CARE ETHICS RESEARCH CONSORTIUM Inaugural Conference “Precarity”

CARE ETHICS RESEARCH CONSORTIUM Inaugural Conference CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY Portland State University September 27th + 28th, 2018 Create your own conference title What is care to you? What is precarity to you? CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY CARE ETHICS RESEARCH CONSORTIUM Inaugural Conference Portland State University September 27th + 28th, 2018 SPONSORS Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) Portland State University University Studies The Provost’s Office The School of Business Administration College of Urban and Public Affairs Department of Philosophy Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies University of Humanistic Studies, the Netherlands WELCOME! On behalf of the members of the Care Ethics Research Consortium (CERC) and Portland State University, welcome to the inaugural CERC conference. We hope you will find the two days of presentations stimulating and inspiring. The conference theme, is appropriately, “Care Ethics and Precarity.” The precarious world needs the work of care ethicists more than ever. To effectively engage in the work of care, we must be fortified with strong relationships among researchers and practitioners all over the world. We hope you will make an extra effort over the course of this conference to make connections with other scholars who are interested in expanding the circle of compassion, empathy, and attentiveness in a time when unnecessary perilousness has been wrought. Because this is the first CERC conference, no blueprint existed for its creation. Many people must be thanked for helping to create this event, and some of their names are listed in this program. We all hope you have a wonderful experience. Best, Maurice Hamington Executive Director, University Studies Professor of Philosophy Affiliate Faculty, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Portland State University CERC Steering Committee ORGANIZERS CERC FOLKS Antoinette de Fouw Inge van Nistelrooij Care— Website Support Planning Committee Carlo Leget Merel Visse Preliminary Planning Committee Planning Committee Elena Pulcini Sophie Bourgault Preliminary Planning Committee Presentation Schedule Coordinator Flavia Biroli Preliminary Planning Committee PSU FOLKS Elea Davison Monica Mueller Graphic Designer Panel Chair Coordinator Emma Colburn Neera Malhotra Family Project Space Coordinator Local Conference Team Krys Roth Rachel Cunliffe Executive Director Assistant Local Conference Team Maurice Hamington Veronica Hotton Conference Executive Director Conference Manager Michael Flower Vicki Reitenauer Local Conference Team Welcoming and Belonging Coordinator Michelle Swinehart Aesthetics Coordinator WAYFINDING Food Carts Extensive + Convenient Public Transit SCHEDULE AT—A—GLANCE WEDNESDAY // SEPTEMBER 26th 3:30—5:30 PM Pre—Conference Registration Lobby of University Place Hotel & Conference Center THURSDAY // SEPTEMBER 27th 8:00—8:30 AM Registration Prefunction near Wahkeena Falls Room 8:30—9:00 AM Welcoming & Acknowledgements 9:00—10:00 AM Opening Plenary: Maurice Hamington & Carlo Leget Wahkeena Falls Room 10:00—10:30 AM //BREAK// //BOTH DAYS // 8:00 AM—6:30 PM Family Project Space 9:00 AM—6:00 PM PreCarity Lab 10:30—12:00 PM Session A Panel Presentations Four concurrent sessions 12:00—1:30 PM //LUNCH// 12:30—1:20 PM Contemplation + Reflection 1:30—3:00 PM Session B Panel Presentations Four concurrent sessions 3:00—3:30 PM //BREAK// 3:30—5:00 PM Session C Panel Presentations Four concurrent sessions 5:00—5:15 PM //BREAK// 5:15—6:15 PM KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Eva Feder Kittay Wahkeena Falls Room 6:30—7:30 PM //RECEPTION// FRIDAY // SEPTEMBER 28th 8:00—8:30 AM Registration Prefunction near Wahkeena Falls Room 8:30—10:00 AM Session D Panel Presentations Three concurrent sessions 10:00—10:30 AM //BREAK// 10:30—12:00 PM Session E Panel Presentations Three concurrent sessions //BOTH DAYS // 8:00 AM—6:30 PM Family Project Space 9:00 AM—6:00 PM PreCarity Lab 10:30—12:00 PM Story Exchange 12:00—1:30 PM //LUNCH// 12:30—1:20 PM Contemplation + Reflection 1:30—3:30 PM Plenary: Deborah Smith Arthur & Lori Gruen Wahkeena Falls Room 3:30—4:00 PM //BREAK// 4:00—5:30 PM KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Fiona Robinson Wahkeena Falls Room 5:30—5:45 PM //BREAK// 5:45—6:30 PM CLOSING REMARKS: Maurice Hamington & Joan Tronto Wahkeena Falls Room 6:30—7:30 PM //RECEPTION// Wahkeena Falls Room CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY SCHEDULE CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 KEYNOTE Eva Feder Kittay Can Care Ethics Really Be ‘Globalized’? Thursday, September 27th // 5:15—6:15 PM Wahkeena Falls Room Eva Feder Kittay, Ph.D., recently retired as Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Stony Brook University. She is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, an NEH Fellowship, and the APA and Phi Beta Kappa Lebowitz Prize. She has also been recognized for her work in Feminist Philosophy, being named Woman Philosopher of the Year (2003—2004) by the Society for Women in Philosophy and having chaired the Committee on the Status of Women (1997—2001). Her latest book is, Learning from My Daughter: Disabled Minds and Rethinking Things that Matter. Notes// Fiona Robinsion Globalizing Care Ethics: Resisting Hierarchies and Embracing Precarity Friday, September 28th // 4:00—5:30 PM Wahkeena Falls Room Fiona Robinson, Ph.D., is Professor of Political Science specializing in International Relations and Political Theory at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). She is the author of The Ethics of Care: A Feminist Approach to Human Security, which won the University of Southern California’s J. Ann Tickner Book Prize in 2014 and was short—listed for the Canadian Political Science Association’s International Relations Book Prize in 2012. Fiona Robinson was the recipient of the 2012 Faculty of Public Affairs Research Achievement Award and a 2014 Carleton University Research Achievement Award. CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY KEYNOTE CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 Notes// PLENARY Deborah Smith Arthur + Lori Gruen Magnitude and Bond: Mass Incarceration in the United States and the Promise of Care Friday, September 28th // 4:00—5:30 PM Wahkeena Falls Room The United States incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country in the world; roughly 2.2 million people, including young people, are locked up. This session will explore the potential for examining mass incarceration through the lens of care ethics. Using a variety of formats including discussion, personal narratives and poetry, this session will explore how together, through shared harvest of the best in each of us, we can recognize our common bond and examine the resulting policy implications. Deborah Smith Arthur, J.D., is an Associate Professor in University Studies at Portland State University (Oregon). Lori Gruen, Ph.D., is a William Griffin Professor of Philosophy at Wesleyan University (Connecticut). Contributors David Haywood Matt Abraham Noah Schultz Stephan Fowler Notes// CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY PLENARY CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 PRECARITY LAB The PreCarity Lab invites a group of artists to document and interpret the conference. Artists select a panel of their choice and document their experience using diverse mediums including drawing, painting, writing, photography and video. The Trillium Lake Room will serve as a project space where artists can complete their creative documentation. Work will be exhibited throughout the conference in hopes of cultivating unexpected conversations about precarity and the conference experience itself. The project is grounded in the vital role of artists to see and communicate insights, especially when it comes to encountering alternative ways of approaching topics related to precarity. All conference attendees are welcome to participate. Please stop by the Trillium Lake Room to make your own creative interpretation of the conference. Thursday + Friday // 9:00 AM—6:00 PM Coordinators: Michelle Swinehart & Merel Visse Trillium Lake Room FAMILY PROJECT SPACE Thursday + Friday // 8:00 AM — 6:30 PM Newport Room This learning space, open throughout the conference, offers guided activities for children (ages 6 months and older) of parents/guardians attending workshops. Activities will respond to the site of the conference, offering a younger generation the chance to engage in conference themes. Parents and guardians may participate with their child(ren). Before attending the Family Project Space, please register children in the prefunction area near the Wahkeena Falls Room on the second floor. Coordinators Emma Colburn ([email protected]) Justine Larson Melissa McGhie CONTEMPLATION + REFLECTION Thursday + Friday // 12:30—1:20 PM Coordinators: Neera Malhotra & Vicki Reitenauer Pyramid Lake Room Facilitated Creative Engagement Practices 12:30—12:55 PM Thursday // Choose image/object as prompt for writing and/or art—making inspired by the conference. Friday // Experiment with embodied practices based on Theatre of the Oppressed techniques to reflect collaboratively and silently on our conference experiences. Facilitated Mindfulness Practice 1:00—1:20 PM Thursday and Friday // Engage in guided meditation, breathing techniques, and intentional movements. All persons of all abilities are welcome to participate in the Contemplation + Reflection practices. STORY EXCHANGE Friday // 10:30 AM—12:00 PM Pyramid Lake Room Making Connections through Lived Experience This session is devoted to sharing personal stories about precarity. Participants are invited to make connections with precarity, share first—hand experiences, and deeply listen to their colleagues. This session will culminate with exchanging personal narratives in small groups. We hope to facilitate a conference experience where empathy and compassion foster another way of knowing and understanding precarity. Coordinators David Peterson del Mar Michelle Swinehart Merel Visse PROMPTS What personal experiences shaped your understanding or definition of precarity? Who taught you about precarity? How does dependency shape your life? Talk about a time when you received care that changed your life… How has your work with care affected your life? CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY STORY EXCHANGE CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 SESSION A 10:30 AM—12:00 PM Thursday // September 27th Care Ethics, Power, and Institutions Panel A1 Wahkeena Falls Room The Heuristic and Creative Aspect of Precarity: A Challenge to Care Ethics? Carlo Leget (University of Humanistic Studies, Netherlands) The Precariousness of Subjectivity: Bodies in Relations of Power Sacha Ghandeharian (Carleton University, ON Canada) Governing Precarity through Caring Institutions Petr Urban (The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) Care and Injustice in Advanced Capitalist Societies Panel A2 Elowah Falls Room Care as Class Struggle: A Social Reproduction Theory Perspective on Precarity and Care Ethics Mary McLevey (University of Oregon) The Faces of Care Injustice: A Case of South Korea Hee—Kang Kim (Korea University) Fostering Response—ability in Precarious Worlds: Toward a New Feminist Materialist Ethics of Care in Feminist Ethics Emilie Dionne (McGill University, QC Canada) Learning and Teaching in Conditions of Precarity Panel A3 Multnomah Falls Room Cyberbullying, Female Professors, and Precarity: Can Care Ethics Impact University Culture? Wanda Cassidy (Simon Fraser University, BC Canada) Care in the ‘Contact Zone’: The Precarity of International Learning Kumari Beck (Simon Fraser University, BC Canada) The Primacy of Care Ethics for Precarious Times Heesoon Bai (Simon Fraser University, BC Canada) Self—Care, Precarity and Aging Panel A4 Astoria Room The Precarious Position of Old People: A Driver of the Wish to Control the Time and Manner of Death Els van Wijngaarden (University of Humanistic Studies, Netherlands) To Cultivate Emotional Self—Understanding for Reducing the Sense of Precarity Marco Ubbiali (University of Verona, Italy) Federica Valbusa (University of Verona, Italy) A Right to Care of the Self in the Face of Precarity? Traci Levy (Adelphi University, New York) Deborah Little (Adelphi University, New York) CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY SESSION A CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 Family, Health and Social Policy Panel B1 Wahkeena Falls Room Apology as Care: Exploring the Impact of Apology Legislation in Health Care Fiona MacDonald (University of the Fraser Valley, BC Canada) Feminism, Families and Childcare: Care Ethics and Canada’s Social Policy Architecture Rachel Langford (Ryerson University, ON Canada) Kate Bezanson (Brock University, ON Canada) Childcare, Gender and Class Inequalities in Argentina: A Situated Approach to Care Ethics Eleanor Faur (University of San Martín, Brazil) Ania Tizziani (National University of General Sarmiento & CONICET (National Scientific and Technical Research Council), Argentina) Care, Sustainability and Vulnerability: Global Considerations SESSION B Panel B2 Elowah Falls Room A Global Vulnerability: Why Care for the Living World? Elena Pulcini (University of Florence, Italy) Dialogue Across Difference: Care Ethics and Precarious Political Ontologies Maggie FitzGerald Murphy (Carleton University, ON Canada) Hestia’s Broken Hearth Kimberley Parzuchowski (University of Oregon) 1:30—3:00 PM Thursday // September 27th Fragility, Empathy and the Insights of the Cared—For Panel B3 Multnomah Falls Room Precarity and Recursive Care Caterina Botti (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) Vulnerability, Precarity and the Ambivalent Interventions of Care Vrinda Dalmiya (University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa) One Bad Apple… or the Perils of Commodification Monique Lanoix (St. Paul University, ON Canada) Precarious Students Panel B4 Elowah Falls Room ‘A Rough Time, A Rough Transition’: Precarious Care Work within College Students of Color Peer Mentoring Programs Denise Goerisch (Grand Valley State University, Michigan) Educational Emancipation: The Practice of Care at Portland’s Democratic School Noppawan Lerttharakul (Portland State University, Oregon) Responding to Student Precarity and Persistence with an Ethic of Care Robin Isserles (CUNY, Borough Manhattan Community College of the City University of New York) CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY SESSION B CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 SESSION C 3:30—5:00 PM Thursday // September 27th Mediated Care: Technologies, Care, and Precarity Panel C1 Wahkeena Falls Room Caring Silos as Protection from Precarity: How Mothers in Online Communities Use Science and Nature to Reduce Insecurity Darryn Wellstead (University of Ottawa, ON Canada) Phyllis Rippey (University of Ottawa, ON Canada) Precarious Maternity: A Care Ethical Perspective Inge van Nistelrooij (University of Humanistic Studies, Netherlands) Technologies of Care, Technologies of Precarity Shelley Park (University of Central Florida) Needs, Striking Workers, and the Electoral Politics of Caring Panel C2 Elowah Falls Room A Precarity of Need Interpretation for Dependency Workers in Japan: Considered through Nancy Fraser and Eva Feder Kittay Kari Tsushima (Doshisha University, Japan) Care Workers on Strike Hailey Huget (Georgetown University, Washington DC) Caring Concerns and Political Agenda Carmen Domínguez—Alcón (University of Barcelona, Spain) Precarity, Class and Family Panel C3 Elowah Falls Room Young Men, Social Disadvantage and the Development of Caring Masculinities Martin Robb (The Open University, United Kingdom) Data from the Field: The Role of Family of Origin Relationship Quality on Leadership in Business Ethics Jeanne Enders (Portland State University, Oregon) Care Workers and Precarity Panel C4 Astoria Room The Implications of Client Death for Home Care Workers: Intersections of Emotional and Financial Precarity Emily Franzosa (CUNY, Borough Manhattan Community College of the City University of New York) Privileged Irresponsibility and Precarity: On Epistemic Ignorance and the Outsourcing of Domestic Work Riikka Prattes (Independent Researcher) Precarity and Paid Care Around the Globe: An Empirical Approach to Care Ethics Amy Armenia (Rollins College, Florida) Mignon Duffy (University of Massachusetts Lowell) CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY SESSION C CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 Relational Perspectives Panel D1 Wahkeena Falls Room A Conception of Respect Suitable for Precarious Lives Cara O’Connor (CUNY, Borough Manhattan Community College of the City University of New York) Social Robotics and the Limits of Relational Dignity Mercer Gary (Pennsylvania State University) What Precarity Requires of Care Sarah Clark Miller (Pennsylvania State University) Empathy, Abandonment and Fragility Panel D2 Elowah Falls Room The Fragility and Vulnerability of the Precarious Life SESSION D Luigina Mortari (University of Verona, Italy) On Precarity and Abandonment: A Care Ethical, Artistic Study Merel Visse (University of Humanistic Studies, Netherlands) Desirable Conversations Neera Malhotra (Portland State University, Oregon) 8:30—10:00 AM Friday // September 28th Empirically Grounded Ethics of Care and Precarity Panel D3 Multnomah Falls Room Precarity for all: From Labour Related Uncertainty to Positional Insecurity and Beyond Frans Vosman (University of Humanistic Studies, Netherlands) Redoing Care: Return to Decent Life Beyond Bed, Bath and Bread: The Case of Dutch Sans Papiers Guus Timmerman (Presence Foundation, Netherlands) Social Redundancy and Precariousness Andries Baart (Presence Foundation, Netherlands) CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY SESSION D CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 SESSION E 10:30AM—12:00 AM — 12:00 10:30 PMPM Friday////September September28th 28 Friday Care, Neoliberal Labor Markets and Populist Politics Panel E1 Wahkeena Falls Room Care Ethics as a Response to the “Neo—Populist” Narrative of Protectionist Care Joan Tronto (University of Minnesota) Thinking through Precarious Japan: Will Politically Heightened Precarity and Undoing Care Make a Strong Nation? Yayo Okano (Doshisha University, Japan) Caring in Careless Times Brunella Casalini (University of Florence, Italy) Theorizing Inclusive and Diverse Classrooms Panel E2 Elowah Falls Room Toward Radical Inclusion: Employing Care Ethics in Intellectually Diverse Classrooms Lydia Fisher (Portland State University, Oregon) Vicki Reitenauer (Portland State University, Oregon) Using Queer Praxis to Defend Against the Precarity of Care Ethics in Classrooms in an Age of Trump Marilyn Preston (Grand Valley University, Michigan) Countering Precarity: Working with/in the Human Dimension in Educational Environments Avraham Cohen (Adler University, BC Canada) Jade Ho Yi Chien (Simon Fraser University, BC Canada) Health and Precarious Communities Panel E3 Multnomah Falls Room Care Ethics and Precarious Situations in Hospitals and Nursing Homes Helen Kohlen (Philosophical—Theological University of Vallendar, Germany) Balancing between Precarity and Dignity in Public Health: Fostering New Normative Expressions of Dignity in the Care for People with Multiple Problems Alistair Niemeijer (University of Humanistic Studies, Netherlands) CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY SESSION E CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018 What is one moment or interaction that you’d like to remember? What is a snapshot of the conference that seems worth writing down? CARE ETHICS + PRECARITY FINAL THOUGHTS CERC Conference September 27th + 28th, 2018