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2003, Journal of Neurology
Introduction: It is known that, throughout the development of the nervous system, the cellular migratory routes are an important part of its expansion; therefore, the cerebellum is ‘sprinkled’ with cellular changes during its growth. The aim of this study was to analyse the morphological features of the cerebellum cells in all the layers, during its development. Material and methods: We examined 14 cases of human cerebellum, ranging between 1 to 12 months by histopathology and immunohistochemistry. Results: Haematoxylin and eosin staining method confirmed the age-linked migration of the cells from the external granular layer into the internal granular layer. Moreover, immunohistochemical evaluation using PROX1 and NFAP showed positivity for the Purkinje cells. However, these cells exposed negativity on NSE stained specimens. On the other hand, the transience of the EGL was analyzed using OCT3/4, which showed the migration of the EGL cells through the molecular layer to the IGL. Also, GFAP and NFAP proved to be a useful tool for the identification of the climbing fibres and the variation of their density connected the age of the patient. Conclusions: The human cerebellum undergoes different morphological and molecular changes throughout its evolution during embryogenesis. The markers used in our study have proved to present a differential, stage-dependant reactivity and appeared as useful tools for the identification of different cerebellar structures. Our study is a challenging attempt to understand the basics of cerebellar development at a morphological and molecular level and may bring new perspectives for a better approach of cerebellar associated pathologies.
Development (Cambridge, England), 2014
The cerebellum is a pre-eminent model for the study of neurogenesis and circuit assembly. Increasing interest in the cerebellum as a participant in higher cognitive processes and as a locus for a range of disorders and diseases make this simple yet elusive structure an important model in a number of fields. In recent years, our understanding of some of the more familiar aspects of cerebellar growth, such as its territorial allocation and the origin of its various cell types, has undergone major recalibration. Furthermore, owing to its stereotyped circuitry across a range of species, insights from a variety of species have contributed to an increasingly rich picture of how this system develops. Here, we review these recent advances and explore three distinct aspects of cerebellar development - allocation of the cerebellar anlage, the significance of transit amplification and the generation of neuronal diversity - each defined by distinct regulatory mechanisms and each with special si...
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, 2013
The cerebellum is an important structure in the central nervous system that controls and regulates motor and non-motor functions. It is located beneath the occipital lobe and dorsal to the brainstem. Today, we know much about its complex circuitry and physiology. The cerebellum has a well-defined and highly organized structure. The cortex of the cerebellum contains eight neuronal cell types and receives input from a variety of sites within the CNS and processes the information in a uniform manner. The cerebellum projects to a variety of different sites within the CNS to regulate motor function. Although much has been discovered regarding the complex architecture of the cerebellum, there are significant gaps in our understanding of the broader role of the cerebellum in brain function. In this chapter, we will review briefly the embryological development of the cerebellum and provide an overview of the anatomy of the cerebellum.
Early Human Development, 1989
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy, 2011
The objective of present study is to describe the prenatal histogenesis of human cerebellar cortex. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the various histological features of human foetal cerebellum in spontaneously aborted fetuses of different gestational ages for analyzing the cerebellar histology. Histogenesis of cerebellum is observed from 13 weeks to 36 weeks of gestational age by dividing the specimens into six gestational age groups (group A to group F). External granular layer is observed at 13 weeks of gestation and purkinje cell layer is arranged at 17 weeks as a multilayered and single layer at 36 weeks of gestation. The knowledge of cerebellar anatomy has a tremendous neurosurgical importance. Future investigations might involve evaluation of the cerebellum at other gestational ages.
Tạp chí Dinh dưỡng và Thực phẩm
Chuối tiêu hồng là giống cây ăn quả đặc sản của nước ta có chất lượng thơm ngon, vỏ màu vàng đẹp được nhiều người tiêu dùng ưa chuộng. Tuy nhiên quả chuối tiêu hồng thường chỉ sử dụng ở dạng quả tươi kể cả việc tiêu thụ trong nước hay xuất khẩu. Điều này đã dẫn đến dư thừa khi chuối tiêu hồng được mùa. Mục tiêu nghiên cứu là tạo ra các sản phẩm từ quả chuối tiêu hồng nhằm nâng cao giá trị của quả. Kết quả: 1) Ứng dụng công nghệ chiên chân không để tạo ra sản phẩm chuối chiên có màu vàng sáng, trạng thái giòn, độ ẩm 4,2%, hàm lượng chất béo 7,4%; 2) Ứng dụng công nghệ sấy phun để tạo ra sản phẩm bột chuối sấy có màu trắng kem, thơm đặc mùi chuối, tơi, mịn; độ ẩm 3,3%; hàm lượng đường tổng 92,6%; hàm lượng protein 1,4%; hàm lượng gluxid 94,1%; 3) Ứng dụng công nghệ enzyme để tạo ra được sản phẩm tinh bột chuối có màu trắng, mùi đặc trưng tinh bột chuối, bột tơi, khô, mịn; độ ẩm: 10,24%; hàm lượng tro 0,11%; hàm lượng protein 0,12%; hàm lượng tinh bột 87,67%.
HRE 19. Leiden: Brill., 2024
IDSA Journal, 2024
Journal of Differential Equations, 2014
Journal of Evidence Based Medicine and Healthcare, 2021
Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 2022
Recueil de morceaux - Michel Houellebecq, 2024
Inžinerinė ekonomika, 2024