RESOURCE GUIDE Safeguarding, Supporting, and Supervising Gender Minority Students in Institutes of Higher Education Information, Advice, Considerations, and Reference Materials for the Inclusion and Protection of the Trans*, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming Community 0 AUTHORS Dr. Chris Chevallier National LGBT Federation (NXF) Dr. Conor Buggy National LGBT Federation (NXF) / University College Dublin A NOTE FROM THE AUTHORS Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have the capacity and reputation to advance LGBTQI+ representation and rights at local, national, and international levels if given the opportunity and guidance to do so. This resource guide has been designed with that in mind. If HEIs take the lead in ensuring that Trans*, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming students and staff are embraced and supported as part of their educational communities, the consequent impacts on individuals and society in general will be overwhelmingly positive. Some HEIs have made great strides in this area while others are more tentative in their actions, with most generally ignoring the needs of their minority groups. It is our hope that this document will assist all HEIs with taking the steps necessary to create positive organisational cultural change and as a consequence impact our society. It is imperative that HEIs engage with their LGBTQI+ students and staff in advancing their cultures positively in this area. This document is not intended to be an authoritative “one stop shop,” instead it is presented as a mechanism for all HEIs to reflect on their policies and practices so that they can consider mechanisms for improvement. Cultural change takes time, but all steps forward count. 1 PARTNERS AND COPYRIGHT This document is part of a project conducted in partnership with the Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI), the National LGBT Federation of Ireland (NXF), and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit, with initial support from the Trinity College Dublin Equality Fund. The copyright remains with the authors, NXF, RCSI, and TENI. The sharing of this document for educational and non-profit purposes is encouraged (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This document was published in June 2020 and, as it may be subject to future updates, is Version 1.0. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “I am extremely grateful to Gordon Grehan (Operations Manager-TENI), Sarah Fink (Acting Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion-RCSI), Julia Morrow (Research and Policy Officer-RCSI), and Dr. Chris Noone (Chair of Research Sub-Committee-NXF). My mentors, Dr. Conor Buggy and Dr. Susan Murphy, were invaluable to and tremendously supportive of the survey research and report that this resource guide is based upon. I am also very thankful to Dr. Buggy for his editorial feedback and guidance with this piece, as well as professional guidance and being a strong role model for academics and those in the LGBTQI+ community. I am extremely lucky and thankful to have friends such as Meghan Sweeney, Miriam Lindståhl, and Njabulo Mazibuko that have been a constant source of moral support and personal guidance. I am also greatly appreciative of the Motherfoclóir Podcast team for supporting this project on social media and giving me a platform to share this research. 2 Many thanks to Judy Walsh, for her integrity, advocacy, and generosity. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Natasha Webster of Stockholm University, the Centre for Gender Studies at Karlstad University, and the stakeholders and professionals who dedicated their time to supporting this work, particularly Carrie Archer and Jennifer Byrne. Most of all, thank you to the LGBTQI+ community and our respondents, who showed great bravery and generosity by sharing their experiences.” - Dr. Chris Chevallier, Project Leader. “This project is first and foremost Dr. Chris Chevallier’s opus and I am grateful to them for being part of it, as well as the placing of their trust in me as a mentor and co-author. I would like to extend my gratitude to my research partner Dr. Susan Murphy for her encouragement and for always challenging me and exhorting me to continue to stand up for minorities and women wherever possible, even in times of self-doubt. Thank you to my close friends within the LGBTQI+ community that continually push me, expand my horizons, check my privileges and are always here for me. Jay Blackshire, Tim Goodman, Danny Kaylor-Hawkins, Tommy Rosengren, Nicholas McGuire, John Ryan, Paula McGarry, Maurice Knightly, Judy Walsh, Eamon Redmond and Karl Hayden. None of the research I have undertaken for our community would have gotten done without all of your encouragement and insight. And finally to my family and Dave, my husband and partner of nineteen years.” - Dr. Conor Buggy, Project Researcher. 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Glossary 1 Disclaimers 8 1. Introduction, Aims, and Rationale 10 2. “Leave your Assumptions at the Door” 12 3. Demographics 13 4. Health and Disability Support 18 5. Language 24 6. Bathrooms and Gendered Spaces 27 7. Accommodation 31 8. Recommendations for Policies, Administrative Procedures, and Events 34 9. Guidance for Tutors, Instructors, and Supervisors 40 10. Additional Graphics 44 Useful Links and Resources 49 Useful Links and Resources (International Context) 51 Accessing Project Materials 52 Project Contact Information 52 4 GLOSSARY The authors are thankful to our partners at the Transgender Equality Network Ireland and National LGBT Federation for many of these definitions. Additional information can be found here: ​ Cisgender A Non-Trans person (i.e. a person whose gender identity and gender expression is aligned with the sex assigned at birth). Direct Provision A system put in place by the Irish government to house and provide for the basic needs of asylum seekers while their case is being assessed. It has been under scrutiny and received criticism over discriminatory and degrading treatment. In addition, its legality and legitimacy have been questioned by human rights organizations. Gender “While often used interchangeably with “sex,” refers specifically to the behavioral, cultural, psychological or social traits typically associated with one sex, rather than biological characteristics.”1 ​Human Rights Campaign. 2016. ​“Transgender Inclusion In The Workplace: A Toolkit For Employers.” ​United States, 49. This resource can be accessed here:​ h ​ ttps:// 1 1 Gender Expression The external manifestation of a person’s gender identity. Gender can be expressed through mannerisms, grooming, physical characteristics, social interactions, and speech patterns. Gender Fluid Is a Non-Binary gender identity. Gender Fluid individuals experience different gender identities at different times. A Gender Fluid person’s gender identity can be multiple genders at once, then switch to none at all, or move between single gender identities. Some Gender Fluid people regularly move between only a few specific genders, perhaps as few as two. Gender Minority This is a broad term often applied to Non-Cisgender people and Cisgender people who are Gender Non-Conforming; however, sometimes it refers more exclusively to the former group (i.e. Trans and Non-Binary persons). Gender Variant People whose gender identity and/or gender expression is different from traditional or stereotypical expectations of how a binary man or woman ‘should’ appear or behave. 2 Genderqueer A person whose gender varies from the traditional ‘norm’; or who feels their gender identity is neither female nor male, both female and male, or a different gender identity altogether. Gender Non-Conforming (GNC) “Is a term to describe people who have, or are perceived to have, gender characteristics and/or behaviors that do not conform to traditional or societal expectations. Keep in mind that these expectations can vary across cultures and have changed over time.”2 Gender Non-Conforming people are sometimes Cisgender, but are acting outside of traditional bounds placed on their gender’s social roles. Gender Recognition Act Irish legislation which was enacted in 2015 to provide a process enabling Transgender people to achieve full legal recognition of their preferred gender and to access a new birth certificate that reflects this change. Intersex Refers to individuals who are born with sex characteristics (such as chromosomes, genitals, and/or hormonal structure) that do not belong strictly to male or female categories, or that belong to both at the same time. Most individuals who are Intersex do not identify as Transgender or do not consider 2 ​Ibid. 3 themselves covered by the Transgender umbrella. Non-Binary An umbrella term for gender identities that fall outside the gender binary of male or female. This includes individuals whose gender identity is neither exclusively male nor female, a combination of male and female, or between or beyond genders. Similar to the usage of Transgender, people under the Non-Binary umbrella may describe themselves using one or more of a wide variety of terms (as well as fall under Transgender concurrently). NXF National LGBTI Federation Queer While historically Queer has been used as an abusive term, some people have reclaimed the word and self-identify as ‘Queer’. For them, this reclamation is a celebration of not fitting into heteronormative norms or a radical stance that captures multiple aspects of identities. Sex The designation of a person at birth as male or female based on their anatomy (genitalia and/or reproductive organs) or biology (chromosomes and/or hormones). 4 The phrase “sex assigned at birth” (replacing “biological sex”) is a more accurate and respectful way to acknowledge the process of sex assignation that occurs at birth through a perfunctory look at external anatomy. It might not be possible in all cases (e.g. Intersex) to identify an individual as male or female at birth. Third Gender A broad reference to a gender outside of the male/female binary (but not necessarily the identity Non-Binary). Some cultures and societies also have their own conceptualisations and categories of gender which are unique. Transgender “Refers to people whose gender identity, expression or behaviour is different from those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth. Transgender is a broad, umbrella term and is good for non-transgender people to use. “Trans” is shorthand for transgender.” (Note: Transgender is correctly used as an adjective, not a noun or verb, thus “transgender people” is appropriate but “transgenders” and “transgendered” are often viewed as disrespectful.) Transgender, as an umbrella term, encompasses transsexuals, genderqueers and other gender nonconforming people. Not all people who consider themselves, or who may be considered by others, as transgender will undergo a gender transition.” 3 3 Human Rights Campaign, “Trans Toolkit,” 50. 5 Transitioning The process through which a person takes steps to express their gender identity when it is different to that assigned to them at birth. This may (​or may not​) include social (e.g. utilising certain pronouns or wearing clothing that better reflect one’s identity), physical (e.g. hormonal replacement therapy), psychological (e.g. meeting with a peer support group to develop self-esteem and self-acceptance), and legal (e.g. changing birth certificates or passport information) steps. There can sometimes be harmful expectations put upon the gender minority community concerning the validity of their transitions or criticisms for not taking steps. For example, there may be pressure to act or present in an archetypical or even stereotypical manner, pursue certain medical procedures, or meet archaic medical diagnostic guidelines in order to access healthcare or gain legal recognition. No person should feel that their gender is invalid or have it be dictated by restrictive criteria. Such expectations, pressures, and barriers are not only harmful to the community, but reinforce constrictive gender norms and stereotypes for everyone. They can also be ignorant of the obstacles the community faces and individual relationships with gender. For example: ● A person might not have the resources to cover an administrative fee or wish to disclose their gender to an oppressive government or within an institution known for discrimination (e.g. a toxic work environment). ● For some, hormone replacement therapy can cause side effects or interfere with pre-existing health issues. For others, it may not be relevant to or feel appropriate for their gender expression. ● A person may not wish to present a certain way in an area where they’re unsafe or foresee a conflict (e.g. airport security checkpoints). ● Although genitals and genital related medical procedures are commonly portrayed as the focal point of transitions, for many community members 6 their gender identity is rooted in their psyche, style, expression, mannerisms, and or perhaps other physical characteristics (e.g. hips, muscles, and body hair). Gender is complex and multifaceted. ​What is simple is the right to self-identify and self-determine how that identify manifests. There is no set or “right” way to transition or actualise one’s gender identity. The authors ask that readers be mindful of this and consider addressing gatekeeping practices at their institutions (e.g. having students getting a note from a psychologist before administrative changes can be made). TENI Transgender Equality Network Ireland 7 DISCLAIMERS The suggestions and guidance in this document are reflective of the initial project’s findings / secondary literature and may not necessarily be the finer policies and procedures of the institutions they are based at or their affiliates. Every institution has its own unique setting, history, campus culture, and student demographics. Therefore, it’s prudent for institutions to gather data and establish localised metrics, as well as to consult the gender minority community, student body, and germane professionals when changing or adopting policies. It’s also important to acknowledge a few key points for the assurances of the gender minority community: ● This resource guide, and the project that it stems from, was developed in association with and by professionals from the community (as well as allies and scholars from other parts of the LGBTQI+ community). The survey that serves as the crux of this project was piloted and designed in consultation with community members, parents of Trans* students, and EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) professionals. ● Although this resource guide will discuss healthcare and access to transitioning services, the authors are against the medicalization4 of gender expression, actualisation, and identification. These issues are discussed to improve the overall quality of LGBTQI+ healthcare and medical transitions services for those that they are relevant to. ● Respondents to the initial study survey will be referred to with gender 4 This refers to the treatment of transgender issues and gender variance as a medical problem or condition (i.e. pathologising it). The World Health Organization recently moved to declassify trangender identities as a mental disorder (formerly termed “gender identity disorder”). This has been echoed by other organizations and diagnostic manual producers. It should be noted, though, that the current term (“gender incongruence”) and its description still need refinement to further depathologise and remove stigmatising language. Additionally, there are still institutions and practitioners that adhere to outdated approaches. In order to access healthcare or legal recognition, members of the gender minority community can be required to undergo evaluations for gender dysphoria. Not only can these evaluations take years before they’re scheduled, they can involve invasive questions (e.g. about oral sex) and create an opportunity for services to be denied. For genders outside of the binary, their genders or transitions may not be recognised as valid. 8 neutral pronouns in order to protect their identity. ● Intersex community members have their own unique lived-experiences that are not fully covered by this document; however, there is significant overlap and many of the insights from this research project are pertinent to improving Intersex lives. The authors encourage readers to seek out additional resources on this community and projects, such as IntersexMap at Dublin City University. ILGA Europe also has a toolkit on protecting Intersex people in Europe: ○ -materials/protecting-intersex-people-europe-toolkit ● Many respondents to the initial project’s survey had positive experiences in higher education and there are professionals within the higher education system that are making genuine, concerted, and informed efforts to include the gender minority community. Much of this resource guide explicitly focuses on what can go wrong during academic experiences to help prevent marginalisation, exclusion, and abusive behaviour. The authors wish for readers to be cognisant of this disproportionality before continuing. 9 1. INTRODUCTION, AIMS, AND RATIONALE "I'm fearless." Above is a quote from one of 123 survey respondents from the initial project when asked about areas of Dublin where they felt unsafe. Gender minority students possess a unique courage in the face of numerous obstacles, increased politicization surrounding gender issues, and misinformation or sensationalism. However, these students generally have the same goals and dreams as every other student: to receive a quality education that will allow them to develop and achieve their career goals, be treated with dignity and respect, and fully partake in student activities. Analysis of survey data gathered during the summer of 2019, though, indicates that the experiences gender minorities have in Irish third-level education are inconsistent and highly variable​; highlighting the need for staff and student education on gender issues and refined measures to ensure more uniformly positive encounters. Nevertheless, there is hope and evidence of progress. Likert scores on students’ acceptance by staff, administrators, and other students averaged as slightly positive. This document is intended to provide concise information to those working in higher education, helping them to better understand various aspects of the daily lived-experiences and needs of gender minority students and, to a somewhat lesser extent, colleagues at their institutions. It can also be utilised to reflect upon gender guidelines and policies, as well as ways to be mindful about personal conduct and professional relationships. Ideally, it will be used in conjunction with additional training and resources, such as TENI’s “Trans 101 Training.” However, the greatest authorities on gender minority experiences are community members themselves. ​It’s always well advised to consider individual cases and the unique contexts of campus communities. 10 The insights in this document are largely based upon the survey report Understanding the Lived Experiences of Gender Minority Students in Irish Third-Level Education: A National Survey of Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming Students and the policy brief ​Understanding the Lived Experiences of Gender Minority Students in Irish Third-Level Education: Steps Towards Achieving Safety and Inclusion​, as well as ongoing analysis of survey responses, auto-ethnography, and community discourse. This work is part of an ongoing effort, on behalf of the authors and their partners, to refine and author inclusive, effective, and evidence-based policies and practices that can be utilised in educational settings while also advocating for governmental gender policies based on the voices of the gender minority community. ​It’s acknowledged that these are just the first steps to understanding the experiences of these students. There’s still enormous work that must be undertaken, especially qualitative research to compliment the quantitative data of the initial survey. At the end of this guide there are links to the project’s open-source documents and graphics, as well as to other useful reports, resources, and toolkits. While this document has been produced within an Irish context, it provides insights, advice, citations, and ideas for contemplation that crosses cultures. 11 2. “LEAVE YOUR ASSUMPTIONS AT THE DOOR” Although this document provides information about generalities and common experiences among gender minority students, it’s also important to acknowledge that these students have unique backgrounds and journeys. Some members of this community have extremely supportive families, but many face ostracization from what should be their strongest support network. Some are public and vocal activists, while others wish to keep their journey a private matter or are compelled to do so out of concern for their safety. Some will medically transition, such as taking hormone replacement therapy or having gender affirming surgeries (e.g. breast implants or mastectomies), during their educational career. Others socially transition through the expression of their gender and behaviour. Some members will pursue both forms of transition… or neither of them. ​All genders and gender journeys are valid and while they are something that should be celebrated, the numerous obstacles that exist to actualising one’s gender can make them arduous and daunting. HEI teachers (academics, tutors, technicians, and guest lecturers) and institutional staff are all in a position to abet gender journeys or at the very least prevent/ameliorate conflicts between education and the full actualisation of one’s gender. ​One of the most profound and helpful things that can be done is to listen​; inviting students to explain their unique identities, struggles, and strengths. To be efficacious, all HEI staff must be educated about gender issues while also avoiding assumptions, stereotypes, and preconceptions. One universal truth, however, is that ​identifying as and expressing one’s gender is a human right​, something that is increasingly enshrined in legal protections and incorporated into educational frameworks. 12 3. DEMOGRAPHICS The gender minority community is not a monolith​; rather, it is defined by diverse identities, ages, and intersections with other demographic groups. Unfortunately, research on the size and characteristics of the community is still nascent and difficult to gather. The percentage of Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Variant people in a population also varies based on geographical, generational, and cultural factors. A recent Center for Disease Control (USA) survey of US high school students found that 1.8% of respondents identified as transgender.5 Studies conducted in Europe also support a figure greater than 1% for gender minorities (when including genders outside of a Male/Female binary). Population percentages for Intersex people range vastly as well, with a rough estimate of 1-2% or 1.7% of the general population commonly cited. It’s also important to note that there are Cisgender people who do not conform to gender norms that can benefit from comprehensive policies, protections, and a climate of inclusivity. There have been for example, several news stories of Cisgender women being denied bathroom entry without an ID because their appearance was not traditionally feminine. As gender issues continue to gain visibility, people will continue to gain better access to language and information that will allow them to self-identify. Ideally, there will also be less obstacles to gender expression in the near future. As such, it can be expected that the gender minority community will continue to grow in both size and diversity. With more effective inclusivity measures in higher education, enrolments and retention rates from the community will also rise. It’s imperative to take action not only for current students, but to clear the way for coming generations as well. ​"Health Risks Among Sexual Minority Youth". 2019. Center For Disease Control and Prevention. 5 13 From the initial project’s survey results, Non-Binary was the leading gender identity (c. 39%), followed by Male (AFAB6) at c. 24%, Transmasculine at c. 17%, Female (AMAB7) at c. 17%, and Genderqueer at c. 13%. The high frequency of genders outside of a Male/Female binary illustrates a pressing need to formally recognise third gender and gender neutral identities, as well as multiple concurrent gender identifications. For example, a person can identify as both a trans woman and non-binary; signifying that the person’s identity is feminine while also existing on a wider and less rigid (or binary) spectrum. It should be noted that the ages of our respondents varied. Older members of the LGBTQI+ community are often less visible in community discourse and media or even face erasure unfortunately. This should be addressed and doesn’t reflect the reality of their existence and educational journeys. Conversations with TENI members suggest that some members of the Trans* community are now returning to higher education or accessing it for the first time as mature students due greater inclusivity and legal protections. Institutions need to be cognisant that there are gender minority students of any and all ages. 6 7 ​Assigned Female at Birth. ​Assigned Male at Birth. 14 Figure 1: Respondent self-reported gender identity (Question 10 from the initial survey) Another insight to take away from the demographic findings is that masculine identifying respondents largely outnumber feminine identifying ones. While there isn’t enough demographic data on the larger gender minority community to confirm why this is, there is a strong possibility that trans-feminine people face 15 greater barriers to entering and staying in a higher education programme (i.e. transmisogyny).8 Another explanation is that there is a higher proportion of trans-masculine individuals in the community. However, both factors may exist concurrently. Although sexual orientation and gender identity are not contingent upon one another, ​it is clear that many members of this community often have multiple linkages to the LGBTQI+ community and multifaceted Queer identities. ​Six percent of respondents identified as Heterosexual (n=121). Bisexual (25%), Queer (19%), and Pansexual (19%) however, were the leading sexual orientations from respondents. There were a limited number of responses from ethnic minorities. However, the results reinforce that Trans* People of Colour (POC) can face particularly high degrees of harassment in Ireland or racial discrimination concurrently with transphobia. This corresponds with reports of high rates of violence against Black people in Ireland, some of the highest in the European Union.9 In addition to this, it’s important for educators to keep in mind that those in Direct Provision, recently migrated to Ireland, or are international students may be LGBTQI+ students that have escaped persecution and even threats on their lives. Mincéirs (Irish Travellers) should not be excluded from this discourse and it must be acknowledged that the intersection of deep seeded ethnic discrimination and phobias against the Queer community can create considerable unique obstacles while amplifying existing ones. For anyone who is a member of a marginalised ethnic group, the idea of being rejected by one’s own community because of their gender and or sexual orientation can also be frightening and isolating due to exclusion in wider society. 8 ​The transphobia that masculine identifying community members can face is also severe and can manifest in unique ways, something that is often overlooked. 9 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. 2017. "Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey". Belgium: Bietlot. The report can be accessed here: 16 The initial projects survey results, however, weren’t universally negative. Some Likert responses from the survey around acceptance and safety were actually higher for ethnically mixed and other White backgrounds (compared to White Irish respondents). Ireland has an opportunity to be a safe haven. However, the recent NXF report, Far From Home: Life as an LGBT Migrant in Ireland​, indicates that there is still a great deal of progress that must be made before this becomes a reality.10 Over 50% of respondents from this study rated their mental health negatively, while 54% reported being excluded from Irish society. The death and mistreatment of Sylva Tukula in the Direct Provision system is an example of institutional failure, discrimination, and injustice, while Ireland’s lack of comprehensive hate crimes legislation also highlights a dire need for reformation, reflection, and meaningful action. For those coming to Ireland (and elsewhere) to seek asylum as a member of the LGBTQI+ community, there may be added pressure to be public about one’s identity and engaged in the Irish LGBTQI+ community in order to “prove” themselves to officials. Not only is this an invasion of privacy, but dangerous considering the aforementioned obstacles and challenges. Please note that while the authors have intertwined discussions on ethnic minority status and migration, the assumption that any non-White Irish person is not a native to Ireland or from a multigenerational Irish family is pernicious. Ireland is and historically has been diverse. All of its residents, whether naturalised citizens, recent migrants, or temporary students, deserve respect and dignity. N ​ oone, Chris, Keogh, Brian and Buggy, Conor.. 2018. "Far From Home: Life As An LGBT Migrant In Ireland". Dublin: NXF. The report can be accessed here​: h ​ ttps:// 10 17 4. HEALTH AND DISABILITY SUPPORT Disabilities, chronic illnesses, issues with learning, and mental health crises can impact anyone, regardless of their gender. People of any demographic background can be neurodivergent.11 There are Trans* people using wheelchairs, just as there are Non-Binary people with dyslexia. It’s vital to recognise that some gender minority students that are struggling with inclusion may also be contending with other factors in their lives. When these intersections collide, the obstacles they face can be amplified. 11 ​Neurodiversity is a broadly encompassing term, but it’s important to recognise that a high rate of members of the gender minority community are also on the autism spectrum. When this intersection occurs, these community members sometimes have their identities invalidated (due to the harmful and demeaning claim that they cannot fully comprehend gender or lack agency). Not only is it important to validate these community members, but also acknowledge the movement towards depathologising and positively reframing variation in the ways people process information, emotions, and social interactions. The authors’ project was bounded by the broad nature of the data it was collecting, as well as a conscious effort to limit sensitive information being gathered. It’s hoped that this intersection can be more wholly and directly addressed in future research. 18 Figure 2: Percentage of respondents self-reporting a disability or chronic illness (Question 7 from the initial survey) It’s also important to note that some of the responses indicate rates of illness/disability higher than the general student population. The survey did not explicitly delve into the reasons behind this, but discourse and literature analysis and context from other questions provide several possibilities. Foremost, social and economic marginalisation creates stress and risk factors that can exacerbate existing health issues or create new ones. Marginalisation can also reduce access 19 to healthcare and support services, while apprehension about approaching medical professionals due to fears of discrimination is a barrier for some. Outside of this, being a member of this community can be costly; meaning that resources may be prioritised for survival or transition related costs (e.g. new clothing or seeing a gender specialist). Community apprehension about accessing healthcare services is not unfounded, as indicated by the Likert scores below.12 Although campus healthcare centres and services are in a position to help students, practitioners may not have the training and knowledge to properly assist or communicate with students from the community. There is also the reality that there may be healthcare professionals with exclusionary or ignorant views. Figure 3: Respondent evaluation of campus health service inclusivity (Question 18 from the initial survey) 12 ​Within the project’s survey, 1 = Strongly Disagree while 7 = Strongly Agree for Likert scales. 20 Figure 4: Respondent evaluation of campus mental health service inclusivity (Question 19 from the initial survey) In the context of disability support services, the initial surveys respondents had more to share. Some had positive experiences while others felt apprehensive about coming out or that their gender was irrelevant to service provision. Some direct quotes are provided below as examples: “I have not disclosed my trans identity to the Disability Team as I am unsure of how they would react.” “The counsellors were nice about my gender but not educated at all.” “No, never get my name or pronouns right.” “I never bought up my gender as I felt I'd be judged for being autistic and having health issues. So I brought the "most important" ones first. Which would have been my physical health.” 21 These results are supported by analogous research. The RFSL (the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Rights), for example, published a study entitled ​Trans Health and Healthcare​.13 Some of the main findings include: “39 % of our respondents stated that their general health is bad. In the Swedish general population this number is 5 %...” “…62.1 % report to have delayed going to a general healthcare practitioner – ranging from sometimes to all the time…” “We also asked about chronic (long-standing) physical or mental health problems, illnesses and disabilities. 65 % of the Swedish respondents said that they were experiencing one or more of these health problems. Of the non-binary people 74 % had these problems, compared to 56 % of the trans women and 63 % of the trans men.” How can this potentially be remedied? ● Ideally training around gender issues and LGBTQI+ care should be made available to campus healthcare (physical and mental) professionals. As it may not be feasible to make this widely available due to budgetary constraints, an alternative is to establish trained liaisons that can work enthusiastically and competently with members of the LGBTQI+ community. Institutions and student societies can then advertise that students can request these particular practitioners when setting up appointments. ● Another recommendation is that LGBTQI+ friendly medical practices contact NGOs and community groups so that they can be listed as a 13 ​RFSL. 2017. ““In society I don't exist, so it's impossible to be who I am.” – Trans people’s health and experiences of healthcare in Sweden.” Stockholm. This report can be accessed here: 22 resource on appropriate literature and websites. ● In intake / application forms and processes, it may be prudent to ask questions about preferred pronouns and any changes to student information to ensure that practitioners use the correct language when beginning an appointment. ● Discussions could take place with campus healthcare providers about the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), their literature, and their standards. Some useful links for healthcare providers: World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) TENI: Medical Resources TENI: Speaking from the Margins National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties’ Transgender Toolkit _final.pdf TGEU: Trans Health Planned Parenthood: Providing Transgender Inclusive Healthcare Handbook gender_Inclusive_Healthcare_Handbook.pdf 23 5. LANGUAGE Language is a fundamental part of culture, our own individual identities, and self-expression. It can be a force for inclusion and growth, but can also be used negatively to demean and exclude with purpose. With gender minority issues becoming increasingly visible in society, language surrounding gender has become subject to intense political debate and divisive cultural discourse; sometimes overshadowing basic decency and standards of interpersonal respect. Figure 5: Respondent self-reported experience of pronoun respect (Question 25 from the initial survey) Internationally misgendering14 or deadnaming15 someone can be offensive, intimidating, and take an emotional toll on them. It’s a form of bullying that ​Oxford Languages defines misgendering as “refer to (someone, especially a transgender person) using a word, especially a pronoun or form of address, that does not correctly reflect the gender with which they identify.” 15 ​This is when someone refers to a Trans* person by their birth name or a former name that they no longer go by or use. It can be both demeaning and invalidating, as well as a form of harassment when intentional. 14 24 makes an implicit statement about gender minority rights and validity, as well as a person’s identity. Gender carries with it enormous cultural context and social expectations. Even for Cisgender people, verbal harassment and misgendering (e.g. emasculation) can be used as a means to harm or reinforce rigid and toxic gender binaries and norms. Gendered language can also contribute to stereotypes and antiquated worldviews, especially regarding the role of women in workplaces and education. Being more cognisant of the way we use language around gender benefits everyone in higher education. Misgendering and deadnaming can happen accidentally, but students do not always know whether they can approach someone to remedy this. In order to make campus cultures more inclusive, respectful, and inviting, here are several practices to reflect upon: ● The voluntary listing of personal pronouns as part of email signatures, social media profiles, and webpage bios serves as a sign of respect to the gender minority community and invitation for others to share their pronouns. These can also be complemented with links to 101 information on gender pronouns or institutional gender policies; an indication that the person is informed about Trans* and gender issues; ● Providing opportunities to list preferred pronouns on forms and registration materials can be particularly useful when interacting with new contacts. For example, when interviewing potential employees or setting up appointments/meetings/office hour slots; ● Utilising gender neutral language within text, as well as the singular their/they/them (as opposed to “s/he” and similar variations); ● Providing buttons/paraphernalia or space on name tags to display pronouns at events; and ● Although this document encourages avenues and opportunities to volunteer pronouns, it also cautions against situations that make revealing 25 gender information mandatory or pressure someone to do so. Some people may still be questioning and forming their identity, do not wish to be outed due to safety concerns, or may simply wish to maintain their privacy. As such, an informal paper or online survey of students in a module, as an example, may be preferable to asking students to take turns in sharing their pronouns publicly. ​Student privacy and safety is the paramount concern. Here are additional resources for further reflection: University of Maryland: Inclusive Language University of Pittsburgh: Gender-Inclusive Guidelines New York University: Gender Inclusive Practices in the Classroom nt/toolkits/trans-inclusive-classrooms.html 26 6. BATHROOMS AND GENDERED AREAS Some of the strongest scores that were recorded in the initial survey were related to bathrooms and gendered areas (e.g. locker rooms). Although the authors encourage promoting ​inclusive ​gender segregated16 facilities, it’s also of great importance and a student health necessity for institutions to have gender neutral facilities available as an alternative. Figure 6: Respondent self-reported comfort with gender segregated bathrooms (Question 22 from the initial survey) 16 Gender segregated facilities are those designated for one particular gender (e.g. “The Ladies’ room). 27 Figure 7: Respondent self-reported comfort with gender segregated changing facilities (Question 23 from the initial survey) Figure 8: Respondent self-reported preference for gender neutral facilities (Question 24 from the initial survey) 28 Gender neutral bathrooms can provide students from this community with a safe and stigma free space. Circa 17% of respondents to the initial survey reported facing harassment in bathrooms (n=102). 35.6% of respondents (n=118) reported excessive delays between using restrooms, 59.3% using bathrooms where they felt uncomfortable, 24.6% discomfort or pain, 22.9% using a gender-neutral bathroom that was not clean or sanitary, and 5.9% medical issues17 due to bathroom access issues. There are enormous implications for productivity, emotional wellbeing, and physical health when a student cannot properly access safe bathroom facilities. Gender neutral facilities are advantageous to other members of a community as well. For gay men, as an example, the stereotype of cruising and homophobia can catalyse bullying in bathrooms and changing areas. For families with small children, gender neutral facilities can increase safety and privacy by allowing them to stay together. As previously mentioned, some gender expressions are non-conforming and there are people that may prefer to have a safe ungendered space as an alternative. Some considerations for gender neutral bathrooms include: ● Regularly cleaned,​ restocked, and serviced by janitorial staff. ● Separate from bathrooms designated for disabled persons. ​Students can feel apprehension or even guilt about utilising spaces designated for this community, even if it is for their own safety and comfort. ● Easily accessible. ​For example, they should not require fetching keys or unlocking by an administrator. These bathrooms should also not be located in hard to reach areas or spaces that are inaccessible to those with physical impairments. ● Inclusive of different bodies. ​For example, there should be dispensers for 17 For example, a UTI (or Urinary Tract Infection) is one of the medical complications that can manifest. 29 tampons and sanitary pads (as well as containers for used ones). Care stations for infants should also be included. ● Accommodate changing. ​Some community members do not always present as their gender when travelling for safety and comfort reasons. Rather, they sometimes change their clothing and appearance when arriving at a safer venue (e.g. a college campus or community centre). It would be advantageous if gender neutral bathrooms have racks, space, or shelves to facilitate this. ● Stickers and signage that list institutional and community supports, as well as contact information for emergencies. ● It may be beneficial for Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) staff to periodically inspect these spaces to ensure that they’re receiving due attention and upkeep. Regarding gender segregated facilities, institutions can benefit from signage that affirms that said facilities are Trans* inclusive. It’s important to note that the authors do not necessarily advocate for the replacement of gender segregated facilities or wish to dissuade community members from utilising them (it is their right to do so). Gender segregated toilets may hold significance to certain cultural and religious groups, for reasons unrelated to gender minorities. Rather it is emphasised that safe and inclusive gender neutral options are a necessity and should be in place concurrently. There is, though, a great deal to learn from Scandinavian ungendered designs and other “degendered” concepts, which often manifest as several easily accessible single stall water closets in a lobby or corridor. 30 7. ACCOMMODATION Nearly 23% of the initial survey respondents (n=119) stated that finding safe housing was an obstacle for them while 51% (n=119) reported familial issues. Respondents also had higher rates of homelessness/rough sleeping and single occupancy rooms/private housing than the general student population, as well as considerably lower rates of student residence occupancy. This can be interpreted that these students do not feel comfortable in campus accommodation and instead feel compelled to seek out more private lodging as a safety precaution. The prospect of potentially getting paired with a transphobic roommate may also be another factor for avoiding campus housing. Safe housing is fundamental to a student’s success. A student cannot sleep, study, or prosper if they do not feel comfortable in their surroundings. This document was written in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students, to date, have been compelled to leave their housing by some institutions, sometimes within 48 hours. News outlets (such as ​Gay Community News​ and Pink News​) have reported that this has resulted in some LGBTQI+ students returning to abusive or hostile environments. It must be impressed upon readers that the implications of being a sexual, romantic, or gender minority are far reaching. For anyone, finding last minute travel or accommodation can be frightening, costly, and even risky. For this community, it can also be dangerous. Protocols must be established to prevent any at-risk student from being exposed to harm during a future crisis or event (such as campus accommodation being damaged by fire or a natural disaster). Steps to addressing the exclusion of gender minority students from student housing may include: ● Prepare guidelines and protocols for gender inclusive housing that are 31 publicly available. Gender minority students benefit from understanding institutional policies to help them make decisions about housing and where to go for their education; ● Some students may “come out” or realise their gender identity during the middle of an academic year. Institutions can establish provisions that allow students to transfer to appropriate accommodation without penalty. Quick transfer and conflict resolutions protocols should also be in place if there are issues surrounding transphobia among roommates / dormmates; ● Train residence wardens and security staff, as well as housing administrators; ● Set aside LGBTQI+ floors or wings within campus housing. Some universities also have themed housing options near campuses related to things such as the LGBTQI+ community membership, culture, language, and sustainability; ● Establish a database of LGBTQI+ friendly local rentals and student digs; ● Establish a voluntary mixed gender or gender neutral floor or wing within campus housing; ● Allow gender minority students priority access, alongside other groups, for single occupancy rooms on-campus, as well as allow them to express any reasonable accommodations they may need; ● LGBTQI+ and gender neutral alternatives should exist alongside the regular avenues of housing that would allow gender minority students to be housed appropriately with other members of the gender that they identify with; and ● Ensure that gender minority students are properly and respectfully housed during fieldwork, society trips, or any travel related to education. 32 Some useful links for consideration: Columbia University: Housing-Transgender Students University of Miami: Gender-Inclusive Housing ng/index.html University of Limerick: Rainbow Housing 0%99s-first-%E2%80%98rainbow-housing%E2%80%99-option-lgbt-students 33 8. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POLICIES, ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES, AND EVENTS More respondents to the initial survey had left or were considering leaving their programme due to administrative issues than as a response to bullying. Although HEIs cannot account for every circumstance of a student’s lived-experience, policies, procedures, guidelines, and responses to incidents are more firmly within an institution's power​. As illustrated by the demographic findings of the initial survey, formal recognition of Third-Gender/Non-Binary identities and pronouns is necessary. Ideally, ​students should be allowed to self-identify with the registrar and on documents rather than select an incongruous gender identity from a limited selection. At the very least, a gender neutral option is preferable to no third option at all. Administrative procedures such as changing gender markers,18 IDs, or names should have published, formal, and accessible guidelines that explicitly detail each step. These processes should not be medicalised or allow for institutional gatekeeping. Obtaining medical documentation to “prove” one’s gender can be demeaning and goes against the principle of self-determination. Students may also not have the resources to access professionals at all or in a timely manner. Non-Binary and Third Gender people face issues dealing with medical services which may not acknowledge their gender identity. Concerning gatekeeping, the less obstacles involved in these procedures limits opportunities for negative encounters, misinformation, and breaches of privacy. Limiting the number of people who have to sign off on these changes (e.g. a PhD Supervisor, Head of School or Department Head) also removes possibilities for abuse of power. Some 18 ​An example of a gender marker might be a M, F, or X symbol on passports, driver’s licenses, or student IDs. 34 respondents to the initial survey and subsequent follow-up interviewees reported approaching their institutions for these procedures multiple times, only to be given conflicting directions, having to deal with staff that weren’t sure how to proceed, or find that there were no procedures for Non-Binary identities. This can escalate to a point at which students give up on completing these changes, become disheartened, or leave their programme. It’s vital to establish and publicise formal guidelines on inclusion within exercise facilities, competitions, and sporting clubs, as well as complaint procedures. Sporting facilities should have an accessible gender neutral bathroom and changing area that don’t incur any additional costs to users. With social pressures and high rates of medical problems, it’s important that the community be able to exercise and access means to improve their physical health. Guidelines can benefit from explicitly enumerating reasonable accommodations for (but not limited to) mental health crises, accessing non-medical transitioning services, and medical transitioning (for those students that it is relevant to). It may also be advantageous to establish policies on working with students that travel abroad for treatment or have procedures with extended recovery times. Institutions can consider establishing a baseline of training by prioritising key personnel and contact points for gender minority students. These include campus healthcare providers, campus security, human resources, EDI units, registrars, and other bodies that are in positions where they are likely to support gender minority students or investigate incidents of harassment/discrimination. Establishing safe points of contact within departments or schools for LGBTQI+ students to approach for confidential support, advice, and arranging reasonable accommodations is crucial to supporting the community (ideally each school / unit should have an EDI Point Person that can assist in this). The initial point of contact should not necessarily be a direct tutor, supervisor, or manager as students may feel apprehensive about disclosing sensitive information to 35 someone with power over them and said person may provide less quality support compared to someone who is trained, experienced, and enthused. As with healthcare centres, well-trained and enthusiastic liaisons are recommended. Contact information for these persons, along with institutional supports (e.g. Equality Officers, helplines, and student unions), can be advertised on websites and included within orientation literature. Ideally, there should be a diverse mixture of genders among established contacts. It may be advantageous to track the number of referrals to and contact points with these contacts to help monitor the effectiveness of the initiative and how it’s advertised. It’s important to incorporate explicit protections for students against discrimination due to gender identity, gender expression, and sex, with specific mention of Intersex persons, into institutional legal frameworks. These should be complemented by formal and speedy procedures to investigate incidents and immediately shield students from any offenders that may have power over them (e.g. a tutor, department head, or supervisor) or are in an easy position to harass them (e.g. dormmate or lab colleague). Provide students non-confrontational, expedient, non-punitive, and confidential “escape routes.” Rather than have students endure abusive behaviour to establish patterns of discrimination, allow them to extricate themselves from situations quickly as an alternative. The alternative of pursuing a formal complaint is often a lengthy and intimidating process. It can cause tensions to erupt and sour working relationships which may be required for an extended period over the duration of an educational programme. Some forms of abuse, such as intentional delays or harsher grading, are also very difficult to prove as having malicious intent. An example of an escape route may be allowing a student to switch modules, tutors, or supervisors with a nondescript administrative note. 36 Grievance procedures should be in place to recompense students that have experienced discrimination. This may include, for example, granting a PhD student additional funding for time lost due to a discriminatory colleague or supervisor. To help prevent the maltreatment of any student, “checkpoints” and oversight are recommended in programmes so that the quality of educational services can be evaluated and students can raise concerns (or satisfaction). This is especially pertinent in graduate and PhD programmes. It’s also recommended that PhD students have multiple supervisors. Outside of practical considerations, a singular supervisor can create a potentially damaging asymmetry of power with limited accountability. Provide and maintain accessible maps that itemise locations of gender neutral bathrooms (and related rooms/services such as changing areas). Also include similar facilities in surrounding buildings with public access (e.g. shopping centres, public libraries, and LGBTQI+ inclusive restaurants). Have institutional crisis services and emergency supports (e.g. university hardship funds) liaise with students unions, LGBTQI+ staff networks, LGBTQI+ student societies, and local NGOs to increase referrals and develop a rapport. EDI Units / Teams have the capacity on behalf of their HEIs to take advantage of Pride, the Trans Day of Remembrance, the Trans Day of Visibility, and local events to display supportive paraphernalia, post supportive messages on social media, and host events. In response to public incidents, whether positive or negative, listservs and social media accounts can be used to send out information and messages of support. Create “Pride.” Institutions do not have to wait for certain dates to have their own events that celebrate gender diversity and excellence amongst the community. This is especially pertinent as many Pride events are during the summer, when 37 students may be off-campus. Consider hosting drives for LGBTQI+ students. The gender minority community, in particular, could benefit from clothing, cosmetics, wigs, binders, and toiletry donations. Due to the economic marginalization that can occur, the wider LGBTQI+ community may also benefit from food and school supply pantries. It can also be beneficial, though, to liaise with student societies and unions beforehand to ascertain specific and additional needs. Offer alcohol free and daytime/early-evening LGBTQI+ events. The initial project’s research on safety indicated that respondents sometimes felt unsafe travelling at night, as well as around intoxicated people. Encourage EDI officials to conduct surveys, host town hall style meetings / focus groups, and track metrics to gauge the efficacy of inclusion measures, identify best practices, and highlight concerns. Inclusion efforts should not be undertaken to “Pinkwash” or simply check boxes. Discrimination can reduce the productivity of students and colleagues, cause personal and professional harm, lead to lawsuits, and lead to the disintegration of an institution’s workplace culture or indeed reinforce a working culture that was already negative. Outside of an ethical commitment to student well-being, there are a number of practical benefits for institutions to be wholeheartedly committed to EDI efforts. Policies are pointless if they aren’t adhered to, actualised and embedded as part of organisational cultural change. Changes and innovations to HEI policies involving gender minority students should be undertaken with frequent consultation with the LGBTQI+ community, organisations, and experts. Studies, departmental themes, and centres that focus on gender issues can make a concerted effort to include (e.g. piloting surveys, focus groups, consultations, and interviews) and hire professionals/academics/students from the community. 38 Some useful resources for consideration: NUI Galway: Ally Programme Harvard Business Review: Creating a Trans-Inclusive Workplace 39 9. GUIDANCE FOR TUTORS, INSTRUCTORS, AND SUPERVISORS Be Approachable Gender minority students may be facing or have faced discrimination within their current institution or at another one (leading to a transfer or incomplete degree). It’s important to note that 17% percent of students (n=122) in the project’s initial survey reported apprehension about approaching someone for reasonable accommodations. Considering this, the importance of signalling allyship cannot be overstated. It can be helpful to extend an open invitation. If a student has approached you for support or confided in you that they are undertaking a gender journey, one of the most powerful things that you can do is listen and let them know that they can come to you again in the future. Syllabi provide opportunities to include equality statements and invitations to students to contact you about pronoun usage, preferred names, or other considerations. Verbal statements on equality at the beginning of programmes, courses, or modules can also be a good way to compliment this. Please refer to Section 5 for more guidance on this. Pride, equality, and safe space paraphernalia in offices and classrooms can be another way to indicate approachability and support. However, these must be backed up with inclusive language and actions. Be Accommodating Many gender minority students may not require any reasonable accommodations or additional support. Others may need them for the same reasons as cisgender and gender conforming students do. However, there will be those that need them for reasons related to their gender. 40 Some students will need to access services internationally due to their insurance, to see a particular specialist, and or the limits of current healthcare infrastructure in their locale (e.g. in Ireland there are multi-year waits to access hormone replacement therapy). This is particularly pertinent to EU and UK students. There are opportunities to communicate and synergise schedules regarding potential trips, absences, appointments, and medical stays at opportune times for all parties. This goes for treatment within Ireland as well (e.g. recovery time or travel to a different city with certain services). COVID-19 has illustrated that telecommunications can provide a plethora of opportunities for remote teaching and supervision. HEI policies on extenuating circumstances for students should be accommodating in terms of establishing a timeline process that is developed as more concrete decisions and appointments are established. Many HEIs have extenuating circumstances in relation to high achieving professional athletic or artistic students that are permitted to progress through their studies at their own pace without penalty / progression limitations. A similar consideration could be given to Trans* and Gender Non-Conforming students with medical treatment schedules. Cancelling, delaying, or rushing appointments ​will almost certainly have devastating and rippling impacts on these students​. They are and should be treated as a medical necessity. With planning and mutual cooperation, a gender journey should not be in conflict with education. ​No student should be placed in a position where they feel compelled to choose between their gender expression and their academic career. Learn The LGBTQI+ community and specifically Trans*, Non-Binary, and Gender Non-Conforming students are not an obstacle, rather they are an immense asset 41 and gift to every institute. They demonstrate an institution's strength through diversity. They can provide unique insights, worldviews, goals, motivations, and experiences that add to knowledge and the campus community. Advancing their inclusion helps shine light on a myriad of issues (especially regarding gender stereotypes) and advance the rights of every student and employee while also demonstrating to larger society that HEIs are the exemplars needed in this instance. Call It Out A campaign, “Call It Out,” was launched in Ireland during 2019 to encourage people to call out phobia and abuse against the Queer community (​​). From the project’s survey, classrooms were found to be one of the leading places where harassment occurs (see Figure 12). By explicitly calling out abuse and bullying in higher education, it sends a message that it’s unacceptable while also signalling allyship. Not addressing it, however, it can be allowed to poison campus culture and can be seen as tacit approval. Go Beyond There are opportunities to enhance your knowledge and supplement existing guidelines with information and guidance from non-profits and community organisations. Please consider consulting the Useful Links and Resources sections and even reaching out to the listed organisations. Below is further information and guidance: Brown University: Diversity & Inclusion Syllabus Statements statements Clemson University: Diversity and Inclusion Syllabus Statements 42 ersity_InclusionSyllabiSamples.pdf Vanderbilt University: Teaching Beyond the Gender Binary in the University Classroom -the-university-classroom/ 43 10. ADDITIONAL GRAPHICS Figure 9: Respondent reported off-campus issues that are negatively impacting their academic career (Question 51 in the initial survey). 44 Figure 10: Respondent self-reported experience of harassment associated with gender identity and or sexual orientation (Question 40 from the initial survey) 45 Figure 11: Respondent self-reported experience of harassment impacting their dignity and respect on campus (Question 41 from the initial survey) 46 Figure 12: Physical and or online locations of harassment associated with campus activities (Question 43 from the initial survey) 47 Figure 13: Perceived barriers that limit inclusion and or well-being of study respondents (Question 33 from the initial survey) 48 USEFUL LINKS AND RESOURCES (Irish Context) BeLonG To Gender Rebels Cork The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Jigsaw (National Page) LGBT Ireland National LGBTI Federation NUI Galway Office of the Vice President for Equality & Diversity Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland’s Gender Identity and Expression Policy bout/edi/gender-identity-and-expression-policy.pdf This Is Me Campaign 49 Transgender Equality Network Ireland TransgenderNI University College Dublin’s Gender Identity and Expression Policy pdf 50 USEFUL LINKS AND RESOURCES (International Context) European Union Agency for Fundamental Human Rights: Being Trans in the EU Comparative Analysis -lgbt-survey-data-summary European Union Agency for Fundamental Human Rights: A long way to go for LGBTI Equality Human Rights Campaign: Trans Toolkit for Employers Lambda Legal: Toolkits and Publications University of California Los Angeles: Williams Institute University of Minnesota Extension Transgender Toolkit The Trevor Project: Resources Williams Institute: Transgender Students in Higher Education n/ 51 ACCESSING PROJECT MATERIALS The full report is publicly available via: ​ The policy brief is also publicly available via: ​ If you are interested in following the ongoing project’s updates, you can do so here: periences-of-Sexual-and-Gender-Minority-Students-in-Ireland PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION Please contact ​[email protected] ​if you have any questions about the project. If you require any support services, please contact TENI at [email protected]​. Thank you for your time and consideration. 52