Towards building information modelling
for existing structures
Arayici, Y
Towards building information modelling for existing structures
Arayici, Y
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Yusuf Arayici,
School of Built Environment,
The University of Salford, UK
[email protected]
The transformation of cities from the industrial age (unsustainable) to the knowledge
age (sustainable) is essentially a ‘whole life cycle’ process consisting of; planning,
development, operation, reuse and renewal. During this transformation, a multidisciplinary knowledge base, created from studies and research about the built
environment aspects is fundamental: historical, architectural, archeologically,
environmental, social, economic, etc is critical. Although there are a growing number of
applications of 3D VR modelling applications, some built environment applications
such as disaster management, environmental simulations, computer aided architectural
design and planning require more sophisticated models beyond 3D graphical
visualization such as multifunctional, interoperable, intelligent, and multirepresentational.
Advanced digital mapping technologies such as 3D laser scanner technologies can be
are enablers for effective e-planning, consultation and communication of users’ views
during the planning, design, construction and lifecycle process of the built environment.
For example, the 3D laser scanner enables digital documentation of buildings, sites and
physical objects for reconstruction and restoration. It also facilitates the creation of
educational resources within the built environment, as well as the reconstruction of the
built environment. These technologies can be used to drive the productivity gains by
promoting a free-flow of information between departments, divisions, offices, and sites;
and between themselves, their contractors and partners when the data captured via those
technologies are processed and modelled into BIM (Building Information Modelling).
The use of these technologies is key enablers to the creation of new approaches to the
‘Whole Life Cycle’ process within the built and human environment for the 21st
century. The paper describes the research towards Building Information Modelling for
existing structures via the point cloud data captured by the 3D laser scanner technology.
A case study building is elaborated to demonstrate how to produce 3D CAD models and
BIM models of existing structures based on designated techniques.
Keywords: Building Information Modelling, 3D laser scanner, Pattern recognition,
Visualisation, point cloud data,
Documentation and plans, in which outstanding characteristics of buildings and
surroundings can be reflected, are critically important for many built environment
applications such as regeneration, construction, transportation, building refurbishment,
cultural heritage etc in order for adequate diagnosis and sustainable developments.
However, this documentation of information currently faces a real challenge (Huber,
2002) due to extreme difficulties to obtain full documentation: Sometimes, the
information in reality exists, but this fact is not known, or it is not at an acceptable
quality, or not easily accessible, leading to unnecessary duplication of efforts and
resources or possible loss (Fryer, 2007, Arayici, et al 2004). For example, inappropriate
restorations in the historic environments can result in irreversible damages due to lack
of documentation and plans. The possibility of counting upon catalogues of goods and
properties and their associated meta-data, where it is possible to ascertain the possible
existence of certain information and to co-ordinate actions between the organizations in
charge is also a key issue (Arayici, 2007). One of the greater limitations that incur at the
moment is the integration of information. It is not only important to have the data, but
also its availability in digital format is critical because the greater part of the present
information remains in paper format. Furthermore, these digital formats should be
compatible with one another and the data should have semantic meaning and they
should be inter-connected for interoperability. As a result, the usual problems of
information incoherence are avoided and the duplicity of efforts in terms of personnel
and economic resources is also avoided (Haist & Coors, 2005).
These circumstances shows that capturing and modelling of the real world data for
various built environment applications is very challenging even though a number of
techniques and technologies are now in use such as EDM (Electronic Distance
Measurement), GPS (Global Positioning System), photogrammetric applications,
remote sensing and building surveying applications (Fryer et al, 2007). This is because
the use of these technologies has not been practical and efficient with regard to time,
cost, accuracy and usefulness. In order to meet the challenges mentioned above, 3D
modelling has an increasing demand by the stakeholders in the built environment field
(Hakim & Beraldin, 2008). This modelling employs geospatial data captured by means
of 3D digital mapping tools and technologies such as photogrammetry, 3D laser
scanning. However, processing the captured data to create 3D virtual models includes a
great deal of laborious work that cause very long time for delivery, high cost, low
accuracy and possible distortion in the 3D models due to manual process.
These drawbacks make 3D modeling limits the uptake of the 3D models in the built
environment even though it is crucially needed for the built environment applications.
Besides, the current 3D modeling attempts have been mainly focused on graphical
representations with limited support of semantic aspects, topology, and interoperability
(Nebiker et al, 2005, Falquet & Metral, 2005, Thiemann and Sester, 2005). However, it
would be immensely useful for a number of applications such as disaster management,
regeneration, environmental simulations, computer aided architectural design (CAAD),
and regional planning if a semantic 3D models of existing structures in a standard such
as IFC (Benner et al 2005, Kolbe &Bacharach, 2006) are automatically produced at a
reasonable cost. It will be more sophisticated model beyond 3D visualization because of
being multifunctional, interoperable, intelligent, and multi-representational.
Real World Data Capture and Processing
In this section, 3D laser scanning is introduced for real world data capture and
processing. The 3D Laser scanning technologies have been introduced in the field of
surveying and are able to acquire 3D information about physical objects of various
shapes and sizes in a cost and time effective way. While laser scanning based on the
triangulation principle and high degrees of precision have been widely used since the
80s, `Time of Flight` instruments have only been developed for metric survey
applications in this decade (Bornaz, Rinaudo, 2004). The latter has been optimized for
high speed surveying, and a set of mechanisms that allows the laser beam to be directed
in space in a range that varies according to the instrument that is being used. For each
acquired point, a distance is measured on a known direction: X, Y, and Z coordinates of
a point can be computed for each recorded distance direction. Laser scanners allow
millions of points to be recorded in a few minutes. Because of their practicality and
versatility, these kinds of instruments have the potential to be widely used in the field of
architectural, archaeological and environmental surveying (Valanis & Tsakiri, 2004).
Research studies have been undertaken to investigate the advantages of 3D laser
scanning technology over the current technologies available for natural environment,
cultural heritage documentation, mining, and tunnel bridge construction and as built
survey for defect detection. In addition, 3D prototyping in manufacturing has been
carried out for small objects such as car seats. However, the same concept has not been
applied in the built environment effectively.
Laser scanner is can be airborne or terrestrial. The main difference of airborne 3D laser
scanners from the terrestrial 3D laser scanners is that the scanner is mounted beneath a
plane to scan the earth surface while flying. However, the scanning principles and
output from the scanning, which is point cloud data, are the same. Airborne laser
scanning is an active technique to acquire point clouds describing the earth surface.
While early systems generated datasets with an average point spacing of a few meters,
modern systems are capable of acquiring several points per square meter. In addition,
they offer the capability to record multiple echoes per laser pulse as well as pulse
intensities. Originally being used as a powerful technique for the acquisition of data for
digital terrain models, airborne laser scanning is meanwhile often referred to as a tool
for adding the third dimension to GIS data, and to acquire data for a wide range of 3D
object modelling tasks (Bornaz & Rinaudo, 2004). However, unlike the capturing,
processing the point cloud data is a painful, complex task with intensive manual work to
produce 3D models of the scanned objects. This is required to convert the point cloud
data into simpler forms that can be manipulated by other built environment software
systems such as CAD because the point cloud data occupies huge disk space and
requires very high spec computers (Arayici, et al 2004, Litchi, 2005).
For the case study project, a Riegl LMS-Z210 3D laser scanner (, was
used in combination with PolyWorks software ( for processed
point data. The LMS-Z210 3D imaging sensor is a rugged and fully portable sensor for
the rapid acquisition of high-quality three-dimensional images even under highly
demanding environmental conditions. The scanner provides a combination of wide
field-of-view, high accuracy, and fast data acquisition. The scanner is connected to a
12V battery and a ruggedised laptop (
Spot size/ beamwidth
25mm @ 100m
Max resolution
6.000 pts/sec
angular resolution
angular resolution
Table 1: Specification of LMS Z210 scanner used in the case study area
Building Information Modelling
Building Information Modelling is the term used to describe a range of disciplinespecific software applications that support all phases of the project lifecycle from
conceptual design and construction documentation, to coordination and construction,
and throughout ongoing facility management, maintenance, and operations. BIM is an
integrated 3D digital description of a building, its site and related geographic
information system (GIS) context. A BIM comprises individual building, site or GIS
objects with attributes that define their detailed description and relationships that
specify the nature of the context with other objects. BIM is called a rich model because
all objects in it have properties and relationships and this information can be for data
mining to develop simulations or calculations using the model data (Ballesty, 2007).
The principal difference between BIM and 2D CAD is that the latter describes a
building by 2D drawings such as plans, sections, and elevations. Editing one of these
views requires that all other views must be checked an updated, an error-prone process
that is one of the major causes of poor documentation today. In addition, the data in
these 2D drawings are graphical entities only such as lines, arcs and circles, in contrast
to the intelligent contextual semantic of BIM models, elements and systems such as
spaces, walls, beams and piles (Ballesty, 2007). The generic attributes of BIM are listed
Robust geometry: objects are described by faithful and accurate geometry that is
Comprehensive and extensible object properties that expand the meaning of the
object. Objects in the model either have some predefined properties or the IFC
specification allows for the assignment of any number of user or project specific
properties are richly described with items such as a manufacturer’s product code or
cost or date of last service.
Semantic richness: the model provides for many types of relationships that can be
accessed for analysis and simulation.
Integrated information: the model holds all information in a single repository
ensuring consistency accuracy and accessibility of data.
Lifecycle support: the model definition supports data over the complete facility
lifecycle from conception to demolition, for example, client requirements data such
as room areas or environmental performance can be compared with as designed, as
built or as performing data
The key benefits of BIM is its accurate geometrical representation of the parts of a
building in an integrated data environment are listed below (Ballesty, 2007)
Faster and more effective processes - information is more easily shared can be value
added and reused.
Better design – building proposals can be rigorously analysed, simulations can be
performed quickly and performance benchmarked, enabling improved and
innovative solutions
Controlled whole life costs and environmental data – environmental performance is
more predictable, lifecycle costs are understood.
Better production quality - documentation output is flexible and exploits
Automated assembly – digital product data can be exploited in downstream
processes and manufacturing
Better customer service – proposals are understood through accurate visualisation
Lifecycle data – requirements, design, construction and operational information can
be used for, for example, facilities management.
Integration of planning and implementation processes – government, industry, and
manufacturers have a common data protocol
Ultimately, a more effective and competitive industry and long term sustainable
regeneration projects
Interoperability is defined as the seamless sharing of building data between multiple
applications over any or all applications (or disciplines) over any or all lifecycle phases
of a building’s development. Although BIM may be considered as an independent
concept, in practice, the business benefits of BIM are dependent on the shared
utilisation and value added creation of integrated model data.
To access the model data therefore requires an information protocol, and although
several vendors have their own proprietary database formats, the only open global
standard are IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) that published by the international
Alliance for interoperability (IAI) and cityGML (city Geographic Markup Language)
that is published by the Open Geospatial Consortium. However, IFC standard is
explained only as the focus of information modelling in this paper is towards IFC
IFC (Industry Foundation Classes)
The need for standard data exchange languages has been widely recognized throughout
the AEC/FM IT community and a large-scale international effort has taken up this
challenge. The International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) (, (BLIS, 2002) is a global coalition of industry practitioners, software
vendors, and researchers (over 600 companies around the world) working to support
interoperability throughout the AEC/FM community by developing the Industry
Foundation Class (IFC) standard. The IFCs are a high-level, object-oriented data model
for the AEC/FM industry. The IFCs model all types of AEC/FM project information
such as parts of a building, the geometry and material properties of building products,
project costs, schedules, and organizations, etc (Froese T. 2003). The information from
almost any type of computer application that works with structured data about AEC
building projects can be mapped into IFC data files. In this way, IFC data files provide a
neutral file format that enable AEC/FM computer applications to efficiently share and
exchange project information. The IFCs, initiated in 1994, have now undergone four
major releases, and commercial software tools for the AEC industry (such as Autodesk's
Architectural Desktop, Graphisoft’s Archicad, Nemetschek’s Allplan, Microsoft's Visio,
and Timberline Precision Estimator) are beginning to implement IFC file exchange
capabilities (Froese T. 2003).
The scope of the IFCs includes product information: it models the physical parts that
make up a building, including the semantic identification of all the building’s systems
and elements, their geometry, design properties, etc. Within the IFC’s, the
representation of certain building systems (e.g., basic architectural features such as
walls, doors, floors, etc.) is fairly extensive while other building systems (e.g., electrical
systems) have received very little development to date (IFC release 2X2, currently in
development at the time of writing, will extend many of these areas). The scope also
includes non-product information, such as costs, schedules, people and organizations,
resources, documents, etc. The largest effort to date in implementing IFCs has been in
the area of product information, such as building geometry. Many of the IFCcompatible systems that have been developed to date do work with non-product
information. However, in almost all cases, these systems use product information as an
input to non-product applications. For example, the product model is used to input
geometry into an energy simulation application, or to input a quantity takeoff into an
estimating application. Very few systems have written non-product information back
into IFC files and used these to exchange non-product data.
A Case Study Approach for Real World Data Modeling
The case study building under refurbishment is selected in East Manchester. The paper
explains the point cloud data capture, processing and modelling. A true colour image
generated from scanned data shown in figure 1 and 2. 3D point cloud data was captured
with the Riegl LMS Z210 scanner together with the companion software called
RiSCANPro. There were 12 scan positions outside the building. The individual scans
were conducted at two phases. In the first phase, an overview scan was done. The
overview scan is quick scan with rough resolution and with 330 degree horizontal field
of view. At the second phase, much higher quality of scan was done. To do this, initially
a frame of interested area, which was the building in the field of view, in the previous
coarse scan on laptop, was defined. Following this, scanning resolution was set to
13mm. therefore; the second phase scan operation took longer time at around 9-10
minutes as opposed to initial overview scan, which took only 15 seconds
Figure 1: front point cloud image of the building based on the scanner field of view
Figure 2: rear point cloud image of the building based on the scanner field of view
For scans registration and post processing, RiSCANPro and the Polyworks software
were used consecutively based on project requirements and scanning strategy. Once all
the scans are registered, a point cloud model of the scanned object is obtained. A 3D
mesh model can be generated using the IMMerge Module of Polyworks software.
Meshing parameters such as surface sampling step, reduction tolerance, smoothing and
maximum distance, are important to create smooth and filtered high quality mesh model
with high resolution. To achieve this, it is important to take into account the scanning
parameters. The accuracy and resolution of the model will be dependent on the scanning
resolution and the laser scanner accuracy. The output from IMMerge is a polygonal
mesh model of the building. The final merged model can then be exported from
IMMerge and imported into IMEdit for refining. Figure 3 shows an image of the mesh
model of the case study building in the IMEdit module.
Figure 3: The Jactin house mesh model in IMEdit of Polywork
The editing process is crucial in order to produce a neat CAD model. This is also done
in the Polyworks IMEdit software. Several steps exist to complete the editing process to
a high standard. This step is illustrated in figure 4 below. The first activity is to orientate
and align the 3D Mesh model according to the 3D common coordinate system because
the model could be oblique in space. As a result, width, height and length of the model
can be viewed horizontally and vertically when the model is viewed from X, Y or Z
perspectives of the coordinate system. For example, the script below can automatically
align the model XZ coordinate dimensions. In the same manner, the model can be
aligned with XY and YZ coordinate dimensions.
Lining Up the Model
Plane Insertion
Vertices Selection
Project Vertices onto
the Plane
Optimize mesh model
Generate Crosssections
Export Cross-sections
3D CAD Model
(Surface or Polygonal)
Figure 4: Point Cloud Data editing and CAD extraction process
The script below is to align a mesh model in XZ plane
version "4.0"
set j expr($i-1)
Figure 5: Code for model lining up
Once the model is lined up, using the script below for each surface in the model, the
subsequent steps (plane insertion, vertices selection, and projection of vertices onto the
plane) in figure 6 can be carried out automatically. However, this script can be
improved by encompassing all the stages in figure 4 to the end of cad extraction.
According to the script in figure 6, all the vertices that are 4.5 cm away from the plane
are automatically selected and projected on the plane. However, this can vary from cm
level to mm level depending on the scan resolution and accuracy of vertex positions.
Following the projection of vertices, it is necessary to optimize the mesh model to make
the model consistent and if necessary reduce the number of points at some regions in the
model to reduce the file size and avoid point intensity and heterogenic point scatter.
Mesh optimization may be applied to a selection, or to the entire model. There are a
number of parameters that need to be adjusted for mesh optimization. These are (i)
sensitivity, (ii) minimum number of triangles per vertex, (iii) max number of triangles
per vertex, (iv) min inner angle, (v) max dihedral angle. After mesh optimization, the
triangulated mesh is more consistent, and the surface curvature is better described.
Mesh optimization works best if the polygonal mesh is relatively smooth.
version "4.0"
#WHILE $I<$I+1
# ++I
Figure 6: Code Plane insertion, vertex selection and projection onto the plane
Before generating cross-sections, a regular mesh model with planes and defined edges
should be in place. Cross-sections are created through the planes inserted into the
corresponding surfaces. Each cross-section will create a CAD line on the edges of the
corresponding surfaces. This CAD lines describes the characteristics features of the
building model. Cross-sections can be exported in various formats such as DXF, IGES,
and so on. Generally, exporting to DXF is the preferred option because it is CAD
exchange format. The export of cross-sections can be done in a variety of combinations
such as individual section export, group of section export or all sections export at a
time. In addition, the exported model can be either a polygonal CAD model or a surface
model depending on the configuration of the export parameters in the Polywork
software. Figure 7 and 8 show the cad model extracted of the jactin house building as an
Figure 7: front view of Jactin House CAD model produced from point cloud data
Figure 8:rear view of the building from an oblique angle as CAD model
4.1. Transfer to BIM
The object-oriented CAD modelling approach utilises the Microstation Triforma
software, which employs the building information modelling concept. All information
about a building (or at least as much as possible) is recorded in a 3 dimensional model.
Traditionally a given door in a building would be drawn in at least three or four places
(plan, building elevation, building section, interior elevation, etc). In the Triforma
building information modelling, it is constructed once and these various drawings are
later extracted automatically. It requires building objects that are defined, edited and
stored in the triforma library.
Since the entire process is not fully automated, manual interaction with the model in
stages of figure 9 is needed. For example, individual entities from the Polywork
software are achieved by many subsequent exports of group of cross-section that
represent a building entity. Furthermore, instead of only assigning part attributes for the
sample entities, the former is assigned to each entity manually since there is no search
engine embedded into the process yet. However, once a search engine is adopted, the
whole process can be fully automated for OO CAD modelling for the entire process in
figure 9.
Import the entities
into the
microstation as
After editing, copy
references to the
master drawing
Define sample
Assign part
attributes to the
sample entities
Search the whole
model to find the
copies of the
sample entities
Assign the part
attributes of the
sample entities to
the found copies
Save the model as
triforma file
Export the triforma
file as IFC file
Figure 9: experimented Object Oriented CAD modelling
In computer vision, some research activities have been undertaken for shape
representation and semantic retrieval from images [9]. By means of a search engine, to
semantically annotate a shape library can be challenging for complex shapes and
structures. However, if the shapes are the CAD graphics as illustrated in figure 7 and 8,
it is possible to annotate it automatically. There are efficient techniques available in the
literature. However, a simple way is to design some templates representing each type of
objects, and then mapping those new shapes into templates. When a library of annotated
objects is evolved over time, this library can be used to pattern match new shapes from
the CAD graphics, which is derived from point cloud data.
The complexity of annotation depends on how large shapes are and the nature of these
shapes. For example, if it is a new project, which is not large, newly created objects can
be manually annotated and stored into the library, so that the annotated and stored
objects may be reused in the same project or other projects. That is, whenever an object
is necessary later in a project, it can be simply found in the library and manipulated for
new circumstances and scenarios. If a required object cannot be found in the library, it
can be created and annotated manually for the first time and then stored into the library
in order to enrich the library. However, in case of a large amount of objects to be
defined and annotated, which also need to be stored into the library, these objects can be
defined with some pattern recognition techniques such as the contour based shape
descriptors, like elongation, compactness, Fourier descriptors etc, normally those
descriptors are size, translation and rotation invariant (Zhan & Lu, 2004 ).
Based on the logic above, the pattern matching search engine in figure 9 will access the
triforma library with the criteria in hand to conduct search and match. Two different
type of matching are taken into consideration. These are exact pattern matching and
approximate pattern matching. Exact pattern matching will seek the exact pattern. The
approximate pattern matching will include a threshold tolerance for matching the
pattern sought.
As a result of the matching strategy outlined above, the pattern recognition can be
worked out for the 3D CAD models of buildings. Attributes of the objects matched in
the library will be assigned to the building entities in the CAD model. Subsequently,
this will lead to transforming the 3D CAD model into Triforma based BIM model. Once
this transformation is completed, the Triforma based BIM model can be mapped into
IFC schema to save the model in IFC data model by means of the IFC plug-in of
Triforma. The image in figure 10 shows the IFC model of the Jactin house in the
Microstation triforma environment that has IFC 2X plug-in installed.
Figure 10, IFC model of the Case Study building in Microstation Triforma
The research is ongoing and the experience is aimed to expand to apply into various
buildings including historical buildings that have intensive architectural details.
Therefore, the spin images generation (Huber, 2002), (Johnson 1997), Hough
transformation and candy edge detection (Luhmann, et al, 2006) are being investigated
to be embedded into the algorithm.
This paper claims that Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be achieved for
existing structures by modelling the data captured with 3D laser scanner from the
existing world. This can be accomplished by adapting appropriate automated data
processing and pattern recognition techniques through applied science research. This
will enable automated and fast data capture and modelling for not only in design and
planning, building refurbishment, effective heritage documentation and VR modelling
but also disaster management, environmental analysis, assessment and monitoring, GIS
implementation, sophisticated simulation environments for different purposes such as
climate change, regeneration simulation for complexity and uncertainty and so on. As a
result, it will increase the capability for fast production of virtual reality models and
comprehensive and sophisticated simulation platforms to utilize when needed by the
built environment applications in order to achieve long term sustainable built
environment for living and working in the knowledge age.
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