Armed groups, organized violence and the Euro-Mediterranean spaces (1870-1914)


Conference program: Conference Armed groups, organized violence and the Euro-Mediterranean spaces (1870-1914) 09.00 - 09.30: Opening Remarks  Matteo Millan (University of Padova) 09.30 - 11.00: First Panel Chair: Amerigo Caruso (University of Padua)  Guillaume Richard (University Paris Descartes), Armes et exercice collectif de la citoyenneté dans l’espace métropolitain et colonial français et anglais  Romain Bonnet (University of Padua), The French Republic, Political Violence and Imperial Militias in the Mediterranean and Beyond (Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries)  Xenia Marinou (University of Athens), Les francs-tireurs grecs à la guerre franco-prussienne 11.00 - 11.30: Coffee Break 11.30 - 13.30: Second Panel Chair: Giulia Albanese (University of Padua)  Assumpta Castillo (University of Padova), Armed groups outside law enforcement. A model for the periphery? The case of Spain (ca. 1870-1914)  Stève Bessac (University of Pau), Groupes armés «auxiliaires» et monopolisation de la violence dans l’Empire chérifien   (1912-1923) Antonin Plarier (Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne ), Des colons en armes? Le banditisme en Algérie pendant la décennie 1890 : des peurs sociales aux pratiques répressives Simona Berhe (University of Milan), «Affidare agli stessi indigeni la tutela dell’ordine e la protezione della religione»: le bande indigene irregolari in Libia occidentale (1911-1914) 13.30 - 14.30: Lunch 14.30 - 16.00: Third Panel Chair: Claire Morelon (University of Padua)  Danilo Šarenac (Institute of Contemporary History in Belgrade), The True Opponents of the State. Banditry in the Serbian Kingdom 1881–1914  Nikos Sigalas (EHESS - Centre d'études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques ), The Comity Union and Pro gress and the issue of political violence in the Ottoman Empire Ramazan Hakkı Öztan (University of Neuchatel), Gunsmiths of Revolution: Weapons Manufacturers and Technology Piracy in the Late Ottoman Balkans 16.00 - 16.30: Coffee Break 16.30 - 18.00: Fourth Panel 23 January 2019 Salle de conférences du premier étage École Française de Rome (Rome, Italy) Chair: Marco Maria Aterrano (University of Padua)  Tasos Kostopoulos (University of the Aegean), “Faire la police dans un pays étranger”. Greek Macedonian Comitadjis   between Irredentism and Ottoman Paramilitarism (1904-1908) Ioannis Nioutsikos (University of Piraeus), The relationship between irredentist armed groups and the Greek state: A comparative study of the “National Society” (1894-1899) and the “Macedonian Committee” (1904-1908). Renaud Dorlhiac (EHESS - Centre d'études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques et centrasiatiques ), L’ordre à la marge: évolutions croisées des mobilisations armées en Epire (1908-1914) 18.00 - 18.30: Concluding Remarks  Fabrice Jesné (École Française de Rome ) This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (G.A. No 677199) 20.00: Dinner