IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 9


TAXON 59 (4) • August 2010: 1298–1302 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 9 I O PB CO LU M N Edited by Karol Marhold & Ilse Breitwieser IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 9 Edited by Karol Marhold Matthias Baltisberger* & Alexander Kocyan Plant Ecological Genetics, Institute of Integrative Biology, ETH Zurich, Universitätstr. 16, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland *Author for correspondence: [email protected] Material CHN; voucher in M. The chromosome number of the genus (and the species) has been counted for the first time. HYPOXIDACEAE Hypoxidia rhizophylla (Baker) F. Friedmann, 2n = 22; Seychelles, Mahé, Josef Bogner 1319. Victor V. Chepinoga,* Aleksandr A. Gnutikov, Ilya V. Enushchenko Department of Botany & Genetics, Irkutsk State University, 1 Karl Marks Str., 664003, Irkutsk, Russia *Author for correspondence: [email protected] All matherials CHN; collectors: VCH = V. Chepinoga, AG = A. Gnutikov, IE = I. Enushchenko; vouchers in IRKU, duplicates in VLA. This study was supported by Grants no. 07-04-00610 from Russian Fund for Basic Research, RNP. and RNP. from Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. ASTERACEAE Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & V. Mozer C170. Artemisia anethifolia Weber ex Stechm., 2n = 16; Russia, Buryatiya, AG & VCH C561. Artemisia dracunculus L., 2n = 18; Russia, Buryatiya, AG & VCH C566. Artemisia integrifolia L., 2n = 36; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C583. Artemisia ledebouriana Besser, 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova С640. Carduus crispus L., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C545. Carduus nutans L., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C557. Cirsium helenioides (L.) Hill, 2n = 34; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C542, AG & T. Chulizkaya C232. Erigeron acris L., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & VCH C220. Gnaphalium uliginosum L., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & A. Hoff C508. Mulgedium sibiricum (L.) Cass. ex Less. (Lactuca sibirica (L.) Benth. ex Maxim.), 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C502. Parasenecio hastatus (L.) H. Koyama (Cacalia hastata L.), 2n = 60; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & A. Hoff C504, AG & VCH C208. Ptarmica impatiens (L.) DC., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & A. Hoff C505, AG & A. Mozer C204. Tanacetum vulgare L., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & A. Hoff C506, AG & V. Mozer C198. Trommsdorffia maculata (L.) Bernh., 2n = 10; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & V. Mozer C199. Tussilago farfara L., 2n = 60; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С490. ALLIACEAE Allium microdictyon Prokh., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & VCH C209. BORAGINACEAE Myosotis scorpioides L., 2n = 22; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & VCH C159. APIACEAE Carum carvi L., 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & V. Mozer C195. Cicuta virosa L., 2n = 22; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C595, AG & IE C590. Heracleum dissectum Ledeb., 2n = 22; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C526. Pleurospermum uralense Hoffm., 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & A. Hoff C525. Sium suave Walter, 2n = 12; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C611. ARACEAE Calla palustris L., 2n = 72; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С454. BRASSICACEAE Brassica campestris L., 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH & N. Dulepova C645, C644. Erysimum cheiranthoides L., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH C647. Erysimum flavum (Georgi) Bobrov, 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova С628. Rorippa barbareifolia (DC.) Kitag., 2n = 32; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C615. Rorippa palustris (L.) Besser, 2n = 32; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С441. Thellungiella salsuginea (Pall.) O.E. Schulz, 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Verkhozina & N. Dulepova C636. All materials for the chromosome column should be submitted electronically to: Karol Marhold, [email protected] (Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK-845 23 Bratislava, Slovakia, and Department of Botany, Charles University, CZ 128-01 Prague, Czech Republic). The full version of this contribution is available in the online edition of TAXON as Supplementary Data to this article. The following citation format is recommended: Baltisberger, M. & Voelger, M. 2006. Sternbergia sicula. In: Marhold, K. (ed.), IAPT/ IOPB chromosome data 1. Taxon 55: 444, E2. 1298 TAXON 59 (4) • August 2010: 1298–1302 Thlaspi arvense L., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, N. Dulepova С646. CALLITRICHACEAE Callitriche palustris L., 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С450. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke, 2n = 24; Russia, Buryatiya, VCH C630. Stellaria crassifolia Ehrh., 2n = 36; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C594. CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium glaucum L., 2n = 18; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C579. Corispermum sibiricum Iljin, 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH, A. Verkhozina & E. Kuznetsova С629. Salicornia perennans Willd., 2n = 18; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C422. Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 9 Epilobium palustre L., 2n = 36; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C598, AG & IE C604. POACEAE Agrostis divaricatissima Mez, 2n = 28; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С576. Agrostis gigantea Roth, 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & VCH C163. Agrostis sibirica Petrov, 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & VCH C235. Beckmannia syzigachne (Steud.) Fernald, 2n = 14; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C617. Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv., 2n = 26; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & V. Mozer C197. Festuca ovina L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C252, IE C351. Festuca pratensis Huds., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG C202. Lolium perenne L., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, IE C558. Panicum ruderale (Kitag.) Chang, 2n = 18; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, VCH & IE C627, C637. CONVALLARIACEAE Maianthemum bifolium (L.) F.W. Schmidt, 2n = 36; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C581; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С452. DIPSACACEAE Scabiosa ochroleuca L., 2n = 16; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, IE C632. PRIMULACEAE Androsace filiformis Retz., 2n = 20; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С439. Lysimachia davurica Ledeb., 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С480. Lysimachia vulgaris L., 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C530. FABACEAE Lathyrus pilosus Cham., 2n = 14; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C394. GENTIANACEAE Anagallidium dichotomum (L.) Griseb., 2n = 14; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С491. GERANIACEAE Geranium pratense L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С486. Geranium sibiricum L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C500. HIPPURIDACEAE Hippuris vulgaris L., 2n = 32; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C599. IRIDACEAE Iris ruthenica Ker-Gawl., 2n = ca. 84; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, IE C349. LAMIACEAE Amethystea coerulea L., 2n = 26; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, A. Prudnikova С638. Prunella vulgaris L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С484. Scutellaria galericulata L., 2n = 32; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C534; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С409. RANUNCULACEAE Batrachium trichophyllum (Chaix) Bosch, 2n = 16; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG C614 [Chepinoga & al., Taxon 58: 1281, E3. 2009, as “B. circinatum”]. Caltha membranacea (Turcz.) Schipczinsky, 2n = 32; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C465. Ranunculus longicaulis C.A. Mey., 2n = 32; Russia Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C426. ROSACEAE Comarum palustre L., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE C531, С497, С478. Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim., 2n = 28; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С498. Geum aleppicum Jacq., 2n = 42; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & VCH C216. Rubus arcticus L., 2n = 14; Russia, Chitinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С370. SALICACEAE Salix rhamnifolia Pall., 2n = 38; Russia, Buryatiya, AG & IE C621. Salix rorida Laksch., 2n = 38; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С544. SOLANACEAE Solanum kitagawae Schönb.-Tem., 2n = 24; Russia, Chtinskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С395. TRILLIACEAE MENYANTHACEAE Menyanthes trifoliata L., 2n = 54; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С496. Paris quadrifolia L., 2n = 10; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & VCH C210. URTICACEAE ONAGRACEAE Urtica dioica L., 2n = 52; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С487. Epilobium adenocaulon Hausskn., 2n = 36; Russia, Irkutskaya Oblast’, AG & IE С554. 1299 TAXON 59 (4) • August 2010: 1298–1302 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 9 Kamil Coşkunçelebi1 & Vladimir Vladimirov2 1 Karadeniz Technical University, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Department of Biology, 61080 Trabzon, Turkey; kamil@ktu 2 Institute of Botany, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. Georgi Bonchev St., bl. 23, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria; vdvlad@bio All materials collected in Turkey; vouchers in SOM and KTUB (Herbarium of Department of Biology at Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon). Financial support of TÜBİTAK (TÜBİTAK-105T065) and Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for field work is gratefully acknowledged. Karyological studies have been supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria (B 1535/2005). ASTERACEAE Hieracium bornmuelleri Freyn, 2n = 27, CHN; Coşkunçelebi 671B (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165359). Hieracium medianiforme (Litv. & Zahn) Juxip, 2n = 27, CHN; Coşkunçelebi 667 (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165362). Hieracium paphlagonicum Freyn & Sint., 2n = 27, CHN; Coşkunçelebi 674 (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165368). Hieracium sparsum Friv., 2n = 3x = 27, FCM; Coşkunçelebi 718 (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165370). Pilosella auriculoides (Láng) Arv.-Touv., 2n = 54, CHN; Coşkunçelebi 677B (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165374). Pilosella procera (Fr.) F.W. Schultz & Sch. Bip., 2n = 36, CHN; Coşkunçelebi 675 (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165375). Pilosella hoppeana subsp. testimonialis (Peter) P.D. Sell & C. West, 2n = 18, CHN; Coşkunçelebi 668, 679B (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165377, 165378). Pilosella piloselloides (Vill.) Soják subsp. piloselloides, 2n = 45, CHN; Coşkunçelebi 679E (KTUB) & Vladimirov (SOM 165380). Mauro Grabiele,1,2* Ana I. Honfi1 & Julio R. Daviña1 1 Laboratorio de Citogenética Vegetal, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Rivadavia 2370, 3300 Posadas, Argentina 2 Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (IMBIVCONICET), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, C.C. 495, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina *Author for correspondence: [email protected] Dichorisandra hexandra (Aubl.) Standl., n = 38, 2n = 76; Argentina, Misiones, MG 37 (CTES, MNES). Tradescantia anagallidea Seub., n = 30, 2n = 60; Argentina, Misiones, L 680 (MNES, SI). Tradescantia fluminensis Vell., n = 20, 2n = 40; Argentina, Misiones, MG 31 (CTES, MNES, SI). Tradescantia pallida (Rose) D.R. Hunt, n = 12, 2n = 24; Argentina, Misiones MarG 7 (MNES, SI). Tradescantia zebrina Heynh. ex Bosse, n = 12, 2n = 24; Argentina, Misiones, MG 14 (CTES, MNES, SI). Tripogandra diuretica (Mart.) Handlos, n = 32, 2n = 64; Argentina, Misiones, MG 38 (MNES, SI). Tripogandra glandulosa (Seub.) Rohweder, n = 8, 2n = 16; Argentina, Chaco, MG 29 (CTES, MNES). María Gutiérrez* & Francisco María Vázquez Grupo HABITAT, Sección de Producción Forestal, Centro de Investigación La Orden-Valdesequera, Vicepresidencia Segunda y Consejería de Economía Comercio e Innovación, Junta de Extremadura, Apartado 22, 06080 Badajoz. España *Author for correspondence: [email protected] All materials CHN; chromosome numbers counted and ploidy level estimated by M. Gutiérrez (MG) and F.M. Vázquez (FMV); collectors: MG and FMV; vouchers in HSS and the figures in the HSSAnatomical collections (HSS-AC) sub numbers HSS-AC 022 to HSSAC 033. The work was supported by the Regional Dirección de Innovación y Competitividad Empresarial de la Vicepresidencia Segunda, Consejería de Economía, Comercio e Innovación de la Junta de Extremadura Project PRI-III nº PRI09A059. FEDER. LILIACEAE Gagea fragifera (Vill.) Ehr. Bayer & G. López, 2n = 72; Spain, MG C211 & FMV (HSS-AC 032). Gagea pratensis (Pers.) Dumort., 2n = 48; Spain, MG C117 & FMV (HSS-AC 033). Gagea reverchonii Degen, 2n = 24; Spain, MG C210 & FMV (HSSAC 023), MG C172 & FMV (HSS-AC 022). n = 12; Spain, MG C210 & FMV (HSS-AC 025). Gagea bohemica subsp. saxatilis (Mert. & W.D.J. Koch) Asch. & Graebn., 2n = 36; Spain, MG C190 & FMV (HSS-AC 035), MG C165 & FMV (HSS-AC 027), MG C171 & FMV (HSS-AC 028). n = 18, Spain, MG C190 & FMV (HSS-AC 034), MG C171 & FMV (HSS-AC 030). All materials CHN; collectors: MG = M. Grabiele, D = J.R. Daviña, H = A.I. Honfi, MarG = Mar. Grabiele, L = I.S. Insaurralde. Dalvir Kaur & Vijay K. Singhal* This study was supported by Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Técnica (ANPCyT) grant no. PICT-O 36907 and Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). COMMELINACEAE Commelina benghalensis L. var. benghalensis, n = 11, 2n = 22; Argentina, Misiones, MG, D, H & MarG 94 (MNES, SI). Commelina diffusa var. gigas (Small) Faden, 2n = 90; Argentina, Misiones, MG 36 (CTES, MNES, SI). Commelina erecta L., 2n = 60; Argentina, Misiones, MG 6 (CTES, MNES, SI). Commelina obliqua Vahl, 2n = 60; Argentina, Misiones, MG 25 (CTES, MNES, SI). Commelina platyphylla Klotzsch ex Seub., 2n = 30; Argentina, Misiones MG 23 (CTES, MNES, SI). 1300 Department of Botany, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India. *Author for correspondence: [email protected] All materials CHN, collected in India; collector: DK = Dalvir Kaur ; vouchers in PUN The study was supported by financial grant under DRS SAP-II and ASIST Programme of UGC, New Delhi. ACANTHACEAE Dicliptera bupleuroides Nees, n = 13; DK 23928. AMARANTHACEAE Cyathula tomentosa Moq., n = 17; DK 23929. TAXON 59 (4) • August 2010: 1298–1302 BALSAMINACEAE Impatiens brachycentra Kar. & Kir., n = 7; DK 23302, DK 23301. Impatiens laxiflora Edgew., n = 7; DK 23305. Impatiens scabrida DC., n = 7; DK 23304, DK 19823, DK 23303. Impatiens thomsonii Hook. f., n = 7; DK 23306. CANNABACEAE Cannabis sativa L., n = 10; DK 19824. Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 9 Anemone tetrasepala Royle, n = 14; DK 19871. Clematis grata Wall., n = 8; DK 23321, DK 19873, DK 19872, DK 23315. Clematis graveolens Lindl., n = 8; DK 19874. Clematis orientalis var. acutifolia Hook. f. & Thoms, n = 16; DK 19890. Ranunculus diffusus DC., n = 16; DK 19875. Ranunculus laetus Wall., n = 14; DK 19876. Thalictrum foetidum L., n = 21; DK 19878, DK 19877. CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera quinquelocularis Hardw., n = 9; DK 23318, DK 19883, DK 19884. ROSACEAE Potentilla atrosanguinea Lodd., n = 28; DK 19852. Rubus biflorus Buch.-Ham. ex Sm., n = 7; DK 23309, DK 19853. CARYOPHYLLACEAE Dianthus angulatus Royle, 2n = 30; DK 19833. Silene edgeworthii Bocquet, n = 12; DK 19892, DK 19891. Stellaria crispata Wall. ex D. Don, n = 17; DK 23319, DK 19894, DK 19893, DK 19895. CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium murale L., n = 9; DK 19886. ELAEAGNACEAE Hippophae rhamnoides L., n = 9; DK 19807, DK 23317. SCROPHULARIACEAE Euphrasia himalayica Wettst., n = 22; DK 19868. Leptorhabdos benthamiana Walp., n = 7; DK 19869. Pedicularis bicornuta Klotzsch, n = 8; DK 19867, DK 19866. SOLANACEAE Datura stramonium L., n = 12; DK 19896, DK 19898, DK 19900, DK 19899. Nicandra physaloides L., n = 10; DK 23322. Physalis minima L., n = 24; DK 23320. Physochlaina praealta Miers, n = 21; DK 19897. FABACEAE Astragalus chlorostachys Lindl., n = 8; DK 19835. Astragalus graveolens Buch.-Ham., n = 8; DK 19836, DK 23316. Campylotropis eriocarpa Schindler, n = 11; DK 19843. Indigofera heterantha Wall., n = 24; DK 19842, DK 19841. Melilotus alba Medik., n = 8; DK 23324, DK 23323. Trifolium pratense L., n = 7; DK 19847. Trifolium repens L., n = 16; DK 19846. Vicia rigidula Royle, n = 12; DK 19849. Vicia sativa L., n = 6; DK 19848. Vicia tenera Graham, n = 7; DK 19850. Micaela N. Seo Universidad de Buenos Aires. IFEVA, Fac. de Agronomía. Av. San Martín 4453. (C1417DSE) Cdad. de Buenos Aires. Argentina; [email protected] All materials CHN; collected in Argentina; vouchers in BAFC. The study was supported by IAPT Research Grant 2007, CONICET and by the Administración de Parques Nacionales de Argentina. GERANIACEAE Geranium pratense L., n = 28; DK 19854. Geranium wallichianum D. Don, n = 14; DK 23313, DK 19855, DK 23310. LAMIACEAE Mentha longifolia Huds., n = 12; DK 19856, DK 19857. Nepeta erecta Benth., n = 9; DK 19858, DK 19859. Leonurus cardiaca L., n = 9; DK 19865. Salvia nubicola Wall., n = 8; DK 19861, DK 19862, DK 19860. ONAGRACEAE Oenothera glazioviana Micheli, n = 14; DK 19829. VIOLACEAE Anchietea parvifolia Hallier f., n = 8; Seo 64 Hybanthus atropurpureus (A. St.-Hil.) Taub., n = 8; Seo 55 Hybanthus bicolor (A. St.-Hil.) Baill., n = 16; Seo 36, 62 Hybanthus bigibbosus (A. St.-Hil.) Hassl., n = 8; Seo 23, 27, 41, 47 Hybanthus calceolaria (L.) Oken, n = 16; Seo 16, 17, 33, 52 Hybanthus communis (A. St.-Hil.) Taub., n = 16; Seo 39, 43, 49, 50 Hybanthus hasslerianus (Chodat) Hassl., n = 16; Seo 37, 48 Hybanthus leucopogon Sparre, n = 16; Seo 34, 58 Hybanthus longistylus Schulze-Menz, n = 24; Seo 61 Hybanthus nanus (A. St.-Hil.) Paula-Souza, n = 16; Seo 29, 30, 54 Hybanthus paraguariensis (Chodat) Schulze-Menz, n = 8; Seo 35, 60 PAPAVERACEAE Papaver dubium L., n = 14; DK 19882. Johan J. Spies* & Susan M.C. Reinecke PHILADELPHACEAE Deutzia staminea R. Br., n = 13; DK 19888, DK 19887. PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago depressa Willd., n = 6; DK 19863, DK 23312. Plantago major L. n = 6; DK 19864. POLYGONACEAE Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, n = 8; DK 19880. Rumex hastatus D. Don, n = 9; DK 23311, DK 19881. RANUNCULACEAE Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC., n = 8; DK 23314, DK 19870. Department of Genetics (64), University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa *Author for correspondence: [email protected] All materials CHN. POACEAE Axonopus affinis Chase, n = 10; Swaziland, Spies 2645 (PRE). Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake, n = 20; South Africa, Spies 1967, 3720 (PRE). Bothriochloa insculpta (A. Rich.) A. Camus, n = 10; South Africa, Spies 6946 (BLFU). 1301 TAXON 59 (4) • August 2010: 1298–1302 Marhold (ed.) • IAPT/IOPB chromosome data 9 Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle, n = 10; South Africa, Spies 1947 (PRE). Dichanthium aristatum (Poir.) C.E. Hubb., n = 10; South Africa, Spies 4784 (BLFU). Digitaria eriantha Steud., n = 18; South Africa, Spies 6639 (BLFU). Digitaria tricholaenoides Stapf, n = 18; South Africa, Spies 6636, 6673 (BLFU). Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., n = 18; South Africa, Spies 6643 (BLFU). Eriochloa meyeriana (Nees) Pilg., n = 9; South Africa, Spies 2438 (PRE). Karroochloa purpurea (L. f.) Conert & Türpe, n = 6; South Africa, Spies 4359 (BLFU). Melinis repens (Willd.) Zizka, n = 9; South Africa, Spies 2398 (PRE). n = 18; South Africa, Spies 2873 (PRE). Miscanthus capensis (Nees) Andersson, n = 15; South Africa, Spies 4853 (BLFU). Phragmites mauritianus Kunth, n = 24; Swaziland, Spies 2535 (PRE). Trachypogon spicatus (L. f.) Kuntze, n = 10; South Africa, Spies 3591A (PRE). Urochloa mosambicensis (Hack.) Dandy, n = 7; South Africa, Spies 3286 (PRE). Régine Verlaque,1* Bruno Vila1 & Jean-Pierre Reduron2 1 Laboratoire de Biosystématique et d’Ecologie Méditerranéenne, IMEP-UMR 6116, Université de Provence, centre Saint-Charles (Case 4), Place Victor Hugo, 13331 Marseille Cedex 3, France 2 Service des Espaces verts, Conservatoire Botanique, Ville de Mulhouse, 45 Avenue du Repos, 68100 Mulhouse, France *Author for correspondence: [email protected] All materials CHN, gathered by J.-P. Reduron, M. Hildenbrand & M. Litzler, and cultivated in the Conservatoire botanique de Mulhouse (CBM); counted by R. Verlaque and B. Vila; vouchers in STR. 1302 PRIMULACEAE Androsace halleri L., 2n = 38; France, CBM 03-159B. APIACEAE Bupleurum alpigenum Jord. & Fourr., 2n = 16; France, CBM 95-18A. Bupleurum falcatum subsp. corsicum (Coss. & Kralik) Rouy & E.G. Camus, 2n = 16; Corsica, CBM 97-174. Chaerophyllum azoricum Trel., 2n = 22 + 2 to 4B; Azores: Faïal Island, CBM 98-110. Cyclospermum laciniatum (DC.) Constance, 2n = 28; Chile: Juan Fernandez Islands, CBM 01-058. Daucus carota subsp. azoricus Franco, 2n = 18; Azores: Pico Island, CBM F08-002. Daucus carota subsp. gadecaei (Rouy & E.G. Camus) Heywood, 2n = 18; France, CBM F06-223. Daucus carota subsp. hispanicus var. linearis Reduron, 2n = 18; France, CBM 08-078. Daucus carota subsp. gummifer (Syme) Hook. f., 2n = 18; France, CBM 09-015#; CBM 09-021#. Elaeoselinum asclepium subsp. meoides (Desf.) Maire, 2n = 22; Corsica, CBM 02-082. Pimpinella bicknellii Briq., 2n = 20; Balearic Islands: Majorca, CBM 9404. Seseli farrenyi J. Molero & J. Pujadas, 2n = 18; Spain, CBM 92-123. Seseli galloprovinciale Reduron, 2n = 22; France, CBM 94-183. Seseli globiferum Vis., 2n = 22; Montenegro, CBM 98-102. Seseli longifolium subsp. intermedium Reduron, 2n = 18; France: Gard, CBM 9423. Seseli rhodopeum Velen., 2n = 42; Bulgaria: Asenovgrad, CBM 2075. Seseli rigidum Waldst. & Kit., 2n = 20; Bulgaria: Varna, CBM 99-009. Seseli webbii Coss., 2n = 22; Canary Islands: Tenerife, CBM 20-117D. Tornabenea annua Bég., 2n = 18; Cape Verde Islands, CBM 06-124. Tornabenea tenuissima (A. Chev.) A. Hansen & Sunding, 2n = 18; Cape Verde Islands, CBM 08-006.