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Kinesthetic Approach in Architectural Space

Kinesthetic Approach in Architectural Space

International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Constructed spaces have the ability to influence the lives of people living in those spaces for good or bad. They have the potential to influence the user's experience. This can be done by choreographing each area in a building in order to give a person different perceptions when going through those areas. We experience any visual frame as we pass through a built space and view it in relation to the neighboring frame. At the same time, we do not simply see them when moving via a space, but even our senses are also engaged in the space perception process. They are driving our front ward motion unintentionally and our unintentional pauses. As we pass through a construction, we see the various components of the building unfold. One needs to decipher the various layers that articulate these spaces in order to address the kinesthetic factor. The order of spaces not only controls the direction of motion and the pattern of motion, but also indicates that an individual pauses or continues. Many experiences are felt because of the sequential emergence of various spaces when going through Indian traditional architecture. These observations are not accidental but are the result of conscious design decisions. But the concept of kinesthetics is ignored as an incidental phenomenon if we focus at contemporary architecture. Architects have some goals that they tackle any project with. Among them, the user experience is typically given the least importance, even though it is the most vital issue. The opportunity for buildings built with sound kinesthetics is to construct a human environment that is conducive to its inhabitants. This research is an attempt to find out the variables by paying close attention to the kinesthetics of a space from which the experience of the users can be improved.

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