Kanpur Historiographers Biannual Journal of New Archaeological & Genological Society Chief Editor Purushottam Singh, Kanpur India Assistant Editors & Referees Akhtar Hussain Sandhu , Lahore Pakist an Atul Kumar Shukla , Banda India Umakanta M ishra , cut t ack India Farzand M asih, Lahore Pakist an J. Shunmugaraja , M adurai India Ajmal M ueen M A, M okkam, Calicut India Rafida Naw az, M ult an Pakist an Enayatullah Khan, Aligarh India Fatimatuzzahra Rahman , Dhaka Bangladesh Review & Advisory Board Rajendra Singh , Jhansi India Raj Kumar Bhatiya , Jhansi India U.P. Arora , New Delhi India Sugam Anand , Agra India Aroop Chakravarti , Lucknow India Vasudev Singh , Houst on U.S.A. R. M ahalakshmi, New Delhi India Poulami A. M ukherjee , Kerala India Randall Law , Sydney Aust ralia Pranjol Protim Kakoti, Golaghat India Kuljit Singh, Jam m u India Balaji Chirade , Nanded India Dennys Frenez, Ravenna It aly Adesh Gupta , Banda India Publisher Secret ary NAAGS Kanpur Chapt er India Kanpur Historiographers Volume IV, Issue II, December 2017 An internationally Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal of History, Archaeology, Indology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Modernity & allied disciplines NEW ARCHAEOLOGICAL & GENOLOGICAL SOCIETY 125/ L/ 89, FF104, GOVIND NAGAR, KANPUR U.P. INDIA ZIP 208006 ht t ps:/ / sit sit e/ kanpurhist orian/ [email protected] +91 941-555-7103 © Secretary, N.A.A.G.S. Kanpur India Opinions expressed by the authors in the journal are not those of N.A.A.G.S. Contributors may mail the soft copy of articles and essays to [email protected] Contributors may send the two hard copies of newly published books for publication of Review in the Journal to Secretary New Archaeological & Genological Society 125/L/89, FF 104, Govind Nagar Kanpur U.P. India -208006 Subscription For Individuals / institutions : Rs. 2000 (India) : U.S. Dollars 100 (other than India) HDFC bank Govind Nagar Kanpur India Account No.- 50200002911251 IFSC – HDFC0000298 E dit or ial Happy Christmas to all the friends, readers and subscribers of the winter issue of “Kanpur Historiographers”, an International Journal of Historical Studies and Research; published biannually by “New Archaeological and Genological Society” Kanpur, India. The current issue presents the different shades and lights of India’s past through various papers. Although ‘Gold Rush’ is popularly associated with America and a study of the same in Indian context will be interesting to readers. Another interesting paper is investigating the true identity of legendary figure of Bihar “Tilka Manjhi”. Paper on amalgamation of Indo-Greek into Indian society and its structure would be another interesting read for many. Paper on first all India communist conference in Kanpur will be of some help assessing the current scenario of shrinking political space of communist party in north-east. There are papers on transfer of agrarian resources to state, monuments of champanagar, Ramakrishna mission movement, wood’s dispatch and post zamindari abolition to interest many. The paper on Multan shrines contains a systematic data of colonial times. I hope the current issue will prove its worth and will receive the whole hearted support from academicians, research scholars and students.. Last but but not the least, I would like to thank Dr. Akhtar Hussain Sandhu and Dr. Farzand Masih, Dr. Rafida Nawaz from Pakistan, Dr. Umakanta Mishra from Cuttack and Dr. Ajmal Mueen from Calicut for their valuable suggestion. I am thankful to my friend Dr. Atul Kumar Shukla and Dr. Adesh Gupta for their keen interest and academic contribution to the journal. I am also thankful to Prof. R. Mahalaxmi for continuous support. Your valuable observations and suggestions are most welcome. Purushottam Singh Chief Editor K AN P U R H IS T OR IOGR AP H E R S VOL U ME -IV, IS S U E - II, J U N E 2 0 1 7 CONTENTS ARTICLES Joshy Mathew Roshi Charak Shareena Jasmin P K Shiv Shankar Parijat Raman Sinha Atul Kumar Shukla Purushottam Singh Adesh Gupta Syed Hussain Murtaza Muna Khayal Khattak K.Madhusudharsanan BOOK REVIEWS Mahendra Singh Vist ‘Gold Rush’ in Nilgiris-Wayanad: Colonial Gold Mining in South India (1879-1892) State and the transfer of agrarian resources: a case study of Early Medieval Chamba (A.D. 600-1200) Rigid theories and flexible realities: The inclusion of Indo-Greeks to the Indian social structure A Note on few Important Muslim Monuments and Inscriptions of Champanagar Tilka Manjhi – a myth or reality Wood's Dispatch (1854) and the organization of educational policy Ramakrishna Mission after Swami Vivekananda First all India Communist Conference in Kanpur: a historical outline A study of Counter Social Structure in Multan Shrines Principles and Practices of Post- Zamindari Abolition in Madras: A Historical Analysis 147 155 165 171 187 201 215 232 241 255 Jinnah: India Partition Independence by Jaswant Singh 259 EVENT Syed Hussain Murtaza Gender, Human Rights & Islam 262 P. B. Sahay 160 years of Great Struggle of India 265