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Course Description: An introduction to philosophy, using the original writings of several philosophers from the ancient and medieval periods, with a more general consideration of the history of philosophy. Offered both semesters.—This course is meant to be an introduction to the field of philosophy by way of certain canonic philosophic texts. Students in this course will not only become familiar with the texts, but will also begin to recognize and address some of the primary philosophic themes present in the development of Western Civilization. This course is the beginning of a sequence of philosophy classes that will encourage students to identify and wrestle with issues, concepts, and questions that are fundamental to all human beings.
Biblische Notizen 197, 2023
The Priestly writings are by far the largest component of the Pentateuch and have received a great deal of scholarly attention. But why did the Priestly writings evolve, develop, and were written down in the first place? And why, in addition, to legislation which is expected to be the bread and butter of a priestly group (below), does it include narrative material? While every group has its traditions and history, and some scholars have suggested that it was important for this priestly group(s) to give more credit to "its" ancestors at the expense of others, or to convince the audience of the importance of enabling Yhwh to dwell in their midst, in this paper I would like to suggest that these are only parts of the answer and that the mere existence of a priestly class (rather than local priests or even local priestly groups) was out of line with a wide-spread and dominant Israelite world-view. The prevailing Israelite ethos challenged the priests’ mere legitimacy, and forced the priests, who aspired to a dominant position and viewed themselves as the only legitimate mediators with God, to constantly justify not only their claims for this position but the mere legitimacy of such a position. This resulted in elaborate writing, including narrative history, which attempted to negotiate their version of history against other, traditional and more egalitarian (oral or textual) versions; by disseminating a competing history, the priests attempted to rationalize not only their privileged position but the rigid and hierarchical world-view that stood behind it. As we will see, it is also likely that the increase in the importance of the Jerusalem temple toward the end of the Iron Age (and later) made it easier for the priests to weave their version of history into the “national” one.
Deutsche Bank's motion states: I. Relief Requested Now comes Plaintiff, Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Ttustee on behalf of HIS Asset Sccuritization Corporation Trust 2006-HE2 (hereinafter "Plaintiff'), by and through its counsel of record, Shane P. Gale, of the law firm of McCarthy & Holthus, LLP, who move this Court for an Order directing Defendants, Jay John and All Occupants and Persons in Possession ( collectively, "Defendants") to appear and show cause, if any, why a writ of restitution, directing the Benton County Sheriff to restore possession of the property located a 4301 West 35th Court, Kennewick, WA 9937 (hereinafter the "Property"), should not issue, and why an order granting such other relief, as prayed for in the Complaint, should not be entered.
Journalism & Communication Monographs, 2009
Despite the perception in some quarters that cartoons constitute an important medium for framing social issues, they are often dismissed on the grounds of political absurdity and ideological insignificance. Cartoons are seen as offering just “passing chuckles” rather than any “deep reflection” on social issues. The perception may be related to the cartoon's discursive spatial limitation and its very nature as a visual mode of communication. Visual modes of communication are deemed deficient in performing analytical communication. By grounding cartoons within a theory of visual semiotics and visual persuasion, this paper attempts to address some of the concerns raised about the effectiveness of editorial cartoons. It attempts to find out how cartoons, as uniquely visual forms of communication, signify their meanings and manage to offer “deep reflection,” rather than just simple “passing chuckle” on social issues.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the investment of assets from a foreign country to a host country. The flow of capital from the foreign country is invested in assets such as land, businesses or the construction of new facilities. This is different to a foreign company investing in the stock market of another country as in times of economic uncertainty the investment can easily be withdrawn. Foreign Direct Investment signifies a more lasting relationship between the foreign country and the host country as new facilities, buildings and land cannot easily be abandoned or removed. FDI provides a foreign company with new market opportunities, cheaper production costs and access to new supplies of labour, products and finance. For a host country it can provide new technologies, capital, products and management skills and as such provide an impetus for economic growth.
Etno-kulturološki zbornik/Ethno-cultural Annals, 2023
The purpose of the article is to determine the cultural-chronological relations between the Early Eneolithic sites in Timočka Krajina and the sites of the Bubanj-Salcuta-Krivodol complex in other regions of the central Balkans by using new absolute dates and the analysis of stylistic and typological elements of pottery finds from the Timočka Krajina, with a focus on the site of Kmpije in Bor.
MISES: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy, Law and Economics
A Teoria Monetária Moderna (MMT) ganhou o centro do debate econômico com as recentes propostas de grandes projetos de bem-estar social e ambiental nos EUA. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os pressupostos básicos da MMT e posicioná-la na teoria econômica. As raízes da MMT estão associadas ao economista neomarxista Michal Kalecki, que afirma que os déficits não importam. Os representantes da MMT argumentam que projetos como Medicare para todos, “Green New Deal” e garantia de emprego não enfrentam restrições fiscais. Para o governo enquanto criador soberano da moeda nacional como meio de pagamento oficial, déficits orçamentários não importam porque pode-se sempre criar a quantidade de moeda necessária para financiar seus gastos. O artigo discute as principais propostas políticas da Teoria Monetária Moderna e elabora críticas e limitações de sua agenda.
Seorang auditor dalam melakukan pemeriksaan haruslah profesional, dalam hal ini auditor memiliki satu peranan yang tepat yaitu pengawasan yang memungkinkan perbandingan dari situasi yang terjadi dengan yang mungkin terjadi. Namun, hal–hal tersebut menjadi semakin sulit saat auditor memiliki peranan yang lebih luas. Misalkan dalam melaksanakan tugasnya auditor diberi waktu yang singkat untuk membuat keputusan berupa opini dan catatan atas hasil temuan pada laporan keuangan yang diperiksa tersebut. Auditor tidak dapat memeriksa setiap transaksi dengan detail sehingga harus mengandalkan pada sistem dan kontrol internal serta melihat bahwa hal ini bekerja secara efektif dan tidak ada kesenjangan yang signifikan. Kegiatan auditor dalam pemeriksaan tersebut harus berdasarkan pada Standar Pemeriksaan Keuangan Negara (SPKN). Penugasan yang dihadapi auditor selanjutnya akan mendorong auditor untuk semakin memberdayakan seluruh perangkat sistem informasi teknologi elektronik yang tersedia, baik dalam komunikasi dan pengambilan keputusan antar tim audit, melakukan prosedur analitis, dan prosedur audit lainnya yang memerlukan solusi dengan perangkat lunak. Adanya perkembangan teknologi di masa sekarang ini, menyebabkan akan terus menerus berkembangnya teknologi informasi yang kemudian mempengaruhi setiap tahapan proses audit. Auditor akan mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat besar, terutama dalam efisiensi dan efektivitas audit apabila peduli dan menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam pekerjaannya. Kesesuaian pekerjaan dengan teknologi berdampak pada peningkatan kinerja pekerjaan dilihat dari kemampuan memperoleh informasi yang lebih baik untuk pengambilan keputusan dan efisiensi waktu dalam meyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan. Seorang auditor yang memilki presepsi tentang kemudahan akan mempermudah penerapan manfaat dan penggunaan teknologi informasi.
Appunti di Medicina nelle Letture dei Vangeli, 2024
Bécsi Posta. A Bornemisza Péter Társaság irodalmi és művészeti lapja, 2024
Maternal & Neonatal Health Journal
Universitatea de Stat din Comrat, 2021
European Journal of Cancer, 2017
Pharmacognosy Research, 2021
Risk in Contemporary Economy, 2017
Psychosomatics, 2019