PUBLISHING YOUR BOOK WITH EMERALD As an independent publisher, our authors and their research are our number one priority. Offering a personal and supportive approach, our experienced and knowledgeable books team are committed to publishing cutting-edge research of the highest quality for a global audience. Emerald About Emerald Emerald has been publishing research in business and management and the social sciences for half a century, with over 2,600 books and 300 journals spanning all of our disciplines. Set up by business school faculty in 1967, Emerald was born of the communities it was set up to serve, with a commitment to help communities make decisions that count, based on research that matters. Emerald’s aim has always been to publish rigorous academic research and more applied content that helps students, researchers, educators and practitioners at all stages of their career. The Emerald Group uniquely marries strong roots in publishing with innovative author services and expertise in education, learning and development designed to nurture fresh thinking and deliver impact. As part of this, Emerald recently acquired two companies - Research Media in 2013 and GoodPractice in 2015. Research Media transforms academic research to engage a wider audience beyond the academy, demonstrating the impact that research has in real and practical ways. GoodPractice distils management research into bite-sized, digestible and well-structured content which can be applied in practice by managers who are learning and developing in the workplace. Together as the Emerald Group, these three companies are part of a familyowned, independent and global knowledge business which cherishes a principled and personal approach to our customers. Emerald 2 Introducing our Editorial Directors I am proud to be heading up the Business, Finance and Economics publishing division for Emerald. It is a pleasure to work for a global publisher that continues to focus on the value of the author and the importance of the academic and professional communities that we serve. I work closely with authors and organisations on work that demonstrates academic rigour and applied value to deliver unique, market-leading texts ofering practical insights to academics and professionals alike. I, with my team, look forward to working on this vibrant programme with experts from a broad range of disciplines. Pete Baker – Editorial Director, Business, Management, Finance and Economics I’m excited to be joining Emerald as Head of the Social Science Books team after ten years at Palgrave Macmillan. At a time of great change within academic publishing, I’m pleased to be joining an independent publisher that has a strong history of supporting and championing social science research. Emerald is a publisher that is passionate about the importance and value of the scholarly endeavour, and I’m very much looking forward to working with social scientists to establish a new home for the very best book-length research. Philippa Grand, PhD Editorial Director, Social Sciences • Accounting and Finance • Economics • HR and Organizational Behaviour • Information and Knowledge Management • International Business • Marketing • Strategy • Tourism and Hospitality • Education • Sociology • Criminology • Political Science • Social Policy • Public Policy • Environment • Geography • Health and Social Care • Media and Communication Studies • Urban Studies We also publish a market leading programme in Library and Information Science. 3 Our commitment to you High Quality Our rigorous peer review process combined with high production values ensures the very best end product for your research. All manuscripts are thoroughly copy edited and proof read by specialists ofering advice and assistance along the way. The cost of your index is included in the service we provide. A Personal Service Emerald’s team of engaged and experienced commissioning editors have a deep subject, product and market knowledge providing invaluable guidance and support throughout the publishing process. Our hands-on approach, coupled with enthusiasm, is matched by our production, marketing and sales teams as we ensure your project is produced, positioned and made available to the widest audience possible. Marketing Emerald’s dedicated team of marketers are responsible for the global promotion of all titles via an extensive number of efective on and offline channels, including direct email campaigns targeting end users, faculty and librarians, attendance at relevant international subject conferences, promotion through appropriate sales channels, social media activity and author event materials. Our team is committed to providing support from submission to post publication and ofers a comprehensive Author Toolkit featuring advice, hints and tips to get the most visibility and impact from your work. Flexible Formats We offer multiple publishing formats with flexible time frames to find the right home for your work including scholarly monographs, edited collections, shortform books, handbooks, and professional texts. We publish for scholarly and professional markets and all our books are published electronically and in print with the option of Open Access for all. We also publish paperback versions of our hardback books 24 months after initial publication. Bespoke Cover Designs Our commitment to scholarly research extends to a commitment to outstanding design, and we will work with you and our team of professional designers to provide a bespoke cover design for your book. 4 Global Sales and Reach In addition to headquarters in the United Kingdom, Emerald boasts oices throughout the world including North and South America, India, The Middle East, Asia, South Africa and Australia, each with its own sales force, combining global coverage with local knowledge. Key: Emerald oice Emerald representative Discoverability Making content as discoverable as possible is core to our philosophy towards impact. We provide timely and accurate bibliographic data feeds to all customers including librarians, wholesalers, booksellers, online retailers and content search engines including Amazon and Google Scholar. Most of our books are also indexed by Thomson Reuters and Scopus. All titles are included in our institutional platform, Emerald Insight, ofering libraries access to eBook subject collections digitally. Using the industry-leading Literatum platform, Emerald Insight ofers enhanced metadata and search engine optimisation increasing discoverability and improving usability. It includes a range of features that allow students greater access to content including immediate access with no embargoes, liberal DRM with no download restrictions, MARC records and citation management. Recognition We are extremely proud of our authors and the academic communities that we serve and commit to celebrating their contributions to high quality, scholarly research through our Emerald Literati Awards programme, now in its 23rd year. Awards include Outstanding Author Contribution, Outstanding Reviewer, Outstanding Paper and Citations of Excellence. 5 Don’t just take our word for it 96% of authors thought our service was comparable to our competitors with Emerald authors can be found at 96 52% of these thinking of the FT Top 100 Business Schools and we were superior 199 of the Top 200 Universities 12,000 92% of our authors are highly satisied or satisied with Emerald's service authors are at the FT Top 100 Business Schools 2/3 of published 90% of Emerald Authors would write for us again content is indexed by Thomson Reuters 90% of the 30m Over downloads from Emerald Insight in 2015 Top 200 Universities and the FT Top 100 Business Schools buy our content 42% increase in content downloads on Emerald Insight from 2013-2015 6 You'll be in good company alongside these top authors • • • • • Victoria Crittenden, Babson College Russell W. Belk, York University, Toronto Naresh Malhotra, Georgia Institute of Technology Dhruv Grewal, Babson College Jagdish Sheth, Emory University • • • • • Arch Woodside, Boston College Peter Senge, MIT Sloan School of Management Otto Scharmer, MIT Sloan School of Management Robert Quinn, University of Michigan Ross Badi Baltagi, Syracuse University • • • • • Tom Shakespeare, University of East Anglia Sylvia Walby, OBE, Lancaster University Adrian Favell, University of Leeds Michael S Kimmel, Stony Brook University Gurminder Bhambra, Warwick University • • • • • Saskia Sassen, Columbia University Michele Lamont, Harvard University Michel Laguerre, University of California Patricia Hill Collins, University of Maryland Steven Seidman, University of New York at Albany “It is a pleasure working with Emerald. Your team is incredibly supportive, dynamic, and truly interested in the substance of the works published.” Amy C. Edmondson, Harvard Business School, USA author of Extreme Teaming. "It has been a pleasure and privilege to publish a book with Emerald. It is a very professional and eicient organization, and I was impressed by the staf with whom I interacted: they were very competent, diligent, helpful, and courteous. I have no hesitation in recommending Emerald to other authors” Jonathan Boston, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, author of Governing for the Future: Designing Democratic Institutions for a Better Tomorrow “I got personalized attention and assistance throughout the publication process, which is not commonly available when dealing with big publishers… I highly recommend Emerald Publications.” Dr Nagy K. Hanna, author of Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a Smarter Society, Economy, City, and Nation “Working with the Editor and the whole team at Emerald on my Handbook has been fantastic. They make life easy for Handbook editors from developing the proposal to contacting and maintaining the ongoing relationship with contributors to preparing the inal manuscript. It has been a real pleasure working with the Emerald team, and I plan on working with them again on another book project” Sir Cary Cooper, Manchester Business School, UK, Editor of The Ageing Workforce Handbook. “I have worked with several publishers in my roles as both author and editor over the past 30 years. It was only when I began working with the folks at Emerald Publishing that I experienced what I would call a truly positive relationship with my publisher… Emerald is now the publisher I recommend to everyone I know who is thinking about a publishing project.” Victoria L. Crittenden, Babson College, USA, editor of Evolving Entrepreneurial Education, Innovation in the Babson Classroom. 7 Meet the team Pete Baker, Editorial Director Philippa Grand, PhD, Editorial Director Business, Management, Finance and Economics Publisher Finance and Economics Sociology, Criminology & Social Policy e: [email protected] e: [email protected] Charlotte Maiorana, Senior Commissioning Editor Jenny McCall, Publisher Business, Management, Finance and Economics (North America) Geography, Environmental Studies, Health & Social Care, Media & Communication Studies, Urban Studies e: [email protected] e: [email protected] Emma Stevenson, Associate Editor Kimberley Chadwick, Commissioning Editor Business, Management, Library and Information Sciences Education, Politics and Public Policy e: [email protected] e: [email protected] Zoe Morris, Commissioning Editor Business and Management e: [email protected] Whether you’ve just had an idea or have a fully formed proposal, please contact one of our team who are on hand and happy to answer any questions or discuss your project with you. 11973 8/16