Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard Robin Psaila 27246269 12/05/17 Game Design Document Encanto, every spell is a journey Welcome to the magical VR world of Encanto, here, we aim to immerse players in a world where they'll be exposed to 4 distinct planets in a linear fashion. In this universe, players are adept sorcerers looking to complete their training as confirmed protectors of Encanto. On the one hand, they will learn to master the 3 powers of Encanto which emerged from each of the magical planet’s origin story: Jisa (Red Blade), Encantar (Green Magic), Nixo (Blue Shield), Magnus (all powers + final boss). On the other hand, they will have to understand each of the world’s enemies’ abilities to defeat them and complete each level without Game Over (dying after 5 lives used). We will start by describing the game’s basic concept as well as the main gameplay dynamics. This description explains the interface and general design parameters of the game such as the levels, the world and mechanics of gameplay. Then, we will detail the narrative backgrounds of each planets and spells to show how they form a single story, the story of the player’s training and discovery of Encanto. BASIC CONCEPTS: WORLD, GAMEPLAY, SOUND AND INTERFACE Encanto is a first-person horde survival combat game that emphasizes the use of gestures with the HTC Vive controller. Therefore, it will be a VR game where the player will only be able to move within a given physical & virtual space. The player will be able to cast 3 different spells to battle the incoming enemies. His attack options will be limited depending on where the enemy is placed and which type is he facing. To cast these spells the player must use these corresponding gestures: • The Akai Katana (Red Sword) – Straight Line – Kills enemies from Planets 1 and 2. • The Kul (Green Magic) – Triangle – Destroy shields in Planets 2/3/4 in one shot. • The Dhala (Shield) – Circle – Protect from enemies’ attack in Planet 3 – cooldown? Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 Each enemy will be susceptible to a different spell in a rock, paper, scissors fashion shown in Appendix 1. For example, the basic enemy from Jisa will be a melee enemy with a spirit sword in hand, using his red blade spell, the player will be able to fight them off easily as it is the introduction planet. However, Encantar will have both a melee enemy type and a spellcaster enemy type with a green staff equipped of a dark blue gem in hand. The players will be able to defeat the melee enemies in a similar fashion as in the previous world. In addition, he will have to use his red sword spell to deflect spellcasters incoming attacks to defend himself and defeat them. He will also have to use his new Green Magic spell to destroy enemies’ shield given by spellcasters whether they are active on melee or spellcaster enemy types. The shield will be shown with blue strokes around the given shielded character. Finally, on the third planet, the player will be able to use his Blue Shield spell to protect himself with a magical shield which he will hold either with his left or right hand depending on his preferences. If he does the circle with his left hand it will appear there and vice versa if used with right hand. Remark, it is impossible for the player to cast two spells at the same time by using his two hands. It would also be very interesting to implement zone damage if ever the spell is done correctly with two hands. There are 3 main zones that the player will interact with even though he won’t be able to distinguish them visually, he’ll have to guess their existences. There is a zone where spell casters will start attacking from (purple zone on Appendix 2), one for melee enemies (end of blue/red zone on Appendix 2) and another one the ‘grey’ zone for delimiting where the players will be able to see them coming but where neither will be able to attack. The zone for spell casters is where they start attacking you from, until they reach the zone for melee attacks (red zone), the player will have to find a way to protect himself from their attacks by deflecting or maybe dodging them if ever such a mechanic can be implemented. Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 The red sword beats melee enemies from the first planet and wizards from the second planet. Furthermore, Green Magic beats spellcasters shields from planet Encantar and Magnus (planet 2 and 3) that protect themselves and melee enemies, then Blue shield spell protect the player from a new kind of melee enemy type originating from planet Magnus (planet 4). The main idea is that each new world contains a similar enemy NPC as the one before it (melee, spellcaster or ‘shieldable’ types) and they add up until the player beats the game by completing the Magnus planet’s waves where he will be challenged by all of them at once. During the enemy waves of each planet, the player will gain an extra life after each completed enemy waves. He will begin each planet with 3 lives and they are being taken once he is being hit either by a melee attack or a spell. In the last planet, he will start with 5 lives and he won’t be awarded any extra for having completed an enemy wave. Enemies can appear from any direction and they will have a color and/or a shape in their design to indicate whether they are an Attacking (melee) type, a Melee-Defensive (attacking + shield) or Spellcaster-Defensive (can shield enemies) type or a regular spellcaster (wizards) type of enemies. In order to counter each one the player must use the spell that they are weak against as explained previously before they reach and kill him. Appendix 1: Rock, Paper, Scissor mechanic Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 Every time the player is hit by the enemy the screen will tint itself red temporarily and one of the circles indicating lives will disappear. When the player runs out of lives he/she will have to restart the current wave. The player can try to beat the waves as many times as they want. He also gets an extra life after each wave they survive, in addition to that if the player gets more than 3 spells right in a row he gains back a life. However, we may have to adapt those after playtesting. Sound will play an important role in the game since it will alert the players of the incoming enemies and their types. Each type of enemy will make a distinct sound and that sound will come from the direction of that enemy. Whenever the player gets hit there will be an audio feedback. Whenever a spell is cast wrong or right, different audio cues will play. The player cannot walk freely around the world, he will be constrained to a closed space around him where he is allowed a 360 vision over the axis where the waves of enemies will come from. Using the VR headset the player is free (and required to) look all around him in order to spot incoming enemies and plan his strategy to defeat them. The player will be located at the center of a valley (plain surrounded by mountains) and the enemies will come charging from behind the surrounding hills. In certain areas, we plan to include natural obstacles such as pounds or dense bushes that will slow down the enemies if they pass through them, giving the player some time to prioritize their attacks towards the faster enemies. Whenever an enemy gets dangerously close a warning icon with the monster's type will appear on screen as well as an arrow pointing towards that enemy. Except what we already talked about, there will be no visible interface in the player’s field of view apart from the controllers which will look like a staff (see the Vive controller with red gem on Appendix 2). Depending on he is left-handed or right-handed, he will be given the option to choose with hand he wants to have the staff in. The amount of lives left which will be indicated by small circles on the bottom right of the screen as seen on Appendix 2. Each planet will have 5 enemy waves, each one increasingly more difficult than the last. Difficulty will increase depending on the number of enemies and how fast they can get to the player. Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 Appendix 2: Visual Representations of Spell Gestures and General Interface BOSS FIGHTS At the end of each world the player will encounter a boss which will be able to cast all the spells the player knows up to that point. Depending on which spell is being cast by the boss he will change colors and display its corresponding shape so the player knows what to attack him with. The boss will die after he is hit correctly 5 times in the first world, 6 in the second, 7 in the third and 10 in the final world. HOW TO PLAY To cast the spells, the player will have to activate the trigger in the HTC Vive controller to start doing the gestures. The first spell's gesture will be a straight line, the second one will be a circle or circular motion and the third will be a triangle. For the spell to be effectively cast at an enemy, the enemy must be selected (with the non-staff hand by pointing at it, this hand will have a crosshair to indicate where the player is pointing at) and then with the staff the player must perform the right gesture. Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 The player will be surrounded by 4 circular areas represented in Appendix 3. In the first area (grey in Appendix 3) the player will only be able to partially spot the enemies, as they reach the second area (purple) the player will be able to see them perfectly and attack them with his Green Magic spell or defend himself from the incoming attacks of spellcasters. When enemies reach the third area (blue), the player will be able to attack with any of his spells. Finally, once they exit the third area, they will reach the last area (red) where the gamer is placed, that’s were melee enemies will attack. A warning will be triggered on the player's field of vision and he/she will have a very limited amount of time to fight them off. The player has the whole second and third area to defeat them. The enemies in the first only have melee attacks (they will charge at you). When you reach the second and third planets you'll encounter some ranged attacks from spellcasters even though they will still be charging at you. These ranged attacks will be deflectable by using the red spell and if it's cast correctly it will defeat the enemy even if it's in the purple area. Appendix 3: Game environment and zones Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard Robin Psaila 27246269 BACKGROUND NARRATIVE FIRST PLANET: JISA 12/05/17 You start in a forest with red trees, you are a human and you are here to complete your training as a sorcerer or sorceress of Encanto. You will face the challenge of the four worlds with your gem-staff in this universe. Encanto is composed of 4 worlds, each of them having distinct environments and narrative backgrounds but linked to the same story, the story of Encanto sorcerers. Each world represents the color of the player’s power, as well as a progressive story-line which culminates in the fourth planet where all powers will be used in an ultimate battle against the evil forces of Encanto governed by Magnus, an exiled Encanto sorcerer who aims at destroying the world of Encanto and especially prevent the learnings of new sorcerers. The player will play each world in a linear fashion by defeating enemy waves, proving himself as a worthy sorcerer. Each world will be composed of one level, this level will be divided in two sequences, a tutorial one for beginners (only if necessary) and the playthrough of the 5 waves in the world. The player will be exposed to a tutorial with a set of enemy waves, each of them highlighting a key mechanic to deal or reflect damage and protect himself. Starting with the Akai Katana (Red Sword) World, placed on the ‘vacant’ planet of Jisa, a red cursed forest with autumn leaves on the ground, you remember having a piece of paper. It says that you have two options, activate the tutorial by clicking using the right controller for beginners or the practice for advanced players. Beginners will automatically start the practice sequence after they decided to at the end of each tutorial sequence. If the player chooses practice mode, he will start each world without the tutorial sequences while beginners will go through them. If a player in practice mode loses too much in one world, he will be given the option to retry it in beginner’s mode. Why is Jisa vacant some might ask? Well, the reason is because of the emptiness of its forest except late at night… There is a legend that a thousand years ago, Jisa didn’t use to have this red scary look. It was inhabited, by a somewhat prosperous society some argued, however, the only remains were a few ideology and religious books along with precious minerals like the gem that’s in your staff, and a few underground buildings. Barely any food was found, some Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 mushrooms who could only spread underground and a few animal bones which had been long dead. It seemed that even though there had been something in Jisa, it had suddenly left. Apparently, some Encanto sorcerers discovered in a rare history book that there had been a religious call in this closed community. Some powerful chieftains venerated what was understood as a ‘Blood-god’. They had been scarifying people in the hope of getting mercy while gaining money and power over the other villagers by offering them purifying rituals. Of course, they were tolerated as long as nobody was killed until eventually the tendency moved from killing animals to killing humans. The few remains of them couldn’t identify whether they were humanoids or not but they wrote in a similar fashion to us. Quickly upon discovery, we identified a form of spiritual power within the gems of Jisa, it had to do with the Blade which possesses the Blood-God in most of the civilizations carvings. More precisely, in the terminology of this civilization, the two words to stand out was blood associated with red and warrior or chief associated with blade. Perhaps the civilization was alienated to the warriors’ safekeeping of their ‘divine powers’ by continuing an endless sacrifice in blood to derive power from it. However, it seemed the ruling chieftains didn’t realize they were condemning the civilization and the planet to its own doom by enforcing such a religious belief. The Encanto sorcerers of around the world are still looking for answers regarding how such gems might have emerged from this unusual situation in Jisa. However, the red color did emerge from the neverending spilling of blood which stains even the atmosphere of the planet. Weather conditions are monitored there for the sake of the sorcerers’ trainings; however, you may be subject to a red fog. Nowadays, most theories argue that the spirits of those warriors haunt the forest because the god punished them for having killed themselves and the planet’s ecosystem. PROGRESSION STRUCTURE The mechanics are introduced in a simple and basic manner, through a beginner tutorial. At this moment, the player learns the very first spell (and motion) he or she will be doing for this level to defeat the waves of incoming monsters. Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 The idea is to capture the player’s attention to the imminent danger of the surrounding waves. The player must be aware of his surroundings and be prepared to act in a fast manner. The point is to bring a sense of danger to the players, requiring them to pay attention and react fast to the hordes of monsters. The game will introduce two new spells (and motions), to a sum of 3 different movements. The player will need to recognize the colors and shape of monsters and counter them with the corresponding spell. It is a game of quick thinking, aiming for a fast-paced action horde fighting fantasy background. The levels should be designed to evoke this sense of fantasy and mythology, appealing to vivid colors, mystical forests, surrounding moons in the sky and many more visual representations. The levels are based on the background story of the game: each level is a different planet, in which the player, as a sorcerer or sorceress, embarks on a journey to learn the ways of magic and spells. Therefore, for each level, there is a different school of magic (and a new spell for the player to learn). PLANETS/LEVELS CHARACTERISTICS FIRST PLANET - Planet Jisa – Intro Conflict Planet (Check Appendix • • • • The player learns the first attack (The Akai Katana – Red Magic) Red and warm color palette The enemies are wizard melee attackers. Players must use the Akai Katana (red spell) to defeat them. Wizards will attack with a magical melee sword. Boss uses only magic spell (green) and is defeated after 5 successful deflected attacks. SECOND PLANET – Encantar – Home of Encanto sorcerers • • • • • Player learns second attack (The Blast – Green Magic) At this point, the player must use two motions to fight the enemies. Light green palette (earth-like, prairies, lots of nature, flying mountains like in Avatar) The enemies are banished wizards and invoked warriors from Jisa. Players must use both the Akai Katana (Sword, red) and the Kul (Blast, green) to defeat them. Warriors will also attack in a similar fashion as on Jisa maybe a little bit more difficult. Second boss uses both spells (the Blast and the Akai Katana) and the player must react accordingly. The boss is defeated after 6 successful hits. THIRD PLANET – Nixo - Cold Water Planet • • Player learns third attack (The Shield – Blue Magic) At this point, the player must use three motions to fight the enemies. Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard 12/05/17 Robin Psaila 27246269 • Cold Blue color palette (snow, icy mountains, crystal/blue stones, water, waterfalls) • The enemies are wizards, warriors and their according ‘shieldable’ types. Players must use all three spells to defeat them. • Third boss uses all three (the Blast, the Akai Katana and the Dhala) spells and the player must react accordingly, the boss is defeated after 7 successful hits. FOURTH PLANET – Magnus – Source of Evil forces • • • • • No new attack is learnt Player must use three motions to fight enemies. Purple color palette (galaxy/moons - the Appendix 2 is a good example) Once again, enemies are wizards, warriors and shieldable. Final boss also uses all three (the Blast, the Akai Katana and the Dhala) spells and the player must react accordingly, the boss is defeated after 10 successful hits. GAMEPLAY NARRATIVE STARTING AT PLANET 2 “I’m surprised that they implemented a deflection mechanic to kill the first planet’s boss. Alright, now the game is introducing me to a new spell, the Blast or Kul, I must do a triangle motion to get it right, guess I’ll practice a bit in the tutorial waves before going for the real thing. Ok, got it. Bring on the waves! Gotta keep track of the new shapes and the monsters coming! Just spotted a shielded enemy on my right heading my way, better cast that blast spell to remove his shield so I can take him out after. Another one is heading towards me from behind, let’s remove his shield as well. Oh! I forgot to kill the previous enemy, I just lost a life… Ok, now I’m almost done. Yes! First wave cleared! Just lost one life on this one, I’m doing good since I’m back at 5 lives! Whoops, second wave seems a bit though, it’s getting hard to keep track of all the enemies and get the spells right at the time! Damn, they’re approaching fast! Two wizards got me from behind with a ranged attack, I didn't cast the sword spell on time to deflect them. Now, I’m at 3 lives, there are a few melee enemies coming, only two are shielded, let’s cast the Blast and then we can take all three after the other. Oh well, just finished the second wave and now I’m at 4 lives, there are still 3 more waves to go and the boss. I should aim to get the extra life with a combo right now when it’s still doable. “WAVE START!”. OK, it started with a spellcaster and two melee enemies, if I cast my sword on time and destroy the melee enemies shield. I should be able to get the combo without being it. I deflected the first attack from the spellcaster, got him! Let’s take care of those melee ones now, I got both their shields. Nice! 5 lives… now I'm ready for the next wave if I don’t lose an extra before the end of this one.” Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard Robin Psaila 27246269 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 12/05/17 WEEK 1: Setup VR in Unity WEEK 2: Develop the gesture recognition WEEK 3: Tweak and the perfect the gesture recognition + interface design (menus) WEEK 4: Enemy behavior and lives management WEEK 5: Get the attacks working (from both the enemies and the player) WEEK 6: Asset creation and design + saving and loading functionality WEEK 7: Asset creation and design + audio design WEEK 8: Tutorial development (explanations and instructions for each spell) WEEK 9: Level and environment creation (First and second world) WEEK 10: Level and environment creation (third and fourth world) WEEK 11: Develop Boss Fights WEEK 12: Debugging / testing WEEK 13: Debugging / testing ASSETS NEEDED • • • • • • • • Staff (with gem) Wizard Spellcasters (magic/ranged attacks users) – green (may change with planet color) Wizard Warriors (sword/melee attacks users) – red (may change with planet color) Shield Enemies (shield users or shieldable units) – blue (may change with planet color) Alien looking trees (different for each planet) Moons and planets surroundings (Solar System or Galaxy of Encanto?) Skyboxes (different for each planet) Ground textures (different for each planet) We hope that Encanto seems like an exciting world to the readers of this game Design document. We have tried to come up with a world designed for gamers who want to experience a fantasy-space world where magic is being learned throughout the discoveries of new planets, new looking enemies, new origin stories and environments. This diversity offers a wide range of gameplay experiences and they also cumulate in one same story, the story of Encanto sorcerers. Each planet represents the color of the player’s power, as well as a progressive story-line which culminates in the fourth planet where all powers will be used in an ultimate battle against the evil forces which threatens the magical universe of Encanto. Enjoy more concept images below… Marianna Hernandez 40069836 Carlos Augusto 40069827 CART 215 – Jonathan Lessard Robin Psaila 27246269 Appendix 4: Mock-up for 1st Planet Jisa Appendix 5: Logo and Slogan 12/05/17