DIGITAL FEMINIST ACTIVISM Girls and Women Fight Back Against Rape Culture

From sites like Hollaback! and Everyday Sexism, which document instances of street harassment and misogyny, to social media-organized movements and communities like #MeToo and #BeenRapedNeverReported, feminists are using participatory digital media as actvist tools to speak, network, and organize against sexism, misogyny, and rape culture. As the first book-length study to examine how girls, women, and some men negotiate rape culture through the use of digital platforms, including blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and mobile apps, the authors explore four primary questions: What experiences of harassment, misogyny, and rape culture are being responded to? How are participants using digital media technologies to document experiences of sexual violence, harassment, and sexism? Why are girls, women and some men choosing to mobilize digital media technologies in this way? And finally, what are the various experiences of using digital technologies to engage in activism? In order to capture these diverse experiences of doing digital feminist activism, the authors augment their analysis of this media (blog posts, tweets, and selfies) with in-depth interviews and close- observations of several online communities that operate globally.

DIGITAL FEMINIST ACTIVISM Girls and Women Fight Back Against Rape Culture BY KAITLYNN MENDES, JESSICA RINGROSE, AND JESSALYNN KELLER NOW 30% OFF From sites like Hollaback! and Everyday Sexism, which document instances of street harassment and misogyny, to social media-organized movements and communiies like #MeToo and #BeenRapedNeverReported, feminists are using paricipatory digital media as acivist tools to speak, network, and organize against sexism, misogyny, and rape culture. As the irst book-length study to examine how girls, women, and some men negoiate rape culture through the use of digital plaforms, including blogs, Twiter, Facebook, Tumblr, and mobile apps, the authors explore four primary quesions: What experiences of harassment, misogyny, and rape culture are being responded to? How are paricipants using digital media technologies to document experiences of sexual violence, harassment, and sexism? Why are girls, women and some men choosing to mobilize digital media technologies in this way? And inally, what are the various experiences of using digital technologies to engage in acivism? In order to capture these diverse experiences of doing digital feminist acivism, the authors augment their analysis of this media (blog posts, tweets, and selies) with in-depth interviews and closeobservaions of several online communiies that operate globally. Ulimately, the book demonstrates the nuances within and between digital feminist acivism and highlight that, although it may be technologically easy for many groups to engage in digital feminist acivism, there remain emoional, mental, or pracical barriers which create diferent experiences, and legiimate some feminist voices, perspecives, and experiences over others. • • FEBRUARY 2019 232 PAGES HARDCOVER| 9780190697846 | $99.00 PAPERBACK | 9780190697853 | $27.95 • Draws on a wide range of empirical data, including over 800 pieces of digital data and interviews with hard-to-access groups Mobilizes key theories from feminist and digital media studies, including “afecive solidarity” and “afecive publics” to demonstrate how digital feminist acivism works in the everyday lives of paricipants Combines interdisciplinary methods, including qualitaive content analysis, themaic textual analysis, and ethnographic methods such as in-depth interviews, group interviews, surveys, and close-observaions of online communiies Kaitlynn Mendes is Associate Professor in Media and Communicaion at University of Leicester. Jessica Ringrose is Professor of Sociology of Gender and Educaion at University College London. Jessalynn Keller is Assistant Professor in the Department of Communicaion, Media and Film at University of Calgary. ORDER ONLINE AT GLOBAL.OUP.COM/ACADEMIC WITH PROMOTIONAL CODE ASFLYQ6 TO SAVE 30% !