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Choose the right preposition to make adjective-preposition collocations
ELOPE: English Language Overseas Perspectives and Enquiries, 2005
The article aims to shed some light on the problems faced by non-native speakers in the formation of so-called prepositional collocations (i.e. typical, recurrent combinations of verbal, nominal or adjectival bases with prepositional collocators). The reasons for frequent mistakes mainly lie in the meaning of the preposition used as part of collocation, which tends to be even more dispersed, abstract and difficult to define than that of the preposition used in a free combination. However, the preposition when used as a collocator seems to act, at least to some extent, as a carrier of some content; this can be proven by valency patterns: meaning-related content words (collocational bases) tend to regularly combine with identical prepositions. The fact that prepositions used in collocations also have their semantic part to contribute to the whole unit should also be considered in the classification of collocations into grammatical and lexical ones.
Comparatives and superlatives. Adjective order in the sentence ...
Read the following sentences: There is some water in the bottle. He is fond of his daughter. He fell off the ladder.
A preposition is a word that connects one thing with another and shows how they are related. It is usually followed by a noun or a pronoun.
Adjectives. Formal analyses in syntax and semantics. John Benjamins., 2010
Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 2016
The current research paper attempted at investigating the use of prepositions of standard, prepositions of possession and prepositions of accompaniment by some Jordanian learners of English. A total of 53 Jordanian English Majors participated in the study from the department of English language at Princess Alia University College. In collecting the needed data for the purpose of the study, the researchers employed fifteen items of a multiple choice test. The results of the study showed that Jordanian learners of English encountered moderate difficulty in learning the three aforesaid usages of prepositions. This difficulty is ascribed mainly to first language interference more than intralingual interference. It was also found that prepositions of standard are the most difficult to learn by the participants, followed by prepositions of accompaniment and prepositions of possession respectively.
While adjectives and adverbs, of course, typically have separate functions within a sentence and are formed differently, they are similar in one key way: they each modify the nucleus of their phrase. Adjectives modify nouns and adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. However, there is a type of adjective that seems to perform the function of both an adjective and an adverb, aptly known as the adverbial adjective. Some authors refer to these adjectives as predicative complements (Hernánz Carbó, 1988) or descriptive predicative complements with subject orientation (Demonte, 1999). For the purpose of simplicity, I will refer to these adjectives as adverbial adjectives. This term is consistent with its use by Luján (1980). Adverbial adjectives modify both the verb and the subject of that verb. Their purpose is to describe a quality that pertains to both the subject and the way the subject is performing the verb. Because they modify both the verb and the noun, adverbial adje...
Please choose the correct preposition (in/of/on) for the sentences in this exercise.
Chiron Publications, 2017
Journal of Human Evolution, 2011
Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 2006
Kardiologia Polska, 2020
International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 2017
Wydarzenia bydgoskie 1939 roku, 2022
Revue Philosophique de Louvain, 2014
IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2020
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011
Nature Medicine, 2005
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 2008
The EMBO Journal, 2004
Brazilian Journalism Research, 2005
Nature Communications
Jurnal Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2021