiversity and Plant Systematics, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 345, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; current address: mykotox, Mühltalstr. 102, 69121 Heidelberg, Germany 4 Centre for Organismal Studies (COS) Heidelberg, Aquatic Ecology and Toxicology, Heidelberg University, Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany * Author of correspondence: [email protected]. This study was supported by the DFG (grant no. DO-792/1-1 to C.D.). * First number for the species. ** New number for the species. ROSACEAE Potentilla aurea L. 2n = 14, CHN. Italy, South Tyrol, Stilfserjoch, along trail no. 20 leading to the Rötlspitze 46°32ʹN, 10°27ʹ E, 2860 m, 20 Jul 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl4031, C. Dobeš Ptl4032 (HEID 806942–806945) [Fig. 4J]; Italy, South Tyrol, Tuxer Alps, between Riederbergalm and Rollspitze 46°56ʹ N, 11°28ʹ E, 2040 m, 15 Jul 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl4104 (HEID 807066–807067). Potentilla brauneana Hoppe 2n = 14, CHN. Italy, Lombardy, province Sondrio, Valle dell Alpe im Valle di Rezzalo, between Costa Sobretta and Punte della Alpe 46°23ʹ N, 10°29ʹ E, 2540–2620 m, 21 Jul 2006, T. Haberler Ptl4389 (HEID 807525); Italy, South Tyrol, Tuxer Alps, between Riederbergalm and Rollspitze 46°56ʹ N, 11°29ʹ E, 2350 m, 15 Jul 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl4091, C. Dobeš Ptl4095 (HEID 807043–807044, 807050–807051). Potentilla crantzii (Crantz) Beck ex Fritsch 2n = 28, CHN. Slovenia, Julian Alps, Mangart saddle, below Mangart summit 46°26ʹ N, 13°38ʹ E, 2056 m, 07 Sep 2006, J. Paule Ptl4231 (HEID 807309–807310) [Fig. 4A]. 2n = 35, CHN. France, Department Hautes Alpes, Plateau d’Emparis, between Lac Noir und Lac Lerié 45°28ʹ N, 6°13ʹ E, 2450 m, 17 Jul 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl7056, C. Dobeš Ptl7058 (HEID 805865– 805866, 805869–805870). 2n = 42, CHN. Italy, South Tyrol, Tuxer Alps, between Riederbergalm and Rollspitze 46°56ʹ N, 11°28ʹ E, 2040 m, 15 Jul 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl4111 (HEID 806885, 807079). E16 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Potentilla heptaphylla L. 2n = 14, CHN. Austria, Lower Austria, Melk, Wachberg, ca. 1.6 km E of railway station Melk 48°1ʹ N, 15°20ʹ E, 240 m, 16 Jun 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl3923 (HEID 805661–805662); Germany, Hessen, Rammelsberg W Dorfitter 51°14ʹ N, 8°52ʹ E, 350–355 m, 15 Jun 2007, T. Gregor Ptl3410 (W 2012-02368); Germany, Hessen, Schanzenberg S of Korbach 51°15ʹ N, 8°52ʹ E, 380–385 m, 15 Jun 2007, T. Gregor Ptl3400 (HEID 805120, W 2012-02358) [Fig. 4B]; . Potentilla incana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. 2n = 28, CHN. Austria, Lower Austria, Wachau, Dunkelsteiner Wald, Gurhofgraben, 3–4 km E of Aggsbach Markt 48°17ʹ N, 15°26ʹ E, 410 m, 09 Jul 2007, J. Paule Ptl6181, J. Paule Ptl6187 (HEID 806100, 806106–806107, W 2012-02431); Italy, Marche, at summit of the Monte della Strega N of Montelago and 16 km NW of Fabriano 43°27ʹ N, 12°46ʹ E, 1260 m, 03 Jun 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl4291 (HEID 807407, W 2012-02289); Italy, Marche, Monte Catria, below the Rocca Bairada 43°28ʹ N, 12°42ʹ E, 1150 m, 02 Jun 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl4316 (HEID 807440, W 2012-02443). **2n = 48–52, CHN. Sweden, Gotland, along street 148 between Tingstäde and Othem 57°44ʹ N, 18°41ʹ E, 40 m, 03 Jun 2006, T. Gregor Ptl3056, T. Gregor Ptl3059 (HEID 804524–804525, 804530–804531). Potentilla neumanniana Rchb. The species is treated here in a broad circumscription and presumably comprises various forms of different evolutionary origin. 2n = 28, CHN. Austria, Lower Austria, Weinviertel, FehnhaubeKogelstein, ca. 3 km E of Eggenburg 48°38ʹ N, 15°51ʹ E, 317 m, 09 Jul 2007, J. Paule Ptl6201 (HEID 806132, W 2012-02432) [Fig. 4C]; Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz, Idar-Oberstein, along trail between Felsenkirche in Oberstein and the castle 49°42ʹ N, 7°21ʹ E, 04 Jun 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl3747, C. Dobeš Ptl3748 (HEID 805527–805530); Italy, Lombardy, Lago di Gaiano (W of Lago d’Iseo) 45°47ʹ N, 10°92ʹ E, 350 m, 26 Jul 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl4392, C. Dobeš Ptl4393, C. Dobeš Ptl4400 (HEID 807529–807531, 807543–807544, W 2012-02290). 2n = 35, CHN. France, Department Puy-de-Dôme, ca. 0.3 km NW of Grandeyrolles, S street to Treizanches 45°34ʹ N, 3°31ʹ E, 700 m, 10 Jul 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl7261 (HEID 805916, W 2012-02247, W 2012-02313); Germany, Rheinland-Pfalz, Idar-Oberstein, along trail between Felsenkirche in Oberstein and the castle 49°42ʹ N, 7°21ʹ E, 04 Jun 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl3741 (HEID 805515–805516); Italy, Lombardy, Lago di Gaiano (W of Lago d’Iseo) 45°47ʹ N, 10°92ʹ E, 350 m, 26 Jul 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl4391, C. Dobeš Ptl4395 (HEID 807528, 807534– 807535, W 2012-02291); Switzerland, Wallis, Simplon pass 46°15ʹ N, 8°20ʹ E, 2300 m, 06 Jun 2006, S. Nürnberger Ptl3752, S. Nürnberger Ptl3758 (HEID 805536, 805541). 2n = 42, CHN. France, Department Alpes-Maritimes, 2 km ENE of Saorge, Col de Peiremont 43°59ʹ N, 7°34ʹ E, 1043 m, 11 Apr 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl3522, C. Dobeš Ptl3526 (HEID 805224–805225, 805231– 805232, W 2012-02482); France, Department Alpes-de-HauteProvence, l’Ubaye valley, Jausier, 0.3 km E of the church 44°25ʹ N, 6°44ʹ E, 1250 m, 14 Jul 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl7271 (HEID 805926, W 2012-02248, W 2012-02314); France, Department Puy-de-Dôme, ca. 2 km SW of Beaune, N street D5 at kilometer 13 45°42ʹ N, 2°58ʹ E, 970 m, 10 Jul 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl4271 (HEID 807376); Italy, Lombardy, Lago di Gaiano (W of Lago d’Iseo) 45°47ʹ N, 10°92ʹ E, 350 m, 26 Jul 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl4396 (HEID 807536–807537). 2n = 49, CHN. Spain, Cuenca, along the road N-202 between Cañamares and Cañizares 40°30ʹ N, 2°13ʹ W, 956 m, 24 Jun 2007, J. Paule Ptl6091 (HEID 805969, W 2012-02430) 2n = 56, CHN. Spain, Cuenca, Ciudad Encantada 40°12ʹ N, 2°34ʹ W, 1430 m, 24 Jun 2007, J. Paule Ptl6121 (HEID 806013, W 2012-02507). 2n = 62–63, CHN. Spain, Cuenca, 1 km SE of Beamud, road to Valdemoro Sierra 40°10ʹ N, 1°49ʹ W, 1353 m, 24 Jun 2007, J. Paule Ptl6113 (HEID 806005–806006). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Fig. 4. A, Potentilla crantzii 2n = 28 (J. Paule Ptl4231); B, Potentilla heptaphylla 2n = 14 (T. Gregor Ptl3400), arrows mark two satellites; C, Potentilla neumanniana 2n = 28 (J. Paule Ptl6201); D, Potentilla neumanniana 2n = 63 (C. Dobeš Ptl3501); E, Potentilla rigoana 2n = 14 (C. Dobeš Ptl4681); F–G, Potentilla subacaulis 2n = 14 + 4B (V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5525), arrows mark four B-chromosomes; H, Potentilla subacaulis 2n = 14 + 6B (V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5533), arrows mark six B-chromosomes; I & J, Potentilla aurea 2n = 14 (C. Dobeš Ptl4032); K, Potentilla velutina 2n = 14 (C. Dobeš Ptl3628). — Scale bar = 5 µm. 2n = 60–65, CHN. France, Department Alpes-Maritimes, Alpes Maritimes, Var valley, NE of Puget-Théniers above the cementary 43°57ʹ N, 6°53ʹ E, 480 m, 10 Apr 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl3501 (HEID 805170–805171, W 2012-02451) [Fig. 4D]. Potentilla recta L. 2n = 28, CHN. Spain, Madrid, village El Paular, near the Rio Lozoya vis-a-vis the monastery 40°53ʹ N, 3°53ʹ W, 1148 m, 26 Jun 2007, J. Paule Ptl6142 (HEID 806051–806052). Potentilla rigoana Th. Wolf *2n = 14, CHN. Italy, Basilicata, Monte Pollino, near the Refugio De Gásperi (ca. 12 km NW of Castrovillari) 39°54ʹ N, 16°75ʹ E, 1560 m, 06 Jun 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl4681 (HEID 807643, W 201202167, W 2012-02428) [Fig. 4E]; Italy, Basilicata, below the summit of the Monte Pollino 39°54ʹ N, 16°11ʹ E, 2150 m, 07 Jun 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl4349 (HEID 807485–807486, W 2012-02199, W 201202447). Potentilla sterneri T. Gregor & Karlsson 2n = 42, CHN. Sweden, Öland, SE Mörbylanga, Borby Borg 56°29ʹ N, 16°25ʹ E, 54 m, 11 Jun 2006, T. Gregor Ptl3243 (HEID 804879–804880). Potentilla subacaulis L. **2n = 14 + 3–6B, CHN. Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, vicinity of Ust’-Ordynskii, environs of Gushit village 52°52ʹ N, 104°57ʹ E, 02 Sep 2006, V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5525, V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5527, V. Chepinoga & al. Ptl5533 (W 2012-02330, W 2012-02336, W 201202337) [Fig. 4F–H]. Potentilla thuringiaca Bernh. 2n = 42, CHN. Switzerland, Engadin, along street between FtanPitschen and Scoul, ca. 0.5 km E of Pitschen 46°47ʹ N, 10°15ʹ E, 1620 m, 13 May 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl4608 (HEID 807629, W 2012-02164). ** 2n = 61–63, CHN. Switzerland, Engadin, above railway station Ftan (W of Scoul) 46°47ʹ N, 10°15ʹ E, 1415 m, 13 May 2007, C. Dobeš Ptl4571 (HEID 807592, W 2012-02213). Potentilla velutina Lehm. 2n = 14, CHN. France, Department Alpes-Maritimes, Plateau de Calern, at the Observatoire de la Cote d’Azur (2 km NE of Caussols, 43°45ʹ N, 6°55ʹ E, 1270 m, 15 Apr 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl3583 (HEID 805288, W 2012-02466, W 2012-02317); France, Department AlpesMaritimes, Plateau de Caussols, ca. 2.5 km SE of Caussols, close to Castel de Loup 43°43ʹ N, 6°55ʹ E, 1120 m, 15 Apr 2006, C. Dobeš Ptl3628 (HEID 805384, W 2012-02467, W 2012-02322) [Fig. 4K]. Version of Record (extended online-only version). E17 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Dalvir Kaur & Vijay K. Singhal* Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India * Author for correspondence: [email protected] * First chromosome count for the species. ** New chromosome number (cytotype) for the species. ▼ First chromosome count from an Indian accession. The study was supported by financial grant under DRS-SAP-II and ASIST Programme of UGC, New Delhi. APIACEAE Bupleurum himalayense Klotzsch n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, dry slopes, 28 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 26020 (PUN 53822). *Eriocycla caespitosa H. Wolff n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, waste moist slopes, 03 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26021 (PUN 53823). *Seseli sibiricum Benth. ex C.B. Clarke n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kuppa, 31°25ʹ N, 78°14ʹ E, 2600 m, rock crevices, 03 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26031 (PUN 53831). ASTERACEAE ▼Crepis multicaulis Ledeb. n = 5, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kothi, 31°32ʹ N, 78°16ʹ E, 2670 m, cultivated fields, 05 May 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 26097 (PUN 53897); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Reckong Peo, 31°33ʹ N, 78°16ʹ E, 2670 m, waste places, 26 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 26098 (PUN 53898); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, moist slopes, 18 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26099 (PUN 53899). ▼Crepis sancta (L.) Babc. n = 5, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, moist slopes, 18 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26100 (PUN 53900); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kuppa, 31°25ʹ N, 78°14ʹ E, 2600 m, water channel, 18 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26201 (PUN 53908). **Erigeron mucronatus DC. n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, moist rocky slopes and meadows, 29 Aug 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 26214 (PUN 53921). *Erigeron umbrosus (Kar. & Kir.) Popov n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chango, 31°58ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 3050 m, dry rocks, 13 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26215 (PUN 53922); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Nako, 31°52ʹ N, 78°37ʹ E, dry rocks, 3660 m, 28 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 26216 (PUN 53923); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Namgia, 31°48ʹ N, 78°39ʹ E, 3050 m, dry rocks, 12 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26217 (PUN 53924); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Yangthang, 31°53ʹ N, 78°36ʹ E, 3000 m, dry rocks, 13 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26218 (PUN 53925). ▼Lactuca orientalis Boiss. n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Nako, 31°52ʹ N, 78°37ʹ E, 3660 m, dry rocky slopes, 13 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26241(PUN 53948); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Ropa, 31°47ʹ N, 78°25ʹ E, 3000 m, dry rocky slopes, 11 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26242 (PUN 53949). E18 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 *Saussurea albescens Hook. f. & Thomson ex C.B. Clarke n = 17, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Ropa, 31°47ʹ N, 78°25ʹ E, 3000 m, dry rocky slopes, 02 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26262 (PUN 53969). Senecio krascheninnikovii Schischk. n = 10, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Thangi, 31°33ʹ N, 78°28ʹ E, 2700 m, sandy slopes, 02 July 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26253 (PUN 53960). *Youngia glauca Edgew. n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Nichar, 31°33ʹ N, 77°57ʹ E, 2150 m, water channel, 17 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26096 (PUN 53896). BERBERIDACEAE *Berberis kunwarensis Royle n = 14, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, waste open places, 04 May 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 23383 (PUN 54025). BIGNONIACEAE ▼Incarvillea arguta Royle n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Karchham, 31°29ʹ N, 78°10ʹ E, 1900 m, rock crevices and stony slopes, 28 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25515 (PUN 54061). *Incarvillea emodi (Lindl.) Chatterjee n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Karchham, 31°29ʹ N, 78°10ʹ E, 1900 m, rocks and stony slopes, 02 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25511 (PUN 54057). BRASSICACEAE ▼Arabis glabra Bernh. n = 6, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kalpa, 31°31ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2760 m, stony slopes, 03 May 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25549 (PUN 54095). ▼Arabis nova Vill. n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, moist slopes and alpine meadows, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25550 (PUN 54096). *Arabis tibetica Hook. f. & Thomson n = 21, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Jangi Barrier, 31°36ʹ N, 78°25ʹ E, 2790 m, river bank, 30 Sep 2007, Dalvir Kaur DK 25563 (PUN 54109). Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl n = 14, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Reckong Peo, 31°33ʹ N, 78°16ʹ E, 2670 m, cultivated fields, 03 May 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25561 (PUN 54107). Erysimum hieraciifolium L. n = 16, India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, forests and waste places, 29 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25557 (PUN 54103). **Erysimum melicentae Dunn n = 21, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, dry sandy slopes, 27 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25558 (PUN 54104). Sisymbrium orientale L. n = 7, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Nako, 31°52ʹ N, 78°37ʹ E, 3660 m, wastelands in rock crevices, 28 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25562 (PUN 54108). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 CAMPANULACEAE *Campanula argyrotricha Wall. & DC. n = 14, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, under dry rocky area, 28 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 19889 (PUN 50959). CAPPARIDACEAE ▼Capparis spinosa L. n = 12, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Bhabanagar, 31°33ʹ N, 77°56ʹ E,1900 m, rocky slopes, 02 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23388 (PUN 54030); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Pooh, 31°45ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 2830 m, pendulous on old wall, 28 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 23391 (PUN 54033). CAPRIFOLIACEAE 31°35ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 2590 m, roadsides, 27 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25533 (PUN 54079). ▼Salsola kali L. n = 27, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Jangi, 31°36ʹ N, 78°25ʹ E, 2790 m, dry slopes, 30 Sep 2007, Dalvir Kaur DK 25536 (PUN 54082); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Pooh, 31°45ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 2840 m, dry slopes, 27 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25538 (PUN 54084). ELAEAGNACEAE *Elaeagnus parvifolia Wall. ex Royle n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla Valley, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, cultivated areas, 18 May 09, Dalvir Kaur DK 23380 (PUN 54022). *Lonicera hypoleuca Decne. n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Morang, 31°35ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 2590 m, dry rocky slopes, 02 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25954 (PUN 53659); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Ropa valley, 31°41ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3000 m, dry rocky slopes, 11 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25955 (PUN 53660). ▼Hippophae salicifolia D. Don n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Morang, 31°35ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 2590 m, waste places, 03 May 08, Dalvir Kaur DK 23370 (PUN 54011). ▼Lonicera myrtillus Hook. f. & Thomson n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, alpine meadows, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25952 (PUN 53657). Astragalus candolleanus Royle n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, alpine meadows, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25973 (PUN 53678). FABACEAE CARYOPHYLLACEAE *Arenaria edgeworthiana Majumdar n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, alpine meadows, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25827 (PUN 53725). ▼Minuartia kashmirica Mattf. n = 13, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, stony slopes and rock crevices, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25834 (PUN 53733). ▼Myosoton aquaticum Moench n = 14, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Nichar, 31°33ʹ N, 77°57ʹ E, 2150 m, rock crevices, 17 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25835 (PUN 53734). ▼Sagina saginoides (L.) H. Karst. n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Ruturang, 31°43ʹ N, 78°24ʹ E, 2600 m, sandy slopes, 20 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25836 (PUN 53735). *Astragalus malacophyllus Benth. ex Bunge n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, moist shady localities, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25971 (PUN 53676). *Astragalus strobiliferus Royle n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Ropa valley, 31°41ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3000 m, sandy slopes, 11 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25975 (PUN 53680). *Colutea nepalensis Sims n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Morang, 31°35ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 2590 m, open waste places, 2 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25980 (PUN 53685); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Pooh, 31°45ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 2840 m, dry rocks and open slopes, 12 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25981 (PUN 53686); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Thangi, 31°33ʹ N, 78°28ʹ E, 2700 m, river bank, 02 July 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25982 (PUN 53687). Desmodium elegans var. nutans (Hook.) H. Ohashi n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Karchham, 31°29ʹ N, 78°10ʹ E, 1900 m, roadsides, 02 Aug 2007, Dalvir Kaur DK 25960 (PUN 53666). Spergularia diandra (Guss.) Heldr. ▼n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Pooh, 31°45ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 2840 m, dry slopes, 28 July 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25843 (PUN 53742). **▼n = 18, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chango, 31°58ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 3050 m, dry slopes, 13 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25842 (PUN 53741). ▼Desmodium racemosum DC. n = 11, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kalpa, 31°31ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2760 m, dry rocky slopes, 03 May 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25959 (PUN 53664). *Stellaria paniculata Edgew. n = 17, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, dry slopes, 4 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25849 (PUN 53751). *Indigofera himalayensis Ali n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kangoos, 31°33ʹ N, 77°55ʹ E, 1980 m, margin of temperate forests, 17 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25821 (PUN 53717). CHENOPODIACEAE ▼Salsola collina Pall. n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chango, 31°58ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 3050 m, dry slopes, 13 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25532 (PUN 54078); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Morang, ▼Medicago falcata L. n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Morang, 31°35ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 2590 m, moist shady places, 30 Sep 2007, Dalvir Kaur DK 25988 (PUN 53693). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E19 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 ▼Piptanthus nepalensis Sweet n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla Valley, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, open waste places, 04 May 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25998 (PUN53703). ▼Oenothera affinis Cambess. n = 14, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, waste places along apple orchards, 26 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25851 (PUN 53754). Trigonella emodi Benth. n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, moist places, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25817 (PUN 53713); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, along water courses, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25818 (PUN 53714). Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. n = 36, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, cultivated fields, 27 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25528 (PUN 54074). *Trigonella pubescens Edgew. ex Baker n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, moist rocky slopes, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25819 (PUN 53715). Androsace rotundifolia Hardw. n = 10, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Nichar, 31°33ʹ N, 77°57ʹ E, 2150 m, open slopes, 17 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23397 (PUN 54039). Vicia pallida Turcz., n = 12, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Bhabanagar, 31°33ʹ N, 77°56ʹ E, 1900 m, moist places and along water courses, 26 Sep 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25810 (PUN 53706). Androsace sarmentosa Wall. n = 10, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, under rocks, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23398 (PUN 54040). PHYTOLACCAEAE PRIMULACEAE FUMARIACEAE RANUNCULACEAE *Corydalis ramosa Wall. n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kalpa Valley, 31°31ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2760 m, moist slopes, 01 Aug, 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23375 (PUN 54016). GENTIANACEAE **Gentiana argentea Royle ex D. Don n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, roadsides,19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23400 (PUN 54042). Aquilegia fragrans Benth. n = 7, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, rock crevices, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23352 (PUN 53993); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, moist shady meadows, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23353 (PUN 53994). Delphinium roylei Munz n = 8, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, pastures and moist forest slopes, 05 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 23357 (PUN 53998). GERANIACEAE ▼Erodium cicutarium (L.) L’Her. ex Aiton n = 10, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Ruturang, 31°43ʹ N, 78°24ʹ E, 2600 m, cultivated areas, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26010 (PUN 53815). HYPERICACEAE ROSACEAE Hypericum perforatum L. n = 16, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kalpa Valley, 31°31ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2760 m, orchards, 01 Aug 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 23395 (PUN 54037). LAMIACEAE Thymus linearis Benth. n = 13, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kalpa, 31°31ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2760 m, cultivated field boundaries, 06 May 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25928 (PUN 53629); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Kuppa, 31°25ʹ N, 78°14ʹ E, 2600 m, waste places, 03 Sep 2007, Dalvir Kaur DK 25930 (PUN 53631); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, dry alpine pastures, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25933 (PUN 53634). ONAGRACEAE Epilobium hirsutum L. n = 18, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Bhabanagar, 31°33ʹ N, 77°56ʹ E, 1900 m, water channels, 21 Sep 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25857 (PUN 53759). ▼Epilobium parviflorum Schreb. n = 18, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Talangia, 31°33ʹ N, 78°16ʹ E, 2650 m, water channels and waste places, 24 Jun 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25855 (PUN 53758). E20 Thalictrum minus L. n = 7, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, forest margins, 04 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26052 (PUN 53887). ▼Fragaria nubicola Lindl. ex Lacaita n = 7, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Chittkul, 31°21ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3450 m, moist shady places, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25894 (PUN 53797); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Sangla, 31°25ʹ N, 78°15ʹ E, 2680 m, cultivated fields, 18 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25895 (PUN 53799). Potentilla bifurca L. n = 21, India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, rock crevices, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26007 (PUN 53812). Potentilla cuneifolia Bertol. n = 14, India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Rakchham, 31°22ʹ N, 78°22ʹ E, 3115 m, rock crevices, 19 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 26008 (PUN 53813). Rosa brunonii Lindl. n = 7, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Nichar, 31°33ʹ N, 77°57ʹ E, 2150 m, open slopes, 17 May 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25896 (PUN 53801). SCROPHULARIACEAE Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. n = 9, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Ropa valley, Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 31°41ʹ N, 78°26ʹ E, 3000 m, wet ditches, 11 Sep 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25577 (PUN 54123). n = 18, CHN. India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Pooh, 31°45ʹ N, 78°35ʹ E, 2840 m, swampy places along roadsides, 28 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25575 (PUN 54121); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Reckong Peo, 31°33ʹ N, 78°16ʹ E, 2670 m, swampy places along roadsides, 30 Jul 2008, Dalvir Kaur DK 25576 (PUN 54122); India, Himachal Pradesh, Kinnaur, Thangi, 31°33ʹ N, 78°16ʹ E, 2700 m, water channel, 02 Jul 2009, Dalvir Kaur DK 25589 (PUN 54135). Aleksandr A. Korobkov,1 Violetta V. Kotseruba,1 Nina S. Probatova2* & Aleksandr A. Gnutikov1 1 V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 Professora Popova Str., 197376, St.-Petersbourg, Russia 2 Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Stoletya Prospect, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] * First chromosome count for the species. ** New chromosome number (cytotype) for the species. This study was supported by grants no. 10-04-00779 (to A.A. Korobkov), 07-04-00610, 11-04-00240 (to N.S. Probatova), 11-0401167 (to V.S. Schneyer), 12-04-01586 (to A.V. Verkhozina), from the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR). non-flooded terrace of a small river, fallow, Artemisia community, 8 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-89 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, Mountain-Taiga station, the terrace of a stream, Artemisia community along the path, 13 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-56 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, the valley of Razdol’naya River, near Terekhovka village, top of a hill, meadow with shrubs, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-91 (LE). Artemisia borealis Pall. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Kamchatskii Krai, Kamchatka Peninsula, Ust’-Kamchatskii Raion, N slope of Tolbachik Volcano, subalpine zone, on the small volcanic sulphuric river, 31 Aug 2004, Yakubov 05-39 (LE). Artemisia commutata Besser 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, locality Snezhka, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the top of a hill, steppe with various herbs, 26 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-107, 07-113 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, Pinus forest on high sandy hills, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-108, Korobkov 07-109, Korobkov 07-110, Korobkov 07-175, Korobkov 07-176, Korobkov 07-177, Korobkov 07-178 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, right riverside of Zeya River, downstream of Chagoyan settlement, the top of a hill, light Pinus forest, on the edge of a ditch, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-112 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Seryshevskii Raion, near Belogorka settlement, the top of a hill, light Pinus forest, slopes of a ditch, 29 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-111, Korobkov 07-114 (LE). AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, the railway station Nadezhdinskaya, waste ground, 26 Oct 2008, Nechaev 11174 (VLA). ASTERACEAE Artemisia annua L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 10 km N of Blagoveshchensk city, deciduous forest, on roadside, 19 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-87 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Khabarovsk city, waste ground, rubble hillocks, 23 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-02 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Vladivostok city, Churkina Cape, stony ridge, Artemisia community, 17 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-41 (LE). Artemisia arctica Less. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Kamchatskii Krai, Kamchatka Peninsula, Tolbachik Volcano, 9 Aug 2006, Yefimov 08-05 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Poliny Ossipenko Raion, Nevandzha Mountain Ridge, Pereval’noe Lake, W slope, Larix–Pinus pumila forest, 21 Aug 2006, Antonova 08-10 (LE). Artemisia argyi H. Lév. & Vaniot 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the lower part of the Bureya River, the high terrace of left riverside, near Ukrainka village, on the bank of a small lake, in shrubs, 6 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-57 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the plain between Bureya and Arkhara rivers, near Antonovka settlement, on the edge of a ditch, 4 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-58 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Kirovskii Raion, the valley of the Ussuri River, outskirts of Kirovskii settlement, light oak forest with shrubs, 9 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-90 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, the motorway along the Komissarovka River valley, top of a hill, the edge of Quercus forest, 20 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-55 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, outskirts of Ussuriisk city, dry **Artemisia desertorum Spreng. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, Pinus forest, sandy hillocks by the road, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-124, Korobkov 07-126, Korobkov 07-173 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, high floodplain of the Amur River, near Peschanoe Lake, sedge and grass swamp in depression, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07134 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the plain near Antonovka settlement, meadow with shrubs, 4 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-174 (LE). 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, motorway to Svobodnyi town, near Novinka settlement, the slope of a hill, light Quercus forest, on the edge of a ditch, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-125 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, “Sergeevskie Utëssy”, light Betula and Quercus forest with shrubs and herbs, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-128, Korobkov 07-129 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, locality Snezhka, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the slope of a hill, light Quercus forest with herbs, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-130 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, high lakeside of the Peschanoe Lake, meadow with shrubs, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 127 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Seryshevskii Raion, near Belogorka settlement, the top of a hill, Pinus forest, sandy slopes of a ditch, 29 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-131, Korobkov 07-135 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, lakeside of the Krivoe Lake, dry sandy hillocks on the roadside, 6 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-132 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the watershed of Uril and Gryaznaya rivers, stony slope of a hill, light Quercus forest with shrubs and herbs, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-133 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, non-flooded low terrace, dry pebbles, 29 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-135, Korobkov 05-136, Version of Record (extended online-only version). E21 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Korobkov 05-138, Korobkov 05-139, Korobkov 05-140, Korobkov 05-141, Korobkov 05-142 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, right riverside of the Razdol’naya River, a slope of steep bank, light oak forest, clearing, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-134, Korobkov 05-137 (LE). Artemisia feddei H. Lév. & Vaniot 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, the bottom of the rocky bank of Razdol’naya River, on rubble plots, among blocks, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-82 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near the railway station Baranovskii, non-flooded terrace of the Razdol’naya River, dense Artemisia and grass community on sandy hillock, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-84 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, the pass to Vityaz’ Bay, the old roadside, small-sized rubble plots, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-81 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, near Filippovka village, the floodplain of a river, Artemisia community on sandy hillock, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-18, Korobkov 05-83 (LE). Artemisia freyniana (Pamp.) Krasch. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, near Dukhovskoe village, high floodplain of the Amur River, the bank of Peschanoe Lake, sandy hillocks, meadow, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 77, Korobkov 07-78 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, sandy hills, Pinus forest, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-79 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the top of a hill, steppe, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-80, Korobkov 07-81 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, “Sergeevskie Utëssy” in 1.5 km S of Sergeevka settlement, the drain hollow, meadow community, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-84 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, the motorway from Blagoveshchensk to Svobodnyi town, near Novinka settlement, the steep stony slope of a hill, light Quercus forest, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-86 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the left riverside of the Bureya River, near Skobel’tsino settlement, the top of a hill, light Quercus forest, 6 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-82 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the left riverside of the Bureya River, lakeside of the Krivoe Lake, 6 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-85 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, in vicinity of Mikhailovka settlement, S slope, herbal community with shrubs and solitary oaks, 20 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-89 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, stony ridge of a hill, shrubs and herbs community, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-01, Korobkov 05-22, Korobkov 05-23, Korobkov 05-24 (LE); Artemisia glomerata Ledeb. **2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Far East, Kamchatskii Krai, Kamchatka Peninsula, Ust’-Kamchatskii Raion, Tolbachik Volcano, 5 Aug 2006, Efimov 08-04 (LE). Artemisia gmelinii Weber ex Stechm. 2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the top of high ridge above Arkhara settlement, steppified meadow community, 4 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-88 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, “Sergeevskie Utëssy”, the top of riverside hill, light Quercus forest with shrubs and herbs, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-89, Korobkov 07-99 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, the slope of a hill, Quercus and Pinus forest on sands, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-90 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the slope of a low E22 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 hill, light Quercus forest, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-91 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Seryshevskii Raion, near Belogorka settlement, the slope of a sabulous hill, light Pinus forest, 29 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-92 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the watershed of Uril and Gryaznaya rivers, the slope of a hill, light Quercus forest with dense herbal layer, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-93 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, floodplain of the Amur River, high lakeside of the Peschanoe Lake, Artemisia community with grasses and undershrubs, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 97 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Khabarovsk city, right riverside of the Amur River, steep stony slope of the terrace, deciduous forest with underbrush, 10 Oct 2006, Korobkov 08- 34, 08-35 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, the bottom of S slope of the riverside hill, on rocks and stony deposits, 25 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-38 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Kirovskii Raion, near Kirovskii settlement, a slope of the valley of small river, on dry rubble at the roadside, 9 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-37 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, the valley of Komissarovka River, at the motorway, the slope of a hill, mixed forest with solitary Pinus trees, 20 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-94 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, W coast of the Khanka Lake, near Turii Rog settlement, high sandy terrace of a stream, at the edge of shrubs community, 21 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-95, Korobkov 07-96 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, in vicinity of Terekhovka village, the top of riverside hill, dense grass and Artemisia community with shrubs, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-30, Korobkov 05-31 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, the border of Khassanskii Raion, the motorway to Zarubino, the bottom of slope of a hill, stony hillocks by the road, the grass and Artemisia community with shrubs, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-32 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, near Zarubino settlement, the top of coastal hill, steep stony slope to the sea, among grasses and various herbs, 16 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-34 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, the pass to Vityaz’ Bay, E stony slope, meadow with shrubs, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-33 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Muravëv-Amurskii Peninsula, Okeanskii Ridge, near the pass, S stony slope, meadow with shrubs at the edge of Malus forest, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-36 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, in vicinity of Mnogoudobnoe settlement, rubble deposits at the bottom of calcareous rocks, shrubs community, 15 Oct 2007, Korobkov 08-36 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, W coast, Nevel’skii Raion, near Shebunino settlement, 12 Oct 2000, Tkachenko 00-04 (LE). Artemisia integrifolia L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, motorway Blagoveshchensk–Svobodnyi, near Novinka settlement, SE steep slope of a hill, Betula, Quercus and Larix forest with undershrubs and various herbs, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-19 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the large plain in 3 km W of Tarmanchukan settlement, sedge and grass swamp in the floodplain, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-21 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the watershed of Uril and Gryaznaya rivers, the shrubs and herbs community, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-25 (LE); Russia, Far East, Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, local line Khabarovsk–Sovetskaya Gavan’, railway station Volochaevka-2, Salix community, 3 Oct 2004, Korobkov 0596 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, non-flooded terrace, meadow with grasses and various herbs, 29 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-97, Korobkov 05-99 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, the bottom of the rocky slope on the left riverside, rubble deposits at the road, 25 Sep 2004, Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Korobkov 05-98, Korobkov 05-100, Korobkov 08-18 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, stony slope of a hill, mixed forest, 27 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-102, Korobkov 05-103, Korobkov 05-104 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, S steep stony slope of a hill, Larix, Betula and Quercus forest, 21 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-12 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Makarovskii Raion, Maguntan mud volcano, meadow, 21 Sep 2000, Smirnov 00-19 (LE). 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the plain between Bureya and Arkhara rivers, near Antonovka settlement, meadow community with shrubs, 4 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-17, Korobkov 07-23, Korobkov 07-180 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 10 km N of Blagoveshchensk city, along the motorway to airport, lofty hill, multi-species deciduous forest, 19 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-18 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, meadow in depression, at the edge of Pinus and Quercus forest, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-20 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Seryshevskii Raion, near Belogorka settlement, the edge of Betula forest, meadow with grasses and various herbs, 29 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-22 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the depression at the bottom of the slope of a hill, meadow with grasses and various herbs, 26 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-24 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the lower course of the Bureya River, left riverside, high sandy lakeside of the Krivoe Lake, deciduous forest at the edge of depression, 6 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-179, Korobkov 07-183 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, high terrace of the Uril River, a depression at the W slope, herbal community with shrubs, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-181 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, the floodplain of the Amur River, a depression at the lakeside of the Peschanoe Lake, sedge swamp community, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 185 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Kirovskii Raion, outskirts of Kirovskii settlement, flat slope of the valley of Ussuri River, light oak forest with shrubs, 9 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-95, Korobkov 05-106, Korobkov 05-107 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, the slope of riverside hill, meadow, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 08-17 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, the pass to Vityaz’ Bay, the flat moist depression, dense meadow community, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-105 (LE). Artemisia keiskeana Miq. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, the Razdol’naya River, steep stony slope of the riverside, oak forest with shrubs and herbs, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-43 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, the steep stony maritime slope, oak forest with shrubs and various herbs, 16 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-42 (LE). Artemisia koidzumii Nakai 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, S rubble slope of a hill, 25 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-11, Korobkov 05-74, Korobkov 05-75 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, left side of the valley, downstream of Tuluchi village, the bottom of the steep S slope, Betula and Quercus forest, 27 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-78, Korobkov 05-79, Korobkov 05-80 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, the Tumnin River basin, rubble deposits at the bottom of S slope of a hill, 30 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-76, Korobkov 08-32 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Smirnykhovskii Raion, Vaida Mt., 340 m, old glade, 16 Sep 2004, Firssov 08-01 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, near Korsakov city, plateau above the steep, 2 Oct 2004, Romanov 05-77 (LE). Artemisia laciniata Willd. **2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the top of a hill, the edge of the oak forest, dense meadow community, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-67, Korobkov 07-69, Korobkov 07-102, Korobkov 07-103 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, near Chagoyan settlement, limestone slope, Corylus community, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-63 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, high floodplain of the Amur River, hillocks on lakeside of the Peschanoe Lake, meadow community at the edge of shrubs, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-64, Korobkov 07-65, Korobkov 07-66 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the top of high ridge above Arkhara settlement, meadow community at the edge of the oak forest, 4 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-68 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, meadow with shrubs at the edge of Pinus forest, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-70, Korobkov 07-104 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, “Sergeevskie Utëssy”, 1.5 S of Sergeevka settlement, the upper part of a steep slope, oak forest with dense underbrush, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-71, Korobkov 07-72 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, depression on the top of a hill, meadow with shrubs, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-03, Korobkov 05-28, Korobkov 05-29 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Kuril Islands, Kunashir Island, Pacific coast, Golovina Bay, Dlinnaya Mt., 15 Oct 2010, Stupina 11-01, Stupina 11-02, Stupina 11-03, Stupina 11-04 (LE). 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mikhailovka settlement, the motorway to Belogor’e, low floodplain of a stream, sedge and grass meadow community on the hillocks, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-61 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 10 km of Blagoveshchensk city, the motorway to airport, the top of a hill, multi-species deciduous forest, 19 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-172 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, high floodplain of the Amur River, lakeside of the Peschanoe Lake, slight depression, sedge and grass meadow community, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 62 (LE). Artemisia lagocephala Fisch. ex Besser 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Partizanskii Raion, Ol’khovaya Mt., 13 Sep 2006, Alekseyeva 07-155 (LE). 2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tyndinskii Raion, in vicinity of Berezitovyi mine, stony roadside, 2 Sep 2006, Starchenko 07-60 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Poliny Ossipenko Raion, Nevandzha Ridge, Pereval’noe Lake, W slope, Larix and Pinus pumila forest, 22 Aug 2006, Antonova 08-12 (LE). Artemisia leucophylla Turcz. ex C.B. Clarke 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Shantarskie Islands, Bol’shoi Shantar Island, 2 Sep 2006, Krjukova 08-11 (LE). Artemisia littoricola Kitam. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ol’ginskii Raion, Ol’ga Bay, near Ol’ga settlement, coastal rocks, 15 Sep 2006, Alekseyeva 07-151 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Partizanskii Raion, right riverside of the Partizanskaya River, near Ekaterinovka settlement, in splits of carbonate rocks, 15 Oct 2007, Korobkov 08-78 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Vladivostok city, Churkina Cape, the top of stony ridge, rubble deposits, 17 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-113 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Muravëv-Amurskii Version of Record (extended online-only version). E23 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Peninsula, Ussuriiskii Bay, Cherepashii Cape, steep rubble-melkozem maritime slope, herbs and shrubs community, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-116, Korobkov 05-117 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Muravëv-Amurskii Peninsula, Okeanskii Ridge, the pass, stony sharp ridge, meadow community, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-118, Korobkov 05-119 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, near Zarubino settlement, steep stony slope of a hill, on rubble, 16 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-114 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, in the lower part of coastal rocks, 16 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-112, Korobkov 05-115, Korobkov 05-120 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, W coast, 5 km of Krasnogorsk town, 8 Oct 2000, Tkachenko 00-05 (LE). Artemisia macilenta (Maxim.) Krasch. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, “Sergeevskie Utëssy” in 1.5 km S of Sergeevka settlement, steep stony slope of the riverside, dense meadow community with shrubs, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07136, Korobkov 07-138 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, steep slope of a lofty hill, oak forest with dense herbal layer, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-137, Korobkov 07-140 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, motorway Blagoveshchensk–Svobodnyi, near Novinka settlement, steep SE slope of a hill, burnt Quercus forest with dense underbrush, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-141 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, sandy hills, Pinus forest, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-142 (LE). 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, right riverside of Zeya River, downstream of Chagoyan settlement, the top of a hill, limestone rocks, light Pinus forest, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-139, Korobkov 07-145 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, near the centre of “Muravëvskii zakaznik”, dry steep slope of a terrace, Artemisia community, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 143, Korobkov 07-144 (LE). Artemisia manshurica (Kom.) Kom. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Kirovskii Raion, the valley of the Ussuri River, outskirts of Kirovskii settlement, flat slope of a hill, light oak forest with dense meadow and shrub community, 9 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-131 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, the motorway along the Komissarovka River valley, S slope of a hill, light Quercus forest with tall shrubs, 20 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-122 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, Mountain-Taiga station, the valley of a stream, a floodplain deciduous forest, 13 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-123 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, outskirts of Ussuriisk city, valley of the river, dry non-flooded terrace, Artemisia community with grasses, 8 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-130 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, the top of a hill, meadow with shrubs, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-129 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, in vicinity of Mnogoudobnoe settlement, rubble deposits at the bottom of calcareous rocks, meadow community with shrubs, 15 Oct 2007, Korobkov 08-79 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, Southern Sikhote-Alin’, near Anissimovka settlement, deciduous valley forest, on the way to Khualaza Mt., roadside, 23 Sep 1989, Korobkov 89-02 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Muravëv-Amurskii Peninsula, Okeanskii Ridge, the pass, steep slopes of the ridge, meadow with shrubs at the edge of Malus forest, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-128 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, near Zarubino settlement, low maritime terrace, dry non-matted sandy slopes, 16 Oct 2004, Korobkov 07-110, Korobkov 07-111 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, the border of Khassanskii Raion, the motorway to Zarubino, the bottom of the slope of a hill, stony hillocks in the roadside, E24 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Artemisia community, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-133 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, stony ridge of the coastal hill, oak forest, 16 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-10 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, the pass to Vityaz’ Bay, stony ridge, dense meadow community with shrubs, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-108, Korobkov 05-109 (LE). Artemisia maximovicziana Krasch. ex Poljakov 2n = 90, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Seryshevskii Raion, near Belogorka settlement, the top of a hill, light Pinus forest, 29 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-101 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, the top of a hill, stony slope, meadow community, 25 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-04, Korobkov 05-25 (LE). Artemisia medioxima Krasch. ex Poljakov 2n = ca. 108, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, 10 km N of Svobodnyi, the top of a hill, Larix and Betula forest, meadow community at the forest edge, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-73, Korobkov 07-74 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, near Shimanovskii settlement, mixed Larix and Betula forest with low shrubs, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-76 (LE). 2n = 126, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, 5 km downstream of Tuluchi village, non-flooded terrace of the left riverside, meadow with shrubs at the deciduous forest edge, 29 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-45 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, the valley of Akur River in its upper course, the bottom of the steep stony slope, Larix and Betula forest, 30 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-46 (LE). 2n = 144, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River, non-flooded terrace of the right riverside, 2 km above Tuluchi village, near the railway embankment, meadow community, 2 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-44 (LE). Artemisia mongolica Fisch. ex Besser 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tyndinskii Raion, Berezitovyi mine, roadside, 2 Sep 2006, Starchenko 07-59 (LE). Artemisia montana Pamp. 2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Smirnykhovskii Raion, Vaida Mt., 340 m, forest edge, 16 Sep 2004, Firssov 08-02 (LE); Artemisia rubripes Nakai 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, 1.5 km S of Sergeevka settlement, “Sergeevskie Utëssy”, dense meadow community, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-44 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, the motorway Blagoveshchensk– Svobodnyi, near Novinka settlement, the steep SE slope of a hill, light Quercus forest, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 05-45, Korobkov 05-46 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 10 km of Blagoveshchensk city, along the motorway to airport, lofty hill, deciduous forest, 19 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-47 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, the Pinus forest edge, roadside, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-39 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the plain near Antonovka settlement, meadow with shrubs, 4 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-38 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the left riverside of the Bureya River, the flood-plain terrace with waste lakes, deciduous forest with shrubs, 6 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-40, Korobkov 07-41 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the watershed of Uril and Gryaznaya rivers, depression on the slope, Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Artemisia community, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-42, Korobkov 07-48 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Khabarovsk city, waste ground, rubble deposits, 23 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-16, Korobkov 05-17 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, near Tuluchi village, the Betula and Larix valley forest, roadside, 26 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-50, Korobkov 0555 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the valley of the Akur River in its lower course, the bottom of S stony slope, Artemisia and grass community, 26 Sep 2004, Korobkov 0556 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, the valley of the Akur River in its lower course, stony deposits on roadside, 28 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-14, Korobkov 05-15 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Vaninskii Raion, the Tumnin River basin, the flood-plain of the Akur River in its upper course, mixed forest, on pebbles, 28 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-57 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Kirovskii Raion, the valley of the Ussuri River, outskirts of Kirovskii settlement, the slope of the river valley, meadow community with Artemisia at the edge of the forest belt, 9 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-48, Korobkov 05-49, Korobkov 05-53 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Spasskii Raion, outskirts of Spassk city, at the edge of the forest belt, Artemisia community, 8 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-52 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, outskirts of Ussuriisk city, non-flooded terrace of a small river, fallow, Artemisia and grass community, 8 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-51 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, near Mountain-Taiga station, the valley of a stream, multispecies deciduous forest, Artemisia community along the path, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 07-43 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, the top of riverside hill, meadow with shrubs and solitary oaks, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-47, Korobkov 05-54, Korobkov 05-61 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Muravëv-Amurskii Peninsula, Okeanskii Ridge, the pass, steep stony slope, dense meadow at the edge of Malus forest, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-59 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, near Glazkovka village, 16 Sep 2006, Alekseyeva 07-152 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, near Zarubino settlement, the slope of a tall coastal hill, Artemisia and grass community, 16 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-58 (LE). waste ground, rubble hillocks, Artemisia community, 23 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-09 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, W coast of the Khanka Lake, near Turii Rog settlement, sandy terrace of a stream, at the edge of shrubs community, 21 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-120, Korobkov 07-121 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, outskirts of Ussuriisk city, dry non-flooded terrace of a small river, Artemisia and grass community, 8 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-125 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, MuravëvAmurskii Peninsula, Ussuriiskii Bay, Cherepashii Cape, the valley of a small river, on fresh sandy spits, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-127 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, the border of Khassanskii Raion, the motorway to Zarubino, sandy-pebble terrace of a stream, valley forest, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-122 (LE). 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, the bottom of the right rocky riverside of the Razdol’naya River, melkozem plots, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-126 (LE). Artemisia schmidtiana Maxim. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Kuril Islands, Kunashir Island, near Yuzhno-Kuril’sk town, coastal rocks, 23 Sep 2006, Erëmenko 07-169 (LE). Artemisia sieversiana Ehrh. ex Willd. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, in the environs of Chagoyan settlement, rubble deposits near carbonate rocks, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-01 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Nikolaevka village, Artemisia community on the slopes of the old pit, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-02 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the large depression in 4 km W of Tarmanchukan settlement, rubble deposits along the roadside, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-03 (LE); Russia, Far East, Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, near the railway station Volochaevka-2, waste ground, Artemisia community, 3 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-60 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, the non-flooded terrace of left riverside of the Razdol’naya River, sandy hillocks, Artemisia and grass community, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-61 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, near Filippovka village, fallow lands at the edge of the valley forest, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-08 (LE). Artemisia scoparia Waldst. & Kit. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Republic of Daghestan, Sulak village, semi-deserts and steppes, Oct 2005, Yarovenko 06-70 (10936) (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 10 km of Blagoveshchensk city, along the motorway to airport, the top of a hill, Betula and Quercus forest, roadside, 19 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-116 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 2 km N of Belogor’e settlement, locality Mukhinka, Pinus forest on sandy hill, roadside, 23 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-118 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, right riverside of Zeya River, downstream of Chagoyan settlement, sandy bottom of a hill, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-115 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the watershed of Uril and Gryaznaya rivers, non-flooded terrace of a stream, rubbles on roadside, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-117 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, the left riverside of the Bureya River, near Skobel’tsino settlement, the top of a hill, Artemisia community along the path, 6 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-119 (LE); Russia, Far East, Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, near railway station Volochaevka-2, at the edge of Salix community, 3 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-123, Korobkov 05-124 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Khabarovsk city, Artemisia selengensis Turcz. ex Besser 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 10 km N of Blagoveshchensk city, along the motorway to airport, at the edge of a ditch, Artemisia community, 19 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-06, Korobkov 07-09 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, lakeside of the Krivoe Lake, dry sandy hillocks, deciduous forest with shrubs, 6 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-26 (LE); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Khabarovsk city, waste ground, rubble hillocks, 20 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-20 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, the motorway along the Komissarovka River valley, the edge of Quercus forest, along the ditch, 20 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-08 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, Mountain-Taiga station, the terrace of a stream, Artemisia community along the ditch, 13 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-07 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Partizanskii Raion, near Zolotaya Dolina settlement, along the roadside ditch, 15 Oct 2007, Korobkov 08-43 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, the pass to Vityaz’ Bay, the stony side of the old road, 15 Sep 2004, Korobkov 05-19, Korobkov 05-70 (LE). Artemisia stelleriana Besser 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, near Glazkovka village, 16 Sep 2006, Alekseyeva 07-154 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, W coast, Uglegorskii Raion, near Krasnopol’e settlement, 8 Oct 2000, Tkachenko 00-02 (LE); Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Kuril Islands, Kunashir Island, near Yuzhno-Kuril’sk town, the Sea of Okhotsk coast, 24 Sep 2000, Tkachenko 00-01 (LE). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E25 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Artemisia stolonifera (Maxim.) Kom. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the lofty hill, oak forest, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-11 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, 10 km N of Svobodnyi, the top of a hill, multi-species deciduous forest, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-10, Korobkov 07-12 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Seryshevskii Raion, near Belogorka settlement, the Betula forest in slight depression, 29 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-13 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, the motorway in the Komissarovka River valley, slope of a hill, Quercus and Betula forest, 20 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-14 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, Mountain-Taiga station, the valley of a stream, deciduous forest, the herbaceous community, 13 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-15 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Muravëv-Amurskii Peninsula, Okeanskii Ridge, the pass, the top of stony ridge, at the edge of Malus forest, meadow community with shrubs, 21 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-92, Korobkov 05-93 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, the border of Khassanskii Raion, the motorway to Zarubino, the non-flooded terrace of a small river, valley forest, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-94 (LE). Artemisia subulata Nakai 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, 1.5 km S of Sergeevka settlement, “Sergeevskie Utëssy”, the dense meadow community with shrubs, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-27 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the wide depression, on sands, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-28, Korobkov 07-36 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, high floodplain of the Amur River, low lakeside of the Peschanoe Lake, sedge and grass swamp, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 29, 07-30, 0735, 07-37 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the valley of the Uril River, stony slope, meadow community, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07182 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, the pass to Vityaz’ Bay, the flat moist drainage depression, dense meadow community, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-69 (LE). 2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, the motorway Blagoveshchensk–Svobodnyi, near Novinka settlement, steep slope of a hill, at the edge of the light Quercus and Larix forest with shrubs and various herbs, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-32 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, left riverside of the Amur River, 1.5 km S of Sergeevka settlement, “Sergeevskie Utëssy”, dense meadow community, 21 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-34, Korobkov 07-186 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, the bottom of a lofty hill, oak forest with shrubs and various herbs, 25 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-184 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, low lakeside of the Krivoe Lake, sedge and grass swamp, 6 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-31 (LE). Artemisia sylvatica Maxim. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, steep stony slope of a hill, dense oak forest, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-65 (LE). 2n = 18. CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, steep stony right riverside of the Razdol’naya River, oak forest, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-21 (LE). Artemisia tanacetifolia L. 2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, right riverside of Zeya River, downstream of Chagoyan settlement, the top of a hill, Pinus forest, along the edge of a ditch, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-105 (LE). E26 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Artemisia umbrosa Turcz. ex DC. **2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, near Glazkovka village, 16 Sep 2006, Alekseyeva 07-15 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Partizanskii Raion, the valley of the Partizanskaya River, in the environs of Ekaterinovka settlement, rubble deposits at the bottom of chalk rocks, meadow community, 15 Oct 2007, Korobkov 08-42 (LE). 2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, Blagoveshchensk city, the riverside of the Amur River, deciduous forest, 19 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-49 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 10 km N of Blagoveshchensk city, along the motorway to airport, the top of a hill, multi-species deciduous forest, 19 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-50 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Shimanovskii Raion, right riverside of Zeya River, downstream of Chagoyan settlement, the nonflooded terrace of a stream, sandy-rubble deposits, 28 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-51 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Dukhovskoe village, high non-flooded terrace of the Amur River, steep slope, meadow community with shrubs, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07- 52 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Tambovskii Raion, in vicinity of Nikolaevka village, ruderal Artemisia community, near old silage pits, 20 Sep 2006, Korobkov 07-53 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, E part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, the wide depression, 3 km W of Tarmanchukan settlement, non-flooded terrace of a stream, Artemisia community, 5 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-54 (LE); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, W part of the Khinganskii nature reserve, left riverside of the Bureya River in its lower part, the lakeside of the Krivoe Lake, waste ground on the roadside, 6 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-188 (LE); Russia, Far East, Evreiskaya Avtonomnaya Oblast’, near railway station Volochaevka-2, Artemisia community at the edge of Salix forest, 3 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-85 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Terekhovka village, dry non-flooded terrace of the left riverside of the Razdol’naya River, meadow community with Artemisia, 10 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-86 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, the border of Khassanskii Raion, the motorway to Zarubino, the bottom of slope of a hill, rubbly hillocks, Artemisia community, 15 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-87 (LE); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, Cape Gamova, the bottom of coastal rocks, rubble deposits, meadow community with Artemisia, 16 Oct 2004, Korobkov 05-88, Korobkov 08-16 (LE). Artemisia vulgaris L. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Okhinskii Raion, near sea port Kaigan, sandy hillocks, 15 Oct 2006, Romanov 07-16 (LE). Filifolium sibiricum (L.) Kitam. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, right riverside of Zeya River, near Mokhovaya Pad’ settlement, lofty hills, stony steppe, 25 Oct 2006, Korobkov 07-04 (LE). POACEAE Alopecurus aequalis Sobol. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Leningradskaya Oblast’, coast of the Baltic Sea, Finskii Bay, between Bol’shaya Izhora settlement and Oranienbaum town, Phragmites community, 12 Sep 2009, Tsvelyov 11465 (VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, near Pokrovka village, left riverside of the Amur River, 316 m, swamp bank of the rivulet, 7 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11951 (VLA, IRK). Alopecurus arundinaceus Poir. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, in vicinity of Zhemchug village, right riverside Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 of the Irkut River, locality Vyshka, 693 m, meadow, 11 Oct 2011, Kazanovsky 12024 (VLA, IRK). Milium effusum L. 2n = 28, CHN. Germany, near Gatersleben, in forest, 13 Oct 2007, Kotseruba 12047 (LE); Slovakia, Štrbské Pleso, in vicinity of Patria Hotel, 6 Jul 2008, Kotseruba 12048 (LE); Ukraine, near Kiev, Golosseevskii forest, 17 Jul 2002, Kotseruba & Onischenko 12049 (LE). Panicum bisulcatum Thunb. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, the railway station Nadezhdinskaya, at the edge of the Phragmites community, 29 Nov 2008, Nechaev 11197 (VLA). CUPRESSACEAE Juniperus davurica var. maritima (Urussov) Kozhevnikova 2n = 22, CHN, Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, Lazovskii nature reserve, the cordon Petrova, seacoast opposite the Petrova Island, on sands and rocky slopes, 26 Aug 2007, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 607-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, Lazovskii nature reserve, the seacoast north of the mouth of the Kievka River, Ta-Chingouza (Prosëlochnaya) Bay, coastal sands, 29 Aug 2007, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 608-1 (VLA). Poa alpina L. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Republic of Daghestan, Dokuzparinskii Raion, Shalbuzdagh Mt., ca. 3700 m, 14 Aug 2006, Kotseruba 11452 (VLA). Juniperus rigida var. litoralis (Urussov) Kozhevnikova 2n = 22, CHN, Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, Lazovskii nature reserve, the seacoast north of the mouth of the Kievka River, Ta-Chingouza (Prosëlochnaya) Bay, on sands, 29 Aug 2007, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 608-2 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, Lazovskii nature reserve, the seacoast opposite the Petrova Island, sands and rocky slopes, 26 Aug 2007, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 607-2 (VLA). Poa annua L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, Baikal Lake, 17 km NE of Listvyanka, near Bol’shie Koty village, the Bol’shaya Kotovka River, on pebbles, 12 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10785 (VLA). Juniperus sargentii (Henry) Takeda ex Nakai 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Uglegorskii Raion, in vicinity of the railway station Pionery, the seaside of the Tatarskii Strait, coastal sandy dunes, 15 Aug 2004, Kozhevnikov 416-2 (VLA). ROSACEAE Potentilla anserina L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, Baikal Lake, 17 km NE of Listvyanka settlement, near Bol’shie Koty village, the Baikal lakeside, on pebbles, 15 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10680 (VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast’ (now Zabaikal’skii Krai), the railway station Mogocha, as a weed at the embankment, 17 Jun 2007, Tsyrenova 10718 (VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, the railway station Amazar, at the railway road, 17 Jun 2007, Tsyrenova 10719 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, the railway station Erofei Pavlovich, 18 Jun 2007, Tsyrenova 10625 (VLA). Potentilla fragarioides L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 40 km N of Blagoveshchensk city, 2 km of the nature park «Mukhinka», the riverside of Zeya River, non-flooded terrace, 30 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10724 (VLA). Potentilla tergemina Soják 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchenskii Raion, 40 km N of Blagoveshchensk city, 2 km of the nature park “Mukhinka”, the riverside of Zeya River, 30 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10738 (VLA). Zoya V. Kozhevnikova* & Andrey E. Kozhevnikov Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Stoletya Prospect, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] ASTERACEAE Inula helenium L. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, southern edge of Mikhailovka settlement, waste ground at the road, near the railway crossing, 14 Aug 2011, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 791-1 (VLA). Juniperus sibirica Burgsd. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast′, Sokhondinskii nature reserve, Sokhondo massif, in vicinity of the cordon Bukukun, Larix forest with Pinus sibirica and P. pumila, 18 Jul 2004, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 381-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Terneiskii Raion, Sikhote-Alinskii biosphere reserve, the locality Abrek, stony placers on the mountainside, 5 Aug 1996, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 483-2 (VLA). EPHEDRACEAE Ephedra distachya L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, 3–4 km NW of Zapovednoe settlement, near the mouth of the Kievka River, coastal sandy terrace, 26 Oct 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 801-1(VLA); Ephedra equisetina Bunge 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Lazovskii Raion, 3–4 km NW of Zapovednoe settlement, near the mouth of the Kievka River, coastal sandy terrace, 26 Oct 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 801-2 (VLA). Ephedra monosperma J.G. Gmel. ex C.A. Mey. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ol’ginskii Raion, 4 km SE of Milogradovo settlement, the Krasnaya Skala Bay, coastal sandy-pebble terrace, 30 Jul 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 775-1 (VLA). FABACEAE Lathyrus tuberosus L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, ca. 4 km NW of Peschanoye village, the road M-60, at the roadside ditch, 14 Aug 2011, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 789-1 (VLA). Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Schreb. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai,, Shkotovskii Raion, ca. 1 km SE of Shtykovo settlement, the valley of the Artëmovka River, ruderal herbaceous communities on the roadside, 28 Jul 2011, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 771-2 (VLA). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E27 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 MALVACEAE Lavatera thuringiaca L. 2n = 44, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriyskii Raion, near the Krasnyi Yar village, ruderal community, 27 Sep 2011, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 796-1 (VLA). POLYGONACEAE Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Gray 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, outskirts of Abinsk town, the valley of the Abin River (the Kuban’ River basin), 11 Oct 2008, Probatova & Seledets 11287 (VLA). RANUNCULACEAE Pulsatilla cernua (Thunb.) Bercht. & J. Presl 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, near Komissarovo settlement, the top of a hill on the boggy plain, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 757-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, 1.5 km S of Komissarovo settlement, near the bridge across the Komissarovka River, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 758-3 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, ca. 4 km NE of the top of the mountain Sinjaya (725 m), near the bridge across the stream, at the motorway Zharikovo–Komissarovo, 210 m, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 755-3 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, the environs of the Sinel’nikovo-1 village, meadow on the flat upper part of a hill, near the quarry, 30 Sep 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 732-9 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, the environs of the Fadeevka village, the meadow along the high riverbank of the Razdol’naya (Suifun) River, 4 May 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 485-4 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriyskii Raion, 5–6 km NE of Nikolo-L’vovskoe settlement, source of the Peressykhayuschaya River, grass-forb meadow at the edge of the oak forest, ca. 200 m, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 745-3 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, 2 km N of Grigorjevka village, oak trees groups with grass-shrub thickets and Artemisia, stony-rubbly slope facing the road, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 748-2 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, seacoast near the mouth of the Narva River, between Perevoznaya and Bezverkhovo settlements, maritime short grass meadow, 4 Sep 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 726-1 (VLA). Pulsatilla chinensis (Bunge) Regel 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, 3 km W of Vladimiro-Petrovka village, E slope of the hill, meadow, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 751-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, 3–4 km NE of Sinjaya Mt., near the bridge across the stream at the motorway Zharikovo–Komissarovo, 210 m, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 754-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, ca. 1 km S of Komissarovo settlement, the hill in the valley of Komissarovka River, 24 Jun 2010, Kozhevnikov 708-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Pogranichnyi Raion, 2 km S of Rubinovka settlement, left side of the Molokanovka River valley, steppe meadow on the SW slope, 22 Jun 2010, Kozhevnikov 705-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Pogranichnyi Raion, 2 km SW of Zharikovo village, oak forest margin, near the field road, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 752-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Pogranichnyi Raion, 2 km SW of Zharikovo village, SE slope of a hill, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 752-2 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, the environs of Fadeevka village, meadow on the flat terrace of high riverbank of the Razdolnaya River, 4 May 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 485-3 (VLA); Russia, Far East, E28 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, 2 km NW of Sinel’nikovo-1 village, SE slope of the Sinelovka hill, near the quarry, meadow on the flat upper terrace of the hill, 30 Sep 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 732-8 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, 5–6 km NE of Nikolo-L’vovskoe village, source of the Peressykhajuschaya River, grass-forb meadows and edges of the oak forest, ca. 200 m, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 745-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, 3 km NE of Aleksei-Nikol’skoye village, near the crossroad Ussuriysk–Korfovka–Pokrovka, grass and shrubs communities at the oak forest margin, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 744-2 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, ca. 4 km NE of Ulitovka village, near the bridge across the Suglinka River, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 743-2 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, 2 km N of Grigor’evka village, stony-rubbly slope facing the road, oak trees group with grass-shrubs and Artemisia community, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 748-5 (VLA). Pulsatilla dahurica (Fisch. ex DC.) Spreng. (light violet flowers) 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, 1.5 km S of Komissarovo village, near the bridge across the Komissarovka River, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 758-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Pogranichnyi Raion, ca. 8 km SW of the Barabash-Levada village, lower course of the Mramornaya River in 3–4 km from its mouth, 240 m, 23 Jun 2010, Kozhevnikov & al. 706-2 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Pogranichnyi Raion, ca. 2 km NW of Zharikovo village, SE slope of the hill, near the field road, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 752-4 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Pogranichnyi Raion, ca. 8 km NE of Rubinovka village, near abandoned silo at the road, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 753-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, the environs of Fadeevka village, meadow on the flat terrace of high riverbank of the Razdol’naya River, 4 May 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 485-2 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, 3–4 km W of Sinel’nikovo village, meadow at the foot of S slope, 18 May 2011,, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 747-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriyskii Raion, N outskirts of NikoloL’vovskoye village, source of the Peressykhajuschaya River, near the bridge across the Razdol’naya River, 18 Jun 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 746-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, 5–6 km NE of Nikolo-L’vovskoye village, source of the Peressykhajuschaya River, grass-forb meadows and grass-shrub edges of oak forest, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 745-4 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, ca. 1.5 km NE of Borissovka village, the dam near the bridge across the Razdol’naya River, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 742-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, 2 km N of Grigorjevka village, oak trees groups with grasses, shrubs and Artemisia communities, stony-rubbly slope facing the road, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 748-1 (VLA). Pulsatilla dahurica (Fisch. ex DC) Spreng. (white flowers). 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, 3–4 km W of Sinel’nikovo-1 village, meadow at the foot of S slope, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 747-2 (VLA). Pulsatilla kissii Mandl 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriyskii Raion, ca. 4 km NW of Ulitovka village, near the bridge across the Suglinka River, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 743-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, 2 km N of Grigorjevka village, oak trees groups with grass-shrub thickets and Artemisia community, stony-rubbly slope facing the road, 20 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 748-4 (VLA). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, the environs of Fadeevka village, meadow on the flat terrace of the high riverbank of Razdol’naya River, 4 May 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 485-1 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, 2 km NW from Sinelnikovo-1 village, SE slope of the Sinelovka hill, meadow on the flat upper terrace of the hill, 260 m, 30 Sep 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 732-7 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, 5–6 km NE of Nikolo-L’vovskoe village, source of Peressykhajuschaya River, grass-forb meadow at the edge of the oak forest, ca. 200 m, 18 May 2011, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 745-5 (VLA). Pulsatilla turczaninovii Krylov & Serg. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, 1 km S of Komissarovo settlement, a hill in the valley of Komissarovka River, 24 Jun 2010, Kozhevnikova & Kozhevnikov 708-1 (VLA). ROSACEAE Exochorda serratifolia S. Moore 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, in vicinity of Komissarovo settlement, at the bottom of the slope, the oak forest edge, 20 Jun 2005, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 468-1 (VLA). TAXACEAE Taxus cuspidata Siebold & Zucc. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, the watershed of Shkotovka and Serebryanka Rivers, Serebryanyi Pass, coniferous–broad-leaved forest with Pinus koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis and Picea koraiensis, 27 Apr 2006, Kozhevnikov & Kozhevnikova 341-1 (VLA). Denis A. Krivenko,1* Tatyana V. Elisafenko,2 Alexander A. Krasnikov2 & Olga V. Dorogina2 1 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 132 Lermontov Str., 664033 Irkutsk, Russia 2 Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 101 Zolotodolinskaya Str., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] * First chromosome count for the species. ** New chromosome number (cytotype) for the species. ▼ First chromosome count from an East Siberian accession. ■ First chromosome count from a West Siberian accession. This study was supported by the grant no. 11-04-00240, 1204-01586, of the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR), by the program of the “Biological diversity” Nr. 23, from the Russian Academy of Sciences and by Interdisciplinary integration projects Nr. 17, 20, from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Samples of species of violets (Viola L., Violaceae) reported in this communication are cultivated in the collections of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk (by T.V. Elisafenko). Voucher specimens are deposited in herbarium of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry of the SB RAS, Irkutsk (IRK). of Chirki River and Ussuri River, heterotrophic sphagnum bog, 1 Sep 1993, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7085 (VLA). Glyceria triflora (Korsh.) Kom. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, Poliny Ossipenko Raion, near Poliny Ossipenko settlement, the middle course of the Amgunj River, the area between Kerbi and Amgunj Rivers, Khalikovskoe Lake, in the shallow water, 18 Aug 2004, M.V. Kryukova 9721 (VLA). Hordeum jubatum L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Peter the Great Bay, Popova Island, as a weed near Stark wharf, 12 Sep 1997, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7588 (VLA). Leymus mollis (Trin.) Hara 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Peter the Great Bay, Gerassimova Island, supralittoral zone, 20 Sep 2004, O.L. Burundukova 9529 (VLA). Ochlopoa annua (L.) H. Scholz (≡ Poa annua L.) 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Peter the Great Bay, Popova Island, near Stark wharf, 12 Sep 1997, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7401 (VLA). Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Peter the Great Bay, Popova Island, seacoast near Stark wharf, disturbed grass-covered sandy plots, 12 Sep 1997, N.S. Probatova & V.P. Seledets 7395 (VLA). VIOLACEAE Viola alexandrowiana Juz. **2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Tunkinskii Raion, vicinity of Arshan village, on rocks, 23 Jun 1986, M.M. Ivanova 22910 (IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, 30 km SW of Irkutsk city, Baklashi village, right bank of the Irkut River, valley of the mixed forest, 1 Oct 1979, G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22503 (IRK). Viola arvensis Murray ■2n = 34, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Novosibirsk city, Akademgorodok, territory of Central Siberian Botanical Garden, open area in the mixed forest, 1 Aug 2001, T.V. Elisafenko 22507 (IRK). Viola biflora L. ■2n = 12, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Ongudaiskii Raion, vicinity of Kupchegen’ village, the valley of Bol’shoi Il’gumen’ River, fir forest, 13 Jun 2001, T.V. Elisafenko 22512 (IRK). Viola czemalensis Zuev *2n = 24, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, near the hydroelectric power plant on the Katun’ River, rocky slope, 17 Aug 2004, Yu.V. Ovchinnikov 22517 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, near the hydroelectric power plant on the Chemal River, rocky northern slope exposure, 7 Jul 2010, T.V. Elisafenko 22897 (IRK). Viola dactyloides Roem. & Schult. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Olekminskii Raion, Chapaevo village, pine forest, 7 Aug 1979, G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22506 (IRK). POACEAE Glyceria spiculosa (F. Schmidt) Roshev. 2n = 40, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, nature reserve «Bol’shekhekhtsirskii», Cape Cherepashii between the estuary Viola dissecta Ledeb. ■2n = 24, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Maiminskii Raion, Gorno-Altaisk city, Tugoya Mountain, forest park, 8 Jun Version of Record (extended online-only version). E29 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 2009, T.V. Elisafenko 22525 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Ongudaiskii Raion, left bank of the Katun River, between Kupchegen’ and Inya villages, rocky shore of the river, 7 Jul 2009, T.V. Elisafenko 22701 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Kolyvanskii Raion, vicinity of Kolyvan’ village, floodplain of the Ob’ River, near «Rybatskoe» Gardening, pine forest, 21 May 2011, T.V. Elisafenko 22700 (IRK); Russia, Republic of Buryatiya, Tunkinskii Raion, vicinity of Zun-Murino village, meadow steppe, 24 Aug 2009, T.V. Elisafenko 22704 (IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ol’khonskii Raion, Ol’khon Island on the Baikal Lake, Sagan-Khushun Cape, a steppe stony slope of NW exposure, 10 Aug 2009, T.V. Elisafenko & D.A. Krivenko 15870 (IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, vicinity of Bol’shoe Goloustnoe village, crease of Goloustnaya River, on stony placers, 2 Aug 2011, D.A. Krivenko 18770 (IRK). 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, Sharypovskii Raion, Ivanovka village, Ingol’ Lake, southern slope, forb meadow, 8 Jul 1984, M.M. Ivanova & N.I. Tupitsyna 22524 (IRK). Viola epipsiloides Á. Löve & D. Löve 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ol’khonskii Raion, the valley of Sarma River, left bank, willow thickets along the river bank, 5 Aug 2011, D.A. Krivenko 19725 (IRK). Viola gmeliniana Roem. & Schult. ▼2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Tunkinskii Raion, vicinity of Zun-Murino village, meadow steppe, 24 Aug 2009, T.V. Elisafenko 19466 (IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, vicinity of Bol’shoe Goloustnoe village, crease of Goloustnaya River, on stony placers, 2 Aug 2011, T.V. Elisafenko & D.A. Krivenko 18777 (IRK). Viola incisa Turcz. **▼2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, vicinity of Bol’shoe Goloustnoe village, crease of Goloustnaya River (locus classicus), on stony placers, 2 Aug 2011, D.A. Krivenko 18767 (IRK). Viola ircutiana Turcz. *2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Tunkinskii Raion, Tolgoi village, left bank of the Khurya-Khobok River, edge of birch forest, meadow, 20 Jul 1986, G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22505 (IRK). Viola irinae Zolot. *2n = 48, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Maiminskii Raion, Gorno-Altaisk city, Tugoya Mountain, forest park, 8 Jul 2009, T.V. Elisafenko 22521 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Kolyvanskii Raion, vicinity of Kolyvan’ village, floodplain of the Ob’ River, near “Rybatskoe” Gardening, pine forest, 25 May 1993, T.V. Elisafenko 22520 (IRK). Viola kamtschadalorum W. Becker & Hult. **2n = 72, CHN. Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Nevel’skii Raion, near Nevel’sk town, coastal hills near the Tatar Strait, covered bamboo, 15 Aug 2002, Ju.V. Ovchinnikov 22516 (IRK). Viola macroceras Bunge *2n = 24, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, vicinity of Chemal village, right bank of the Chemal River, foot of rocks, pine forest, 7 Jul 2008, T.V. Elisafenko 22519 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Ongudaiskii Raion, vicinity of Malyi Yaloman village, right bank of the Bol’shoi Yaloman River, near estuary, among stones, 6 Jul 2009, T.V. Elisafenko 22518 (IRK). E30 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Viola mauritii Tepl. **2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Pribaikal’skii Raion, grassy bank of the Turkа River, 10 Sep 2004, T.V. Elisafenko 22705 (IRK). Viola milanae Vl. V. Nikitin *2n = 24, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Ongudaiskii Raion, the valley of Aigulak River, stony abrupt slope, steppe, 15 Jun 2001, T.V. Elisafenko 22522 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Ust’-Kanskii Raion, Mendur-Sokkon, 5 km S, stony slope, 22 Jun 2010, T.V. Elisafenko 22703 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Tyva, Tes-Khemskii Raion, vicinity of Bert-Dag village, the valley of Khyraallyg River, on gravel, 21 Jun 2003, T.V. Elisafenko 22523 (IRK). Viola mirabilis L. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Ust’Kanskii Raion, the valley of Anui River, edge forest, 22 Jun 2001, T.V. Elisafenko 22510 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Novosibirsk city, Akademgorodok, territory of Central Siberian Botanical Garden, mixed forest, 1 Aug 2001, T.V. Elisafenko 22509 (IRK). Viola montana L. ▼2n = 40, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, Kuraginskii Raion, Oikha village, 5–10 km S, edge of birch forest, 19 Jun 2003, T.V. Elisafenko 22702 (IRK). Viola nemoralis Kütz. ■2n = 40, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Novosibirsk city, Akademgorodok, territory of Central Siberian Botanical Garden, edge of the mixed forest, 1 Aug 2001, T.V. Elisafenko 22909 (IRK). 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Pribaikal’skii Raion, 2 km S of Turka village, edge of forest near the road, on sand, 25 Jul 2011, D.A. Krivenko 20667 (IRK). Viola odorata L. 2n = 20, CHN. Armenia, Gegarkunik Oblast’, northern coast of Sevan Lake, gorge, small-leaf forest overgrown with shrubs, 20 Apr 1985, A.V. Karakulov 22508 (IRK). Viola rupestris F.W. Schmidt ■2n = 20, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Chemal’skii Raion, Edigan River, degraded meadow, 25 Jun 2001, T.V. Elisafenko 22501 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Toguchinskii Raion, Bugotakskie hills, steppe with slope southern exposure, 10 Jul 2002, T.V. Elisafenko 22502 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Krasnoyarskii Krai, Kuraginskii Raion, 5–10 km S of Oikha village, edge of birch forest, 19 Jun 2003, T.V. Elisafenko 22511 (IRK). Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu ■2n = 20, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Altai, Ust’Kanskii Raion, vicinity of Kaisyn village, woody slope, 27 Jun 2010, T.V. Elisafenko 22706 (IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Pribaikal’skii Raion, east coast of Baikal Lake, vicinity of Goryachinsk village, fir forest, 10 Sep 2004, T.V. Elisafenko 22513 (IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Pribaikal’skii Raion, 2 km S of Turka village, edge of forest near the road, on sand, 25 Jul 2011, D.A. Krivenko 20665 (IRK). Viola selkirkii Pursh ex Goldie ■2n = 24, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Republic of Khakasiya, Tashtypinskii Raion, descent from the Sayan passage, the valley of Bol’shoi On River, mixed forest, 26 Jun 2003, T.V. Elisafenko 22515 (IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatiya, Pribaikal’skii Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Raion, east coast of Baikal Lake, vicinity of Goryachinsk village, fir forest, 10 Sep 2004, T.V. Elisafenko 22514 (IRK). Viola uniflora L. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Novosibirsk city, Akademgorodok, territory of Central Siberian Botanical Garden, edge of the mixed forest, 2 Jul 1999, T.V. Elisafenko 22499 (IRK); Russia, West Siberia, Novosibirskaya Oblast’, Maslayaninskii Raion, vicinity of Aleksandrovka village, mixed forest, 7 Jun 2008, T.V. Elisafenko 22498 (IRK). Viola variegata Fisch. ex Link ▼2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Baleiskii Raion, Kunikan village, the valley of Unda River, steppe stony-carbonate slope, 5 Jul 1981, G.P. Semenova & M.M. Ivanova 22504 (IRK). Viola verecunda A. Gray 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, Far East, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Sakhalin Island, Nevel’skii Raion, near Nevel’sk town, coastal hills near the Tatar Strait, with bamboo, 15 Aug 2002, Yu.V. Ovchinnikov 22500 (IRK). Jaromír Kučera* & Marek Slovák Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 23 Bratislava, Slovak Republic * Author for correspondence: [email protected] This study was supported by the Research and Development Support Agency (projects APVV-0239-09 and APVV-0320-10). We would like to specially thanks to Jiří Danihelka (Masaryk University, Brno) for providing seeds of P. rhagodioloides and P. pauciflora from Crete. Chromosome numbers, DNA ploidy level (Suda & al. 2006) and genome sizes (C-values sensu Greilhuber & al., 2005) were counted and estimated by JK = J. Kučera and MS = M. Slovák; vouchers are deposited in SAV. FCM: propidium jodide (PI). Internal standard: Glycine max cv. Polanka (2C DNA = 2.50 pg, Doležel & al. 1994). Samples of analysed species were prepared from fresh intact leaves of individuals cultivated at the Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. Plants with known chromosome numbers were analysed simultaneously with an internal standard, and the ratio of their peak positions was calculated. The absolute DNA content of individuals with unknown chromosome numbers was estimated by relation of their peak position to peak positions of the reference standard. For each individual, three independent measurements on different days were carried out. Between-day variation caused by random instrument drift and/or non-identical sample preparation was low as the maximum/minimum values of three repetitions of the same sample did not exceed a two-percent threshold. COMPOSITAE Picris pauciflora Willd. Coefficients of variation of G1 peaks of P. strigosa samples and internal standard ranged between 2.03%–3.93% (mean 3.05%) and 2.02%–3.98% (mean 3.21%), respectively. The mean 2C-values for analysed individuals ranged from 1.51 to 1.65 pg. We detected small genome size variation in P. pauciflora as the maximum between plant divergences in 2C values reached 8.5%. 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 1.51–1.54 pg, FCM. Greece, Crete, near Theodoros settlement, 35°16ʹ59″ N, 23°37ʹ06″ E, 503 m, 28 May 2009, D. Zelený, J. Danihelka & CH. F. Li PAUC1-CRETE2, D. Zelený, J. Danihelka & CH. F. Li PAUC2-CRETE2, D. Zelený, J. Danihelka & CH. F. Li PAUC3-CRETE2 (BRNU, SAV). 2n = 2x = 10, CHN. Greece, Central Macedonia, near Alistrati village, 41°01ʹ27″ N, 24°00ʹ20″ E, 128 m, 20 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRE1. 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 1.51–1.53 pg, FCM. Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.), Ohrid distr., Ohrid town, near ruins of Studenchischsta basilica, 41°06ʹ24″ N, 20°48ʹ57″ E, 703 m, 22 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová MDD1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová MDD2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová MDD3 (SAV). 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 1.56–1.57 pg, FCM. Turkey, Bursa distr., near Geynik village, 39°41ʹ56″ N, 28°48ʹ15″ E, 802 m, 15 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová ULU1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová ULU2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová ULU3 (SAV). 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 1.58–1.60 pg, FCM. Turkey, Manisa distr., Çaybaşi canyon, 38°34ʹ57″ N, 27°25ʹ38″ E, 119 m, 16 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TUR2_1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TUR2_2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TUR2_3 (SAV). 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 1.60–1.65 pg, FCM. Turkey, Denizli distr., near Babadağ village, 37°45ʹ52″ N, 28°51ʹ33″ E, 1412 m, 17 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TRC1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TRC2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TRC3 (SAV). Our results confirmed previously published chromosome number and diploid ploidy level recorded for this species (Van Loon, 1980; Strid & Franzén, 1981; Nazarova 1984; Kuzmanov & al., 1986; Vogt & Aparicio, 1999; Nazarova & Gukasyan, 2004). Picris rhagodioloides Willk. Coefficients of variation of G1 peaks of P. rhagodioloides samples and internal standard ranged between 2.12%–3.56% (mean 3.42%) and 2.27%–4.08% (mean 3.29%), respectively. The mean 2C-values for analysed individuals ranged from 2.00 to 2.13 pg. We detected slight genome size variation in P. rhagodioloides as the maximum between plant divergences in 2C values reached 6.1%. 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 2.06–2.10 pg, FCM. Greece, Crete, near Kokkino Chorio settlement, 35°28ʹ07″ N, 24°14ʹ15″ E, 60 m, 29 May 2009, D. Zelený, J. Danihelka & CH. F. Li RHAG1-CRETE3, D. Zelený, J. Danihelka & CH. F. Li RHAG2-CRETE3, D. Zelený, J. Danihelka & CH. F. Li RHAG3-CRETE3 (BRNU, SAV). 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 2.10–2.11 pg, FCM. Greece, Central Macedonia, near Alistrati village, 41°01ʹ27″ N, 24°00ʹ20″ E, 128 m, 20 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRD1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRD2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRD3 (SAV). 2n = 10, CHN. Greece, Central Macedonia, near Alistrati village, 41°01ʹ27″ N, 24°00ʹ20″ E, 128 m, 20 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRD1. 2n = 2x = 10, CHN. Turkey, Kirkağaç distr., near Bostanci village, 39°07ʹ14″ N, 27°50ʹ23″ E, 213 m, 18 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TRD1. 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 2.00–2.06 pg, FCM. Turkey, Edirne distr., near Kösençiftliği village, 41°39ʹ21″ N, 26°42ʹ55″ E, 125 m, 13 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová EDIR1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová EDIR2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová EDIR3 (SAV). 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 2.06–2.13 pg, FCM. Turkey, Kirkağaç distr., near Bostanci village, 39°07ʹ14″ N, 27°50ʹ23″ E, 213 m, 18 Jun 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TRD1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TRD2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová TRD3 (SAV). 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, 2C = 2.08–2.13 pg, FCM. Greece, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, near Makri village, 40°51ʹ17″ N, 25°46ʹ27″ E, 36 m, 19 June 2010, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRA1, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRA2, M. Slovák, J. Kučera & A. Guttová GRA3 (SAV). Detected chromosome number and diploid ploidy level are in agreement with previously published records for this species (Kuzmanov & al., 1986; Gemeinholzer & Faustmann, 2005). Picris strigosa M. Bieb. Coefficients of variation of G1 peaks of P. strigosa samples and internal standard ranged between 2.94%–3.85% (mean value 3.49%) Version of Record (extended online-only version). E31 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 and 3.81%–4.02% (mean value 3.94%), respectively. The mean 2Cvalues for analysed individuals ranged from 3.88 to 3.91 pg. We detected no genome size variation in P. strigosa individuals as the maximum between plant divergences in 2C values was less than 1%. 2n = 2x = 10, CHN. Turkey, Denizli distr., Cankurtaran village, Honaz Dağ Mili Park, 37°39ʹ32″ N, 29°15ʹ33″ E, 1449 m, 18 Jul 2011, J. Kučera & M. Slovák TRD1 (SAV). 2n ~ 2x ~ 10, FCM. Turkey, Denizli distr., Cankurtaran village, Honaz Dağ Mili Park, 37°39ʹ32″ N, 29°15ʹ33″ E, 1449 m, 18 Jul 2011, M. Slovák & J. Kučera TRD1, M. Slovák & J. Kučera TRD2 (SAV). Our results confirmed previously published chromosome number and diploid ploidy level recorded for this species (Nazarova 1984; Nazarova & Gukasyan, 1984). Literature cited Doležel, J., Doleželová, M. & Novák, F.J. 1994. Flow cytometric estimation of nuclear DNA amount in diploid bananas (Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana). Biol. Pl. 36: 351−357. Gemeinholzer, B. & Faustmann, I. 2005. New chromosome counts for some Lactuceae (Compositae). Compositae Newslett. 42: 43–46. Greilhuber, J., Doležel, J., Lysák, M. & Bennett, M.D. 2005. The origin, evolution and proposed stabilization of the terms ‘genome size’ and ‘C-value’ to describe nuclear DNA contents. Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 95: 255–260. Kuzmanov, B.A., Georgieva, S.B. & Nikolova, V.A. 1986. Khromosomni chisla na Bulgarski tsvetni rasteniya. I. Sem. Asteraceae. Fitologiya 31: 71–74. Nazarova, E.A. 1984. Chisla khromosom kavkazskikh predstavitelei semeistv Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Limoniaceae. Bot. Zhurn. 63: 972–975. Nazarova, E.A. & Gukasyan, A.G. 2004. Chisla khromosom tsvetkovykh rastenii flory Armenii. Erevan: Institut Botaniki, Natsional’naya Akademiya Nauk RA. Strid, A. & Franzén, R. 1981. [Report]. in: Löve, Á., Chromosome number reports LXXIII. Taxon 30: 829–842. Suda, J., Krahulcová, A., Trávníček, P. & Krahulec, F. 2006. Ploidy level versus DNA ploidy level: An appeal for consistent terminology. Taxon 55: 447–450. Van Loon, J.C. 1980. [Report]. in: Löve, Á., Chromosome number reports LXIX. Taxon 29: 718–720. Vogt, R. & Aparicio, A. 1999. Chromosome numbers of plants collected during Iter Mediterraneum IV in Cyprus. Bocconea 11: 117–169. Maria Lomonosova Central Siberian Botanical Garden, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia; mlomonosova@ Chromosome numbers were counted in root tips from seedlings (Smirnov, 1968). Chromosome numbers in literature were checked using IPCN (Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+). * First chromosome count for the species. ** First chromosome count for the country. *** First chromosome count for the area. I thank A. Krasnikov for technical assistance and valuable comments. The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (grant no. 11-04-00123a, 12-04-00746-a). CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex fera (L.) Bunge 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Buryatia Republic, Gusinoozersk distr., Sulfatnoe Lake, solonchak, 3 Sep 2003, Lomonosova 431a (NS). E32 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 This Asiatic species occurs in South Siberia, North China and Mongolia and is constantly represented by this cytotype known from some localities in Siberia from Novosibirsk to Zabaikalsk regions (Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Lomonosova & Krasnikov, 2006). Atriplex patens (Litv.) Iljin 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, ***Kurgan Oblast’, vicinity of Kurgan, Tobol flood plain, wet salted meadow, 21 Sep 2005, Lomonosova 733 (NS); Russia, ***Buryatia Republic, Gusinoozersk distr., Sulfatnoe Lake, solonchak, 3 Sep 2003, Lomonosova 431b (NS). Atriplex patens (Litv.) Iljin 2n = 36, CHN. Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Kurchum distr., 20 km SSE of Darstvennoe, on the edge of solonchak with Salicornia, 11 Sep 2001, Lomonosova 123 (NS); Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Kurchum distr., Ust’-Kaldzhir, solonchak with Tamarix, 17 Sep 2001, Lomonosova 160 (NS); Russia, Kurgan Oblast’, vicinity of Kurgan, Tobol flood plain, 21 Sep 2005, in a ditch, Lomonosova 733а (NS); Russia, ***Altai Republic, Kosh-Agach distr., 5 km SW of Tebeler, 1800 m, wet solonchak, 30 Aug 2002, Lomonosova 239 (NS); Russia, ***Buryatia Republic, Gusinoozersk distr., Sulfatnoe Lake coast, 3 Sep 2003, Lomonosova 431 (NS). Two ploidy levels are reported in literature for this Eurasian species, rarely diploid cytotype with 2n = 18, and tetraploid one with 2n = 36 known from many localities (Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Lomonosova & al., 2005; Lomonosova & Krasnikov, 2006). Atriplex patula L. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, ***Karelia Republic, Sortavala distr., Valaam island, on a heap of building waste, 29 Sep 2008, Lomonosova 769 (NS). This species is distributed in Eurasia and N America. Tetraploid is a common ploidy level within A. patula (Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+). Atriplex sagittata L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, ***Khakassia Republic, Shira distr., Belë Lake, in wasteland, 16 Sep 2004, Lomonosova 598 (NS). This species occurs in the steppe and semi-desert zones of Eurasia and 2n = 18 is the only cytotype reported for it (Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Lomonosova & Krasnikov, 2006; Lomonosova & Shaulo, 2010). Atriplex sibirica L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, ***Buryatia Republic, Gusinoozersk distr., Sulfatnoe Lake, solonchak, 3 Sep 2003, Lomonosova 431 (NS). This species is native to Central Asia from where the same chromosome number was reported (Goldblatt & Johnson 1979+; Lomonosova & al., 2005; Lomonosova & Krasnikov, 2006; Lomonosova & Shaulo, 2010). Chenopodium album L. 2n = 54, CHN. Germany, Berlin, by the roadside, 10 Sep 2000, Lomonosova s.n. (NS); Kazakhstan, Almaty Oblast’, Karatal distr., Ush-Tobe, by the roadside, 29 Sep 2000, Lomonosova & Sukhorukov 68 (NS); Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Zharma distr., Zharma, on the railway embankment, 24 Sep 2000, Lomonosova & Sukhorukov 71 (NS); Russia, Novosibirsk Oblast’, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, 7 Sep 2002, Lomonosova 266 (NS); Russia, ***Buryatia Republic, Bargusin distr., Uro, by the roadside, 6 Sep 2002, Lomonosova 450 (NS); Russia, ***Irkutsk Oblast’, Irkutsk, 25 Sep 2002, Zarubin s.n. (IRKU); Russia, Leningrad Oblast’, Beloozersk, on the bank, 29 Sep 2008, Lomonosova 768 (NS). A widespread almost cosmopolitan and variable species Chenopopdium album L. s.l. is the most often karyologically studied taxon in Chenopodiaceae (Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+). Hexaploid is a Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 common ploidy level confirmed in this report. Diploid and tetraploid plants of this species are also known in cited literature. Сhenopodium atripliciforme Murr *2n = 54, CHN. Russia, Altai Krai, Tabun distr., Altaiskoe, Chainaya hill, 7 Aug 2001, Aebel s.n. (TK). The species is distributed in Asia from N Pakistan to Altai Mts. Chenopodium novopokrovskianum (Aellen) Uotila 2n = 36, CHN. Kazakhstan, Almaty Oblast’, Aksu distr., Matai, salted sand, 27 Sep 2000, Lomonosova 52 (NS); Russia, ***Chita Oblast’, Onon distr., Tsagan-Nur Lake, steppe, 10 Sep 2003, Lomonosova 480 (NS). This species inhabits W and C Asia and extends to S Siberia constantly represented by this cytotype (Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Uotila, 1993; Krasnikov & al., 2007; Lomonosova & Shaulo, 2010). Chenopodium strictum Roth 2n = 36, CHN. Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Zharma distr., Charsk, on the railway embankment, 24 Sep 2000, Lomonosova & Sukhorukov 72 (NS); Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Kurchum distr., Kuigan, on a dump, 9 Sep 2001, Lomonosova 107 (NS); Russia, Altai Krai, Rubtsovsk, on the railway embankment, 5 Sep 2001, Lomonosova 86 (NS). This species is widely distributed in Eurasia and this is the only cytotype reported for it (Uotila, 1973; Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Lomonosova & al., 2005; Lomonosova & Krasnikov, 2006; Krasnikov & al., 2007). Chenopodium suecicum Murr 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, ***Karelia Republic, Petrozavodsk, on waste ground, 23 Sep 2008, Lomonosova 764a (NS); Russia, Karelia Republic, 30 km along the road from Petrozavodsk to Sortavala, 29 Sep 2008, Lomonosova 766 (NS); Russia, Karelia Republic, Sortavala distr., Valaam island, on a heap of building waste, 29 Sep 2008, Lomonosova 769 (NS). This is the only cytotype reported for this widely distributed Eurasian species closely related to C. album (Uotila, 1972; Belyaeva & Siplivinskyi, 1977, under C. viride L.; Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Lomonosova & Shaulo, 2010). Corispermum chinganicum Iljin *2n = 18, CHN. Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Samara distr., Kyzil-Kum Sand, Kaznakovka, sands, 7 Sep 2001, Lomonosova 91 (NS). This species is native to E Kazakhstan, Mongolia and S Siberia. Corispermum macrocarpum Bunge *2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Buryatia Republic, Bichura distr., 8.2 km SW Verkh. Topka, Main Sands hole, 6 Sep 2011, Korolyuk 254 (NS). This is an Asiatic species distributed in East Siberia and Russian Far East. Corispermum sibiricum Iljin 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, ***Chita Oblast’, Borzya distr., 30 km E Chindant, Borzya riverside, 14 Sep 2003, Lomonosova 520 (NS); Russia, ***Buryatia Republic, 51°43ʹ15″ N, 102°53ʹ37″ E Tunka distr., Zun-Murino, Khyr-Gorkhon River, sandy slope, 1 Sep 2010, Kazanovskyi 14976 (IRK). This Asiatic taxon occurs in N Mongolia and S Siberia. It is always represented by this cytotype (Belyaeva & Siplivinskyi, 1977; Lomonosova & al., 2005). Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, ***Irkutsk Oblast’, Usol’e-Sibirskoe, 19 Sep 2002, Lomonosova 277 (NS). This Eurasian species constantly possesses this cytotype (Semiotrocheva, 1971; Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Lomonosova & Krasnikov, 2006). Suaeda acuminata (C.A. Mey.) Moq. 2n = 18, CHN. **Belarus, Minsk Oblast’, Chizevsk distr., 1.5 km NE of Teslino, 52°49ʹ57.4″ N, 27°34ʹ41.6″ E, 160 m, 30 Sep 2009, Dzus 1556 (NS). This is an Eurasian species native to the steppe and semi-desert zones from SE Europe to W Siberia and Mongolia. It is adventive to Belarus. Only this cytotype was reported for S. acuminata in literature (see Goldblatt & Johnson, 1979+; Ebrahimzadeh & al., 1994; Lomonosova & al., 2005, 2007; Lomonosova & Krasnikov, 2006). Suaeda arcuata Bunge 2n = 18, CHN. **Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda Oblast’, Priaral’e, 2003, Mamutov 2 (NS). This is an Asiatic species distributed in the desert zone from Iran to W China, constantly possessing this cytotype (Zakhar’eva, 1990; Ebrahimzadeh & al., 1994; Lomonosova & al., 2007). Suaeda corniculata (C.A Mey.) Bunge subsp. corniculata 2n = 54, CHN. **Mongolia, Bayan-Olgiy aymaq, Sagsai village, 25 Jul 2001, Krasnoborov & al. s.n. (NS); Russia, Altai Republic, Kosh-Agach distr., near Kosh-Agach, Aug 2001, Krasnoborov 97 (NS); Russia, ***Bashkortostan Republic, vicinity of Salavat, on deposit tips, 15 Aug 2009, Abramova s.n. (NS); Russia, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Yakutsk, solonchak 23 Aug 2004, Zakharova s.n. (NS). This subspecies is distributed from European Russia and S. Siberia to Kazakhstan, Mongolia and N China. Our counts are first for Mongolia and confirm many previous reports from Russia and Kazakhstan. The survey of known karyological data for S. corniculata has been done by Lomonosova (2011). Suaeda microsperma (C.A. Mey.) Fenzl 2n = 18, CHN. Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Zaisan distr., Shiliktinskaya valley, semi-desert with Atriplex cana and Artemisia spp., 19 Sep 2001, Lomonosova 179 (NS); Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstzn Oblast’, Zaissan distr., Zaissan village, 19 Sep 2001, Lomonosova, s.n. (NS); Kazakhstan, East Kazakhstan Oblast’, Zharma distr., Aktogai village, wet solonchak in semi-desert, 25 Sep 2000, Lomonosova & Sukhorukov, 45a (NS). The basic area of this species is Soviet Middle Asia and northern part of W Asia. This record confirms the counts reported in literature from Iran (Ebrahimzadeh & al., 1994), Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan (Lomonosova & al., 2005, 2007). Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Saratov Oblast’, Novouzensk distr., Novouzensk, 27 Aug 2008, Fedorova s.n. (NS). This species inhabits steppe and semidesert zones in SE Europe, Kazakhstan and SW Siberia of Russia. This record confirms the numerous reports in literature for Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. The survey of known karyological data for S. salsa has been done by Lomonosova (2011). The diploid number 2n = 18 based on plants from Iran (Hekmat-Shoar & Manafi, 1982) most likely refers to another species. Literature cited Belaeva, V.A. & Siplivinsky, V.N. 1977. Khromosomnye chisla i taksonomiya nekotorykh vidov baikal’skoi flory III. Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 62: 1132–1142. Ebrahimzadeh, H., Ataei Azimi, A., Akhani, H. & Noori Daloii, M.R. 1994. Studies on the caryology of some species of the genus Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae) in Iran. J. Sci. Iran 5(3): 81–88. Goldblatt, P. & Johnson, D.E. (eds.) 1979+. Index to plant chromosome Version of Record (extended online-only version). E33 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 numbers (IPCN). (accessed Nov 2011). Hekmat-Shoar, H. & Manafi, H. 1982. Chenopodiaceae. In: Löve, À. (ed.), Chromosome number reports LXXV. Taxon 31: 361. Krasnikov, A.A., Lomonosova, M.N, Shaulo, D.N. & An’kova, T.V. 2007. Chisla khromosom predstavitelei semeistv Chenopodiaceae i Asteraceae iz Sibiri i Vostochnogo Kazakhstana. Bot. Zhurn. 92: 1468–1471. Lomonosova, M.N. 2011. Khromosomnye chisla, taksonomiya i rasprostranenie podroda Brezia (Suaeda, Chenopodiaceae). Turczaninowia 14(3): 45–52. Lomonosova, M.N. & Krasnikov, A.A. 2006. Chisla khromosom nekotorykh predstavitelei semeistva Chenopodiaceae flory Rossii. Bot. Zhurn. 91: 1757–1759. Lomonosova, M.N., Krasnikova, S.A., Krasnikov, A.A., Sukhorukov, A.P., Bananova, V.A. & Pavlova, N.S. 2005. Chisla khromosom predstavitelei semeistva Chenopodiaceae iz Rossii i Kasakhstana. Bot. Zhurn. 90: 1132–1134. Lomonosova, M.N. & Shaulo, D.N. 2010. Karyologiya predstavitelei semeistva Chenopodiaceae iz Sibiri. Bot. Zhurn. 95: 422–426. Lomonosova, M.N., Yusupova, D. & Akopyan, J.A. 2007. Chisla khromosom predstavitelei roda Suaeda (Chenopodiaceae). Bot. Zhurn. 92: 1077–1078. Semiotrocheva, N.L. 1971. Kariosistematika odnoletnikov roda Kochia Roth. Izvestiya AN Kazakhskoi SSR. Ser. biol. 6: 31–36. Smirnov, Yu.A. 1968: Uskorennyi metod issledovaniya somaticheskykh khromosom plodovykh [Accelerated method for studying somatic chromosoms in fruit trees]. Tsitologia. 10: 1132–1134. [in Russian] Uotila, P. 1972. Chromosome counts on the Chenopodium album aggregate in Finland and NE Sweden. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 9: 29–32. Uotila, P. 1973. Chromosome counts on Chenopodium L. from SE Europe and SW Asia. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 10: 337–340. Uotila, P. 1993. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Chenopodium in the Flora Iranica area. Ann. Bot. Fenn. 30: 189–194. Zakhar’eva, O.I. 1990. Suaeda arcuata Bunge. P. 312 in: Takhtadjan, A. (ed.), Chisla khromosom tsvetkovykh rastenii flory SSSR. Semeistva Aceraceae–Menyanthaceae. Leningrad: Nauka. Allium splendens Willd. ex Schult. f. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, 50 km SE of Arkhara town, 10 km of the railway station Uryl, near the border of the Khinganskii nature reserve, S slope, light steppified oak forest, 17 Sep 2004, Probatova & Seledets 9449 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, near Novogeorgievka settlement, the valley of Razdol’naya River, on pebbles, 8 Jul 2009, Nechaev 11407 (VLA). **2n = 64, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, 50 km SE of Arkhara railway station, steppified slope, dry meadow, 14 Aug 2001, Kapustina 8538 (VLA). Nina S. Probatova,1* Sergey G. Kazanovsky,2 Elvira G. Rudyka,1 Vitaly P. Seledets3 & Vitaly A. Nechaev1 Asparagus brachyphyllus Turcz. *2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Ononskii Raion, Zun-Torey Lake, north lakeside, 630 m, stony shore, 18 Jul 2010, Kazanovsky 11933 (VLA, IRK). ALLIACEAE Allium microdictyon Prokh. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, Baikal’skii nature reserve, the Vydrinaya River, right riverside, 566 m, valley forest with tall herbs, 10 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11991 (VLA, IRK). Allium schoenoprasum L. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, the Irkut River, right riverside, near Zhemchug village, locality Vyshka, 693 m, meadow, 11 Oct 2011, Kazanovsky 12025 (VLA). AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Novorossiyskii Raion, Guelendzhik town, seaside park, as a weed in the flower-bed, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11754 (VLA). ARISTOLOCHIACEAE Aristolochia contorta Bunge 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, in vicinity of Bol’shoi Kamen’ town, bottom of the steep wooded slope, 16 Aug 2008, Nechaev 11133 (VLA). ASPARAGACEAE 1 Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159 Stoletya Prospect, 690022 Vladivostok, Russia 2 Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 132 Lermontov Str., 664033 Irkutsk, Russia 3 Pacific Institute of Geography, Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 7 Radio Street, 690041 Vladivostok, Russia * Author for correspondence: [email protected] * First chromosome count for the species marked. ** New chromosome number (cytotype) for the species. This study was supported by grants no. 07-04-00610, 11-0400240 (to N.S. Probatova), 11-04-01167 (to V.S. Schneyer), 12-0401586 (to A.V. Verkhozina), from the Russian Fund for Basic Research (RFBR), and by Interdisciplinary integration project Nr. 17, from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. ALISMATACEAE Asparagus davuricus Fisch. ex Link 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Borzinskii Raion, mountain-steppe massif Adun-Chelon, near Arkhar (Argali) Mt., 981 m, stony steppe with Spiraea aquilegifolia, Sorbaria sorbifolia and Ulmus pumila, 17 Jul 2010, Kazanovsky 11856 (VLA, IRK). Asparagus gibbus Bunge 2n = 40, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Ononskii Raion, Zun-Torey Lake, north lakeside, 630 m, stony shore, 18 Jul 2010, Kazanovsky 11854 (VLA, IRK). ASTERACEAE Alisma lanceolatum With. 2n = 28, CHN. Ukraine, 12 km of Kiev city, the mouth of the Desna River, in depression filled with water, 14 Aug 1978, Probatova 5190 (VLA). E34 Asparagus burjaticus Peschkova *2n = 40, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tarbagataiskii Raion, right riverside of the Selenga River, north outskirts of Saratovka village, 505 m, steppified meadow, among grasses and various herbs, 27 Jul 2011, Krivenko 11995 (VLA, IRK). Achillea asiatica Serg. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, a weed on the lawn near the market-place, 16 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11936 (VLA, IRK). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Arctium tomentosum Mill. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, a weed in the shrubbery near the market-place, 16 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11948 (VLA, IRK). Centaurea scabiosa L. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, wayside stop Golubye Eli, 462 m, grass meadow with various herbs at the road-bed, 17 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11941 (VLA, IRK). Chondrilla brevirostris Fisch. & C.A. Mey. 2n = 15, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Narimanovskii Raion, right riverside of the Volga River, near Volzhskii settlement, grassed barchan sands, 27 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11577 (VLA). Cirsium serratuloides Hill 2n = 34, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, lower course of the Belyi Irkut River, left riverside, 1552 m, Larix forest with Betula and Populus tremula, 30 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 11745 (VLA, IRK). Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, outskirts of Abinsk town, as a weed in a vegetable garden, 6 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11594 (VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, 465 m, a weed on the experimental plot near the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, 18 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11965 (VLA, IRK). Crepidiastrum denticulatum (Houtt.) Pak & Kawano 2n = 10, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, in vicinity of Nakhodka city, Brat Mt., 14 Oct 2011, Nechaev 11958 (VLA). Crepis rhoeadifolia M. Bieb. 2n = 10, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, outskirts of Abinsk town, roadside, 6 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11550 (VLA). Crepis tectorum L. 2n = 8, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, Mogocha settlement, Amazar River, 610 m, as a weed in the dacha area, 6 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 12002 (VLA, IRK). Erigeron flaccidus (Bunge) Botsch. **2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Okinskii Raion, East Sayan Mts., Kitoiskii mountain ridge, in vicinity of Samarta settlement, the upper course of the Kitoi River, Vassil’evskaya Mt., 2027 m, sparse Larix forest with various herbs and green mosses, 28 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 11753 (VLA, IRK). Galinsoga parviflora Cav. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, market place, a weed on flower-beds, 11 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11977 (VLA, IRK). Helianthus lenticularis Douglas 2n = 34, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Kamyzyakskii Raion, 40 km S of Astrakhan’ city, in vicinity of Samosdelka village, riverbank of the Old Volga, recreation centre “The Old Volga”, as a weed, 28 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11628 (VLA). Hieracium umbellatum L. 2n = 27, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, wayside stop Golubye Eli, 462 m, grass meadow with various herbs at the railway road-bed, 17 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11938 (VLA, IRK). Ixeris chinensis (Thunb.) Kitag. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, Mogocha settlement, 762 m, grass meadow with various herbs, by the road, 6 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11993 (VLA, IRK). Lactuca serriola L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Kamyzjakskii Raion, 40 km south from Astrakhan’ city, in vicinity of Samosdelka village, high riverbank of the Old Volga, recreation centre “The Old Volga”, as a weed, 28 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11635 (VLA). Leontodon autumnalis L. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, the territory of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, 10 Oct 2011, Kazanovsky 11988 (VLA, IRK). Nabalus ochroleuca Maxim. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, in vicinity of the railway station Nadezhdinskaya, 8 Oct 2011, Nechaev 11955 (VLA). Phalacroloma septentrionale (Fernald & Wiegand) Tzvelev 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Erivanskaya settlement, clearing, 5 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11651 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near the railway platform “232 km”, as a weed in a country place, 9 Sep 2010, Probatova & Seledets 11767 (VLA). Pterocypsela indica (L.) C. Shih 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, Fadeevka village, sand barrage along the Razdol’naya River, 12 Sep 1997, Barkalov 7532 (VLA). Saussurea amara (L.) DC. 2n = 26, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ussol’eSibirskoe town, 445 m, west of the railway station, along the railway road, 16 Oct 2011, Verkhozina 11984 (VLA, IRK). Saussurea parviflora DC. **2n = 26 + 0–7B, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Okinskii Raion, East Sayan Mts., Kitoiskii mountain ridge, in vicinity of Samarta settlement, the upper course of Kitoi River, Vassil’evskaya Mt., 2027 m, the edge of sparse Larix forest with various herbs and green mosses, 28 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 11918 (VLA, IRK). Senecio vulgaris L. 2n = 40, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, Lermontova Street, at the house 281, as a weed on the lawn, 16 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 12004 (VLA, IRK); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Muravëv-Amurskii Peninsula (Vladivostok), Ussuriiskii Gulf, Schitovaya Bay, at the roadside, 13 Sep 2011, Semeykin 11905 (VLA). Serratula coronata L. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, wayside stop Golubye Eli, 462 m, grass meadow Version of Record (extended online-only version). E35 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 with various herbs at the road-bed, 19 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11947 (VLA, IRK). Sonchus arvensis L. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the bookshop ”Akademkniga”, as a weed on the lawn, 8 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11966 (VLA, IRK). Sonchus asper (L.) Hill 2n = 18, CHN. U.S.A., Texas, Addison town (near Dallas), as a weed, 3 Apr 2005, Rudyka 11548 (VLA). Tanacetum vulgare L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, near Bol’shoi Lug settlement, 489 m, Pinus forest with Rhododendron, Calamagrostis and various herbs, 5 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11959 (VLA, IRK). Taraxacum cf. bessarabicum Hand.-Mazz. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Selenguinskii Raion, between Gussinoozersk town and Takhoi village, the Sul’fatnoe Lake, saline lakeside, 11 Sep 2004, Probatova & Seledets 10488 (VLA). Tripleurospermum inodorum (L.) Sch. Bip. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, as a weed on the lawn, 15 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11927 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast’ (now Zabaikal’skii Krai), railway station Chernyshevsk-Zabaikal’skii, as a weed on the flower-bed, 20 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 11108 (VLA). Trommsdorffia maculata (L.) Bernh. 2n = 10, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ol’khonskii Raion, near Kossaya Step’ village, 700 m, steppe on the SE slope, 31 Jul 2010, Kazanovsky 11697 (VLA, IRK). BORAGINACEAE Lappula consanguinea Gürke 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, Far East, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Ten’kinskii Raion, Matrossova settlement, on waste ground, 14 Aug 2008, Lyssenko 11790 (VLA). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, Baikal’skii nature reserve, the Vydrinaya River, right riverside, 552 m, moist meadow with Calamagrostis and various herbs along the stream, 9 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11932 (VLA, IRK). Dontostemon integrifolius (L.) Ledeb. *2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, Baikal Lake, 17 km NE of Listvyanka settlement, near Bol’shie Koty village, the Bol’shaya Kotovka River, on pebbles, 12 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10766 (VLA). Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, Far East, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Srednekanskii Raion, Kolymskoe settlement, along the road, 31 Jul 2005, Lyssenko 10584 (VLA). Raphanus raphanistrum L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, as a weed on the lawn near the building of Presidium of the Irkutskii Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11922 (VLA, IRK). Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, near Pokrovka village, the Amur River, 309 m, gravelly bank, 9 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 12008 (VLA, IRK). CAMPANULACEAE Campanula patula L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, near the railway station Rechka Vydrinaya, right riverside of the Vydrinaya River, in its lower course, 503 m, meadow, 8 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11963 (VLA). Campanula rapunculoides L. 2n = 68, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, in the shrubs near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, 16 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11967 (VLA, IRK). CARYOPHYLLACEAE Lappula redowskii (Hornem.) Greene 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, Far East, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Sussumanskii Raion, Sussuman town, on waste ground, 18 Jul 2009, Lyssenko 11792 (VLA). Dianthus superbus L. 2n = 30, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, in vicinity of Bol’shoi Lug settlement, 606 m, Pinus and Betula forest with Calamagrostis and various herbs, 5 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11968 (VLA, IRK). Lithospermum officinale L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, 18 km south of Abinsk town, near Shapsugskaya village, riverside of the Abin River, a clearing in the valley forest, 5 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11622 (VLA). Herniaria glabra L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Enotaevskii Raion, Volgo-Akhtubinskaya flood-plain, near Zamiany village, the island on Volga River, sandy beach, 27 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 12016 (VLA). BRASSICACEAE Brassica campestris L. 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the building of Presidium of the Irkutskii Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as a weed on the lawn, 2 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11954 (VLA). Cardamine macrophylla Willd. 2n = 64, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sliudyanskii Raion, near Sliudyanka town, the valley of Sliudyanka River, left riverside, 568 m, Padus and shrubs community on the riverbank, 30 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 12020 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East E36 Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ol’khonskii Raion, Baikal Lake, Malomorskoe coast, Mukhor Bay, Ulan-Khada Peninsula, 569 m, stony steppe, 30 Jul 2010, Kazanovsky 11913 (VLA, IRK). Neoussuria aprica (Turcz. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Tzvelev (≡ Elisanthe aprica (Turcz. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Peschkova) 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ol’khonskii Raion, Baikal Lake, Malomorskoe coast, Mukhor Bay, Ulan-Khada Peninsula, 569 m, stony steppe, 30 Jul 2010, Kazanovsky 11987 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Ol’khonskii Raion, Baikal Lake, Ol’khon Island, near Sagan-Khushun Cape, 575 m, Agropyron cristatum steppe with various herbs, 28 Jul 2010, Krivenko 12014 (VLA, IRK). Oberna behen (L.) Ikonn. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, on the waste ground, 15 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11935 (VLA, IRK); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Partizanskii Raion, near Monakino village, left riverbank of the Sergeevka River, meadow on the terrace, 13 Sep 2011, Volynets 11907 (VLA). Silene chamarensis Turcz. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Okinskii Raion, East Sayan Mts., Kitoiskii mountain ridge, in vicinity of Samarta settlement, the upper course of the Kitoi River, Vassil’evskaya Mt., 2195 m, alpine belt, stony placer, covered with mosses and lichens, 28 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 12001 (VLA, IRK). Silene jeniseensis Willd. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, near Zun-Murino village, experimental station of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, the Khyr-Gorkhon River, 704 m, sandy slope, 1 Sep 2010, Kazanovsky 12030 (VLA, IRK). Silene repens Patrin 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskaya Valley, the mouth of the Belyi Irkut River, left riverside, 1550 m, sparse Larix, Betula, and Populus tremula forest with grasses and various herbs, 30 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 12003 (VLA, IRK). Silene turczaninovii Lazkov *2n = 24, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Pribaikal’skii Raion, near Klochnevo village, 524 m, S slope, Pinus forest with grasses, sedges and various herbs, 10 Jul 2009, Kazanovsky 11911 (VLA, IRK). Spergula arvensis L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, moist bank of the Ptich’e (Tal’my) Lake, sandy-rubbly ground in 2 m of the brackish water of the lake, 13 Jun 2010, Nechaev 11601 (VLA). Stellaria media (L.) Vill. 2n = 44, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the bookshop ”Akademkniga”, as a weed on the lawn, 8 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11923 (VLA, IRK). CHENOPODIACEAE Atriplex laevis C.A. Mey. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, the bus stop “Yuzhnaya”, on the waste ground, 6 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11945 (VLA, IRK). CRASSULACEAE Aizopsis aizoon (L.) Grulich 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, the Bol’shekhekhtsirskii nature reserve, near cordon “Chirki”, Bashmachkovaya Hill, in forest, 31 Aug 1993, Probatova & Seledets 7200 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, SW outskirts of Novoshakhtinskii settlement, the slope of railway embankment, 6 Jul 2008, Lapenko 11049 (VLA). **2n = 64, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, 40 km N of Blagoveshchensk city, nature forest park “Mukhinka”, near the tourist’ centre “Mukhinskaya”, Pinus and Quercus forest on the slope, 30 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10930 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, in vicinity of Barabash settlement, Jun 2009, Volynets 11368 (VLA). Aizopsis litoralis (Kom.) S. Gontch. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, near Wrangel settlement (in vicinity of Nakhodka city), oak forest, 16 Jun 2009, Kazanovsky 11379 (VLA). Aizopsis selskiana (Regel & Maack) Grulich 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Oktyabr’skii Raion, in vicinity of Novogeorgievka village, the valley of the Razdol’naya (Suifun) River, on pebbles, 8 Jul 2009, Nechaev 11412 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khassanskii Raion, near Gvozdevo settlement, maritime slope, 25 Jul 2008, Nechaev 11080 (VLA). FABACEAE Lotus caucasicus Kuprian. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Erivanskaya settlement, clearing, 5 Sep 2009, Manilo 11587 (VLA). The voucher specimen was misidentified as “Trigonella monspeliaca L.”, by Probatova & al. in Taxon 59: 1936, E9 (2010). Vicia baicalensis (Turcz.) B. Fedtsch. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, near Zun-Murino village, experimental station of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, the Khyr-Gorkhon River, 704 m, Larix and Pinus forest with various herbs, 3 Sep 2010, Kazanovsky 11691 (VLA, IRK). Vicia sepium L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, near railway station Rechka Vydrinaya, Picea, Betula and Pinus forest with Calamagrostis, Vaccinium myrtillus and green mosses, at the forest road, 27 Jul 2009, Kazanovsky 11696 (VLA, IRK). Vicia unijuga A. Braun 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, near Zun-Murino village, experimental station of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, the Khyr-Gorkhon River, 704 m, Larix and Pinus forest with various herbs, 1 Sep 2010, Kazanovsky 11813 (VLA, IRK). FUMARIACEAE Corydalis ochotensis Turcz. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near railway station Nadezhdinskaya, Shmidtovka River, valley forest, 1 Oct 2011, Nechaev 11925 (VLA). GENTIANACEAE Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) Ma 2n = 78, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Okinskii Raion, the upper course of the Kitoi River, left riverside, 1942 m, the edge of sparse Larix forest with various herbs and green mosses, 28 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 11899 (VLA, IRK). GROSSULARIACEAE Ribes triste Pall. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Ussuriiskii Raion, Borissovskoe Plateau, Malaya Borissovka River, near its confluence to Borissovka (Shufan) River, deciduous forest on the slope of a hill, 10 Jul 2005, Barkalov 9841 (VLA). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E37 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 LAMIACEAE Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hylander 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, wayside stop Golubye Eli, 497 m, as a weed in a garden-plot, 17 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11937 (VLA, IRK). Galeopsis bifida Boenn. 2n = 32, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Baikal Lake, 17 km NE of Listvyanka, near Bol’shie Koty village, the Bol’shaya Kotovka River, on pebbles, 12 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10879 (VLA). Leonurus quinquelobatus Gilib. (= L. villosus Desf.) 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, as a weed on the lawn, near the house, 26 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11926 (VLA, IRK). Nepeta cf. pannonica L. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Primorskii Krai, Vladivostok city, Ovchinnikova Street, as a weed on the flower-bed at the schoolhouse Nr. 52, 4 Aug 2008, Probatova & Seledets 11014 (VLA). MALVACEAE Abutilon theophrasti Medik. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, 465 m, as a weed on experimental plot, 18 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky & Gamburg 12005 (VLA, IRK). Malva mohileviensis Down. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, the railway station Chernyshevsk-Zabaikal’skii, as a weed on the flower-bed, 20 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 11107 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchensk city, as a weed on the lawn in Chaikovskogo Street, 5 Oct 2007, Probatova & Seledets 11624 (VLA). Malva pusilla Sm. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchensk city, as a weed on waste ground opposite the temple, 3 Oct 2007, Probatova & Seledets 11626 (VLA). PAPAVERACEAE Papaver nudicaule L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, near Pokrovka village, left riverside of the Amur River, customs post, 316 m, meadow with many ruderal species, 7 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky & Bondarevich 12044 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Nerchinskii Raion, near Znamenka village, the Nercha River, 531 m, riverside, in bush, 14 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 12059 (VLA, IRK). 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, near Pokrovka village, left riverside of the Amur River, Tserkovnoe Lake, 314 m, meadow, 10 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky & Chernova 12022 (VLA, IRK). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 (argillaceous), Artemisia desert, 27 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11611 (VLA). Agrostis syreistschikowii P.A. Smirn. *2n = 28, CHN. Ukraine, 30 km SW of Kiev city, near the railway station Boyarka, Agrostis meadow, 11 Aug 1978, Probatova 5182 (VLA). Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nevski var. velutina (Volkart ex Hegi) Tzvel. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, outskirts of Novorossiisk city, rubbly mountainside to Tsemesskaya Bay (the Black Sea), shrubs communities (sibljak) with sumach and Paliurus spina-christi, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11636 (VLA). Anisantha tectorum var. hirsuta (Regel) Tzvel. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Kamyzyakskii Raion, near Khmel’ovka village, the bank of Ivanchug River, 30 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 12000 (VLA). Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P. Beauv. 2n = 14, CHN. Kazakhstan, Almaatinskaya Oblast’, in vicinity of Alma-Ata city, Bol’shoe Almaatinskoe canyon, the valley of Bol’shaya Almaatinka River, left riverside, behind the dam, 1350 m, 2 Sep 1988, Probatova & Seledets 6848 (VLA). 2n = 18, CHN. Kazakhstan, Almaatinskaya Oblast’, in vicinity of Alma-Ata city, the locality Medeo, 1770 m, dark coniferous forest belt, the edge of the spruce forest on the slope, 15 Jul 1978, Probatova & Seledets 5123 (VLA); Russia, West Siberia, Novossibirskaya Oblast’, Toguchinskii Raion, near Kotorovo village, Salairskii mountain-ridge, taiga, 29 Sep 1977, Seledets 4830 (VLA). Brachypodium spryginii (Tzvelev) Tzvelev *2n = 18, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Abinsk town, the valley of Abin River (the Kuban’ River basin),15 Oct 2008, Manilo 11278 (VLA). Briza elatior Sibth. & Sm. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Erivanskaya settlement, forest edge on the slope, 5 Sep 2009, Manilo 11644 (VLA). Bromus squarrosus L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, outskirts of Novorossiisk city, rubbly mountainside to Tsemesskaya Bay (the Black Sea), shrubs communities (sibljak) with sumach and Paliurus spina-christi, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11604 (VLA); Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Novorossiyskii Raion, in vicinity of Raevskaya settlement, Volchii Vorota Pass, rubbly deposits of marl, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 12035 (VLA). Bromus volgensis Fisch. ex Jacq. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Novorossiiskii Raion, in vicinity of Raevskaya settlement, Volchii Vorota Pass, rubbly deposits of marl, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 12028 (VLA). PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago lanceolata L. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Erivanskaya settlement, the Abin River, on pebbles, 5 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11638 (VLA). POACEAE Agropyron desertorum Schult. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Ikryaninskii Raion, near Il’ynka village, Berovskie hills E38 Сalamagrostis caucasica Trin. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Republic of Daghestan, Gunibskii Raion, near Verkhnii Gunib village, ca. 1800 m, on the rocks along the Gunibka River, 26 Jun 1979, Probatova 5421 (VLA). Сalamagrostis hakonensis Franch. & Sav. 2n = 56, CHN. Japan, Hokkaido, Shiretoko Peninsula, the riverside of a mountain river, mixed forest, 20 Sep 1997, Nechaev 7528 (VLA). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Cinna latifolia (Trevir. ex Göpp.) Griseb. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, Baikal’skii nature reserve, right riverside of the Vydrinaya River, 487 m, Picea and Betula valley forest with Matteuccia struthiopteris, Waldsteinia ternata and various herbs, 11 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11950 (VLA, IRK). Dactylis glomerata L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, the grass-plot, 30 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 12018 (VLA, IRK). Echinochloa spiralis Vasinger 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Razdol’noe settlement, the valley of the Razdol’naya River, on the bank of a pond, 7 Oct 2006, Nechaev 10439 (VLA). × Elyhordeum arcuatum W.W. Mitch. & Hodgs. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, outskirts of Khabarovsk city, waste ground, 20 Jul 1999, Probatova & Seledets 8355 (VLA). Elymus dahuricus Turcz. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, in vicinity of Zhemchug village, right riverside of the Irkut River, locality Vyshka, 693 m, in dumetum, 11 Oct 2011, Kazanovsky 12013 (VLA, IRK). Elymus glabriflorus Scribn. & C.R. Ball 2n = 28, CHN. U.S.A., Texas, Addison town (near Dallas), 6 Apr 2009, Rudyka 11425 (VLA). Elymus scandicus var. borealis (Turcz.) Tzvelev (= E. neoborealis Khokhr.) 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Republic of Sakha-Yakutia, 10 km SW of Yakutsk city, near Chuchur-Muran Mt., the valley Larix forest, 27 Jul 1973, Probatova & Seledets 3827 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Khassynskii Raion, the upper course of the Yama River, pebbles at the mouth of Maymandzha River, 2 Aug 1996, Mochalova 7745 (VLA). Elytrigia pseudocaesia (Pacz.) Prokudin 2n = 40, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Saratovskaya Oblast’, outskirts of Saratov city, Oktyabr’skoe canyon, W slope, steppe, 5 Oct 2008, Probatova & Seledets 11311 (VLA). The voucher specimen was misidentified as “Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski”, by Probatova & al. in Taxon 58: 1287, E16 (2009). Eragrostis minor Host 2n = 40, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, outskirts of Novorossiisk city, rubbly mountainside to Tsemesskaya Bay (the Black Sea), shrubs communities (sibljak) with sumach and Paliurus spina-christi, roadside, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11874 (VLA). Festuca baicalensis V.I. Krecz. & Bobr. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Pribaikal’skii Raion, Baikal Lake, 161 km of the route of Ulan-Ude, near Turka village, sand dunes, 11 Sep 2004, Chepinoga 9690 (VLA). Festuca ovina L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Pribaikal’skii Raion, Turka village, lakeside of Baikal Lake, 11 Sep 2004, Chepinoga 10524 (VLA). Festuca sibirica var. karoi St.-Yves (= F. kreczetoviczii K. Sobol.) 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast’ (now Zabaikal’skii Krai), the Nercha River, 10 km above the mouth, on the top of the ridge, feather grass steppe, 16 Jul 2004, Belikovich 9836 (VLA). Hierochloё glabra Trin. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, the valley of Ushakovka River, flood-plain, slightly saline grass and sedge meadow, 3 Jun 1978, Loshakova 5016 (VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, Uletovskii Raion, right riverside of the Ingoda River, 1 Aug 1978, Lesnikov 5234 (VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, near the airport of Chita, a fragment of Leymus steppe, 7 May 1981, Probatova 5889 (VLA). Lolium perenne L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Erivanskaya settlement, a clearing, 5 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11646 (VLA). Milium effusum L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, the Baikal’skii nature reserve, right riverside of the Vydrinaya River, 487 m, 11 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11974/368 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, the Baikal’skii nature reserve, right riverside of the Vydrinaya River, 7 km from the mouth, 577 m, the valley mixed forest (of Picea, Abies, Betula, and Populus) with ferns and various herbs, 22 Jul–9 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11979/370 (VLA, IRK). Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, European part, Leningradskaya Oblast’, Oredezhskii Raion, 10 km of Oredezh settlement, near Beloe village, lakeside of the Beloe Lake, 11 Jul 1976, Probatova 4368 (VLA). Panicum bisulcatum Thunb. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Primorskii Krai, Kirovskii Raion, near Podgornoe village, temporary ponds along the route of the gas pipe line, in 100 m from the Ussuri River, 10 Sep 2011, Chubarj 11973 (VLA). Poa bulbosa L. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Ikryaninskii Raion, near Il’ynka village, Berovskie hills (argillaceous), Artemisia desert, 27 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11629 (VLA). Poa kolymensis Tzvelev 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Khassynskii Raion, Yablonovyi Pass, rubbly mountain tundra, 25 Aug 2011, Lyssenko 11886/11887 (VLA). Poa lipskyi Roshev. **2n = 42, CHN. Kazakhstan, outskirts of Alma-Ata city, Bol’shoe Almaatinskoe canyon, the upper course of the Malaya Almaatinka River, ca. 2000 m, 2 Sep 1988, Tsvelyov 6920 (VLA). Poa nemoralis L. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, in vicinity of Fokino town, the Bol’shoi Iossif Mt., 530 m, stony deposits on the slope, 7 Aug 2010, Nechaev 11640 (VLA). Poa remota Forselles 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Urals Region, Komi Republic, the upper course of the Pechora River, at the watershed of Pechora and Bol’shaya Porozhnaya Rivers, 28 Aug 1979, Lavrenko 6343 (VLA). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E39 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Poa sibirica Roshev. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Ol’khonskii Raion, near Sarma village, right riverside of the first right tributary of the Sarma River, 857 m, Populus tremula forest with Pinus sibirica, Salix spp. and various herbs, 30 Jul 2004, Kazanovsky 11789 (VLA, IRK). Portulaca oleracea L. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Khankaiskii Raion, Turii Rog settlement, as a weed in a vegetable garden, 12 Jul 2010, Nechaev 11625 (VLA). Poa transbaicalica Roshev. (= P. versicolor subsp. stepposa (Kryl.) Tzvelev) 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Mazanovskii Raion, right riverside of Selemdzha River, near Mayskii settlement, the edge of Larix-Betula forest, by the road, 30 Aug 1976, Probatova & Seledets 4653 (VLA). Primula xanthobasis Fed. *2n = 18, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Okinskii Raion, East Sayan Mts., Kitoiskii mountain ridge, in vicinity of Samarta settlement, the upper course of the Kitoi River, Vassil’evskaya Mt., 2067 m, the sparse Larix forest, at the stream, 28 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 11821 (VLA, IRK). PORTULACACEAE PRIMULACEAE Poa vorobievii Probat. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, the coast of Amurskii Bay (the Sea of Japan), near Tavrichanka settlement, coastal rocks, 6 Jun 2009, Nechaev 11366 (VLA). Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, near Tankhoi settlement, 500 m, meadow, 15 Aug 2011, Kazanovsky 11940 (VLA, IRK). Secale sylvestre Host 2n = 14, CHN. Ukraine, SE outskirts of Kiev city, near Korchevatoe, on poorly matted sandy plots, 23 Jul 1976, Probatova 4540 (VLA). Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, outskirts of Novorossiisk city, rubbly mountainside to Tsemesskaya Bay (the Black Sea), shrubs communities (sibljak) with sumach and Paliurus spina-christi, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11641 (VLA); Russia, European part, Volga Region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Privolzhskii Raion, near Nachalovo village, at the branch Cherepakha, by the path, 25 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11621 (VLA); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, at the building on Lermontova Street 281, as a weed on the lawn, 6 Oct 2011, Kazanovsky 12015 (VLA, IRK). Trisetum turcicum Chrtek 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Republic of Severnaya Ossetia-Alania, Tseisskii nature reserve, E slope, the canyon of the Baddon River (the tributary of Alagir River), 1700 m, meadow, 13 Aug 1976, Polyvtsev 5266 (VLA). POLYGONACEAE Oxyria digyna Hill 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Sliud’anskii Raion, the lower course of the Solzan River, left riverside, on pebbles, 29 Aug 2009, Kazanovsky, Pochinchik 11823 (VLA, IRK). Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Gray 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Enotaevskii Raion, Volgo-Akhtubinskaya flood-plain, near Zamiany village, the island on Volga River, sandy beach, 27 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11619 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Blagoveshchensk city, archaeological nature monument “Dinosaurus burial place”, as a weed on the waste ground, 3 Oct 2007, Probatova & Seledets 11122 (VLA). Rumex ucranicus Fisch. 2n = 40, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Enotaevskii Raion, Volgo-Akhtubinskaya flood-plain, near Zamiany village, the island on Volga River, sandy beach, 27 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11631 (VLA). E40 RANUNCULACEAE Aquilegia turczaninovii Kamelin & Gubanov (= A. leptoceras Fisch. & C.A. Mey., non Nutt.) *2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Aginskii Buryatskii Okrug, Mogoituyskii Raion, near the cave Kheyetei, 875 m, in Ulmus macrocarpa and U. pumila community on the slope, at the entry in the cave, 17 Jul 2010, Kazanovsky 11681 (VLA, IRK). Ranunculus natans C.A. Mey. 2n = 16, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Okinskii Raion, the upper course of the Oka River, right riverside, 1631 m, sandypebble bank, in puddle, 29 Aug 2010, Kazanovsky 11994 (VLA, IRK). Ranunculus sceleratus L. 2n = 64, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Tunguiro-Olëkminskii Raion, 69-th km of the route Mogocha-Tupik, the geologists’ settlement, Bukhta River, 736 m, roadside, at the watered ditch, 12 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11999 (VLA, IRK). RESEDACEAE Reseda lutea L. 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Novorossiiskii Raion, in vicinity of Rayevskaya settlement, Volchii Vorota Pass, marly gravel deposits, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11877 (VLA). ROSACEAE Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. 2n = 56, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, Bol’shoi Lug settlement, 477 m, roadside, 5 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11972 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, waste ground, 15 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11960 (VLA, IRK). Chamaerhodos erecta (L.) Bunge 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Tunkinskii Raion, near Zun-Murino village, experimental station of the Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, the Khyr-Gorkhon River, 704 m, steppified slope, 31 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11992 (VLA, IRK). Fragaria orientalis Losinsk. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Nadezhdinskii Raion, near Razdol’noe settlement, stony slope of a hill, oak forest, 3 Jun 2006, Nechaev 10199 (VLA). Geum aleppicum Jacq. 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, waste ground, 15 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11946 (VLA, IRK). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Potentilla acervata Soják 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, waste ground, 9 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11934 (VLA, IRK); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, in vicinity of Blagoveshchensk city, Belogorye settlement, roadside, 1 Oct 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10899 (VLA). Potentilla approximata Bunge *2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, 50 km from Khabarovsk city, near Bychikha settlement, 4-th km of Bychikha–Kazakevichevo route, roadside, 30 Aug 1993, Probatova & Seledets 7298 (VLA). Potentilla arenosa (Turcz.) Juz. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula, Bystrinskii Raion, in vicinity of Esso settlement, dry S slope, 10 Aug 2004, Yakubov 9704 (VLA). Potentilla argentea L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, waste ground, 9 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11928 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, Bol’shoi Lug settlement, 477 m, roadside, 5 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 12006 (VLA, IRK); Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, Arkhara town, 17 Aug 2001, Kapustina 8961 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Khabarovskii Krai, outskirts of Khabarovsk city, Severnyi district, on waste ground, 20 Jul 1999, Probatova & Seledets 7885 (VLA). Potentilla canescens Besser 2n = 42, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, 2 km W of Gornyi settlement, along the country road, 27 Jun 1999, Lapenko 8144 (VLA). Potentilla centigrana Maxim. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok, as a weed on the flower-bed near the building of the Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of RAS, 14 Nov 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10774 (VLA). Potentilla chinensis Ser. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Amurskaya Oblast’, Arkharinskii Raion, 11 km S of the railway station Arkhara, riverside of the Arkhara River, dry meadow on sandy soil, 1998, Kudrin 8937 (VLA). Potentilla flagellaris Willd. ex Schltdl. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, near Pokrovka village, left riverside of the Amur River, Tserkovnoe Lake, 314 m, meadow, 10 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 12017 (VLA, IRK). Potentilla fragarioides L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, near Maksimovshchina village, forest edge, Jun 2004, Kalyuzhnyi 9406 (VLA); Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, 140 km of Vladivostok, the road fork to Ossinovka village, meadow, 20 Aug 1996, Rudyka 7448 (VLA). Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, the route Amazar–Pokrovka, 512 m, Pinus, Larix and Betula forest with shrubs, stony placer, 6 Jul 2011, Chernova & Kazanovsky 12007 (VLA, IRK). Potentilla nivea L. 2n = 56, CHN. Russia, Far East, Kamchatka Peninsula, central part, S foothills of the Ostryi Tolbachik Volcano, Larix forest belt, in a small crater, on the clinker, 25 Aug 2000, Yakubov 8419 (VLA). Potentilla norvegica L. 2n = 56, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Republic of Buryatia, Kabanskii Raion, near the railway station Rechka Vydrinaya, right riverside of the Vydrinaya River, in its lower course, near the bridge, roadside, 22 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11981 (VLA, IRK); Russia, Far East, Magadanskaya Oblast’, Ten’kinskii Raion, 340-th km of the Ten’kinskaya route, biological station “Kontakt” of the Institute of Biological Problems of the Nord, Far East Branch of RAS, 21 Aug 1993, Probatova & Seledets 7201 (VLA). Potentilla omissa Soják 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Vladivostok, Akademgorodok, as a weed near the building of the Institute of Biology & Soil Science, Far East Branch of RAS, 16 Nov 2004, Probatova 9622 (VLA). Potentilla paradoxa Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, Mogocha settlement, Amazar River, 610 m, as a weed in a garden-plot, 6 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11976 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, Pokrovka village, 334 m, sandy-pebbly bank of the Amur River, 7 Jul 2011, Prelovskaya & Kazanovsky 11996 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Tunguiro-Olëkminskii Raion, 69-th km of the route Mogocha–Tupik, near the geologists’ settlement, the Bukhta River, 736 m, roadside, 12 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 12021 (VLA, IRK). Potentilla sericea L. **2n = 14. CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutskii Raion, lakeside of the Baikal Lake, 17 km NE of Listvyanka settlement, near Bol’shie Koty village, the Bol’shaya Kotovka River, on pebbles, 12 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10740 (VLA). Potentilla supina L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, European part, Volga region, Astrakhanskaya Oblast’, Enotaevskii Raion, Volgo-Akhtubinskaya flood-plain, near Zamiany village, the island on Volga River, sandy beach, 27 Aug 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11615 (VLA). Sanguisorba officinalis L. 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, wayside stop Golubye Eli, 462 m, the edge of Pinus and Betula forest, 17 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11943 (VLA, IRK). Sanguisorba tenuifolia Fisch. ex Link 2n = 28, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Mikhailovskii Raion, 140 km of Vladivostok, the road fork to Ossinovka village, meadow, 20 Aug 1996, Rudyka 7505 (VLA). SCROPHULARIACEAE Potentilla inquinans Turcz. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Tunguiro-Olëkminskii Raion, 68-th km of the route Mogocha–Tupik (1 km S of the geologists’ settlement), 795 m, Larix forest with Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Ledum palustre and mosses, on the placer, 12 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 11930 (VLA, IRK); Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Linaria acutiloba Fisch. ex Rchb. *2n = 12 + 0–4B, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Irkutsk city, Akademgorodok, near the Institute of Power Engineering Systems, Siberian Branch of RAS, waste ground, 15 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11953 (VLA, IRK). Version of Record (extended online-only version). E41 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Linaria genistifolia (L.) Mill. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, outskirts of Novorossiisk city, rubbly mountainside to Tsemesskaya Bay (the Black Sea), shrubs communities (sibljak) with sumach and Paliurus spina-christi, 3 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11876 (VLA). Linaria vulgaris Mill. 2n = 12, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Shelekhovskii Raion, near Bol’shoi Lug settlement, 477 m, roadside, 5 Sep 2011, Kazanovsky 11939 (VLA, IRK). Veronica anagalloides Guss. 2n = 18, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, near Shkotovo settlement, in the drain at the roadside, 23 Jul 2011, Nechaev 11863 (VLA). Veronica longifolia L. 2n = 34, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Zhigalovskii Raion, near Tutura village, left riverside of the Lena River, meadow at the bank, 7 Aug 2008, Prelovskaya 11845 (VLA, IRK). Veronica officinalis L. 2n = 36, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Erivanskaya village, in forest, 5 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11474 (VLA). SOLANACEAE Physalis alkekengi L. 2n = 24, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, 18 km south of Abinsk town, near Shapsugskaya village, high riverside of the Abin River, 1 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11879 (VLA). VALERIANACEAE Patrinia rupestris (Pall.) Dufr. 2n = 22, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, in vicinity of Nakhodka city, Brat Mt., 14 Oct 2011, Nechaev 11971 (VLA). Valeriana alternifolia Ledeb. 2n = 56, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Mogochinskii Raion, near Pokrovka village, left riverside of the Amur River, opposite Ust’-Strelka, the bank of a lake, 313 m, tall herbage with shrubs, 9 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky & Chernova 12011 (VLA, IRK). Valeriana transjenisseensis Kreyer 2n = 56, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Zabaikal’skii Krai, Tunguiro-Olëkminskii Raion, 69-th km of the route Mogocha–Tupik, near the geologists’ settlement, the Bukhta River, 736 m, shrubs community on the riverbank, 12 Jul 2011, Kazanovsky 12019 (VLA, IRK). VERBENACEAE Verbena officinalis L. 2n = 14, CHN. Russia, North Caucasus, Krasnodarskii Krai, Abinskii Raion, in vicinity of Erivanskaya settlement, the valley of the Abin River, on pebbles, 5 Sep 2009, Probatova & Seledets 11589 (VLA). The voucher specimen was misidentified as “V. hastata L.”, by Probatova & al. in Taxon 59: 1937, E10 (2010). VIOLACEAE Viola prionantha Bunge 2n = 48, CHN. Russia, Far East, Primorskii Krai, Shkotovskii Raion, near Tsentral’noe settlement, Zubatyi brook, on the slope near the bridge (the main route), 8 Jun 2006, Barkalov 10499 (VLA). Viola sacchalinensis H. Boissieu 2n = 20, CHN. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, lakeside E42 TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 of Baikal Lake, 17 km NE of Listvyanka settlement, near Bol’shie Koty village, the Bol’shaya Kotovka River, on pebbles, 12 Sep 2007, Probatova & Seledets 10768 (VLA). Martina Rossi,1 Lorenzo Peruzzi,2* Alessandro Fisogni1 & Marta Galloni1 1 Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy 2 Department of Biology, University of Pisa, Italy * Author for correspondence: [email protected] * First chromosome count for the subspecies. ** First chromosome count from Italy. The research was supported by the Italian MIUR (Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca) within the frame of the project PRIN 2008 to dr. Marta Galloni “Reproductive success in plants: The role of floral rewards and signals – limiting factors and adaptation of pollination system in isolated populations”, and for the doctoral grant to Martina Rossi. Financial funding (EX60%) from University of Pisa is also gratefully acknowledged. The chromosome number was established by squash technique by using root tips taken from germinating seeds (five for each subspecies): seeds were disinfected by immersion in a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 3 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of thorough wash with flowing distillate water, following the protocol suggested by Kery & al. (2000). Root tips were pretreated with a 0.3% colchicine water solution for 2–3 hours, then fixed with Farmer’s solution (3 parts ethanol, 1 part glacial acetic acid) for 12–18 hours at 5°C. Fixed material was stored in 70% ethanol at –20°C before hydrolyzation with 1 N HCl at 60 °C for 9 minutes and then colored with leucobasic fuchsine, according to classical Feulgen protocol. GENTIANACEAE **Gentiana lutea L. subsp. lutea 2n = 40, CHN. Italy, Marche, Ascoli Piceno Province, Monte Vettore, 1880 m, 42°48′18′′ N, 13°15′46′′ E, 14 Jul 2010, Rossi & Fisogni 504368 (BOLO). This count confirms previous results on plants collected in Spain (Küpfer, 1974; Löve & Löve, 1975, 1986; Laínz, 1982), extra-Italian Alps (Favarger, 1949, 1952, 1997; Küpfer, 1974) and Greece (Strid & Andersson, 1985). Possibly, the latter count could be referred to G. lutea subsp. symphyandra. **Gentiana lutea subsp. symphyandra (Murb.) Hayek 2n = 40, CHN. Italy, Emilia-Romagna, Bologna Province, Monte Grande, 1400 m, 44°08′57′′ N, 10°52′10′′ E, 4 Aug 2009, Rossi & Lucchetta 502428, 502430 (BOLO). This is the only documented population occurring disjoint from the main distribution range of G. lutea subsp. symphyandra. This count confirms previous results on plants collected in Bulgaria (Andreev, 1982), Slovenia (Löve & Löve, 1986) and Ukraine (Twardovska & al., 2008). *Gentiana lutea subsp. vardjanii T. Wraber 2n = 40, CHN. Italy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Trento Province, Passo Lusia, 1880 m, 46°20′15′′ N, 11°41′55′′ E, 30 Jul 2009, Rossi, Cristofolini & Lucchetta 504364 (BOLO). *Gentiana lutea subsp. montserratii (Vivant ex Greuter) Romo 2n = 40, CHN. Spain, Huesca, Peña d’Oroel, 1200 m, 42°31′43′′ N, 0°31′51′′ E, 20 Jul 2010, Rossi & Fisogni 504366 (BOLO). Version of Record (extended online-only version). TAXON 61 (4) • August 2012: E1–E43 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 13 Literature cited Andreev, V.N. 1982. IOPB Chromosome number reports 76. Taxon 31: 575–576. Favarger, C. 1949. Contribution à l’etude caryologique et biologique des Gentianacées. Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 59: 62–86. Favarger, C. 1952. Contribution à l’etude caryologique et biologique des Gentianacées. II. Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 62: 244–257. Favarger, C. 1997. Notes de caryologie alpienne VI. Bull. Soc. Neuchâteloise Sci. Nat. 120: 19–33. Kery, M., Matthies, D. & Spillmann, H.H. 2000. Reduced fecundity and offspring performance in small populations of the declining grassland plants Primula veris and Gentiana lutea. J. Ecol. 88: 17–30. Küpfer, P. 1974. Recherches sur les liens de parenté entre la flore orophile des Alpes et celle des Pyrénées. Boissiera 23: 3–322. Laínz, M. 1982. Mis contribuciones al estudio de la flora asturiana. Oviedo: Inst. Estud. Asturianos C.S.I.C. Löve, A. & Löve, D. 1975. The Spanish gentians. Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 32: 221–232. Löve, A. & Löve, D. 1986. IOPB Chromosome number reports 93. Taxon 35: 897–899. Strid, A. & Andersson, J.A. 1985. Chromosome numbers of Greek mountain plants. An annotated list of 115 species. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 107: 203–228. Twardovska, M.O., Strashniuk, N.M., Mel’nyk, V.M., Adonin, V.I. & Kunakh, V.A. 2008. Chromosomal variability in a tissue culture of a rare species of the genus Gentiana L. Cytol. & Genet. 42: 224–228. Version of Record (extended online-only version). E43