Michael Finke
Petra Geutner
Hermann Hild
Thomas Kemp
Interactive Systems Laboratories
Klaus Ries
Martin Westphal
University of Karlsruhe, Germany
Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Verbmobil, a German research project, aims at machine
translation of spontaneous speech input. The ultimate
goal is the development of a portable machine translator
that will allow people to negotiate in their native language.
Within this project the University of Karlsruhe has developed a speech recognition engine that has been evaluated on
a yearly basis during the project and shows very promising
speech recognition word accuracy results on large vocabulary spontaneous speech. In this paper we will introduce
the Janus Speech Recognition Toolkit underlying the speech
recognizer. The main new contributions to the acoustic
modeling part of our 1996 evaluation system { speaker normalization, channel normalization and polyphonic clustering { will be discussed and evaluated. Besides the acoustic
models we delineate the di erent language models used in
our evaluation system: Word trigram models interpolated
with class based models and a separate spelling language
model were applied. As a result of using the toolkit and
integrating all these parts into the recognition engine the
word error rate on the German Spontaneous Scheduling
Task (GSST) could be decreased from 30% word error rate
in 1995 to 13.8% in 1996.
Verbmobil is a long-term research project aimed at machine
translation of spontaneous speech input. The ultimate goal
of the Verbmobil project is the development of a portable
machine translator which is capable of assisting business
people from di erent countries to negotiate with each other
in their native language. As rst language to start with
a German speech recognition system was to be built. In
order to get a representative mix of di erent German dialects, data has been collected at four di erent sites in Germany. The domain of the system is restricted to scheduling
of meetings, but no arti cial restrictions are placed upon
the speakers and their speaking style. Therefore, spontaneous phenomena like noise, stuttering, restarts and nongrammatical sentences occur. All of these phenomena have
to be dealt with in both the speech recognition and the
machine translation component of Verbmobil.
In this paper we will give an overview of the KarlsruheVerbmobil Speech Recognition Engine { a large vocabulary spontaneous speech recognizer developed to be used as
speech recognition component in the Verbmobil speech-to-
speech translation project.
The Karlsruhe-Verbmobil Speech Recognition Engine is
based on the Janus Speech Recognition Toolkit (JRTk) developed at the Interactive Systems Laboratories in Karlsruhe and at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. This
toolkit implements a new object-oriented approach. A exible Tcl/Tk script based environment allows building stateof-the-art multimodal recognizers { this includes speech,
handwriting and gesture recognition. Unlike other toolkits
Janus is not a set of libraries and precompiled modules but
a programmable shell with transparent, yet very ecient
Ranging from mixture of gaussian hidden markov models and hybrid neural network-HMM recognition approaches
to hierarchical mixture of experts models a large variety of
recognition approaches is addressed in our group. For all
those approaches objects are available within the toolkit
that serve as building blocks for applications. The underlying data structures of all these objects can be inspected
and modi ed at script level. This makes Janus an easy-touse testbed for new research ideas. It also o ers a great
exibility allowing rapid prototyping. The Tk component
adds a graphical user interface to the recognition toolkit
thereby simplifying setting up and running demos. The
toolkit passed its rst test with the Janus Switchboard
recognizer which was top ranking in DARPA's spring 96
LVCSR evaluation and currently has a state-of-the-art error rate of 36% [4, 10].
Currently, approximately 32 hours of labelled spontaneous
speech training material is available for training the acoustic models of our speech recognition engine. We will discuss
in greater detail the preprocessing steps and the polyphonic
modeling approach, because they can be considered the major new contributions to the 1996 system in terms of word
3.1. Preprocessing
From the short time spectral analysis of the 16 kHz sampled
audio recordings we derive a 16ms wide power spectrum
that is calculated every 10ms. Based on these spectral features the further preprocessing steps can be summarized as
speaker normalization, channel normalization, and speech
feature extraction.
WER in %
using reference
using hypothesis
Table 1. Word error rate of the VTLN system.
Figure 1 shows the distribution of the optimal warping
factors in the training set for all male and female speakers respectively. Warping factors above 1.0 correspond to
frequency compression and those above 1.0 to frequency expansion.
Speaker variability may also be dealt with by de ning
speaker clusters and training di erent acoustic models for
them. One way of clustering is to separate male and female speakers. With gender-dependent modeling we could
achieve a 2% relative decrease in WER compared to the
speaker independent non VTLN system assuming perfect
gender detection. That means that gender-dependent modeling is outperformed by VTLN as it was observed on SWB,
too [9]. One explanation is that the speaker clustering and
subsequent training of independent acoustic models reduced
the training data for each recognizer to about the half. The
VTLN approach on the other hand aims at normalizing with
respect to the speakers' vocal tract shape. With the vocal
tract length normalization reducing the variability between
speakers we can build more compact models and thus make
more ecient use of the acoustic parameters.
VTLN warping factors iteration 4
3.1.1. Speaker Normalization
One major source of interspeaker variability in automatic
continuous speech recognition is the variation in vocal tract
shape among speakers. Andreou et al [1] proposed a set of
maximum likelihood speaker normalization procedures to
explicitly compensate for these variations. Based on the observation that the position of the spectral formants peaks
for utterances are inversely proportional to the length of
the vocal tract, these procedures reduced speaker dependent variations between formant frequencies through a simple linear warping of the frequency axis. As a consequence
a speaker normalization step was introduced into our preprocessing.
In Janus we implemented a maximum likelihood approach similar to [7], where the goal is to determine a frequency warping factor ^ such that the warped speech signal
ts best to the acoustic models. Let Oi be the acoustic observation vectors for utterance i warped by based on a
piecewise linear warping function as described in [9]. During both testing and training, the warp scale is estimated
by maximizing the likelihood of the utterance P (Oi Wi ),
where Wi denotes the corresponding transcription of the
utterance (for training this is the presumably correct transcription and for testing the hypothesis derived in a rst
search pass). Since it is very dicult to obtain a closed
form solution for the optimal warping factor we used a grid
search over a set of 12 di erent factors to determine the
shape of the warping function. Experiments showed that
referring to the likelihood of voiced frames only instead of
computing the likelihood of all speech frames to nd the
best warping factor, reduced the word error rate by 5% relative.
Table 1 shows the performance of our baseline system and
the system with vocal tract length normalization. VTLN
reduces the error rate by 12%. Using the hypothesis of the
rst search pass instead of the correct transcription turned
out to be almost as good as taking the reference to estimate
the warping factor.
warp factor
Figure 1. Distribution of warping factors.
3.1.2. Channel Normalization
Our channel normalization is a variant of the standard
cepstral mean subtraction. The mean of a whole utterance that will be subtracted from each speech vector in
the cepstral or log-spectral domain is a simple estimate of
the acoustic channel. Since it contains not only channel
distortions but also averaged speech (that should also be
removed) the estimate depends on the silence-to-speech relation. Especially with utterances containing longer pauses
{ as it is the case in a spontaneous task like Verbmobil {
we get a better and more consistent estimate when considering only speech frames to calculate the mean vector. In
our Janus system this is done using a simple energy based
speech detector. The "take all frames" method helped to
reduce the word error rate by about 6% relative.
3.1.3. Speech Feature Extraction
For speech feature extraction we used a 30 dimensional
melscale lterbank and derived 13 cepstral coecients from
it. The channel normalization technique is applied to this
mel-cepstral feature stream. For the normalized coecients
we added the rst and second order derivatives and reduced
the dimension of the input space from 39 to 32 coecients
using linear discriminant analysis.
3.2. Polyphonic Clustering
Context-dependent acoustic models have been applied in
speech recognition research for many years, and have proven
to increase the recognition accuracy signi cantly. The most
common approach is to use triphones. Recently, several
speech recognition groups have started investigating the use
of larger phonetic context windows when building acoustic
models. We also make use of a larger context in our recognizer by allowing questions in the allophonic decision tree
not only referring to the immediate neighboring phones but
also to phones further away (for Verbmobil we used a con-
text of two instead of the context of one as in the triphone
In a two stage decision tree based clustering approach the
codebooks are clustered rst and, based on the clustered
codebooks, in a second step the distributions are clustered.
For Verbmobil we ended up having 2500 codebooks and
10000 distributions. This clustering approach implementing a exible parameter tying scheme gave us signi cant
improvement across all tasks WSJ, SWB, and Spontaneous
Scheduling Task, and across all languages involved (German
i.e. Verbmobil, Spanish, English) [3].
Standard Trigram
Standard Class Trigram
Class Trigram, p(w c) adapted
same, but adaptive clustering
+ Std. Trigram on small corpus
+ Std. Class Trigram on small corpus
+ Std. Trigram
same, but no adaptive clustering
same, but p(w c) not adapted
In terms of language model training material the Verbmobil domain is a fairly small spontaneous speech corpus. As
baseline we use a trigram backo model with absolute discounting and non-linear interpolation. Like on the much
larger Switchboard corpus long-range language models like
cache models did not result in any WER reduction [10].
4.1. Function and Content Words
In order to introduce longer-term dependencies than conventional trigrams, some linguistic constraints were introduced into our language models. The notion of function
and content words [5] was used in order to predict the next
word not only based on the last word pair, but also on the
last function/content word pair. An improvement of 0.4%
WA abolute was achieved.
4.2. Interpolation and Class-Based Models
The Verbmobil domain contains 300:000 words with a vocabulary of 6000 words, i.e. trigram backo models are
potentially not well trained. To make up for the lack of
training data, word-dependent linear interpolation of the
baseline language model with models built on di erent corpora was used. Also class-based trigram models [6] were applied where each word is assigned to exactly one class. We
achieved a word error reduction of 0:3% absolute by interpolating the baseline with a class-based Verbmobil model
and a model built on a large German newspaper corpus
4.3. Domain adaptation and phrase models
Due to changes to the recording scenario within the course
of the project there was a small domain shift in the collected
data. It seems that the unigram distribution is most in uenced while the conditional class probabilities p(ci ci 1 ci 2 )
remain stable. So the idea is to adapt a language model to
a new target corpus as:
p^(wi wi 1 wi 2 ) = p^(wi ci ) p(ci ci 1 ci 2 )
where p^(w c) is estimated on the target corpus and
p(ci ci 1 ci 2 ) on a corpus suciently similar to it. The
classes were found by an adaptive clustering algorithm, a
variant of [6] that minimizes the perplexity of the adapted
bigram model.
We also achieved a word accuracy improvement around
0:5% absolute using phrases of words as the base unit of
language modeling [8] on an earlier version of the system
without retraining acoustics. Since the Verbmobil evaluation conditions did not allow phrases in the lattices we
Table 2. Language model experiments.
didn't apply it. In the nal evaluation model the domain
adaption technique was for conservative reasons just applied
to adapt the newspaper corpus to Verbmobil.
4.4. Integrating Spelling Sequences
A further diculty in the Verbmobil corpus is the presence of spelling sequences. If a language model is directly
computed from the text corpora over the recognition vocabulary V = VW VL of words VW = w1 ; : : : ; wN and
letters VL = A; : : : ; Z = L1 ; : : : ; LM , transitions both
within as well as into or out of the letter sequences will be
poorly modeled due to the small number (a few hundred)
of available spelling examples.
To allow for a more robust recognition, we can assume
a letter sequence and its embedding text independent and
collapse all letter sequences to an equivalence class LS. A
new language model LMW is then computed over the vocabulary VW LS , resulting in transitions PW (LS wi )
and PW (wj LS) instead of the less robust estimates for
P (Lj wi ) and P (wj Li ). The letter bigrams PL (Lj Li )
within a sequence can be modeled by a separate, independent \sublanguage model" LML . The nal language
model LM recombines LMW and LML . For example,
P (Lj wi ) = PW (LS wi ) PL (Lj <s>).
Depending on the task, LML can be computed from a
separate text source or an equal distribution can be assumed. In addition, a duration model can be implemented
as illustrated in gure 2, where a length of one, two or more
letters is explicitly modeled with probabilities 41 , 34 23 = 21 ,
3 1 1 i3
and 1
i=0 4 3 ( 4 ) 4 = 4 , respectively.
[ f
Figure 2. Duration modeling for letter sequences.
For the nal evaluation, we used a length model with
ve states which discouraged one- and two-letter sequences
in order to avoid false letter insertions. As most of the
spellings in the training material were four-letter acronyms,
the length model was adjusted to encourage sequences of
this length. All bigrams in LML were considered equally
likely. The trigrams found in the training texts were added
to LML to account for the repetitive occurrence of some
of the acronyms. With this measures, the recognition rate
measured on the letter sequences improved from 89% to
92% on our development test set, which resulted in an relative overall improvement of 1%.
To assess and evaluate the performance of each of the components of Verbmobil, evaluations are conducted on a yearly
basis. The evaluations are run by the University of Braunschweig, and the test data is chosen independently by LMU
in Munich. Evaluation rules asked one mandatory test on
exactly the same conditions from every participant, a suite
of other test conditions were optional on a voluntary basis.
In the 1996 mandatory test, the language model was constrained to a bigram with a test set perplexity of about 54,
the training material was restricted to the ocial Verbmobil
database, and the vocabulary size was 5300 words.
343 utterances (43 minutes of speech) were chosen as
test set. Approximately one half of them originated from
female speakers. The speakers came from di erent locations throughout Germany thereby providing a representative mixture of German dialects. The trigram test set
perplexity was about 40. All types of spontaneous speech
e ects like noise, restarts, hesitations, etc. were present in
the testing material.
There were four other sites participating in the evaluation in 1996: Daimler-Benz, the universities of Munich,
Erlangen, and Hamburg. The evaluation results are given
in table 3. Only one optional test (where no limits were
imposed to the algorithms and databases used for recognition) was done by more than one institution. Therefore,
we only report the results of the mandatory test and the
unrestricted optional one.
Error rate
Error rate
(mandatory test) (optional test)
Univ. Erlangen
Univ. Hamburg
Univ. Munich
Table 3. Results of 1996 Verbmobil speech recognition evaluation.
As can be seen in table 4, steady progress in performance
has been achieved in the Verbmobil system during the last
3 years. In this paper we have described several techniques,
including improved acoustic modeling and better language
models, which were able to reduce the word error rate to
less than 50% compared to the 1995 result.
This research was partly funded by grant 413-400101IV101S3 from the German Ministry of Science and Technology (BMBF) as a part of the Verbmobil project. The
JANUS project was supported in part by the Advanced Research Project Agency and the US Department of Defense.
The authors wish to thank all members of the Interactive
Systems Labs for useful discussions and active support.
View publication stats
Year Error Rate
Table 4. Error rates of JANUS over the last three
[1] A. Andreou, T. Kamm, and J. Cohen. Experiments in
Vocal Tract Normalization. In Proceedings of the CAIP
Workshop: Frontiers in Speech Recognition II, 1994.
[2] Ellen Eide and Herbert Gish. A Parametric Approach
to Vocal Tract Length Normalization. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, Atlanta, 1996. IEEE.
[3] Michael Finke and Ivica Rogina. Wide Context Acoustic
Modeling in Read vs. Spontaneous Speech. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, Munich, Germany, 1997. IEEE.
[4] Michael Finke, Torsten Zeppenfeld, Martin Maier,
Laura May eld, Klaus Ries, Puming Zhan, John Lafferty, and Alex Waibel. Switchboard April 1996 Evaluation Report. In Proceedings of LVCSR Hub 5 Workshop,
April 1996.
[5] Petra Geutner. Introducing Linguistic Constraints
into Statistical Language Modeling. In Proceedings of
the 1996 International Conference on Spoken Language
Processing (ICSLP), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pages
402{405, October 1996.
[6] Reinhard Kneser and Herman Ney. Improved Clustering
Techniques for Class-Based Statistical Language Modeling. In Eurospeech, Berlin, Germany, 1993.
[7] Li Lee and Richard C. Rose. Speaker Normalization using Ecient Frequency Warping Procedures. In IEEE
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pages 353{356, Atlanta, 1996. IEEE.
[8] Klaus Ries, Finn Dag Bu, and Alex Waibel. Class
phrase models for language modelling. In International
Conference on Spoken Language Processing, Philadelphia, USA, 1996.
[9] Steven Wegmann, Don McAllaster, Jeremy Orlo , and
Barbara Peskin. Speaker Normalization on Conversational Telephone Speech. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pages
339{341, Atlanta, 1996. IEEE.
[10] Torsten Zeppenfeld, Michael Finke, Klaus Ries, Martin
Westphal, and Alex Waibel. Recognition of Conversational Telephone Speech using the JANUS Speech Engine. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Munich, Germany, 1997.