Lior Kogut1
[email protected]
Izhak Etsion
Fellow ASME
[email protected]
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Technion, Haifa 32000,
A Static Friction Model for
Elastic-Plastic Contacting Rough
A model that predicts the static friction for elastic-plastic contact of rough surfaces is
presented. The model incorporates the results of accurate finite element analyses for the
elastic-plastic contact, adhesion and sliding inception of a single asperity in a statistical
representation of surface roughness. The model shows strong effect of the external force
and nominal contact area on the static friction coefficient in contrast to the classical laws
of friction. It also shows that the main dimensionless parameters affecting the static
friction coefficient are the plasticity index and adhesion parameter. The effect of adhesion
on the static friction is discussed and found to be negligible at plasticity index values
larger than 2. It is shown that the classical laws of friction are a limiting case of the
present more general solution and are adequate only for high plasticity index and negligible adhesion. Some potential limitations of the present model are also discussed pointing to possible improvements. A comparison of the present results with those obtained
from an approximate CEB friction model shows substantial differences, with the latter
severely underestimating the static friction coefficient. @DOI: 10.1115/1.1609488#
Keywords: Friction Modeling, Contacting Rough Surfaces, Static Friction, Adhesion
It is well known from everyday experience that to displace one
body relative to another when the bodies are subjected to a compressive force necessitates the application of a specific tangential
force, known as the static friction force, and until the required
force is applied the bodies remain at rest. Accurate prediction of
the static friction force may have an enormous impact on a wide
range of applications such as bolted joint members @1#,
workpiece-fixture element pairs @2#, static seals @3#, clutches @4#,
compliant electrical connectors @5# magnetic hard disks @6,7#, and
MEMS devices @8,9#, to name just a few.
Static friction was considered by the pioneers of friction research: Leonardo da Vinci, Guillame Amontons, Leonard Euler,
Charles Augustin de Coulomb, George Rennie, Arthur-Jules
Morin, Robert Hooke and others @10#. In early experimental work
it was observed that the proportionality of the force opposing
relative motion to the force holding the bodies together seemed to
be constant over a range of conditions. Amontons, for example, is
remembered for his two laws of friction:
1. The force of friction is directly proportional to the applied
2. The force of friction is independent of the nominal area of
A common method for calculating the static friction force ~Coulomb friction law! was drawn from these two basic laws by multiplication of the normal applied load by a proportionality constant, known as the static friction coefficient, taken from
engineering handbooks as a function of the contacting materials.
Static friction coefficients are conveniently tabulated and incorporated into engineering handbooks for at least 300 years. However,
these tabulated values represent average coefficients of friction
Currently Post-Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley,
[email protected]!
Contributed by the Tribology Division of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS for presentation at the STLE/ASME Joint International Tribology Conference, Ponte Vedra, FL October 26 –29, 2003. Manuscript received by
the Tribology Division January 24, 2003; revised manuscript received June 10, 2003.
Associate Editor: G. G. Adams.
34 Õ Vol. 126, JANUARY 2004
determined over a broad spectrum of test conditions. While these
numbers provide a general guideline of the sensitivity of the coefficient of friction to the materials in contact, they may not necessarily be representative of the coefficient of friction that will
result between actual contact pairs. The friction coefficient is presently recognized as both material- and system-dependent @11# and
is definitely not an intrinsic property of two contacting materials.
Blau @11# in his review paper indicated that the friction coefficient is an established, but somewhat misunderstood, quantity in
the field of science and engineering. While friction coefficients are
relatively easy to determine in laboratory experiments, the fundamental origins of sliding resistance are not so clear, and hence, it
is extremely important to understand the process involved in friction. Indeed, a great deal of progress has been made since the
pioneering work of Amontons in 1699 and Coulomb in 1785, as is
evident from recent works that consider both atomistic point of
view ~e.g., @12–14#! and continuum mechanics principals ~e.g.,
Tabor @18# in his general critical picture of friction understanding pointed out three basic elements that are involved in the friction of dry solids:
1. The true area of contact between mating rough surfaces.
2. The type and strength of bond formed at the interface where
contact occurs.
3. The way in which the material in and around the contacting
regions is sheared and ruptured during sliding.
The importance of these three elements can be easily understood
from the definition of the friction coefficient, m:
Q max
Q max
P2F s
where Q max is the tangential force needed to fail the junctions
created between the contacting surfaces, and F, the external force,
~see Fig. 1! is the balance between the actual contact load, P, in
the true area of contact and the amount of the intermolecular
forces or the adhesion, F s , acting between the surfaces in contact.
The right hand side of Eq. ~1! contains all the three elements
mentioned above. The contact load, P, is related to the true area of
Copyright © 2004 by ASME
Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 1 The forced acting between contacting rough surfaces
contact. The adhesion, F s , is related to the strength of the bond
formed at the interface. The maximum tangential load, Q max , is
related to the failure of the contact.
Chang et al. @19# presented a model ~CEB friction model! for
predicting the static friction coefficient of rough metallic surfaces
based on the three elements indicated by Tabor @18#. The CEB
friction model uses a statistical representation of surface roughness @20# and calculates the static friction force that is required to
fail all of the contacting asperities, taking into account their normal preloading. This approach is completely different from the
classical Coulomb friction law and shows that the latter is a limiting case of a more general behavior where static friction coefficient actually decreases with an increasing applied load or decreasing nominal contact area. The CEB friction model actually
treats the static friction as a plastic yield failure mechanism corresponding to the first occurrence of plastic deformation in the
contacting asperities. This can severely underestimate friction coefficient values for contacting rough surfaces since it neglects the
ability of an elastic-plastic deformed asperity to resist additional
loading before failure occurs as was demonstrated recently by
Kogut and Etsion @21#.
Roy Chowdhury and Ghosh @22# followed the same approach
of the CEB friction model with additional adhesion related restriction on the maximum tangential load that can be carried by a
single asperity. Etsion and Amit @23# demonstrated experimentally, for small normal loads and relatively smooth surfaces that
the static friction coefficient decreases with increasing normal
loads as predicted by the CEB friction model. Polycarpou and
Etsion @24# extended the original CEB friction model to include
the presence of sub-boundary lubrication. In a following paper
@25# they compared their model prediction @24# with published
experimental results and found good agreement. Liu et al. @26#, in
yet another extension of the CEB friction model, developed a
static friction model for the case of rough surfaces in the presence
of thin metallic films and compared their theoretical results with
experimental data in @27#.
The original CEB friction model @19# as well as its following
extensions @24# and @26# calculate the static friction coefficient by
using Eq. ~1! where the contact load, P, and adhesion force, F s ,
are obtained from previous approximate models of Chang et al.
@28# and @29#, respectively. However, as was shown in a series
recent works, @21,30,31#, that are based on finite element analysis,
the previous approximate models @19,28,29# produce large discrepancies on the single asperity level.
As can be seen from the above literature survey, available tabulated values of static friction coefficient do not account for such
important parameters as surface roughness, surface energy, mechanical properties and contact load that have strong effect on the
friction. An adequate theoretical model will eliminate the current
need for extensive empirical work and will shed more light on
understanding the dominant parameters affecting the static friction
coefficient. The aforementioned approximate models for static
friction coefficient assume failure of a contacting asperity as soon
as the first plastic point appears, and hence, underestimate the
actual friction force. These models also rely on approximate contact and adhesion solutions for a single asperity, that present large
discrepancies with respect to recent finite element solutions. The
present work relies on these finite element solutions for contact,
adhesion and friction, and hence, should improve the accuracy of
the original CEB friction model. This remains to be verified by
comparison with controlled experiments that will hopefully be
presented in subsequent works.
Figure 2 describes schematically the geometry of the contacting
rough surfaces. The two rough surfaces of Fig. 1 are replaced with
a single equivalent rough surface in contact with a flat. The basic
assumptions of Greenwood and Williamson @20# regarding the
shape and statistical distribution of the asperities along with the
transformation to the more practical surface height distribution
~see Nayak @32#! are adopted in the present analysis. R is the
uniform asperity radius of curvature, z and d denote the asperity
height and separation of the surfaces, respectively, measured from
the reference plane defined by the mean of the original asperity
heights. The separation h is measured from the reference plane
defined by the mean of the original surface heights. f (z) is the
asperity height probability density function, assumed to be
f~ z !5
A2 ps s
exp 20.5
where s s is the standard deviation of asperity heights. The interference is defined as:
v 5z2d
and only asperities with positive interference are in contact.
During loading, the contact load, P̄, adhesion force, F̄ s , and
the static friction force, Q̄ max , of each individual asperity depend
only on its own interference, v, assuming there is no interaction
between asperities. The dependence of P̄, F̄ s and Q̄ max on v must
be determined by the asperity mode of deformation, which can be
elastic, elastic-plastic or fully plastic. Once these expressions are
Fig. 2 Contact model of rough surfaces
Journal of Tribology
JANUARY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 35
Table 1 The values of a , b , and c for the various deformation regimes in Eqs. „10… to „12…
Eq. ~10!
Deformation regime
Eq. ~11!
Eq. ~12!
Fully elastic, v / v c ,1
1st elastic-plastic,
1< v / v c <6
2nd elastic-plastic, 6< v / v c <110
Fully plastic, v / v c .110
known, the total contact load, P, adhesion force, F s , and static
friction force, Q max , are obtained by summing the individual asperity contributions using a statistical model:
P5 h A n
P̄ ~ z2d ! f ~ z ! dz
F̄ s ~ z2d ! f ~ z ! dz
F s5 h A n
f * (z * ) is the dimensionless asperity heights probability density
function obtained from Eq. ~2! by substituting the normalized
length dimensions z/ s and s s / s .
The dimensionless critical interference, v *
c , is another form of
the plasticity index, C>( v *
first introduced by
Greenwood and Williamson @20#. It was shown in @35# that C is
the most important dimensionless parameter in elastic-plastic contact problems of rough surfaces. It has the form:
Q max5 h A n
d16 v c
Q̄ max~ z2d ! f ~ z ! dz
C5 v *
2E s s
p KH R
where A n is the nominal contact area and h is the area density of
the asperities. The integrals in Eqs. ~4!–~6! are solved in parts for
the different deformation regimes of the contacting asperities. It
should be noted that while the contact load, P, and static friction
force, Q max , are calculated for contacting asperities only, the adhesion force, F s , is calculated also for non-contacting asperities,
and hence, the difference in the lower limit of the integral in Eq.
~5!. The upper limit of the integral in Eq. ~6! is due to the observation in @21# that preloaded asperities are unable to support additional tangential load if their interference is larger than 6 v c . It
should also be noted that Eqs. ~4!–~6! are general in terms of the
asperity height probability density function f (z). Other nonGaussian distributions can be used in these equations ~see e.g.,
The critical interference, v c , that marks the transition from
elastic to elastic-plastic deformation is given by ~see e.g., Chang
et al. @28#!
v c5
p KH
where b is a surface roughness parameter defined as
36 Õ Vol. 126, JANUARY 2004
F̄ s0
~ contacting asperities, v / v c .0 !
F̄ snc
Q̄ max
where E 1 , E 2 and n 1 , n 2 are Young’s moduli and Poisson’s ratios
of the contacting surfaces, respectively.
All length dimensions are normalized by the standard deviation
of the surface heights, s, and the dimensionless values are denoted by*. Hence, y s* is the difference between h * and d * ~Bush
et al. @34#! which, after some algebra becomes:
F̄ s
«/ v c
~ non-contacting asperities, v / v c ,0 !
1 12 n 21 12 n 22
A48p b
P̄ c
F̄ s0
E is the Hertz elastic modulus defined as:
where H is the hardness of the softer material and K, the hardness
coefficient, is related to the Poisson’s ratio of the softer material
by ~see CEB friction model @19#!:
y s* 5h * 2d * 5
and as can be seen it depends on surface roughness and material
properties. Rougher and softer surfaces have higher plasticity
Kogut and Etsion @30# found that the entire elastic-plastic contact regime of a single asperity extends over the range 1< v / v c
,110 with a transition at v / v c 56 that divides it into two subregions. Dimensionless contact parameters of a single asperity i.e.,
P̄/ P̄ c , F̄ s /F̄ s0 and Q̄ max /P̄c were presented in @30,31#, and @21#,
respectively, where P̄ c 5(2/3)KH pv c R is the critical contact
load at yielding inception ( v 5 v c ), F̄ s0 52 p RD g is the adhesion
force at point contact ( v 50) and Dg is the energy of adhesion.
These dimensionless contact parameters can be expressed in the
general form:
P̄ c
where « is the intermolecular distance that is typically about 0.3–
0.5 nm. The constants a, b, and c for the elastic, elastic-plastic ~in
the two sub-regions!, and plastic regimes are summarized in Table
1. Note that Eq. ~12! is not applicable for v / v c .6 ~see @21#!, and
Eq. ~11! is not applicable for v / v c .110 ~see @31#!. The analyses
in Refs. @30#, @31#, and @21# are all based on an assumption of
elastic perfectly-plastic material behavior and hence, the present
model is also adequate for such materials.
The dimensionless contact load P * , is obtained from Eqs. ~4!
and ~10! ~see @35#! in the form:
Transactions of the ASME
P *5
5 pbKv*
A nH 3
d * 1110v c*
d * 16 v c*
d * 1 v c*
I 1.2631
I 1.511.03
d * 1110v c*
d * 16 v c*
I 1.425
d * 1 v c*
z * 2d *
52 p bu
A nH
f * ~ z * ! dz *
J nc 10.98
d * 16 v c*
d * 1 v c*
J 20.321
d * 1 v c*
d * 2z *
d * 1110v c*
J 20.332
f * ~ z * ! dz *
and J bc is a general form of the integrands accounting for the
contribution of contacting asperities:
J bc 5
z * 2d *
Q max
Q max
P * ~ 12F s* / P * !
«* c
f * ~ z * ! dz *
It should be noted here that other definitions for the friction coefficient are found, e.g., @36#. However, Eq. ~1! seems to be the
more practical definition.
Some insight regarding the role of the plasticity index C in the
static friction problem can be gained by following the analysis in
@35# for the contact problem. With a Gaussian distribution of asperity heights the maximum practical height of a given asperity is
z * >3. Therefore, the integrals for the contacting asperities in Eqs.
~13!, ~15! and ~18! are practically zero whenever their lower limit
is higher than 3. Using the approximation v *
and noting
c >C
that the relevant limits of integration have the general form d *
1kC 22 the condition for meaningful contribution of any of these
integrals is:
d * 16 v c*
d * 2z *
J 20.29
where J nc accounts for the contribution of the noncontacting asperities and has the form:
J nc 5
5 P * 2F s*
A nH
The four integrals in Eq. ~13! and their corresponding limits of
integration represent the contribution of the asperities in elastic,
elastic-plastic ~in the two sub-regions! and fully plastic contact,
respectively. This methodology will be maintained in the
Multiplying Eqs. ~11! and (11a) by F̄ s0 and using the values in
Table 1, the adhesion force, F̄ s , of a single contacting asperity in
the elastic and elastic-plastic regimes as well as F̄ snc for a single
noncontacting asperity, can be obtained. Substituting in Eq. ~5!,
and using the dimensionless form of Eq. ~3! one can obtain the
dimensionless adhesion force, F s* , between rough surfaces in the
F s* 5
F *5
The static friction coefficient as defined in Eq. ~1! may be expressed in the form:
where I b is a general form of the integrand:
I b5
more practical parameters h * and C. Also, the dimensionless external force F * ~see Fig. 1! as a function of these parameters can
be obtained in the form:
32d *
It is clear from Eq. ~13! for example, that the contribution of its
last three integrals ~where k>1) vanish for any d * >0 whenever
C,1/). Therefore, C50.6 can be defined as the plasticity index value below which the contact problem is fully elastic. Similarly, the last integral in Eq. ~13! ~where k5110) becomes appreciable only if C.6. Hence, as was shown in @35#, C>8 indicates
a fully plastic contact.
Following the same reasoning the last integral of Eq. ~15!
~where k56) becomes increasingly significant as C becomes
larger than &. Since it was found in @31# that the adhesion force
of asperities with v / v c .6 is negligible compared to their contact
load, it is reasonable to expect negligibly small effect of F s* / P * in
Eq. ~20! when C increases above 1.4.
The dimensionless adhesion parameter, u, is:
Results and Discussion
Note that contribution of fully plastic asperities ( v / v c >110) was
not included in Eq. ~15! in accordance with the observation made
in Ref. @31#.
Multiplying Eq. ~12! by P̄ c and using the values in Table 1, the
static friction force, Q̄ max , of a single asperity in the elastic and
first elastic-plastic sub-region can be obtained. Substituting in Eq.
~6!, and following the same procedure that have lead to Eq. ~15!,
The dimensionless static friction force is obtained in the form:
* 5
Q max
Q max 2
5 pbKv*
c 0.52
A nH 3
d * 16 v c*
d * 1 v c*
d * 1 v c*
I 0.982
~ 20.01I 4.42510.09I 3.42520.4I 2.425
10.85I 1.425!
where I b is defined in Eq. ~14!.
Equations ~13!, ~15!, and ~18! can be transformed, by using
* as functions of the
Eqs. ~8! and ~9!, to present P * , F s* and Q max
Journal of Tribology
In accordance with the findings of @35# a wide range of plasticity index values from C50.5 to C58, was covered to analyze
the effect of surface roughness and material properties on the
static friction of contacting rough surfaces. A value of b 50.04
was selected according to the finding of Greenwood and Williamson @20#. A constant value of K50.577 was used corresponding to
a typical Poisson’s ratio, n 50.3, for metals. For typical values of
adhesion energy, material hardness and surface roughness the
range of the adhesion parameter, u, is 1024 < u <0.01 where the
upper limit corresponds to very high adhesion energy that can be
obtained with very clean surfaces under vacuum conditions.
The numerical results of Eqs. ~13!, ~15!, and ~18! to ~20! for
any given h * and C, can be cross-plotted to provide a practical
presentation of the relevant parameters vs. the known external
applied force F * . Following the reasoning of @35# only the results
for the range of practical engineering interest namely, 0<h * <3
and F * <0.1, will be presented. Lower h * and higher F * values
may invalidate the basic assumptions of no interaction between
neighboring asperities and no bulk deformation, respectively ~see
From Eq. ~20! it is clear that the effect of adhesion on the static
friction coefficient depends on the ratio F s* / P * and this effect
becomes negligible when F s* / P * !1.
JANUARY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 37
Fig. 3 Dimensionless force ratio, F s* Õ P * , as a function of the
dimensionless external force, F * , for various values of the
plasticity index, C at u Ä0.003
Figure 3 presents the ratio F s* / P * vs. the dimensionless external force, F * , for the range of the plasticity index, C and for a
relatively high value of the adhesion parameter u 50.003. This
high value of u was selected to facilitate the distinction of the
effect of C at its higher values where F s* / P * may become very
small. Note that the ratio F s* / P * depends linearly on u ~see Eq.
~15!! and, hence, it can be easily deduced for values of u different
than 0.003 from the results shown in Fig. 3.
As can be seen from Fig. 3 the ratio F s* / P * decreases sharply
with increasing plasticity index. For C>2, F s* / P * becomes less
than 0.11 throughout the range of F * even for the high value of
u 50.003. Hence, for C>2 and more practical ~smaller! values of
the adhesion parameter u, it can be concluded that P * 5F * is a
reasonable approximation ~see Eq. ~19!! and the effect of adhesion
on the static friction coefficient is negligible. In contrast, the ratio
F s* / P * is significant at low plasticity index, C50.5, over most of
the range of F * , and becomes small enough only at the upper
limit of F * . For C51 the ratio F s* / P * becomes less than 0.1 for
external force higher than a threshold value of F * 50.01. It can,
therefore, be concluded that the effect of adhesion is important
only in purely elastic contacts where C,0.6, or in lightly loaded
contacts with plasticity index up to C51 and high adhesion parameter u .0.001. Hence, whenever u ,0.001 or C.2 the effect
of adhesion on the static friction can be safely neglected.
* ,
Figure 4 presents the dimensionless static friction force, Q max
versus the dimensionless external force, F * , for various values of
the plasticity index, C, when u 50.003. It can be seen that at a
given external force, the static friction force decreases with increasing plasticity index. At higher plasticity index the contact is
more plastic and a larger population of the contacting asperities
undergo interference in the range v / v c >6, where according to
the finding in @21# they are unable to support any tangential load
and hence, do not contribute to the static friction. Increasing the
external force at a given plasticity index also increases the number
of such high interference asperities but at the same time brings
into contact more asperities that were initially noncontacting. It
turns out that the latter effect is more dominant, and, hence,
causes an increase of the static friction force with increasing external force. This behavior of the static friction force is different
from that in the case of a single asperity @21# where the static
friction force first increases with increasing normal load, reaches a
maximum and than starts decreasing.
Reducing the adhesion parameter u reduces somewhat the static
friction at C50.5 and low external force but otherwise has very
38 Õ Vol. 126, JANUARY 2004
* , as a function
Fig. 4 Dimensionless static friction force, Q max
of the dimensionless external force, F * , for various values of
the plasticity index, C at u Ä0.003
little effect on the results shown in Fig. 4, in accordance with the
negligible effect of the adhesion over most of the practical range
of F * as was shown in Fig. 3.
Note the log/log scale used in Fig. 4 showing almost linear
relation having the general form:
* 5C ~ F * ! m
Q max
This relation differs from the classical law of friction, Q max
5mF*, whenever mÞ1. Indeed in Fig. 4 the power m is less than
1 and varies from m50.82 at C52 to m50.86 at C50.5, indicating a smaller rate of increase of the friction force compared to
that of the external force as more asperities are brought into contact.
As shown in Fig. 4 at the highest plasticity index, C58, the
static friction force is extremely small being between 3 to 4 orders
of magnitude smaller than the external force. This is a result of the
contact becoming fully plastic, see @35#, where large percentages
of the contacting asperities undergo interferences much higher
than v / v c 56. Such small friction force at high plasticity index
seems unreasonable. It may be attributed to some of the simplifying assumptions made in Ref. @30# namely, an elastic perfectlyplastic behavior of the materials that neglects more realistic strain
hardening effects. In addition, Mesarovic and Fleck @37# presented
a finite element analysis that shows a decrease in the mean contact
pressure of a single asperity under very high normal loads and
extreme interference deep into the fully plastic regime. As a result
such an asperity may regain its ability to resist a finite tangential
load and thereby contribute to the static friction of highly plastic
contacting rough surfaces. The present model, not showing these
effects, may be invalid at large plasticity index values.
Figure 5 presents the static friction coefficient, m, ~see Eq. ~20!!
versus the dimensionless external force, F * , for low and medium
values of the plasticity index, C, and u 50.003. Increasing the
plasticity index, at a given external force, decreases the friction
coefficient, similar to the behavior of the friction force as shown
in Fig. 4. However, in contrast to the behavior of the friction
force, increasing the external force, at a given plasticity index,
decreases the static friction coefficient. This can be easily understood from substituting Eq. ~22! in the expression for the static
* /F*, which results in:
friction coefficient m 5Q max
m 5C ~ F * ! m21 5C ~ F * ! 2n
Since m is less than 1 we can see from Eq. ~23! that m decreases
with increasing external force. Etsion and Amit @23# investigated
Transactions of the ASME
Fig. 5 Static friction coefficient, m, as a function of the dimensionless external force, F * , for various values of the plasticity
index, C at u Ä0.003
experimentally the effect of external load on the static friction
coefficient between aluminum alloy pins and a nickel coated disk.
They found for plasticity index values ranging from 0.67 to 1.01
that the power n in Eq. ~23! has values between 0.102 and 0.130,
respectively. The corresponding values of n obtained from Fig. 5
for the range of plasticity index values between 0.5 and 2 are
between 0.09 to 0.13 for u 50.001. This is a fair agreement considering the unknown exact u value in the experiment. It should be
noted that as F * approaches zero the static friction coefficient
may become very large and this too was observed in @23#.
Also shown in Fig. 5 in dashed lines are the results obtained
from the original CEB friction model @19#. As can be seen this
approximate model substantially underestimates the static friction
coefficient and already at C52 predicts unrealistic small values.
This is due to a restrictive assumption made in @19#, that asperities
with v / v c >1 are unable to support any tangential load, causing
severe underestimation of the static friction coefficient at plasticity index values above 0.6. Another assumption that was made in
the CEB friction model @19# is that the elastically preloaded asperities having v / v c ,1 cannot support tangential loads higher
than that causing the onset of plasticity. This assumption can severely underestimate the maximum tangential load that can be
supported by these asperities as was demonstrated in @21#, and is
responsible for the lower static friction coefficient that is predicted
by the CEB model even at C50.5
Figure 6 shows the effect of the adhesion parameter, u, on the
static friction coefficient, m. It can be seen that for a low plasticity
index, C50.5, reducing u from the high value of 0.003 to 0.001
~a three fold reduction of the adhesion force! reduces substantially
the static friction coefficient at a given external force at the lower
end of that force. This effect diminishes as the external force
increases and becomes negligibly small at the upper limit of the
external force. A further reduction of the adhesion parameter to
u 50.0001 has a much smaller effect since the adhesion becomes
negligible anyway ~see discussion of Fig. 3!. The effect of u on m
disappears at the higher plasticity index C52, since in this case
too the adhesion force is negligible. High adhesion force decreases the separation, h * , at a given external force and brings
more asperities into contact especially when the external force is
small, thus enabling to support larger tangential force, and, hence,
the static friction force and friction coefficient increase with increasing u.
From Figs. 5 and 6 it can be seen that the friction coefficient
depends on the dimensionless external force, F * , i.e. on the exJournal of Tribology
Fig. 6 Static friction coefficient, m, as a function of the dimensionless external force, F * , for various values of the plasticity
index, C, and the dimensionless adhesion parameter, u
ternal force as well as on the nominal contact area ~see Eq. ~19!!.
This later dependency is due to the effect of A n on the separation
d * ~see @35#! that appears in the integrals of Eqs. ~13!, ~15!, and
~18!, which are then substituted in Eq. ~20!. Additionally, the
static friction coefficient depends on mechanical properties and
surface roughness ~through C! and on the adhesion energy
~through u!. This is quite different from the classical laws of friction. As the plasticity index increases the static friction coefficient
becomes much less sensitive to these parameters, similar to the
teaching of the classical laws of friction. Hence, the classical Coulomb friction law ~which was obtained some 300 years ago presumably for high C and low u values! can be regarded as a limiting case of the more general model presented in this work.
A model that predicts the static friction for elastic-plastic contact of rough surfaces was presented. It incorporates the results of
accurate finite element analyses for the elastic-plastic contact, adhesion and sliding inception of a single asperity in a statistical
representation of surface roughness. Strong effect of the external
force and nominal contact area on the static friction coefficient
was found in contrast to the classical laws of friction. The main
dimensionless parameters affecting the static friction coefficient
are the plasticity index C and adhesion parameter u.
The effect of adhesion on the static friction was found to be
negligible at plasticity index values larger than 2 throughout the
practical external force range that was investigated regardless of
u. At plasticity index values lower than 1 adhesion may be important if u .0.001 and the external force is not too large.
The present model that assumes elastic perfectly-plastic material behavior may be invalid at high plasticity index values where
the contact approaches fully plastic state. Unreasonably small
static friction was found under this condition and an improved
model that considers strain hardening effects and possible junction
growths may be required.
It was shown that the classical laws of friction are a limiting
case of the present more general solution and are adequate only
for high plasticity index and negligible adhesion.
A comparison of the present results with those obtained from an
approximate CEB friction model showed substantial differences
with the latter severely underestimating the static friction
JANUARY 2004, Vol. 126 Õ 39
This research was supported in parts by the Fund for the Promotion of Research at the Technion, by the J. and S. Frankel
Research Fund and by the German-Israeli Project Cooperation
F s*
y s*
c 5
C 5
separation based on asperity heights
dimensionless separation, d/ s
Hertz elastic modulus
external force
dimensionless external force, F/A n H
adhesion force
dimensionless adhesion force, F s /A n H
hardness of the softer material
separation based on surface heights
dimensionless separation, h/ s
hardness factor, 0.45410.41 n
contact load
dimensionless contact load, P/A n H
friction force
dimensionless friction force, Q/A n H
asperity radius of curvature
h * 2d *
height of an asperity measured from the mean of asperity heights
dimensionless height of an asperity, z/ s
surface roughness parameter, h R s
energy of adhesion
dimensionless distribution function of asperity heights
area density of asperities
static friction coefficient
Poisson’s ratio of the softer material
dimensionless adhesion parameter, D g / s H
standard deviation of surface heights
standard deviation of asperity heights
dimensionless interference
critical interference at the inception of plastic deformation
dimensionless critical interference, v c / s
plasticity index, Eq. ~9!
c 5 yielding inception
— 5 single asperity
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