Do not ask me where I am from 1 Do not ask me from where I am, and do not look at my outward appearance. Because the days have blown my face and it became unclear. Do not ask me who are my grandfathers, but be a friend that I need at any time. Do not search after days that passed with those who passed, but think about a future for us together. Do not stand still in front of a history that I did not have any role in it, but take action now, and I am with you. Do not search a lot about who I am; you might think that I am your enemy because of the historical deposits on the pages of time. Look at the truth in my eyes and do not look at my ornamentation. How can you hate me, while you have a distorted knowledge about the past? A past that I was not in it, I did not know it, I was born, and I did not know who am I until I realised. How can I be responsible for a history of thousands years? Are my action and word the most important or what you heard from here and there? Take lessons from the past and leave the rest. Who said that you are better than I or I am better than you? Let us write a new history together that do not carry hatred on its shoulders. For the new generations, when they read it, they take it as a road that leads them to wisdom instead of falling into the doom because of the hatred. Thus, they learn from us, love instead of animosity, forgiveness instead of revenge and knowledge instead of ignorance. 1 Dahlia Khay Azeez, “Lā Tasālnī Man Ānā” Nağm Al-Mašriq, 53, 2008.