*Jewish Culture in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honor of David B. Ruderman*, eds. Richard I. Cohen, Natalie B. Dohrmann, Adam Shear, and Elchanan Reiner (Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, 2014)

Jewish CulTure in early Modern euroPe  essays in honor of david B. ruderMan Edited by Richard I. Cohen, Natalie B. Dohrmann, Adam Shear, and Elchanan Reiner HEBREw UNIoN CollEgE PRESS  UNIvERSIty of PIttSBURgH PRESS CONTENTS  Acknowledgments ix Introduction from venice to Philadelphia—revisiting the early Modern adam shear, richard i. Cohen, elchanan reiner, and natalie B. dohrmann xi I. REALMS OF AUTHORITY: CONFLICT AND ADAPTATION Continuity or Change The Case of Two Prominent Jewish Portuguese Clans in the ottoman empire Joseph r. hacker 3 Don’t Mess with Messer leon halakhah and humanism in fifteenth-Century italy elliott horowitz 18 Jews and Habsburgs in Prague and Regensburg on the Political and Cultural significance of solomon Molkho’s relics Matt Goldish 28 Jewish women in the wake of the Chmielnicki Uprising Gzeires Tah·-Tat as a Gendered experience adam Teller 39 for god and Country Jewish identity and the state in seventeenth-Century amsterdam Benjamin fisher 50 “A Civil Death” sovereignty and the Jewish republic in an early Modern Treatment of Genesis 49:10 anne oravetz albert 63 vi  Contents II. KNOWLEDGE NETWORKS the Hebrew Bible and the Senses in late Medieval Spain Talya fishman 75 Printing Kabbalah in Sixteenth-Century Italy Moshe idel 85 Persecution and the Art of Printing hebrew Books in italy in the 1550s amnon raz-Krakotzkin 97 Kabbalah and the Diagrammatic Phase of the Scientific Revolution J. h. (yossi) Chajes 109 yosef Shlomo Delmedigo’s Engagement with Atomism some further explorations into a Knotty Problem y. Tzvi langermann 124 III. “JEWS” AND “JUDAISM” IN THE EARLY MODERN EUROPEAN IMAGINATION the theater of Creation and Re-creation Giuseppe Mazzotta 137 weeping over Erasmus in Hebrew and latin Joanna weinberg 145 “fair Measures from our Region” The study of Jewish antiquities in renaissance italy andrew Berns 156 Christian Hebraism and the Rediscovery of Hellenistic Judaism anthony Grafton 169 Contents  vii Jews, Nobility, and Usury in luther’s Europe Jonathan Karp 181 “Adopt this Person So totally Born Again” elias schadeus and the Conversion of the Jews debra Kaplan 193 the Conservative Hybridity of Miguel de Barrios adam sutcliffe 205 le Don Quichotte d’Antônio José Da Silva, les Marionnettes du Bairro Alto et les Prisons de l’Inquisition roger Chartier 216 IV. THE LONG EIGHTEENTH CENTURY IN AN EARLY MODERN KEY the Collapse of Jacob’s ladders? a suggested Perspective on the Problem of secularization on the eve of the enlightenment Michael heyd 229 A Jew from the East Meets Books from the west yaacob dweck 239 Printing, fundraising, and Jewish Patronage in Eighteenth-Century livorno francesca Bregoli 250 An Interpretive tradition Connecting europe and the “east” in the eighteenth Century andrea schatz 260 gibbon’s Jews dead but alive in eighteenth-Century england david s. Katz 271 viii  Contents the “Happy time” of Moses Mendelssohn and the transformative year 1782 shmuel feiner 282 A tale of three generations shifting attitudes toward haskalah, Mendelssohn, and acculturation sharon flatto 294 An Underclass in Jewish History? Jewish Maidservants in east european Jewish society, 1700–1900 rebecca Kobrin 307 V. FROM THE EARLY MODERN TO THE LATE MODERN (AND BACK AGAIN) Did North American Jewry Have an Early Modern Period? Beth s. wenger 319 language and Periodization Mendele Moykher sforim and the revival of Pre-haskalah style israel Bartal 331 the End or the Beginning Jewish Modernity and the reception of rahel varnhagen vivian liska 344 Between yitzhak Baer and Claudio Sánchez Albornoz The rift That never healed yosef Kaplan 356  list of David B. Ruderman’s Publications Compiled by yechiel y. schur 369