You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. The Self-Awareness Course from the College of Mental Health Counseling The Self-Awareness Course course description and requirements College of Mental Health Counseling To Register for this course, email [email protected] the following information: 1. your full name to be printed on the course Certificate 2. your age 3. the date you wish to start the course, and 4. your full regular mailing address if you wish to receive the Certificate of Development in Self-Awareness. 5. You can also Register simply by providing your tuition through secure paypal at this secure link. (If the link is not working, simply email [email protected]) (If you are under age 18, ask your parent or guardian if it’s OK to enroll and ask them to send an email giving their permission. You will then receive a “confirmation of acceptance” email with course materials accessible through hyperlinks and attached files. All personal information is kept strictly confidential, known only to the instructor, and shared with professional helpers only if harm is threatened.) Open Registration You can Register anytime. Registrations are welcome from North America and from international locations. Prerequisites: The successful student possesses reading comprehension skills, composition skills, email skills, and psychological-mindedness. If under age 18, the student should also have a supportive teacher and parent(s) or someone he or she can talk to about the course. Course Objectives: 1. To help you experience the exploration of your personal life, thoughts and emotions, and your relationships with others and to increase your self-awareness and mindfulness. 2. To gain self-awareness in order to live intentionally instead of being compelled to repeat unhealthy patterns. You Will Learn: 1. How to identify and express your difficult emotions in healthy ways, for example, fear, anger, guilt, sadness, emptiness, low self-worth, and despair. 2. How to listen empathically to others’ needs and be assertive in communicating your own needs, feelings, and thoughts. 3. How to give and receive negative feedback or criticism respectfully. 4. How to identify and help anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. 5. How to solve problems and make decisions. 6. How to identify and positively understand different influences on your life, for example, relationships with parents and peers. 7. How to feel OK again after a loss or breakup. 8. How to identify and distinguish healthy from unhealthy thinking. -1- Course Materials (All course materials are provided below with a hypertext link for each of the following.): 1. Essential Effective Communication Skills 2. Effective Counselling Skills (full-text book) 3. Sixteen Principles of Feedback and Criticism 4. Anger Self-Assessment 5. The Self-Awareness Questionnaire 6. Meaning Therapy (full-text book) Course Assignments: Please be sure to refer back to this course description and email all completed assignments as files attached to a single email message. All course materials are provided upon receiving your tuition payment and are emailed to you in this course description with a hypertext link for each document.: 1. Create and design a minimum of 100 to 120 long and short-answer questions and answers, reflecting the scope and depth of the text and the articles “Essential Effective Communication Skills” and “Sixteen Principles of Feedback and Criticism,” with text page numbers or article titles where answers are found. 2. Complete The Self-Awareness Questionnaire and submit a one-page report on your self-awareness. 3. Complete The Anger Self-Assessment and write a short report on your conclusions. 4. (Extra credit or substitute for one assignment listed above in #1 - 3.) Read “A Technology of Words: Five Steps for Creating Solutions and Agreements,” try it with another person or group, and write a minimum one-page report on your experience. 5. (Extra credit or substitute for one assignment listed above in #1 - 3.) Read Meaning Therapy and write a minimum one-page report about your conclusions. Tuition: The Ability-To-Pay tuition is based on trusting that you will try to come as close as you can to the usual $40 tuition fee, and you can provide it through paypal at this secure link. (If the link is not working, simply email [email protected]) Ask about financial assistance if needed. Course Certificate: The course Certificate of Development in Self-Awareness will be issued by regular mail when we have received your tuition and completed assignments. Professional support from your instructor is available daily. Time for Completion: Depending on your learning style and pace, the course may require about four weeks, allowing two hours per weekday to complete all assignments. Time extensions to complete assignments are approved on request. To Register, email [email protected] and provide your age, your full name to be printed on the course Certificate, and your full regular mailing address where your Certificate should be sent. Personal information is known only to the instructor and is never shared with other parties unless harm is threatened. Remember to pay your tuition through paypal at this secure link (If the link is not working, simply email [email protected]) If you are under age 18, ask your parents if it’s OK to enroll. In the case of many students under age 18, parents will arrange to pay for the course. Ask about financial assistance if needed. Your instructor is Daniel Keeran, MSW, a professional counsellor and trainer having over 30 years’ experience. He is author of numerous books and articles on counselling, personal development, philosophy, self-awareness, anger, grief, communication, and more. Support from your instructor is available every day within 24 hours. -2-