IAC-12, B6, 4, 5, x16332 LIVING BEYOND EARTH: THE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES OF HUMAN HABITATS IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS OF SPACE AND OTHER PLANETARY SURFACES Kumar Biswajit Debnath Lecturer, SouthEast University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka, Bangladesh 63rd International Astronautical Congress, 1 – 5 October, 2012 Naples, Italy For permission to copy or republish, contact the International Astronautical Federation 3-5 Rue Mario-Nikis, 75015 Paris, France IAC-12 63rd International Astronautical Congress, 1 – 5 October, 2012 Naples, Italy Cite this paper as: Debnath, K.B., LIVING BEYOND EARTH: THE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES OF HUMAN HABITATS IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS OF SPACE AND OTHER PLANETARY SURFACES, in 63rd International Astronautical Congress. 2012, International Astronautical Federation Naples, Italy. 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. IAC-12-B6,4,5,x16332 LIVING BEYOND EARTH: THE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES OF HUMAN HABITATS IN EXTREME ENVIRONMENTS OF SPACE AND OTHER PLANETARY SURFACES Kumar Biswajit Debnath Lecturer, SouthEast University, Department of Architecture, Dhaka, Bangladesh, [email protected] Abstract Earth is the only habitable planet for life form. Life started to develop on earth approximately 4.5 billion years ago. But human beings appeared on earth about 2.5 million years ago. For a good future of mankind it is important to ensure the food safety; energy safety; safety from global warming, sea level rise, another ice age, asteroids and other space component which can create partial or full mass destruction on earth. According to known facts we are alone in the solar system. But there are planets which can be developed into habitable human colonies. Living outside the earth is a challenge to human kind whether in space or in a distant planet. In micro or less gravity environment we are neither adopted nor comfortable for many issues like temperature, air pressure, dryness, radiation etc. To make those habitats livable, an architect can contribute by designing an efficient and comfortable functional space to accommodate the researches. This study will help to understand the architectural attributes of International Space Station and other ongoing different design concepts of human habitation modules or colonies which will contribute in determining the architectural features which should be considered while designing the outer space or other planetary surface human habitats. The main focus of this study is the architectural features of the interior space which influences the psycho-physiological well-being of the researchers. In terms of human centered design logic, in long duration space missions, colors, light and interior decor must have among their purposes: psycho-physiological well-being, orientation, and supportiveness for all activities. It is therefore necessary to recall, through stimulating elements, the “normality” in confined artificial environments. Physical and psychological conditions can be improved featuring variety and natural variations occurring in time according to the principle of natural design. The architects can organize these confined spaces in an effective space. For these reason the need for their involvement stemmed from the push to extend space mission durations and address the needs of astronauts including but beyond minimum survival needs. In the future the space will be human kind’s main destination for energy, habitation, tourism, industries etc. These features will help to increase the efficiency of the astronauts and decrease the effect of long term space missions. It is therefore necessary to design a better environment with the use of colour, light, art and activity spaces which will create an adaptive space within a confined artificial environment. I. INTRODUCTION Earth is the only habitable planet for life form. Life started to develop on earth approximately 4.5 billion years ago1. But human beings appeared on earth about 2.5 million years ago1. According to known records before the year 1800 the world population was 1000 million. In 1950 the population was approximately 2500 million. In 2004 the world population reached 6500 million. Based on the UN 2004 projection and US Census Bureau estimation, the world population should be between 6500 million and 14000 million by the year 2100 2. So it seems that the population is increasing at an alarming rate. For a good future of mankind we need to ensure the food safety; energy safety; safety from global warming, sea level rise, another ice age, asteroids and other space component which can create partial or full mass destruction on earth. The scientist Paul Davies supports the view that if a planetary catastrophe threatens the survival of the human species on Earth, a IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 self-sufficient colony could "reverse-colonize" the Earth and restore human civilization 3. According to known facts we are alone in the solar system. But there are planets which can be developed into a habitable human colony. To explore the outer space and planets the era of space expedition began in October 4, 1957 with the successful launch of ‘Sputnik 1’. Between1957-1959 about 18 solar system explorations was undertaken. In 1960’s the number raised to 109. In the 1970’s the number of solar system exploration were 49. In the 1980’s the number reduced to 13 and in 1990’s it is 20. The number of solar system exploration started to rise in the 2000’s and it was 22. In 2010 the number of exploration mission was five 4. The number of exploration mission was highest in 1960’s. The main achievement of that time was the first manned lunar landing in 1969. But after that the number started to reduce and it was lowest in 1980’s. But the growing Page 1 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. human population, environmental degradation due to use of fossil fuel, the increase in CO2 level, the outer space threats (e.g. Collision with meteorite, asteroid, comet, or other celestial object; the death of sun etc.) and many other issues, which can eventually create extinction of human civilization in the future, created a boost in the space exploration mission. That’s why there is a rise in the exploration missions in 1990’s and 2000’s. But it is not a quick rise than that of 1960’s and 1970’s. But the missions have much bigger objectives. Now the explorations intend to experiment for the future colonization in the extreme environments of the universe. II. METHODOLOGY There is no opportunity of physical studies of space architecture in Bangladesh. Therefore, the study was done on the basis of the available literature from books and information and data in the internet. In this study first the architecture of the orbital space stations is going to be analyzed from the point of view of the effect of architectural features on the psychology of human beings in a confined space. Then the architectural aspects of the ongoing design of future human habitats on other planetary environment (e.g. Moon, Mars) are going to be analyzed. From these analyses the study will conclude by mentioning the design parameters to be considered which will develop the interior space quality and living standards of the users. II. CASE STUDY Orbital Architecture: Brief History of Space Stations The Man-Systems Division would come to have a significant role in the definition of the Space Station and particularly the module architecture of the orbital human habitats. From the outset the influence of the group made its way into program requirements: “Habitability…is concerned with providing a Space Station facility that…provides a comfortable, functionally efficient habitat…. Attention must be given to the morale, comfort and health of crews….the ‘Habitability Architecture’ design concerns are mainly with respect to the fixed architectural elements of the Crew/Space Station interfaces such as the- (a) geometric arrangements of compartments, (b) the interior appointments, decoration, (c) provisions for work or duty stations and off-duty stations, (d) storage and retrieval provisions, privacy, (e) traffic patterns, (f) displays, and (g) access and egress provisions. The success of an extended mission on a Space Station depends on the crew being an integral part of the interior design.” 5 space stations- Salyut 1, DOS 2, Salyut 2, Kosmos 557, Salyut 3, Salyut 4, Salyut 5, Salyut 6 and Salyut 7. These were operated from 1971 to 1982.6 Skylab was United States' first space station operated from 1973 to 1979.7 Mir was a Soviet and later Russian space station. It was operational from 1986, with a modular design and the largest artificial satellite orbiting the Earth until its deorbit on 21 March 2001.8 The International Space Station (ISS) is a great international, technological and political achievement. On-orbit construction of the station began in 1998 and is scheduled for completion by mid-2012 and expected to remain in operation until at least 2015, and likely 2028 9.The habitable elements of the International Space Station are mainly a series of cylindrical modules. Many of the primary Fig.1: International Space Station 9 accommodations, including the waste management compartment and toilet, the galley, individual sleeping compartments for crew, and some of the exercise facilities, are in the Service Module (SM). A third sleeping compartment is located in the U.S. Lab, and additional exercise equipment is in the U.S. Lab and the Node. Additional habitation capabilities for a crew of six will be provided prior to completion of ISS assembly. 9 Salyut was the world’s first space station which was built by Soviet Union. A series of nine single module Fig.2: Interior of the International Space Station9 IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Page 2 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. Design Constrains of Orbital Architecture The main constrains for orbital architecture are(1) Demanding work, (2) Unpredictable events and challenges, (3) Space adaption syndrome (space motion sickness), (4) Unusual photoperiodicity, circadian rhythm and work shifts, (5) Adverse physiological effects (radiation, cardiac, bone, muscle problems etc.), (6) Concerns and occurrences regarding inadequate performance, (7) Remoteness, isolation and break-off phenomenon, (8) Lack of information or bad news about home (social, national, world events), (9) Lack of privacy, personal space and territory, crowding, (10) Adverse physical conditions in spacecraft or habitat (air pollution, noise, high temperatures, insufficient power etc), (11) Boredom, long stretches of ‘unfilled’ time 10 Design of Space Station Habitation Modules Design of the crew compartment and modules of the International Space Station originated in the early 1970s and evolved throughout the 1980s. It was influenced by past experience as well as with new and innovative concepts11. Fig.4: Skylab sleeping compartment 12 and Salyut stations they had built earlier. Russian space vehicle design philosophy has always emphasized automated operation and remote control. The design of the interior of the U.S., European, and Japanese elements was dictated by four specific principles: modularity, maintainability, re configurability, and accessibility. Interior modular hardware racks and utilities could be replaced as Fig.5: Observation window11 needs or age dictated. Racks could be swung away from the pressure hull of the module in case a meteoritic puncture necessitated a repair. Crew preferences dictated that module interiors be arranged with distinct floors, ceilings, and walls. Fig.3: Habitable Module of Skylab20 The design of the International Space Station evolved over more than a decade. The modularity and size of the U.S., Japanese, and European elements were dictated by the use of the Space Shuttle as the primary launch vehicle and by the requirement to make system components maintainable and replaceable over a lifetime of many years. When the Russians joined the program in 1993, their architecture was based largely on the Mir IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Planet Surface Architecture Space colonization (also named as space settlement, space humanization, or space habitation) is the concept of permanent human habitation outside of Earth. Although hypothetical at the present time, there are many proposals and speculations about the first space colony. It is seen as a long-term goal of some national space programs. The first space colony may be on the Moon, or on Mars. Ample quantities of all the necessary materials, such as solar energy and water, are on the Moon, Mars, or near Earth asteroids13. Page 3 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. In 2005 NASA Administrator Michael Griffin identified space colonization as the ultimate goal of current spaceflight programs, said: “... the goal isn't just scientific exploration ... it's also about extending the range of human habitat out from Earth into the solar system as we go forward in time ... In the long run a single-planet species will not survive ... If we humans want to survive for hundreds of thousands or millions of years, we must ultimately populate other planets. Now, today the technology is such that this is barely conceivable. We're in the infancy of it. ... I'm talking about that one day, I don't know when that day is, but there will be more human beings who live off the Earth than on it. We may well have people living on the moon. We may have people living on the moons of Jupiter and other planets. We may have people making habitats on asteroids ... I know that humans will colonize the solar system and one day go beyond.”14 The colonization of the Moon is the proposed establishment of permanent human communities on the Moon. Advocates of space exploration have seen settlement of the Moon as a logical step in the expansion of humanity beyond the Earth. Recent indication that water might be present in quantities at the lunar poles has increased interest in the Moon. Polar colonies could also avoid the problem of long lunar nights (about 354 hours16, a little more than two weeks) and take advantage of the sun continuously. Among the conceptual ideas of lunar habitat the HDU Project is a focused effort to build and test various technologies and Advanced Habitation Systems (AHS) early in the conceptual definition cycle exploiting low-cost rapid prototyping development techniques17. Lunar Habitats NASA proposes six "Lunar exploration themes" to answer the question, "Why should we return to the Moon?"15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Human Civilization: Extend human presence to the Moon to enable eventual settlement. Scientific Knowledge: Pursue scientific activities that address fundamental questions about the history of Earth, the solar system and the universe; and therefore, about our place in them. Exploration Preparation: Test technologies, systems, flight operations and exploration techniques to reduce the risks and increase the productivity of future missions to Mars and beyond. Global Partnerships: Provide a challenging, shared and peaceful activity that unites nations in pursuit of common objectives. Economic Expansion: Expand Earth's economic sphere, and conduct lunar activities with benefits to life on the home planet. Public Engagement: Use a lively space exploration program to engage the public, encourage students and help develop the hightechnology workforce that will be required to address the challenges of tomorrow. According to retired NASA Office of Inspector General Senior Special Agent Joseph Richard Gutheinz, Jr., “if NASA succeeds, we may very well see the first permanent manned presence on the moon in 2024.”14 IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Fig.6: The habitat demonstration unit project (HDU-1)17 Another concept of lunar habitats is the Zen garden concept. Nature is the keyword of Zen. Also, it is well known that most Japanese gardens attempt harmony with nature. Spacescape design should also be in harmony with nature because this will be helpful to get calm feelings. Therefore, Zen could be basically a technique by which to overcome depression or a mental breakdown of people in isolated long-term missions. 20 Page 4 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. Fig.7: Lunar Zen garden concept18 Mars Habitats The colonization of Mars by humans is the focus of speculation and serious study because the surface conditions and availability of water on Mars make it arguably the most hospitable planet in the solar system other than Earth. The Moon has been proposed as the first location for human colonization but Mars has an atmosphere, giving it the potential capacity to host human and other organic life. In the human mission to mars project of ESA, Zoning of the SHM is defined by functions such as working, EVA, private areas (marked orange) and Fig.9: Human mission to mars project of ESA19 conical towards the top and allows integrating the LSS on the bottom, lowering the centre of mass. There are lots of different concepts are in the drawing board right now for both lunar surface and Mars. Due to the time constrain the study was confined in some of the concepts. III. OBSERVATION AND FINDINGS The interiors of the ISS have dominant characteristics in accordance with the US-European and Russian design skills that are fundamentally cultural. European and USA typology- Modularity, cold, white and light blue, orientation through labels. Russian typology- Spaceship configuration, familiar, different colours: brown floor, white ceiling, green walls, visual orientation with colour and configuration of the structure. The Russian section turns out to be more pleasant to the astronauts20. In the study of the interior of the Russian module, colour design has been applied to the up and down orientation, also focuses the study of colour perception in 0 g. All these factors have been positively used to increase the reliability, well-being and the efficiency of the astronauts. Fig.8: Human mission to mars project of ESA19 achieved by spatial planning. The LSS is placed at the bottom of the SHM, allowing free translation throughout the habitat19. This configuration is IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Monotony of visual stimuli is a cause of strong discomfort. A key case of “visual monotony” is the Skylab Space Station 4, where the psychological aspects were not considered in the course of the mission that led Page 5 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. to a hostile atmosphere and a complete insustainability of the crew. The crew judged the look of the modules as having little comfortable and emphasized the lack of chromatic variety: the interiors were mostly grey and the dominant clothing colour was golden brown. The lack of colours and contrasts with the background caused difficulty in tracing objects. In the future designs of the human habitation modules these problems are still present. III. DESIGH PARAMETERS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR SPACE ARCHITECTURE The isolation and confinement of space architecture environments, where life and work may be carried out for extended periods of time, require design planning. The environments need to be sensitive to all factors that contribute to both the success of the intended function of an environment, and the mental and physical comfort of its users. The space habitat can be improved, to improve the living conditions and the safety of the astronauts, feeding-up human sensitivity, wellbeing and happiness with ergonomics, design, art and psychology. Space habitats are artificial ecosystems designed for human space missions. With the current technology a mission to Mars will take about 3 years. Throughout that time the astronaut crew will be confined in their artificial habitat. In such long duration confinement the habitat design becomes a priority in order to guarantee the mental and physical well-being among space travellers. Human factors, design, art and psychology should be considered from the preparatory stage of the habitat design in order to obtain a product fully adapted to the humans needs. the environment as it keeps alive the cerebral interactive rhythms and activates the interaction between the centres of reason and emotion. Physics clarifies the relationships between colour and light and the interaction between light sources and surfaces. The relative nature of colour perception within the total environment was also considered. Colour theories were viewed as background for applications of colour in space architecture, as well as the multidimensional process that includes physiological and psychological reactions to light and colour. Finally, the aesthetic values of colour were considered as they inter relate the visual and the affective values of colour21. In order to achieve the goals of well being, orientation and activity support, the following key requirements have been identified in the development of colour design for a space isolated environment. These have been identified by NASA and ESA: A. Safety: Colour and decor should respect the safety requirements. B. Visibility: Colour and decor should answer to every need of vision. C. Flexibility: Colour and decor should be planned considering their physical-psychological influence and multi functionality. They should facilitate both daily life and acknowledgment of the various activities and needs22. D. Variation: The environment must be variable in time, must be able to stimulate senses like in natural conditions, so as to maintain a normal status of conscience, perception, attention, concentration and intellectual activity 22. E. Variety: Colour and decor should create a variable environment in order to obtain a psychophysiological positive environment. F. Customization: Colour and light should be changeable according to personal requirements both for work needs and aesthetic taste, particularly in the personal areas such as the crew quarters23. Colour in Space For the interior environments of the space architecture to be responsive to human needs, the knowledge of colour needs to be integrated. The interdisciplinary approach adopted bridges the physical and quantifiable aspects of colour and its subjective and aesthetic dimensions. The complexity of the phenomenon of colour is evident in the different meanings which it has in disciplines such as psychology, physiology, linguistics, philosophy, social and art history, physics, psychophysics, anthropology, architecture or painting. These include psychology and biology also, as they deal with optical and neuropsychological phenomena. Neurophysiologic research is concerned with colour in IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Fig.10: Conceptual Study of color in inflatable lunar modules 12 Page 6 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. Lighting Condition in Space The users of the human habitats will be the people born in earth. Then after a period of time they will go to moon for research or exploring. So they will be same time art therapy. Also, interior design and spacescape design offer nice ambient atmosphere for relaxation in place of Earth’s nature. Space artist and planetary scientist William K. Hartmann (1990) cites four roles for space art: (1) Encouraging scientific exploration, (2) Recording historical evolution, planetary exploration, (3) Fig.11: Recreation of Earth light variation by Sivra lamp, I-Guzzini25 habituated with the lighting cycle of the earth. This conditional mimicry will eventually create a adaptable interior environment in a confined habitat. The concept of variation and variability can be applied for a lunar habitat interior decor, employing a lighting system that creates the same colour variation available in the Earth’s day cycle24. The image shows an example of requirement applications through a “human cantered design” realized by I-Guzzini’s Italian group. It represents a habitat isolated from the ’terrestrial sun-light cycle’ and illuminated with “Sivra” biodynamic artificial light25. (Outer) Space Art If it is needed to work in outer space for a long time without vacations back to the Earth, one may have psychological issues. People are creators of their lifestyles. The creation of Art could be leisure and at the Fig.12: 1 g, “Sound Wave Sculpture 2” by C.S.A.12 IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Fig.13: Microgravity, “Sound Wave Sculpture 2” by C.S.A.12 Promoting international cooperation, (4) Synthesizing information to stimulate new ideas about the universe and our relationship to it26. The “Sound Wave Sculpture” series were artistic experiments of new expression in a microgravity environment. It was created by Conference of Space Art (C.S.A.) a Japanese group interested in Space Art27. Since sound waves create air vibrations, micro particles can be “sculpted” in a cylindrical container and different music compositions can be used to generate different shapes and motions. Only light objects react to sounds in a 1g environment (normal gravity on the Earth), but it is noticed that the effects differ in a microgravity environment. Heavier objects can be moved by music composed with sinusoidal waves. Particles of different masses showed different motions. Music combined with sight is the point of this piece and many people said it is a sight one never tires of. 12 Social Interaction As the psychological welfare of an astronaut is critical to the success of a space mission, it is important to know how individuals are affected mentally by a weightless environment. One of the prime contributors to psychological problems in astronauts is isolation. Withdrawing an individual from his or her social relationships on Earth is very stressful. Being separated from family and friends and thrust into a strange, highpressure environment can result in anxiety and even depression in astronauts. The astronauts will be living in a confined space for a long period of time. The Page 7 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. company of each other is the only interaction they will have. The interaction activities have to be created to reduce the anxiety and depression. In the leisure period creative works (i.e. art, music, reading etc.) or small on board games can create a positive environment. Malleable Spaces Privacy is often considered a luxury rather than a necessity. Because of this misconception, privacy is often sacrificed due to lack of space. Unfortunately, this can have dire results. Privacy is a psychological need that is essential to maintain one’s sense of identity. Astronauts need to have some control over the social contact they have with others. They need solitary ‘down time’ to recuperate from the rigors of space exploration and to achieve peace of mind. A private place for rest and relaxation away from others is important, especially on long and extended space journeys. Mental health depends on it. The interior space of the habitable modules is minimal. It can create a sense of crowding if there is no or less personalized space for the astronauts. It can result in anxiety and even depression. Now the only personalized space the astronauts get are the sleeping compartments. But by using demountable and transformable alternating furniture or elements in the interior an environment of ‘personal territory’ can be created in the working areas. It will boost up the efficiency of the astronauts as they can shape up the work space as per their need. III. CONCLUSION In the future the space will be human kind’s main destination for energy, habitation, tourism, industries etc. In terms of human cantered design logic, in long duration space missions, colours, light and interior decor must have among their purposes: psychophysiological well-being, orientation, and supportiveness for all activities. It is therefore necessary to recall, through stimulating elements, the “normality” in confined artificial environments. Physical and psychological conditions can be improved featuring variety and natural variations occurring in time according to the principle of natural design. The architects can organize these confined spaces in a effective space. For these reason the need for their involvement stemmed from the push to extend space mission durations and address the needs of astronauts including but beyond minimum survival needs. As a person interacts with various places and spaces, he/she is able to evaluate which properties in different environments fulfil his/her various needs. When a place contains components that satisfy a person biologically, socially, psychologically and/or culturally, it creates a positive environment. It will help to increase the efficiency of the astronauts and decrease the effect of long term space missions. It is therefore necessary to design a better environment with the use of colour, light, art and activities which will create an adaptive space within a confined artificial environment. 1 Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [14 March, 2011] Wikipedia, [Online], Available: http:// [15 March, 2011] 3 Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [15 March, 2011] 4 Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [15 March, 2011] 5 Mitchell, John P. (1983), Crew Interface Panel Space Station Habitability Requirements Document. JSC 19517. Johnson Space Center Man-Systems Division. 6 Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [17 March, 2011] 7 Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [17 March, 2011] 8 Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [19 March, 2011] 9 Wikipedia, [Online], Available: [19 March, 2011] 10 Puttkamer, Jesco von(1992), from his “Foreword” to the first edition, Living and Working in Space, by Philip R. Harris. Chichester, U.K.: Ellis Horwood, p. 21. 11 Kitmacher, Gary H. (10-19 October 2002) Design of the Space Station Habitable Modules. 53 rd International Astronautical Congress, the World Space Congress -2002, Houston, Texas 12 Benaroya, Haym. (2010) Lunar Settlements, CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742.p.208. 13 Wikipedia, [19 March, 2011] 14 "NASA's Griffin: 'Humans Will Colonize the Solar System'". Washington Post. September 25, 2005. pp. B07. 15 NASA, "Why The Moon?"[] Dec. 4, 2006 2 IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Page 8 of 9 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Naples, Italy. Copyright ©2012 by the International Astronautical Federation. All rights reserved. 16 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (64th ed.). 1983. p. 131. Kennedy, K. J., Gill, T.R., Tri, T. O., and Howe, A. S. (2010), “The Habitat Demonstration Unit Project Overview”, NASA, 18 Benaroya, Haym. (2010) Lunar Settlements, CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742.p.202. 19 Bessone, L. CDF study report “Human Mission to Mars-Overall architectural assessment”,2004.p.263-268 20 Burzio, L., (2001). Abitare lo spazio: user needs and user orientation. Unpublished master thesis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy. 21 Durao, Dr. Maria Joao. (10-11 October 2002). Color in Space Architecture, AIAA Space Architecture Symposium, Houston, Texas 22 Déribéré, M. (1968). Dipingere la casa, Zanichelli, Bologna, Italy. 23 Schlacht, I.(2007). Color design of extreme habitat, Tools for Psychological Support During Exploration Missions to Mars and Moon, Noordwijk, The Netherlands: ESA/ESTEC. 24 Benaroya, Haym. (2010) Lunar Settlements, CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742.p.188-189. 25 Benaroya, Haym. (2010) Lunar Settlements, CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742.p.187-188. 26 Benaroya, Haym. (2010) Lunar Settlements, CRC Press, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742.p.199. 27 Ono, A., Hatanaka, N., Nakagawa, C., Chi, Y.K., (2006).Environmental Design: Space Art for the ISS and for a Lunar Base, The USA: AIAA. 17 IAC-12- B6,4,5,x16332 Page 9 of 9