Behavior Model Definition

The current model used in research for all walks of medicine has only two independent factors: genetics and environment. This simple model breaks down quickly when looking at identical twin studies, especially the study of infant twins since both variables are equal. We have been analyzing the data collected from various identical twin studies in order to find a more robust causality model for both non-hereditary disease and behavior in humans. The model that we are currently testing has three additional independent factors. These have been hypothesized in order to describe the pattern found in all behavioral research data. Non-hereditary disease occurrence data fits well into this more robust model. Current Model Summary The two-factor model does not describe the statistical results seen in any of the twin studies. In the extreme cases we can see that a truly genetic disease would only effect the statistics on the identical twin pair, while the statistical results for Fraternal Twins, Siblings and Ancestors would be the same, showing no statistical difference in the probability of obtaining the disease. In the case of a purely environmental influence, there should be no statistical difference between Identical Twins, Fraternal Twins and Siblings since they statistically grow up in the same environment. In addition, interaction of the two variables cannot explain the observed statistically significant differences in the occurrence of diseases in Fraternal Twins and Siblings. They both have the same genetic distribution and grow up in the same environment. In both our reading of the study summaries and in our observation of life in general, we have seen a family relationship that we cannot attribute to genetics. How many families have you heard of that have, generation after generation of the same problem: child abuse, alcoholism, criminal behavior, poverty, or just unlikely streaks of plain bad luck on the negative side, while on the positive side other families seem to glide through life on a lucky streak from one generation to the next. Studies of identical twins support a family (non-genetic) variable. The following pattern is consistent within all of the studies that we have seen: " For example, a monozygotic (identical) twin of a person with schizophrenia has the highest risk-40 to 50 percent-of developing the illness. A child whose parent has schizophrenia has about a 10 percent chance. " (From NIHM article on Schizophrenia.) If schizophrenia were to genetic, then the second twin must have it. So if it is not genetic, then there should not be the family correlation, but there is. So there must be another independent family variable that is currently ignored. This pattern is seen in alcoholism, criminal behavior, schizophrenia, ADHA, bipolar disorder, homosexuality and some types of cancer. In general it shows the greatest correlation with identical twins, a weaker relation with fraternal twins, a yet still weaker relationship with siblings, but all of these relations are higher than the normal statistical occurrence in the general population. As seen in interaction studies, the interaction factor between genetics and environment has not been shown to be statistically significant, so we have left an interaction factor out of our model. Shawn Murphy Comment [1]: Need better percentage quote showing fraternal and ancestral differences.

Model of Human Behavior (as of December 2014) Abstract The current model used in research for all walks of medicine has only two independent factors: genetics and environment. This simple model breaks down quickly when looking at identical twin studies, especially the study of infant twins since both variables are equal. We have been analyzing the data collected from various identical twin studies in order to find a more robust causality model for both non-hereditary disease and behavior in humans. The model that we are currently testing has three additional independent factors. These have been hypothesized in order to describe the pattern found in all behavioral research data. Non-hereditary disease occurrence data fits well into this more robust model. Current Model Summary The two-factor model does not describe the statistical results seen in any of the twin studies. In the extreme cases we can see that a truly genetic disease would only effect the statistics on the identical twin pair, while the statistical results for Fraternal Twins, Siblings and Ancestors would be the same, showing no statistical difference in the probability of obtaining the disease. In the case of a purely environmental influence, there should be no statistical difference between Identical Twins, Fraternal Twins and Siblings since they statistically grow up in the same environment. In addition, interaction of the two variables cannot explain the observed statistically significant differences in the occurrence of diseases in Fraternal Twins and Siblings. They both have the same genetic distribution and grow up in the same environment. In both our reading of the study summaries and in our observation of life in general, we have seen a family relationship that we cannot attribute to genetics. How many families have you heard of that have, generation after generation of the same problem: child abuse, alcoholism, criminal behavior, poverty, or just unlikely streaks of plain bad luck on the negative side, while on the positive side other families seem to glide through life on a lucky streak from one generation to the next. Studies of identical twins support a family (non-genetic) variable. The following pattern is consistent within all of the studies that we have seen: “For example, a monozygotic (identical) twin of a person with schizophrenia has the highest risk - 40 to 50 percent - of developing the illness. A child whose parent has schizophrenia has about a 10 percent chance.” (From NIHM article on Schizophrenia.) If schizophrenia were to genetic, then the second twin must have it. So if it is not genetic, then there should not be the family correlation, but there is. So there must be another independent family variable that is currently ignored. This pattern is seen in alcoholism, criminal behavior, schizophrenia, ADHA, bipolar disorder, homosexuality and some types of cancer. In general it shows the greatest correlation with identical twins, a weaker relation with fraternal twins, a yet still weaker relationship with siblings, but all of these relations are higher than the normal statistical occurrence in the general population. As seen in interaction studies, the interaction factor between genetics and environment has not been shown to be statistically significant, so we have left an interaction factor out of our model. An additional interesting relationship seems to be that fraternal twins show a higher correlation than normal siblings. This suggests a timing variable (fourth factor) might be significant, because this is the only significant difference between fraternal twins and siblings born one year apart. The fifth factor could be a mimic factor or interpersonal relationship factor, which is weaker in fraternal twins (because they are often mixed sex who would not tend to mimic each other or have same interpersonal bond) and stronger in identical twins, causing the stronger relationship between identical twins (but less than 100% genetic match). The five-factor model, therefore, defines behavior as a function of Environment (E), Genetics (G), Family History (F), Timing (T) (when you were born), and Mimic (M) (a significant interpersonal relationship). The significant variables for each relationship would then be: Identical Twins (EGFTM), Fraternal Twins (EFTM), Siblings (EF) and Ancestors (F). This model helps also to explain the similar behavior of identical twins separated at birth because with out the E, they have more than just the week G factor to explain their highly correlated behavior. Other factors to consider Anecdotal evidence from the caring profession suggests that the mimic factor M can explain observations of couples in a strong relationship. There seems to be observed correlation between interpersonal stress and the occurrence of breast cancer in women or in prostate cancer in men. Current Status We are currently considering whether the Bert Hellinger Theory is an accurate description for the variable F.