Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88 (2006) 190 – 193
Silicon transfers in a rice field in Camargue (France)
V. Desplanques a,b, L. Cary b, J.-C. Mouret c, F. Trolard b,
G. Bourrié b, O. Grauby d, J.-D. Meunier a,*
CNRS/Université Paul Cézanne, CEREGE, BP 80, F13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex, France
INRA UR Géochimie des Sols et des Eaux, BP 80, F13545 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 4, France
INRA–ENSAM–IRD UMR Innovation, 2 place Viala, F 34060 Montpellier, France
Université Paul Cézanne, CNRS, CRMCN, Campus de Luminy, F13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France
Received 29 March 2005; accepted 19 August 2005
Available online 21 November 2005
We conducted a study of the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in a rice field in Camargue (France) in order to evaluate the role of
biogenic silicon particles (BSi) in the cycle. Opal-A biogenic particles (phytoliths, diatoms. . .), which dissolve more rapidly than
other forms of silicate usually present in soils, are postulated to represent the easiest bioavailable Si for rice. We found 0.03–0.06
wt.% of BSi in soils (mainly phytoliths). This value is lower than other values from the literature. Each year, the exportation of BSi
from rice cultivation is 270 F 80 kg Si ha 1. We show that BSi input by irrigation is mostly composed of diatoms and we estimate
it at 100 kg Si ha 1 year 1. This value is more than a third of the annual Si need for rice. The budget of the dissolved silicon (DSi)
fluxes gives the following results: the atmospheric and irrigation inputs represents 1% and roughly 10%, respectively, of the annual
need for rice; the drainage and infiltration outputs represent 17 F 14 and 12 F 9 kg Si ha 1 year 1, respectively; the balance of our
budget shows that at least 170 kg Si ha 1 year 1 are exported from the soil. If we consider the soil BSi as the only source of
dissolved silicon, this stock could be exhausted in 5 years.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Silicon cycle; Rice; Biogenic silica; Camargue
1. Introduction
Rice and many other cultivated grasses are Si accumulators. As opposed to natural ecosystems, a substantial part of silicon accumulated in cultivated grasses
does not return to soil. Silicon agricultural exportation
is estimated to 210–224 million tons per year (Matichenkov and Bocharnikova, 2001), which is in the
same order of magnitude as the total dissolved Si
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 04 42 97 15 26; fax: +33 04 42
97 15 40.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (J.-D. Meunier).
0375-6742/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
transported by the rivers to the oceans per year. In
order to determine the consequence of the decrease of
available soil Si in cultivated areas, it is necessary to
study the biogeochemical cycle of Si in grasslands and
cultivated ecosystems as has already been done in forest
ecosystems (Bartoli, 1981; Lucas et al., 1993; Alexandre et al., 1997; Markewitz and Richter, 1998; Farmer et al., in press), where plant Si dissolution was found
to control the cycle of Si. Plant Si is mainly composed
of phytoliths – amorphous, opal A particles – that are
among the most readily weatherable forms of available
Si in soils (Fraysse et al., 2004; Derry et al., 2005).
Here we present a study of the role of biogenic silicon
particles (BSi) and dissolved silicon (DSi) fluxes in the
V. Desplanques et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88 (2006) 190–193
biogeochemical cycle of Si in a Camargue soil (SE of
France) where rice has been cultivated for 21 years.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Study area
The Camargue is the deltaic Rhône plain and is the
main rice cultivation area in France. 105 420 tons of rice
have been produced in 2003 with a mean yield of 5.6
tons ha 1 (FAO, 2004). The studied rice field is located
in a large rice domain north west of the Vaccares lagoon.
Rice was cultivated for 21 years between 1975 and 2003,
whereas fennel and wheat were cultivated the rest of the
time. Soils have developed on the fluvial deposits of an
ancient Rhône channel. A compact plough sole is present between 25 cm and 40 cm (see Cary and Troland,
2006—this issue). Soils have a silty–sandy composition
and the main minerals are quartz, calcite, K-feldspar and
mica. The clay fraction contains illite, chlorite, smectite
and mixed layer of smectite–illite.
2.2. Methods
DSi input was analysed from rain waters collected in
2003 on the Plateau de l’Arbois (65 km east from our site).
The volume of annual rain was calculated from the monthly average rainfall of the 1964 to 2003 period (Météo
France at the Tour du Valat center). Irrigation waters
were sampled during April 2005. DSi (b0.2 Am fraction)
was analysed by UV spectrophotometry and ICP–AES.
BSi (phytoliths, diatoms. . .) was extracted from 7
soil samples collected in a soil profile between 0 and 40
cm in depth using a wet extraction procedure (Kelly,
Biomass and yield of the rice crop were measured at
harvest by extrapolation from four 0.25 m2 plots. Roots
were extracted from a 0.25 m2 0.25 m block of soil by
humid sieving. Roots, straws and grains were dried at 105
8C and weighed. Silicon in plants (BSi) was determined
by ICP–AES after melting with lithium metaborate.
The particles were observed and analysed using an
optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope
(SEM) equipped with energy-dispersive spectrometry
precipitation, 6100 m3 ha 1 year 1, and 2) irrigation
during rice cultivation (from April to September),
23 000 m3 ha 1 (Chauvelon, 1996); while water outputs are 1) infiltration, 6200 m3 ha 1 (from Godin,
1990; Chauvelon, 1996), and 2) drainage, 10 000 m3
ha 1 for five emergences per year.
3.2. Biogenic silica stock in soil
The amount of BSi in soil ranges from 0.03 to 0.06
wt.%. These values are low compared to other soils
(Clarke, 2003). Microscopic observations show that
BSi particles are mostly phytoliths and diatoms. The
surfaces of the phytoliths are covered by dissolution
pits even in the top soil samples (Fig. 1). Many BSi
particles, identified by EDS, have unidentified
morphologies. The number of the unidentified BSi
particles increases with depth. A similar trend has
been previously observed and is due to a higher
degree of dissolution of phytoliths at depth due to
their longer residence time in soil (Alexandre et al.,
1997). Calculation of BSi in the root zone (0–25 cm)
above the compact plough sole, taking into account a
soil density of 1.4 g cm 3 (Cary, 2005), gives 800 kg
Si ha 1.
3.3. Global Si balance
3.3.1. Outputs
– BSi in rice plants ranges from 0.9% (roots) to 2.5%
(straw) DW. Taking into account the dry biomass of
17.4 tons ha 1, BSi removed by rice equals to
320 F 70 kg Si ha 1. We postulate that these values
equal the Si rice needs to maintain the yield. The
exportation of silicon from the field can be cor-
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Water mass balance
Fluxes of DSi are calculated according to the water
mass balance in the rice field. Water inputs are 1)
Fig. 1. Phytolith at 10 cm under the surface of the rice field.
V. Desplanques et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88 (2006) 190–193
Fig. 2. SEM photographies of irrigation waters residue.
rected for agricultural practices. Harvest kept in
field (roots and 10 cm of straws) represents
50 F 10 kg Si ha 1. Upper parts of the straws are
heaped up and burnt. In Camargue, winds blow
frequently and violently disperse ashes. Thus we
have considered that the BSi contained in the
upper parts of the straws left the rice field. Yet the
amount of BSi returning to the soil is approximately
20% of the silicon taken up by the rice. Therefore,
the growth of a rice crop exports 320 50 =
270 F 80 kg Si ha 1 year 1.
– Assuming that DSi in infiltration waters equals
70 F 50 Amol L 1 (Moreau, 2004; Cary, 2005), the
DSi output by infiltration is 12 F 9 kg Si ha 1 for a
rice season. During the rest of the year, the rice plot
is not flooded and we neglect infiltrations.
– The average DSi concentration in flooded waters
(60 F 50 Amol L 1; Moreau, 2004; Cary, 2005)
combined with drainage output allows us to calculate
a DSi output from drainage of 17 F 14 kg Si ha 1
year 1.
– The dynamics of diatoms in the submersion waters is
not well known. Batalla (1975) observed diatom
development in Spanish rice fields but it was difficult to assess the diatom output and consequently the
export of biogenic silicon.
– The translocation in soil of biogenic silicon has not
been evaluated yet. It should, however, be negligible
because of the presence of a compact plough sole.
3.3.2. Inputs
– In rain, the average DSi concentration is 15 Amol
L 1. The annual precipitation flux gave a DSi input
of 3 F 2 kg Si ha 1 year 1 which represented only
1% of the rice need.
– In irrigation waters, DSi concentration is about 40
Amol L 1; this value gives a DSi input of 30 F 15 kg
Fig. 3. Silicon transfers in a rice field of Camargue.
V. Desplanques et al. / Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88 (2006) 190–193
Si ha 1 year 1 which roughly corresponds to 10%
of the rice need.
– SEM observations on the suspended matter of irrigation waters revealed the presence of diatoms (Fig.
2). The amount of diatoms transported by the Rhône
River has not been assessed yet. As a rough approximation, diatom BSi was estimated from Garnier et
al. (1995) and Davey (1986). The mean concentration of diatom BSi in irrigation waters during the rice
cultivation period is estimated at 5 g Si m 3. The
calculated diatom BSi input gives 100 kg Si ha 1,
which corresponds to more than one-third of the rice
Consequently, total (diatom BSi + DSi) input equals
to 130 kg Si ha 1 year 1, whereas total (BSi + DSi)
output is at least 300 F 100 kg Si ha 1 year 1 without
the two unknown biogenic silicon outputs (Fig. 3).
Thus, If we postulate that BSi in soil is the only source
of dissolved silicon (dissolution of soil silicates is
negligible), the stock of biogenic available Si will be
exhausted in 5 years.
4. Conclusion
We show that the input of Si in the rice field of
Camargue (diatom BSi + DSi) accounts only for 44% of
the rice needs. 56% must be provided by the soil
constituents. If we postulate that BSi in soil is the
only source of dissolved silicon (dissolution of soil
silicates is negligible), the stock of biogenic available
Si will be exhausted in 5 years. We have estimated that
the irrigation waters bring more than one-third of the
silicon need for rice as diatoms contained in irrigation
waters. As silicon is essential to growth and rice development (Epstein, 2001), these preliminary results stress
the need to assess more precisely the importance of BSi
input as a natural fertilizer.
The authors wish to thank A. Alexandre, L. Bremond, Y. Noack, C. Pailles, F. Chalié, J. Bertrand, P.
Moreau and X. Guillot for helpful discussions. This
work has benefited from a support from the French
program bECCO/PNBCQ.
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